Fostering Educational Development and Innovation in the Global South: Incentivizing Research and Development (R&D)

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Fostering Educational Development and Innovation in the Global South: Incentivizing Research and Development (R&D)

  • Joseph Owuondo
  • 186-195
  • Nov 10, 2023
  • Education

Fostering Educational Development and Innovation in the Global South: Incentivizing Research and Development (R&D)

Joseph Owuondo
Doctor of Education, Candidate San Diego California


Received: 27 September 2023; Revised: 24 October 2023; Accepted: 27 October 2023; Published: 10 November 2023


This paper delved into a comprehensive study to explore the different dynamics surrounding R&D, innovation, and educational development in the diverse regions of the Global South. The research methodology used was a comprehensive literature review that involved the meticulous selection of secondary sources directly aligned with the objectives of the study. The paper embarked on an exploration to investigate the effectiveness of policies and incentives in promoting R&D, the alignment of educational curricula with evolving job markets in the industry, and the pivotal role played by collaboration of various sectors such as educational institutions, industries, and governments in fostering innovation. The study found that policies and incentives can indeed stimulate R&D, but transparency and accessibility are imperative for their success. Curriculum alignment and constant monitoring are therefore vital in meeting the demands of the evolving job market. Collaboration is the cornerstone of innovation, but success hinges on clear governance structures and shared goals. In conclusion, the study offers a strategy for policymakers, educational institutions, industries, and governments in the Global South on how to measures to implement realize increased R&D and innovation. The study recommends prioritizing comprehensive R&D strategies, fostering a culture of innovation, aligning curricula with industry needs, and promoting interdisciplinary education. This is the roadmap through which countries in the Global South can harness the power of education and innovation to achieve sustainable development. Encouraging public-private partnerships and adopting localized interventions are essential steps toward a brighter educational future that shapes the discourse on global educational development and innovation.


The Global South comprises several countries scattered across the world which are characterized by diverse socio-economic and cultural contexts. The phrase Global South is commonly used by pundits to refer to several countries from across Asia, Africa, Latin America, and other regions (Dados & Connell, 2012). These countries have varying degrees of economic development and have witnessed remarkable transformations in the last few years. Such transformations are driven by globalization, new technological advancements, and each country’s constant pursuit of sustainable development. The most common denominator is that all of these countries recognize education as a pivotal enabler of innovation and socio-economic development (Zakaria, Yussof, Ibrahim, and Tibok, 2020). The paper appreciates this recognition and intends to comprehensively explore the multifaceted dynamics surrounding Research and Development (R&D) within educational institutions and innovation in the Global South. The total global expenditure on R&D in 2017 was USD 2.2 trillion and that has continued to grow at a rate of about 3.6% per year (Qi, Peng & Xiong 2020). The average share is typically much higher in advanced economies (2% of GDP) than in emerging market and middle-income economies (0.65% of GDP) or in low-income developing countries (0.15% of GDP) as demonstrated by Qi, Peng, and Xiong (2020). The study seeks to address the pressing need to incentivize R&D as a catalyst for innovation and technological progress in the Global South.


Although the ecosystems are unique in each country, there are common challenges faced by all of them hence the need to bridge the educational gap, nurture innovation ecosystems, and adapt to a dynamic global system. Undoubtedly, education is revered by everyone as one of the most important drivers of socioeconomic development. Unfortunately, the education systems in the Global South are faced with a myriad of challenges, amongst them inequitable access, poor quality, and relevance. The curriculum also requires constant review because of rapidly changing technological innovations and the evolving demands of the job market. Most countries in the Global South are increasingly turning their attention towards advancing R&D within their educational institutions and industries, to take advantage of the opportunities presented (Crespi, Giuliodori, Giuliodori, and Rodriguez, 2016). R&D is a key driver for innovation and technological advancement, which stimulates economic growth, and well-being in society. However, the effectiveness of policies and incentives designed by countries to promote R&D is constantly under debate by most pundits. This lack of clarity is the key motivation for this paper as it attempts to look into the effectiveness of such policies and incentives, with a focus on their impact on innovation and technological progress.

