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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume I, Issue VI, June 2017 | ISSN 2454-6186

Impact of Brand Communication on Customer Brand Loyalty: A Study on Mobile Service Providers

Dr. Romi Sainy, Dr. Rekha Attri

IJRISS Call for paper

  Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract: – The increasing competition in every sector has led the marketing professionals discuss and debate about factors that drive customer loyalty. Communication is central to human behaviour, connecting individuals and creating relationships. Communication plays a pivotal role in brand building as the features and benefits of a product can be communicated through the message of the advertisements or other promotional activities. Brand awareness which could be achieved through brand communication is the first step towards purchase of a brand. This paper attempts to study the impact of brand communication on customer brand loyalty for mobile service providers.

Keywords: Marketing Communication, Advertisement, Brand Loyalty, mobile service providers.


Communication is central to human behaviour, connecting individuals and creating relationships. Organizations need to communicate with people who are inside and outside the organization, with different companies up and down the supply chain and with a variety of audience. Effective communication increases trust and commitment in business relationships. The importance of successful communication was highlighted in Sheth’s conceptual framework of buyerseller interaction, which suggested that a satisfactory sales outcome is dependent on the degree to which the parties involved are compatible regarding the style and content of their communication (Sheth, 1976).

Marketers measure the success of a brand by its ability to sustain its brand value in the face of competition. Communication plays a pivotal role in brand building as the features and benefits of a product can be communicated through the message of the advertisements or other promotional activities. Brand awareness which could be achieved through brand communication is the first step towards purchase of a brand. Brand Communication helps to show different attributes of the brand to the customers leading to brand awareness and repeat purchase behavior or brand loyalty. This paper attempts to study the impact of brand communication on customer brand loyalty for mobile service providers.

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