Influence of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behavior in Manufacturing Industry in Tanzania
- Neema Mkama
- Neema Mkama
- 1403-1416
- Sep 20, 2023
- Psychology
Influence of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behavior in Manufacturing Industry in Tanzania
Neema Mkama & Crispin John Mbogo
Accounting and Finance Department, St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Received: 12 June 2023; Revised: 10 July 2023; Accepted: 19 August 2023; Published: 20 September 2023
This study investigates influence of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior in manufacturing industry with particular reference to Tanzania Breweries Limited Public Limited Company. The study was guided by three proxies of the predicting variable namely product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation which were tested on consumer purchasing behavior as the dependent variable. Explanatory design was used to foster information gathering process through causality testing. The facts and findings were gathered from the employees of the selected entity as the case from the sample of 100 respondents through structured questionnaires. The collected results were computed in SPSS data sheet version 24.0 to generate results which were presented using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The profile of the respondents was described using frequency table and percentages while the relationship testing between study variables were performed using correlation and multiple regression. The findings of the study revealed that the predicting variables namely product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation are positive with significant effect statistically on consumer purchasing behavior as the dependent variable. The implication of the results is that consumer purchasing behavior in manufacturing sector entities through advertisement is influenced with product awareness, market share generation, and competitive gains.
Keywords: Advertising, Consumer Purchasing Behavior, Product Awareness, Competitive Gains, Market Share Generation
Advertising is useful practice in the business growth and development by corporate, firms, individuals, groups and others for the generation of competitive advantage and market share generation (Belch & Belch, 2014). This is due to the fact that advertising is conducted for the purpose of influencing consumer purchasing practices. In that case, advertising is crucial in facilitating consumer purchasing to foster sales performance for the business (Biocca, 2013). This brings the entities to invest in various practices to assure market share generation and competitive gains; as well as product awareness.
Advertising is the key component in the entities regardless of the sector though with manufacturing entities it is essential practice (Arens & Weigold, 2012). This is attributed by the fact that the entities engage in the production and generation of abundant goods and services depending on the focus in production which needs market share and competitive advantage for the company (Jacobson, 2013). This automatically attracts means to facilitate commodity consumption and sales in the market whereas advertising is the remedy towards the realization of the goal.
This is embedded in various entities all over the globe especially in the private sector entities since they operate for profit (Biocca, 2013). Advertisement is highly instrumental in the developed and developing states mostly being developed countries because the business and private sector is large and massive with high level of diversification. This automatic serve as the pillar towards assuring success in the entities in terms of promotion which is essential in assuring competitive advantage and market share generation (Belch & Belch, 2014).
Advertisement is perceived as the marketing strategy because the focus is to promote the goods and services produced to carter for successful market share and competitive advantage (Lears, 2015). Therefore, the end result expected is for the commodity to successfully being able to be promoted and demand being generated to foster sales. Though, it is not a guarantee on whether the strategy can successfully work or results into disastrous situation (Liguori, 2015). The markets tend to generate the outcome sometimes and also the approach used in the advertising may be the catalyst for the growth of demise of the initiatives.
Advertising is therefore essential in manufacturing entities all over especially those under private sector because with production and manufacturing of goods and services advertising is necessary to assure that the produced products and or services are consumed at higher rate and pace to foster business (Meyers, 2014). The higher the consumption rate the higher the returns to the profits and market share advantage which implies progress and performance of the organization.
Tanzania specifically comprises of manufacturing sector with several entities producing variety of goods and or services to satisfy the market needs and wants in terms of demand and supply (Wairagala, 2017). They include food products, beverages both lite and alcoholic, leather factories, glass factories and several others with most being private entities and few with partnerships between the government and the investor(s) (Lawrence, 2018). Among the entities in the sector is Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) dealing with the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
The company has been for many years among the largest taxpayer and public listed entity with high rate and number of dividends issuing to its shareholders than the rest of the listed companies in the stock market (Kiishweko, 2012). The company produces 11 brands both alcoholic and non-alcoholic ones such as larger including Safari, Kilimanjaro, Balimi, and others. The company also constitutes non-alcoholic beverages such as Grand malt, Safari sparkling water and others (TBL, 2017). Indeed, it constitutes the production of variety of products from the plants and establishments run by the entity in the market.
