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Improving the Image of TK Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang through Service Quality Measurement and Parent Satisfaction

Improving the Image of TK Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang through Service Quality Measurement and Parent Satisfaction

Chusnia Andriana, Achmad Supriyanto

Department of Education Management, The Learning University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Received: 31 May 2024; Accepted: 07 June 2024; Published: 06 July 2024


Education has a very important role in human life which must continue to adapt to changes in the era of globalization and technology. To get a quality education parents need to choose a good school, which not only has a reputation and high academic achievement but also an excellent curriculum, effective learning methods, adequate facilities, and good extracurricular activities. Private schools must continue to innovate in order to compete, with parental satisfaction being an important factor influenced by school image, service quality, and interaction between students and schools. This study aims to determine how service quality and parent satisfaction to improve the image of Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten which experienced a decrease in the number of new students in the 2023-2024 academic year. This study uses quantitative methods with a questionnaire and applies an ordinal scale to measure the dimensions of human resource services, curriculum, and infrastructure facilities. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis which includes descriptive statistics such as average, variance, and frequency. The results of this study showed that out of 84 respondents, the majority of parents were satisfied and even very satisfied with the services provided. on the human resources variable, 52% of respondents were satisfied. On the curriculum variable, 50% were very satisfied, and on the facilities and infrastructure variable, 63% were very satisfied. Further analysis shows that high service quality in schools has a positive effect on parental satisfaction, which in turn improves the school’s image. An improved school image can attract more students and reduce student transfer to other schools. Therefore, Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten must continue to improve service quality through continuous improvement to maintain and improve the school’s image.

Keywords: Education, Service Quality, Parent Satisfaction, School Image


Education is a crucial aspect of human life. In the era of globalization and rapid technology, education must be able to adapt to the changes to ensure a better quality of education. To get a good quality education, parents need to choose a school that has good quality. The signs of a quality school are not only reflected in certain aspects, such as a good reputation and high academic achievement, but also in various other elements, including excellence in curriculum, effective learning methods, adequate facilities, and a variety of extracurricular activities that shape student character. In an increasingly competitive educational environment, private educational institutions must continue to innovate in order to remain relevant and able to compete with other best schools. The level of student satisfaction is the result of their perception of the services provided by the school, which is influenced by the school’s image, the service process, and the interaction between students and the school(Sellang, Jamaluddin, and Mustanir 2022). One factor that greatly influences the quality of education is school image. School image can be defined as the community’s perception of the quality of education provided by the school. This perception can vary depending on various things such as the quality of services, facilities and learning methods applied by the school. Maintaining reputation is considered crucial for every institution to create a positive impression and ensure customer satisfaction with the organization’s achievements. In order to maintain the image, it is important for schools to maintain a level of professionalism in order to be able to pay attention to the quality of services that are valued by customers(Habibah and Bayu 2017; Yuslih, Martono, and Nugroho 2021).

Service quality is one of the most crucial aspects in enhancing a school’s image. Service quality can be defined as the school’s capability to provide services that match the needs of students. Good service can increase student and parent satisfaction and improve the school’s image. It is important for education to prioritize service and quality, as prospective students will inevitably choose the best education service provider among the available options. As a result, schools with low standards will experience declining enrollment, lack of trust from the community, irrelevant graduations, and other problems. On the contrary, educational institutions that offer good quality will always be sought after and will not lose clients, as they highlight their advantages that attract prospective students. The quality of services provided by an institution or school can be in the form of teaching skills in providing guidance, the ability of administrative staff to provide clear information, and the ability of facilities that are complete and in accordance with student needs. Student and parent satisfaction also has a significant effect on school image. Student and guardian satisfaction can be defined as the level of satisfaction experienced by students and guardians of the services provided by the institution. High student and parent satisfaction can improve the school’s image, because they will give positive recommendations about the school to others (Bagyo, Utaminingsih, and Wardoyo 2023; Sumarno, Gimin, and Nas 2017; Triwijayanti, Sanoto, and Paseleng 2022).

