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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science

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How Satisfied are Employees in Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia?

  • Zaherawati Zakaria
  • Nazni Noordin
  • Amirah Othman
  • Mohd Zool Hilmie Mohamed Sawal
  • 1026-1037
  • Oct 4, 2024
  • Human resource management

How Satisfied are Employees in Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia?

Zaherawati Zakaria1, Nazni Noordin2, Amirah Othman3, Mohd Zool Hilmie Mohamed Sawal4*

1,2,3Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

4Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author


Received: 12 August 2024; Accepted: 27 September 2024; Published: 04 October 2024


Measuring job satisfaction in the manufacturing sector can be more difficult than in other industries due to the characteristics of the workplace. Physical working conditions, job security, salary, and organisational culture all have a substantial impact on employee happiness in the manufacturing industry. Understanding work satisfaction in Malaysia’s manufacturing sector demands a comprehensive approach that considers the industry’s particular difficulties and considerations. As a result, the researchers chose Bbraun Medical Industry Sdn Bhd, a well-known company in Penang, Malaysia, to investigate employee satisfaction in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. The goal of this study is to investigate the factors that influence job satisfaction among 50 respondents. The study employed the quantitative method of a survey, and the findings indicate that there is a substantial association between job satisfaction with flexibility, nature of work, benefits, and a positive relationship with the supervisor. In their recommendations, the researchers believe that there is potential for improvement in terms of providing welfare and benefits to front-line operators in every industrial industry. By addressing these issues, employees’ job happiness will increase, as will company performance. Perhaps in future research, more studies of job satisfaction will be done in a wider scope of methods, sample size and territories and variables to get more in-depth analysis in various manufacturing industries.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Employees, Manufacturing, Industry.


Managing the human resource in an organization is important in achieving organizational goals. Organizational leadership styles are vital in job satisfaction of workers (Ajamobe et al., 2022). The successfulness of the organization is mainly determined by the management of the organization and the leadership. Many researchers have examined the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction & job performance in different settings (Abdullah et al., 2020). An effective leader should not consider only the productivity of the work. Since recent years, the importance of job satisfaction has been increasing. Job satisfaction has been defined in many ways in literature. Some consider it as a happiness relating to his or her job. The “satisfaction” is defined as an expression of the pleasure and inner peace experienced by individuals themselves in general (Ahmad et al., 2019). Job satisfaction is commonly known as a multidimensional concept that comprises with employee feelings about intrinsic and extrinsic job elements job satisfaction includes specific aspects such as benefits, pay, work conditions, promotion, direction, organizational practices, and relations with co-workers (Allozi et al., 2022). Job satisfaction as a happiness relating to their jobs. The “satisfaction” is an expression of the desire and inside peace experienced by individuals. Job satisfaction may be defined as the fulfilment of job expectations. Various things influence employee job satisfaction such as pension, pay, fringe benefits, success, independency, appreciation, working conditions, working environment, job security, and work flexibility (Abdullah et al., 2020; Anwar & Qadir, 2017). The level of involvement in decision-making and independency are influential factors in their levels of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction comprises with two main sub factors, intrinsic job satisfaction and extrinsic job satisfaction (Asgarova, 2019). Intrinsic job satisfaction refers to the work itself, how people feel about the nature of the job tasks themselves. Extrinsic job satisfaction refers to the external factors of the job, how people feel about aspects of the work situation that are external to the job tasks itself (Muktamar et al., 2023). Job satisfaction may be considered as a long-term key to talent retention for a company to maintain and expand its operations (Ajamobe et al., 2022). Employee job satisfaction is a key factor in productivity, engagement, performance, efficiency, quality, loyalty, and client satisfaction, task uniqueness, job significance, independence, and reaction that have an impact on three psychologically significant states such as duration of experience, responsibility for consequences, and acquaintance of the real results), which sequentially affect work outcomes (work satisfaction, malingering and work inspiration). All the essential occupational qualities can be taken together to create an encouraging possible score for a career, which serves as a gauge of how probable it is for a job to have an impact on an employee’s behaviours and attitudes (Badrianto & Ekhsan, 2020). Thus, this study tries to reveal the extent of job satisfaction and what the factors contribute to satisfaction among operators at manufacturing sector in Malaysia. Bbraun Medical Industry Sdn Bhd, a well-known company in Penang, Malaysia is chosen due to one of established manufacturing company in Malaysia over the years.


