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Missing Data, Statistical Power of Likelihood-Ratio Test and Differential Item Functioning in NECO Mathematics Examination in Nigeria

  • Nofisat Adeola OLANIGAN
  • Adeyemi Alaba ADEDIWURA
  • 202-216
  • Oct 26, 2023
  • Education

Missing Data, Statistical Power of Likelihood-Ratio Test and Differential Item Functioning in NECO Mathematics Examination in Nigeria

Nofisat Adeola OLANIGAN and Adeyemi Alaba ADEDIWURA

Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife


Received: 27 August 2023; Revised: 11 September 2023; Accepted: 15 September 2023; Published: 26 October 2023


The study examined the percentage of missing data by persons and items, and the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude The study adopted the ex-post facto research design. The population consisted of 1,034,629 candidates that sat for the June/July 2017 NECO mathematics examination. The study sample comprised all the 194,009 students that sat for the examination in the six Southwestern states of Nigeria. Data collected was analysed using frequency count, percentage, Likelihood-ratio Test and Multiple Imputation Chained Equation and T-test respectively. Results showed that 42.2% of examinees had one or more missing responses and that all the items of the 2017 SSCE Mathematics test attracted missing responses. The result also showed that 56 of the 60 items of the NECO Mathematics functioned differentially with respect to gender and that 55 of the 56 items displaying DIF flagged non-uniform DIF. Furthermore, results showed that likelihood ratio DIF test method identifies more differential functioning items when missing responses of examinees were replaced with Multiple Imputation Chain Equation and that there is no significant difference in the power of loglikelihood ratio test in detecting DIF items under traditional method of imputing missing data and the mice method. The study concluded that missing data had no significant influence on the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test for detecting differential item functioning in mathematics examination

Keywords: Missing Data, Statistical Power, Likelihood-Ratio Test, Differential Item Functioning


In educational measurement, test is a crucial instrument in determining students’ academic achievement. Test has become one of the most important parameters by which a society adjudges the product of her educational system. The essence of testing is to reveal the latent ability of an examinee. Test is a mechanism or instrument commonly used for evaluation to measure the cognitive abilities an individual possesses or to determine the latent abilities of examinees. Test consists of a set of questions or task to which a student or testee responds to independently and the result of which can be treated in such a way as to provide a quantitative comparison in the performance of different students (Nworgu, 2011). Since test in education can be used for different purposes such as; selection, placement, diagnostic or certification, it should therefore meet specific standards in terms of validity, reliability and usability as one of the measurement tools. Even if the reliability of the measurements acquired with a measurement tool is investigated with different method, in some cases where the desired quality (latent trait) to be measured is mixed with other qualities, the individuals in different subgroups can be affected systematically from this situation. It is known as “bias” and causes negative effect on the validity and it decreases the reliability.

Bias that occurs as a systematic variation source and affects the validity is defined as “the difference between the probabilities of correct answer of the individual within different subgroups with the same ability level. Hence, it is necessary to match the individuals in different subgroups regarding the ability levels and to examine statistically the item parameters of these individuals. This situation is defined as the examination of whether there is Differential Item Function (DIF) in the items or not.

Differential item functioning (DIF) can therefore be understood as a lack of conditional independence between an item response and group membership (often gender, location or ethnicity) given the equal latent ability or trait (Ajeigbe & Afolabi, 2014). It is required that the items with detected DIF should be checked by the experts and whether the DIF is due to another source rather than the desired measured quality. In cases that the DIF is detected to be caused by another source than the desired measured quality, it said that the related item(s) is/are biased. In order to provide validity of the items detected biased, it can be said that it is proper for them to be revised in possible cases, and in impossible cases to be removed completely from the test, after been described as one of the important threats that affect the objectivity and validity of the measurement tools (Kristanjansonn, Aylesworth, McDowell & Zumbo, 2005). Thus, scientists have developed significantly extensive methods regarding the detection of DIF. As examples of some frequently used ones of these methods are Standardization (SPD-X), Mantel-Haenszel (M-H), Logistic Regression (LR) and Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) methods. However, the detection of DIF can be complicated by the presence of many variables like number-ratio of items with DIF, test length, DIF level, sample size, DIF structure in items, and item scoring method etc. (Camili & Shepard, 1994; Padilla, Hidalgo, Benitez & Gomez-Benito, 2012; Selvi, 2013). Another variable that can change the findings acquired by the DIF detection methods is thought to be the problem of missing data or item non-response.

