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Analysis of Homestay Development Potential in the Marine Tourism Area of Sanrobengi Island,Takalar Regency

Analysis of Homestay Development Potential in the Marine Tourism Area of Sanrobengi Island, Takalar Regency

Kurnia Yusniar Rahman


Received: 09 December 2024; Accepted: 13 December 2024; Published: 14 January 2025


This study aims to evaluate homestay standards in community houses on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency, with reference to the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 9 of 2014. The methods used include qualitative and quantitative approaches, including surveys, interviews, and secondary data analysis, to analyze homestay assessment indicators as well as identify factors that influence their development potential. The results show that although some homestays have not fully met the set standards, there are great opportunities for development, supported by the uniqueness of the local culture, the friendliness of the community, and the potential for natural tourism. The findings provide important insights for stakeholders in designing sustainable development strategies and enhancing the attractiveness of homestays on Sanrobengi Island.


The Republic of Indonesia is blessed with abundant natural resources and outstanding biodiversity. This natural beauty, along with a rich history and culture, provides great potential to support economic growth, provided it is managed wisely and effectively. One sector that has great potential to optimize the utilization of natural resources is the tourism sector. This industry not only provides significant economic contributions, but also plays a role in strengthening national identity and raising awareness of the importance of cultural preservation (Hasbi & Badollahi, 2019; Rahman, 2023). In accordance with Indonesian Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, the tourism sector includes travel activities aimed at recreation, personal development, or learning the uniqueness of the place visited within a limited time.

Indonesia’s tourism industry has become one of the largest contributors to the country’s foreign exchange earnings. The development of this sector continues to show a rapid increase, making it one of the mainstay sectors in economic development. In fact, Indonesian tourism is listed as the second largest contributor to foreign exchange after the oil and gas sector (Abrahams, 2021). Therefore, the Indonesian government relies heavily on the development of the tourism sector, hoping to strengthen the country’s position in the global arena.

The increasing development of Indonesia’s tourism sector can be seen from the various improvement efforts made, both in terms of infrastructure, management systems, and promotion. This aims to ensure that Indonesian tourist destinations can compete with other global standards, making them more attractive to domestic and international tourists. Along with these developments, the quality of Indonesia’s tourism products has become very important, as this not only reflects the interest of foreign tourists, but also the attention given by domestic tourists.

As one of the provinces in Indonesia, South Sulawesi has enormous tourism potential, both in the natural and cultural tourism sectors. The natural beauty of South Sulawesi, which includes marine and mountain tourism, offers stunning panoramas. In addition, the social and cultural diversity of the people of South Sulawesi, which includes various tribes and traditions, is also a very valuable asset in the tourism sector. This potential places South Sulawesi as one of the regions that has a huge tourism attraction.

Takalar, a regency in South Sulawesi, is also known to have extraordinary natural tourism potential. The regency has a variety of natural, cultural, and marine attractions that are interesting to develop. One tourist attraction that has great potential is Sanrobengi Island, which is located in Boddia Village, Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The island has beautiful white sand beaches and clear sea water, making it a very potential marine tourism destination.

Sanrobengi Island, despite its great potential, has not been fully utilized for tourism development. Some of the main problems faced are the limited tourist facilities, such as accommodation and other supporting infrastructure. Despite its strategic location not far from the center of Takalar City and easily accessible, the island still has inadequate facilities to support tourist comfort. One of the major challenges is the lack of adequate accommodation facilities, which is one of the inhibiting factors in attracting more tourists.

One solution that can be taken to overcome the problem of limited accommodation is to develop a homestay concept on Sanrobengi Island. Homestays offer a unique experience for tourists to stay with local people and enjoy their daily lives. In addition, homestay development can also provide economic benefits to local communities, by creating jobs and increasing local income (Gumara Alam Putra, 2022). However, the development of homestays on Sanrobengi Island is not free from various challenges, including the limited knowledge of local communities regarding the standards and regulations required to establish homestays.

