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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Teachers Beliefs and Practices on the Implementation of Performance Assessment in Higher Education

Lukluk Argita Munif#, Endang Fauziati*, Sri Marmanto#

IJRISS Call for paper

#,*Magister English Department, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Abstract— The ultimate goal of education is that students can participate in real-world activities and assessment systems help them to understand the real situations and to know their abilities and skills development. Thus, in this paper, the main aim is to describe teachers beliefs and practices about the implementation of performance assessment in public college under The Ministry of Industry in Indonesia. Interviews, observation, and document analysis were used to find the beliefs of the two teachers. The researcher used the components from Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson (1996) as the framework in analyzing the findings. Each of these components has its own big points to explain participants beliefs. Results indicate that their beliefs created based on their knowledge and experiences. It also influences what they say and what they do in creating and directing the performance assessment. However, the differences also found between the findings, the theories, and previous studies results.

Keywords— teachers beliefs and practices, performance assessment, assessment, higher education, EFL


Assessment is one of the important aspects ofthe teaching and learning process that have been proven to have a great effect on students learning process (Scouller, 1999), but the research conducted on beliefs of the teachers regarding assessment and how they interpret the assessment they used is still not widely done, especially in higher education in the EFL context. The term ‘beliefs’ has been trying to be defined by many researchers. Most of the definitions of belief stated that beliefs determine what people think and do (Fauziati, 2015, p.53). Pajares (1992, p.314) defined belief as what people say, intend and do as the impression of someone’s judgment over the things around her. In education, beliefs of teachers about teaching and learning influence their instructions process in the classroom.
According to Aguirre and Speer (2000, p.328), the focus of teachers’ beliefs is on how they think about the best way to do to have effective teaching and learning. The beliefs of the teachers also mean as their convictions and used as a guide which is considered to be true and acts as a media that can perceive new experiences (Salteh & Sadeghi, 2015, p.805).

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