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Various Expressive Speech Acts on Sadana Agung’s Stand Up Comedy Show on Kompas TV

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705

Various Expressive Speech Acts on Sadana Agung’s Stand Up Comedy Show on Kompas TV

Doddy Rendra Pradipa, Suyitno, Muhammad Rohmdi
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract – This study categorizes as sociopragmatic research. This research focuses on expressive speech acts. Some of the results of this study are in the form and meaning of expressive speech acts. Research conducted aims to describe the form of expressive speech acts in several YouTube videos titled “Stand Up Comedy Sadana Agung Kompas TV.” The objects of this research are some of Agung’s performance recordings broadcasted on YouTube. The results of the research showed by data analysis and the meaning of expressive acts in the form of (1) praise (2) criticize. Although there are negative data findings such as mocking and insinuating, the meaning contained therein does not necessarily mean negative because the speech act was delivered with the purpose of entertaining.

Keywords: Expressive Speech Acts, Meaning and Form, Stand Up Comedy


Social media is a means of transferring knowledge in electronic mass media, which has a significant influence on people’s lives. The majority of people from all walks of life can enjoy this knowledge. Knowledge from the electronic mass media can convey information thoroughly and simultaneously. Previous studies proved that the process of forming religious identity through Facebook, one of the mass media, which is very popular among the general public (Mundiri and Tohet 2018). Social media makes it easy for people to gain knowledge quickly. Not only is Facebook an electronic mass media now developing with the transfer of knowledge online (in fingers) via video available on several social media, namely through YouTube.
Public knowledge about the use of electronic mass media such as YouTube and other media, is so much demanded by all people today. Besides, various kinds of videos shown on YouTube certainly have a significant influence on the audience. Previous research that successfully applied the development of learning systems using a network and information technology has a positive contribution to encourage the quality of higher education in Indonesia (Mustofa, Chodzirin and Sayekti 2019).