An educational institution needs to pay attention to both customer needs and expectations, and provide superior services to meet customer satisfaction, beyond what is offered by other educational institutions. High quality education will result in satisfaction, therefore an item, product or service is considered quality and quality when it is able to meet the expectations of its users. Satisfaction is felt when needs are met, and the trust that is formed will be the foundation of relationships with customers (Kurniawan 2014; Nurkholis 2007). In evaluating the satisfaction of service quality, the core dimensions of service quality, including physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, are used to evaluate the extent to which these attributes meet students’ expectations, and the extent to which the services provided have met their needs. Therefore, assessing satisfaction with service quality can be done based on these five dimensions or attributes of service quality (Adnin and Lubis 2013; Aydin and Özer 2005). The quality of a service is very important, because if the service is not satisfactory, it can interfere with the position of the school or institution in competition with other educational institutions (Pribadi 2020; Riyadin 2019; Sellang et al. 2022). In addition to good or satisfying service quality has a significant impact on the level of customer satisfaction which in turn can strengthen customer loyalty to an institution (Asyro, Kartikowati, and Marzuki 2020; Karyadi, Sagir, and Effendi 2020).

Sallis in his book Total Quality Management in Education defines education as a service provider that includes giving advice, handling tuition fees, providing assessment, and providing guidance to students, their parents and sponsors. Service stakeholders, including customers, are diverse and need to be well identified. If service quality is about meeting and exceeding the needs and wants of customers, it is important to be clear about who we have to satisfy. The primary mission of a Total Quality Management (TQM) institution is to ensure that the needs and wants of its customers are met. An outstanding organization, be it a public or private institution, stays in close proximity to its customers. Service quality must be aligned with the expectations and needs of customers and clients. Quality is defined as what the customers want, not just the best decision the institution makes for them. This is because without customers, the institution will not exist (Sallis 2002). From this explanation, we can conclude that the services provided by an educational institution include advice, tuition fees, assessment and guidance to both students and parents where these services can be included in the dimensions of human resources, curriculum and facilities and infrastructure. To find out whether the services provided are of high quality and have satisfied the customers, namely the parents of students, we need to measure these three dimensions.

Data dapodik shows that the admission of new students in the 2023-2024 school year at Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten has decreased, which in the 2022-2023 school year students who registered and entered group A were 72 children, while in 2023-2024 students who registered and entered group A were 53 children. This number is sufficient to be divided into 3 rombel group A where according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 74 of 2008 Article 17 states that “Permanent teachers holding education certificates are entitled to professional allowances if they teach in education units where the minimum ratio of students to teachers for kindergarten or RA or the equivalent is 15: 1, which means that each rombel for one certified teacher must contain 15 children, but the number of teachers in group A is 4 people so there is one teacher who only gets 7 students and to fulfill certification there are still less than 8 students to fulfill one rombel . For this reason, schools need to know the cause of this decline in student numbers. One way that can be used is to find out the quality of services provided, this can be done through measuring the quality of services provided and the satisfaction of student guardians with the services provided. So far, Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten has never measured the quality of services and parents’ satisfaction, even though according to (Pribadi 2020) The quality of service provided by the school to students is closely related to the satisfaction of parents or guardians of students. Meanwhile, quality services can increase the satisfaction of parents or guardians of students because services that meet their expectations will build trust and support for school programs (Wiyani 2020).

