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Influence of E-Governance Strategies on Service Delivery in Trans-Nzoia County-Kenya

  • Sifuna W. Julius
  • Dr. Peter Simotwo
  • Dr. Anthony Alexis
  • 1493-1504
  • Jun 20, 2023
  • Social Science

Influence of E-Governance Strategies on Service Delivery in Trans-Nzoia County-Kenya

Sifuna W. Julius, Dr. Peter Simotwo, Dr. Anthony Alexis

Department of Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics, School of Social Sciences, Mount Kenya University, P.O. BOX 1869-30200, Kitale, Kenya


 Received: 18 April 2023; Accepted: 19 May 2023; Published: 20 June 2023


The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of e-governance strategies on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The specific objectives was to establish the effect of e-procurement strategy on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya, to evaluate the influence of e-health strategy on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya, to determine the influence of e-tax strategy on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya, and to find out the influence of e-human resource management on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The study was guided by technology acceptance theory, and disruptive innovation theory. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study was 53 ICT staffs. The study utilized the census technique in coming up with the sample size of 53.  Questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Research experts, comprising the supervisors, ensured that the content especially the questionnaire was relevant and appropriate for the study, ascertained content validity of the instrument. The study used Cronbach’s coefficient alpha to determine the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire. Data that was collected was checked for accuracy, cleaned and coded to facilitate analysis. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics that included   frequencies, mean, percent, standard deviation as well as inferential statistics. The data was analysed with the aid of SPSS Version 25.0. Analysed findings were presented using tables and figures. The study findings were that E-procurement strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.401, p<0.05), E-health strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.463, p<0.05), E-tax strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.331, p<0.05) and E-human resource management had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.510, p<0.05). This study concluded that E-procurement strategy, E-health strategy, E-tax strategy and E-human resource management had a positive significant effect on service delivery. The study therefore, recommended that ICT staff in the County should make more efforts in carrying out E-procurement strategy, E-health strategy, E-tax strategy and E-human resource management in order to service delivery.

Keywords: E-Governance Strategies, Service Delivery, Trans-Nzoia County, Government


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are currently providing developing countries with more prospects for economic progress. They are increasingly important in facilitating quick economic development for these countries, which is based on increased production capacity and international competitiveness (Jamil, & Dhakal, 2013). ICTs have thus made a considerable contribution to the growth of the global economy’s gross domestic product (GDP). As indicated by the worldwide data innovation report, there is a relationship between a nation’s utilization of ICTs and its financial and social advancement (Dutta, Geiger, & Lanvin, 2015). Thus, states are putting resources into data and correspondence advances in the public area to increment online assistance conveyance and resident e-cooperation. Subsequently, e-government activities have filled in rising nations like Ghana, Senegal, Brazil, India, Chile, Argentina, the Philippines, and Malaysia, where ICTs are being utilized to offer public types of assistance (UN, 2014).

The country’s Vision 2030 guides e-government activities in Kenya. This is a long-term development strategy based on three pillars: economic, social, and political factors (Mungai, 2017). The economic pillar focuses on policies that promote equitable resource allocation, justice, and security, while the social pillar has its focus on improvement of education, environment as well as the health sector. In its contacts with citizens, the political pillar works for a democratic political system that is transparent, honest, responsible, and ethical (GOK, 2017). Subsequently, any Kenyan e-government strategy ought to mean to advance long haul improvement by encouraging impartial financial development, helping fundamental expectations for everyday comforts, and working with computerized incorporation and citizen empowerment.

In Kenya, e-government is a critical component of the government’s modernization (Akinyi, & Moturi, 2015). It lays out a bound together structure and bearing for the public sector, supporting cooperation inside and among public sector associations and organizations, as well as between the public authority and the business local area and the residents it serves, in the execution of government programs (Khaemba et. al., 2017). It also suggests approaches to help public servants build the skills they’ll need to take advantage of the new opportunities that ICT advancements like the Internet have to offer. The government of Kenya has been implementing E-government business applications for the past one and a half decades with the goal of developing a successful also, functional E-government to empower better and more powerful conveyance of data and administrations to residents, raise community worker usefulness, energize resident association in government, and engage all Kenyans, all of which will result in increased convenience. The goal of this research is to find out how e-governance affects service delivery in Kenya.