Objectives of the Study

The main goal of this study is to contribute to the discourse on educational development and innovation in the Global South by addressing three specific objectives:

  1. To investigate the effectiveness of policies and incentives in promoting R&D within educational institutions and industries in the Global South, with a focus on their impact on innovation and technological progress. This objective seeks to uncover the nuances of policy implementation, institutional capacity, and the outcomes of R&D investments.
  2. To examine the strategies required to align educational curricula in the Global South with the evolving job markets, emphasizing the identification of future-demand skills, to ensure graduates are well-prepared for employment. This objective acknowledges the evolving nature of the job market and the necessity for education to be adaptive and relevant.
  3. To analyze the role of collaboration between educational institutions, industries, and government in fostering research, development, and innovation within the educational sectors in the Global South. Collaboration is the cornerstone of innovation, and this objective explores the dynamics of such partnerships.

The research argues that the most effective way to foster education and innovation in the Global South is through a multisectoral approach that includes relevant policy formulation, curriculum alignment with job market demands, and strategic partnerships between educational institutions, industries, and the government. By comprehensively understanding these issues, the study hopes to provide different perspectives that guide policies and initiatives aimed at advancing educational development and innovation. In this regard, the paper seeks to promote sustainable socioeconomic development in the Global South through education and innovation.


The need to foster educational development and innovation in the Global South is a necessity that is encouraged by countries recognizing that education is a valuable factor. Education as a major ingredient for socio-economic progress and innovation is the key driver of sustainable development. The literature review in this paper endeavors to critically examine the effectiveness of policies and incentives in promoting Research and Development (R&D) within educational institutions and industries, explores strategies for aligning educational curricula with evolving job markets and assesses the role of collaboration in fostering a culture of R&D and innovation in the educational sector of the Global South.

Policies and Incentives that Promote R&D and Innovation in the Global South

Promoting R&D in the Global South has been a major policy concern for governments and international organizations. There has been a shift in focus by most researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of these policies and incentives in achieving this goal. Wang et al. (2017) argues that this shift is largely because of the increased popularity of government R&D programs in emerging economies as most countries in the Global South. The innovation ecosystem in these countries is so different due to financial constraints, weak intellectual property rights, and ineffective administrations (Wang et al., 2017). Furthermore, many educational institutions and industries in these regions struggle with limited resources, which restrict their capacity to invest in R&D activities and innovation initiatives. R&D can be promoted by the establishment of research grants, tax incentives, and funding mechanisms to encourage R&D investment in both educational institutions and industries (Carvalho 2012). A study conducted in Argentina by Crespi, Giuliodori, Giuliodori, and Rodriguez (2016) found that tax incentives, when designed effectively, can stimulate R&D spending by private companies, thus contributing to technological advancement and innovation. According to Qi, Peng, and Xiong (2020), R&D tax incentives significantly increase firms’ innovative input and output, a 1% increase in R&D tax incentives causes a statistically significant 2.8–3.8% increase in R&D. It is however important to note that the effectiveness of these incentives is contingent upon their design, transparency, and accessibility.

Additionally, a study conducted by Naseem, Spielman, and Omamo (2010) found that research and development subsidies to firms, often provided in the form of research grants, is another mechanism through which governments in the Global South provide investment incentives. Such programs have mostly had a limited impact on R&D because of inadequate funding (Naseem, Spielman & Omamo, 2010). India, for example, does not extensively support private research activities through grants. This is due to the low demand for innovation by the private sector, and the limited interaction between public research labs and private firms (Mani, 2001). According to Mani (2001), even if the necessary funding mechanisms were in place to actively support private research, many countries in the Global South still lack the adequate human capacity to exploit these funds effectively.

Furthermore, in the current global landscape where there is fierce competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) in R&D, it is imperative to recognize that attracting such investments is not limited to just fiscal incentives (Guimón, 2013). Effective policies must be formulated and designed to foster a conducive domestic environment, including robust institutions, modern infrastructure, and a well-educated workforce. In a study conducted in China, Brazil, and India, researchers Zanatta and Queiroz (2007) argue that despite the weaknesses in both Chinese and Indian economic and technological systems, they are implementing a set of policies that are very attractive to FDI in R&D. However, Brazilian policies seem to be less articulated and still based on the concession of fiscal incentives to attract this kind of FDI (Zanatta and Queiroz 2007). Even though there are several policy efforts by many countries in the Global South, some countries have not been able to successfully attract FDI that would promote R&D. Among the regions that have shown a limited capacity to attract this kind of investment is Latin America (Guimón, Chaminade, Maggi & Salazar-Elena, 2018). According to the Global Innovation Index (2023), between 2003 and 2013, the region hosted just 3.7% of global FDI projects with a focus on R&D, while the Asia-Pacific region attracted 51.6% of the world total.