Research on service quality and customer satisfaction evaluation has been carried out before. Previously, such as research conducted by Rijal Ripa’i et al, with the title “Improving Organizational Image Through Service Quality and Public Relations Effectiveness at Private Junior High Schools in Sukamakmur Sub-district, Bogor Regency”, this research aims to explore strategies in improving the reputation of a school or institution by identifying its relationship with service quality and the success of the public relations function at Private Junior High Schools in Sukamakmur Sub-district, with the research subjects being 385 students of Private Junior High Schools in Sukamakmur Sub-district, with the research subject being 385 private junior high school students in Sukamakmur District, Bogor Regency, this study used a quantitative approach with a correlational survey method with the results of improving the image of the organization can be achieved by strengthening the quality of service and the success of the public relations function both separately and together (Ripai, Ikhsan, and Wulandari 2021). There is also research conducted by Detry Septiyani Jufri et all with the title “Analysis of Service Quality Satisfaction of MTs Al-Muttaqin Pekan Baru as a Shaper of School Image and Customer Loyalty”, where this research has the aim of understanding the level of customer satisfaction based on the quality of school services that have an influence on school image and customer loyalty, The research method used is a mixed method with a sequential strategy that combines quantitative and qualitative methods with a sequential explanatory research strategy, the subject of this research is 151 students of MTs Al-Muttaqin Pekan Baru, the research findings indicate a disparity between expectations and reality in all aspects of school service quality measured. In addition, findings from interviews indicated that physical evidence needed improvement, while teaching quality was rated as good. Overall, these results indicate that customer satisfaction is still not met in accordance with the theory of customer satisfaction. Schools as institutions are expected to improve the quality of service to students in order to become an effective liaison between guardians and create a positive perception of the school or institution (Jufri, Kartikowati, and Sumarno 2023).

The next research is research conducted by Adriani Nurnasrah Adnan with the title “The Role of Service Quality on Student Satisfaction of SMKN 6 Kendari Mediated by School Image, This study aims to evaluate the impact of service quality on school image, student satisfaction, and the relationship between school image and student satisfaction. In addition, the study also evaluates how service quality can affect student satisfaction by mediating through school image. This research method is explanatory, using a census approach in the data collection process. The research population is all students of SMKN 6 Kendari, with the sampling technique using the method used is by taking saturated samples. Data were collected through questionnaires, and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques. The results show that both directly and indirectly, service quality has a positive and significant impact on student satisfaction at SMKN 6 Kendari (Adnan, Nasrul, and Putera 2021). There is also research conducted by Riska Tyas Prahesti et all, with the title “Academic Service Quality on College Image”, this research aims to evaluate the impact of academic service quality on the image of STIKOM InterStudi. Service quality variables in this research include reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible. This research uses an explanatory approach with a quantitative approach and a positivism paradigm. The subjects studied were STIKOM InterStudi students, and the data collection technique was carried out through non-probability sampling. Based on the sample calculation, the total sample used in this study was 95 students. The findings of the study indicate that the quality of academic services, which includes reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangibility, has a significant positive influence on the image of STIKOM InterStudi (Prahesti, Ruliana, and Subarsa 2021).

The last is research conducted by Mahmud MY et all with the title “Marketing Strategy for Educational Services in Improving School Image”, this research has the aim of understanding educational marketing strategies at Al-Arief Islamic Private Senior High School. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, then data collection methods through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis involved data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The findings of this research show that overall, Al-Arief Islamic Private Senior High School has implemented an effective educational services marketing strategy to improve the school’s image. This is reflected in the various aspects of educational services marketing that are implemented. The school offers products that suit the needs of the community with affordable costs compared to other private schools, and its strategic location. The marketing strategies used include notification through student guardians, print media, social media, and school performance results (MY et al. 2022). This research brings a new dimension that is different from previous research, namely if in previous studies the research sites used were on average universities and high schools, then in this study the research site is in kindergarten or elementary level

One of the kindergartens that has never measured service quality and customer satisfaction is the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten, and in the 2023-2024 academic year experienced a decrease in the number of students enrolled in group A. The problem that occurred at the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten related to the decrease in the number of students in the 2023-2024 academic year was caused by several students who had taken the registration form and registered not to enter the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten and preferred to enter one of the kindergartens located in one village with the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten. The school does not know the reason behind the transfer of these students, because they do not provide clarity to the school. Therefore the school needs to explore several factors that cause it to happen including the quality of service performed. This research aims to find out how service quality and parental satisfaction can improve the school’s image. It is expected that the findings of this research can play an active role in improving the quality of the school to increase the satisfaction of students and parents so as to improve the image of the school towards a better and no more students who move or do not enter the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten in the 2024-2025 academic year..