Assumptions & Research Questions

This study established the influence of e-governance strategies on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. This study was based on the assumptions that the ICT Director and officers would give the obliged consent to data collection from the ICT departments in the County. The study also assumed that the information provided by the respondents was a true reflection of the actual situation of the influence of e-government on service delivery. The study sought answers to four questions; i) what is the influence of e-procurement strategy on service delivery? ii) What is the influence of e-health strategy on service delivery? iii) What is the influence of e-tax strategy on service delivery? iv) What is the influence of e-human resource management on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County?


E-procurement Strategy and Service Delivery   

France and Lemuria (2012) did a study on e-government in America. The study found that citizens prefer those online services that do not expose them too much, by requesting too much of their personal information especially on e-procurement practice. This was evidenced by two parallel surveys done in America on online procurement of books for public libraries and declaration by police department which required people to disclosure a great deal of private information. The two surveys recorded distinct results where online procurement recorded high preference since one is not required to reveal much of their personal data as opposed to police department request of personal details like names, resident location, social security details etc. Therefore, these two surveys display a clear indication of people valuing their personal information and thus people would have reservations on systems that request much of their private information. Governments must work hard to instil trust and security in E-procurement initiatives, and as a result, a country must have an institution-based trust from independent institutions such as the judiciary, which must have a sound judicial system with the necessary powers to arbitrate in cases of infringement of E-government user rights.

Yator (2014) did a study on the influence of ICT on delivery of services and national government coordination at the ministry of the interior. The study used descriptive study design. The study discovered that a lack of an enabling atmosphere for personnel has a major impact on service delivery at Kenyan immigration services, as does innovativeness; that inter-organizational systems availability has a significant impact on service; and that channel relationships to access immigration services have a significant impact on their efficiency. Customer quality, demand unpredictability, customer service management, forecast accuracy, and client loyalty in services offered are all found to be severely inadequate in immigration services, according to the study. The study excluded devolved units and concentrated solely on the influence of ICT on service delivery.

E-tax Strategy and Service Delivery

A study by Glover et al., (2010) in Pakistan established that the citizens in most cases are willing to embrace any online service as long as their privacy and security of their personal information is guaranteed. The study further established that citizen’s disposition to trust worthy aspects of government affects positively E-tax adoption. Citizens appear to have faith in and regard for government agencies that are capable of providing secure services. Individuals’ trust in an office’s capacity to offer internet based types of assistance is significant for far reaching acknowledgment of e-government drives, and citizens trust in any administration organization considerably affects innovation reception. Residents should accept that administration offices have the prescience and innovative ability to create and shield E-government programs before they will uphold them, as indicated by the study. Citizens’ trust and reception of E-taxpayer supported organizations will develop because of legit, non-fake connections with service providers.

Unfulfilled promises and dishonesty on the part of government officials and staff, on the other hand, will erode trust and create opposition to these measures. Nyokabi (2012), who investigated the role of ICT in empowering Kenyans in taxation concerns, multinationals, and other businesses, saw ICT as a means for providing economic growth through participatory development in Kenya. Many people believe that information and communication technology (ICT) has a role to play in national development and that a country cannot thrive in the global era without this digital platform. As a result, the report recommends that governments speed up the implementation of ICT for tax purposes.

E-health Strategy and Service Delivery

In a study on local community governance, Aminuzzaman (2008) discovered that the quality and method of participation in project identification and governance of rural local governments in India are marked by several unseen but critical concerns. The most important ones were: the administration’s continued centralized control over community projects, despite the administration’s limited resources; the basic and frequently covered up job of Members of Parliament and other political partners being developed preparation and the executives; and the absence of a powerful institutional instrument that permits poor people and underestimated to partake being developed undertaking arranging, oversight, as well as execution.

According to the findings, the factors have a direct influence on the level of accountability, as well as public participation in the development project’s operations. Another study on community participation in the identification of development projects was conducted by Khan (2009) in Nigeria. Community participation in development projects through local government is still a myth. There was a widespread belief that the interests of the poor and disadvantaged could not be protected under the exploitative social system unless legislation was established.

