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Perceive Level of Usefulness and Perceived Level of Ease-of-Use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School: Basis for Selecting an Effective Online Learning Platform

  • Estabillo, James Aldrin S.
  • Pacia, Edwin Jr. M.
  • Mark Van M. Buladaco
  • 1801-1820
  • Aug 21, 2023
  • Education

Perceive Level of Usefulness and Perceived Level of Ease-of-Use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School: Basis for Selecting an Effective Online Learning Platform

Estabillo, James Aldrin S.1, Pacia, Edwin Jr. M.2, Mark Van M. Buladaco3

1Master Teacher I, Department of Education, Region XII, Koronadal City Division

2Program Head, BSIT Department, Marvelous College of Technology, Inc., Koronadal City

3Dean, Institute of Computing, Davao del Norte State College

Graduate School Department, University of the Immaculate Conception


Received: 19 July 2023; Accepted: 25 July 2023; Published: 21 August 2023


 In the current digital era, the popularity of online learning platforms has soared, providing a remote education solution. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of these platforms, underscoring the importance of effective online learning tools. To address this need, the research study titled “Perceived Level of Usefulness and Ease-of-Use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School: Basis for Selecting an Effective Online Learning Platform” aims to assess and determine the perceived usefulness and ease-of-use of two prominent learning management systems (LMS), Google Classroom and NEO. These factors are considered key indicators of usability based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) within the educational context of KNCHS. The study involved 106 participants, and statistical tools such as weighted mean (x ̅) and independent t-test and Paired t-test were utilized. The results indicate that the overall weighted means for the perceived usefulness, attitude, and challenges associated with using Google Classroom and NEO in KNCHS were 3.74, 3.71, and 3.20, respectively. These scores suggest agreement among the participants. The findings of the study imply that both Google Classroom and NEO, as implemented at KNCHS are perceived as moderately useful and easy to use, with a moderate level of agreement on the challenges faced in using themwith Google Classroom being rated slightly higher. The study recommends the utilization of Google Classroom and NEO LMS as platforms that effectively manage virtual classrooms and enhance the overall learning experience for students.

Keywords– Googe Classroom, NeoLMS, Learning Management System, DepEd, Perceived Effectiveness, Teaching and Learning


  • Background

Koronadal National Comprehensive High School, one of the largest public secondary schools in Region XII, faces the challenge of inadequate classroom capacity to accommodate its vast student population. As a solution, the school has implemented online classes to bridge the learning gaps. In the modern educational landscape, information technology plays a crucial role, and e-learning technology, including Learning Management Systems (LMS), has become essential.

LMS, a web-based technology, enhances the learning process by providing educational materials and facilitating interaction with course-related information and resources via the Internet. It offers a smart alternative for educational institutions, allowing instructors to deliver customized content, employ various pedagogical models, and engage students effectively. Popular examples of LMS used in educational institutions include Moodle, Schoology, Google Classroom, Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn, CertCentral, Edmodo, and LearnDash.

In the context of Koronadal National Comprehensive High School – Junior High School, Google Classroom has emerged as the primary LMS used during online classes. The Department of Education (DepEd) has conducted webinars to capacitate teachers in utilizing LMS for virtual learning. Google Classroom, integrated into the Google Apps suite, offers comprehensive features that allow teachers to create classes, assign and grade coursework, communicate with students, and provide feedback in one platform.

However, NEO, another LMS, is exclusively used by ICT teachers at the school. These teachers find NEO’s interface, classroom organization, and auto-updates beneficial compared to Google Classroom. Challenges have been observed with the use of Google Classroom, such as issues with automated updates and difficulties in managing multiple domains. Students also encounter problems with attachment submissions, as “Missing” attachments frequently occur despite completing the submission process. The activity feed does not update automatically, leading to missed announcements and incomplete task submissions. These challenges result in wasted time and decreased student motivation. Likewise, teachers experience problems with updates, particularly with grades and quizzes not synchronizing when using different devices.

Considering the challenges faced by both teachers and students in managing virtual classroom activities, it is crucial to examine the perceived usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS among students. This research aims to identify a common, unified, and effective Learning Management System that aligns with new learning trends while meeting the diverse requirements of students and educators at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.

  • Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the perceived level of usefulness and perceived level of ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System among students in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What is the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System among students in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School in terms of the following areas?
  1. Perceived Usage of Google Classroom and NEO LMS
  2. The attitude of Students Towards Usage of Google Classroom and NEO LMS
  3. Challenges Students Face While Using Google Classroom and NEO LMS
  • Is there a significant difference in the level of usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS in terms of gender?
  • Is there a significant difference in the perception of the students on the level of usefulness and ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS as an LMS in the different curriculum programs?

Review of Related Literature

The following literature review explores the existing research and studies related to the perceived level of usefulness and ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System (LMS) in the context of online learning platforms. These studies provide insights into the benefits, challenges, and user experiences of these LMS platforms, offering a foundation for understanding their effectiveness in supporting online education.

The Role of Learning Management Systems in Education

Alias and Zainuddin (2005) define Learning Management Systems (LMS) as web-based technologies designed to enhance the learning process through effective planning, application, and evaluation in educational institutions. LMS facilitates e-learning by providing educational materials and enabling online interaction between students and teachers. It offers a flexible and customizable platform for delivering course content, engaging students, and managing learning activities (Hurix, 2020).

