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Education Based on the Philosophy of Well-Being towards Cultivating Social Responsibility

  • Norafifah Ab Hamid
  • Siti Nurul Izza Hashim
  • Nor Azlina Abd Wahab
  • Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid
  • Khairul Azhar Meerangani
  • Mohd Amirul Atan
  • 2976-2983
  • Oct 21, 2024
  • Education

Education Based on the Philosophy of Well-Being towards Cultivating Social Responsibility

Norafifah Ab Hamid1*, Siti Nurul Izza Hashim1, Nor Azlina Abd Wahab1, Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid1, Khairul Azhar Meerangani1, Mohd Amirul Atan2

1Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), UiTM Cawangan Melaka

2Academy of Language Studies (APB), UiTM Cawangan Melaka

*Corresponding Author


Received: 06 September 2024; Revised: 20 September 2024; Accepted: 24 September 2024; Published: 21 October 2024


Education is a continuous, comprehensive, and integrated effort aimed at developing a balanced and harmonious individual. This endeavour encompasses four key aspects: physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being, with well-being as its core essence. Personal well-being is crucial in producing well-rounded individuals capable of contributing to their families, communities, and the nation. Consequently, education grounded in the Philosophy of Well-being, which integrates the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara (the National Principles), is considered essential in nurturing individuals with a strong sense of responsibility and a high level of social awareness among today’s younger generation. Education based on the Philosophy of Well-being can clearly be seen, among other things, through the General Subjects (MPU), namely the Philosophy and Current Issues Course. This study aims to explore the concept of education based on the Philosophy of Well-being and to analyse the extent to which it can cultivate social responsibility among the youth. This qualitative study employs documentation as the data collection method and content analysis for data analysis. The findings reveal that education based on the Philosophy of Well-being plays a vital role in fostering social responsibility, first towards oneself and one’s family, and second towards the community and the nation.

Keywords: Education, Philosophy of Well-being, Social Responsibility, Philosophy and Current Issues Course


The education process based on the Philosophy of Well-being is seen as crucial in today’s world. This Philosophy of Well-being refers to the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara (also known as the National Principles), which are the cornerstones of education. This is considered vital because both philosophies have clear goals in creating a well-balanced individual and society, as envisioned by the Malaysia Madani initiative.

Therefore the Philosophy and Current Issues course has been made a compulsory course taught to all undergraduates in both public and private higher learning institutions in Malaysia starting the 2019/2020 intake. This decision was made during the Ministerial Follow-Up Meeting 14/2019 on 12th June 2019 (Marinsah, 2022). Technically, the implementation of this course is a part of the efforts in achieving the National Philosophy of Education that aims to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically balanced (Razak & Hashim, 2019). Additionally, the contents and structure of this course are specifically designed to benefit undergraduates by shaping their holistic and integrated self-potentials which encompass the mastery of knowledge and soft skills (Marinsah, 2021). the implementation of this course is seen to be aligned with the national aspiration of curriculum transformation (Marinsah, 2022). At the same time, this course also emphasizes the aspect of soft skill development including critical thinking, problem-solving, ethics, and professional morale, as well as lifelong education (Course Information Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, 2021). Thus, this course is a highly significant subject that relates to the current generation who is faced with various challenges that may distract their thinking styles which will subsequently deviate their identities.

Education based on the Philosophy of Well-being clearly operates within the context of humanity and statehood, which is locally oriented towards producing responsible individuals and citizens. The humanistic context fulfils the essential needs of individuals, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, while the statehood context emphasises freedom, justice, and peace. Therefore, this paper will analyse the extent to which education based on the Philosophy of Well-being can shape social responsibility among the current generation.


There are typically three main approaches to writing a literature review: chronological, thematic, and methodological. In this article, the researchers have chosen the second approach, which is thematic, focusing on two primary themes: the Philosophy of Well-being and Social Responsibility.

i. Review of the Philosophy of Well-Being

The review of the Philosophy of Well-being encompasses two main aspects: studies related to the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara. According to the study by Mohamad Johdi Salleh (2022), the National Education Philosophy is authoritative in shaping well-rounded, pious, progressive, innovative, and professional individuals. Notably, his research goes beyond the four components of jasmani (physical), emosi (emotional), rohani (spiritual), and intelek (intellectual) aspects (or the acronym J.E.R.I.) by introducing three new components: sosialisasi (socialisation), adab (ethics), and hamba Allah (servitude to Allah; khalifatullah), resulting in the acronym J.E.R.I.S.A.H. This clearly highlightes the crucial role of the National Education Philosophy in developing well-rounded individuals (Mohamad Johdi Salleh, 2022).

