Interpersonal Communication Style of Broken Home in Friendship: Case Study in Yogyakarta
- Suciati
- Cahyaning Pertiwi Harya
- 1430-1444
- Feb 23, 2023
- Social Science
Interpersonal Communication Style of Broken Home in Friendship: Case Study in Yogyakarta
Suciati, Cahyaning Pertiwi Harya
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
This study discusses interpersonal communication styles in broken home children. The purpose of this study is to describe in detail the style of communication practiced by broken home in friendship circles in Yogyakarta. The theory used is the theory of interpersonal communication styles from McCallister and Norton. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews. The informant collection technique used was the purposive sampling technique, with validity testing using source triangulation. Data analysis techniques were carried out through several stages starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the interpersonal communication styles of 3 broken home children and their friends in Yogyakarta included the dominant style, relaxed style, and caring style. In informant I, namely ST has a dominant style by wanting to control his environment by always talking without giving his friends the opportunity to communicate. In informant II, JF has a relaxed style such as conveying his stories with a smile, without pressure, and without being burdened by anything while conveying his complaints. As for informant III, DS has an attentive style with a high level of concern such as always listening carefully to friends’ complaints and giving advice to friends around him. Factors that influence the communication style of informant I is due to his position as the first child of three siblings, informant II is an only child, and informant III’s due to his religiosity.
Keywords: Communication Style, Broken Home Children. Dominant Style, Relaxed Style, Attentive Style
The purpose of marriage in Islam is to form a sakinah, mawadah, warahmah family. Imam Ibnu Qoyyim Rahimahullah revealed that the purpose of marriage includes three things, namely to protect offspring, lineage, and the glory of Islam (Yusuf, 2020). On the other hand, Fitzpatrick explained that the definition of family can be seen from three points of view. The first point of view is a structural definition that focuses on anyone who can be said to be a family, by looking at the presence or absence of family members such as parents, children, and other relatives. Based on this perspective, the notion of the family can emerge as families of origin, families of procreation, and extended families. The second point of view is a functional definition that focuses on tasks performed by the family such as caring for, and socializing children, providing emotional and material support, and fulfilling certain roles. This definition emphasizes the fulfillment of psychosocial tasks and functions. The third point of view is the transactional definition which considers a group that develops intimacy through behaviors that create a sense of identity as a family, in the form of emotional ties, historical experiences, and future aspirations (Sri Lestari, 2016).
However, the increase in the number of husband and wife divorces is seen as an incident that indicates a decline in family values. In the context of a broken home caused by the divorce of both parents, conflicts usually occur between children and parents due to poor communication. In the large psychology dictionary, a broken home is defined as a broken family or messy household. More specifically, it can be interpreted with the family or without the presence of one of the parents (father or mother). It can be caused by death, divorce, leaving the family, and others (Chaplin, 2006). Divorce cases that occur in Indonesia are still relatively high. This can be seen from the data as follows:
Picture 1. Divorce Rate in Indonesia in 2015 – 2020
Source : (, 2020)
Based on the data above, the graph of the divorce rate in Indonesia averages a quarter of the two million marriages in a year. Many of these cases can be caused by incompatibility, infidelity, not having good communication with one another, or due to economic problems (Agency, 2015). This condition of family disorganization due to divorce usually results in children feeling less attention from both parents and a lack of sense of value and norms from parents. Even though things like this are not necessarily experienced by all children who experience broken homes, what needs to be considered is if the child seeks his identity so that a negative interpersonal communication style develops.
There are many interpersonal communication styles of broken home in society. For example, a child dared to drown his friend to death because he was annoyed that his debt of one thousand rupiahs was not paid (, 2013), as well as a case of child abuse where two pedestrians were stabbed because they were offended by being glared at (Ardhiangga, 2017). In both cases, children who are victims of broken homes tend to have an aggressive communication style. This is carried over to how they communicate in their environment. When interacting with someone, the victim becomes more emotional in communicating. The family problems they had since childhood traumatized them deeply. Lack of parental attention tends to make these children more out of control. With an aggressive style, an individual always defends his rights and what he believes in, feels superior, often violates the rights of others, and often ignores the feelings of others (Liliweri, 2011). Some of the characteristics when someone has an aggressive communication style are dominating, demanding others to obey, stubborn, impulsive, competitive, authoritarian, heartless, and easy to label (Rogacion in Suciati, 2015).