The company has been acquired by new investors from United States who bought the company from the former South African owners. This brought about changes in the company on the products generated such that local brews such as Mwamba, Chibuku, and Nzagamba that were banned (TBL, 2019). The size of the bottles for the beers has been reduced from 500ml to 375ml in the urban areas in most cases. This has had reaction from the customers since price remained the same as the set market price. In that case, the company has resorted to various advertising measures to cope with the changing practice and the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to wage the inquiry towards the situation pertaining to the advertising practices on consumer purchasing.
The acquisition of Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) by American investors has had changes in the business to the company including the products produced by the company (TBL, 2019). The changes have also constituted effect to the consumers purchasing behavior since price of the products have remained the same. For instance, bottles of the beers have changed from 500ml to 375ml though currently all have been incorporated which requires new advertising practices with regard to the changing environment in the business through the available products.
This has had effect in the market because as the company took the products in the rural and remote areas the reaction from the customers has been unresponsive to the company’s products (Msuya, 2019). This in turn has caused the new administration to foster adjustment with the situation that they produce the big bottles (500ml) and supply them in the market together with the new bottles designed.
The strategy is mostly set to work in the rural areas since the reaction is assumed to be large and massive.
This case fosters the need to inquire further because several studies have been conducted in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) on various accounts including marketing communication, advertising, service quality, procurement practices, performance and others (Makasi, 2019). Both studies recommended that further investigations should be envisaged on consumer purchasing regarding the new practices under the current investors. However, little studies have been conducted on advertising towards consumer purchasing in the current management practice after the new acquisition of the company. This study, therefore, was conducted to fill this knowledge gap. Specifically, the study was geared to determine the extent to which product awareness influence consumer purchasing behavior, to examine the extent to which competitive gains fosters consumer purchasing behavior and to ascertain the extent to which market share generation facilitate consumer purchasing behavior in Tanzania Breweries Limited.
Definition of Key Terms
Advertising is a form of marketing communication which designated to promote and or sell a product, idea or service to the consumers (Stanton, 2014). The communication usually carries certain persuasive and attractive messages that seek to influence consumer towards purchasing the product and or service. It is an essential way towards sales promotion in the business on the products and or services respectively.
Consumer Purchasing
Consumer purchasing refers to the study practices in which customers buy and or consume the products and services offered by the business (Blackwell, 2006). This focuses on the issues and motives that foster consumers to act in the way they act regarding purchasing, consumption and rejection of the product and or service.
Product Awareness
Product awareness refers to the situation whereby customers possess adequate understanding on the product that is being available and advertised in the market (Biocca, 2013). This is essential practice in promoting and facilitating sales and consumptions.
Competitive Gains
Competitive gains refer to the advantages that the business may possess that enable supremacy against others (Jacobson, 2013). This is something that seeks to be achieved by the business to assure prosperity and performance being realized.
Market Share Generation
Market share generation refers to the situation whereby the business captures segment or portion in the market which successfully fosters sales and consumption (Blackwell, 2006). This is the outcome which seeks to be realized to assure performance of the business.
Media System Dependence Theory
This is a theory on media and advertising which has been advocated by Ball-Rokeach & Defleur (1976). The theory asserts that the media has effect on peoples’ lives and those of persons as individuals because it is something which connects people and the society to a great scale and different systems and settings through the flow and passing of information. The theory also asserts that media play significant role in generating awareness of issues and phenomenon in the society which makes it an important component to ensure growth and development; as well as social interaction pertaining to articulation of issues (Ball-Rokeach et al, 1990).
