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Etiquette Social Communication Strategies in the World of Work for Women to Combat Sexual Crime and Violence in the Era of Modernization

  • Gloria Angelita
  • Winda Septi
  • Elis Yulianti
  • Ade Sylviany
  • 407-419
  • Nov 12, 2024
  • Sociology

Etiquette Social Communication Strategies in the World of Work for Women to Combat Sexual Crime and Violence in the Era of Modernization

1Gloria Angelita, 2Winda Septi, 3Elis Yulianti, 4Ade Sylviany

1,2Postgraduate, Sahid University. Jakarta

3Wijaya Indonesian Management Institute

4Postgraduate, Trisakti University. Jakarta


Received: 27 August 2024; Accepted: 03 September 2024; Published: 12 November 2024


The Industrial Revolution in the 18th century brought about significant social dynamics, especially women being able to adapt from home industry to modern manufacturing and mobilization in the field of education. The increasing involvement of women in the employment sector with a percentage of 55.41 percent according to BPS data in 2024 means there is also a construction of equality between women and men which has implications for social problems such as sexual harassment and this becomes a stigma among society, resulting in sexual harassment. synonymous with the world of work. According to data from the National Commission on Violence Against Women in 2024, there were 110 cases of complaints in the workplace and there were 114 victims of sexual violence in the workplace and there were 67 perpetrators of gender-based violence against women in educational institutions, namely 28 teachers, 15 lecturers. and there were 115 complaints. Sexual harassment occurs in young women and older women (older employees) in the world of work. This can give rise to the phenomenon of Ageism which is correlated with verbal sexual harassment. This breaks the stigma of young women being recruited to replace women of mature age as an assumption. answer to women’s emancipation. Contextually, from a social communication perspective, implementing ethics in the digital era is starting to experience a process of hegemony with foreign cultures which are still in contact, because women in Indonesia have a high cultural context (High Contact). The data collection method uses a descriptive qualitative approach, data acquisition uses library research (content analysis) and deep interviews with purposive sampling techniques.

Keywords: Sexual Harassment, Social Etiquette Communication. Working Women, Culture Shifting


Humans will always need each other every day as a social creature. The relationship between one and another can be manifested in an interaction of social activities, such as; work, discussions, meetings, school, lectures, and so on.

Humans’ busyness with the ever-changing demands of the times requires them to be tough in defending their lives and lives. Before the 19th century, human activities were still dominated by men. This is no longer an option, women participate in all areas of life, such as: education, economics, politics, defense, health, arts and culture.

Women are phenomenal figures, with character and physical posture, which are categorized as weak creatures as creatures created by God. The toughness and perseverance of women is highly recognized internationally. Women were no longer a product (commodity) that was often bought and sold as slaves during the Prophet’s time, even as a product of male satisfaction.

The existence of women is in the spotlight of all national leaders, with the emergence of strong female leaders of countries even in superpower countries, such as: America, England and parts of Eastern Europe.

The phenomenon that women have limitations, namely as mothers, is often questioned and debated if they participate in activities that are usually handled by men.

The female hero for Indonesian women, namely Raden Ajeng Kartini, is one of the strongest role models for Indonesian women who want to be independent and contribute to Indonesia. RA Kartini sparked the emancipation of women in Indonesia. Through this emancipation, Kartini wanted Indonesian women to be free from their lower economic and social position and legal restraints that limited women from progressing and being independent. The greatest hope of this emancipation is that every Indonesian woman will get equal rights in every area of ​​life and have the opportunity to study, work and create just like the opportunities available to men.

In Indonesia, women have achieved 30% of the opportunities as strong figures who take part in politics. Women have a very important role. By nature, women were created as creatures of God who would be wives to take care of their household and as mothers who would provide love and be the first and foremost educators for their children. However, today’s women or kartini have to get out of their comfort zone and become independent women. Women not only carry out their obligations but also ask for their rights and find their identity which can have a positive influence and take an important role both in their families and in the wider community.