Missing data can be formed in cases like, for a performance test not reaching the item due to time limitations, accidentally omitting the item or leaving it empty due to not knowing the right answer (Banks, 2015); for a scale, accidentally omitting the related item or refusal to answer due to personal reasons or omit the questions they are not comfortable with (such as in the case of attitudinal measurement). Data are missing for some test items, and or for some examinees when an examinee do not answer items in a test because of his/her inability to respond to all questions. In other words, and in the most general sense, the missing data can be considered as an information loss (Alpar, 2011). Missing data occur when an examinee either does not respond to an item or question (i.e., item non-response) or does not respond to any question at all (i.e., unit non-response).

On a psychometric measure, there are multiple possible mechanisms to explain item responses that are unanswered. For example, the design of the administration may include planned missing items, in which individuals are deliberately not presented certain items. Alternatively, an examinee may decide not to answer an item because she is unsure of the correct response, or may not respond because she finds the item to be offensive, intrusive or embarrassing. The examinee may simply run out of time before reaching the item, or skip an item with the intention of returning to answer it later – only to run out of time, or forget that he skipped it (De Ayala, 2009). It is often difficult to ascertain why item responses are missing and to determine a fair way to account for them in scoring. As a result, several techniques have been proposed to deal with missing data, but no clear consensus has emerged as to the best approach to use. Various missing data handling methods and analysis were developed for the missing data mechanisms, with different assumptions about missing data. According to Rubin, there are three types of missing data mechanisms: missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR) (Little and Rubin, 2002).

In addition, subject that deal with critical thinking, theories and its application such as Mathematics is likely to have high percentage/rate of missing data (for example in Mathematics test, students tends to leave items that seems difficult to them first while attending to items that are easy to them which at the end of the day may result into item non-response or missing data). Therefore, detecting DIF of such Mathematics items can become complicated, since, most of the statistical approaches require full data such that missing values threatens the data analysis process.

Moreover, likelihood-ratio test in DIF detection has received considerable attention in literature (Finch, 2005; Bodner, 2006; Oshima & Morris, 2008). Relative to traditional approach such as the logistic regression and Mantel-Haenszel DIF detection which requires strict assumptions and which is prone to substantial bias, likelihood-ratio test is theoretically appealing because it require weaker assumption about the cause of missing data. From a practical standpoint, this means that the technique will produce parameter estimates with less bias and greater statistical power. The statistical power also known as power of a hypothesis test is the probability that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis. Therefore, the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test is the probability that likelihood-ratio test will yield statistically significant results and correctly reject null hypothesis. It is also the probability of likelihood-ratio test to find effect if there is an effect to be found after setting certain standards which provides a basis for rejection.

The crucial question is then, should we care about item non-response or missing data while doing a DIF analysis? The answer is yes because there is the risk of potential statistical bias associated with valid inferences of test scores and their use. There is therefore the need for an IRT statistical method such as the likelihood-ratio test which is also robust to missing data in analysing item responses to evaluate items for DIF.

Despite that Mathematics is important for every student; there seems to be performance disparities among sub-group of examinees such that many see it as one of the highest hurdles to cross in their academic life (Adedayo, 2006). Also, it deals with critical thinking, theories and its application and because it also involves a lot of arithmetic and calculations, there has always been high rate of item non-response or missing data as compared to other subjects most especially at the senior school certificate examination (SSCE).

Missing data presents various problems such as the loss of information which can cause bias in the estimation of parameters, reduce the representativeness of sample and finally reduces statistical power of a test.  missing data may also lead to problems like decrease of the power of the used statistical analyses, faulty estimate of standard error, increase in Type I error rate, not being able to estimate in quality the closed properties based on observation (Hohensinn & Kubinger, 2011; Molenberghs & Kenward, 2007). Thus, missing data may significantly affect the study outcome(s) due to the loss of information, thus complicating the interpretation of data analyses.