According to De Bord, based on the results of several studies, the impact of divorce on children is almost always bad. Meanwhile, Demo & Acock said that teenagers who experience broken homes tend to be more mature because these teenagers have experienced growth by going through various kinds of problems they are experiencing (Ermilasari Danik, 2019). Events Broken home in a family are very likely to have an impact on children, both physically and psychologically. A divorce of both parents will have a negative impact on the psychological development of children, such as loss of affection, loss of motivation, and depression, and it is not uncommon for them to experience disorientation in their lives (Indra, 2017).
In Yogyakarta, the divorce rate reaches 23%. The high divorce rate is partly due to many factors, namely education level, financial condition, and the impact of information technology. This was revealed by the Head of the Marriage Advisory, Development and Preservation Agency (BP4), Prof. Soewadi. According to him, it is necessary to form a joint action forum between BP4, the Indonesian Mosque Council, and the Regional Office of the DIY Ministry of Religion to reduce the divorce rate in Yogyakarta (Danar, 2021). Based on research, most of the causes of divorce are due to constant fights due to jealousy and abandonment by their partners (Ari, 2020).
Lots of researchers are interested in discussing the case of broken home. Research by Fitriyani, et al (2019) reveals that as a result of a broken home that has been experienced by a child since he was 4 years old, he feels jealous of his friends whose parents are still complete. He becomes a hater and even becomes a person who finds it difficult to believe and finds it difficult to forgive those who have wronged him. He felt his life was very unlucky. But with age, he began to realize his attitude and decided to get back up to live the days like any other child in general. Aziz’s research (2015) with the title Social Behavior of Adolescents Victims of Broken Homes in Various Perspectives, shows that the average social behavior of troubled children is motivated by broken family factors. Forms of their social behavior include talking or inviting friends to talk, like walking in class or occasionally asking permission to go out to the restroom, not understanding the lesson, not being polite to the teacher, not doing assignments, and having no desire to study likes to seek attention looks strange like spiky hair and dyed hair like a punk, dresses against school rules, and likes to annoy friends. Research from Fauzi (2020) shows that interpersonal communication in broken home that is not harmonious (negative) has a negative impact on children’s development. Children feel uncomfortable communicating with divorced parents. Unlike the case with broken home families which are harmonious (positive), children feel the love of their parents and have good communication with their parents even though they are divorced.
For the life of a broken home child, the presence of friends is very important. There are at least 6 friendship functions, namely the function of togetherness, stimulation, physical support, ego support, social comparison, and intimacy. These functions will carry out their respective duties according to the needs and age development. Friendship is also shown as an attitude of voluntary interdependence from time to time, familiar, based on affection and mutual assistance (Miftakhuddin and Rony, 2020). With the significance of a friendship with the continuity of the interpersonal communication process, the researcher wants to describe the communication style of broken home children in friendship circles in Yogyakarta. This research contributes to being used as evaluation material for broken home and parents in order to have a positive communication style in their friendly environment.
Theory Study
Interpersonal Communication Style
Miller (2015) in his book Intimate Relationship defines interpersonal communication as a communication that occurs on a certain basis with a certain number of participants that are established on the basis of intimacy. Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people when they have a close relationship so that they can convey immediate feedback in many ways. Meanwhile, Joseph A. Devito (2013) in his book Interpersonal Communication defines interpersonal communication as verbal and nonverbal interactions between two or more people who are interdependent on one another. The concept of interdependent people is interpersonal communication that occurs between people who are interrelated where they mutually influence one another. For example interdependent people, such as the relationship between a father and a child, two people who are having sex, two close friends, and sometimes also communication between several people in small intimate groups such as family.
Bochner added that interpersonal communication is the process of sending messages by one person and receiving messages from other people or a small group of people with various impacts and opportunities to provide immediate feedback. Meanwhile, R. Wayne Pace added that interpersonal communication is a communication process that takes place between two or more people face to face where the sender can convey messages directly and the recipient of messages can receive and respond to messages directly (Ngalimun, 2018).