Advantages of Online Learning Platforms

Research shows that LMS platforms, such as Google Classroom and NEO, provide numerous benefits to both students and teachers. These advantages include:

  1. Flexibility and Accessibility: LMS platforms allow students to access educational materials, participate in discussions, and submit assignments from anywhere and at any time, providing flexibility and convenience (Al-Busaidi& Al-Shihi, 2010).
  2. Improved Communication and Collaboration: LMS platforms facilitate communication and collaboration among students and teachers, enabling them to interact, share resources, and engage in discussions (Lonn et al., 2011).
  3. Efficient Content Management: LMS platforms offer centralized storage for course materials, making it easy for teachers to organize and distribute content to students (Ain et al., 2016).
  4. Enhanced Feedback and Assessment: LMS platforms provide tools for teachers to give feedback on assignments, track student progress, and conduct assessments, leading to improved learning outcomes (Hurix, 2020).

Google Classroom and NEO LMS

Google Classroom is a widely used LMS platform that offers various features for creating classes, distributing assignments, and facilitating teacher-student communication (Bouchrika, 2020). On the other hand, NEO LMS is known for its user-friendly interface, classroom organization, and auto-updates, which teachers find beneficial (Bouchrika, 2020).

Challenges in Using LMS Platforms

Despite the benefits, challenges can arise when using LMS platforms. For example, students may experience issues with attachment submissions, such as “Missing” attachments even after completing the submission process (Hurix, 2020).

Additionally, activity feeds may not update automatically, requiring students to manually refresh the page to stay updated on important announcements (Hurix, 2020). Teachers may also face challenges, including difficulties in managing multiple domains and issues with updates, such as grades and quizzes not synchronizing when using different devices (Hurix, 2020).

Average Mean, the literature highlights the importance of selecting an effective online learning platform to support the educational needs of students and educators. Given the challenges and benefits associated with Google Classroom and NEO LMS, it is crucial to assess their perceived level of usefulness and ease-of-use in the context of Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. This research aims to provide valuable insights into selecting a unified and effective Learning Management System that aligns with the school’s requirements and keeps up with the evolving trends in online learning.

  • Theoretical Framework

The research conducted at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS) focuses on assessing the perceived level of usefulness and ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System (LMS) using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a guiding framework. TAM is a well-established theoretical model that explains users’ acceptance and adoption of technology, emphasizing the importance of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.

Perceived usefulness refers to users’ beliefs regarding how these LMS platforms can enhance their performance, productivity, and overall online learning experience. For students at KNCHS, this would involve evaluating how Google Classroom and NEO LMS can support their access to educational resources, improve their learning outcomes, and facilitate their engagement with course materials. Educators, on the other hand, would consider the extent to which these LMS platforms assist in organizing and managing their classes, delivering content, providing feedback, and assessing student progress.

Perceived ease-of-use refers to users’ perceptions of how user-friendly and effortless it is to use a particular technology. In the context of KNCHS, students’ perceived ease of use would encompass their assessment of how easy it is to navigate Google Classroom and NEO LMS, submit assignments, and access course materials. Educators’ perceived ease of use would involve their evaluation of how easily they can create and manage classes, distribute assignments, communicate with students, and perform administrative tasks within these LMS platforms.

The TAM framework suggests that users’ perceptions of usefulness and ease-of-use influence their attitudes and intentions to use technology. In this study, the researchers aim to determine the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS among students and educators at KNCHS. By gaining insights into these perceptions, the research can inform the selection of an effective and unified Learning Management System that caters to the diverse requirements of students and educators while aligning with the evolving trends of online learning.

Applying the TAM framework, the researchers will analyze the data collected from surveys, interviews, or observations to evaluate the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use of the LMS platforms. The findings will contribute to the decision-making process in selecting a suitable LMS for KNCHS, one that effectively supports online learning and meets the specific needs of students and educators in the school.

  • Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the study showing the interplay of the independent and dependent variables. The independent variables are composed of Male and Female, Perceived Usage, Attitude of Students towards usage, Challenges Students face while using, and the dependent variable is indicate of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System.

Evaluating the perceived effectiveness of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System

Figure 1. Evaluating the perceived effectiveness of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System


The purpose of this research is to assess the perceived level of usefulness and perceived level of ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System (LMS) in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS). The study aims to provide insights into selecting an effective online learning platform that caters to the needs and requirements of students and educators in the school. The research will focus specifically on student perspectives.

  • Research Design

This study will employ a quantitative research design, which involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. A structured questionnaire will be utilized to gather responses from the students regarding their perceptions of the usefulness and ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS.

  • Research Locale

The research will be conducted at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS), which is one of the largest secondary public schools in Region XII, Philippines. KNCHS has a significant student population and offers various curriculum programs, which makes it an appropriate setting to explore the effectiveness of online learning platforms.