Job satisfaction is related to a person’s sense of fulfilment at work, which serves as a motivator to continue working. It’s not about self-satisfaction, happiness, or satisfaction; it’s about job fulfilment. Satisfaction refers to the uncomplicated emotional state that occurs when an urge achieves its goal (Bhanudas, 2021). However, when an employee is working in a commercial organisation, he carries with him his own set of needs, desires, and experiences, all of which determine expectations that he has previously ignored. Job satisfaction is a measure of how realistic expectations are in comparison to actual rewards. Djastuti (2019) reviews the research on how individuals feel about work, including cultural and gender differences in job satisfaction, as well as personal and organisational factors, and probable repercussions of job satisfaction and unhappiness. The researcher gives a simple review of job satisfaction’s application, measurement, causes, and implications and how to have a better working environment without switching careers. She offers simple and practical advice on how to achieve optimal job happiness and overcome the barriers that keep so many of us from enjoying our jobs. According to Gazi et al., (2022), an organization’s reward system has an important impact in enhancing employee job satisfaction; more rewards and happy employees at work result in higher production for businesses. More than 20 variables of job satisfaction, including career development prospects, benefits, the freedom to combine life and work, and salary, were investigated by Hee et al., (2019) in determining employee satisfaction and then creating significant adjustments to enhance both satisfaction and work quality. The benefits of cooperation in improving job efficiency and increasing organisational production are undeniable, but these benefits cannot be realised until teamwork is actively implemented inside a company. Teamwork can also aid in the completion of organisational tasks. Collaboration can also assist provide a comfortable working condition by minimizing social errors and improve job satisfaction, while in complicated and hectic circumstances, teamwork can help provide a comfortable working condition. All the following elements have combined to make cooperation a key contributor to job effectiveness in today’s world (Ibrahim, 2021).  When employees are expected to work in formal teams, increasing their willingness to work in teams should be done in a more systematic way. However, even in informal teams or individual forms of job performance, it is crucial to understand the significance of being a good team player (Keserwani et al.,2021). Because practically all studies on job satisfaction and performance have identified job satisfaction because of team performance, teamwork has also been known as a motivator for job satisfaction Ibrahim, Ali & Zumrah, 2019; Ibrahim,2021; Keserwani et al., (2021). The focus on job satisfaction because of teamwork and team success has required a focus on job satisfaction’s benefits to teamwork and motivation to work in groups (Keserwani et al., (2021). The researcher carried out a study on several Malaysian government hospitals, concentrating on the relationship between job satisfaction and desire to work in groups. Dissatisfaction was shown to be caused by a lack of communication and collaboration between supervisors and team members in this study (Ibrahim, Ali & Zumrah, 2019).

