International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Entrepreneurs Perspective towards Their Personal and Business Values
Dr. Paluri Sheela
Professor, Dept. of Finance, GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract: Entrepreneurs today possess a sense of mission – to be socially responsible, protect the environment, and to retain their stake holders for long period. Rather than focus exclusively on financial gain, they aim to achieve a balance between values and long lasting of their business. How entrepreneurs perceive the normative expectations and how they deal in their day to day business activities were the questions that has been in focus in this research. Looking into the values and values orientation there has been a strong argument that human behavior in general and business decisions in particular are strongly influenced by the values of the entrepreneurs. Around 150 entrepreneurs were surveyed in Andhra Pradesh to analyze about their personal values and to what extent it is influencing on their business decision making. The research shows that there is a good harmony between personal and business values. However, the harmony among the personal and business values importance doesn’t mean that ethical values are followed in the real aspects of business by entrepreneurs.
Key Words: Entrepreneurs, Business Values, Personal Values.
Entrepreneurs today are exposed to different normative expectations from the society, environment in which they are located, their stakeholders, Government Regulations and above all the Stiff competitions. The discussion about the performance of the business is based on the growing importance of values of the entrepreneurs. The act of starting a business and sustaining it for long requires consideration of certain values for combining what is done to with how it is done. This would be a path setter for entrepreneurs to do business in the long run.
The present research focuses on questions of what values are important to entrepreneurs and how they combine their personal values to that of their business values. The study investigates on personal values in general and their influence on the decision making process in particular.
The paper is structured as follows. The first section discusses the theoretical back ground of study. The second and third section offers an insight into the methodology followed and the empirical findings, finally the last section draws the conclusion.