International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue V, May 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Bambang Tridayono1, Rani Puspa2
1,2 Management Department, Bina Bangsa University, Indonesia
Abstract: Some of the problems that often occur in the environment of regional apparatus organizations in the Kasemen District of Serang City are that there are still employees who come after working hours and leave before working hours end, there are still employees who leave the workspace without permission from their superiors, and there are still employees who do not use proper rest time.
This study aims to determine the effect of work culture and work discipline on employee performance in the regional apparatus organizations in the Kasemen District of Serang City. This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive analysis approach, with a total population of 60 people from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and using a saturated sample of all members of the population of 60 ASNs. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire.
Based on the calculation of the hypothesis test, it is known that there is a moderate influence between Work Culture on the performance of employees in the area of the regional apparatus organization in The Kasemen District of Serang City. Where Work Culture (X1) contributed 24.4% to employee performance (Y). There is also a strong influence of work discipline on the performance of employees in the area of regional apparatus organizations in the Kasemen District of Serang City, meaning that if the level of work discipline increases, the work discipline significantly increases as well. Where Work Discipline (X2) contributed 40.8% to employee performance (Y). Based on the significance test, it was found that simultaneously there was an influence between Work Culture and Work Discipline on the performance of employees in the area of the regional apparatus organization in The Kasemen District of Serang City. The coefficient of determination is 0.420, meaning that Work Culture (X1) and Work Discipline (X2) contribute 42.0% to employee performance (Y), while the remaining 58.0% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.
Based on the conclusions above that the independent variables studied both partially and jointly have a positive and strong influence on the dependent variable. This study has strengthened several theories that employee performance as the dependent variable is influenced by a variety of independent variables namely Work Culture and Work Discipline in this connection the results of the research obtained by the consulant with the proposed theory.
Keywords: Work Culture, Work Discipline, Employee Performance