Various methods have been developed to solve the problem of missing data and they can have profoundly different effects on estimation. Literature review has also shown numerous missing data and missing data handling methods investigations in terms of combinations of factors like, sample size, proportion of missing data and method of analysis. However, there are limited empirical research on missing data on factors like significance levels, missing data mechanisms and magnitude of DIF, as well as senior school certificate mathematics examination where missing data is present. Hence, the need to investigate the possible effects of missing data on the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test for differential item functioning in senior school certificate mathematics examination in Southwestern Nigeria; hence the study.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  1. examine the percentage of missing data by persons and items in the senior school certificate mathematics examination;
  2. assess the magnitude and nature of differential item functioning of senior school certificate mathematics examination among southwestern students with respect to sex;
  3. examine the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex; and
  4. determine the consistency of the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanisms.

Research Questions

The following research questions were raised from the specific objectives.

  1. What is the percentage of missing data by persons and items in the senior school certificate mathematics examination?
  2. What is the magnitude and nature of differential item functioning in the senior school certificate mathematics examination among southwestern students with respect to sex?
  3. What is the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex?
  4. How consistent is the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism?


The study adopted the ex-post facto research design. It was considered appropriate for the study as it enabled the researchers the use of data form of candidates’ responses to 2017 NECO Mathematics which already existed and allows impact analysis to be performed on this existing data without manipulation or control.

The population consisted of 1,034,629 candidates that sat for the June/July 2017 NECO mathematics examination. The 1,034,629 candidates were made of 595,120 males and 435,251 females. North West: 244,286, North East: 168,558, North Central: 212,702, South-South: 94,934, South West: 194,009, and South East: 78,256 (National Examination Council).

The study sample comprised all the 194,009 students that sat for the examination in the six Southwestern States. From each of the six states, an intact class of students (Oyo 52,353, Ekiti 11,426, Ogun 25,196, Osun 26,086, Lagos 52,407, and Ondo 26,541) who sat for the 2017 NECO Senior School Certificate Mathematics Examination was selected purposively because the data were readily available and not too large to be managed.

The research instrument used for the study was the secondary data that comprised records of candidates’ responses and scoring contained in the scanned Optical Marks Record (OMR) sheets of the National Examination Council (NECO) June/July 2017 Mathematics objective items. The OMR sheets contained the responses of examinees to the 2017 NECO Mathematics objective items. The examination consists of 60 items in a multiple-choice format and scored dichotomously (responses of the examinees were scored 1 for correct response and scored 0 for incorrect option). It contained five response options ranging from A – E. the minimum score for an examinee from computation is zero (0) while the maximum score is sixty (60). The data was collected from the NECO office with the help of a letter of request written from the head of Department, Educational Foundations and Counselling to NECO office. Data collected were analysed using frequency count, percentage, Likelihood-ratio, Multiple Imputation Chained Equation and T-test.


Research Question One: What is the percentage of missing data by persons and items in the senior school certificate mathematics examination?

Table 1 (a) and Table 1 (b) shows the percentage of students with at least one missing response and the percentage of items with at least one missing response.

Table 1 (a): Missing responses in senior school certificate 2017 mathematics examination based on the items.

Item Number of examinees %MR Item Number of examinees %MR
IT1 2103 1.1 IT31 4343 2.2
IT2 3301 1.7 IT32 3870 2.0
IT3 3930 2.0 IT33 4398 2.3
IT4 4402 2.3 IT34 3856 2.0
IT5 3684 1.9 IT35 3634 1.9
IT6 3321 1.7 IT36 3967 2.0
IT7 3201 1.6 IT37 4644 2.4
IT8 4039 2.1 IT38 5572 2.9
IT9 3862 2.0 IT39 4162 2.1
IT10 3898 2.0 IT40 5066 2.6
IT11 3471 1.8 IT41 4005 2.1
IT12 4240 2.2 IT42 6785 3.5
IT13 5187 2.7 IT43 5178 2.7
IT14 4546 2.3 IT44 4703 2.4
IT15 4552 2.3 IT45 5452 2.8
IT16 4229 2.2 IT46 4431 2.3
IT17 4984 2.6 IT47 5994 3.1
IT18 3961 2.0 IT48 4837 2.5
IT19 3224 1.7 IT49 4443 2.3
IT20 3714 1.9 IT50 5756 3.0
IT21 4896 2.5 IT51 3186 1.6
IT22 3765 1.9 IT52 4221 2.2
IT23 5215 2.7 IT53 6293 3.2
IT24 4591 2.4 IT54 5793 3.0
IT25 4475 2.3 IT55 6749 3.5
IT26 2990 1.5 IT56 6965 3.6
IT27 3961 2.0 IT57 6208 3.2
IT28 3549 1.8 IT58 6450 3.3
IT29 3686 1.9 IT59 7738 4.0
IT30 4269 2.2 IT60 9656 5.0

