International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Customer Satisfaction on Mobile Banking: A Study With Reference to Selected Districts of Tamilnadu
S. Gokul Kumar#, S. Nagarajan*
# , *Assistant Professor, School of Management Studies (SMS), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401, India
Abstract – Technology is the primary key to move towards providing integrated banking facilities to consumers. Indian banks have been late starter in the acquisition of technology for automation of procedures and the un-segregated banking facilities. This paper mainly deals about the customer satisfaction on mobile banking in and around Gobichettipalayam and Sathyamangalam. Mobile banking is an application of mobile accessing which offers the customers with the support required to be able to bank anywhere, anytime using a mobile handheld gadget and a mobile facility such as Short Message Service (SMS). Banks can also use enable banking for increasing the efficiency of their employees and create a platform for better customer service and improve relationship with their customers. The data has been collected from 105 respondents. The main tool used for data collection is the questionnaire. The analysis used in this study includes Cross tabs, Friedman test, Mann- Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. To create trust in the minds of customers, the security concerns should be solved. It has been observed that most of the female respondents are aware of various services offered, the mobile banking services are mostly used by College students and most of the mobile banking users have average trust in technology. The bank should take measures to raise awareness about mobile banking and access to remote villages with local language services and customer friendly banking programs that are easy to use so as to make the customer to feel good and reduce the complexity of mobile banking.
Innovation can be our closest companion which has become the way of life. Mobile Banking is the greatest innovation that enables the customer to perform banking activities at any time and everywhere. This helps to increase the customer base for the bank and saves time for the customers. Mobile banking is cost effective and provides faster transactions. It captures new market segment and increases the efficiency of banks. As the needs and expectations grow day by day, the bank is running towards satisfying the customers.