  • Research Respondents

The respondents for this research will be the students of KNCHS who have been using Google Classroom and NEO LMS for their online learning activities. The sample will be selected using appropriate sampling techniques to ensure representativeness. The inclusion criteria will focus on students’ gender

  • Research Instrument

For this study, a structured questionnaire will serve as the primary research instrument. This questionnaire will be specifically designed to assess the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS. The questionnaire will consist of carefully crafted items that are clear, relevant, and aligned with the research objectives. These items will capture the participants’ perspectives on the two LMS platforms. The questionnaire will be administered to the selected respondents, ensuring that the data collected is comprehensive and relevant to the study.

  • Data Gathering Procedure

The data-gathering procedure for this study will follow a systematic approach. The first step involves conducting a pretest of the questionnaire to ensure its validity and reliability. A small group of students, similar to the target population, will be involved in the pretest. Based on their feedback and the results, adjustments, and refinements will be made to the questionnaire to improve its quality and effectiveness.

After finalizing the questionnaire, it will be administered to the identified respondents. The administration can be done through online surveys or in-person distribution, depending on the practicality and accessibility of the participants. The chosen method will ensure an efficient and convenient data collection process.

By implementing this data-gathering procedure, the study aims to gather accurate and reliable data regarding the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use of Google Classroom and NEO LMS among the selected participants. This data will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the participants’ perspectives and provide valuable insights for the analysis and conclusions of the study.

  • Statistical Tools

The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent and paired t-test, such as mean, standard deviation, and frequency distributions, will be used to summarize the responses and provide an Average Mean understanding of the perceived level of usefulness and ease of use. Inferential statistics, such as paired t-tests will be employed to examine any significant differences in the perceptions between Google Classroom and NEO LMS. The statistical analysis will provide insights into the comparative effectiveness of the two platforms.

  • Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations will be given utmost importance throughout the research process. Before their participation, informed consent will be obtained from all participants, ensuring they have a clear understanding of the purpose, procedures, and voluntary nature of their involvement. Strict measures will be taken to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents, and any personal information provided will be handled with the utmost care and in compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations. The research will prioritize the protection of participants’ rights and privacy.

By following this methodology, the study aims to gather valuable insights from the students of KNCHS regarding their perceptions of Google Classroom and NEO LMS. These insights will contribute to the selection of an effective online learning platform that caters to the learning needs of students while considering the requirements of educators within the school. The research will be conducted ethically, ensuring the well-being and rights of all participants are respected and upheld.


Responses on the Perceived Usage, Attitude of Students towards Usage, and Challenges of Students Usage subscales were coded and analyzed. Descriptive statistics, mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) were used. Table 1 presents the analysis of the data.

Included in the table are the participants’ responses to each item of the questionnaire (frequencies and equivalent percentages), mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and Interpretation (Interp.); 1.0 – 1.79 (Strongly Disagree [SD]), 1.80 – 2.59 (Disagree [D]), 2.60 – 3.39 (Moderately Agree [MA]), 3.40 – 4.19 (Agree [A]), and 4.20 – 5.00 – (Strongly Agree [SA]).


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
1 Research materials and books have created better learning opportunities in G-Classroom
5 5 29 40 27 3.75 1.04 Agree
4.71% 4.71% 27.36% 37.74% 25.47%
2 Having a new educational experience has changed the way I learn
2 7 26 47 24 3.79 0.93 Agree
1.89% 6.60% 24.53% 44.34% 22.64%
3 Students are highly motivated by the usage of Google Classroom
4 9 27 39 27 3.72 1.06 Agree
3.77% 8.49% 25.47% 36.79% 25.47%
4 It has improved my information Communication technology skills
2 11 14 47 32 3.91 1.01 Agree
1.89% 10.38% 13.21% 44.34% 30.19%
5 Google Classroom makes online learning exciting
5 9 27 35 30 3.72 1.11 Agree
4.72% 8.49% 25.47% 33.02% 28.30%
6 Google Classroom is a very effective app for teaching and learning purposes
3 5 20 42 36 3.97 0.99 Agree
2.83% 4.72% 18.87% 39.62% 33.96%
7 It creates productivity
6 10 26 35 29 3.67 1.14 Agree
5.66% 9.43% 24.53% 33.02% 27.36%
8 It creates creativity and critical thinking skills
4 5 26 44 27 3.80 1.00 Agree
3.77% 4.72% 24.53% 41.51% 25.47%
9 There is no invasion of privacy of educational materials and grades
6 10 29 39 22 3.58 1.09 Agree
5.66% 9.43 27.36% 36.79% 20.75%
10 Google classroom has brought great collaboration between teachers and students
5 2 20 47 32 3.93 1.00 Agree
4.71% 1.89 18.87% 44.34% 30.19%
Average Mean 3.78 1.04 Agree

Table I-A displays the perceived usefulness of Google Classroom in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 1 achieved a weighted mean of 3.99, indicating agreement, as did Indicator 2 with 3.74, Indicator 3 with 3.92, Indicator 4 with 3.78, Indicator 5 with 3.69, Indicator 6 with 3.84, Indicator 7 with 4.02, Indicator 8 with 3.66, Indicator 9 with 3.91, and Indicator 10 with 3.99.

These results demonstrate that respondents agreed on various aspects of Google Classroom’s usefulness. They perceived that it facilitated the organization of materials and resources on the classwork page, as evidenced by the highest weighted mean of 4.02.