Table 1 (a) shows the distribution of items of 2017 SSCE Mathematics test with missing responses. The table shows that all the items of the 2017 SSCE Mathematics test attracted missing responses. For example, 2103 (representing 1.1%) of the examinees that sat for the test did not respond to item 1. In fact, 5% of the examinees did not respond to item 60. The result showed that all the items attracted missing responses. The implication of the finding is that all the items on the 2017 NECO Mathematics test restricted the examinees from displaying what they know.

Table 1(b): Percentage of missing data by persons in the senior school certificate NECO 2017 mathematics examination

Missing   Data Frequency Percent Missing Data Frequency Percent
0 111500 57.472 31 51 0.026
1 37182 19.165 32 40 0.021
2 16301 8.402 33 41 0.021
3 8465 4.363 34 41 0.021
4 5186 2.673 35 26 0.013
5 3417 1.761 36 26 0.013
6 2259 1.164 37 33 0.017
7 1669 0.860 38 24 0.012
8 1251 0.645 39 26 0.013
9 960 0.495 40 22 0.011
10 876 0.452 41 13 0.007
11 699 0.360 42 11 0.006
12 525 0.271 43 13 0.007
13 454 0.234 44 10 0.005
14 377 0.194 45 9 0.005
15 330 0.170 46 8 0.004
16 292 0.151 47 7 0.004
17 244 0.126 48 10 0.005
18 215 0.111 49 3 0.002
19 208 0.107 50 4 0.002
20 169 0.087 51 2 0.001
21 150 0.077 52 4 0.002
22 124 0.064 53 5 0.003
23 111 0.057 54 3 0.002
24 119 0.061 55 2 0.001
25 96 0.049 56 3 0.002
26 89 0.046 57 6 0.003
27 86 0.044 58 1 0.001
28 70 0.036 59 2 0.001
29 63 0.032 60 16 0.008
30 60 0.031 Total 194009 100

Table 1 (b) shows the distribution of the missing responses of the examinees that took 2017 NECO Mathematics test. The table shows that about 57.5% of the examinees has no missing responses, while 42.2% had one or more missing responses. The result showed that quite a large number of the examinees had missing responses. The implication of the result is that about 50% of the examinees could not demonstrate their proficiency completely.

Research Question Two: What is the magnitude and nature of differential item functioning in the senior school certificate mathematics examination among southwestern students with respect to sex?

To answer this research question, the responses of the students to the mathematics examination was subjected to differential item functioning and the assessment of the DIF was done using Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) method of DIF assessment with the female students as the focal group. The result is presented in Table 2

Table 2: Magnitude of Differential item functioning of 2017 NECO with respect to gender among students from South-west Nigeria