This research was conducted at one of the kindergarten institutions, namely Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten. This research design or research adopts quantitative research methods, which according to the research design (Sugiyono 2019), is an approach that focuses on analyzing data from a predetermined population or sample. The research instrument applied in this research is a questionnaire. Quantitative research is a research method that utilizes measurements, mathematical calculations, formulas, and numerical data to organize study planning, stages of the research process, hypothesis formation, data collection techniques, data analysis, and conclusion making (Musianto 2002). In this study, measurements will be carried out in three dimensions of services provided by an educational institution to customers, which include human resources, curriculum and facilities and infrastructure.

 The number of participants who answered the questionnaire in this research should be 125 student guardians consisting of 72 group B student guardians and 53 group A student guardians, but at the time of filling out the questionnaire there were some parents who were absent due to illness and some whose children were sick so that the number of respondents in this study was 84 people consisting of 34 group A student guardians and 50 group B student guardians. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire containing questions related to service quality and parent satisfaction with school performance, besides that this study applies an ordinal scale, where measurements have sorted objects or categories into their level order. The intervals between levels do not have the same consistency. In an ordinal scale, objects or categories are arranged in their order, either from lowest to highest or vice versa (Pribadi 2020; Sarwono and Handayani 2021). Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires given to guardians of students from both group A and group B at the school under study. The data was analyzed utilizing descriptive analysis which includes descriptive statistics such as mean, variance, and frequency. This analysis was conducted to describe the distribution of data and identify patterns associated with the variables under investigation.


The results of the measurement of service quality and parent satisfaction through questionnaires distributed to 84 parents of students from group A and group B at TK Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang can be seen in table 1.

Table 1. Data Table of Student Parents’ Satisfaction with the Quality of Services Provided at Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten

Variable Very Satisfied Satisfied Less Satisfied Dissatisfied Number of Respondents
Human Resources (X1) 42% 52% 4% 2% 84
Curriculum (X2) 50% 46% 3% 1% 84
Facilities and Infrastructure (X3) 63% 35% 2% 0% 84

Based on the results of Figure 1 and Table 1 about the satisfaction of student guardians on the quality of services provided at the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten, on the Human Resources variable Parents of students in groups A and B of Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten the majority gave a Satisfied answer of 52%, for the Curriculum variable Parents of students the majority gave a Very Satisfied answer of 50%. As for the Facilities and Infrastructure variable, the majority of parents also gave a very satisfied answer of 63%. However, when viewed, there are still those who give answers that are less satisfied and dissatisfied from these three variables, such as in the human resources variable, there are 4% who give less satisfied answers and 2% give dissatisfied answers. For the curriculum variable, there were 3% who gave dissatisfied answers and 1% who gave dissatisfied answers. And finally for the facilities and infrastructure variable, those who gave less satisfied answers were 2% and no one gave dissatisfied answers to this variable. In order to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of student guardians, it is necessary to analyze the average difference of the scores on each item or question. The following is a detailed report prepared by the author.

