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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Impact of Social Networking Sites Usage on Students’ Performance

Diluxshy Ravichandran

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Business and Management Studies, Faculty of Communication and Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Abstract:-The primary focus of the students must be education, but unfortunately today’s students emphasize these sites that can be a complete waste of time. Social networks were just an electronic connection between users, but unfortunately they became addictive to students, adolescents and even adults. This paper presents the impact of social networks on students’ performance. Facebook destroys the future and academic carrier of school students. At the same time, it also aims to recognize the importance of using social networking sites by students in their academic and extra-curricular success with the help of a survey of data collection among more than 200 students from different schools in Trincomalee. The results of this study found an understanding of how students use online social networking sites, the time they spend and the type of information required and their overall performance. The study also makes recommendations on how to use online networks to improve academic objectives.

Keywords: academic development, education, social networking sites, younger generation.


Sri Lanka boasts of the second highest literacy rate in South Asia, only less than that of the Maldives which however has a comparatively smaller population. It also has a high percentage of internet penetration of 15% of the population. These demographics suggest that social media is a potent instrument among the younger age groups of the Lankan population. A by-product of the internet, social media is a term loosely used to denote a variety of web based tools that purportedly encourage communication. Social media is now ubiquitous and its growth in Sri Lanka has been exponential: the country, with a population of21 million, has over 2.3 million users of social media.
Socializing via the Internet has become an increasingly important part of young adult life. Relative to the general population, adolescents and young adults are the heaviest Internet users. Social Networking Sites (SNS) are the latest communication tool for interaction with people in their networks. (SNS) can be defined as an online platform which builds and reflects the networking among people and builds relationship among them. People share their interests, activities each other through such sites.

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