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Exclusion of Fundamental English Language Course: Learners’ and Teachers’ Perspectives in The Context of Barishal University, Bangladesh.

Sumona Rani Saha
Assistant Professor Department of English, University of Barishal, Bangladesh

Received: 19 April 2023; Accepted: 29 April 2023; Published: 29 May 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Realizing the value of developing learners’ English language skill in the present global context, this study aims at exploring situational variables responsible for the exclusion of Fundamental English language course from the undergraduate syllabuses of Barishal University, Bangladesh and finding out teachers’ and learners’ perception towards this course. This empirical research gathered both quantitative and qualitative data from two important stakeholders of this institution- students and teachers. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaire studies both from students and teachers and qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with the teachers. Quantitative data revealed that 89.47% students considered it a useful course as 80.26% students and 66% teachers believed it helped them to develop their communicative skill in English. Though 71.43% teachers opined that learners past achievements in English was not sufficient to pursue higher education, 80.52% student respondents held students already having sufficient command was the main reason behind the exclusion. On the other hand, the main reasons behind exclusion identified by the teachers were the traditional course content, students’ low satisfaction level, credit limitation, no qualitative change in students’ communication skill and limited budget of the authority. However, the qualitative data revealed instead of omission, some timely modifications in the course content and teaching strategies would have been more beneficial for the students. Therefore, this study will provide fresh insights for Barishal University authority and teachers, who are involved in curriculum development, in designing an effective curriculum by considering the situational factors which contributed to the exclusion of Fundamental English course and by addressing learners needs and perceptions regarding this course.

Key Words: fundamental English course; situational factors; learners’ need, learners’ perception, teachers’ perception

I. Introduction

In the twenty-first century English language skill is considered as life-long technical skill. Now, it has become the language of survival in the global competition as it is the passport to the ICT sector and the new knowledge domain necessary for boosting up a country’s sustainable socio-economic growth. Considering this reality, our National Education Policy 2010 has put a lot of emphasis on building up a skilled manpower by effectively introducing them to the knowledge of the modern and fast advancing world. One of the basic objectives of this policy is to ensure skills of high standard at different areas and levels of education by attaching substantial importance to information and communication technology (ICT) along with Mathematics, Science and English so that learners can successfully compete at the global context and the dream of Digital Bangladesh can be a reality.


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