Slowly, in the current era, women’s roles are starting to be taken into account and empowered. Awareness of the role of women as a potential resource is starting to grow, which is manifested in the women’s program approach in development, although it still requires extra effort to maximize women’s empowerment to make it more effective.

Women must be present and participate as subjects or actors of development, not just as followers or objects who can only enjoy development. Prijono and Pranaka stated that women’s empowerment is a process of awareness and capacity building for greater participation, greater decision-making power and supervision and transformational actions to produce greater equality between women and men.

This equality is something that needs to be acknowledged because basically men and women are equal before God. The world must realize and acknowledge that women have the same rights as men. For this reason, women must build their existence in development.

Zakiyah, a women’s empowerment activist, stated that women’s empowerment can be done with the following strategies: 1) Dismantling the myth of women as complements in the household 2) Providing various skills for women 3) Providing the widest possible opportunities for women to be able to participate in or pursue as wide an education as possible. Women’s empowerment can be aimed at increasing the participation and enthusiasm of women to try to obtain and obtain education and teaching for themselves.

With the number of women reaching higher levels of education, it is hoped that women will have greater opportunities to develop careers like men. Several female figures have emerged who can motivate the advancement of women’s participation and existence in various fields. Just mention Megawati Soekarno Putri, who once served as the sixth president of the Republic of Indonesia, as proof that women can become leaders of the country.

This inspirational female figure is said to be today’s Kartini who is an example of intelligence, professionalism and independence, Law no. 2 of 2008 mandates political parties to include a minimum of 30 women’s representation in the establishment and management at the central level.

UU no. 10 of 2008 requires political parties to include 30 percent representation of women in central level management. One thing that should be appreciated is the efforts of political parties to maximize the quota of 30 percent of female legislative candidates. It was previously stated in that the representation of female DPR RI members in the 2019-2024 period reached 20.5 percent. This means that if you add up the female MPs there are around 118 members of the DPR out of a total of 575 elected members. With such a large number, the strength of these female council members will be more sensitive to women’s issues.

And Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, one of which provides a great opportunity for women to participate as election organizers by requiring a minimum quota of 30% for women to be fulfilled. And the state must ensure that the quota is fulfilled in accordance with the established regulations. The State Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection is present as a government agency with several priority programs, including Increasing Women’s Empowerment and Increasing the Role of Mothers in Children’s Education.

Many other women’s community institutions have also expressed their voice for women’s empowerment. Now all that remains is for women to realize the importance of women’s roles and participation so that women must continue to improve their competence and abilities whatever role they choose. Women should be given the opportunity to be able to determine their life choices, whether in obtaining education, career choices, or life service choices as housewives. Each of these choices must be respected and respected. Society should support women in their life choices.

Along with the opportunity for women to work and engage in activities that men usually do, at the same time violence against women increases, especially sexual violence.Gender inequality can also be a factor causing a lot of violence against women. The patriarchal culture that is still held in Indonesia, placing men or masculinity above women or femininity, also gives rise to violence against women.

Our social structure has long judged that men are actually strong and women are actually weak. The existence of stereotypes like this is what encourages perpetrators of violence, especially men, to often commit acts of violence against women and makes women vulnerable to becoming victims of violence. This also causes men to be given special privileges over women.

Violence against women is not only a national problem or issue, but also a global issue because one in three women in the world has experienced violence in their lives, which is physical violence or sexual violence. All acts of violence are an act of violation of human rights, especially violence against women which is widespread.

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is clearly written that every human being has the right to live freely, including freedom from slavery and torture in any form and has the right to safety. Regulations regarding violence in general are contained in article 170 of the Criminal Code which stipulates that perpetrators of violence will be imprisoned for a maximum of five years and six months. Apart from that, to protect women from domestic violence, there are regulations contained in Law no. 23 of 2004, which in this law regulates the forms of domestic violence and what the penalties are for perpetrators of domestic violence.

With the existence of national laws and international laws that regulate violence against women, it is hoped that cases of violence against women can be prevented and eliminated. Apart from the fact that violence is an act that violates the law, this violence is also a serious violation of human rights.