Based on Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation-Hygiene Elements, the current study looked at job satisfaction from a nature of work perspective, with the goal of examining the link and the style of relationship between these factors and willing to work in teams. In a study of a group of residential childcare workers in the United Kingdom, their levels of satisfaction and commitment, as well as their willingness to work in teams, were identified (Mahfar et al.,2020). According to an analysis of job features and teamwork, nurses who were more satisfied with their work environment and had higher teamwork scores were considerably more likely to stay in that employment. Furthermore, the more competent the working environment, the higher the teamwork levels were assessed, and this combination resulted in superior quality of care, improved communication and collaboration in recent years, and confidence in patients’ abilities to manage their own care once discharged (Meet, Pallavi, Sinha, 2019).  If somehow the employees’ successes and recognition, as well as their friendly and welcoming working environment, contribute to their collaborative behaviour, then job satisfaction will become a behaviour attitude that encourages more teamwork among the employees, as well as a behaviour intention to work in teams. Flexible time is becoming increasingly popular in the business world, because organisations who have implemented it have been able to keep up with the times while also improving the quality of life of their employees. Flexible work programmes will undoubtedly continue to be employed in the future, and they will be used more frequently. With the growing popularity of the Internet and the widespread availability of high-speed Internet connections in both homes and companies, the tools required to make flexible work programmes successful are rising (Minh et al., 2019; (Meet, Pallavi, Sinha, 2019), there is a growing need for increased job flexibility, particularly among the younger population. Evidence suggests that millennials would want to telecommute or work flexible hours. Flexible working will, rather than being the exception, become the rule in most jobs in the future. Dissatisfaction can result from a lack of balance between an employee’s work duties and their other responsibilities. Employees who have a good work-family balance frequently feel more responsible and in charge of both. Increased loyalty and commitment from subordinates can be rewarded for a helpful boss and it also improves in employee engagement and cuts down of turnover and recruitment (Mohelska et al., 2020). Flexible plans are used as a tool or as part of an Human Resource strategy to attract, retain, and motivate important people (Najimuddin & Abeysundara, 2019). Flexible working can improve job satisfaction and work-life balance in some cases, but they frequently lead to work augmentation and work-life tensions.

According to Na-Nan, Kanthong, & Joungtrakul (2021), Employees are more likely to stay with firms that implement flexible working arrangements. These practices define how much an organisation cares about their well-being. The flexi hours policy gives you discretion over when you start and stop working. It makes it easier for employees to meet their non-work obligations, such as childcare, household duties, or personal hobbies (Nanjundeswaraswamy, Kavya, & Sanjana (2020). Family-oriented improvement programme that allowed employees to determine their starting and ending working hours and reap the benefits. To begin with, such employees are assumed to operate efficiently and successfully. Second, it assists in the reduction of organisational issues such as absenteeism, employee turnover, and job stress. Finally, it contributes to a healthy and pleasant balance between personal and professional life by increasing employee retention. The flexibility of working conditions allows employees’ families to cope with hard job while also handling home responsibilities (Nanjundeswaraswamy, 2019). Flexitime allows employees to choose the working hours that are most convenient for them and in which they feel they can perform their best. It also boosts employee morale and improves employee job satisfaction. Unfortunately, not all businesses are compatible with and benefit from flexitime. It is undesirable for organisations with few line operations, but it may be appropriate for businesses that operate many shifts. Employers, on the other hand, have had difficulties with flextime. Worker supervision, planning, and control can be costly and logistically challenging (Ngwenya & Pelser (2020). Riyadi (2019) found a clear strength of association between schedule flexibility and employee job satisfaction, with working from home increasing employee job satisfaction but working on weekends having a negative influence. Employees’ emotional reaction defines their job satisfaction based on a comparison between real and anticipated outcomes (Satpathy et al., 2019; Shamini, 202; Singh, Kumar & Meet, 2023). Benefits are diverse and cater to a variety of social and economic demands. Employer contributions to social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and worker’s compensation insurance fall into two types of benefits that are mandated by law (Singh, Kumar & Meet (2023). A combination of organisational practises, policies, and programmes, as well as a philosophy, aimed at assisting employees in achieving success at work and at home but cannot be applied in manufacturing industries (Yang et al., (2021).