Item Gender logLik G2 Df        p Item Gender logLik G2 df        p
1 Female -6143870 92.765 3 0.000 DIF 31 Female -6143900 151.959 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
2 Female -6143864 79.89 3 0.000 DIF 32 Female -6143904 159.55 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
3 Female -6143897 145.459 3 0.000 DIF 33 Female -6143853 58.26 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
4 Female -6143949 250.313 3 0.000 DIF 34 Female -6143887 126.716 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
5 Female -6143849 49.876 3 0.000 DIF 35 Female -6143892 135.892 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
6 Female -6143846 44.586 3 0.000 DIF 36 Female -6143900 151.785 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
7 Female -6143991 334.093 3 0.000 DIF 37 Female -6143868 88.954 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
8 Female -6143947 246.639 3 0.000 DIF 38 Female -6143860 71.768 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
9 Female -6143897 146.748 3 0.000 DIF 39 Female -6143862 75.375 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
10 Female -6144050 451.474 3 0.000 DIF 40 Female -6143930 212.923 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
11 Female -6143979 310.83 3 0.000 DIF 41 Female -6143870 92.964 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
12 Female -6143830 12.317 3 0.002 DIF 42 Female -6143845 41.489 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
13 Female -6143835 2.226 3 0.329 NO DIF 43 Female -6143851 53.876 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143836 Male -6143824
14 Female -6143869 89.598 3 0.000 DIF 44 Female -6143826 4.117 3 0.128 NO DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
15 Female -6143865 82.148 3 0.000 DIF 45 Female -6143878 107.584 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
16 Female -6143896 144.914 3 0.000 DIF 46 Female -6143845 41.581 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
17 Female -6143851 54.434 3 0.000 DIF 47 Female -6143825 2.226 3 0.329 NO DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
18 Female -6143842 35.139 3 0.000 DIF 48 Female -6143927 205.544 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
19 Female -6143868 87.563 3 0.000 DIF 49 Female -6143857 66.529 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
20 Female -6143873 97.696 3 0.000 DIF 50 Female -6143838 28.049 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
21 Female -6143840 32.078 3 0.000 DIF 51 Female -6143851 53.505 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
22 Female -6143836 23.91 3 0.000 DIF 52 Female -6143843 38.639 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
23 Female -6143832 16.089 3 0.000 DIF 53 Female -6143883 118.191 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
24 Female -6143924 200.391 3 0.000                          DIF 54 Female -6143849 49.805 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
25 Female -6143848 48.741 3 0.000 DIF 55 Female -6143833 17.642 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
26 Female -6143917 186.108 3 0.000 DIF 56 Female -6143874 99.501 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
27 Female -6143921 193.706 3 0.000 DIF 57 Female -6143842 36.742 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
28 Female -6143860 71.207 3 0.000 DIF 58 Female -6143870 91.153 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
29 Female -6143829 9.43 3 0.009 DIF 59 Female -6143859 69.792 3 0.000 DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824
30 Female -6143875 101.979 3 0.000 DIF 60 Female -6143825 1.205 3 0.548 NO DIF
Male -6143824 Male -6143824

Table 2 showed the comparison of the function of the item parameters of 2017 NECO Mathematics test among male and female students as well as the magnitude of the variation observed in the functioning of the item parameters. The table showed that 56 of the 60 items of the test functioned differentially with respect to gender. For example, item 1 functioned differently among female and male students (Loglikelihood statistics for male =  -6143824, while for female = -6143870). The likelihood ratio test showed that the difference in the functionality of the item parameters was significant (diff loglikelihood = 2, x2 (df=3)= 92.765, p-value<0.05). Similar result as in item 1 was obtained for items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,  14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59. The table further showed that the difference observed in the function of item 13 (diff loglikelihood = 1, x2 (df=3)= 2.226,p-value>0.05); item 44 (diff loglikelihood = 2, x2 (df=3)= 4.117,p-value>0.05); 47 (diff loglikelihood = 1, x2 (df=3)= 2.226,p-value>0.05) and 60 (diff loglikelihood = 46, x2 (df=3)= 1.205 ,p-value>0.05) was not significant. The result showed that 56 of the 60 items of the NECO Mathematics functioned differentially with respect to gender. The implication of the result is that the NECO test measured the Mathematics proficiency of male and female students differently.

Further results showed that 55 of the 56 items displaying DIF with respect to gender flagged non-uniform DIF, while only one, item 28 flagged uniform DIF (See Appendix). That is 2017 NECO Mathematics test items mostly flagged non-uniform DIF with respect to gender. The implication of the result is that the 2017 NECO Mathematics test items functioned differentially with respect to gender differently at low ability level and high ability level; the differential functioning of the NECO test items at lower ability level is different from the differential function at higher ability level.

Research question three: What is the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex?

To answer this research question, the responses the students would have made to the items they failed to respond to were determined using the Multiple Imputation Chained Equation (MICE). The analysis was conducted using mice package of R Language and environment for statistical computing. After the missing responses were replaced with the computed values, the whole data were subjected to DIF analysis under likelihood ratio test method. The obtained difference in the likelihood ratio for male and female were compared with the difference in the likelihood value of the data when the missing responses were scored zero. The result is presented in Table 3.