Violence against women is a crime that has systematically affected women for a very long time. However, very little is questioned, recorded and reported. In fact, it is considered something normal and ordinary so it is continuously socialized from generation to generation.

Violence against women occurs in various communities, ethnicities, nations, religions and social classes. Several factors have been identified as an inseparable part of the causes of violence against women.

First, women are second class humans. Women have been placed as the second gender after men in various ethnicities and nations for a long time. The placement of women as class people has implications for discriminatory treatment of them in various sectors of life.

From ancient times until modern times, women have had difficulty accessing various social services, which has an impact on their quality of life. They are not counted in government statistics so social service allocations cannot reach them. Even their hard work in the productive economy is not recognized and counted, even though they are utilized and contribute to the economy.

The placement of women as second class human beings causes them to be degraded and violence is part of that degradation. Because of this, women from lower social classes experience more complicated problems. These women will experience double violence because they come from a low social class and are also female.

Second, patriarchal society. Fathers or men are the sole rulers and the most righteous people in a patriarchal society. In the family, all women must obey the father, and those who argue are being disobedient, making mistakes, or going against traditions and social institutions.

Third, gender-based violence. Socio-cultural construction produces different roles for men and women. Men are placed as public people and women as domestic people, which not only has the effect of placing women in unrecognized home work, but also demeans them as human beings.

Fourth, legitimacy of social structures. Violence against women is legitimized from various levels of life, from the lower levels of the family to religion and the state. The interpretation of scripture helps justify violence against women. A country that was founded by adopting various traditions and religions also strengthens violence against women. Efforts to reduce—to the point of eliminating—violence against women must start from the state. The state (government) has power that can penetrate into domestic spaces, which have been considered family or household matters. However, the state must first prepare an apparatus that has knowledge and perspectives regarding women.

Violence against women is a crime against humanity. Therefore, the state has an obligation (state obligation) to prevent, reduce and eliminate these crimes starting from within the home (domestic violence), because this crime most often occurs at home.

The state must also change various legal instruments that are detrimental to women, as well as regulate various problems that have not been regulated in legal instruments.

It can be said that violence against women, especially sexual violence, is not because women have fewer opportunities to work in the current era. Everyone has the right to a life free from torture and a decent life.

Currently, technological advances can be utilized in campaigns to increase public awareness of violence against women, and it is hoped that this can make society aware of violence against women and participate in efforts to prevent and eliminate violence against women to create a safe world for all women. Changes in human life routines have suddenly changed drastically, especially since the Covid pandemic. The women try to be the backbone of the family by trying to sell food, MSME products and even handicrafts, in order to survive with their families.

Shifts in functional roles also influence culture and patterns of behavior, thinking, and lifestyle. Women are no longer said to be second citizens but have become the spearhead, men support their efforts from behind.

Women were created with privileges that men do not have, having a beautiful body, a beautiful face, a soft and patient face and a sweet voice when speaking. It is undeniable that this privilege is an attraction that is often the cause of violence against women, starting with men, in meeting and togetherness environments between them, such as: campus offices, public facilities.

Creating a social environment that is safe and comfortable for everyone without exception, because all creatures are God’s creation and humans (men and women) are God’s creation from the beginning and have the same right to life in the eyes of the Creator.

State of The Art

State of the art, a statement that states that the research conducted is different from previous research. State of the art references are obtained from a collection of previous journal studies.

Research Title Discussion, Methods, Research Results
Communication Ethics as a Control of Virtual Piety in Community Media Behavior in the Digital Era understand the role of communication ethics as a control of virtual piety in people’s media behavior in the digital era. The concept of communication ethics used is based on Haryatmoko’s perspective and is complemented by Habermas’ theory of communication action. Descriptive Qualitative Approach.
Communication Ethics in Instilling Understanding: Ethics of Communicating with Students By knowing good and correct Communication Ethics, it will direct students to behave appropriately in accordance with applicable norms by prioritizing polite attitudes towards everyone so as not to harm many parties. This research uses library research, namely a series of activities related to library data collection methods
Communication Principles and Ethics in the use of New Media The increasingly advanced development of technology has had an impact on all of society’s lives which have now shifted and become dependent on the use of new media. The qualitative descriptive method was carried out using interview, FGD and documentation data collection techniques.
Socialization of Communication Ethics Ethics in communication is important because good credibility will make the delivery of the message valid. The benefits of ethics include differentiating between good and bad, as a link between values, making individuals have a critical attitude, and making things according to regulations. Descriptive qualitative approach, library data collection and in-depth interviews.