The theory is useful since it provides the existing relationship between the media and several important components in the society such as the society and the media; as well as the media and the audience (Groshek, 2011). This is certain because media is an essential component which ensures that the society is well connected and integrated with the individuals, people, groups and several other actors. In that case, this is essential because media is the source of wide spread information with a large and quick coverage in relatively short period of time (Ball-Rokeach, 1998).
The theory is connected to the study in the way that publicity pattern in manufacturing sector entities including Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) is largely dependent on media as tool(s) to foster their promotions as both traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers, posters and others; as well as social media. Since that is the case, with the usage of the media to promote the business still there is strong variations in the level of publicity which is an issue of being inquired.
Empirical Literature Review
Product Awareness and Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Kardes et al (2019) examined the practices realizing consumer purchasing behavior in the influence towards consumption in the telecommunication appliances. The study was conducted in United States using cross sectional design with findings revealing that the influence towards consumer purchasing behavior in the telecommunication appliances is determined by the advertising and promotion measures that the company displays the quality and types of products and services available which automatically fosters the influence of customers towards purchasing and usage of the products. Therefore, consumer purchasing behavior is easily identified based on the reactions after advertising measures for the business. This signifies the need to conduct the study further in Tanzania because with the realization of the influence of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior; less has been articulated in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) regarding the new management practices in the business which is necessary to address the gap.
Stefflre (2018) assessed the market structure studies regarding the new markets for old products and old products for new markets. The study was conducted in United States using comparative approach with Canada and Mexican contexts. Findings indicate that advertising is the main driving force towards realization of this venture since it guarantees the fast moving of the products and or services taken to the market. This is an important venture because with advertising consumer purchasing becomes certain once the behavior becomes noted towards appreciating the innovation. This fosters the need to conduct the study further in Tanzania because with advertising effect regarding consumer purchasing behavior the idea is sought to be conducted in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) as the manufacturing entity.
Eagles (2016) carried a study assessing the trends in national parks tourism in line with the economy, finance and management. The study was conducted in North America specifically in the United States and Canada respectively through survey design.
The findings of the study revealed that national parks tourism trends pertaining to the economy, finance and management depends upon the level of publicity to foster public awareness within the local countries and regions; as well as beyond borders.
This is the actual situation in place because it enables the positive impact attainment in the economy since tourism is well facilitated which constitute positive results on the management pattern and the fiscal implications including foreign exchange generation. In that case, it has been noted that publicity to foster mass awareness within and beyond borders is essential in fostering tourism through national parks with positive implications on management finances and the economy. This signifies a gap to be pursued in Tanzania with regard to other sectors such as manufacturing pertaining to consumer behavior to address the situation respectively.
Competitive Gains and Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Solomon (2018) examined the relevance of consumer purchasing behavior in the promotion of businesses in the manufacturing sectors. The study was conducted in United Kingdom (UK) using survey approach. Findings indicate that consumer purchasing behavior is essential in facilitating consumption of goods and services produced by the manufacturing entities that the goods and services should be in line with the behavior in place. However, this is well determined by advertising measures which is important as well in the business promotion. This fosters the need to inquire further in the area in Tanzania in the manufacturing sector with specific focus to Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) under new management.
Belch and Belch (2014) examined the role of advertising and promotion in the perspective of integrated marketing communication. The study was conducted in United States using cross sectional design. Findings revealed that integrated marketing communication in different entities with their varying sectors is facilitated using advertising and marketing practices which are the backbone towards their total realization. In that case, this prompt the need to conduct the study further in Tanzania with the focus on manufacturing industry with specific focus to Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL due to its recent occurrence behavior to address the situation.
Biocca (2013) assessed the role of advertising measures in the promotion of businesses and activities. The study was conducted in United Kingdom (UK) using survey approach with the findings revealing that advertising whether using traditional or social media and others usually constitute positive results regards the promotion of the business provided that it is properly done on professional account. This is the case with the traditional media in politics and various other encounters including entities that it has been working. This therefore brings a concern in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) that with noted challenges in the entity it is essential to perform an inquiry on advertising measures regarding consumer purchasing to address the situation.
