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Assessment on Leadership Competence of Barangay Council during Covid-19 Pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay Davao Del Sur

  • Rea Joy L. Alfeche
  • Roel Jr. D. Apas
  • 674-688
  • May 5, 2023
  • Leadership

Assessment on Leadership Competence of Barangay Council during Covid-19 Pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay Davao Del Sur

Rea Joy L. Alfeche , Roel Jr. D. Apas
Master of Public Administration, Davao del Sur State College, Philippines


 Received: 25 March 2023; Accepted: 05 April 2023; Published: 05 May 2023


The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-profile of the registered electorate of barangay council in Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, as well as to determine the exhibited leadership capability of the barangay council and level of management capability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur in terms of their relationship between leadership competence and management capability of the barangay council of Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur to the affected registered electorates during this time of pandemic. The COVID-19 global pandemic is much more than just a health emergency. Devastating social, economic, and political issues have resulted from it, and they will have a lasting impact on people and society. Governments are under tremendous pressure as a result of countries suffering hitherto unheard-of difficulties. Millions of people are losing their employment and means of support, and many are unsure of what the new normal will look like. The glaring and immediate lesson from this pandemic is the need to reassert the central role of the exhibited leadership capability and management capability of the Barangay Council during the COVID-19 Pandemic to protect and capacitate the public sector in responding to society’s needs and dealing with crises.

Index Terms – Leadership Competence, Management Capability, Covid-19 Pandemic, Barangay Council


              Each and every infectious illness epidemic affects the entire world, not just a single nation, especially when it spreads globally as a pandemic. (Guillen, 2020). The novel corona virus pandemic is changing everyday life. It changed the leadership and tested the competence of every leader. Since it was first identified at the end of 2019, the novel corona virus has brought about a new way of life for most of us. With that, different kinds of barangay council capability leadership competence are tested. It is critical to understand what the experts recommend and why to follow guidelines to keep all of us safe (Laube, 2020).

It is not simple to be a leader. However, set a good example and pay attention. Set a solid standard, to begin with. You, too, should be inquisitive. Experiment with new things for a portion of your time. Above all, pique other people’s interests and start a conversation about it. Before you give your opinion on something, find out their strategy. Listen and learn. Individuals who sense they have a voice are more likely to be inventive and creative (Taylor, 2014).

The barangay is the most miniature political and yet significant political figure in the community (Flores, 2019). It is more inclusive and participatory than exclusive barangay governance (Shore, 2011).

According to Boysillo (2017), the empowerment of the nation’s local governments is significantly aided by barangay governance. This is related to how the leader fulfills his obligations and performs his roles as a servant in his society in an accountable, fair and transparent manner.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the economy and education globally, according to a study by the International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) titled “Emergence of a Situational Leadership During the COVID Pandemic Called New Normal Leadership.” People are struggling to adapt to a situation where money and education are on the line. (Francisco & Nuqui, 2020).

According to (Stefan & Nazarov, 2020), difficulties and leadership abilities in the virus Covid-19 are crisis (political, social, economic, financial, medical, educational, and human) appeared at national, regional and local levels and had a significant detrimental impact on many coordinates. “Leadership competence” is skills and behaviors that contribute to superior performance.

The Researcher conducted this research problem to determine the assessment of the leadership competence of the barangay council during the COVID-19 pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, especially as of the pandemic Covid-19.  This research attempts to show if he fulfilled his role as the leader of the council of barangay.

Objectives of the Study

This research we’re accentuate the Assessment with Leadership Competence of Barangay Council During Covid-19 Pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.

In particular, it seeks to;

  1. Determine the socio-economic characteristics of respondents in terms of:

            1.1 Age

            1.2 Gender

            1.3 Civil Status

            1.4 Educational Attainment

            1.5 Monthly Income

  1. To determine the exhibited leadership capability in the barangay

council in terms of:

             2.1Health preparedness and emergency response

             2.2Provision of Covid-19 assistance

             2.3Implementation of Health Protocols

  1. To know the level of management capability that affects rendering services to the barangay constituents during the pandemic.
  2. To test the relationship between leadership   competence and management capability of the barangay council.