In running life, communication is a very important component. A person’s communication style can be seen when communicating verbally or nonverbally. Norton, Kirtley & Weaver define communication style as a cognitive process that accumulates the form of content so that it can be micro-assessed. Each style always reflects how each person accepts himself when he interacts with others. In addition, Gudykunst & Ting Toomey see communication styles as meta-messages, namely secondary communication about how information is interpreted, which contextualizes how verbal messages are recognized and interpreted. This definition explains the reasons why someone communicates. The purpose of communication is none other than an effort to be able to reflect on one’s personal identity so that it can influence the perceptions of others (Liliweri, 2011). According to Wibowo (in Suciati, 2015), communication style is a uniqueness that is owned by each individual. The difference in uniqueness can be seen in the communication style of each individual, including in the communication model, communication procedures, ways of expression, and the responses given or shown when communicating.
Various kinds of communication styles are displayed by each individual. Heffner classifies McCallister’s communication styles (in Liliweri, 2011) into three styles, namely:
- Passive style, namely, the way someone who tends to judge others is always right and more important than oneself.
- Assertive style, namely, the way someone communicates firmly and defends his own rights or opinions in order to defend the rights of others.
- Aggressive style, namely, the way of an individual who is very concerned with opinions or personal rights and often violates the rights of others, feels superior, and always ignores the feelings of others.
These character differences can also be conveyed in different ways to their surroundings. In addition, communication experts have also grouped several other types or categories of communication styles as revealed by Norton (in Liliweri, 2011) into ten types, namely:
- Dominant style, the way individuals want to continue to control a situation that exists in their personal social environment.
- Dramatic style, an individual way that is always exaggerated in conducting a conversation.
- Controversial style, the way individuals always express opinions quickly to challenge other individuals’ conversations.
- Animation style, the way individuals who communicate tend to use body language (nonverbal).
- Impression style, a way of communicating with individuals by stimulating others so that they are easy to remember.
- Relaxed style, an individual’s way of communicating like someone who doesn’t have life’s problems, such as calm, happy, and full of smiles and laughter.
- Attentive style, the way individuals communicate by showing full concern for other individuals.
- Open style, an honest individual way of communicating.
- Friendly style, an individual way of communicating properly and sincerely.
- Precise style, the way in which the speaker conducts a discussion appropriately when conducting a communication.
Furthermore, Gamble (2005) suggests three types of communication styles, namely assertive, non-assertive, and aggressive styles, namely:
- Assertive Style, a person’s communication style that has the characteristics of being able to express feelings and self-esteem based on ethical thoughts and dare to act honestly and refuse a desire that might harm oneself personally.
- Non Assertive Style, is a communication style that is inversely proportional to the assertive style. This style allows others to be in a more dominant position, does not dare to tell the truth, and always puts aside one’s own desires.
- Aggressive style, is a person’s communication style who wants to always be in a dominant position and often takes actions that are detrimental to others to fight for personal desires.
This study uses the theory of communication style that was revealed by Norton because in his theory Norton explained that communication style is a process of gathering an event so that it can be assessed as a whole. Norton explained more forms of communication styles, whereas if you look at McCallister and Gamble’s communication styles they only focus on three styles. Life out there is a lot of broken homes that experience various kinds of different problems with different characters and traits.
Research Method
Type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study method. According to Denzin and Lincoln (Anggito, 2018) stated that qualitative descriptive research is a step in which a researcher must explain or describe an object, as well as phenomena that will be included in a narrative text. The contents of the writing include data and facts collected in words or pictures based on events in the field, the purpose of which is to provide support for what is presented in the report. The object of this research is a case study of broken home in friendship circles in Yogyakarta. This study used data collection techniques through in-depth interviews.
Qualitative research is carried out based on the philosophy of postpositivism because it is used to research natural object conditions, where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out purposively and snowball, where the technique of sampling data sources is carried out by combined triangulation (Anggito, 2018:8). However, in this study, researchers used a purposive sampling technique, because researchers appointed informants based on certain criteria. The criteria for informants in this study were: teenagers who have parents who have decided to separate for approximately 5 – 15 years (divorced), teenage age, not married, live at home with biological father or mother, domiciled in Yogyakarta. The criteria for friend informants include: having been friends for more than 1 year, not married, and being domiciled in Yogyakarta. The data validity technique used is triangulation. Triangulation is seeing reality from various points of view or perspectives, from various aspects so that it is more credible and accurate (Suparno, 2018).
The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative analysis. Qualitative data analysis according to Bodgan is the process of systematically searching for and compiling data obtained from interviews, and field notes so that it can be understood easily, and the findings can be informed to others (Zakariah, 2020). Qualitative data analysis techniques using the Miles and Michael Huberman models (in Nur Sayidah, 2018) were carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions.