Market Share Generation and Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Lears (2015) assessed the relevance of advertising in facilitating the promotion of cultural history in the jurisdiction. The study was conducted in United States using desk review whereas the findings indicate that advertising is essential in promoting cultural history whereas it is useful in fostering tourism and various other means to maximize their gains. Since that is the case, this prompt the need to conduct the study in Tanzania specifically the Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) with regard to consumer purchasing to address the situation.
Liguori (2015) examined the role of advertising in fostering economic boom in the organization’s prosperity with regard to business growth. The study was conducted in Italy and employed survey approach whereas the findings revealed that advertising is useful to fostering economic boom through profit generation in the organizations especially business entities. This assures the generation of significant gains in the entities which is the key towards success on the businesses. This fosters the need to conduct the study in Tanzania Breweries Limited on consumer purchasing prior to economic gains since little has been envisaged in the area.
Sellars (2019) conducted a study examining the relevance of the respective authorities in preserving nature within national parks. The study was published in Yale University in the United States whereas it was performed using cross sectional design survey. The findings showed that it is important to preserve nature and attractions since it is the uniqueness and the actual issue which fosters attractions and visits in the area by the travelers both within and those beyond border to enjoy the available attractions.
This in turn fosters attractions to the tourists by means of publicity generation and creation on the national parks due to the preserved nature which ensures its beauty and acceptance to attract frequent visitors. This brings about the need to conduct the study in Tanzania with regard to other sectors contrary to the hospitality industry and its components. Therefore, the study focused its attention on manufacturing sector with regard to consumer purchasing behavior respectively.
Research Gap
Studies reveal that consumer purchasing behavior is an essential practice and outcome that is highly expected by the business regardless of the sector and enterprise which performs the activity(s). Purchasing behavior of the consumers is not something universal or generally addressed to multiple organizations, but rather it is something that needs to be articulated by the individual company. Recently, there has been a change in the management of Tanzania Breweries Limited which brought about reforms on products and marketing strategies of the company. These reforms were anticipated to have implications on the consumers’ purchasing decisions. However, there is no documented empirical evidence that has been conducted to study effects of the reforms on consumers’ purchasing behavior at Tanzania Breweries Limited. Therefore, this study was an attempt to fill this knowledge gap specifically by examining influence of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior in Tanzania Breweries Limited.
This is the model in the form of illustration denoting variables of the study and influencing pattern in facilitating knowledge gap filling. In this study, the conceptual model (figure 1) describes the influence of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior at Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL). The guiding assumption of the study is that consumer purchasing behavior in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) products under new management is influenced by advertising measured by product awareness, competitive gains and market share generations.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the study
The study employed quantitative approach because the focus of the inquiry since it used hypotheses in knowledge gathering process was on what, when and where and not why and how. This is the case because Denzin and Lincoln (2005) suggest that quantitative research envisage the why and how of the phenomenon under study. Research design is the way which can be used to assure the collection of the information to fill in the study gap (Creswell, 2012). The study design usually depends on the requirements of the study and the type of information that may be used to fill the gap.
The study was conducted in Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) because the organization consist of fast-moving consumer products essential for generating adequate primary data. The selection of the area is due to the fact that the new management innovations have had implications on the changing pattern of consumer purchasing behavior which is useful for the study to be conducted at the TBL.
The study used primary data with information collected from the field through the respondents who were selected for the study. They were complemented by information from secondary sources in the discussion of the study findings. The study consisted of the employees in the organization as the respective population for the study. They included participants in the area as the employees such that the sample size was generated from the population. The study included a total number of 100 respondents from the study area out of 600 employees (TBL, 2021). The design of the sample is complemented by sample unit, sample size and sample procedures using explanatory research design. This entails the unit of analysis for the study whereas it comprised of the individuals as employees in the organization. The study consisted of 100 employees as the sample size because they are the participants to the study, useful in assuring sufficient information generation for the study. The sample size is derived through Webb (1991) suggesting that as the population of the area ranges between 100-1000, then 10% of it is an appropriate sample size. The study used purposive sampling technique because the respondents who were selected included skilled and knowledgeable participants on the issue under study for the assurance of information generation process.