Additionally, respondents strongly agreed that Google Classroom enhanced communication between teachers and themselves, stimulated creativity, and created abundant learning opportunities. They also acknowledged the usefulness of Google Classroom in organizing assignments, as reflected by the weighted mean of 3.99.

Table I-A also indicates an overall weighted mean of 3.85, interpreted as agreement. This suggests that respondents agreed on the perceived ease of use of Google Classroom in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
11 Google Classroom helps students organize their assignment
1 8 33 42 22 3.72 0.91 Agree
0.94 7.55 31.13 39.62 20.75
12 It boosts collaboration
4 9 36 42 15 3.52 0.97 Agree
3.774 8.491 33.962 39.623 14.151
13 It fosters better communication between teachers and students
6 8 31 36 25 3.62 1.10 Agree
5.66 7.55 29.25 33.96 23.58
14 It gives students feedback
6 7 32 42 19 3.58 1.04 Agree
5.66 6.60 30.19 39.62 17.92
15 It creates motivation
5 6 37 41 17 3.56 0.99 Agree
4.72 5.66 34.91 38.68 16.04
16 It saves time
2 12 30 38 24 3.66 1.01 Agree
1.89 11.32 28.30 35.85 22.64
17 It keeps materials and resources organized on the classwork page
2 8 36 37 23 3.67 0.96 Agree
1.89 7.55 33.96 34.91 21.70
18 It eliminates distraction by answering mode
3 13 34 38 18 3.52 1.01 Agree
2.83 12.26 32.08 35.85 16.98
19 It sparks creativity and creates endless opportunities for learning
3 10 24 45 24 3.73 1.01 Agree
2.83 9.43 22.64 42.45 22.64
20 It provides announcements and news to remind students
2 11 25 42 26 3.75 1.01 Agree
1.89 10.38 23.58 39.62 24.53
Average Mean 3.63 1.00 Agree

Table I-B displays the perceived usefulness of  NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 11 achieved a weighted mean of 3.72, indicating agreement, as did Indicator 12 with 3.52, Indicator 13 with 3.62, Indicator 14 with 3.58, Indicator 15 with 3.56, Indicator 16 with 3.66, Indicator 17 with 3.67, Indicator 18 with 3.52, Indicator 19 with 3.73, and Indicator 20 with 3.75.

These results demonstrate that respondents agreed on various aspects of NeoLMS’s usefulness. They perceived that it provided announcements and news to remind students, as reflected by the highest weighted mean of 3.75. Additionally, respondents strongly agreed that using NeoLMS saved time and created motivation. They also agreed that NeoLMS provided feedback to students, as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.58.

Table I-B also indicates an overall weighted mean of 3.63, interpreted as agreement. This suggests that the respondents agreed on the perceived ease of use of NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.


Platform Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Google Classroom 3.85 1.046 Agree
NeoLMS 3.63 1.00 Agree
Total 3.74 1.023 Agree

Table I-C displays the overall weighted mean scores for the perceived ease of use of Google Classroom and NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. The overall weighted mean for Google Classroom in perceived ease of use was 3.85, interpreted as agreement. Similarly, the overall weighted mean for NeoLMS in perceived ease of use was 3.63, also interpreted as agreement.

This indicates that the respondents agreed on the perceived ease of use of both Google Classroom and NeoLMS in the school, with an overall weighted mean of 3.74. These findings suggest that the students perceived both LMS platforms as user-friendly and accessible, enabling them to navigate and utilize the systems with ease:


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
1 Research materials and books have created better learning opportunities in G-Classroom
5 5 29 40 27 3.75 1.04 Agree
4.71% 4.71% 27.36% 37.74% 25.47%
2 Having a new educational experience has changed the way I learn
2 7 26 47 24 3.79 0.93 Agree
1.89% 6.60% 24.53% 44.34% 22.64%
3 Students are highly motivated by the usage of Google Classroom
4 9 27 39 27 3.72 1.06 Agree
3.77% 8.49% 25.47% 36.79% 25.47%
4 It has improved my information Communication technology skills
2 11 14 47 32 3.91 1.01 Agree
1.89% 10.38% 13.21% 44.34% 30.19%
5 Google Classroom makes online learning exciting
5 9 27 35 30 3.72 1.11 Agree
4.72% 8.49% 25.47% 33.02% 28.30%
6 Google Classroom is a very effective app for teaching and learning purposes
3 5 20 42 36 3.97 0.99 Agree
2.83% 4.72% 18.87% 39.62% 33.96%
7 It creates productivity
6 10 26 35 29 3.67 1.14 Agree
5.66% 9.43% 24.53% 33.02% 27.36%
8 It creates creativity and critical thinking skills
4 5 26 44 27 3.80 1.00 Agree
3.77% 4.72% 24.53% 41.51% 25.47%
9 There is no invasion of privacy of educational materials and grades
6 10 29 39 22 3.58 1.09 Agree
5.66% 9.43 27.36% 36.79% 20.75%
10 Google classroom has brought great collaboration between teachers and students
5 2 20 47 32 3.93 1.00 Agree
4.71% 1.89 18.87% 44.34% 30.19%
Average Mean 3.78 1.04 Agree

Table II-A presents the attitude of students towards the usage of Google Classroom in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 1 achieved a weighted mean of 3.75, indicating agreement, as did Indicator 2 with 3.79, Indicator 3 with 3.72, Indicator 4 with 3.91, Indicator 5 with 3.72, Indicator 6 with 3.97, Indicator 7 with 3.67, Indicator 8 with 3.80, Indicator 9 with 3.58, and Indicator 10 with 3.93.

