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Human Resources Planning in the Organization Goal Achievement at Achievers University Owo

  • OLADIMEJI, Bayode Samuel
  • OLORUNFEMI, Ifedayo Ade
  • OLANITORI, Idowu Paul
  • BOLANLE, Olasoji Margaret
  • 1013-1022
  • Jan 6, 2024
  • Human resource management

Human Resources Planning in the Organization Goal Achievement at Achievers University Owo

1OLADIMEJI, Bayode Samuel, 2OLORUNFEMI, Ifedayo Ade, 3OLANITORI, Idowu Paul, 4BOLANLE, Olasoji Margaret

1Registry Unit, Achievers University Owo, Ondo State Nigeria.

2Department of Business and Management Sciences, Achievers University Owo, Ondo State Nigeria.

3Paul Consult, Research and Data Analysis, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria.

4Registry Unit, Achievers University Owo, Ondo State Nigeria.


Received: 17 November 2023; Revised: 04 December 2023; Accepted: 07 December 2023; Published: 05 January 2024


Human resource planning is unique and greatest imperative human resource practice in an organization. Organizations depend on abundant of human resource planning to control their current position and future needs of manpower. The purpose of this research was to examine the human resources planning in Achieving Organizational Goals at Achievers University Owo by reviewing different literature on human resource planning. This research reviews the literature relating to human resource planning and it focuses on the objectives of human resource planning with focus on key structure that bring human resource planning and reputation of human resource planning to the organization, therefore, the research hired Logit Regression Technique with long likelihood (dichotomous variable) that age and educational level of employees determine organisation goals to be achieved. Ninety (90) questionnaires were served on Achievers University Staff to get data for the work (making the sample size). The findings depicts that impact of age and educational level of employee felt in line descriptive knowledge of human resources managers and key strategies decision making can predict how organisational goals wave with level of education put in place by employees that had been hired/employed/recruited into that organisation also, study has showed that Achievers University Owo, Ondo state, can harness more from the little human resources at her disposer by exposing deeper knowledge about the institution goals to employees and keying them along the system which will bring proper planning and long run achievement to the school and products coming out of it.

Keywords: Human Resources Planning, Achievement, Organizational Goals, Employees, Strategic Planning


Organizations are omnipresent and none of them can perform optimally without efficient human resources hence the need for human resources planning cannot be underestimated. The principal purpose of acquiring human resources in any organization is therefore to aid in the actualization of the organizational objectives. However; in Nigeria, productivity targets vary from reality or actual performance because of range of variable such as environment; human technology, organizational goals and so on. The task of management centres on these variables which have constituted themselves as obstacles for effective performance and actualization of organizational goals. This is because the bureaucratic setting does not and cannot exist in a vacuum. In other words, organization is an embodiment of divergent processes such as human resource planning, human resource recruitment and selection, professional development, performance appraisal/evaluation, retirement and compensation. In any ideal organization, human resource planning (HRP) is usually the first step in the human resource management processes and strategic business. Then suffice it to say that, “the attention of HRP is to ensure that the organization has got the right number of human resources, with the right competences, at the right times, and in the right places (Vineeth, 2019).”To this end, the reasoning is that maximum organizational performance would be guaranteed where the organization has got the right number of human resources, with the right capabilities, at the right times, and in the right places. However, the persisting swamp is the inability of organizations to attain the vision and mission for which it stands for. Hence, the need for a philosophical approach towards unraveling the conditions for such quagmire and attendant escape route. We therefore bear in mind that, “The success of an organization depends on the capability of its leaders and the organizational culture those leaders create. The beliefs and values of an organization’s leaders will always influence its performance” (Soebbing, Wicker and Weimar 2015). Human resource planning plays a significant role in human resource management since it transforms the purposes of the organization into a number of workers desirable by determining the human resource required by the organization (Achievers University Owo (AUO)) to attain its planned goals. In order for an organization to bring about its human resource, it must ensure effective human resource planning.