On the other hand, policies on legal protections for new inventions play a crucial role in acting as incentives for research and development. While patent protection is essential in promoting R&D investment, the scope and limits of patent policies can vary significantly across countries (Trouiller, Torreele, Olliaro, White, Foster, Wirth & Pécoul, 2001). Patent applications by residents in some countries are quite low. For instance, Argentina (16), which is lower than in Brazil (25) and much lower than in other emerging countries such as China (519), Russia (203), or Malaysia (40) (WIPO Statistics Database n.p.).

In the Global South, governments are commonly faced with the challenge of balancing between the need to incentivize innovation through legal protections and the motivation to ensure access to essential technologies (Trouiller et al., 2001).  For instance, policies such as compulsory licensing or differential patent regimes have been adopted by some countries to address public health concerns and promote affordability (Danzon & Towse 2003). According to Kremer (2002), many developing countries have historically provided little or no intellectual property rights protection for pharmaceuticals. India, for example, offers patents on pharmaceutical processes but not on products and has developed a large industry that reverse engineers existing drugs (Kremer, 2002). Anton, Greene, and Yao (2006) argue that such weak protection rights have the potential to significantly reduce the incentive for pharmaceutical R&D in the Global South. Therefore, it is important for the policy makers to understand how government policies intersect with legal protections as this is vital in assessing the impact of the policies they formulate on innovation and accessibility.

Alignment of Educational Curricula with Job Markets in the Global South

In the last few years, the job market has been consistently evolving in response to changes in technology and the global economic situation. Those changes in the job market necessitate the need to realign educational curricula and training to match the skills demanded by employers. Research done by Wang and Tsai (2014) emphasizes the need for countries in the Global South to identify future-demand skills and incorporate them into educational programs. The study they conducted shows that curriculum alignment does not just increase the employability of graduates but also contributes to the overall competitiveness of industries. The employability of an individual plays a significant role in ensuring that one can function effectively and have a successful career (Onyeike &Onyeagbako, 2014). Most employers make decisions on whether or not to hire a graduate based on the quality and practical abilities shown by the graduate in addition to the theoretical knowledge gained in school. A study conducted by Zakaria, Yussof, Ibrahim, and Tibok (2020) shows that most students in the Global South are now cognizant of this fact. They are taking measures to integrate skills and attributes that make them employable, in addition to the relevant theoretical knowledge gained through school programs.

Most governments in the Global South are implementing strategies to push the digitalization of the education sector and to further align schooling with the skill requirements of the private sector (“The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa”, African Union 2020). This push underpins the fact that the dynamic nature of skills demanded in the job market has led to the emergence of competency-based education models, as has been highlighted by (Chuenjitwongsa, Oliver, & Bullock, 2018). According to Ali and Hamid (2022), Bangladesh is implementing the English Language Teaching policy with the aim of improving communication skills in English, which is a skill they believe enhances an individual’s employability. Motivated by this market-relevant agenda for economic development, education authorities in Bangladesh have introduced Communicative Language Teaching as a pedagogical means to developing citizens’ human capital which would be compatible with the demand of the employment market (Ali & Hamid 2022). These models emphasize the development of specific competencies and skills in schools, thereby ensuring that graduates possess practical, job-relevant abilities upon entering the workforce.

Role of Collaboration in Fostering R&D and Innovation

Sector collaboration and partnerships between educational institutions, industries, and government are increasingly being lauded as a critical driver of R&D and innovation. According to (Guimón, 2013), collaboration between academia and industry is an increasingly critical component of an efficient innovation system. The study by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000) on the “Triple Helix” model elaborates on the relationship between academia, industry, and government in knowledge creation and innovation. Global South has shown a growing interest in adopting this model to leverage collective intelligence and resources. The benefits of university-industry collaboration are also evident in developing countries. For instance, a study conducted by Marotta, Blom, and Thorn (2007) in Chile and Colombia revealed that collaboration with universities increases the propensity of firms to introduce new products and to patent. As Guimón (2013) suggests, one of the most common approaches used to stimulate university-industry collaboration is the designing of R&D research grants and tax incentives, with a requisite of a consortium of firms and universities for project eligibility.