These results indicate that respondents agreed on various aspects of their attitude toward using Google Classroom. They acknowledged that Google Classroom has brought about great collaboration between teachers and students, as reflected in the highest weighted mean of 3.93. Additionally, respondents agreed that using Google Classroom has changed the way they learn and has made online learning exciting. They also perceived Google Classroom as a highly effective app for teaching and learning, as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.97.

Table II-A also indicates an overall weighted mean of 3.78, interpreted as agreement. This demonstrates that the respondents agreed on the different indicators concerning their attitude towards using Google Classroom in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
11 Research materials and books have created better learning opportunities in NEOLMS
3 9 33 37 24 3.66 1.01 Agree
2.83% 8.49% 31.13% 34.91% 22.64%
12 Having a new educational experience has changed the way I learn
2 9 38 39 18 3.58 0.93 Agree
1.89% 8.49% 35.85% 36.79% 16.98%
13 Students are highly motivated by the usage of NEOLMS
11 40 39 14 11 3.49 0.92 Agree
10.38% 37.74% 36.79% 13.21% 10.38%
14 It has improved my information Communication technology skills
3 6 28 43 26 3.78 0.98 Agree
5.66% 26.42% 40.57% 24.53% 5.66%
15 NEOLMS makes online learning exciting
4 7 41 33 21 3.57 1.00 Agree
3.774% 6.60 38.67% 31.13% 19.81%
16 NEOLMS is a very effective app for teaching and learning purposes
2 8 35 35 26 3.71 0.99 Agree
1.89% 7.55% 33.02% 33.02% 24.53%
17 It creates productivity
4 5 35 36 26 3.71 0.99 Agree
3.77% 4.72% 33.02% 33.96% 24.53%
18 It creates creativity and critical thinking skills
2 8 38 34 24 3.66 0.97 Agree
1.89% 7.55% 35.85% 32.08% 22.64%
19 There is no invasion of privacy of educational materials and grades
3 11 41 28 23 3.54 1.03 Agree
2.83% 10.38% 38.68% 26.42% 21.70%
20 NEOLMS has brought great collaboration between teachers and students
3 9 33 38 23 3.65 1.01 Agree
2.83% 8.49% 31.13% 35.85% 21.70%
Average Mean 3.63 0.99 Agree

 Table II-B presents the attitude of students towards the usage of NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 11 achieved a weighted mean of 3.66, indicating agreement, as did Indicator 12 with 3.58, Indicator 13 with 3.49, Indicator 14 with 3.78, Indicator 15 with 3.57, Indicator 16 and 17 with 3.71, Indicator 18 with 3.66, Indicator 19 with 3.54, and Indicator 20 with 3.65.

These results reveal that respondents agreed on various aspects of their attitude toward using NeoLMS. They acknowledged that using NeoLMS has improved their information and communication technology skills, as reflected by the highest weighted mean of 3.78. Additionally, respondents agreed that using NeoLMS has brought about great collaboration between teachers and students. They also perceived NeoLMS as a highly effective app for teaching and learning, as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.71.

The findings from Table II-B indicate an overall weighted mean of 3.64, interpreted as agreement. This demonstrates that the respondents agreed on the different indicators concerning their attitude towards using NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.


Platform Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Google Classroom 3.78 1.04 Agree
NeoLMS 3.63 0.99 Agree
Total 3.71 1.02 Agree

 Table II-C displays the overall weighted mean scores for the attitude of students toward using Google Classroom and NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. The overall weighted mean for Google Classroom in their attitude toward using it was 3.78, interpreted as agreement. Similarly, the overall weighted mean for NeoLMS in their attitude toward using it was 3.63, also interpreted as agreement.

These findings suggest that the respondents agreed on various indicators related to their attitude towards using both Google Classroom and NeoLMS in the school, with an overall weighted mean of 3.71. This indicates that students generally have a positive attitude towards using these LMS platforms, perceiving them as effective tools for collaboration, learning, and improving their information and communication technology skills.


