International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Level of Work life Quality and Enrichment – A Study among Workforce of Indian Retail Sector
D. David Winster Praveenraj1, B. Nandhini2, K. Karpaga Kavitha3
1,2,3School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, India
Abstract—Quality of Work Life assumes an extremely noteworthy job in the life of individuals with the activity. The paper intends to measure the quality of work life of workforce engaged with the retailing business or the retail division. The survey is aimed to distinguish the current and expected Quality of Work Life and the affecting components of job and individual life in various aspects. This work aims for understanding a wide scope of welfare exercises to be attempted so as to improve the Quality of Work-Life (QWL) in an association. The sample measure chosen for the investigation is 100 respondents working in different fields in a similar retail segment. The variables that influence QWL are categorized into four major factors namely Financial, Individual, Social and Work Benefits that deal with both the work life and personal life. Quality of work life is considered for the employees and it is included with employment fulfillment, profitability, work inclusion, work improvement and so forth. The end drawn from the venture is that a superior QWL prompts inspiration and fulfillment and along these lines builds creation and execution. It is prescribed to make the people mindful of the organization objectives, vision, mission, which will give them a feeling of having a place and duty with a meaning.
Keywords—Quality of work life, work force, retail division, work inclusion, employment fulfillment.
Quality of Work Life is the new beginning that is spread out as the general nature of an individual’s working or job life.It fundamentally talks in regards to the manners by which an association will ensure the comprehensive prosperity of a laborer instead of just representing considerable authority in business related perspectives.
QWL is the presence of bound arrangement of organized conditions and practices.The definition frequently contends that a high caliber of work life that exists with law based administration rehearses that is utilized and work improvement acquired where the employees are treated with nobility and safe working conditions exist in the workplace.Quality of work-life involves three major parts namely occupational healthcare, suitable work time, and appropriate salary.