Based on initial observations, several houses on Sanrobengi Island have not met the standards to be used as homestays, and many people are unaware of the requirements needed to make their homes into proper lodging. Therefore, there is a need to socialize and train the local community on the operational standards, regulations and permits that apply to homestay development. This will help ensure that the homestays developed meet the expected quality and can provide a satisfying experience for tourists.

It is important to note that homestay development is not only concerned with physical and infrastructure aspects, but also involves social and cultural aspects. The community in Boddia Village has shown great interest in developing homestays, but there are still some obstacles to overcome. One of them is the need to fulfill administrative requirements, such as business licenses, building certification, and service standards in accordance with existing regulations, as stipulated in the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 9/2014.

The Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Group) of Boddia Village has proposed the provision of homestay facilities on Sanrobengi Island, and this indicates an awareness among the community to be involved in the development of the tourism sector. Collaboration between local government, local communities and the private sector is essential to ensure successful homestay development that can support the sustainability of tourism on Sanrobengi Island.

Therefore, it is important to conduct further research on the factors that influence homestay development on Sanrobengi Island. This research aims to analyze the potential for homestay development, taking into account physical, economic, social, cultural aspects, as well as existing policies and regulations. The results of this study are expected to provide useful insights for stakeholders in designing a sustainable homestay development strategy that meets the needs of tourists.

By focusing on homestay development, it is expected to create sustainable economic opportunities for the local community, while contributing to the development of tourism on Sanrobengi Island. This research is expected to provide practical guidance for the development of a tourism sector that can strengthen the local economy and support cultural and environmental preservation on Sanrobengi Island.

Research Objectives

The objectives to be achieved in this study are:

  1. To achieve homestay standards in residents’ homes on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency, using homestay assessment indicators according to the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 9 of 2014.
  2. What are the factors that influence the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency?


Definition of Analysis

Analysis is a process that involves systematically searching, collecting, and compiling data from various sources to gain a deeper understanding of a phenomenon (Sugiyono, 2019). This process includes organizing data, translating it into relevant units, and making a synthesis that can provide an easy-to-understand understanding (Nasution, 2019). In analysis, researchers must be able to identify relationships between data and understand the context contained in it. In general, analysis aims to reveal the implications or consequences of a phenomenon (KBBI, 2020), and is used to explore events or phenomena in a structured and logical way.

Definition of Potential

Potential refers to the ability or power that a person or an object has that can be developed to achieve better results (Majdi, 2020). This potential is not only limited to individuals, but can also refer to the natural or social potential that exists in an area. Dharma Laksana (2018) emphasizes that potential is a basic ability that is latent and waiting to be actualized. In the context of tourism, potential can refer to the existing natural and cultural wealth, which, if well developed, can improve the welfare of local communities and encourage economic growth (Soebagyo, 2012). Therefore, optimal utilization of regional potential is essential for the development of the tourism sector.

Definition of Homestay

Homestay is a type of accommodation that provides temporary lodging for tourists by renting out part of the space in a residential house, where tourists can interact with homeowners and experience the daily life of local people (Permenpar No. 9 of 2014). The homestay concept aims to provide tourists with an authentic experience, by facilitating them to understand the local culture. Homestays are usually located in residential neighborhoods and close to tourist destinations. Homestay facilities include bedrooms, bathrooms, and other public facilities that support the comfort of tourists during their stay (KBLI, 2020). The existence of homestays plays a role in introducing local culture and providing economic benefits to local communities.

Factors of Homestay Development Potential

Environmental and Location Factors

The natural beauty and tourist attractions around the homestay location greatly affect the attractiveness of tourists. Locations close to natural attractions such as beaches, mountains, or cultural sites can increase the potential for visits (Putra, 2020). In addition, the quality of a clean, green, and well-maintained environment is also an important factor in attracting tourists. Good accessibility to the homestay location, through well-maintained roads or easily accessible transportation, will increase comfort for tourists who want to stay (Meyer & Stewart, 2019).

Economic Factors

The market demand for affordable accommodation that offers a local experience is a factor that supports the development of homestays. Travelers now tend to seek authentic and affordable experiences, which makes homestays a popular accommodation option (Majdi, 2020). In addition, the capital and investment available for homestay development is also a determining factor for the success of homestay development. Support from both the government and the private sector in terms of funding and investment is crucial to ensure the sustainability of homestay development (Laksana, 2018).