Significance of the Study

This Research was significant and favorably affecting Local Government Unit of Upper Bala, Magsaysay, and Davao del Sur, which is required to promote protection of the general public, enhance human beings’ rights to a fair environment, sustain peace and order, social justice, economic success, and the comfort and ease of residents based on Local Government Code of 1991, Sections 16 and 17. Opportunities and Challenges in Local Government Units’ Tourism Development Roles in the Philippines (Aser and Dulce). Hence, the Barangay Local Government Unit discusses Local government concerns, including planning for festivals, development, and regulations. Outside of the judicial system, the barangay is crucial in local conflict resolution. (Philippine political system with an emphasis on the bario). Moreover, Community results of this investigation provide scientific details for the residents regarding the assessment of the leadership competence of the barangay council. We may meet new people, pursue our ambitions, and feel comfortable and secure since it affords us those chances. Being connected and in charge of what occurs are essential components of a true community. Instead of just observing, they should take part in the action and change it. “The Importance of Community” (Chris, 2021). Lastly, for Future researchers, this study will benefit them by providing a reference as related studies or literature to their future studies at Davao del Sur State College.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research centered on the Assessment of Leadership Competence of Barangay Council During COVID-19 Pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.

As a limitation of the survey, the researcher used a descriptive questionnaire to the respondents. The respondents of this study are the registered electorates of Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. This study was conducted from May to July 2022.


            In presenting this literature review, the Researcher discusses three categories by giving the manner of different leaders in handling the pandemic. It is offered through the discussion of Covid leadership in the international scene, regional setting, and local set up to grasp a complete picture of how leaders’ competence of barangay council and management capability stand under this kind of work functions. It will also determine every leader’s different styles and management in times of unexpected world wild Covid-19 phenomenon. There are a lot of leadership styles that will choose what kind of a leader a country has. There can be a transformational leader, a charismatic leader, a democratic leader, a bureaucratic leader, a republican leader, and an authoritarian leader. Different countries in the world exhibit all these leadership styles and kinds of leadership and how governments respond to the pandemic.

            Among leadership endeavors, COVID is the Ironman. The impacts of their president’s leadership are being observed and felt by every citizen. The entire globe is watching how leaders handle the outbreak. Leaders should ideally take. The most basic health protocols that every nation employs. Politicians and populations respond to crises in both their best and worst ways. Everything is a display of folly, fear, and fortitude. The handling of the corona virus epidemic has generally gone better for democracies than for non-democracies (Kuhn et al. 2020). Despite the fact that many international leaders have seen a boost in popularity due to the pandemic, only a select few appear to have managed to successfully capture the national mood and lead their citizens. We still have a long way to go, and this virus will be around for a very long period, according to Dr. Tedros, director general of the WHO”, is a great challenge to be taken by every leader. Every president or prime minister should mind not everything in the world returns to as it was. A society where people are healthier, safer, and more prepared must exist as the “new normal.” Global leaders have been put to the test by the corona virus pandemic. Both the support for these leaders and the health and well-being of their people have been impacted by how they handle the crisis. Even while many of them are facing harsh criticism for how they handled the crisis, at least in democracies, they have seen their popularity rise (Kuhn et al. 2020).


According to SearchCIO, an individual or group’s capacity for influencing and directing subordinates or other organization members is referred to as leadership. Achieving executive management or C-level roles in the workplace, such as CEO, CIO, and president, is possible for those who possess certain leadership traits, and barangay council officials (Pratt, 2017).


According to Merriam Webster, competence means being competent is a trait or condition of possessing the necessary knowledge, judgment, skill, or strength (as for a particular duty or in specific respect). She is a capable leader, and no one contests that. According to SIECK (2021), being competent is being good at something. You have the skills necessary to complete a task or job well. The expertise required to solve a quadratic equation can be categorized as competence.

