International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2454-6194
A Study on Most Popular Emotional Appeals used in Television Commercials of FMCG Sector
Malini Singh
Assistant Professor in Management, IITM College, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India
Abstract: Indian Television is playing a pivotal role in creating awareness about the variety of products available in the market. TV Commercials are one of the major sources which persuade and remind the viewers about the products and attract the consumers to buy the specific brand. Keeping this fact in mind, this study has majorly focused on the TV Commercials of FMCG sectors and different emotional appeals used in the different categories of the products. It has been observed that in Food & Beverages, Household care products and in Personal Care product’s advertisements are mostly using Humour, Amazement and Love & Affection appeal respectively.
Keywords: Advertising appeals, Emotional appeals, TV Commercials and FMCG Sector
In India, a study was conducted by GROUP M Company, which is one of the leading media company. They found out that Advertising spends in India are expected to grow around 10% year on year to Rs 61,204 crores, according to media buying agency GroupM. This is effectively a slowdown in growth from the 15.5% which it had predicted last year, and later ended up being a growth of 11.9%. The Indian advertising industry is projected to be the second fastest growing advertising market in Asia after China. It is estimated that by 2018, the share of ad spend in India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be around 0.45 per cent. In fact, they expect in 2017 to see increased ad spending by categories such as mobile wallets, telecom 4G, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), mobile handsets, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and consumer durables.”
In India, marketers are majorly focused on emotional appeals so that advertisers can directly relates to a consumer’s needs, interests, aspirations and his emotional state. Emotional appeal have a greater impact than rational appeal because consumer feels more attached to a brand if he can relate to the emotional appeal raised by the brand. In the buying stage, if a customer is making an impulse purchase he would act rather emotionally than rationally and would subconsciously decide on reacting to images or music conveyed by the brand during their advertisements.