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
1 Google Classroom does not allow access from multiple domains.
4 22 42 27 11 3.18 1.00 Moderately Agree
3.77% 20.75% 39.62 25.47% 10.38%
2 Google classroom has not yet integrated with Google calendar, which may cause some problems with organizing material and assignment deadlines
10 24 35 27 10 3.03 1.12 Moderately Agree
9.43% 22.64% 33.02% 25.47% 9.43%
3 First-time Google users may get confused, as there are several buttons with icons familiar only to Google users
3 9 33 40 21 3.63 0.99 Agree
2.83% 8.49% 31.13% 37.74% 19.81%
4 The activity feed does not update automatically, so learners will need to refresh regularly in order not to miss important announcements
8 10 35 30 23 3.47 1.16 Agree
7.55% 9.43% 33.02% 28.30% 21.70%
5 Learners cannot share their work with their peers unless they become owners of a document, and even then, they will need to approve sharing options and this can cause chaos.
5 12 33 37 19 3.50 1.06 Agree
4.72% 11.32% 31.13% 34.91% 17.92%
6 Learners can delete any part of an assignment they share on the platform, which could cause problems even if it happens accidentally
7 12 33 40 14 3.40 1.07 Agree
6.60% 11.32% 31.13% 37.74% 13.21%
7 Google Classroom does not provide automated quizzes and tests for learners.
10 18 32 35 11 3.18 1.13 Moderately Agree
9.43% 16.98% 30.19% 33.02% 10.38%
8 Google classroom has not integrated Google Hangouts, which creates a problem
3 21 52 23 7 3.25 1.09 Moderately Agree
2.83% 19.81% 49.06% 21.70% 6.60%
9 Online interaction between teachers and learners is only possible through Google documents
11 23 31 24 17 3.12 1.22 Moderately Agree
10.38% 21.70% 29.25% 22.64% 16.04%
10 There is no way to have a live chat in Google classroom.
14 28 33 17 14 2.90 1.22 Moderately Agree
13.21% 26.42% 31.13% 16.04% 13.21%
Average Mean 3.25 1.09 Moderately Agree

 Table III-A presents the challenges faced by students while using Google Classroom at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 1 achieved a weighted mean of 3.18, interpreted as moderately agree, as did Indicator 2 with 3.03, Indicator 3 with 3.63, Indicator 4 with 3.47, Indicator 5 with 3.50, Indicator 6 with 3.40, Indicator 7 with 3.18, Indicator 8 with 3.25, Indicator 9 with 3.12, and Indicator 10 with 2.90.

These results reveal that respondents agreed on various challenges encountered while using Google Classroom. They acknowledged that first-time users of Google may get confused due to the presence of several buttons with icons familiar only to experienced Google users, as reflected by the highest weighted mean of 3.63. Additionally, respondents moderately agreed that using Google Classroom does not allow access from multiple domains and has not yet integrated with Google Calendar, which may cause difficulties in organizing materials and meeting assignment deadlines, as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.18.

The findings from Table III-A suggest that students face certain challenges when using Google Classroom, but overall, they still perceive it as a useful platform for their learning needs.


Indicators SD D MA A SA Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
11 NEOLMS does not allow access from multiple domains.
6 17 48 28 7 3.12 0.95 Moderately Agree
5.66% 16.04% 45.28% 26.42% 6.60%
12 NEOLMS has not yet integrated with Google calendar, which may cause some problems with organizing material and assignment deadlines
9 17 44 28 8 3.08 1.03 Moderately Agree
8.49% 16.04% 41.51% 26.42% 7.55%
13 First-time NEO users may get confused, as there are several buttons with icons familiar only to Google users
4 11 42 31 18 3.45 1.02 Agree
3.77% 10.38% 39.62% 29.25% 16.98%  
14 The activity feed does not update automatically, so learners will need to refresh regularly in order not to miss important announcements
8 10 35 30 23 3.47 1.16 Agree
7.55% 9.43% 33.02% 28.30% 21.70%
15 Learners cannot share their work with their peers unless they become owners of a document, and even then, they will need to approve sharing options and this can cause chaos.
7 15 45 30 9 3.18 1.00 Moderately Agree
6.60% 14.15% 42.45% 28.30% 8.49%
16 Learners can delete any part of an assignment they share on the platform, which could cause problems even if it happens accidentally
7 14 43 33 9 3.22 1.00 Moderately Agree
6.60% 13.21% 40.57% 31.13% 8.49%
7 NEOLMS does not provide automated quizzes and tests for learners.
8 14 46 31 7 3.14 0.99 Moderately Agree
7.55% 13.21% 43.40% 29.25% 6.60%
18 NEOLMS has not integrated Google Hangouts, which creates a problem
4 21 51 23 7 3.08 0.91 Moderately Agree
3.77 19.81 48.11% 21.70% 6.60%
19 Online interaction between teachers and learners is only possible through NEO documents
14 28 33 17 14 2.90 1.22 Moderately Agree
13.21 26.42 31.13% 16.04% 13.21%
20 There is no way to have a live chat in NEOLMS.
9 32 43 14 8 2.81 1.02 Moderately Agree
8.49 30.19 40.57% 13.21% 7.55%
Average Mean 3.15 1.03 Moderately Agree

 Table III-B presents the challenges faced by students in using NeoLMS at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Each indicator is assigned a weighted mean score, indicating the level of agreement among the respondents. Indicator 11 achieved a weighted mean of 3.12, interpreted as moderately agree, as did Indicator 12 with 3.49, Indicator 13 with 3.45, Indicator 14 with 3.47, Indicator 15 with 3.18, Indicator 16 with 3.22, Indicator 17 with 3.14, Indicator 18 with 3.08, Indicator 19 with 2.90, and Indicator 20 with 2.81.

These results reveal that respondents agreed on various challenges encountered while using NeoLMS. They acknowledged that NeoLMS does not update automatically, requiring learners to refresh regularly to avoid missing important announcements, as reflected by the highest weighted mean of 3.45. Additionally, respondents agreed that first-time users of NeoLMS may get confused due to the presence of several buttons with icons familiar only to experienced users, as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.45.

Table III-B indicates an overall weighted mean of 3.15, interpreted as moderately agree. This shows that the respondents moderately agreed on the various indicators concerning the challenges of using NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School.


