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Insulting Act in Talk Show “Coklat Kita Humor Sufi”

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Insulting Act in Talk Show “Coklat Kita Humor Sufi”

Lisda Muhammad ‘Afiif1, Retno Winarni2, Muhammad Rohmadi3
1,2,3Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract— With so many acts displayed on social media, people are forced to choose wisely on things. It is truly necessary to avoid hate speech and condemnation in a talk or conversation. This research is aimed to find expressive speech acts in the form of insult in a talk show titled “Coklat Kita Humor Sufi”. This is a descriptive-qualitative research with purposive sampling technique. The result of this study found 7 acts of insult in the form of mocking (85.7%) and investigating (14.28%).

Keywords—expressive speech, insulting act, talk show, information technology.


Information technology has become a daily necessity for many people. Therefore something far becomes close and something that is difficult becomes easy. The exchange of information which was originally available to just a small fraction of people has now been largely enjoyed by everybody. Something so broad is somehow folded into small piece with the presence of social media. (Ramadhan and Sri 2017)found that information technology has an impact on user convenience.
The role of information technology such as mobile phones and laptops is vital nowadays. This result in both good and bad impact. (Abidin and Riski 2019) provides an overview of the impact of television on adolescents. Television has been grabbing attention of teenagers at home. This phenomenon reinforces the fact that the role of information technology is very large.
We often encounter various expressions of condemnation in social media. (Vera 2016) explains there has been a decadence in communication ethics in social media. This occurred due to negative propaganda that has been issued using fake accounts. There has been also expressions of praise in social media. Both of these things are the two side of the same coin that inevitably exist in life. Nonetheless, it is necessary to undergo filtering and modification of words..
The most desirable form of content or information in social media is audio visual or video. (Alfayanti, Sarwiji, and Retno 2016) has proven that the use of audio-visual media in the form of video attract more attention in BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers) learning. The most preferable video publisher is currently YouTube. Youtube displays various contents that attract so many people. From the large number of videos on YouTube, author is interested in analyzing one of popular content there. This research will focus on a Youtube video in the form of talk show titled “Coklat Kita Humor Sufi” hosted by Candra Malik and Prie GS.