E-Human Resource Management Strategy and Service Delivery

Glover et al., (2010) in Pakistan established that the citizens in most cases are willing to embrace any online service as long as their privacy and security of their personal information is guaranteed. The study further established that citizen’s disposition to trust worthy aspects of government affects positively E-tax adoption. Citizens seem to trust and have regard to those aspects of government that are capable to provide secure services. Citizens’ confidence in an administration office’s capacity to offer internet based types of assistance is fundamental for boundless acknowledgment of e-government drives, and residents’ confidence in any administration organization hugely affects innovation reception. Nyokabi (2012) found that multinationals and other firms viewed ICT as a tool for delivering economic growth through participatory development in Kenya. Many people believe that ICT has a role to play in national development and that a country cannot thrive in the global era without this digital platform. As a result, the report recommends that governments speed up the implementation of ICT for tax purposes.

Review of Relevant Theories

Technology Acceptance Theory

Devis proposed the technology acceptance model in 1986. Emerging innovations, as per this perspective, can work on corporate adequacy and execution as long as the customers acknowledge the change (Davis, 1986). The theory has been utilized as the most used frameworks for analysing computer technology. The concept is based on two assumptions: the new system’s perceived ease of use, which includes things like ease of learning, usage, control, and remembering, and the system’s perceived utility, which includes things like improved performance, productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency in operations. The tenet of this theory is that for any innovation to succeed, computer based tools are required which will help improve decision making and communication. As a result, it’s vital that the systems are built around the company’s objectives and ambitions. It’s also important to realize that humans can withstand technological advancements. It’s critical to try to understand why people are resistant to change, as well as viable solutions to such problems.

Change must be implemented gradually and with communication, and an appropriate corporate culture must be developed. Everyone involved in the project should be aware of their obligations and given the power to fulfil them (Kamel, 2014). The theory is applicable to the current study because it shows how county government adoption of e-government supports in service delivery improvement. According to this theory, the user thoughts about the system and its perceived benefits influence their acceptance and use of new technology. This means that the county ICT directors are aware of how a technology’s acceptability affects service delivery.

Disruptive Innovation Theory

The proponent of Disruptive Innovation Theory was Barahona and Elizondo in the year 2012. According to the theory the E-procurement is a novel idea which should be embraced and needs to be improved on regular bases. This thus means that traditional procurement procedures are influenced by such innovations. The theory states that the continuous improvement in quality will enable the stakeholders to adapt to new innovations as well as meet their needs. Basic assets, techniques, and values are the requirements for disruptive innovations. Individuals, innovation, brands, client and provider contacts, and relationship the executives have with clients and providers, and promoting tasks are generally basic components that help everyday organization activities. Decision making criteria and coordination designs that help continuous organization activities are examples of important processes. Besides, the convictions, perspectives, and suppositions of the organization culture are essential (Barahona & Elizondo, 2012)

Because it addresses the reality that public organizations and systems are less adaptable, the theory is pertinent to the current study. As a result, rather than implementing completely new systems, e-government policies require a well-planned and proactive approach for integrating the system into existing institutions. This theory is applicable to the current study in that it helps explains how the various disruptions helps in the adoption of the e-government services which will ultimately contribute to service delivery. The researcher is able to explain how various inn ovations can be important in making decision on matters to do with technology and how this will speed up the rate of service delivery to the counties.

Conceptual Framework


Research Design

The study employed descriptive survey research design. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) descriptive survey design is a type of research design here the researcher does not have a direct influence over the independent variables of the study since they cannot be changed in any way significant way. The design was appropriate for the current study in that the researcher was able to describe the situation as it is at that particular time. The design is able to generate the profile of the phenomena by describing who, how, when a particular incident occurred.

Location of the Study

The research took place in Trans-Nzoia County. Trans-Nzoia County is located between the Nzoia River and Mount Elgon, 380 kilometres northwest of Nairobi, in Kenya’s old Rift Valley Province. The capital and largest town, Kitale, is located in the centre of the county. Kitale, the capital, is currently primarily Luhya, with residents from other Kenyan tribes accounting for less than 1% of the population. The county’s economy is primarily agricultural, including big and small-scale wheat, maize, and dairy production.