Statement of the Problem

The difficulties facing Achievers University Owo (AUO) is that the acute inadequacy of qualified human resources. The problem of inadequate enough skilled manpower in Achievers University Owo (AUO) might be traced to variety of workload at the Registry Administrative Unit of the Institution which include the administrative policies that gave the institution more opportunity to develop among her peer of Private Universities in Nigeria. The enhancement of these qualities of an individual must be related to the organisational goals and objectives. In the 21st century, the concept of Human Resource Management (HRM) is becoming slowly outdated and the emerging concept, i.e., Human Resource Planning (HRP) is becoming more prominent. Human Resource Planning is a more forward-looking approach than the management of human resource. Some of the difficulty envisage to be faced by the human resources planners at the institution are as follows: Extract time hours spent that above normal working hours of 5pm as a results of loaded work at hand and the rate of students enrollment particularly form College of Basic and Natural Sciences (CONAS) and College of Engineering and Technology (COET) which needed to be address by achieved in line with Achievers University objectives that this work seeing as a gap to be tackled in the research.

Study Objectives

Aim to learn examine human resources planning organization goal achievement at achievers university Owo with the following specific objectives;

  1. to understand how goals of an organisation can describe proper handling of organisation goal through human resource planning by employee on the ground of their age.
  2. to develop key strategies planning that predict full assurance of human resource planning for organisational goals that to be achieved on level of employee education.


H01: Understanding goals of an organisation does not describe proper handling of organisation goal through human resource planning by employee on the ground of their age.

H02: Developing key strategies planning does not predict and gives full assurance of human resource planning for organisational goals to be achieved on level of employee education.

Significance of the Study

Human resource planning helps businesses do in advance and also address their future workforce needs. Conducting a thorough analysis of the workforce and forecasting their future needs allows businesses to take proactive measures. Therefore, this ensures right talent and resources to meet organizational goals is to recruit and select the most competent personnel to fill vacancies. It determines the human resource needs, assesses the level of the available HR inventory and finally recruits the staff needed to do the job. Human resource planning identifies the skills required for the different job levels. It then organises various training and development campaigns to equip employees with the skills and abilities required to perform the job effectively and efficiently. Human resource planning is important for dealing with changes associated with external environmental factors. It assesses current human resources through an HR inventory and adapts them to changing technological, political, socio-cultural and economic forces.


Human Resource Planning

Organization regulate its present and forthcoming manpower necessities that help to chance its objectives. Bulla and Scott (2014), mortal resource planning is a process for preservation that the human resource supplies of the organization are recognized and strategies are made for satisfying those requirements. Mondy and Noe (2016) supported that human resource planning is the access point of human resource management disturbed with the determination of human resource requirements, job analysis, recruitment, selection and socialization. Reilly (2021) defined workforce planning as a process in which an association contests to evaluation the demand for labour and evaluate the size, nature and source of supply which required to meet the demand. Anyim, Mba and Ekwoaba (2019) were of the estimation that Human resource planning is a first and most undeveloped, activity of the human resource management function.

Process of Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning seizures all activities connecting continuous environmental perusing and revising of organizational strategies, objectives, and strategies in order to confirm that the right excellence and extent of human resources are accessible when and where they are required. Relatively, John (2018) encouraged that five stages procedure is used for creating a relation between human resource and workforce planning and departmental planning to stabilize the current and future necessities and demands of the human resource include determination of business goals, environmental scanning, performing gap analysis, decisive human resource significances and measure, monitor and shot the progress. Izueke (2019) pointed that human resource planning requires detailed analysis of the present and the future to ensure that the organization has the accurate number of people accessible who possess the right kinds of skills to achieve the jobs required by the institute when the work is needed.

Organizational Goals

Organizational goals are deliberated as the strategic objectives established by the administrative management to get the anticipated output and develop the employees’ effort. Instituting organizational goals provides several advantages to the organization. The organization goals allow the employees to reflect in the right direction and define the performance standards. Organisational behaviour allowed to justify the company’s activities and provide constraints for hunting pointless goals as behavioral incentives. Strategic plan set by the organization helps the organization to fulfill their goal (Kumae, 2022). Organisational goals help to analyze the purpose of the association whereas organizational behaviour allows to comprehensive those purposes in an effective manner. Organizational goals help to engage the employees in the work and regulate the course of action that assistance to achieve the business goal.

Human Resource Planning on Organization’s Performance

Richard et al. (2019) detected that the rising and strong keenness in the market has required performance as the most vital subject for profit and non-profit organizations. It consist of three accurate areas of firm result which encompasses financial performance, product market performance and stakeholder profit.

Theoretical Framework for Variable Identification

       Dependent Variables                                                                   Independent Variables

Sources: Research Compilation, 2023.

Organisational goals is anchored on the employees performance through productivity level

Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses Structure

H01: Understanding goals of an organisation does not describe proper handling of organisation goal through human resource planning by employee on the ground of their age.