Table 3: Magnitude of Differential item functioning of 2017 NECO Mathematics test items under ignored missing responses and missing responses imputation based on multiple imputation chain equation

With missing value scored zero With missing imputation base on mice Item Gender With missing value scored zero With missing imputation base on mice
Item Gender logLik G2 Remark logLik G2 Remark logLik G2 Remark logLik G2 Remark
1 Female -6143870 92.765 DIF -6013763 102.871 DIF 31 Female -6143900 151.959 DIF -6013798 172.638 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
2 Female -6143864 79.89 DIF -6013759 94.644 DIF 32 Female -6143904 159.55 DIF -6013808 194.082 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
3 Female -6143897 145.459 DIF -6013797 171.079 DIF 33 Female -6143853 58.26 DIF -6013755 86.951 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
4 Female -6143949 250.313 DIF -6013857 291.418 DIF 34 Female -6143887 126.716 DIF -6013792 161.25 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
5 Female -6143849 49.876 DIF -6013742 61.582 DIF 35 Female -6143892 135.892 DIF -6013798 174.159 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
6 Female -6143846 44.586 DIF -6013745 68.009 DIF 36 Female -6143900 151.785 DIF -6013802 181.974 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
7 Female -6143991 334.093 DIF -6013903 383.77 DIF 37 Female -6143868 88.954 DIF -6013766 108.438 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
8 Female -6143947 246.639 DIF -6013863 302.998 DIF 38 Female -6143860 71.768 DIF -6013766 108.689 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
9 Female -6143897 146.748 DIF -6013804 185.828 DIF 39 Female -6143862 75.375 DIF -6013763 103.87 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
10 Female -6144050 451.474 DIF -6013971 520.207 DIF 40 Female -6143930 212.923 DIF -6013842 260.884 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
11 Female -6143979 310.83 DIF -6013880 337.208 DIF 41 Female -6143870 92.964 DIF -6013773 123.489 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
12 Female -6143830 12.317 DIF -6013716 10.227 DIF 42 Female -6143845 41.489 DIF -6013744 66.189 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
13 Female -6143835 2.226 NO DIF -6013720 17.497 DIF 43 Female -6143851 53.876 DIF -6013758 93.624 DIF
Male -6143836 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
14 Female -6143869 89.598 DIF -6013772 121.376 DIF 44 Female -6143826 4.117 NO DIF -6013718 13.457 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
15 Female -6143865 82.148 DIF -6013768 114.18 DIF 45 Female -6143878 107.584 DIF -6013788 153.068 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
16 Female -6143896 144.914 DIF -6013799 174.966 DIF 46 Female -6143845 41.581 DIF -6013745 68.239 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
17 Female -6143851 54.434 DIF -6013753 82.653 DIF 47 Female -6143825 2.226 NO DIF -6013712 1.589 NO DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
18 Female -6143842 35.139 DIF -6013726 29.032 DIF 48 Female -6143927 205.544 DIF -6013841 258.803 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
19 Female -6143868 87.563 DIF -6013777 131.115 DIF 49 Female -6143857 66.529 DIF -6013761 98.658 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
20 Female -6143873 97.696 DIF -6013778 133.277 DIF 50 Female -6143838 28.049 DIF -6013736 49.028 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
21 Female -6143840 32.078 DIF -6013731 39.504 DIF 51 Female -6143851 53.505 DIF -6013747 71.426 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
22 Female -6143836 23.91 DIF -6013735 46.476 DIF 52 Female -6143843 38.639 DIF -6013746 68.711 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
23 Female -6143832 16.089 DIF -6013722 22.279 DIF 53 Female -6143883 118.191 DIF -6013798 173.085 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
24 Female -6143924 200.391          DIF -6013832 241.519 DIF 54 Female -6143849 49.805 DIF -6013756 89.39 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
25 Female -6143848 48.741 DIF -6013745 67.076 DIF 55 Female -6143833 17.642 DIF -6013726 28.528 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
26 Female -6143917 186.108 DIF -6013814 206.273 DIF 56 Female -6143874 99.501 DIF -6013800 176.925 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
27 Female -6143921 193.706 DIF -6013824 225.331 DIF 57 Female -6143842 36.742 DIF -6013752 81.495 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
28 Female -6143860 71.207 DIF -6013735 48.177 DIF 58 Female -6143870 91.153 DIF -6013780 136.804 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
29 Female -6143829 9.43 DIF -6013716 10.349 DIF 59 Female -6143859 69.792 DIF -6013764 104.924 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
30 Female -6143875 101.979 DIF -6013778 134.29 DIF 60 Female -6143825 1.205 NO DIF -6013716 9.099 DIF
Male -6143824 -6013711 Male -6143824 -6013711
Statistical Power 0.12 0.13