Fringe benefits relate to the portion of an employee’s benefits package that is supplied in addition to their guaranteed base income. Guaranteed employment benefits such as retirement benefits, medical aid benefits, life and disability insurance, housing benefits, automobile allowance, or cell phone allowance are all included in an employee employee benefits (Sypniewska, Baran& Klos, 2023). Mobility payments, flexible start dates, confirmation incentives, use of employer facilities, fitness club membership, bonus pay, personal finance, and clothing allowances are all examples of fringe benefit. Syarifin & Atmaja (2023) on the other hand, included most fringe benefits in their study of non-profit employees and found that just two out of nine fringe benefits are positively and substantially connected to job satisfaction, while one is negatively and significantly related. Furthermore, according to Sypniewska, Baran& Klos, (2023) research, fringe benefits have a considerable and favourable impact on job satisfaction. Additionally, the findings discovered that while fringe benefits account for a considerable component of company bonus payments, little attention has been paid to their impact on worker job satisfaction. Tabassum et al., (2023) focuses on a notion known as Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and describes as the degree to which an employee feels valued by their employer and how they consider their work to be valuable to the organisation. When a supervisor-subordinate relationship has strong traits, it is likely to be met by strong levels of support. Given limited time, it may be difficult for a supervisor to engage with their employees to the same extent (Sypniewska, Baran, & Klos, 2023). In many circumstances, the connection between a supervisor and an employee can influence job satisfaction in two ways: internally and externally. The relationship between supervisor and employee, as well as job satisfaction, is a prominent topic in the workplace, causing academics to perform studies to identify the exact impact and how it affects the organisation (Han & Bi, 2024).  Under this concept, employees compare how much work they do to the incentives and privileges they receive. Job efforts need several investments, including time, energy, skills, experience, and intelligence, all of which are necessary to execute the right job task. Job rewards, on the other hand, are the benefits that a student receives from the organisation, such as money, respect, status, authority, and social image (Bocean et al., 2023). Employees may feel unwilling and dissatisfied because of perceived disparities between these two components (Janssen, 2001), resulting in an uncomfortable emotional state.


The researchers used a quantitative survey to test the hypotheses to determine the determinants of job satisfaction among respondents. Operators who work under Bbraun Sdn. Bhd. in both indirect and direct labour are used as the study’s unit of analysis. Employee data from Bbraun(M) Sdn Bhd was obtained for this study from the Human Resources Department. Out of 1000 employees, 50 respondents were chosen using Roscoe’s (1975) Rule of Thumb to calculate sample size. A cluster sample is obtained by splitting the population into sections or clusters, then selecting one or more clusters and employing all members of the clusters as sample members. A ‘cross-sectional survey’ is a study in which data is collected only once, perhaps over the course of a few days, weeks, or months, to answer research questions (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The researchers used a set of questionnaires that were delivered to Bbraun (M) Sdn Bhd personnel as respondents and distributed through self-administering. The questionnaire was printed in both Malaysian and English as the medium of communication. At Bbraun (M) Sdn Bhd, descriptive statistics and correlations were used to examine the relationship between flexibility, nature of work, benefits, and the good relationship with supervisor collaboration with job satisfaction among operators in this manufacturing sector in Penang, Malaysia.


The demographic characteristic of the respondents that will identify them from one another based on the respondent’s background was provided in the profile of respondents. The goal of this study was to determine the most important factors which influence employee work satisfaction at BMI. Below is the table of the findings of demographic factor.

Table 4.1 Table Profile of Respondents

Demographic Factor Description Frequency Percent (%)
Gender Male 22 44
Female 28 56
Total 50 100
Age Less than 30 21 42
31-40 11 22
41-50 9 18
Above 50 9 18
Total 50 100
Educational Level Secondary School 34 68
Diploma 13 26
Degree 3 6
Total 50 100
Maritial Status Married 33 66
Unmarried 17 34
Total 50 100
Monthly Income RM 1200 to RM 1500 23 46
RM 1501 to RM 2000 15 30
RM 2001 to RM 2500 8 16
RM 2501 to RM 3000 4 8
Total 50 100
Work Experience Less than 2 years 15 30
2 to 5 years 13 26
5 to 10 years 12 24
Above 10 years 10 20
Total 50 100

