RSIS International

The Study of Literary Anthropology in the Short Story Syukuran Sutabawor by Ahmad Tohari

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue II, February 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

The Study of Literary Anthropology in the Short Story Syukuran Sutabawor by Ahmad Tohari

 Eko Wahyudi Tri Susilo, Slamet Subiyantoro, Nugraheni Eko Wardani
Master Program of Indonesian Language Education, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir Sutami No 36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Surakarta.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Literary work is said to be a reflection of a society that can be learned through research. This study aims to describe and explain language, religion, and people’s mindsets in Ahmad Tohari’s short story Syukuran Sutabawor by using literary anthropology studies. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research data is in the form of elements in the form of words, phrases, or discourses found in the short stories of Syukuran Sutabawor. The data source of this research is the short story Syukuran Sutabawor by Ahmad Tohari. The data collection technique in this research is to use document analysis techniques. The results of the research using literary anthropology studies show that the cultural elements contained in the short story of Syukuran Sutabawor are language, religion, and people’s mindset.

Keywords: Literary anthropology, Cultural Values, Syukuran Sutabawor.


Literary work is referred as a reflection of a society in a certain area and time. The author receives all information that is used as an experience in his life. The writer intends to convey his experiences through his works. Culture, religion, economy, politics, and so on. Everything that writers understand will be conveyed through his works. Learning and the value of life in literary works cannot be understood by readers if they are just reading without any action of critical thinking or interpreting the messages of literary works.
Literary work is a branch of linguistics. In his delivery, Tamunobelema (2015:65) say that language is used as the tool. “Language has its peculiarities, first, the human qualities and secondly, with non-instinctiveness as a means of communicating ideas, emotions, feelings, and desires by means of vocal sound systems and symbols”. Language has its peculiarities, firstly, in its human qualities and secondly, with noninstinctiveness as a means of communicating ideas, emotions, feelings, and desires by mean of systems and vocal sound symbols.
Anthropology tends to distance itself and away from academic material in the humanities such as history or literature, linguistics, and so on (Endraswara 2013:26). The structure of society, literary works, lifestyle, people’s mindset, beliefs, and so on are the result of a reflection of the existing culture in society. Through anthropology, cultural reflection applied to society will be understood correctly.