Leadership and Management by International Leaders During Covid-19

Each country has its own processes to deal with the epidemic while maintaining strong leadership. South Korea, New Zealand, and Finland responded in a well-organized, intelligent, and sensitive manner. While South Africa’s approach has been praised, heavy-handed policing draws criticism (Hamilton, 2020).

Leadership by Forms of Government

It is evident that a lot depends on the caliber of the elected leadership in democracies during these rapid-fire and life-defining moments. The finest leaders to handle the issue are those in democracies that engage in empathy with the people they have ruled while also being well-informed by strong science (Hamilton, 2020).

            When making important and occasionally difficult decisions, they exhibit courage and good judgment by gathering clear-eyed understanding about the unique situations in their country. Many of the difficulties brought on by the epidemic can be overcome by them. Democracy is beneficial but not the determining factor. What counts most is the type of leader in charge and where their priorities lie-whether they are the interests of the general public or those of a select few.

Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, Sanna Marin of Finland, Angela Merkel of Germany, and Tsailng-wen of Taiwan are four of the top five nations in the world for saving lives and preventing the spread of the virus. These ladies exhibit compassion and a strong commitment to the welfare of the populations they serve. Politicians make the finest decisions when they pay attention to the public (Mc Naughtan, 2021).

Leader’s Approaches and Confronting the Covid-19 Pandemic

No single approach works for everyone dealing with a crisis like COVID-19, but we can learn from the strategies used by institutional leaders. Administrators should be reflective and discover the positive techniques that might assist them in addressing any future crisis (Mc Naughtan, 2021).

What is the role of being a barangay council?

According to “The Philippines’ Book lll of the Local Government Code section 384. As the principal political subdivision, the barangay plays this role. The preliminary planning and implementing section develops and carries out plans for projects, programs, and policies. Activities in the community and a venue where community of the people thoughts articulated, distilled, and thought of, as well as a place where disagreements can be resolved amicably.

In a study of “Government OF THE BARANGAY CHAIRPERSONS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF UBAY BOHOL, the empowerment of the citizens is assisted through barangay governance. The responsibility of the leader within the national government is related to this. He must act honestly and openly in his community when carrying out his obligations and activities as a servant (Boysillo, 2020).

Services Provided

Barangays are required to offer basic services under Section 17 of the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160). Every Barangay is required to have a VAW Desk, according to DILG’s JMC 2010-2. A result of the Magna Carta of Women Act (RA 9710).

The barangay’s specific frontline services, step-by-step instructions, allocated time for completion of each activity, and responsible party for each duty should all be listed in the barangay citizens’ charter. Each province, city, and municipality needs to have a local disaster risk reduction and management office ( LDRRMO) to deal with calamities.

SECTION 385. Creation Method by legislation or ordinance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, a barangay may be established, split up, merged, dissolved, or have its boundaries significantly changed. The Comelec will hold the referendum in the relevant local government units within the timeframe outlined in the legislation or ordinance establishing said Barangay.

Section 1(a) Subsection (b) To enhance essential barangays may be established by an act of congress in indigenous cultural communities to provide services. Metes and natural boundaries shall appropriately identify new Barangay’s legal jurisdiction in its area.

According to International Journal of Business and Management Studies, Volume 9, Number 1, 2017; 1309-8047 (ONLINE) which Researcher studied “GOVERNANCE THE BARANGAY CHAIRPERSONS MUNICIPALITY OF UBAY BOHOL” which says leaders in charge of promoting sustainable practices can determine direction, set goals, and create policies to carry out the strategy. The concept of good, according to (Antal Szerletics, 2000), The punong barangay (barangay chairperson) has always played a crucial role design as well as its execution government policy initiatives, as well as programs for the people who are governed. There are a number of practices that make up governance, such as anti-corruption policies, transparency, and accountability (Boysillo, 2020).

How active are they in their organization and duties, particularly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in barangay?