Most countries in the Global South are formulating public policies that promote R&D and Innovation by funding universities and R&D projects, as well as through a regulatory role that influences intellectual property rights (Bloom, Vân Reenen & Williams 2019). Furthermore, the concept of open innovation which promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration beyond organizational boundaries, facilitating technology transfer and innovation diffusion as described by Chesbrough (2003), is becoming increasingly popular in the Global South. A study conducted by West, Salter, Vanhaverbeke, and Chesbrough (2014) to review the concept of open innovation, demonstrates the applicability of the principles of open innovation in emerging economies, leading to increased effectiveness of R&D and innovation outcomes. Mchombu (2007) argues for the diffusion of innovations and transfer of technologies from outside and better sharing of technology and innovations within the community. This is an idea that is beginning to shape educational development and innovation policies in some countries in the Global South.


The research methodology used in this paper is Literature Review. The methodology is grounded in a comprehensive review of secondary sources that are intricately aligned with the study’s central theme. The literature used in this study focuses on advancing educational development and innovation, with a specific emphasis on the incentivization of Research and Development (R&D) and innovation initiatives in the Global South. The process commenced with an extensive search across academic databases, policy documents, reports, books, and case studies, each source meticulously selected for its relevance to the aim of this study. Data collection entailed rigorous organization, where crucial information such as publication dates, methodologies, and key findings were methodically cataloged. Subsequently, the selected literature was analyzed and synthesized to establish common ideas that are connected to educational development, innovation, and R&D in the Global South. The culmination of this method was the development of concepts and findings that enriched the research objectives. The literature review and findings of this study underpinned a comprehensive understanding of the educational development and industry growth through incentivization of R&D and innovation, within the context of the Global South.


  • Effectiveness of Policies and Incentives in Promoting R&D and Innovation

This study revealed that several factors are responsible for the effectiveness of policies and incentives in promoting R&D within educational institutions and industries in the Global South. Even though many educational institutions and industries in the Global South struggle to invest in R&D due to limited resources, the literature reviewed showed that tax incentives and research grants can stimulate R&D spending by private companies (Carvalho 2012). As has been demonstrated by Qi, Peng, and Xiong (2020), R&D tax incentives promote R&D and innovations in firms. Additionally, the study revealed that, in many cases, the lack of transparency and bureaucracy in accessing these incentives hindered their effectiveness (Yigitcanlar, Sabatini-Marques, da-Costa, Kamruzzaman, & Ioppolo, 2019). In my view, establishing transparent systems, increasing access, and aligning such incentives with an existing innovation ecosystem is a critical factor that determines success. Policymakers need to focus not only on the provision of incentives but also on streamlining the application process and ensuring that they align with long-term strategic goals for innovation and development.

  • Curriculum Alignment with Job Markets

The study has shown that due to the changes that are taking place in the workforce demand and the quality of skills needed, there is a pressing need for educational institutions in the Global South to adapt and redesign their educational curricula. As Wang and Tsai (2014) suggested in their study, identifying future-demand skills, and incorporating them into educational programs is crucial for graduates to be competitive in the job market. However, rapidly changing job market demands are likely to create certain challenges, and quickly redesigning and reshaping the curricula may prove slightly difficult. Educational institutions therefore need to establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and adaptation of curricula to ensure relevance and responsiveness to emerging job market needs.

  • Role of Collaboration in Fostering R&D and Innovation

The study underscored the pivotal role of collaboration among educational institutions, industries, and government bodies in fostering a culture of R&D and innovation in the Global South. The study elaborates how the “Triple Helix” model and open innovation principles can be applied quite effectively in these regions as demonstrated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), to leverage skills and resources in promoting R&D and innovation. Collaborative initiatives are known to enhance knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and innovation diffusion and the study represented these facts. However, the study showed that successful collaboration is contingent on clear governance structures, shared goals, and a commitment to long-term partnerships as argued by (Bloom, Vân Reenen & Williams 2019. This underscores how significant it is to have collaboration across various sectors pulling in the same direction to promote R&D and Innovation initiatives.