In this sub-chapter, the researcher analyzed the data based on the presentation of the data that had been obtained through in-depth interviews with informants who met the established criteria. The analysis is based on important points which are revealed as interview guide points as an operationalization of Norton’s concept of communication style. The number of pairs of informants studied was 3 pairs, namely pairs of broken home children and their friends: ST-AA, JF-DB, and DS-FA.
Dominating behavior in communication
Seorang individu akan diterima oleh individu lainnya jika dirinya dapat menanamkan sikap untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik agar bisa mengambil manfaat dari apa yang telah didengarkan. Individu yang selalu ingin berbicara dan selalu menjadi lebih adalah seorang individu yang enggan untuk didengarkan oleh individu lain (Dian, 2020). Berikut adalah data perilaku mendominasi dari ketiga informan:
Tabel 1
behavior of dominating broken home in communicating
Informant | Dominant behaviour |
ST and AA | ST always talked a lot and did not give AA a chance to respond |
JF and DB | JF was able to create balanced communication with his friends |
DS and FA | DS wanted to continue to be heard when there were family problems. |
A person’s characteristics can be influenced by birth order, this was stated by several experts such as Alfred, Adler, Kevin Leman, and Frank Salloway. Birth order can affect individuals in various conditions such as what role to play and how to adapt to social life. The eldest child is used to controlling his younger siblings, not infrequently when communicating, the eldest child always wants to speak and be heard, rather than listen to his younger siblings (Fauziyyah, 2018). attitude bossy that displayed makes him the dominant child, therefore the eldest child is also known as the type of child who is in control and often wants to always dominate everything. Such as when communicating and behaving (Vitamind, 2003). Factors that influence ST’s dominant behavior in communication are because he is the first child in his family. In the communication style, ST always wants to continue talking without listening to the other person. In fact, the creation of interactive communication is a communication model that considers feedback as important, so communication must be carried out in two directions (Fakhruddin, 2013). JF performs communication by providing feedback to DB. This makes their communication run smoothly. The more interactive the context of communication, the more activity in communication will result in the use of non-verbal cues, dynamics of communication, and in managing messages (Ali, 2020).
Overacting behaviour in communication
Overacting behavior is a behavior that is far from reasonable limits. For example, showing exaggerated expressions and using a high tone when speaking. Despite the fact that the expression generated by an individual is a form of conveying certain feelings or emotions. However, when showing expressions in an exaggerated way, can also create a quite strange and negative impression on the other person (Sutari, 2016). In addition, a person’s tone is also very important and can even exceed the message to be conveyed. People who use a high tone of voice are usually done as a form of disagreeing with the topic of conversation (Mira, 2019). The high and low voices can determine the meaning or meaning of someone’s speech. The following is data on the over-acting behavior of the informants:
Table 2
Overacting behavior in communication
Informant | Overacting behavior |
ST and AA | ST sometimes over-acts, by displaying exaggerated expressions and using high tones when speaking. He only did it when he wanted to break the ice. |
JF and DB | JF sometimes over-act by being more emotional only when they want to say certain things. |
DS and FA | DS sometimes over acting, speaking passionately only when they are annoyed. |
If you look at the styles displayed by the three pairs of informants when communicating, there are only a few indicators of overacting. Talking with an expression that doesn’t seem excessive, such as showing a natural smile and using a relaxed tone of voice, is the best way to build good communication, make friends, and cooperate with other parties (Sutari, 2016). Emotional control is also very much needed when doing a communication. In general, emotional means a reaction to something that is shown by individuals to other individuals (Alfiyansyah, 2020). But sometimes communication that is done emotionally can cause communication failure because you cannot control your emotions and are wrong in conveying these emotions (Widowati, 2005).
Efforts to convey something in a state of sadness, anger, disappointment, and so on will affect the use of language and one’s attitude when speaking in public, in scientific forums, or speaking in casual situations. When emotional control is well cared for, it will also produce good conversations (Supriyadi and Nursia 2019). Attitude overacting of someone with high doses in a friendly environment can become a distortion or disturbance that damages the balance of the friendship environment itself (Bartono, 2005). However, minimizing over-acting will help create effective communication which is marked by the exchange of information, ideas, feelings, and so on which will later result in changes in attitudes and views so that good relations are established between the sender and recipient of the message (Hardianto Alvian, 2020).