Discussions related to ethical social communication are very interesting, not only among the general public but also on how to embed ethical social communication in the digital space and the most important thing is that social communication ethics and social communication etiquette have similarities in implementation and benefits for those who practice them. In this research, a unique thing that the researcher wants to highlight is that women who have more abilities related to ethics can utilize social communication methods of etiquette in their daily activities in order to reduce acts of violence against women in the general community and beyond.


Understanding Analysis,

The term analysis is usually used when conducting an investigation or reviewing an essay, research, explanation, or an event that occurred. Analysis is an effort carried out using certain methods to observe something in detail. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the definition of analysis is an investigation of an event to find out the actual situation. Analysis is really needed to analyze and observe something which of course aims to get the final results from the observations that have been made.

The word analysis is adapted from the English “analysis” which etymologically comes from the ancient Greek word Analusis. The word Analusis consists of two syllables, namely “ana” which means return, and “luein” which means to release or untangle. When combined, the words have the meaning of rephrasing.

If you look at the word analysis, the meaning of analysis is to release or break down something that is done using a certain method. According to the origin of the word, the meaning of analysis is the process of breaking down a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding.

According to Komarudin, analysis is a thinking activity to decompose a whole into small components so that you can recognize the signs of the components, the relationship of each component, and the function of each component in an integrated whole. This was also conveyed by a management expertRobert J. Schreitersaid analysis is “reading” the text which localizes various signs and places these signs in dynamic interaction, and the messages conveyed.

In more detail, Robert said that analysis is an action that has a purpose, This effort to observe certainly has a function and purpose, namely:

  1. Integrate a number of data obtained from a particular environment. A number of data obtained from different sources certainly require further analysis in order to reach conclusions and gain a more detailed understanding.
  2. Set specific targets. The function and purpose of this analysis is of course so that the data that has been obtained is more specific and easier to understand.
  3. Choose alternative steps to overcome problems and determine the best steps to find the right preparation to suit your needs.

The basic aim of analysis is to recognize a number of data obtained from a certain population, in order to reach conclusions. Later, these conclusions will be used by analysts to determine policies and make decisions to overcome a problem. Analysis is divided into 2 (two) quantities, namely logical analysis (ability with thinking power) and realistic (ability with observation power).

It can be concluded that the definition of analysis is an activity that consists of a series of activities such as; parsing, distinguishing and sorting things to be regrouped according to certain criteria and then looking for connections and interpreting their meaning, and involves the thinking and observational powers of the analyst.

Social Communication

The term social communication has been widely used in several social science disciplines, including two-step communication, innovation communication, marketing communication, and social psychology. You can use every use of the term social communication in various fields and social science disciplines to build a complete understanding of social communication. Little John in Borman 2006, says that communication isOnea term for all conversations and analyzes made consciously and systematically, related to communication.

The following is the explanation. In much literature, the term social communication is used to explain the phenomenon of two-step communication, where information from the mass media will reach the opinion leader of the audience, then from the opinion leader the information is passed on to the audience of followers. The communication process that occurs from the opinion leader to the audience of his followers will then influence changes in audience behavior.

From this communication phenomenon, the term social communication emerged. In the context of two-step communication, social communication is communication that occurs between opinion leaders and their followers. Apart from these phenomena, social communication also appears in the context of innovation communication. Usually, marketing communication books describe the process of diffusion of innovation (Rogers) as a social communication process. This is seen in the phenomenon of an innovator (the person who adopts the earliest innovation) who influences other people around him to adopt the same innovation.