According to Phase lll of the National Action Plan Against COVID-19 (NAP-COVID 19) describes the national strategy and broad recommendations to contain, prevent the spread of, and eradicate the treat of COVID-19. First phase of the NAP, which was implemented between March and June 2020, was mainly concerned with prevention, containment, and getting rid of COVID-19 and reducing the pandemic’s implications on security, society, and the economy. Meanwhile, the second point of the NAP, this took place between July and September 2020 introduced more refinements strategy by adopting measures to keep the low death rates from the corona virus while also taking steps to promote country’s fiscal resurgence as NAP-COVID19 reaches the third attention changes from risk to phase aversion toward management. It sustains benefits from the earlier steps at the same time ensuring a balance between the recovery of the economy and health safety. These are when every barangay should possess this action or report to protect their jurisdiction from virus diseases. This document comprises the Philippines Situation Report by the end of the third quarter of 2020 (NAP Phase llimplementation of the NAP Phase lll).

Poverty’s effects as a result of the COVId-19 epidemic, according to poverty simulations, the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s efforts to stop the virus’ spread would result in more people living in poverty. As a result, both the national and local government agencies implemented a number of social safety nets to assist the impacted people, families, and businesses cope with the economic effects of COVID-19 and to smooth out their consumption, especially during the initial stages of the national lockdown, albeit temporarily (Reyes et al. 2020).

Office of Local Government and Interior (DILG) recognizes the vital function of barangays in 2019 in halting the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). DILG urges greater vigilance on the part of barangay officials in enforcing the bare minimum of health standards (DILG YEAR-END REPORT, 2020).

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 show the relationship between the independent and dependent variables of the study “ASSESSMENT OF LEADERSHIP COMPETENCE OF BARANGAY COUNCIL DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BARANGAY UPPER BALA, MAGSAYSAY, DAVAO DEL SUR”.

Research Paradigm



The null hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance.

Ho: there was no significant relationship between the leadership competence and management capability of the barangay council.


Research Locale

This research will be performed in barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. Upper Bala is a barangay in the municipality of Magsaysay is a third-class municipality in the Philippine province of Davao del Sur. Its official name is the Municipality of Magsaysay (Lungsod sa Magsaysay in Cebuano and Bayan ng Magsaysay in Tagalog).

            According to the 2020 census, there were 2,906 people living there. This represented 5.1% of Magsaysay’s whole population.

Research Design

The Researcher was utilized descriptive co-relational method designs using formulated survey questionnaires. The illustrative method entailed describing, analyzing, and interpreting the current situation. Frequently involves comparison and contrast, intending to determine the cause-and-effect link in the study.

Respondents of the Study

This research was done at Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. The respondent of this study are the registered electorates of Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur and Barangay council within the perspective area of barangay from purok 1 to 9. Those are such as the registered electorates are mentally able in order to actively participate who answered the survey questionnaires of how they are competent as leaders during the covid-19 pandemic.

Determination of Sample Size

            The sample size of the respondents was determined by getting the total number of registered electorate in Barangay Upper Bala with the total population of 3, 147. The researcher use the Slovin’s formula with the marginal error of 0.05 to compute for the sample size. The sample size of the respondents is equal to 355.

Research Instrument

            The Researcher we’re utilized a descriptive survey method design using formulated survey questionnaires. The illustrative method involved description, analysis and interpretation of existing conditions. Often involves, the study’s cause and effect link was attempted to be discovered through comparison and contrast.

            As a research instrument, the Researcher will employ constructed survey questionnaires. The survey questionnaire is the study’s research questions are the emphasis of the question.

Sampling Technique

Using Slovin’s formula in computing the sample size, there was a total of 355 respondents for this study. The Researcher we’re be using complete enumeration in determining the samples where in the identified how the council in Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur competent as a leader in a barangay was be taken as sample respondents of the study.

Table 1. Registered Electorate Peoples Population in Barangay Upper Bala and Sample Size of the Study.

Purok of Barangay Upper Bala Total Electorates Population Sample Size
Purok 1-9 3,147 355
Total 3,147 355

Data Gathered

            The barangay leadership competence of the barangay council and the appointed electorates are the main respondents of this study, which is the primary source of information. The data to be gathered will include the determination of the socio-demographic profile of respondents, the exhibited leadership capability of the barangay council in terms of Health Preparedness and Emergency Response, the Provission of COVID-19 Assistance, and the Implementation of Health Protocols.

