International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue VII, July 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705
Investigating the Factors Affecting the Use of the E-Delivery Services
Yasir Abdullah ALzaydi, Mohammad Alzubi, Abdoulrahman Jounaidi
Al- Madinah International University, Malaysia
Abstract: – Recent expansion in IT has paved the way for an electronic revolution that has led to the development of electronic services. Consumer e-services companies help to save expenses, speed up delivery and serve additional customers. Consequently, many companies have already shifted to the electronic environment or plan to shift their services and commodities. The qualities of each sort of product and service are important to recognize in this context. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that impact the use of e-services.
Keywords: Factors, E-Delivery, Services, Usage
A first postal order catalogue was produced by Benjamin Franklin in the USA in 1744. (Maddox, 1997). Customers could order and pay for science books by email without a visit to the real shop. More than 250 years later, we live in “an ever more virtual society” (Overby, 2008). Increasingly physical procedures are virtualised thanks to technologically breakthrough developments, such as the Telephone and the Internet (Overby & Konsynski, 2008). The increasing diffusion of Internet technology has recently speeded up this trend to virtualize previously conducted processes – in other words, the operations previously given personally. (Overby & Konsynski, 2008). describes a virtual process as “a procedure that eliminates physical interaction between people and/or things.”
Depending on the sector of competence and the perspective, the word E-service has many meanings (Taherdoost et al., 2014). There is no specific definition of electronic services and the visions of scholars have been viewed from many points of view, so that electronic services are defined in several ways.
E-commerce is a modern business in the digital age, as there are many Internet users worldwide. E-commerce has certainly been a strong and rapidly evolving technical foundation for developing the Internet (Smith, 2001).
The creation of virtual stores has allowed people to purchase items and services online, which is the quickest and cheapest manner of buyingfor them.For its cheap cost and ease, e-commerce is considered the most profitable kind of business. It should be pointed out that the increasing competition provided by the Internet leads to cheaper costs and greater choices for customers (Malkawi, 2007). Technological growth has made it possible to buy on the Internet and for company logistics systems to be more efficient.