Table 3 showed the effect of missing data on the power of likelihood ratio test method of DIF in detecting DIF in 2017 NECO Mathematics test. The Table showed that likelihood ratio DIF test method identifies more differential functioning items when missing responses of examinees were replaced with Multiple Imputation Chain Equation (MICE) than when missing value was treated traditionally (i.e., replaced with zero). The result further showed that the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex was higher when missing responses of examinees were replaced with multiple imputation chain equation (power = 0.13) than when missing value was treated traditionally (i.e., replaced with zero) (power = 0.12). The implication of the result is that replacing missing responses of examinees with zero reduced the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test in detecting DIF items.

Research Question Four: How consistent is the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism?

To answer this research question, the p-values of the items under the two missing response mechanism was compared. The result is presented as follows

Table 4: Paired sampled t-test of the p-values of loglikelihood ratio test DIF method under missing value imputation using mice and traditional method of missing data imputation

paired diff
Mean STD Mean STD T df p-value
Mice 0.007933 0.058327 -0.014483 0.083899 -1.33717 59 0.186301
missing 0.022417 0.092343

Table 4 showed the consistency of the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism. The Table showed that the mice method of missing data imputation was more significant in the detection of DIF item (mean = 0.008, STD = 0.058) than the traditional method of missing data imputation (mean = 0.022, STD = 0.092). paired sample t-test showed that the difference observed in the different missing data mechanism was not significant (t (59) = 1.337, p-value = 0.186). The result showed that there is no significant difference in the power of loglikelihood ratio test in detecting DIF items under traditional method of imputing missing data and the mice method. The implication of the result is that the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism is consistent to a large extent.


The study examined the percentage of missing data by persons and items in the senior school certificate mathematics examination. It also assessed the magnitude and nature of differential item functioning of senior school certificate mathematics examination among Southwestern students with respect to sex. Furthermore, it examined the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex. It finally determined the consistency of the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism. These were with a view to examining the effect of missing data on the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test for detecting differential item functioning in senior school certificate mathematics examination among southwestern students.

Findings from research question one showed that all the items in 2017 NECO Mathematics test attracted missing responses. It also showed that quite a large number of the examinees had missing responses. The implication of the finding is that all the items on the 2017 NECO Mathematics test did restricted the examinees from displaying what they know and that half of the examinees could not demonstrate their proficiency completely. The finding is in agreement with the report by Graham (2009) that missing data has long been a challenge for researchers in a range of different fields and become a pervasive problem in virtually any discipline or examination where examinees find it difficult to respond to the items or questions presented to them. Moreover, the prevalence of missing data in education research was illustrated most clearly by Peugh and Enders (2004) who examined leading education journals published in 1999 and 2003 where they identified 389 studies that were published with missing data.

Findings from research question two showed that almost all the items of the test functioned differentially with respect to gender (i.e., their likelihood ratio test showed that the difference in the functionality of the item parameters was significant). However, only three items of the test did not function differentially with respect to gender (i.e., their likelihood ratio test showed that the difference in the functionality of the item parameters was not significant). These implied that the 2017 NECO test measures the mathematics proficiency of male and female students differently. The finding supported the findings by Abedlaziz (2010) that females showed a statistically significant and consistent advantage over males on numerical ability while males showed a consistent advantage over females on spatial and deductive ability. Moreover, the study concurred with the work of Abba (2015) showed a significant gender difference exists in English Language multiple choice items set and administered by NECO SSCE 2010. Also, Madu (2012) in his study stated that male students have greater advantage over females in Mathematics multiple choice examination. However, the study opposes that of Nwargu and Odili (2005) who stated that gender and social-economic status are not indicators of differential item functioning in 1999 WAEC SSCE. Finding further supported the study of Oladele, Adegoke and LongJohn (2020) that both WAEC and NECO mathematics tests item exhibited DIF with respect to gender under CTT and IRT frameworks. It also agreed with the findings of Adedoyin (2010), who in his study investigated gender biased items in public examinations, and found that out of 16 items that fitted the 3PL item response theory statistical analysis, 5 items were gender biased. The implication of these findings is that the DIF tendency is not specific to questions or items used by NECO alone. This also agreed with the submission of Ogunsanmi (2021) in a study on the effect of language manipulation on the differential item functioning of WAEC’s Physics multiple choice items, that items functioning differentially with respect to gender or school location is not specific to questions or items used by WAEC alone, as other public examinations contain test items with similar (DIF) characteristics.