Data Gathering Procedure

            The survey method using the formulated survey questionnaires is the primary tool for acquiring data for the survey. The questionnaires were being translated into Cebuano so that the participants may comprehend the questions. To fill up the gaps in the data for the study, follow-up interviews will be conducted.


Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Respondents

            This chapter presented the findings and analysis of the study that was thematically analyzed to comprehend the evaluation of the barangay council’s leadership skills during the Covid-19 pandemic in barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.

Table 2 shows the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. Study shows that the highest frequency in ages group are in between 30 years old and below with a frequency of 146 or 41.1% while the lowest are in between 40-49 years old with a frequency of 59 or 16.6%. In gender group the highest frequency rate are the females with a frequency of 221 or 62.3% and the lowest are the males with a frequency of 134 or 37.7%. In civil status group the highest frequency rate are the married with a frequency of 223 or 62.8% and the lowest are the widower with a frequency of 6 or 1.7%. In educational attainment the highest frequency rate are the high school graduate with a frequency of 93 or 26.2% and the lowest are the no formal schooling with a frequency of 8 or 2.3%. In monthly income group the highest frequency rate are the PHP 11,000-20,000 with a frequency of 146 or 41.1% and the lowest are the PHP 21,000-30,000 with a frequency of 91 or 25.6%.

The implications of this study show that the respondents’ socio-economic characteristics are sufficient and capable of assessment of the leadership competence of barangay council during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that the respondents are observable to do so in an appropriate manner to their assessment of the leadership competence of the barangay council and they are really aware of these assessment practices. 

Table 2. Socio-Economic   Characteristics of the  Respondents in Selected   Registered   Electorate   of   Barangay   Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. July 4, 2022.

Indicator Frequency Percent

Below 30



50 Above


























Civil Status















Educational Attainment

No Formal Schooling

Elementary Level

Elementary Graduate

High School Level

High School Graduate

College Level

College Graduate




















Monthly Income

PHP 1,000-10,000

PHP 11,000-20,000

PHP 21,000-30,000












 Exhibited Leadership Capability on the Barangay Council

Table 3 shows the exhibited leadership capability on the barangay council in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur through the questionnaire. Health Preparedness and Emergency Response with the agree verbal description and mean of 4.1239, the Provision of Covid-19 Assistance with the agree verbal description and mean of 4. 0761, following of  Implementation of Health Protocols with the agree verbal description and mean of 4.1944 with the overall total mean of 4.1314. This conclude that they are all aware of the provision of the barangay council to protect everyone.

Points of the study implies that lots of us aware of the provision of the barangay council ordinance in how they prepared their ordinances to protect the entire people from this scary virus Covid-19.

According to data from the Indonesian Covid Task Force, as of 2, 2021, there were 3,462,800 cases and 97,291 deaths affected by Covid-19 pandemic. All parties are also expected to be able to make efforts to prevent transmission and mitigate the impact that occurs of Covid-19 from the Government, Provincial Government, Regency/City Government, and all levels of society (Sukadana, 2022).

The researcher concludes that if everyone is aware of the exhibited leadership capability on the barangay council, it is a big help that everyone will stay away from COVID disease.

The implications of uncategorized leadership capability on the barangay council: when the barangay constituents do not cooperate and follow the implemented ordinances in the barangay council, it is possible that everyone will be infected and sick with the scary disease brought by COVID, and many will be effective. That’s why we should know how to follow the implemented rules given to our barangay council.

Table 3. Exhibited Leadership Capability on the Barangay Council of  Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. July 4, 2022.

Indicators Mean Description
1.Health preparedness and emergency response

2.Provision of Covid-19 assistance

3.Implementation of health preparedness

Over all









Level of Management Capability that Affects Rendering Services to the Barangay Constituents During the Pandemic

Table 4 shows the level of management capability that affects rendering services to the barangay constituents during the pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. This shows that Lead and Influence with the agreed verbal description and got the lowest mean of 3.6620, the Exercise Strong and Strict Decision with the agree verbal description and mean 3.7775, following of Delegate Function with the agree verbal description of mean 3.7127, and Actively Tap the Municipal Government with the agree verbal description and got the highest of mean 4.1296 with the overall total mean 3.82045. These table shows the importance of the management capability of the barangay council to protect the constituents of the barangay from the virus caused by the COVID disease.