From another perspective, a well-rounded society can be nurtured through the appreciation of the Rukun Negara. The Rukun Negara is viewed as a medium for harmony in Malaysia and is essential for the current generation, who will lead the country in the future, to embrace (Nurul Huda Afiqah Zambri et al., 2024). This awareness is found among students of higher education institutions and is seen as crucial in stabilising politics, the economy, and maintaining democratic governance (Ayu Nor Azilah Mohamad, Mohamed Ali Haniffa, Mohd Adib Akmal Ahmad Shatir, 2021).

Furthermore, knowledge of the Rukun Negara, particularly concerning aspects of the constitution and the law, plays a significant role in fostering better leadership in the future (Mohd. Azri Ibrahim et al., 2021). In this regard, the Malaysian Studies course is seen as important, as it raises awareness of the importance of appreciating the Rukun Negara (Hadijah Johari & Anas Suzastri Ahmad, 2019). Similarly, a study conducted on technical students at Universiti Malaysia Perlis indicates that the Ethnic Relations subject is crucial in raising awareness and understanding of the Rukun Negara in fostering a harmonious and tolerant pluralistic society (Siti Norayu Mohd Basir et al., 2014).

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that the discussion of the Philosophy of Well-being is essential to continue exploring and understanding so that the current society can develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves, their families, the community, and the nation. Therefore, this study is considered important and distinct from previous studies, as it focuses on the role of the Philosophy of Well-being in shaping individuals with a high level of social responsibility.

ii. Review of Social Responsibility

According to the study by Nur Shaqirah Md Yunan and Mahadee Ismail (2024), there are four factors that serve as catalysts for the formation and nurturing of volunteerism among Malaysian youth: environment, religious beliefs, the need for recognition and rewards, and understanding. These four external factors not only serve as the foundation for the formation and nurturing of youth volunteerism but also provide a solid basis for empowering the role and contributions of youth in society. Moreover, these factors act as the primary motivation driving youth to remain active and committed to volunteer activities. By understanding and optimising these factors, volunteer programmes can be more effectively and comprehensively planned, thereby increasing youth involvement in volunteer efforts that benefit society as a whole (Nur Shaqirah Md Yunan & Mohd Mahadee Ismail, 2024). Therefore, youth are seen as needing to internalise the spirit of volunteerism. Although this study focuses on volunteerism, it is closely related to the concept of social responsibility. This is because volunteerism is a result of an awareness of social responsibility (Solihah Haji Yahya Zikri et al., 2022).

In contrast, the study by Mashitah Sulaiman, Mohd Azmir Mohd Nizah, and Mohammad Aizuddin Abdul Aziz (2009) advocates for values and attitudes necessary for building and fostering social responsibility. This is closely related to the concept of neighbourliness. The fact is that the harmony of a nation is contributed by good management in its social, economic, and political components. A key component of national well-being is the community’s responsibility towards social work, which must be nurtured and cultivated as a culture that forms the foundation of the nation’s prosperity. Individuals, families, and institutions or organisations are vital social agents contributing to all forms of activities within a community. Among these activities, neighbourhood initiatives can act as a catalyst for fostering goodwill among community members, provided they function and fulfil their roles effectively.

Similarly, the role of the National Service Training Programme (PLKN) in the past was seen as crucial in fostering social responsibility. The study by Kamarudin Ahmad, Mohamad Idris Saleh and Suhana Hamdan (2003) demonstrated the need for patriotism and nationalism within every Malaysian citizen.

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that the discussion of social responsibility is crucial to continue researching to ensure that this attitude is nurtured within Malaysian society, thereby realising the Malaysia Madani concept. Thus, this study is deemed important and distinct from previous research as it focuses on the formation of social responsibility.


This study adopts a qualitative approach using a content analysis design. It is systematic and follows a well-planned process to ensure the precision of the research details. The selection of articles is carried out through three main screening stages: identification, screening, and eligibility. To facilitate the search results, the researcher employs a variety of keywords. Mohamed Shaffril et al. (2020) also highlight that in the process of broadening search results, the use of synonyms or related terms to the research topic can help identify articles relevant to the research objectives. Consequently, five main keywords were utilised: education, well-being philosophy, Rukun Negara, social concern, and social responsibility.

Subsequently, the study narrows down the search scope, focusing exclusively on research conducted in Malaysia. The researcher must explicitly decide on and explain the criteria for selecting and determining the articles to be used, ensuring that the research remains focused on its objectives and aims (Okoli, 2015). Based on the selected articles, the researcher limits the search to articles published between 2000 and 2024. The eligibility process is conducted after the articles have been screened and separated. Following this, the researcher proceeds by reading the abstracts of the articles. The general information compiled includes the year of publication, type of study, type of analysis (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed), and research findings. The collected articles are then used to answer the research questions. All articles are ensured to be relevant to the research title and objectives. The analysis process is conducted manually to address all the research questions.