Handling of organisation goal through human resource planning by employee on the ground of their age is a relative issue to a worker’s performance, and recognizes that there is great variation in individual abilities and functioning at similar and different ages. Kanfer and Ackerman (2014) refer in this context to gains and losses. Aging is associated with losses in both physical and cognitive abilities (Baltes, 2017). Losses occur, for example, in physical strength and in fluid intelligence, such as working memory, abstract reasoning, attention, and processing of new information. However, aging brings gains as well. Gains occur, for example, in preserved intelligence, such as general knowledge, extent of vocabulary, and verbal comprehension (Ackerman, 2016).

H02: Developing key strategies planning does not predict and gives full assurance of human resource planning for organisational goals to be achieved on level of employee education.

Education and human resource development are essential for human progress and contribute tremendously towards worker efficiency and productivity. Self-development, learning, training and development among employees must be encouraged in organizations as the bedrock for effective management development.


The training revised the human resource development and administrative goals finished the use of primary data from questionnaire assigned and related books, journals and related materials on websites so as to find out how organizations use Human Resources Planning tool for competitive advantage in line with global best practices and the present global market. The research design followed Descriptive Research which is primary data base of Achievers University Staff been collected from primary source i.e. questionnaire. The nature of the data prompt for dichotomous characteristic of human planner at the institution to incorporate descriptive analysis and Logit Model Technique for the analysis work. The questionnaire form were given in demographic to capture (age and educational level) and dummy form (Yes or No).

Logistic Regression Method

Logistic regression analysis has develop more authoritative day after day because it is troubled through the analysis of data with a two response that is frequently a binary response variable, in which the achievement variable takes a value (1), and a failure state takes a value (0). The logistic model is used to designate the relationship between the response variable (y), and one illuminating variable (x) or multiple explanatory variables(X1, X2,…Xn) and that relationship is expressed in the following form:

This formula is known as the logistic response function, so that:

β, α: Two model parameters to be evaluated, whereas β >0, They are not restricted .

p(x): The probability of response and be specific between (1,0).

(x): The explanatory variable where (−∞ < x > ∞).


Descriptive Data

Table 1: Age of Staff
  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 20-29 25 27.8 27.8 27.8
31-40 27 30.0 30.0 57.8
41-50 38 42.2 42.2 100.0
Total 90 100.0 100.0  

Sources: SPSS V’ 26

The age range of staff base on their response was showed in the table one above, 25 (27.8%) was within the range of 20-29, 27 (30.0%) was within the range of 31-40 and 38 (42.2%) within 41-50. This mean that, more of well experience staff by age are working at Achievers University. Below is the graph presentation.

Table 2: Gender of Staff

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Male 44 48.9 48.9 48.9
Female 46 51.1 51.1 100.0
Total 90 100.0 100.0  

Sources: SPSS V’ 26

The gender difference of staff was showed in the table 2 above, 44 (48.9%) were male while 46 (51.1%) were female. Below is the graph presentation

It shows the classification of the independent variables into categories, and their frequencies and percentage were calculated:

Table 3: Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
Understanding Goal = NO Understanding Goal = YES Total
Observed Expected Observed Expected
Step 1 1 13 13.000 12 12.000 25
2 13 13.000 25 25.000 38
3 9 9.000 18 18.000 27

Sources: SPSS V’ 26

The Hosmer–Lemeshow test is a statistical test for goodness of fit for logistic regression models. It is hand-me-down frequently in risk prediction models. The test measures whether or not the observed event rates match expected event rates in subgroups of the model population. The Hosmer–Lemeshow test specifically recognizes subgroups as the deciles of fitted risk values. Models for which expected and observed event rates in subgroups are similar are called well calibrated. The test fingered in line, because the expected outcome were in allow with observation and the data put in on dummy response (yes or no).

Table 4: Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients
  Chi-square Df Sig.
Step 1 Step 3.472 2 .001
Block 2.472 2 .021
Model 1.472 2 .011

Sources: SPSS V’26

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients is rummage-sale to check that the new model (with explanatory variables included) is an improvement over the baseline model. It uses chi-square tests to see if there is a significant difference between the Log-likelihoods (specifically the -2LLs) of the baseline model and the new model. If the new model has a significantly reduced -2LL compared to the baseline then it suggests that the new model is explaining more of the variance in the outcome and is an improvement! Here the chi-square is highly significant (Chi-square=117.813 & 120.087, df=2, p<.000) for age and educational level, so our new model is significantly better. This means rejecting the null hypothesis, denotation that there are no significant differences between the models in terms of the constant term only, without the illustrative variables. The model is in terms of the explanatory variables and thus the model is statistically significant and matches the data well (that the explanatory variables included in the model have an impact, significance, and contribution to the classification).