Social and Cultural Factors

The success of homestay development depends on the participation and support of the local community. Communities that actively participate in homestay management will help create a more authentic experience for tourists (Soebagyo, 2012). In addition, the preservation and offering of local cultural experiences, such as art, cuisine, and customs, are also important factors that can enhance the appeal of homestays (Meyer & Stewart, 2019). The education and skills of the community in managing homestays, especially in management and service aspects, will affect the quality of the lodging offered.

Infrastructure and Facility Factors

The availability of basic infrastructure such as electricity, clean water, roads, and adequate sanitation facilities are important factors for tourist comfort. If this infrastructure is inadequate, then homestay development may be hampered (Putra, 2020). The presence of supporting facilities such as restaurants, souvenir shops, health centers, and local transportation networks also increases the attractiveness of homestays, as they provide additional convenience and comfort for tourists (Kurniawan, 2021).

Policy and Regulatory Factors

Supportive government policies, such as tax incentives and ease of licensing, will be very influential in supporting homestay development. In addition, regulations regarding safety, health, and sanitation standards are essential to ensure safe and compliant homestay operations (Permenpar No. 9 of 2014). Government programs that support sustainable tourism, including training and strengthening community capacity in homestay management, will also encourage the growth of this sector (Laksana, 2018).

Promotion and Marketing Factors

Effective marketing strategies, through social media, websites, and online booking platforms, are crucial in attracting tourists. Good marketing can increase the visibility of homestays and make it easier for tourists to make reservations (Kurniawan, 2021). In addition, the reputation and positive image of tourist destinations, as well as positive reviews and testimonials from previous travelers, can also strengthen the attractiveness of homestays (Majdi, 2020).

Technology and Innovation Factors

The utilization of digital technology for booking management and marketing is helpful in improving the operational efficiency of homestays. Online booking platforms and social media presence can increase homestay exposure (Meyer & Stewart, 2019). Innovations in services, such as eco-friendly homestays or interactive
cultural experiences, can also attract different segments of travelers, increasing the competitiveness of homestays in the global market (Putra, 2020).


This research was conducted on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency, which is known to have marine tourism potential that has not been fully developed. The research implementation time is planned to take place between March and August 2024, which is expected to provide enough time to collect comprehensive and in-depth data on the potential for homestay development in the area.

This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, as explained by Sugiyono (2019), which aims to examine and describe in depth a phenomenon that occurs in the field. This research focuses on case studies conducted directly in the field (field research), with the aim of studying the current state, as well as interactions between individuals, groups, or communities that are the object of research (Cholid Narboku & Abu Bakar Ahmad, 2008). In this context, the research aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency, as a new tourist destination. By using a descriptive approach, this research can provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that support and hinder homestay development in the area.

In qualitative research, informants are selected based on their knowledge of the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island. The informants involved in this study consisted of Pokdarwis members and local people in Boddia Village, Takalar Regency, who were considered to have a good understanding of the social and economic conditions and tourism potential in the area (Andi, 2010). Through in-depth interviews with these informants, researchers were able to obtain more complete and accurate data about the factors influencing homestay development in the research location.

The data collection method in this research involves several complementary techniques, including: Observation, literature study, interview and documentation

The process of data analysis in qualitative research involves several systematic steps. Me

Presentation of data in qualitative research, data can be presented in the form of narrative text, tables, graphs, or diagrams that illustrate the relationship between various themes and data categories. Presentation of this data helps researchers in analyzing and drawing more accurate conclusions. With a clear and systematic presentation of data, this research can provide a more structured picture of the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island.


Geography and Administrative Boundaries

Galesong is one of the sub-districts located in the south and is approximately 17 kilometers from the capital of Takalar Regency. The capital of Galesong Sub-district is located in Boddia Village which is bordered to the north by North Galesong Sub-district, to the east by Gowa Regency, to the south by South Galesong Sub-district and to the west by the Makassar Strait.