Table 2. Data Table of Student Parents’ Satisfaction with Human Resources

Items Very Satisfied Satisfied Less Satisfied Dissatisfied
Teachers provide quality learning 38% 56% 6% 0%
Teachers’ teaching quality is high and meets parents’ expectations 55% 41% 2% 2%
Teachers can maintain discipline and safety in their environment 32% 62% 6% 0%
Teachers can encourage parental involvement 31% 58% 4% 7%
Teachers pay attention to children’s social and emotional development 48% 49% 3% 0%
Teachers provide academic and non-academic skills coaching 57% 43% 0% 0%

Table 3. Data Table of Student Parents’ Satisfaction with the Curriculum

Items Very Satisfied Satisfied Less Satisfied Dissatisfied
The results of the learning process that have an impact on the quality (human resources) of children 48% 49% 2% 1%
The curriculum implemented is relevant 45% 51% 4% 0%
Variety of teaching methods according to children’s learning styles 56% 42% 2% 0%
Character building program and moral values implemented 53% 42% 5% 0%

Table 4. Data Table of Student Parents’ Satisfaction with Infrastructure Facilities

Items Very Satisfied Satisfied Less Satisfied Dissatisfied
School conditions that are comfortable for children 54% 44% 2% 0%
The quality of physical facilities in a good school 56% 42% 2% 0%
Good readiness for the school year 60% 38% 2% 0%
Fees paid are in line with the quality of education provided 90% 8% 2% 0%
Providing opportunities for children to grow and develop creatively and innovatively 56% 42% 2% 0%


Service quality characteristics are more complex to define than physical product characteristics because they involve many subjective elements. The causes of quality failure and poor quality in services often stem from organizational behavior or attitudes, such as lack of leadership or attention, in contrast to products that usually fail due to raw material or design problems. In addition, services cannot be serviced or repaired like physical products. Services also have characteristics that distinguish them from the production of goods, such as direct contact between the provider and the end user, which affects the interaction and the overall quality of the service. Each interaction in a service can vary, and its quality is determined by the people who provide and receive the service. Time is also an important element in service quality, as services must be delivered on time, and quality control is often delayed because services are consumed at the time of delivery. Services are also often intangible and difficult to measure, so customer satisfaction is the most relevant performance indicator. In addition, reputation in services is often related to soft aspects such as care, courtesy, and attention, which are difficult to measure objectively. The intangibility of service makes it difficult to fix if there is a problem, and customer satisfaction is based on a comparison between their expectations and experiences. As such, it is vital for an organization to focus on training and developing staff in order to provide high-quality service (Sallis 2002).

The impact of service quality in schools on guardian satisfaction is an important factor in the educational context. Service quality encompasses a number of important elements, including communication between schools and parents, administrative management, availability of facilities, and interactions between teachers and students and parents. Research shows a positive relationship between high levels of service quality in schools and increased parental satisfaction, both directly and indirectly (Anwar 2017; Arigata, Anggraini, and Ribek 2022; Artiningtyas, Minarsih, and Hasiolan 2015; Kesuma, Amri, and Shabri 2015; Noeraini and Sugiyono 2016). In addition, the quality service provided by the staff also had a positive and significant impact on the satisfaction of the teachers who teach  (Widya et al. 2023). The image of the school seen by the community can also affect parents’ satisfaction and give them confidence in the school. Parents’ satisfaction can also encourage them to be active in various activity programs held by the school  (Andayu 2019; Rahmah 2020; Rahmat 2021). To promote parents’ direct participation in school activities, schools can increase transparency and hold intense meetings, or even ensure that meetings are held (Resiyati, Supatmi, and Wasiah 2023). The level of parental satisfaction involves the dimensions of tangible (physical evidence), reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy  (Windriarti 2018; Yuniasri 2021). Since parents have a positive view of the quality of services provided by schools, it is important for schools to ensure that they can continue to provide high quality services by making continuous improvement efforts (Yuliarto 2020).