Target Population

Cooper and Schindler (2014) define a population as being the total collection of essentials that a scholar would make inferences from. Likewise, Altendorf and Schreiber (2015), refer to a population as a group of individuals or otherwise objects with similar observable characteristics. The target population of this study shall constitute top management, ICT directors, ICT officers spread in all the ICT departments in the county.

Category Target Population Percent (%)
Top Management 5 12.3
Middle Level 20 36.8
Lower Level Management 28 50.9
Total 53 100

Sample Size and Sampling Procedures

Cooper and Schindler (2014), describes a sample as a small representative unit or group resulting from the study population. For a sample to be regard as good it should demonstrate a true representative of the population that generates a marginal sampling error seen as viable, economical, orderly, whose results can be applicable universally with a reasonable level of confidence. Since, the population of the study was too small (53 ICT staff), a census technique was employed hence sample size of 53 respondents. The census ensured that data was collected from every ICT staff in the targeted population.

Data Collection Instruments

To collect primary data, a questionnaire was employed. There were both open-ended and closed-ended questions on the form. Closed-ended questions will give more organized responses, which will allow for more specific recommendations. The open-ended questions will provide information that the closed-ended questions were unable to collect. The questionnaires was carefully created and tested with a small sample of the population, as well as the supervisor, to ensure that they are as accurate as possible. This was done to improve the validity and correctness of the data that was gathered for the study.


The consistency and completeness of completed questionnaires was evaluated. Quantitative data was analysed in SPSS and reported as percentages, means, standard deviations, and frequencies. Data was grouped according to the various aspects of e-government and service delivery. The output from the SPSS was presented in form of pie charts, tables as well as the bar graphs. In addition, the data was presented in form of means and standard deviation. The research will utilize regression analysis as well as correlation analysis to establish the relationship among the study variables.

Study Findings

E-Procurement Strategy System and Service Delivery

Details N Mean SD
Tender allocation is transparently done online 43 3.55 1.78
Tender evaluation is clearly shown in ICT tools 43 3.84 1.87
Tender advertisement is done online 43 3.83 1.91
All goods and services are procured using the ICT platform 43 3.85 1.99
Grievances address on tendering process is done using an ICT platform 43 3.80 1.93
Payment for tenders is done online 43 3.76 1.04
Valid N   43

Key: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Agree, 3=Undecided, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree

The respondents were requested to give their views on whether tender allocation is transparently done online and the study findings revealed that (Mean=3.55 and SD = 1.78). Majority of respondents were requested to give their views on whether the tender evaluation is clearly shown in ICT tools. The study results revealed that (Mean=3.84; SD=1.87).  Respondents were also asked if tender advertisement is done online and the study findings were supported by the mean of (Mean=3.83; SD=1.91).  In addition, the study results showed that all goods and services are procured using the ICT platform as shown by the mean of (Mean=3.85; SD=1.99). Finally, the study findings revealed that grievances address on tendering process is done using an ICT platform, and that payment for tenders is done online. All are supported by (Mean=3.80; SD=1.93), (Mean=3.96; SD=0.341) and (Mean=3.76; SD=1.04) respectively.

E-Health Strategy and Service Delivery

Statements N Mean SD
There is a clear e-health policy in the County 43 4.52 1.115
Medicine dispensation is sometimes done electronically 43 4.51 0.275
All systems in the county government hospitals are interlinked 43 4.48 0.450
Diagnosis of diseases is done electronically 43 4.28 0.273
Valid N 43    

Key: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Agree, 3=Undecided, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree

From the results, it was observed that, there is a clear e-health policy in the County at a mean of 4.51 (SD=0.275). The statements that medicine dispensation is sometimes done electronically with the mean of 3.98 (SD=.664). The statements that all systems in the county government hospitals are interlinked with the mean of 4.48 (SD=0.450). Again, this was an above average effect of E-governance on service delivery with a small deviation amongst the respondents. Finally, the statements that diagnosis of diseases is done electronically had above average mean of 4.28 (SD=0.273) with a minimal standard deviation.