Questionnaires as well-structured research instrument were used for data collection from the field. They were given to the respondents to fill in the requested information. This instrument was preferred under this research because the study was performed using causality test which required quantifiable data. Questionnaires were the only data collection tool which assures generation of quantifiable data from primary sources. Furthermore, it reaches wide population easily in a short time and reduces costs.
Validity and reliability were conducted to assure data quality pattern in measurements. With that, validity was first conducted to carter for accuracy in filling the facts. This was first tested using pilot testing approach of the questionnaires until they were approved by the supervisor for collection of the data. Besides that, reliability followed to assure consistence of the study variables whereas it was well articulated using Cronbach Alpha test illustrated in table 3.1 below.
Table 3.1 Cronbach Alpha Test
Study Variables | Cronbach Alpha |
Product Awareness | 0.759 |
Competitive Gains | 0.802 |
Market Share Generation | 0.784 |
Consumer Purchasing Behaviour | 0.742 |
The findings reveal that the variables of the study are reliable and consistent assuring their usefulness for further analysis. This is attributed by alpha coefficient of each variable exceeding 0.7 as described by Wang (1996). This signifies that the variables both predictors and the dependent variables are consistent and reliable.
On data analysis the collected information was clustered quantitatively whereas the results were computed to generate relevant statistical tools to present primary data. Descriptive statistics were generated to describe the profile of the respondents which include frequency tables and percentages. On top of that, correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to describe the existing relationship between study variables in assuring knowledge gap filling. Therefore, the study analysis is further illustrated by the model stating that;
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3+ …………..bnXn
Y = Dependent Variable (Consumer purchasing behavior)
Xs = Independent Variables
a = Y intercept, where the regression line crosses the Y axis
b1 = the partial slope for X1 on Y
X1= Product Awareness
X2= Competitive Gains
X3= Market Share Generation
Respondents Profile
The section describes the profile of the employees in the private manufacturing entities in Tanzania based on the demographic features of the respondents such as age, gender and education levels of the respondents. Hence, table 4.1 describes the results.
Table 4. 1 Profile of the Respondent
Variables | Frequencies | Percentages |
Male Female Total |
29 100 |
29% 100% |
21-35 36-50 50+ Total |
52 25 100 |
52% 25% 100% |
Diploma Bachelor Degree Master’s Degree Total |
49 37 100 |
49% 37% 100% |
Table 4.1 provides the description on the respondents’ profile prior to the employees in various manufacturing entities in Tanzania with reference to Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL). In that case, findings on gender of the respondents reveal that 71% of the respondents were male while 29% of the respondents were female. The implication of the results is that in totality in most manufacturing entities large number of employees in terms of gender are men than women. This is supported by Kiishweko (2012) suggesting most of the industrial entities including Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) most of the work in terms of quantity constitutes men than women.
Despite that, the study revealed findings on age of the respondents that 23% of the respondents were aged 21-35 years, 52% were aged 36-50 years and 25% were aged above 50 years. This implies that employees in the industrial or manufacturing entities comprise of varying age groups with most being the mid-aged category than the aged and the young population. The claim is also shared with Mutegi (2015) suggesting that manufacturing entities constitute much of operational tasks which requires energetic workforce and the one with experience in performing tasks to assure performance.
Moreover, the study indicates findings on the education level of the respondents that 14% consist of diploma qualification, while 49% had bachelor degree and 37% consisted of the master’s degree. The statement is in line with Lawrence (2018) suggesting that manufacturing sector employees consist of individuals with varying levels of education including highly skilled and educated and the least educated depending on the task one is hired to work in the organization.