Based on the findings of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the parents of both group A and group B students of Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten are very satisfied with the educational services provided by Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten, this is evidenced by the data in the table above, namely the average parent answers very satisfied on curriculum variables and facilities and infrastructure variables, while for human resources variables the average parent still answers satisfied. However, of the three variables there are still parents who answer less satisfied and even dissatisfied, this can be seen from each variable, namely:

Student Parent Satisfaction Data on Human Resources Variables

Figure 1: Student Parent Satisfaction Data on Human Resources Variables

From Figure 1, we can see that parents of students answered less satisfied on several items such as the item of quality learning process by 6%, the item of high quality teaching at school by 2%, the item of school can maintain discipline and security in the environment by 6%, the item of school can promote parental participation by 4% and the item of attention to the social and emotional development of children by 3%. And for the unsatisfied answers from the parents of students on the item of high quality teaching at school by 2% and on the item of the school can encourage parental involvement by 7%, so it can be concluded that for the human resources variable, the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten needs to improve these services, especially in involving parents in activities carried out by the school because there are 7% of the 84 parents who were respondents expressed dissatisfaction with this item.

Figure 2: Data on Student Parent Satisfaction on Curriculum Variables

From Figure 2 we can see that parents of students answered less satisfied on several items, such as the results of the learning process by 2%, the curriculum items applied are relevant by 4%, the character building program items and moral values applied by 5%, item. And for the unsatisfied answer from the parents of students on the item of learning outcomes that have an impact on the quality (HR) of children by 1% so that it can be concluded that for the curriculum of the Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten, it is necessary to review the curriculum that has been applied, how the teaching methods are used, the programs launched such as the character building program and the moral values applied, so that later learning can have an impact on all children so that there will be no more parents of students who feel that school learning has less impact on their children.

Figure 3. Data on Student Parent Satisfaction on Infrastructure Variables

From Figure 3, we can see that parents of students answered less satisfied on several items, such as the item of comfortable school conditions for children by 2%, the item of good quality physical facilities at school by 2%, the item of good school year readiness by 2%, the item of fees paid in accordance with the quality of education provided by 2%, and the item of providing opportunities for children to grow and develop creatively and innovatively by 2%. So it can be concluded that for the facilities and infrastructure variable, TK Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang needs to review the facilities and infrastructure provided because in the five items asked there are always those who answer less satisfied even though only 2% of 84 parents of students but to maximize existing services, evaluation needs to be done so that later the school really provides maximum and excellent service so that the school image will be even better. And the hope is that in the 2024-2025 academic year more and more students will enter and fulfill all existing rombel.

Of the three variables that received the most dissatisfied answers were on the human resources variable, with the item teachers provide high quality teaching by 2% and teachers encourage the involvement of guardians in school activities by 7%, and the curriculum variable with the item the results of the learning process that have an impact on the quality (HR) of children by 1%, which can be concluded that the professionalism and quality of learning in this kindergarten are considered to be lacking by 3 student guardians who are respondents and teachers still do not encourage parental involvement by 6 student guardians who are respondents, even though according to Sallis learners learn most effectively when teaching methods are tailored to their needs. In education, professionals see themselves as guardians of quality and standards. Total Quality Management (TQM) approaches that emphasize customer satisfaction can conflict with traditional professionalism. Therefore, training teachers in TQM concepts is important for cultural change. Staff must understand the benefits of a customer focus, which involves listening and dialoguing about their concerns and expectations. Combining professionalism with TQM principles is essential for educational success. In addition, educational institutions should make learners aware of different learning methods and give them the opportunity to try different learning styles that suit their needs. In times of limited resources, the main focus should be on quality learning. For TQM to be relevant in education, institutions must have individualization and differentiation strategies, and utilize TQM principles in the classroom. Continuous evaluation and feedback are important to improve quality and build students’ analytical skills. Institutions should be ready to take corrective action if the learning experience does not meet expectations, providing students with motivation and practical experience in the use of TQM tools (Sallis 2002).

In accordance with the description above, to face various challenges in an effort to improve the quality of human resources and the quality of education, foundation administrators, principals, educators, and education personnel at Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten must make continuous improvements. Strategies to improve the quality of education services include: applying TQM principles in schools, increasing standards in the selection of new teachers who will be accepted at school, developing school human resources, and increasing teacher professionalism, this can be done by making strict standards in accordance with the law in the process of accepting new teachers at school, conducting training for teachers to improve their professionalism, using differentiated learning methods that suit the learning styles and needs of students in classroom learning. In implementing these strategies, schools can use the Deming cycle, steps that can be taken by TK Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang in improving the quality of human resources and the quality of education based on the management cycle according to Deming.

