International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705
Edwin Omondi Arwa1, Prof. Charles M. Rambo, PhD2, Dr. Isaac Abuya, PhD3
1MA Project Planning and Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya
2,3 Senior Lecturer PhD, University of Nairobi, School of Continuing and Distance Education, Kenya
Abstract: Water projects face implementation challenges of cost and time overruns due to lack of stakeholders’ involvement and this has led sustainability constraints. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of collaborative stakeholders’ involvement approach on implementation of water projects in Kisumu East sub-county. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and data collected through structured questionnaire. The research instrument was piloted for content validity and reliability tests. A sample size of 118 respondents was selected using stratified random sampling from a target population of 167 involved in implementation of water projects in Kisumu East sub-county. High Cronbach’s coefficient Alpha of 0.8 was obtained. The data was analysed using descriptive statistic of mean, standard deviation, frequencies percentages and inferential statistics of correlation and regression at α=0.05 level of significance. The study found out statistically significant relationships between Collaborative Stakeholder Involvement Approach and Implementation of Water Projects. The null hypothesis H01: Collaborative stakeholder involvement approach does not significantly influence implementation of water projects in Kisumu East sub-county was rejected since p=0.000<0.05. It is recommended that a holistic bottom up approach in implementation of projects should be embraced so that all key stakeholders in projects become part and parcel of the projects and to bring ownership of projects by stakeholders. Further research should be carried out on project planning and design to establish whether stakeholders are involved at these initial stages before implementation of water projects.
Keywords: Collaborative stakeholders’ Involvement approach, Implementation of water projects
Access to clean drinking water remains a big problem globally with 783million people unable to access clean drinking water, especially in rural areas due to mismanagement of available water resources and poor or weak government policies (Giupponi, Jakemann, Karssenberg and Hare, 2006).Water governance challenges are attributed to conflicts and competing water needs (Akhmouch and Clavreul, 2016). Water is a scarce resource and needs an integrated management approach in making decisions that will capture stakeholder needs (Akhmouch & Clavreul, 2016).