The process of an innovator influencing others to adopt an innovation is seen as a social communication process. In this case, social communication occurs between the innovator and the innovation adopter afterwards. The term social communication also appears in the social psychology literature (Fiedler, 2007).

Continuous social communication will, in the long term, create social change. These changes can touch the individual to the social system. Change can occur naturally (without intervention) and can also be planned.

In discussions of social communication from various scientific disciplines, it can be underlined that the characteristic of social communication is the existence of social relations between communication participants, both direct and indirect in nature. The social relationship in question is the existence of a relationship in a social system between participants, and the status and role of each communication actor is attached, so that it gives rise to influence not only from the exchange of messages through symbols alone.

Some opinions say that discussions about social are discussions about behavior. Human interactions in everyday life tend to be in the social environment. The activities that take place will often use communication that involves the behavior of the person giving the message (communicator) and the recipient of the message (communicant).

John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), a scientist discovered a unique model of communication which is social behavioral communication, which involves all actions or behavior of the communicator and communicant which include actions in response or reply to something given or can also be called stimulation.

This theory means that all actions have a response in the form of a response. It can be described as if an individual receives stimulation, then the individual succeeds in receiving and observing it, then it will be easy for us to predict what the response will be like.

It can be concluded that indirect social communication is behavioral communication, which involves the basic elements of communication, namely: source, message, media (social/public environment), message recipient and response (stimulus). Social communication theory models, such as the stimulus response communication model or known as SOR (stimulus-organism-response), are classic communication theory models that are influenced by psychological theory. In terms of objects or visible, psychology and effective communication have the same object, namely: Humans which involve their soul, body and spirit, and include components; attitudes, opinions, behavior, cognition, affection and contact.

Timulus response models (stimulus – response), explain the influence received by the recipient of the message (receiver) as a result of the communication process.


As dignified and virtuous social creatures, it is a good idea for us to instill good social values ​​within ourselves and spread them to the general public. One of the characteristics of a dignified person is having good manners in their daily life so they can live a harmonious and peaceful life without any disputes with each other.

The term etiquette itself is actually quite closely related to ethics. Even though they are related to each other, it is clear that these two terms have quite fundamental differences. In general, etiquette is explained as procedures for carrying out polite manners and vice versa, ethics is the direct application of these manners.

Ethics and etiquette have fundamental differences. Ethics are the standards and rules that apply in a place, while etiquette is social manners. The etiquette that applies to each environment is different, especially in the world of work. Basically, office etiquette and social etiquette have differences in communicating and interacting with someone.

So far, many people are of the opinion that etiquette is a derivative or part of ethics itself which is manifested as manners or manners in building relationships between fellow humans but is more relative. This means that etiquette depends on the point of view and habits carried out in a particular community group. As explained by Sedarmayanti (2005), it is a polite way of speaking, sitting, receiving guests and other manners. Apart from that, Ernawati, (2004) explains that etiquette is a procedure for interacting with humans which includes rules, karma, discipline and manners in their actions.

From the two opinions above, the meaning of etiquette refers more to actions that can be used to facilitate relationships and can also help support and achieve desired goals. Basically, etiquette is a translation of English and French “etiquette” which means “conventional requirements regarding social behavior.

Etiquette concerns how to carry out human actions or can be referred to as politeness and politeness. Of course, if you look at it from that point of view, etiquette sometimes confuses important and unimportant meanings, because basically etiquette only shows the right way. This means what is expected and determined in a certain circle.

Therefore, etiquette is related to the manner or how an action must be carried out. Literally, etiquette is related to ethics, while if you look closely it turns out that the concepts of etiquette and etiquette certainly have differences, even though they are both related to the regulation of human behavior. K. Berten in Sutarno (2008) explains the difference between ethics and etiquette, namely: first, etiquette is always related to the way or how we must carry out an action, usually expected and determined by a particular society or culture.

Meanwhile, ethics does not limit itself to matters of how and how an action must be carried out. Ethics in this case provides norms or order regarding the action itself. Second, etiquette only applies in social situations and is very dependent on the presence of other people. This means that the etiquette only applies when there are other people present, whereas if there are no witnesses or other people, then the etiquette does not apply.