  • Contextual Nuances in the Global South

The study showed why it is important to recognize and address the unique socio-economic, cultural, and developmental contexts in the Global South. Of course, some challenges and characteristics are common to most countries. However, the study found that each region within the Global South has its special characteristics in terms of culture, economic status, and local politics among others (Trefzer, Jackson, McKee & Dellinger 2014). Therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach to incentivizing R&D may not be effective for such all countries. Policymakers and stakeholders in the Global South are adopting context specific strategies to address the specific needs and conditions of their region.

  • The Role of Digital Technology in Educational Innovation

In the era of rapid digital transformation, the study highlighted the pivotal role of digital technology in educational innovation within the Global South. The proliferation of digital tools and online learning platforms was found to be instrumental in enhancing access to education and promoting innovative teaching methods as was revealed by Sarkar (2012). Additionally, the study pointed out that digital technology can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among educational institutions and industries, especially in remote or underserved areas (“The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa”, African Union 2020). However, the digital divide remains a challenge, with disparities in access to technology across regions. Policymakers need to prioritize digital infrastructure development and digital literacy programs to harness the full potential of technology-driven educational innovation in the Global South.


In summary, this study has explored the strategies that stimulate incentives for R&D and nurturing innovation within the educational landscape and industry in the Global South. The study has underscored the pivotal role played by robust R&D policies that promote innovation within educational institutions and industries. The study has also clearly demonstrated why is essential to have a dynamic educational curriculum that can meet the evolving skills demanded in the job market. Furthermore, the study has passionately advocated for interdisciplinary education and instilling a culture of innovation among students as transformative strategies. These tailored recommendations, intended for policymakers, educational institutions, industries, and governments, serve as a guiding roadmap for shaping the educational future of the Global South, with a renewed emphasis on research, development, and innovation, fostering progress, competitiveness, and a brighter educational future. The implications of this research extend beyond just the Global South, enriching the discourse on educational development and innovation.


  1. Countries need to develop a comprehensive R&D strategy. Policymakers should formulate and prioritize comprehensive R&D plans that prioritize investments in educational institutions and industries. They should explore avenues for providing financial support to educational institutions and startups to promote R&D and innovation. This strategy should include incentives for R&D activities and mechanisms for monitoring and measuring their effectiveness.
  2. Strategies that promote a culture of innovation must be adopted in the respective countries. Educational institutions and industries should work together to foster a culture of innovation among students, researchers, and staff. This can be achieved through programs, competitions, and innovation spaces that encourage creative thinking and problem-solving.
  3. There is a need to align the curriculum with industry needs in terms of workforce skills. Educational institutions must review and update as regularly as possible their academic curricula to match the evolving demands of the industry job market. Collaboration with industry and labor market research can help identify and incorporate appropriate skills and competencies into educational programs.
  4. The promotion of interdisciplinary education is another key area as it provides flexibility and prepares graduates to tackle complex real-world challenges. This approach can be achieved through the provision of opportunities for students to develop skills and knowledge in a variety of areas.
  5. Increase STEM education in the Global South. There is a need to prioritize science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and this will give students the skills required to promote innovation and technological advancement. The governments must invest in STEM infrastructure and employ the most qualified teachers.
  6. Public-private partnerships must be encouraged. Such partnerships offer innovative funding mechanisms, and venture capital support. These initiatives should be encouraged and supported as they have the potential to alleviate resource constraints that limit R&D initiatives. Governments should actively facilitate and incentivize such collaborations to maximize their impact.
  7. The government should fund the establishment of technical services departments in educational institutions to encourage the commercialization of research results. These workshops can help bridge the gap between academia and industry, allowing research to be translated into practical benefits for the benefit of the whole society.
  8. Countries should perform consistent monitoring and evaluation of educational and industry changes. Regular analysis of the return on R&D investments, changes in the educational curriculum, and collaborative efforts play a big role in establishing clear benchmarks. Monitoring and evaluation of the R&D and innovation concepts underscore the indicators for measuring progress and data-driven decision-making.
  9. The respective governments, international organizations, and private institutions working in the Global South must adopt localized research and context-specific interventions to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of policies and initiatives.


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