Opposing behaviour in communication
A communication that is carried out spontaneously, which is like refusing a conversation can also cause communication failure, causing problems (Victoria, 2016). The following is data on the opposing behavior of the three informants:
Table 3
Opposing behaviour in communication
Informant | Opposing behaviour |
ST and AA | Sometimes argues with conversations that are not in accordance with his thoughts. |
JF and DB | Always listen well to |
DS and FA | Always say sorry if they make a mistake |
Based on the table above, only the ST informant indicated that he denied the conversation, even though it was done occasionally. Carrying out the behavior of refuting other people’s conversations is basically an attitude that is not good if done (Abdillah, 2011). In communicating, empathy is also very necessary because empathetic listening means involving not only thoughts but also placing feelings in proportion. But to do that, every physical and psychological barrier must be removed and avoided, for example by not opposing the conversation or also maintaining physical distance from the other person (Martoredjo, 2014). A requirement for good communication is when someone will try to be a good listener by carrying out the stages of communication such as listening, understanding, then responding to the conversation (Chandra Dewi, 2022). Thus when you want to respond to the conversation, avoid being hasty in drawing conclusions.
Using body language in communicating
When interacting with other people, we are required to understand every attitude and movement. In understanding the character or nature of other people, nonverbal communication or body language can be the medium. The results of the study show that nonverbal communication shown by someone can reach 80% of all communication made. When using body language, there are several body parts that can be seen, such as eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, and other body parts. In addition, body language can also be used to see and understand the condition of a person’s soul (Budi, 2016). The following is data on the use of body language from the three pairs of informants:
Table 4
Using body language in communicating
Informant | Body language |
ST and AA | expressions and emphasized intonation when they want to break the ice. |
JF and DB | show each other facial expressions when they are telling something. |
DS and FA | use body language with gestures when they are tired, while facial expressions and funny tones are used when they want to be pampered. |
The three pairs of informants used body language when expressing something that complemented their verbal expressions. The two types of communication should ideally support each other to create an effective communication relationship (Yulistiani, 2021). In communicating, an individual will mix verbal and nonverbal language so that it becomes a unified meaning. Facial expressions are one of the nonverbal languages that can be used by someone. Expressions in the form of facial expressions are used in communication as a response to situations, either emotionally or reacting through implied messages (Budi, 2016). Apart from using expressions, sign language is an expression that uses hand or arm movements that have been approved by the wearer and expressed in spoken language (Nasir, 2021). In communicating, expressions can also display a situation or situation that an individual is experiencing (Budi, 2016).
Relaxed behaviour in communication
Emotional expression can be seen from the physiological changes that arise as a result of reactions to certain events or stimuli that cause emotions, these reactions, both internal and external, will bring up emotional expressions that are manifested in physiological appearance, including facial expressions, to attitudes and behavior. Emotional expression is also influenced by experience in interacting with other people (Darwis, 2006). The following is data on relaxed behavior from the three pairs of informants:
Table 5
Relaxed behaviour in communication
Informant | Relaxed behaviour |
ST and AA | ST did not do this because they often showed sour faces when they felt annoyed. |
JF and DB | Both expressed opinions without pressure as if they had no burdens in life. |
DS and FA | DS didn’t do it because they still showed annoyed faces and spoke in a high tone when there was a problem. |
The most important thing when communicating is how individuals convey the right message to the right person. Of course, this is not easy, given the frequent occurrence of misunderstandings in the course of communication. Therefore the speaker needs to express thoughts or feelings properly, regularly, and systematically, with the right choice of words, good sentence structure, and an orderly way of thinking (Adawiyah, 202). Based on table 5, only JF and DB perform relaxed behavior when communicating, without the burden and without pressure.
Show concern in communication
Danim (in Arianti, 2018) defines motivation as strength, encouragement, need, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanisms that encourage a person or group of people to achieve certain achievements according to what they want. In addition to giving encouragement, asking how the situation the other person is experiencing includes a positive attitude that can raise the spirit of the other person. It can build a comfortable communication relationship. The interlocutor will be happy if the communication is carried out in a healthy and effective manner (Muhith Abdul, 2016). These ara the data of showing concern from three informants:
Tabel 6
Show concern in communication
Informan | Kepedulian |
ST and AA | ST gave encouragement and asked how their friends were going through, especially when they were also having problems. |
JF and DB | JF did not show attention , and tended not to care about their friends |
DS and FA | They always listened to their complaints, reminded them, starting from small things, and also carried out actions such as making food frequently. |
When problems occur in friendship or one individual has problems, other individuals can help solve problems and provide emotional support effectively (Damayanti, 2017). In carrying out an activity, without realizing it, listening is the easiest activity and can have a big effect. Effective listening is listening with sincere and honest intentions to gain understanding without intending to refute the words heard (Ibrahim, 2011). Based on table 6, it appears that the DF and SA partners always care about their partners in all conditions.