Figure 4. Deming Management Cycle

The design of the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles through steps based on the Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is described in the table below.

Table 5. Table of Design for Improving the Quality of Education and Human Resources at Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten Based on Deming Cycle

No Plan Do Check Act
1. Develop a plan for the implementation of TQM principles in the school by involving all relevant parties. Implement TQM principles in all aspects of school management and learning processes Conduct periodic evaluations of the school’s TQM plan to ensure its compliance with the plan. Taking corrective actions based on the evaluation results to improve the implementation of TQM principles in schools
2. Establish strict selection criteria in accordance with the law for the recruitment process of new teachers. Carry out a new teacher selection process in accordance with established standards Evaluate the new teacher selection process to ensure standards are met Refine new teacher selection standards and processes based on findings from the evaluation
3. Planning human resource development programs, including training and workshops for teachers and education personnel. Organizing training and workshops for teachers and education personnel in accordance with the plan that has been prepared Evaluate the effectiveness of training and workshops that have been held for teachers and education personnel. Adjust and refine training programs and workshops based on feedback and evaluation results.
4. Develop an ongoing training program to improve teacher professionalism, including certification and teaching skills development. Implement ongoing training programs and activities to improve teacher professionalism Assess the improvement of teacher professionalism through observations, performance appraisals, and feedback from students and guardians. Adapting teacher professional development programs according to needs and evaluation results
5. Plan the application of learning methods that suit the learning styles and needs of students in the classroom or plan differentiated learning Apply learning methods that are tailored to the needs and learning styles of students in the classroom or apply differentiated learning Checking the effectiveness of differentiated learning methods through student learning outcomes and teacher feedback. Implement changes to differentiated learning methods based on evaluation results to improve their effectiveness


The summary of this study can be described as follows, from a total of 84 respondents, the majority, around 52% or 44 parents, expressed satisfaction with the human resources variable. However, there are still some parents who are not satisfied with this variable, especially in the aspect of parental involvement, which reaches 7%. Then of all 84 parents who were respondents, the majority, around 50% or 42 people, stated that they were very satisfied with the curriculum variable. Even so, there are still some parents who feel not fully satisfied with this variable with a total of around 3%, and dissatisfied, with a total of around 1%. And finally, out of a total of 84 parent respondents, the majority, around 63% or 53 people, stated that they were very satisfied with the facilities and infrastructure variables. Even so, there are still some parents who feel not fully satisfied with this variable, with a total of around 2%.

Seeing these results, the variable that received the most highly satisfied answers was the facilities and infrastructure variable, especially on the fees paid in accordance with the quality of education provided where the item received highly satisfied answers with a total of 90% or 76 parents recognizing that the budget they spent was proportional to the quality of education provided. Then of the three variables measured, the human resources variable received the most dissatisfied answers, namely on the teaching quality item by 2% and parental involvement by 7%. The curriculum variable also showed dissatisfaction on the item impact of learning on children’s quality by 1%. This shows that professionalism and quality of learning at Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten need to be improved, especially in encouraging parental involvement and adjusting teaching methods to student needs. The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM), which emphasizes customer satisfaction, is important to implement as a solution to overcome this challenge. The school should involve all relevant parties in planning, implementing, evaluating and improving the education process based on the Deming cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). This strategy includes strict standards for new teacher selection, continuous training programs, and learning methods that suit students’ learning styles. Continuous evaluation and feedback are necessary to improve quality and ensure parent satisfaction, which in turn will improve the image of Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten and attract more students to enroll and attend Muslimat NU 1 Tumpang Kindergarten in the future.


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