Platform Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Google Classroom 3.25 1.09 Moderately Agree
NeoLMS 3.15 1.03 Moderately Agree
Total 3.20 1.06 Moderately Agree

Table III-C displays the overall weighted mean scores for the challenges faced by students in using Google Classroom and NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. The overall weighted mean for Google Classroom in their challenges of using it was 3.25, interpreted as moderately agree. Similarly, the overall weighted mean for NeoLMS in their challenges of using it was 3.15, also interpreted as moderately agree.

These findings indicate that the respondents moderately agreed on various indicators related to the challenges encountered while using both Google Classroom and NeoLMS in the school, with an overall weighted mean of 3.20. This suggests that students face certain difficulties and obstacles when using these LMS platforms, but overall, they perceive them as manageable and still find value in their usage.

By examining the challenges, the research can provide insights for potential improvements and support to address the identified issues, ensuring a more seamless and effective user experience with Google Classroom and NeoLMS in the educational setting.


Perceived level of usefulness and ease-of-use of Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System

Perceived Usage Attitude towards Challenges in using Perceived Usage Attitude towards Challenges in using
Mean 3.8528 3.7830 3.2340 3.6311 3.6349 3.1453
N 106 106 106 106 106 106
Std. Deviation .76273 .80811 .65406 .78575 .77041 .60334
Interpretation Agree Agree Moderately Agree Agree Agree Moderately Agree

The data collected indicates that the respondents perceived both Google Classroom and NEO Learning Management System (LMS) as valuable and useful tools. The mean ratings for perceived usage were 3.8528 for Google Classroom and 3.6311 for NEO LMS, indicating a consensus among the respondents regarding their usefulness. Additionally, the respondents displayed positive attitudes towards both platforms, as reflected in mean ratings of 3.7830 for Google Classroom and 3.6349 for NEO LMS in terms of attitude.

Google Classroom had a mean rating of 3.2340 for challenges, and NEO LMS had a mean rating of 3.1453. This suggests that although there are some challenges, they were perceived as manageable rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Overall, the findings highlight that the respondents regarded both Google Classroom and NEO LMS as beneficial tools, with positive attitudes toward their usage. Despite the acknowledged challenges, the respondents believed that the advantages outweighed the difficulties. These insights contribute to our understanding of the perceived usefulness and ease of use of these learning management systems within the specific context of the surveyed population.


Group Statistics

Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
GOOGLE Male 48 3.6275 .57539 .08305
Female 58 3.6193 .64422 .08459
NEO Male 48 3.5344 .55286 .07980
Female 58 3.4178 .65537 .08605

Independent Samples Test

Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
GOOGLE (Gender) Equal variances assumed .206 .651 .068 104 .946 .00819 .11982 -.22942 .24580
Equal variances not assumed .069 103.369 .945 .00819 .11855 -.22691 .24329
NEO (Gender) Equal variances assumed .006 .937 .978 104 .330 .11662 .11926 -.11988 .35311
Equal variances not assumed .994 103.955 .323 .11662 .11736 -.11611 .34935

The data provided includes a comparison of ratings for Google Classroom and NeoLMS based on gender (Male and Female) in terms of mean and standard deviation.

For Google Classroom, the male group (N=48) had a mean rating of 3.62 with a standard deviation of 0.575, while the female group (N=58) had a mean rating of 3.61 with a standard deviation of 0.644.

For NeoLMS, the male group (N=48) had a mean rating of 3.53 with a standard deviation of 0.552, and the female group (N=58) had a mean rating of 3.41 with a standard deviation of 0.6553.

The p-values (.651 for Google Classroom and .937 for NeoLMS) suggest that there is no statistically significant difference in the ratings between males and females for either platform. These p-values indicate that any observed differences in the means between genders are likely due to chance rather than a genuine gender effect on the ratings.


Group Statistics
Course/Program N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
GOOGLE STE PROGRAM 49 3.6463 .68457 .09780
BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM 57 3.6030 .54568 .07228
NEO STE PROGRAM 49 3.4476 .72562 .10366
BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM 57 3.4904 .49791 .06595
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
GOOGLE (Course) Equal variances assumed 2.032 .157 .363 104 .718 .04334 .11956 -.19374 .28043
Equal variances not assumed .356 91.387 .722 .04334 .12161 -.19820 .28489
NEO (Course) Equal variances assumed 4.497 .036 -.358 104 .721 -.04280 .11954 -.27985 .19425
Equal variances not assumed -.348 83.058 .728 -.04280 .12286 -.28716 .20156

The data provided includes a comparison of ratings for Google Classroom and NeoLMS based on student curriculum in terms of mean and standard deviation.

For Google Classroom, the STE group (N=49) had a mean rating of 3.64 with a standard deviation of 0.684, while the Basic Education Program group (N=57) had a mean rating of 3.60 with a standard deviation of 0.545.

For NeoLMS, the STE group (N=49) had a mean rating of 3.44 with a standard deviation of 0.725, and the Basic Education Program group (N=57) had a mean rating of 3.49 with a standard deviation of 0.497.

