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Perceived Influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (Nut) Activities on the Management of Secondary Schools in Benue State

  • EDACHE Godwin O.
  • OCHAI Godwin O.
  • AGBULU Christiana A.
  • 1734-1743
  • Jan 23, 2024
  • Education

Perceived Influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (Nut) Activities on the Management of Secondary Schools in Benue State

EDACHE Godwin O., OCHAI Godwin O. Ph.D & AGBULU Christiana A.

Department of Educational Foundations, College of Agricultural and Science Education,

Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi.


Received: 09 December 2023; Revised: 23 December 2023; Accepted: 27 December 2023; Published: 22 January 2024


This study investigated the perceived influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) activities on the management of secondary schools in Benue State. Two specific objectives with corresponding research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 Alpha level of significance. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study is 4888 secondary teachers of all the 301-government grant aided secondary schools in Benue State. The sample size is 370 gotten by the use of Taro-Yamane formula. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the study. The instrument used for data collection is a structured questionnaire title “Trade Union and Management of Secondary Schools Questionnaire” (TUMSSQ) developed by the researcher. The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three experts, two of which are Educational Administration and one in Measurement and Evaluation. Cronbach Alpha Statistic was used to determine the internal consistency of the items of the instrument and an overall reliability coefficient of 0.91 was obtained. The data collected were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation to answer the research questions and Chi-Square Goodness of fit-test to test the null hypotheses at 0.05level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that trade unionism have positive significant influence on teachers productivity and teachers welfare in the management of public secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that; members of Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) should ensure the establishments of a functional staff development centre that would constantly organize seminars, workshops, conferences and correspondence course purposively geared towards improving teachers pedagogical skills for effective school management. Also, members of Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) should encourage regular payment of salaries, regular payment of teachers promotion arrears, fringe benefits and special bonuses as this would further enhance teachers classroom participation for an enhanced school management. Furthermore, NUT Benue State Branch should do more to pressurize the government of Benue State to constantly improve teachers’ welfare services, regularize payment of teachers’ retirement benefits in Benue State.

Keywords: Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Welfare, Industrial Dispute, Management of Public Secondary Schools and Survey Research Design.


Teachers at all levels of education are the foundation and bedrock of quality education in the society. All over the world today, education has been recognized as an instrument per excellence for the development  of a nation. In agreement, education is one of the most important factors that has a direct relation to the development of society from starting and continues to assume the same role as long as society exists. Therefore, teachers’ role and task is dependent on the kind of support given to them by their respective trade unions. In the same vein, trade union occupies a central position in the management of secondary education in Nigeria as far as education is concern (Nwite, 2015). The industrial revolution led to a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining and improving the conditions of employment.

Nigeria like other countries of the world recognizes trade union as the major instrument for effecting national development (Nwite, 2015). Trade union is an organization of workers that are bound together to achieve common goals in key areas, such as working conditions. Unions’ Act (Cap.233; 2015), defines a trade union as an association or combination, whether temporary or permanent, of more than six persons, the principal objects of which are under its constitution the regulation of the relations between employees and employers. A trade union is an organization of workers or employees who have come together to accomplish common goals with regard to working conditions, protecting and promoting their mutual interest through collective action. According to Thomas and Daryl (2012), the agreements negotiated by the union leaders shall be binding on the entire membership and the employer and, in some cases, on other non-member workers.

Trade union as an organization of employees is made to negotiate with employers on better working condition of her members through the union’s leadership (Nwite, 2015). According to Omeje and Ogbu (2019), trade union is and should be one of the strongest bodies in any country. It exists because of the strategic responsibility to the society and members of the union. A trade union’s leadership bargains with the employer on behalf of its members on terms and conditions of employment. Omeje and Ogbu (2019) defined trade union as an organization of workers formed to protect the rights and interests of its members. The labour union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers. The most common purpose of these associations or unions is maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment. This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies. It is to be noted that trade union may also have latent or unintended functions in an organization which may bother on improvement in productivity among workers (Abdulhamid, 2022).

The activities of trade union like Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) in Benue State include; teachers’ productivity, enhancement of teachers’ welfare, trade union disputes on effective record keeping and professional training of teachers for decision making process, among others. In support of NUT activities on the development of teachers, Fafunwa in Akinfolarin and Ehinola (2014) asserted that the National Policy on Education reaffirmed that teacher education will continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning, because no education system can rise above the quality of its teacher. The principal aim of trade unions is to promote their members’ interests in the use of proper records. It therefore appears that trade union has only manifest functions or intended roles in organizations which are the protection of interest of the workers in terms of oppression, exploitation by employees. It has been argued that apart from the visible role of protecting workers interest and improving their conditions of service, trade unions also play a role which may not be obvious, improving productivity (ILO, 2015; Collins, 2013).