It’s different with ethics, whether there are other people or not, ethics still apply and are still used as guidelines for what must be followed. Third, etiquette is relative, not absolute and not permanent. This means that etiquette cannot be applied in all places or in all time periods. Meanwhile, ethics is more absolute or absolute, that is, regardless of place, time or situation, wherever and whenever. Fourth, etiquette only looks at humans from the outside, not from the inside.

This means that etiquette only looks at the appearance or highlights only the physical view from the outside. On the other hand, ethics actually looks more from the inner side, which is more about ethical behavior that truly comes from the heart without any hypocrisy. Looking at these rules emphasizes the orientation of etiquette which tends to direct relative attention to the formation of human behavior that adapts to circumstances and situations without requiring considerations that are oriented towards foundations, reasons and outlook on life. Because it does not rule out the possibility that etiquette can take the form of an action that may conflict with the values ​​contained in ethics

Etiquette can be applied and implemented in general or special environments, such as in the office, on campus, in places of worship, a person’s position is assessed based on status, age and even rank or position, followed by seniority and finally gender. In social etiquette, a person is judged based on gender, age and position. In workplace etiquette, it should be noted that the person who starts shaking hands during the introduction process is someone in a higher position, in this case the superior who has the highest position starts by giving a hand and is greeted by employees in a lower position.

Body language is something that is included in etiquette, the elements of body language are gestures, body posture, expressions and eye contact. The use of magic words in speaking is a habit that must be developed when working together with colleagues. Magic words consist of saying sorry, thank you, and please. First impression is an important moment for a person in etiquette because it cannot be repeated and describes a person’s self-image. The first impression consists of a pleasing appearance and a nice facial expression.

The benefits of understanding etiquette include maintaining a pleasant atmosphere, making it easier to establish good relationships, giving self-confidence in dealing with various levels of society, improving the image of oneself and the institution. Etiquette consists of 5 important points that need to be considered, namely:

  1. Polite and friendly to others
  2. Pay attention to others.
  3. Want to help.
  4. Have a sense of tolerance.
  5. Can control yourself, control emotions in situations.

In the current era of digitalization, there have been many shifts in culture and human lifestyle, especially after the Covid pandemic. Advances in technology and openness of information make it easier for everyone to be connected. Apart from that, during the restrictions on interaction during Covid, many activities were carried out virtually by all employees: female and male workers.

After the pandemic passes and enters an open boarder or new normal situation, opportunities for female workers will become more massive and there will be many job opportunities that prioritize women. Women are considered to have resilience in facing work pressure and are more flexible in resolving work problems, such as: dealing with complaints or customer complaints. Social communication and women’s behavior have the power to get solutions and smooth interactions.

Even though in reality, what is called a weak human being is a woman, and this is something that needs to be paid attention to by every company, there will be extra needs for female workers, such as: maternity leave, leave to take children to school, sick child leave and if the company applies shift work, special transportation is required for female workers on shift duty, such as; nurses, hotel staff, airport staff, etc.

In accordance with the narrative in the introductory chapter, crime and violence against women, especially female workers, has quite high values. This happens not only in office environments, but in public facilities and open spaces, such as transportation, shopping mall toilets, and even campus areas. This condition is a nightmare for female workers, physical violence or, more deeply, sexual violence has a long-term traumatic impact on the victim.

Handling of violence or sexual crimes cannot yet be revealed transparently, considering that it will tarnish the victim’s personal life. Sexual violence against women cannot be ignored and becomes a hidden problem, but we must work together with the wider community, the government and legal apparatus, to combat this crime.

Women are a symbol of a nation’s progress, because women will give birth and shape the future generations of a nation. Women are considered capable of passing on culture and character values ​​to their children, so that women’s position is no longer as a complement but as a supporter and role model for a culture. The presence of women in the world of work, politics, health, law, security, body and economy is a supporting pillar and reliable communicator in the nation’s progress.