When someone has a deepening appreciation of the values of religious teachings, in other words having high religiosity will always be careful in thinking, speaking, and acting. Thus he can avoid behavior that is not good according to religious teachings. It is in this development process that a kind of nature, attitude, and quality of religiosity will be formed which will be displayed in behavior in everyday life (Purnamasari, 2014). The effect of religiosity is to measure the extent to which a person’s behavior is motivated by the teachings of his religion in social life. For example, does someone do good by giving care to other people (Yanuarti, 2018). This phenomenon can be seen in the behavior of DS in showing concern in communicating. DS has a highly sensitive person. He is very likely to behave very quickly angry about something that is not in line with his thoughts. However, because DS began to learn to worship and draw closer to Allah SWT, DS began to accept everything that happened in his life and became a better person. He realized that always behaving kindly to others was the value he had to develop.
Honest behaviour in communication
When communicating, honesty is very important and becomes one of the national characteristics which is reflected in human values. Honest behavior also underlies all other commendable behavior. Honesty is the ability to convey the truth, admit mistakes, be trustworthy and act respectfully (Wiseza, 2017). The following is the honesty data from the pairs of informants studied:
Table 7
Honest behaviour in communication
Informan | Perilaku jujur |
ST dan AA | Speak honestly by reprimanding friends when they are doing something wrong, and everything they think will be conveyed. |
JF dan DB | didn’t do it because they always held it in by not expressing what was on their minds. |
DS dan FA | Be honest when you make a mistake but don’t be too open when you want to share personal problem |
In communicating, the characteristics of effective communication are openness (Devito, 2015). Quality in openness at least shows three points of view, the first is that they are open to each other when communicating until a change of information occurs, making communication relationships honest, and an individual must be responsible for what has been conveyed.
In addition to creating an effective communication, openness is an important aspect of social skills. Openness can release feelings of guilt and anxiety (Gainau, 2009). Without openness, a person tends to get poor social acceptance so that it can affect communication and personality development. Based on table 7, it can be seen that ST develops honesty without having to feel uncomfortable in any communication behavior.
Behave well in communication
As social beings, humans do not only rely on their own strength, but need other humans in certain ways, and must respect, love, and care for each other. It’s the same with friendship. Friendship will last long when there is a concern between these friendships. From an Islamic perspective, Rasulullah SAW invited his people to care for fellow creatures of Allah, and work together to help each other. (Tabi’in, 2017). The following is data on good communication behavior from informants:
Table 8
Behave well in communication
Informant | Behave well in communication |
ST and AA | Communicating by behaving positively to friends who have problems, but not always done. |
JF and DB | Appreciate when other people talk by not interrupting, but also avoid when they don’t want to talk. |
DS and FA | Advise good things, but when they are not in a good condition they prefer to remain silent. |
When there is no sense of concern for friends, it will also cause a loss of harmony and trust in friends (Andri, 2019). In the process of communication, respecting the interlocutor or other people is very important in living a life. Respecting others means having to be able to equate yourself and others on an equal level. That is, if someone feels important or valuable, that person must also be aware or understand that other people are also important in the sense that they are as important or valuable as themselves (Panjaitan, 2014).
Just like what JF did with DB, he would definitely listen to every conversation his friend had and didn’t interrupt the conversation. This will certainly make DB feel valued when communicating with him. JF’s behavior caused him to be respected by others. In living life, an individual needs other people to advise good things. Someone who is already good needs advice to be even better, while someone who is not good needs advice to be even better (Pramono, 2017). DS will let you know when the FA starts to show arrogance. He will definitely advise the FA to be a little humble and try to lower the ego. DS certainly did this so that FA could become a better person.