E-Tax Strategy and Service Delivery

Statements N Mean SD
Residents are trained on payment of taxes using ICT tools 43 4.00 1.187
Provision of feedback on e-tax is fast 43 3.55 0.969
Revenue is accounted for electronically 43 3.53 0.764
All revenue is collected by using ICT tools 43 3.16 0.606
Revenue receipting is done electronically 43 3.58 1.068
Valid N 43  

Key: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Agree, 3=Undecided, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree

From the results, it was observed that, residents are trained on payment of taxes using ICT tools at a mean of 4.00 (SD=1.187). The statements that provision of feedback on e-tax is fast with the mean of 3.55 (SD=0.969). The statements that revenue is accounted for electronically with the mean of 3.53 (SD=0.764). Again, the statements that all revenue with the mean of 3.16(SD=0.606). Finally, the statements that revenue receipting is done electronically mean of 3.58 (SD=1.068) with a minimal standard deviation.

E-Human Resource Management and Service Delivery

Statements Total Mean SD
Human resource trainings are clearly indicated online 43 3.80 1.047
There is a clear policy on employee tracking electronically 43 3.79 1.074
All job advertisements are done through electronic means 43 4.04 0.342
There is a clear e-human resource management policy in the county 43 3.93 0.346
Job descriptions are posted electronically 43 4.03 0.344

Key: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Agree, 3=Undecided, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree

From the results, it was observed that, human resource trainings are clearly indicated online at a mean of 3.80 (SD=1.047). The statements that there is a clear policy on employee tracking electronically with the mean of 3.79 (SD=1.074). The statements that all job advertisements are done through electronic means with the mean of 4.04 (SD=0.342). Again, the statements that there is a clear e-human resource management policy in the county with the mean of 3.93 (SD=0.346). Finally, the statements that job descriptions are posted electronically had above average mean of 4.03 (SD=0.344) with a minimal standard deviation.

Service Delivery

Statements N Mean SD
The use of e-government has lowered the time it takes to complete a transaction 43 4.52 0.764
The use of e-government has enhanced record keeping 43 4.49 0.606
The use of e-government in county government departments has decreased the expenses of providing services 43 4.12 1.446
The implementation of e-government has sped up the time it takes to serve citizens 43 3.93 0.346

Key: 1=strongly disagree, 2=Agree, 3=Undecided, 4= Agree and 5= strongly agree

From the results, it was observed that, the use of e-government has lowered the time it takes to complete a transaction at a mean of 4.52 (SD=0.764). The statements that the use of e-government has enhanced record keeping with the mean of 4.49 (SD=0.606). The statements that the use of e-government in county government departments has decreased the expenses of providing services means with the mean of 4.12 (SD=1.446). Finally, the statements that the implementation of e-government has speed up the time it takes to serve the citizens mean of 3.93 (SD=0.346) with a minimal standard deviation.

Inferential Statistics

Correlation Analysis

In order to analyse influence of e-governance strategies and service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County, the researcher used Pearson’s correlation analysis. Correlation analysis of all the independent variables (E-procurement strategy, E-health strategy, E-tax strategy and E-human resource management) was determined to express their association with the dependent variable (service delivery) that is to infer features of populations grounded on samples (Johnson & Christensen, 2014). The Pearson’s correlation analysis helps to determine the relationship among variables.

Table 15: Correlation Analysis

Service Delivery E-Procurement Strategy E-Health Strategy E-Tax Strategy E-Human Resource Management
Service Delivery Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
E-Procurement Strategy Pearson Correlation 0.073 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.412
E-Health Strategy Pearson Correlation 0.087 0.089 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.456 0.471
E-Tax Strategy Pearson Correlation .544(*) 0.032 0.034 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.687 0.703
E-Human Resource Management Pearson Correlation .603(**) .532(**) .613(**) .456(**) 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 tailed)

The study findings indicated that there was a positive statistical significant effect of E-human resource management on service delivery (r=0.603, p<0.01). The relationship between E-procurement strategy and service delivery was analysed and the study findings indicated that there was a statistical significant positive effect at (r=0.532; p<0.01). The study findings indicated that there was a statistical significant positive effect of E-health strategy on service delivery (r=0.613; p<0.01). The study findings indicated that there was a statistical significant positive effect of e-tax strategy on service delivery (r=0.456; p<0.01). The study findings further revealed that there was a statistical significant effect of E-tax strategy on service delivery (r=0.544, p<0.05).

