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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186

A Study on Recruitment Practices in Garment Industry with Reference to Bangalore City

Chellamma.K1, Dr. Vijayashree L2, Dr. K. Purushothaman3

IJRISS Call for paper

 1Associate Professor & Research Scholar, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
2Professor & Head of the Department, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
3Associate Professor, Department of MBA, BNM Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Abstract: – This study used primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from employees of HR department from five different garment factories in Bangalore city through the use of pre-structured questionnaires. The secondary data are collected from other literatures like, research papers and website. Recruitment & selection process of garment factories procedures and techniques are more competitive. Proper background check is conducted before recruiting the employees either it is internal or external recruitment. Therefore garment industries are able to attract the potential employees will turn help them to achieve their goals. The study indicated that the mode for recruitment is through advertisements and employee referrals. It was also noted that the procedures used in recruiting and selection process was effective. The study strongly recommends to fairly conduct the recruitment and selection process also appraisal for the employees should be given in order to improve employees performance ultimately helps in achieving the organization goal. The study concludes that the result will give some inputs in the existing body of knowledge.

Keywords: – Bangalore, Readymade Garments Industry, Recruitment and Selection


Recruitment and selection procedure plays a vital role in the concept of present business [13]. Since the company’s functions starts with the recruitment and selection, if it is not done in a systematic and thus affected (ibid). This is true in case of garments industries. Garments industries in Bangalore presently face many problems such as labour unrest, infrastructure and HRM practices [8]. The World Bank stresses continuous efforts to reform garment sector in Bangalore [2]. The country had to be warned by the importers about the safety concerns for the garment workers of Bangalore [1, 4]. It is thus proven that the Garment sector in Bangalore is lacking human resource management practice properly. In fact, HRM practice is impossible to maintain properly unless appropriate employees are not appointed rightly. Therefore, the present study has been done in order to know the actual situation of the readymade garment industries’ recruitment and selection process of Bangalore.

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