According to the findings of this study, the barangay council should have the following four management capabilities: lead and influence; exercise strong and strict decision-making authority; delegate function; and actively tap the municipal government so that their ordinances will be worked and followed by the constituents by supporting the mayor of the local barangay.

The implications of the study are to help the barangay constituents to be properly served and protected from what we call the COVID-19 virus by following their ordinances that they implemented so that we will not be affected if we all work together and join in with their management capability that affects rendering services to the barangay constituents during the pandemic.

In order to be able to get “better” at managing knowledge, one needs to know how well one is managing it in the first place (Kulkarni, 2004).

Table 4. Level   of  Management Capability that Affects Rendering Services to the Barangay Constituents During the Pandemic of Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del   Sur. July 4, 2022.

Indicators Mean Description
1.Lead and influence

2.Exercise strong and strict decision

3.Delegate function

4.Actively tap the municipal government

Over all











 Relationship Between Leadership Competence and Management Capability

Table 5 shows relationship between leadership competence and management capability. This study show that the highest P-Value result in the variables are the Wait for an Advise has 0.13325 and the lowest P-Value are the Hands-on the Work has 0.006. However the over-all interpretation is that they have a significant relationship, but the result of decisions is that they are rejected, which means there’s no significant relationship between leadership competence and management capability as said in the hypothesis formulated. Because of this assessment, everyone can see how they are active in their respective positions as a leaders in the barangay and how functional they are, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which until now continues to destroy the lives of people.

            As COVID-19 spread a lot in the community, now a days and become one of the major problems in the Philippines (Nicomedes, & Avila, 2020). With the daily increasing of COVI-19 cases in the Philippines, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte implemented a protocol; the wearing of face mask, face shield and observance of physical distancing to minimize in contact with the disease (Cruz, 2021).

That’s why it is very important to know that our so-called leaders,

not only in the barangay but in the whole world, do show importance and care to the entire people based on the results of the data collected through this research problem about the assessment of the leadership competence of barangay council during the COVID-19 pandemic in barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.

Table 5. Relationship    Between    Leadership    Competence   and Management  Capability  of  Barangay  Council  in Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. July 4, 2022

Variables P-Value Interpretation Decision
Performs work function 0.0135 There is a significant relationship Reject
Hands-on the work 0.006 There is a significant relationship Reject
Delegate commands 0.00075 There is a significant relationship Reject
Wait for an advise 0.13325 No significant relationship Accept
Average 0.038375 There is a significant relationship Reject



The objectives of this study on the Assessment of Leadership Competence of Barangay Council During Covid-19 Pandemic in Barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur were to: (1) determine the socio-economic characteristics of respondents including the Age, Gender, Civil Status, Educational Attainment and Monthly Income; (2) determine exhibited leadership capability on the barangay council in terms of health preparedness and emergency response, provision of Covid-19 assistance and implementation of health protocols; (3) determine the level of management capability that affects rendering Services to the barangay constituents during the pandemic in terms of lead and influence, exercise strong and strict decisions, delegate function and actively tap the municipal government; (4) to test the relationship between leadership competence and management capability of barangay council.

This study was carried using a prepared survey questionnaire to 355 respondents in Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. The data gathered from this survey were subject to a statistical tool such as frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation and Person’s R. The majority of the registered electorate respondents were 30 years old which has actively influenced assessments of how the leaders of barangay council were competent during COVID-19 pandemic. While 40 years old to 49 years old is the age where the smallest number of registered electorate respondents due to their concern that they do not want to disturb their work.