Analysis on Study Variables
The analysis on study variables is described through mean and standard deviation and also through inferential analysis by using correlation and multiple regression with the ilustration being conducted in the manner that is as follows;
Mean and Standard Deviation
The analysis is described to show the predicting variable with strong influence towards dependent variable and opinion level of the respondents. In that case, table 4.2 describes the results.
Table 4. 2 Mean and Standard Deviation
Study Variables | Mean | Standard Deviation |
Consumer Purchasing Behaviour | 3.028 | .1018 |
Product Awareness | 3.680 | .1492 |
Competitive Gains | 3.553 | .1361 |
Market Share Generation | 3.412 | .1260 |
The findings in table 4.2 describe results on mean and standard deviation. It can be observed that the mean of product awareness has stronger influence to consumer purchasing behaviour than market share generation and competitive gains with larger mean value of 3.680 respectively. The implication is that consumer purchasing behaviour through advertisement in manufacturing industry is influenced mostly with product awareness than market share generation and competitive gains as tested variables. However, with standard deviation the variance between variables is minimal with values being less than 3 which signifies respondents views did not differ much.
Inferential Analysis
The analysis is conducted to describe the relationship between study variables using correlation and multiple regrssion. In that case, a model summary is preceded first to determine the entire influence of the measures of adverting on consumer purchasing behaviour. Hence, table 4.3 describe the results.
Table 4.3 Model Summary Test
Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Standard Error of Estimate | Change Statistics | Durbin- Watson | ||
1 | .688 | .606 | .591 | 47.883 | .481 | 62.044 | .000 | 1.493 |
Independent Variable: Advertising (Product Awareness, Competitive Gains and Market Share Generation)
Dependent Variable: Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
The findings in model summary clearly indicate the overall influence of the predictors to the dependent variable through the R2 test. Therefore, the model reveals that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing sector entities through advertising is influenced with product awareness, market share generation and competitive gains by 60.6%. This signifies that the assumptions are positive and being realized or attained.
Correlation Analysis
The analysis is performed to describe the predicting variable with higher correlation influence than others on the dependent variable with table 4.4 illustrating the results.
Table 4.4 Correlation Analysis
Consumer Behaviour | Product Awareness | Competitive Gains | Market Share Generation | ||
Person corr. | Consumer purchasing Behavior | 1 | 0.572 | 0.434 | 0.309 |
Product Awareness | 0.572 | 1 | 0. | 0.075 | |
Competitive Gains | 0.434 | 0.028 | 1 | 0.082 | |
Market Share Generation | 0.309 | 0.173 | 0.002 | 1 |
The findings of the study on correlation reveal that product awareness as the predicting variable correlate best with consumer behaviour than other independent variables as it possesses higher correlation value of 0.572. The implication of the results is that consumer purchasing behaviour among manufacturing entities through advertisement is influenced most by product awareness.
Multiple Regression Analysis
Multiple regression is conducted to describe the individual influence of each predicting variable to the dependent variable as well as correcting the multicollinearity error. Hence, table 4.5 illustrate the findings.
Table 4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis
Model | Unstandardized coefficients | Standardized Coefficients | T | Sig. | |
B | Std. error | Beta | |||
(constant) | -13.513 | 4.426 | -1.105 | .000 | |
Product Awareness | .087 | .014 | .565 | 12.510 | .003 |
Competitive Gains | 2.121 | .124 | .513 | 12.251 | .039 |
Market Share Generation | 2.357 | .115 | .502 | 12.162 | .042 |
The findings in table 4.5 provide facts on multiple regression analysis showing that the predicting variables namely product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation are positive with significant effect statistically on consumer purchasing behaviour as the dependent variable with p<0.05. The implication of the results is that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing sector entities through advertisement is influenced by product awareness, market share generation and competitive gains. This further reveals that multicollinearity error has been resolved.
Product Awareness and Consumer purchasing Behaviour
The findings reveal that product awareness has been generated positively with significant effect on consumer purchasing behaviour with p<0.05. This implies that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing entities through advertisement is influenced by product awareness. The assertion is supported by Donkor et al (2018) stating that market orientation is highly useful based on the adequate information on the market. This is highly achieved through the advertising measures in entities regardless of the sector including the manufacturing ones that the products and or services generated are publicized to the customers for consumption and usage.