Based on the table above, the percentage of respondents from the male respondents were 44% and 56% were female respondents. From the table above, it shows that less than 30 years old were most of the respondents which is 42%, followed by 31-40 years old with 22% and 41-50 years and 50 years and above shared the same percentage which is 18% for both. Findings shows that, for the educational level, majority of the respondents are from the secondary high school which contribute 68%, where for the Diploma holder with 26% followed by the Degree holder with 6%. Other than that, 66% of the respondents were married, where the unmarried were 34%. Besides that, from the respondents in BMI, the high percentage of the monthly income which from RM1200 to RM1500 were 46%. Followed by RM1501 to RM2000 were 30%, RM2001 to RM2500 with 16% and for the monthly income which RM2501 to RM3000 were 8%. From the table above, it shows that for work experience which less than 2 years were 30%. This were most of the respondents. 2 to 5 years of work experience were 26%, followed by 5 to 10 years with 24% and the minority of the respondents were above than 10 years with the percentage of 20%.

The extent of Job Satisfaction at Bbraun Medical Industries

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistic of extent of Job Satisfaction

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
I am happy with my work 50 1 5 1.70 .789
I am satisfied with my teammate 50 1 4 1.80 .700
I satisfy with my salary 50 1 5 2.34 1.206
I am satisfied with the environment of my work 50 1 5 2.08 1.007
Valid N (listwise) 50        

The total questions which represented the dependent variable were 4 questions. The table above shows that the extent of Job Satisfaction at Bbraun Medical Industries Pulau Pinang. The interval scale measurement was applied in this research, and the mean values for each item were determined. The total number of responders is 50, all of them were BMI employees. The first question under the Job Satisfaction is ‘I am happy with my work’. The minimum answer was 1 and the maximum answer is 5 and the mean value is 1.70. Therefore, most of the employee are happy with their work. The second question is ‘I am satisfied with my team mate’. the minimum answer is 1 and the maximum answer is 4. And the results show that, the mean value is 4 which may conclude that most of the respondents are satisfied with their teammate.  Meanwhile, for the third questions is ‘I satisfy with my salary’. The minimum answer is 1 and the maximum answer is 5. Where the mean value is 2.34 which shows that the respondents are feel satisfied with their salary which may influence to the job satisfaction. The last question under job satisfaction is ‘I am satisfied with the environment of my work’. the minimum answer is 1 and the maximum answer is 5. For the mean value is 2.08. it shows that the respondents are satisfied with the environment of their work which may contribute to job satisfaction.  From the findings above, we can conclude that most of the respondents are satisfied with the job satisfaction at Bbraun Medical Industries. Hence, the objective of the study is to determine the level of job satisfaction at BMI.

Pearson’s Correlation

Pearson’s Correlation was used by the researcher in this study to determine the strength of the link between two variables, whether it was strong, moderate, or weak. The researchers assess the strength of the link between job satisfaction, nature of work, flexibility, benefits, and a good relationship with supervisor.

Table 4.3: Correlation between nature of work and job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Nature of Work
Job Satisfaction Pearson Correlation 1 .926**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 50 50
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

According to the table above, it shows that the value of r = 0.926 which means that there was a positive relationship, and the relationship was strong. Besides that, it shows that there was a significant (p) between both variable where p<0.01 which is p = 0.000. As the result, nature of work influences the job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industries at Pulau Pinang. Hence, the Ho was rejected because the analysis shows that there was a positive relationship between nature of work and job satisfaction among the employees at BMI. Thus, this result is similar to the study from Yang at al., (2021) discovered that nature of work contributed to job satisfaction among employees.

Table 4.4: Correlation between flexibility and job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Flexibility
Job Satisfaction Pearson Correlation 1 .838**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 50 50
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

According to the table above, it shows that the value of r = 0.838 which means that there was a positive relationship, and the relationship was strong. Besides that, it shows that there was a significant (p) between both variable where p<0.01 which is p = 0.000. As the result, flexibility influence the job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industries at Pulau Pinang. Hence, the Ho was rejected because the analysis shows that there was a positive relationship between flexibility and job satisfaction among the employees at BMI. Thus, this result is related to the result from Tabassum et al., (2023) investigated the relationship between work flexibility, job satisfaction, and job performance and the empirical findings revealed that work flexibility (flexible schedules, flextime, or reduced working time) has a significant impact on job satisfaction and performance. Furthermore, flexible work has been shown to have a major impact on employee happiness, personal and professional performance, and overall motivation.