Table 5: Model Summary
Step -2 Log likelihood Cox & Snell R Square Nagelkerke R Square
Age 117.813a .027 .037
Education 120.087a .002 .003

Sources: SPSS V’ 26

To complicate matters, there are three different versions; StepBlock and Model.

The Model row always compares the new model to the baseline. The Step and Block rows are only important if you are adding the explanatory variables to the model in a stepwise or hierarchical manner.

Table 6: The Parameters of the Logistic Regression Model According
to the Maximum Likelihood Method (Variables in the Equation)
β S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B) 95% C.I.for EXP(B)
Lower Upper
Step 1a Age .734 .526 1.944 1 .003 2.083 .742 5.847
Education Level .149 .335 .197 1 .008 1.160 .706 6.645
Constant .080 .400 .040 1 .002 .923
a. Variable(s) entered on step 2: Age, Education Level.

Sources: SPSS V’ 26

Since the regression coefficient for this variable is (0.734), and this is interpreted by changing the value of (x) with an increase of one unit from employee on describe proper handling of organisation goal through human resource planning will increasing the probability of organisational goals by age involvement and knowledge of employee (5.84) in the logarithm of preference for the dependent variable, Then, coefficient of (0.149) developing key strategies arrangement by predicting and giving full assurance of human resource planning for organisational goals to be completed on level of employee education as yielded (6.64) in the logarithm of partiality for the reliant on variable (organisation goals).


Human resource planning being administered within an organisation may support the human capital managers to spot the extents where shortage or excess manpower is probably going to occur in future. Having administered human resource planning after recruitment exercise, it gives an organization a much better chance of recruiting the right expert personnel necessitate for the work, by establishing training programme for her personnel after recruitment. And placement helps to extend the standard of employees’ performance. It decreases labour turnover and as a motivational tool. It is pertinent to say that manpower or human resource planning have positive impact on the organizational goals by rejecting null hypotheses 1 and 2 (H01: Understanding goals of an organisation does not describe proper handling of organisation goal through human resource planning by employee on the ground of their age, and H02: Developing key strategies planning does not predict and gives full assurance of human resource planning for organisational goals to be achieved on level of employee education). Actual human resource planning are the essential for optional and successful operation of the organizations. From the analysis done above through Logit likelihood technique along with Omnibus tests of model coefficients has showed that impact of age and educational level of employee felt in line descriptive knowledge of human resources managers and key strategies decision making can predict how organisational goals wave alongside with level of education put in place by employees that had been hired/employed/recruited into that organisation and this give alternative hypotheses to be accepted.

This study has showed that Achievers University Owo, Ondo state, can harness more from the little human resources at her disposer by exposing deeper knowledge about the institution goals to employees and keying them along the system which will bring proper planning and long run achievement to the school and products coming out of it. Finally Achievers University organization having the right number and sort of people at the right places, at the right time, is capable of efficiently completing in achieving its overall objectives.


Based on the fact that the literature reviewed engrossed much on effective supply and demand of manpower, it is brilliantly that the importance of human resource planning in the organization cannot be overlooked as the heart of organization rests on effective human resource planning.

The research found out that human resource planning is critical human resource provisions, choice and interaction and its methods are differently expressed but barely interrelated and coincided on thoughts and drive of human resources, this is also in consonance with Ma et al. (2018). Therefore, this research examined Human Resources Planning in the Achievement of Organizational Goals at Achievers University Owo in Ondo State. The discussion was drawn from the key objective of the study viz; acquire that what are the recent performs organizations are spreading to incorporate their employees with organizational goals finished human resources planning (HRP) and what the outcomes of the same are.

  1. Since recruitment and selection constitute a very vital part of the Human Resources Planning in an organisation and company, the head of the Human Resource unit should be allowed to perform this duty without any interference from top management so that organisation goals can be totally incorporated into system of employees through description and strong strategies means based on age and level of education of employee.
  2. Human resource managers in tertiary institution should intensification the number of employees taking part in preparation and development as this would increase organizational performance and make sure that their human resources planning aligns with their organizational goals and it should be evaluated from time to time.


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