The claim is also supported by Stanton (2014) suggesting that market information is useful towards assuring economic stability in the market by the entities in various sectors because it is useful to assuring all necessary means to carter for successful competitive advantage and market share.
This is useful for the businesses because the information enables the products to be well promoted through advertising measures and means.
Competitive Gains and Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
The study findings indicate that competitive gains as the indicator of advertising have a positive and significant effect on consumer purchasing behaviour (p<0.05). The implication is that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing entities through advertisement is influenced by competitive gains. This is supported by Denrell and Powell (2016) suggesting that market orientation by the entities is largely influenced by the strategies that can be employed by the enterprises to maximize their gains. This is achieved through advertising measures that assures the influence to consumer behaviour in purchasing.
This is the reality because the strategies vary depending on the position of the entity, pricing and others. Despite that, Ghaffar and El-Aziz (2021) stating that competitive gains is based on strategies to assure the realization of the established goals and objectives of the entities. This is useful because it is essential for the entities to possess adequate strategies to successfully attain competitive advantage and market share generation.
Market Share Generation and Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
The findings indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship (p<0.05) between market share generation as an indicator of advertising and consumer purchasing behaviour. This implies that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing entities through advertisement is influenced by market share generation. The assertion is acknowledged with Stanton (2014 suggesting that the market is not static since it is subjected to constant changes at all times attributed by various concerns such as technology, products, services, demand and supply pattern and several others. This brings about the need for the entities to issue compliance to the changes for the purpose of orienting well in the market and attain competitive advantage and market share. This is attained by means of advertisement to carter for the success.
The study assessed the influence of advertising towards consumer purchasing behavior in manufacturing industry in Tanzania. The study was guided by three predicting variables namely product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation which were tested on consumer purchasing behaviour as the dependent variable. Explanatory design was used to foster information gathering process through causality testing. The facts and findings were gathered from the employees of the selected entity as the case from the sample of 100 respondents through structured questionnaires.
The gathered results were computed in SPSS data sheet version 24.0 to generate results which were presented using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The profile of the respondents was described using frequency table and percentages while the relationship testing between study variables was performed using correlation and multiple regression. The findings of the study revealed that the predicting variables namely product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation are positive with significant effect statistically on consumer purchasing behaviour as the dependent variable with p<0.05. The implication of the results is that consumer purchasing behaviour in manufacturing sector entities through advertisement is influenced by product awareness, market share generation and competitive gains.
Consumer purchasing behavior through advertising in the manufacturing sector entities is largely influenced by product awareness, competitive gains and market share generation. This is the case with the fact that advertising play crucial role in facilitating product and or service awareness to the consumers which automatically boost purchasing buying behavior for the purpose of fostering sales and consumption in the market respectively. Despite that, advertising fosters competitive gains through promotions and advocacies on the products and or services in the sector entities which has positive implication on consumer purchasing behavior. Moreover, advertising assures successful competitive advantage attainment in the market which assures prosperity in the business performance. Regardless of the outcome still the advertisement measures and concerns constitute issues that needs further interventions since the sector comprise of entities with varying goals and objectives and size as well. Therefore, the advertising measures may differ which should be taken into consideration.
Since that is the case, it is therefore recommended that it is essential for the organizations in the sector to possess adequate strategic plan which derives goals and objectives that are realistic and attainable to possess adequate advertising measures that attracts product awareness. It is strongly noted that it is the case because the initiatives are driven by the entities goals and objectives that need to be achieved which defines the pattern of the way forward in carrying out advertising measures. Despite that, it is also recommended that the entities are useful to develop own market strategy to carter for successful competitive advantage and market share generation because the nature of the market is competitive. In that case, the survival and prosperity of the enterprises depends on the strategies that can be employed by each entity in assuring growth and development.
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