Table 4.5: Correlation between benefits and job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Benefits
Job Satisfaction Pearson Correlation 1 .775**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 50 50
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the table above, it shows that the value of r = 0.775 which means that there was a positive relationship, and the relationship was strong. Besides that, it shows that there was a significant (p) between both variable where p<0.01 which is p = 0.000. As the result, benefits influence the job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industries at Pulau Pinang. Hence, the Ho was rejected because the analysis shows that there was a positive relationship between benefits and job satisfaction among the employees at BMI. From the researcher by Tabassum et al., (2023), the findings shows that company’s culture, benefits, and remuneration have a direct impact on employee satisfaction. As a result, employee retention improves because of happier employees.

Table 4.6: Correlation between good relationship with supervisor and job satisfaction

Job Satisfaction Good Relationship with Supervisor
Job Satisfaction Pearson Correlation 1 .826**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 50 50
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the table above, it shows that the value of r = 0.826 which means that there was a positive relationship, and the relationship was strong. Besides that, it shows that there was a significant (p) between both variable where p<0.01 which is p = 0.000. As the result, good relationship with Supervisor influences the job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industries at Pulau Pinang. Hence, the Ho was rejected because the analysis shows that there was a positive relationship between relationship with Supervisor and job satisfaction among the employees at BMI. Thus, the alternate hypothesis (Ha) was accepted because the analysis shows that there was a relationship between good relationship with Supervisor and job satisfaction among the employees. The result shows that all the factors above are the important factors which contribute to the job satisfaction among the employee at BMI. Thus, this finding is similar to the Najwan Abdullah Abduljabbar, Noshaba Batool study by Yang et al., (2021) that the leader-member relationship is a powerful and significant component that can influence an employee’s job satisfaction and loyalty to the company.


The first objective was to know the extent of job satisfaction among the employees at BMI. The Descriptive Statistic was used to justify what level of job satisfaction existed at BMI. Based on the findings, it shows that most of them are satisfied with their job. According to Yang et al., (2021), job satisfaction is defined as an employee’s good and negative feelings toward his or her employment, or the amount of enjoyment associated with the job. Thus, the BMI have created the good environment and job scope which can make their employees feel happy when working. The second research objective is to identify the relationship between nature of work and job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industry. Nature of work is one of the factors which influence to the job satisfaction. This relationship has strong relationship which is the r value is 0.926 where p value is 0.000. The results shows that there is relationship between nature of work and job satisfaction. Thus, the alternate hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This is shows that most of the employee at Bbraun Medical Industry are capable with work in team. Furthermore, Mahfar et al., (2020) discovered that the quality of work in team and communication has a strong impact on employee satisfaction. Hee (2019) conducted a study to see how teamwork affects employee job satisfaction. The study’s findings revealed that nature of work has a strong impact on job satisfaction. The second research objective is to investigate the relationship between flexibility and job satisfaction among employee at Bbraun Medical Industry. Flexibility is another factor that may contribute to the job satisfaction among them. The result for the r = 0.838 where p = 0.000. The results shows that there is positive relationship between flexibility and job satisfaction. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected because the analysis shows that there is a relationship between flexibility and job satisfaction among employee at Bbraun Medical Industry. It shows that the company provide flexible conditions for the employee which can lead to the job satisfaction. According to Han (2024), increasing work flexibility considerably enhanced job performance, motivation leading to performance, and superior performance when combined with flexibility.