Geographically, Galesong Sub-district is located on the equator line 119021″30″ longitude and 5019″30″ latitude. Administratively, Galesong District consists of 12 villages/sub-districts with a land area of 25.93 km2 or about 4.5% of the total area of Takalar Regency. The administrative boundaries of Galesong Sub-district are as follows:

  • North bordering with North Galesong Sub-district
  • South bordering with South Galesong Sub-district
  • The west borders the Makassar Strait
  • The East borders Gowa Regency The area of Galesong Sub-district is around 25.93 km2 or 4.57 percent of the total Takalar Regency which has 14 villages. In Gelesong Sub-district, the largest area is Boddia Village / Sub-district with an area of 3.57 km2 and a percentage of 13.77%, while the smallest area is in Campagaya Village / Sub-district with an area of 0.66 km2 and a percentage of 2.55%. For more details, it can be seen in table 4.3 and figure 4.2 below.

Table 4.1 Area by Village in Galesong Subdistrict in 2024

No. Village/Kelurahan Area (km )2 Percentage
1 Bontoloe 1,73 6,67
2 Kalenna


1,44 5,55
3 Bontomangape 1,04 4,01
4 Parambambe 2,74 10,57
5 Pattinoang 1,25 4,82
6 Boddia 3,57 13,77
7 Parangmata 1,95 7,52
8 Galesong Kota 1,27 4,90
9 New Galsong 1,72 6,63
10 Palalakkang 1,74 6,71
11 Pa “rasangan Beru 2,00 7,71
12 Kalukuang 2,90 11,18
13 Mappakalompo 1,92 7,41
14 Campagaya 0,66 2,55
Galesong 25,93 100,00

Source: Galesong Sub-district in Figures 2024

Figure 4.1 Area by Village in Galesong Subdistrict in 2024

Figure 4.2 Map of Galesong Subdistrict Administration

After the data is collected and there is an underlying and supporting theory, the next step is for the author to analyze the data. Given that the data collected is qualitative, descriptive analysis is used in analyzing the data.

Based on the description of the research results above, the large number of tourist visits to Sanrobeng Island and the demand for overnight stays prove the potential for providing homestays. Some homestays are often visited by local and international guests. This also proves that the existing homestays on Sanrobengi Island are good enough because they are widely known by tourists. However, the existing homestays have a makeshift concept and are in accordance with existing customs in Sanrobengi. Therefore, in developing the potential of homestays, efforts are needed so that in the future homestays can become productive assets that can drive the economy of the community, especially the community on Sanrobengi Island, Boddia Village, Takalar Regency.

The implementation of each aspect of the homestay by the manager based on the homestay assessment indicators set out in Permenpar No.9 of 2014 is the right way to develop the potential and homestay on Sanrobengi Island. With the implementation in accordance with these indicators, homestays on Sanrobengi Island can be expected to increase the occupancy rate of tourists.

On Sanrobengi Island itself there are a total of 2 houses that are used as homestays which are often entered by tourists to stay. And the condition is not well managed, only managed by the owner who has not participated in the socialization of homestays. And it is hoped that the implementation of socialization about the potential of homestays on Sanrobengi Island is expected to provide awareness and knowledge of the people of Sanrobengi Island about how the standards of products, services and management of homestays should be in accordance with Permenpar no.9 of 2014. So as to make the homestay on Sanrobengi Island even better in the future.

There are three aspects in the homestay assessment indicators, namely aspects products, service aspects, and management aspects.

  1. Product Aspect
  2. Service Aspect
  3. Management Aspects

Research Results

Environmental factors and geographical location play a key role in determining the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island. Natural beauty, accessibility, environmental quality, biodiversity, availability of natural resources, and technological infrastructure are the main elements that influence tourists’ interest in staying at homestays. Good management of these factors will increase the attractiveness of Sanrobengi Island as a sustainable ecotourism destination and potentially encourage successful homestay development.