Social concern or social responsibility can be defined as the belief that the function of an organisation, society, or individual as a decision-maker should be based on the social and economic interests of the community. This concept refers to actions and choices that benefit society and promote its well-being. As such, every individual in society must uphold social responsibility and exercise self-control, whether it be through internal or external awareness. Internal control involves self-regulation through intellect, emotions, and desires, while external awareness pertains to external influences such as society, events, and physical elements (Ahmad Zamil Abd Khalid et al., 2021).

From another perspective, well-being is closely related to the intrinsic self-management of individuals, balanced with extrinsic factors. Intrinsic motivation is a strong internal drive within an individual to perform tasks or actions out of a sense of responsibility as a servant and vicegerent of Allah SWT. On the other hand, extrinsic factors include external support received from various parties as recognition for the contributions and commitments made by each individual (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024).

The reality is that the current educational process faces numerous challenges due to global technological advancements and the ongoing industrial revolution. The sophistication of technology and the openness brought about by globalisation have, to some extent, disrupted the natural state of well-being that individuals and society should ideally enjoy. Unintentionally, this has also eroded the sense of responsibility within individuals, leading to an attitude of indifference towards oneself, family, community, and nation. This lack of social responsibility should be addressed to prevent it from becoming a malignant force in society and the country. More concerning is the potential for it to become a threat to national peace. Therefore, education that emphasises well-being needs to be prioritised to ensure that individuals emerging from this process can achieve true well-being.

Accordingly, the Philosophy and Current Issues Course which applies philosophy-based education by making the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara Philosophy as the basic framework is seen to play an important role in the process of forming the social responsibility attitude of today’s young generation. In general, this course contains eight (8) main topics that are taught across a period of fourteen (14) weeks of lecture (Course Information Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, 2021) as the followings:

Topic 1: Introduction to Philosophical Knowledge

Topic 2: Philosophy in Life

Topic 3: The Arts and Techniques of Thinking

Topic 4: The Concept of Insan (Psychology & Sociology)

Topic 5: The Concept of Insan (Metaphysics)

Topic 6: Epistemology

Topic 7: Epistemology and Current Issues (Ideology)

Topic 8: Ethics as a Philosophical Issue (Decolonisation)

Since the National Education Philosophy and Rukun Negara Philosophy is an important aspect of the Prosperous Philosophy, it has been used as an initial discussion placed in the first topic. The discussion in this section emphasizes the students’ understanding of the two main philosophies. From that the goal of the National Education Philosophy can be understood as follows:

“…Education in Malaysia is an ongoing effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, aiming to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in God. This effort is to produce knowledgeable Malaysian citizens who possess high moral standards, are responsible, and are capable of achieving personal well-being as well as contributing to the harmony and prosperity of the community and the nation.” (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2024)

Furthermore, the Rukun Negara refers to the national ideology proclaimed during the National Day celebrations in 1970 to ensure that unity among the diverse population is preserved, allowing for a harmonious living environment. To achieve the desired well-being, the Rukun Negara outlines five main principles as follows:

  1. Belief in God
  2. Loyalty to the King and Country
  3. Supremacy of the Constitution
  4. Rules of Law
  5. Courtesy and Morality

In this context, education based on the philosophy grounded in the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara Philosophy is seen as playing a crucial role in fostering social responsibility. Both philosophies contain internal and external elements necessary to achieve the desired well-being of society, thus realising the Malaysia Madani concept. Therefore, education based on the philosophy of prosperity applied in the Philosophy and Current Issues Course plays an important role in shaping the two main aspects:

i. Fostering Social Concern Towards Oneself and Family

The development of responsibility or concern for oneself and family can first be achieved through the National Education Philosophy. The National Education Philosophy has two types of goals: universal goals and specific goals. The primary goal of the National Education Philosophy is to “produce balanced and harmonious individuals in terms of intellect, spirituality, emotions, and physicality.” The secondary goal is to “produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable, competent, of noble character, responsible, and capable of achieving personal well-being, and contributing to the harmony and prosperity of family, society, and the nation.” The main role of education is to help ensure that every individual educated within the system succeeds in achieving balance and harmony within themselves. Consequently, students will attain balance across four essential dimensions of their lives: intellectual and knowledge dimensions involving the mind, spiritual dimensions involving the soul, emotional dimensions, and physical dimensions involving the body and spirit (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024). The balance formed within individuals across the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual aspects indirectly meets the criteria of responsibility towards oneself and family, as ordained by God.

In the context of the Rukun Negara Philosophy, Malaysian society should be educated to internalise it so that it does not merely serve as lip service or memorised for the sake of recitation without understanding and practising it in daily life. This is crucial to enhance the identity of Malaysia’s diverse society. As Tun Abdul Razak once said:

“The secret of the perfection of the Rukun Negara lies in its practice. Without practice, the Rukun Negara will become a mere document with no meaning.” (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024)

Thus, the first principle of the Rukun Negara, Belief in God, must be internalised and practised by every individual to fulfil the responsibilities of being a conscientious citizen. Faith or religious belief is fundamental to every individual. Based on this principle of belief in God, individuals are motivated to live peacefully and respect one another. The universal values instilled through religious teachings will undoubtedly produce responsible individuals who are concerned about themselves and their families.