Able to adjust the situation in communication
When you want to start a communication, an individual needs to see the circumstances that you want to talk to when talking about a particular matter. This is known as social sensitivity. Social sensitivity or social sensitivity can be interpreted as a person’s actions to react quickly and appropriately to objects or social situations in the surrounding environment. Social sensitivity needs to be further developed to reduce egocentrism and develop a sense of empathy for other people around them (Pitoewas, Putri, and Yanzi 2020). The following is the adjustment data for the three informants:
Table 9
Able to adjust the situation in communication
Informant | Adjusting condition |
ST and AA | ST includes being less sensitive to circumstances, usually telling stories directly without looking at friends’ conditions/conditions. |
JF and DB | JF didn’t really take the initiative to ask questions about friends’ problems. |
DS and FA | DS will always be ready to provide feedback when friends ask to listen to their complaints |
Based on the data above, it can be seen that the three informants have variations in terms of adjusting to the circumstances or communication situation. In building a relationship, an individual often considers himself to be the most important, while the interests of other people are secondary so people lose concern (Alamsyah, 2016). An individual thinks too much of himself and doesn’t want to know about others. Whereas humans always need other people. Therefore, underestimating or caring about others can lead to the continuation or cessation of a relationship. JF often immediately spoke without seeing DB’s state of readiness. JF only thought about his interests by continuing to talk about what JF was feeling, without looking at what DB was feeling. This can make good or bad communication takes place.
In a social or friendship sphere, an individual is required to be able to adapt not only to himself but also to his environment. Self-adjustment demands to live and get along fairly with their environment so that teenagers feel satisfied with themselves and their environment (Kumalasari, 2012). Likewise, if the DS can adjust to see the state of the FA when speaking. FA started to show discomfort in the communication situation, DS will immediately say sorry to regenerate the comfortable situation when communicating.
The following table describes the factors that influence the broken home child informant’s communication style in interacting with his friends.
Table 10
Affecting factors of Broken Home’s communication style
Informant | Interpersonal Communication Style | Indicators | Affected Factor |
ST | Dominant Style | – Always asking friends about problems
– Always reprimanding friends for actions they don’t like |
The first child of three siblings. |
JF | Relaxed Style | Conveying vent in a calm, happy, full of smiles and laughter.. | An only child |
DS | Attentive Style | – Listening to friends’ complaints
– Advise friends – Make food during free time |
Religious factor |
The interpersonal communication styles of broken homes from 3 pairs of informants in Yogyakarta are very varied. Based on the activities carried out with friends, their styles can be categorized as dominant style, relaxed style, and attentive style. The ST informant, who has a dominant style of friend seen as a child who always wants to talk without giving other friends a chance when communicating. He also always wants to know the problems experienced by his friends, even reprimands the behavior of friends that he does not agree with. ST’s communication style is because he is the first child of three siblings. This individual communication style is like someone who does not have life problems such as being calm, happy, and full of smiles and laughter.
Meanwhile, the JF informant has a relaxed style characterized by self-disclosure with smiles, laughter, and jokes, as if he felt no burden in life. This communication style is influenced by the status of JF who is the only child in his family. The personality of a person who is carried out to his friend can be influenced by birth order. Only children usually tend not to lose their dominant position over their family, because they remain the focus and center of attention. The attention that an only child always gets makes this position a positive outlook such as leading to achievement and a pleasant personality when compared to the second child, and so on.
In informant III, DS has an attentive style such as always listening to complaints, reminding of small things, and often making food in his spare time. This can happen because it is influenced by religious factors. With high religiosity, DS carries out religious worship and rituals, reads the holy book, learns religious teachings and values, and lives up to religious doctrines and rites as his mother wants. In the end, this habit forms DS’ identity, understanding of his connectedness with the surrounding environment, and also the existence of a positive attitude as part of the existence of spirituality that occurs within him.
Research Limitations
Based on the researcher’s direct experience in this research process, some limitations are experienced and can be a factor to pay more attention to for future researchers to perfect it. There are several limitations in this study, including:
- The number of informants, which was only three people, is of course still insufficient to represent the real situation.
- Retrieval of informants with accidental sampling technique because not all broken home children are willing to be interviewed related to interpersonal communication styles with their best friends. Thus researchers need to have emotional closeness so that they are willing to provide information. Thus the purposive sampling technique (taking sampling into consideration) can be applied.
- In the data collection process, the information provided by informants through interviews was sometimes not in-depth and not as expected, this was influenced by the closeness of the researchers to the informants and also the honesty factor of the informants.
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