Economic factors are one of the key aspects that influence the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island, Takalar Regency. These factors relate to the availability of capital, market demand, and the economic impact on local communities. The following is a clearer description of the influence of economic factors on homestay development on Sanrobengi Island:

 The growing demand for cheaper, authentic and localized accommodation types such as homestays is one of the significant economic factors. Modern travelers tend to seek experiences that are different from conventional hotels, such as interacting with locals, enjoying culinary specialties, and experiencing local life. If the demand for such experiences is high, then the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island will increase.

The homestay market on Sanrobengi Island can cover a wide range of tourist segments, from backpackers, family travelers, to ecotourists who want to experience local life and a sustainable natural environment. Homestay development that can adapt to the needs and preferences of these segments will be more successful in attracting visitors.

Homestay development requires significant initial investment to build adequate infrastructure, facilities and services. The availability of capital from local communities, local governments, or private investors is essential. Homestays that are built with good quality standards and are comfortable will be more attractive to tourists and can compete with other accommodations.

Financial assistance from local governments or capital assistance programs from financial institutions (e.g., low-interest loans or grants) also have an effect on homestay development. These policies can encourage local communities to participate in the homestay business and improve the standard of services and facilities they offer. Good financial management by homestay owners will help maintain business continuity, including in terms of maintenance, facility renewal, and staff training. Good financial management also allows them to plan for long-term business development.

 The development of homestays on Sanrobengi Island can open up job opportunities for local communities, ranging from homestay management, tour guides, local transportation services, to culinary businesses. This will have a positive impact on the local economy as it helps reduce unemployment and increase household income. The existence of homestays can encourage the growth of small and micro businesses around tourist areas, such as food stalls, souvenir shops, snorkeling equipment rentals, and tour service providers. This creates a mutually supportive economic ecosystem, where the presence of homestays will also increase the attractiveness of the island as a tourist destination. A successful homestay can provide additional income for the owner and staff. Income from homestays can be used for family needs, education, and improved living conditions, thereby improving the quality of life for local communities.

Homestay development and operations require considerable costs, including for facility improvements, maintenance and marketing. Homestays that can effectively manage operational costs, such as reducing resource wastage and efficiency in resource management, will be more profitable.

Pricing of homestays is also an important factor affecting development potential. Homestays need to set prices that are competitive yet profitable. A price that is too high may reduce attractiveness, while a price that is too low may impact the sustainability of the business. Therefore, a pricing strategy that is balanced with the value offered is very important.

Homestays can enhance economic linkages with the local supply chain, such as using local agricultural products for culinary needs, working with local craftsmen for souvenirs, or collaborating with local fishermen to provide fishing activities for tourists. This can boost local economic growth and improve the relationship between homestay businesses and the local community. Synergy with other tourism industries, such as travel agents, transportation providers, and tour operators, is essential to increase the number of tourist visits to Sanrobengi Island. Active involvement of homestays in these tourism networks can help expand the market and increase revenue.

Homestays that have good financial planning, emergency fund reserves, and the ability to adapt to market changes will be better able to survive an economic crisis or pandemic. Homestays that can offer special packages, such as long-stay for digital nomads or family tour packages, can maintain income sustainability in difficult times.

Homestays that can offer diversified services, such as cultural, ecotourism or adventure tour packages, tend to be more flexible in adjusting to changing market demands. This can increase the economic resilience of homestays and reduce the risk of dependence on a single type of service. Macroeconomic conditions, such as economic growth, inflation rate, and purchasing power, also affect the development potential of homestays. In a good economic situation, tourists tend to spend more money on travel and accommodation, including staying in homestays.  Conversely, in an unstable economic situation, demand for tourist accommodation, including homestays, may decline.