Therefore, the provision of the Federal Constitution regarding Article 3, which states that Islam is the religion of the Federation, and other religions may be practised peacefully, should be internalised by every citizen. Based on this principle, individuals who are concerned and responsible towards themselves, their families, and subsequently, society and the nation will emerge. As a result, all responsibilities or divine commandments concerning oneself and one’s family will be fulfilled with integrity. It is evident that philosophy-based education plays a significant role in shaping social concern or social responsibility in individuals who internalise it.

ii. Fostering Social Concern Towards Society and the Nation

The development of social concern or social responsibility towards society and the nation is strongly linked to the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara Philosophy. Ideally, every individual who undergoes the education system in Malaysia will be instilled with the values of these two philosophies. This is because, fundamentally, both philosophies aim not only at individual development but also at the betterment of society and the nation. Therefore, through education based on the philosophy of well-being, underpinned by the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara Philosophy, social concern for society and the nation will be cultivated.

The development of social concern towards society and the nation can be achieved through the secondary goal of the National Education Philosophy, which pertains more to the context of society, specifically in Malaysia. The National Education Philosophy has a practical purpose of producing Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable, competent, of noble character, responsible, and capable of achieving personal well-being, and contributing to the harmony and prosperity of family, society, and the nation. The secondary goal of the National Education Philosophy is an application of the universal principles contained in its primary goal to the context of Malaysian society and the nation (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024). Clearly, education that successfully produces individuals who are balanced in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual aspects will be able to shape responsible citizens towards society and the nation.

Furthermore, the development of social concern towards society and the nation can be achieved through the internalisation of the Rukun Negara Philosophy, which emphasises the principles of Loyalty to King and Country, Supremacy of the Constitution, Rules of Law, and Courtesy and Morality. Generally, it should be understood that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King) is the Head of State. In line with the position of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the constitutional monarch, the manifestation of loyalty to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Rulers, and Yang Di-Pertua Negeri includes absolute loyalty, honesty, and sincerity towards all ruling monarchs, including full allegiance to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the Head of State. The existence of the monarchy institution in Malaysia must be clearly understood by all levels of society, regardless of religion, race, age, or socioeconomic background (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024).

Similarly, the principles of Supremacy of the Constitution and Rules of Law must be understood as the highest authority that must be respected and adhered to by all members of society. The Rules of Law principle contains two general aspects. First, the power exercised by the government must be based on or derived from legitimate sources, making it a system that upholds the law (a government of law) rather than a system that upholds individuals (a government of men). Second, government bodies must act according to laws that embody the standards of justice accepted by society, based on agreed-upon values enshrined in the constitution (Shamrahayu Ab Aziz, 2015).

Finally, the principle of Courtesy and Morality is also a crucial aspect in fostering social concern towards society and the nation. Its purpose is to shape citizens who are polite and capable of maintaining etiquette at all times. This principle serves as a guide to ensure that the behaviour of society is always preserved and evolves in line with national identity and noble values. Additionally, it acts as a deterrent against the manipulation of unity and racial issues by irresponsible individuals (Asmaa’ Mohd Arshad et al., 2024). The emergence of various issues on social media today, which undermine the courtesy expected of citizens, such as the use of harsh language, insults, and the exposure of personal shortcomings, is closely related to the failure to internalise this principle. Therefore, the internalisation of this principle should be emphasised in ongoing education.

From that it is clear that education based on the Philosophy of Prosperity as applied in the Philosophy and Current Issues Course should be maintained in the context of today’s education so that the generation that is born truly understands the nature of responsibility as a citizen. Not only that, but they should also become good citizens who play a role in ensuring the well-being of society and the nation, particularly in the current context of unity in diversity within Malaysian society.


Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that education plays a crucial role in shaping the attitudes of individuals and society within a nation. Therefore, any educational system must be underpinned by a well-defined philosophy and clear objectives to ensure the well-being of individuals, society, and the country as a whole. In the context of Malaysia, education grounded in the Philosophy of Well-being, with the National Education Philosophy and the Rukun Negara Philosophy as its core pillars, is seen as vital. Embracing these two philosophical values is essential in fostering a sense of social responsibility towards oneself, family, society, and the nation. This sense of social responsibility is a fundamental trait that must be instilled in every citizen to guarantee the well-being of society and the nation. Ultimately, this will contribute to the realisation of the Malaysia Madani society, as the success of a civilisation is inherently tied to the attitudes of its people.


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