International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue III, March 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Green HR Practices and Its Impact on Employee Work Satisfaction – A Case Study on IBBL, Bangladesh
Sabbir Hassan Chowdhury1, Sanjoy Kumar Roy2, Murshedul Arafin3, Sifat Siddiquee4
1,2,3Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
4Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract: Green HR is a buzzing issue in the current world. The green HR practices are very emerging concept for a green organization (e.g. green bank) and also for the environment and for the planet. But the matter is that the implementation of Green HR is solely dependent on the management as well as on the employees and in considering this policy, employee work satisfaction should also be considered. This paper is attempts to reveal the impact of Green HR practices in the banking sector in context of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd (IBBL) on the employee work satisfaction. For this purpose the researchers take data of 100 samples from various branches of IBBL and run Spearman correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The study reveals that there is positive relationship among the green HR practices and employees work satisfaction. And green HR practice positively and significantly affect employee work satisfaction in the context of banking sector which is surely creating a new horizon in the field of banking practices. From the study organizations of Bangladesh can get a specific view about successful endeavor in enhancing the work satisfaction level of employees what is beneficial for the organization and also for the human and earth.
Keywords: Green HR practice and Employee work satisfaction.
Green HR is a newly invented concept which is practiced extensively now-a-days in the field of human resource department for mobilizing the performance with least usage of paper based work. This concept not only bringing the fast moving services in the field of banking service but also it is helping us to have a better living world with less environment pollutions. Green HR practices tries to make sure that not only in HR department but also in the overall banking activities; green banking system is needed to be thoroughly practiced. That’s why peoples need to use Green practices to save the environment as well as the planet and the Human. It is not an effortless task to Greening employee’s from top to bottom, but pro environmental plan and implementing Green human resource management (GHRM) practices practically will produce a positive result toward the Green environment (Bangwal & Tiwari, 2015)