Relationship between Factors

The factors influencing homestay development on Sanrobengi Island are interrelated and influence each other. In the context of homestay development, there are several important relationships that can be identified:

a. Environmental and Location Factors – Economic Factors

The natural beauty of Sanrobengi Island, tourist attractions such as snorkeling and white sand beaches, and environmental sustainability affect the level of tourist visits. The high number of tourist visits creates a high market demand for accommodation, including homestays. In other words, the better the environmental conditions and the more attractive the tourist attractions, the greater the economic opportunities created, so that communities and investors will be more encouraged to invest in homestay development.

b. Economic Factors – Infrastructure and Facility Factors

Available capital and investment can greatly influence the development of infrastructure and facilities in homestays. For example, limited capital from local communities may limit their ability to provide basic amenities such as electricity, clean water, or adequate bathrooms. Conversely, outside investment or government support can help build better infrastructure, which in turn attracts more tourists(H

c. Socio-cultural Factors – Environmental and Location Factors

Preservation of local culture and community involvement in homestay management strengthen the attractiveness of tourist destinations. Well-managed homestays, which offer local cultural experiences such as traditional culinary and community activities, will increase tourist attraction. This creates a close link between the preservation of cultural values and the maintenance of the physical environment. Travelers who enjoy authentic cultural experiences tend to appreciate the surrounding environment, thus encouraging communities to preserve the environment.

d. Policy and Regulatory Factors – Infrastructure and Facility Factors

Supportive regulations, such as tax incentive policies and ease of licensing for homestay development, will facilitate the development of necessary infrastructure and facilities. Conversely, strict regulations or a lack of support from the government can be an obstacle to infrastructure development and lower the attractiveness for investors. Regulations also ensure that homestay developments adhere to the safety and comfort standards required by travelers.

e. Promotion and Marketing Factors – Socio-Cultural Factors

Effective marketing strategies, such as the use of social media or digital platforms, can promote the uniqueness of local culture and tourist attractions of Sanrobengi Island. Homestays that promote the uniqueness of local culture through traveler testimonials or reviews will be more attractive to tourists looking for authentic experiences. This shows that proper marketing also influences how local communities position their culture as a tourism asset.

Identification of Dominant Factors

Based on the analysis, some of the dominant factors in the development of homestays on Sanrobengi Island are:

  • Natural Beauty and Location: This factor is the main attraction for tourists. The beauty of the beach and the preserved coral reefs on Sanrobengi Island are the main factors that influence tourists’ interest in staying at homestays.
  • Accessibility: Ease of transportation, especially sea access, is very important in attracting tourists. If access to the island is difficult or inconvenient, tourists’ interest in staying at the homestay will decrease, despite the beautiful scenery.
  • Community Involvement: Community support and participation in homestay management as well as the maintenance of local culture are important factors that influence the success of homestay development.
  • Economic Factors: The availability of capital for investment in homestays, both from local communities and investors, determines the success of the development. Without adequate financial support, homestay development will not run optimally.

Implications of the Findings

To outline the Implications of the Findings in the research on Homestay Development on Sanrobengi Island, you should explain how the results of the research can affect various parties and what steps need to be taken to optimize homestay development.

Implications for Local Communities

  • Increased Engagement and Knowledge: The findings show that community involvement in Sanrobengi Island in developing homestays is already in place, but still needs to be improved especially in terms of knowledge about homestay standards regulated by the Minister of Tourism Regulation. The implication of this finding is the importance of training for local communities on homestay management, service standards, as well as preservation of local culture. Thus, the community can utilize economic opportunities from tourism more effectively.
  • New Economic Opportunities: Homestay development offers new economic opportunities for local communities. As the number of tourists increases, communities can earn additional income from renting rooms, providing food, and organizing local culture-based tourism activities. This can reduce the community’s dependence on traditional economic sectors such as agriculture or fishing.

Implications for Local Government

  • Policy and Infrastructure Support: One of the key findings was the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure on Sanrobengi Island. The local government needs to develop supporting infrastructure, such as better transportation access, sanitation facilities, and wider promotion. The implication of this finding is that the government needs to develop proactive policies to support sustainable tourism through improving accessibility and incentivizing homestay managers.
  • Socialization and Regulation: Local governments need to conduct more intensive socialization regarding homestay regulations, including service standards, business permit requirements, and compliance with hygiene and tourist comfort. Without adequate socialization, homestay managers on Sanrobengi Island may find it difficult to meet the set standards.

Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development

  • Environmental and Cultural Conservation: The discovery of the natural beauty of Sanrobengi Island shows the great potential for nature tourism, but also highlights the importance of environmental conservation. Homestay development that is not accompanied by attention to conservation could damage the island’s natural attractiveness. The implication is that the government and local communities should work together to implement sustainable tourism principles, such as maintaining cleanliness, managing waste, and avoiding environmental damage from over-development.
  • Preservation of Local Culture: Travelers are attracted to authentic experiences, including interaction with local communities and participation in cultural activities. Consequently, homestays can be a means for tourists to learn about the local culture, such as traditional cuisine, daily activities, and customs. Therefore, it is important to maintain cultural values in homestay management.

Implications for Private Sector and Investors

  • Investment Opportunities: The findings on the lack of capital and homestay facilities open up opportunities for investors to participate in the development of homestays on Sanrobengi Island. The private sector can provide funding or work with the community to improve the quality of homestay facilities and services. The implication is that private investment can drive local economic growth through improved accommodation standards that attract more tourists.
  • Tourism Product Development: In addition to investment in homestays, the private sector can also play a role in developing additional tourism products, such as tour packages that include marine activities (snorkeling, diving) and cultural tourism. This will increase the attractiveness of Sanrobengi Island as a tourist destination.

Implications for Travelers

  • Quality Travel Experience: Travelers staying in homestays are expected to have an authentic and quality experience. However, research findings show that some homestays still do not meet good service standards. The implication of this finding is the importance of professional homestay management so that tourists are satisfied and can provide positive reviews, which will ultimately increase the attractiveness of the destination.
  • Environmental and Social Awareness: Tourists also play a role in maintaining the sustainability of tourism on Sanrobengi Island. The implication of this finding is the need to increase tourists’ awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness, respecting local culture, and not damaging the environment while traveling on the island.

Implications for Promotion and Marketing

  • Use of Digital Technology: The finding that promotion of homestays on Sanrobengi Island is still very limited suggests the need for more effective marketing strategies. This implies that digital platforms such as social media, tourism websites and online booking platforms should be utilized to increase the visibility and appeal of homestays. This will also make it easier for tourists to find and book homestays easily.
  • Tourism Destination Branding: Sanrobengi Island has great potential as a marine tourism destination that has not been maximized. The implication of these findings is that strong destination branding should be developed by local governments and tourism businesses to attract domestic and international tourists.

The implications of the research findings suggest that there is an urgent need to increase community involvement, government support, private sector participation, and effective marketing strategies to optimize the potential for homestay development on Sanrobengi Island. With these measures, homestay development can provide sustainable economic, social and cultural benefits for local communities, while increasing the tourist attractiveness of Sanrobengi Island as a leading tourist destination in Takalar Regency.

Potential for Homestay Development on Sanrobengi Island

  1. Natural Beauty and Tourism Attraction: Sanrobengi Island has natural beauty that supports homestay development. White sandy beaches, coral reef diversity, and sea water clarity attract tourists for snorkeling, diving, and beach activities. Cultural attractions such as annual festivals are also a magnet for tourists.
  2. Local Hospitality and Involvement: Local communities have the potential to manage homestays, supported by strong local hospitality and traditions. Community involvement in the provision of accommodation will provide an authentic experience for travelers.
  3. Accessibility and Strategic Location: The island is easily accessible via sea transportation from the port in Boddia. Its close proximity to the center of Takalar Regency adds to its


Homestays on Sanrobengi Island have not met the standards of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Regulation Number 9 of 2014 regulating the Tourist Lodge Business Standards that discuss homestays. Be it from the product factor, service factor or handling factor. This will greatly affect the readiness in receiving guests who will stay at the homestay on Sanrobengi Island.

Factors that play an important role in the development of homestays on Sanrobengi Island. There are still some unmet so this will be an obstacle in the potential development of Homestay on Sanrobengi Tourism Island. Because if the Homestay is well managed and the supporting factors are fulfilled, many tourists will come to enjoy the natural beauty and stay at the homestay because if good management will ensure that the homestay not only develops but also has a significant positive impact on the economy and local communities on Sanrobengi Island.

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