It can be concluded that ethics is a standard basis/rules that are born from the culture of an environment, region, tribe or custom. Etiquette is a concrete act or implementation of ethics. Ethics is divided into 2 things: visible and invisible, which are visible such as: clothing, customs, symbols, language, dialect, communication, behavior, etiquette, characteristics and which are invisible, such as: beliefs, rituals, tastes., values, respect, brotherhood.

Ethical elements as a basis for forming culture, Researcher, 2024

Chart 1. Ethical elements as a basis for forming culture, Researcher, 2024

Crime and sexual violence against women

Violence and sexual crimes against women are a complex and very important issue among all the crimes experienced by women, because acts of violence and sexual crimes have their own dimensions which are very unique to women who act as victims.

In cases of violence and sexual crimes, there is a very large inequality in power relations between women and men, especially when the man has greater power or control over the victim. In this case, the control in question can be in the form of resources, economics, knowledge or community views or social status. This control can also arise from the existence of feudalism, for example between teachers and students, between parents and children, between employers and workers and between community leaders and residents.

Violence and sexual crimes against women and children are a crucial problem for almost all countries in the world, including developed countries which incidentally really value and care deeply about human rights. In a country, there should be a need for protection for women who are victims of crime, especially violence and sexual crimes, which are acts of violation of human rights.

In social and state life, citizens should guarantee the basic rights of their citizens, especially in terms of guaranteeing women’s rights in the fields of politics, government, economics, education and other fields without discrimination. Based on the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, which has thirty articles, the first five articles contain the basis for eliminating discrimination against women as well as the obligations that the government must carry out in order to guarantee the protection and rights of women.

The convention does not explain or explicitly define guarantees of human rights specifically for women, but in article 3 it is stated that everyone needs to have rights and freedoms without discrimination, including not being permitted to carry out acts of discrimination based on gender.

As a legal country, Indonesia regulates actions and protection regarding rights and obligations based on applicable law. Thus, in the implementation of government, both central government and regional government officials must exercise their power and authority based on applicable law. So that in every aspect of national, social and state life we ​​must uphold the substantial values ​​of applicable law and serve as a reference for realizing justice, humanity, honesty, trust and protection of citizens’ rights and human rights.

As humans and social creatures, women have the same universal dignity as men. In this case, it means that the dignity possessed by all humans cannot be taken away by anyone, applies anywhere, anytime and for anyone. Humans in protecting themselves, their dignity and human dignity really need human rights, where human rights are also used as a moral basis in dealing with fellow humans. In this way, women also have equal rights and are free from attempts by other parties to discriminate.

Dominate or exploit women from physical, economic, psychological aspects and even actions that can result in injury and mental stress that can lead to misery in women’s lives. Based on the previous explanation, it can be understood that human rights are rights that are inherent in humans themselves, which are natural, which are gifts from God that must be respected, are fundamental, and must be maintained and protected by every human being, nation and state.

Thus violations of human rights are included in crimes against humanity. In the Criminal Code book III Articles 281 to Article 299, namely crimes against public decency, pornography, adultery, life imprisonment, adultery, sexual rape, sexual relations with unmarried women under 15 years of age, losses caused by sexual relations with unmarried women. marriage, crime of rape, crime of obscenity or insult, unconscious person, unmarried person, person under 15 years of age, person who is not ready for marriage, person who has sex with an unconscious unmarried woman, rape and lewd behavior of an unconscious person or someone under the age of 15, sexual activity, rape, consenting to lewd sexual relations with a minor, lewd offenses against a minor, family member, minor such as a stepchild, crime against the Promotion of obscenity as a means of livelihood or use, women and minors the crime of human trafficking, human trafficking or in the hope of abortion. The essence of respecting and protecting human rights is consistency in maintaining human safety as a whole through a balance of rights and obligations.



It can be concluded that the presence of women in their daily activities is very vulnerable to unpleasant treatment. As is known, women are not said to be weak creatures in terms of physical and intellectual abilities, but their position in patriarchal ideology is one that is easily controlled and even intimidated, which should be protected and humanized.