Regression Analysis

Model Summary              

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .897a 0.805 0.784 0.0728

a. Predictors: (Constant), E-Procurement Strategy, E-Health Strategy, E-Tax Strategy and E-Human Resource Management.

The model indicated the simple correlation was 0.897, which indicates a positive correlation. The total variation (the adjusted R² of the study model is 0.784 with the R² = 0.805) in service delivery was 80.5% explained by e-governance strategies (R Square=0.805, Standard Error=0.0728). This further implies that 80.5% of variation in service delivery is accounted for by e-governance strategies (E-procurement strategy, E-health strategy, E-tax strategy and e-human resource management) in the study while 19.5% of the service delivery is accounted for by other factors out of the study.

Analysis of Variance

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 15.338 4 3.8345 39.2076 .000a
Residual  3.715 38 0.0978
Total 19.053 42
  1. Predictors: (Constant), E-Procurement Strategy, E-Health Strategy, E-Tax Strategy and E-Human Resource Management.
  2. Dependent Variable: Service Delivery

The ANOVA was highly significant (F=39.2076, p=0.000a). This implies that the regression model was termed fit for this particular data and hence E-procurement strategy, E-health strategy, E-tax strategy and E-human resource management affects service delivery.


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 0.837 0.544 2.448 0.207
E-Procurement Strategy 0.401 0.036 0.304 7.604 0.000
E-Health Strategy 0.463 0.034 0.494 9.344 0.000
E-Tax Strategy 0.331 0.021 0.453 6.876 0.000
E-Human Resource Management 0.510 0.048 0.231 9.245 0.004
  1. Dependent Variable: Service Delivery

Table 18 shows the regression coefficients results in that E-procurement strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.401, p<0.05), E-health strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.463, p<0.05), E-tax strategy had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.331, p<0.05) and E-human resource management had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.510, p<0.05).

The t-test results indicates that E-health strategy is the strongest predictor of service delivery (t = 9.344, p = 0.000), followed by E-human resource management (t = 9.245, p = 0.004) then E-procurement strategy (t = 7.604, p = 0.000) and lastly E-tax strategy (t = 6.876, p = 0.000).

The multiple regression equation that was generated for this study was:

Y =β0+ β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + ɛ

Y=0.837+ 0.401X1+ 0.463X2 + 0.331X3 + 0.510X4 + ɛ


Y = Service Delivery

0.369 = y-intercept; Constant

.401, .463, .331, .510 = the slope coefficients

X1 = E-Procurement Strategy

X2 = E-Health Strategy

X3 = E-Tax Strategy

X4 = E-human Resource Management

ε = Error term


Contributions of the Study

The study concluded that E-procurement strategy (e-tendering and e-evaluation) had a significant influence on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County. The study therefore recommended that ICT management in the County should make more attempts in carrying out E-Procurement strategies in quest to enhance the service delivery.

The study revealed that E-Health Strategy had a positive and significant influence on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County. The study thus recommended that ICT team should advance and support e-receipting and e-accounting in order to improve service delivery.

The study made the conclusion that E-tax strategy (e-receipting and e-revenue collection) significantly had a positive relationship with the service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County. It is against this conclusion that the study recommended that management in County increase the usage of E-tax strategy since it was found to have significant statistical positive influence on the service delivery by this study.

The study concluded that e-human resource management (e-recruitment and e- appraisal) had also a significant influence on service delivery in Trans-Nzoia County. The study therefore recommended that ICT staff in the County should make more attempts in carrying out e-human resource management in order to enhance service delivery.

Suggestions for Further Study

Since the current study used only four variables and given the fact that there are other factors that may affect service delivery, other researchers may seek to unravel the adoption of other factors on service delivery.


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