International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue X, October 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
The Impact of Work Stress on Employee Commitment and Academic Performance of School Teachers
Fr. Jojo Kurian
Management, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract:- In general parlance, the teaching job is considered to be relatively easier in comparison to other jobs due to certain benefits like less working hours and less killing targets etc. The present article focuses on various aspects of stress in teaching job like salary, work environment, student behaviour and work relations etc causing stress to teachers, and the impact of this stress on teacher’s commitment towards the organization and on their performance.
Keywords: Stressed, Employee Commitment, Occupational stress, Mental Health, Organizational commitment.
The pivotal role that teachers have in moulding a student’s life and career cannot be underestimated. The quality of the education that is imparted to an individual has far-reaching consequences. In other words, the quality of a teacher is a significant variable when it comes to increasing the output of the students. Since they have to cater to the progress of each and every student of theirs, the teachers have to multitask between setting high standards, criticizing in order to spur achievement, helping get rid of the hindrances and so on. Thus, it becomes a necessity for teachers to adopt different strategies in order to be effective in their jobs. As Dworkin (1987) puts it, the teachers have an additional responsibility of catering to the well being of others, thereby managing the numerous stressors that emanate from their monotonous routine activities. Corey (1996) substantiates it further, stating that these responsibilities lead to a syndrome and those teachers who experience it, feel drained out, and without any enthusiasm. The feeling that their contribution is unwanted or that it goes unnoticed or unrecognized further adds to this syndrome.