The third objective is to examine the relationship between benefits and job satisfaction among the employee at Bbraun Medical Industry. From the correlation results, it shows that r value is 0.775 and the p value is 0.000. Hence, the alternate hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. But for the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Those resources benefit, the most of which may be classified as monetary, are considered a reward, given to employees in exchange for their job, in order to maintain their families, and as reimbursement for work completed during his stay in office. And money is one of the most powerful markers of motivation. According to Ibrahim, Ali, & Zumrah (2019), the business must consider financial incentives and related pay because they have a significant impact on employee motivation and retention. If the pay is insufficient in contrast to the work performed, this is an extrinsic factor that contributes to job dissatisfaction based on Ibrahim (2021). Hence, majority of the employee at Bbraun Medical Industry are satisfied with the benefits provided by the company.  The last research objective is to identify the relationship between the good relationship with supervisor and the job satisfaction. Based on the result, the r value is 0.826 and the p value is 0.000. Thus, the alternate hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. This is hows there are positive relationship between good relationship with supervisor and job satisfaction. One of the main components that contributes to job satisfaction in a negative or positive way is the cooperation between the supervisor and the employees. This is supported by Ahmad et al., (2019). According to study, a manager with participate leadership characteristics does not move the company forward; the company stays in the same place for a long time and does not advance; additionally, this type of leadership reduces job satisfaction, increases labour turnover, and increases burnout time. Thus, by having the good leader or supervisor in terms of understanding, have a good role model may influence to the job satisfaction. Besides, the employee at Bbraun Medical Industry feel satisfied with their superior which have a good bond that may lead to the job satisfaction.

There are several suggestions to improve the employees’ job satisfaction at Bbraun Medical Industry. Below is some suggestion that may increase their job satisfaction. Promotion is something that every employee strives for and works hard for. It is not enough to just promote employees in order to improve employee satisfaction. It would also assist if you did it at the appropriate moment. If someone is working hard, you should not keep the due promotion for too long. Promotion is used by various businesses or institutions as a reward for good productivity among its employees, which increases their efforts. It may be the most useful kind of remuneration if the employee places a high value on the promotion; if not, cash or a wage increase is the best reward for extra effort. Employee development is a collaborative effort between the manager and the employee to build a development plan. This plan specifies areas that need to be improved or developed, as well as the actions or activities that must be undertaken to acquire and embed that knowledge. This development plan is in line with the organization’s objectives, and it eventually acts as a template for identifying the abilities that the employee needs and how to acquire them. Due to the Covid 19, learning and development become important to the company. Employees’ perception of value inside the organisation is established through development programme provided in employment contracts, which fosters loyalty and, as a result, increases staff retention. Organizations must provide the method to upgrade their employees in order to gain a competitive advantage and achieve the best results, which they can do best by organising training and development programmes that not only improve the employees’ skills but also improve their performance, motivation, and job satisfaction. According to Keserwani, et al., (2021), job security is related to social safety in a favourable way. Employees in high positions will perform better in order to keep their high social status. Job insecurity has been found in other research to affect employee commitment, satisfaction, and performance (Abdullah et al., 2020). However, Boceanet al., (2023) discovered no link between job insecurity and job performance. Employees are encouraged to stay on the job by personal characteristics such as their age, level of education, number of children, post level, and salary. The desire for job security grows as an employee gets older and has more personal responsibilities. Long-term employees frequently have higher skill levels, implying that they are more productive and accomplish duties to a higher standard.

The limitation of the study comes from methodology that only used quantitative through survey and it limits the findings. The used of several independent variables also limits the findings and the sample size chosen quite small for a company that well established in Malaysia. For the future research, the researchers can extent to other of manufacturing sectors in order to get broader scope. The researcher can extent the sample size of respondents and maybe not only focus on operators at front line but extent to other post and level of management. Next, in the future study, several variables should be added. Aside from that, further aspects of job satisfaction, such as empowerment, job security, training and development, motivation, and organisational commitment, should be investigated especially different environment of work at manufacturing sector occurred. As a result, it is suggested that in future study, more items and better measures be considered in relation to these dependent variables.


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