Furthermore, the nature of the differential item functioning observed in the 2017 NECO Mathematics test showed that almost all the items that are functioning differentially with respect to gender displayed a non-uniform DIF (i.e the probability of a correct item response does not differ between groups of examinees, controlling for or matching on the measured ability), while only one item, displayed uniform DIF (i.e. the probability of a correct item response differs between groups of examinees, controlling for or matching on the measured ability). The finding showed that 2017 NECO Mathematics test items showed non-uniform DIF with respect to gender. The implication of the finding is that the 2017 NECO Mathematics test items functioned differentially with respect to gender differently at low ability level and high ability level; the differential functioning of the NECO test items at lower ability level is different from the differential function at higher ability level. These findings corroborated with the results of Adediwura and Asowo (2022) that 2017 NECO mathematics multiple-choice items reflected DIF and that not only very difficult items are susceptible to DIF but with easier items as well.

Findings from research question three on the effect of missing data on statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex, showed that likelihood ratio DIF test method identifies more differential functioning items when missing responses of examinees were replaced with multiple imputation chain equation than when missing value was treated traditionally (i.e., replaced with zero). The finding further showed that the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test across differential item functioning magnitude with respect to sex was higher when missing responses of examinees were replaced with multiple imputation chain equation. However, the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test was lower when missing value was treated traditionally (i.e., replaced with zero). The implication of the finding is that replacing missing responses of examinees with zero reduced the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test in detecting DIF items. The finding supported that of Allison (2002) and Graham (2009) that traditional method such as listwise deletion decreases the effective sample size, thereby decreasing the statistical power of the analyses. The loss of power makes it more difficult to detect relatively small (but potentially important) effects or relationships between variables. These findings corroborated the conclusion of Croninger and Douglas (2005) that newer strategies for coping with missing data yield not only accurate but more precise parameter estimates than traditional strategies do. Also, Lee and Carlin, 2010) stated in their study that modern procedures of dealing with missing data yielded no biased parameter, but rather yields appropriate standard errors and retains much of the statistical power lost with other methods.

More so, findings on the consistency of the power of likelihood-ratio test across significance levels and across missing data mechanism showed that that the multiple imputation chain equation method of missing data imputation was more significant in the detection of DIF item than the traditional method of missing data imputation. Also, there is no significant difference in the power of loglikelihood ratio test in detecting DIF items under multiple imputation chain equation method and traditional method of imputing missing data. The implication of the finding is that the power of the likelihood-ratio across significance levels and across missing data mechanism is consistent to a large extent. This is in concord with the conclusion of Cox, McIntosh, Reason, and Terenzini (2013) in a study that traditional methods (e.g., listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean imputation, and dummy-variable adjustments) have provided relatively simple solutions, they likely have also contributed to biased statistical estimates and misleading or false findings of statistical significance.


The study concluded that missing data had no significant influence on the statistical power of likelihood-ratio test for detecting differential item functioning in senior school certificate mathematics examination among southwestern students.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Test experts and developers should consider the use of likelihood-ratio test in determining differential item functioning. This approach provides an intuitive and flexible methodology for detecting DIF.
  2. Examination bodies should organize training for item developers on the construction of valid, reliable and fair test especially among sub-group of examinees.
  3. NECO and other public examination bodies should subject test items to DIF analysis before final administration to the examinees.
  4. Modern missing data methods such as multiple imputation method should be employed in cases of missing responses because of its robustness and statistical significance.


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