As an employee, a woman is not an easy target for crime and sexual violence, but her existence requires the surrounding environment to be alert and vigilant. Working women are not here to be put second, but as humans they have a need to live and continue this life.

Having their own unique characteristics, women are required to be more vigilant in order to equip themselves to prevent criminal acts, crime and even intimidation based on the power relations that exist around their activities.

It cannot be avoided that the presence of women is a particular strength and weakness for a company that employs women. The protection and comfort of female workers is a special concern, especially as it is strengthened in the Criminal Law regarding crimes against women and children. For working women, it is very important to deepen social communication skills, etiquette or social behavior, namely prioritizing the content of messages and narratives of themselves with character values ​​and norms as well as acting as a role model.

Her intelligence and gentleness are not a stumbling block but a shield for the woman so that she can control the impact of the stimulation given as a message sender (communicator), from the way she speaks, looks, interacts physically and non-physically. It is very important to form an integrity pact regarding the protection of female workers in their environment or places where they interact daily to protect and protect them, such as: in the environment where they live, work, school, campus, so that crime and violence against women (adults and children) can be minimized. even zero tolerance, as in the chart below.

Scheme of social behavior communication strategy in protecting female workers from crime and violence

Chart 2. Scheme of social behavior communication strategy in protecting female workers from crime and violence


Researchers see that the important point in studying the problem of violence and sexual crimes is finding alternative solutions that are fair and fulfill aspects of satisfaction within the victim, considering that the impact of sexual crimes and violence can reach the point of trauma for the victim for life. An alternative solution for resolving cases of violence and crime against women could be to try to use family court as is the case in other countries.

This is an urgency that should be considered by the government in preparing family courts, in order to resolve cases of violence and crimes against women as humans in the environment in which they interact. Legal solutions will still exist, it becomes very important when this can be prevented or at least minimized or even eliminated, even though it is difficult by taking preventive action, namely that women have been given an understanding from an early age about the ability to communicate social behavior, communication that focuses on the content of the message. conveyed not to provide a negative response, which is detrimental to him, but to provide a positive and useful impact.

Social behavioral communication (behavioral communication/social etiquette communication) can be applied when interacting with anyone and anywhere, apart from providing values, it also increases the self-confidence of working women. The results of research (Winkelman, 1994) explain that having good interaction and adjustment skills by understanding and always implementing the new culture in daily life is able to overcome culture shock in individuals. (Gudykunst & Kim, 2003) argue that as social creatures we should have interactions between communities, but an individual’s ability to communicate in accordance with local cultural norms and values ​​depends on the process of adjustment or adaptation to each new environment.

The adjustments that can be made include being able to understand and master the local language, taking a social approach to the surrounding community, and having an openness and desire to get to know the local culture (Sekeon, 2013). A person’s ability to express themselves to situations in a new environment can also reduce culture shock, which means that self-disclosure can increase an individual’s self-adjustment (Hutabarat & Sawitri, 2015).

Apart from self-adjustment which plays a role in minimizing the occurrence of culture shock, social support also plays an important role, because in every situation experienced by social creatures requires a lot of energy from the external environment which is shown by the enthusiasm that individuals get from their environment, in these situations the individual will feel more accepted in their new area (Rizal & Herawati, 2020).

A reliable plan is needed to introduce etiquette social communication to schools, campuses and the world of health. Samor 2011, explains that humans’ ability to exchange cultural ideas and habits tends to be easier. High contact and low contact cultures do not become an obstacle for each individual to implement the ability to get to know each other and provide reciprocal benefits as a form of response (stimulation). This cannot be done alone, to be precise, it must work together between the community, government and commitment (applicable law), as in the picture below:

Women's etiquette social communication model. Researcher, 2024

Chart 3. Women’s etiquette social communication model. Researcher, 2024

The etiquette social communication model is also a social behavioral communication model with the SOR (sender/stimulus-objective-receiver/response) communication model approach, each response given will not be 100% the same from one woman to another. The impact of each stimulus given really depends on the person giving the message/stimulus.


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