The p-values (.157 for Google Classroom and .036 for NeoLMS) suggest that there is no statistically significant difference in the ratings between STE and Basic Education ProgramStudents for either platform. These p-values indicate that any observed differences in the means between curriculum programs offered.


Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 GOOGLE 3.6230 106 .61116 .05936
NEO 3.4706 106 .61105 .05935
Paired Samples Correlations
N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 GOOGLE & NEO 106 .767 .000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Pair 1 GOOGLE – NEO .15245 .41682 .04048 .07218 .23273 3.766 105 .000

The table shows that there is significant difference between Google Classroom (M=3.62, s=611) and Neo (M=3.47, s=611) with t(14)= 3.766, p=.000in terms of perceived usefulness and ease of usage. Thus, based from the overall mean, Google is more favorable to the students or participants than NEO.



The findings of the study indicate that the respondents agreed on the perceived usefulness of both Google Classroom and NeoLMS in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School, with an overall weighted mean of 3.85 for Google Classroom and 3.63 for NeoLMS.

Regarding the attitude of students using Google Classroom and NeoLMS for the first time, the overall weighted mean was 3.75 and 3.63, respectively, both interpreted as agreement. This suggests that both platforms were perceived to make online learning exciting, foster creativity and critical thinking, and enhance student motivation. These findings align with previous studies by Kassim (2021) and Perez (2021), which found that Google Classroom and NeoLMS are beneficial in terms of effectiveness, easy access to materials, timely task submission, and communication with teachers and students.

Regarding the challenges of using Google Classroom and NeoLMS, the overall weighted mean was 3.25 and 3.15, respectively, both interpreted as moderately agree. The study highlights the absence of live chat and automatic activity feed updates as potential challenges on both platforms. This suggests that users may consider alternative LMS platforms that better meet their real-time communication needs.

Furthermore, the study found no significant difference in the perception of the perceived level and usage of each platform as a learning management system across different genders. Gender did not have a considerable influence on the responses, indicating that both male and female students had similar perceptions and experiences with Google Classroom and NeoLMS.


In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that the Google Classroom and Neolms platforms used at Koronadal National Comprehensive High School were praised for their ability to help students organize their assignments and foster better communication between teachers and students. Additionally, it is noted that Google Classroom and Neolms can make online learning exciting, promoting creativity, critical thinking, and high motivation among students.

However, the study also identifies some drawbacks of the platform. The absence of live chat functionality can hinder real-time communication and collaboration among students and educators. Moreover, the manual update requirement for the activity feed may lead to learners missing important announcements if they do not regularly refresh the page.

Furthermore, the research highlights the issue of resource disparities among Google Classroom users. Not all students may have equal access to the same resources, which can impact their learning experiences and outcomes. This finding emphasizes the importance of educators working to create equity wherever possible, ensuring that all students have fair opportunities to succeed in their education, regardless of their backgrounds or access to technology.

Overall, these results indicate that there is a significant difference in the perceived usefulness or satisfaction ratings between Google Classroom and NEO LMS, with Google Classroom being rated slightly higher.


The Value of Google Classroom and NEO LMS for Educators in Online Teaching

Both Google Classroom and NEO LMS offer essential features that make them indispensable tools for educators in the online teaching environment. Their intuitive interfaces, robust communication capabilities, and comprehensive learning management functionalities provide educators with the necessary tools to effectively manage their virtual classrooms and enhance the learning experience for students. Embracing these platforms empowers educators to create engaging and interactive online learning environments that cater to the needs of their diverse student population.

Both Google Classroom and NEO LMS provide efficient and user-friendly solutions for transitioning from traditional in-class learning to remote studying. Educators can readily adapt their instructional materials and teaching methodologies for online delivery. Students benefit from accessing course materials, participating in discussions, and submitting assignments irrespective of their physical location, ensuring a continuous and uninterrupted learning experience.

In Summary, these platforms emerge as powerful and versatile tools for educators embarking on online teaching journeys. Their combined capabilities offer paperless communication, a seamless transition to remote learning, and opportunities for equitable communication. Embracing these platforms empowers educators to create engaging and effective virtual learning experiences that cater to the needs of all students, ultimately fostering a collaborative and inclusive educational setting.

The Researchers


The researchers would like to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who contributed to the successful completion of this study.

First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank the participants of this study, the Grade 7-9 students of Koronadal National Comprehensive High School. Their willingness to participate and provide valuable insights through the survey questionnaire was crucial in obtaining the necessary data for this research. The researchers would also like to acknowledge the support and guidance of the faculty members and administrators of the District IX of Koronadal City Division and Most of all the school Principal of KNCHS. Their assistance in facilitating the research process and providing access to the necessary resources is greatly appreciated.

Furthermore, the researchers would like to extend gratitude to developers and teams behind Google Classroom and NEO LMS for providing exceptional platforms that have significantly impacted the educational landscape. The availability of this technology enabled researchers with the means to conduct insightful and impactful studies.

Lastly, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Ms. Edelyn Dawat for generously sharing her extensive knowledge in the field of statistics. Additionally, we are deeply grateful to Mark Van M. Buladaco, DBMIS, our esteemed professor, for his invaluable guidance, expertise, and unwavering support that he provided throughout the entire research process. Their contributions have been instrumental in the successful completion of our study, and we are truly thankful for their significant involvement.


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