The registered electorates are mostly married with a total of 62.8% of the respondents, thus, respondents of 355 were 26.2 % of registered electorates are high school graduate and 23.4 % of registered electorates in elementary graduate. The income of the registered electorates of barangay Upper Bala are mostly monthly of PHP 11,000-20,000 which have the total of 41.1 %. Majority of the registered electorate respondents were 30 years old below doing this rate assessment of how the leadership competence of barangay council during COVID-19 pandemic in barangay Upper Bala, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur aggressive they are with their respective rules and duties just to keep their people away from the scary virus that until now still exists and they should not be complacent and still be careful with what we call viruses and so on.

On the exhibited leadership capability on the barangay council has average weighted mean of 4.1239 and has a description agree which mean this health preparedness and emergency response is work and seen to the respondents. On the other hand, Provision of Covid-19 assistance has average weighted mean of 4.0761 and has a description agree to the respondent. In addition, implementation of health preparedness which has 4.1944 and has a description agree since this the most important according to the respondents that’s why as you observed this the highest mean of all. Then here in the level of management capability, there is an over-all total of 3.82045 who said they agree and they see these four terms in the barangay councils that they have lead and influence, exercise strong and strict decision-making, delegate functions, and actively tap the municipal of the government.

Here in the relationship between leadership competence and management capability, the table shows that the variable with the highest P-Value is Wait for Advice, with 0.13325, and the variable with the lowest P-Value is Hands-on Work, with 0.006. It can really be seen here in this assessment that yes they are listening to the order of what high officials advise/command from the municipality about what should be done to prevent this COVID-19 virus from entering the city in the barangay, and they really have a relationship. However, in the result it is rejected, which means they are still not compatible.


The study’s findings or data led the researcher to the following conclusions:

  1. The socio-economic characteristics of the respondents show that the majority of the respondents were married females between the ages of 30 and below. Most of the respondents in her educational attainment are high school graduates. Individuals with monthly income work status earn between 11,000 and 20,000 pesos per month.
  2. The results of their demonstrated leadership capability in the barangay council revealed that many of his or her constituents are aware of the provisions of the barangay council ordinance in how they prepared their ordinances to protect the entire population from this frightening virus Covid-19. The candidate’s problem awareness was rated similarly, with an overall mean of 4.1314 and rated as high.
  3. In terms of the level of management capability that affects rendering services to the barangay constituents during the pandemic, the barangay council should have the following four management capabilities: lead and influence; exercise strong and strict decision-making authority; delegate function; and actively tap the municipal government, which have an overall mean of 3.82045 and are rated as high.
  4. This study shows that there is a relation between leadership competence and management capability.


After carefully examining the information obtained from the respondents, the researcher suggested that:

  1. Even though the socio-economic characteristics of the respondent are rated highly, which means that everyone agrees that the barangay has done something, the researcher recommends that the barangay council conduct training or orientation regarding COVID-19 so that all people in the community will be aware of how to prevent the contagious disease Corona virus (COVID-19) and what should be the right thing to do in order to continue to protect oneself.
  2. Future researchers and authors are suggested to not forget these four management capabilities of a leader or barangay council: lead and influence, exercise strong and strict decision-making authority, delegate function, and actively tap the municipal government so that if something like this happens again, it’s easy to take action.
  3. The local barangay unit should always remind the people of the barangay that if they want to go out or go to another place, they should always wear facemasks and use rubbing alcohol to avoid the viruses that can cling to their bodies.
  4. It is also suggested that barangay officials contact purok leaders to help spread information about COVID so that it can be discussed and understood clearly, as well as to hold meetings for each purok leader.


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REA JOY L. ALFECHE, a graduate of Bachelor of Public Administration at Davao del Sur State College, Matti, Digos City.


ROEL JR. DALUMATAN APAS, a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology graduate of SPAMAST- CAS, Digos City and a Master of Public Administration major in Local Governance and Administration Graduate at University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), Davao City. A proud member of Blaan Tribe from Balasiao, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur, currently studying Doctor of Public Administration at Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City, Philippines (ADDU). Presently connected to Davao del Sur State College (DSSC) and designated as Department Chairman of the Bachelor of Public Administration program.

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