Productivity of teachers can be defined as the measure of a teacher’s production efficiency (Odey & Sambe, 2018). At a national level it captures the economy’s ability to ‘harness its physical and human resources to generate output and income’. Productivity growth refers to an increase in the value of outputs produced for a given level of inputs, over a given period of time. Productivity is one of the major issues that are of interest to government, policy makers and scholars. This is because of its critical importance to socio-economic development of society as the overall development index is measured in relation to productivity of individuals within that society (International Labour Organization – ILO, 2015). The performance of any economy is determined mostly by the level at which people are productive. In the Nigerian educational sector, it has been observed that low productivity of workers especially teachers has become a common phenomenon. It appears that in Nigerian educational institutions such as secondary schools, there is low productivity among teachers (Eze, 2016). Secondary School teachers appear to be increasingly handicapped in respect to delivering quality education expected of them. Most formal organizations like secondary schools are aimed at effective and efficient management of the human and material resources available for the attainment of organizational goals. It is also imperative to emphasize on the effort of NUT on upward of teacher’s remunerations for better conditions of service especially in a country where teachers suffer from low esteem and poor public image both of which are believed to be a function of one’s social status. Staff welfare services determine the great impact of teachers’ trade unions on developing teachers’ academic performance (Ezigbo, 2022).

Welfare of staff is also an important activity of NUT to look into with respect to trade union activities on the management of secondary schools. It deals with conditions of service and provision of social amenities at work place. Trade unions represent their members when they have problems at work, negotiate for pay, working hours, holidays, changes to working practices, employees for layoffs, retrenchment, promotion and transfer (Cote, 2013). Considering the position of teacher in achieving educational objectives in the society, the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) Benue State Wing stressed that:

Teacher’s conditions of services should be very vital part of educational planning programmes in the State; there is the need for professional school teachers who possess the requisite skills and knowledge to improve the standard of education throughout the state” (Dayi, 2012).

This is taken to be the positive role of trade unionism. Stephen and Emeka (2014) add that some of the welfare services, that could be provided by an organization to safeguard its workers, to include adequate retirement benefit, pension scheme, medical services for workers and their dependents, staff school for workers children, official cars, and end of year bonus, among others. Cote (2013) observed that teachers cannot perform any meaningful work without adequate welfare packages and physical facilities in terms of instructional materials and other infrastructure. Institutional facilities should also continue to be provided to facilitate effective teaching and delivery of knowledge as it improves academic performance (Akinfolarin & Ehinola, 2014). Ezigbo (2022) observed that the existing school plants cannot be adequately maintained due to lack of funds and to worsen the situation, school population continue to increase yearly. Trade union emergence and formation are ideological and conscious creation which is only aimed at protecting workers from perceived exploitation and oppression from employers or management (Collins, 2013).

Management of secondary schools can be defined as a discipline that is concerned with facilitating accomplishment of the school organization through systematic utilization of the available human and material resources (Ochai, 2013). School managers by virtue of occupation initiate, plan, organize, direct, lead, control, supervise, motivate, evaluate and unify human and material resources towards the achievement of organizations goals and objectives (Ochai, 2013). Management is the harmonization of both human and material resources towards the attainment of educational goals and objectives. The management of secondary school has a broad complex function. This complex function emanated from the fact that the school system activities generate a wide range of records and reports, which has to be kept, well processed and appropriately utilized to facilitate the process of effective school management (Nwangwu et al., 2013).

Major objectives of the union cover the improvement and development in economic conditions of teachers and to create an avenue for educational development, general economic security for teachers in the country. Schools are being charged with a growing range of responsibilities. Their role is seen as central in helping societies adapt to profound social, economic and cultural changes. Their capacity to fulfill these expectations, however, depends crucially on their own ability to manage change, and in particular on whether teachers are able to develop positive and effective strategies to meet the needs of tomorrow’s schools.

From the aforementioned discussion, it is apparent that NUT activities encourage the perceived influence of Trade Union activities on the management of secondary schools in Benue State in particular and the entire country at large. Cote (2013) stated that trade unions have the ability to affect organizational productivity positively or negatively. However, through successful negotiation, trade unions are able to positively affect organization’s productivity. Okafor (2016) reiterated the adverse effect of trade union activities to include; ineffective planning, delay in academic calendar and insufficient time for teaching and learning after resumption. No doubt, the perceived adverse effect is real but the researcher wishes to know how it affects the management of the secondary schools in Benue State. Hence, the researcher investigated perceived influence of trade union activities on management of public secondary schools in Benue State.

Thus, this study is anchored on Equity theory propounded in the year 1963 by John Stacey Adams. The theory states that employees seek to maintain equity between the inputs that they bring to a job and the outcomes that they receive from it against the perceived inputs and outcomes of others. The theory further states that when people perceive an unequal situation, they experience ‘equity tension’, which they attempt to reduce by appropriate behaviour. This behaviour may be to act positively to improve their performance and/or to seek improved rewards, or may be to act negatively by, for example, working more slowly on the grounds of being under-rated or under-paid. Equity Theory suggests that people are not only interested in rewards as such, which is the central point of expectancy theory, but they are also interested in the comparative nature rewards.

The basis of the Equity theory as related to this study, in work context is that Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) does comparisons between themselves and others in terms of what they invest in their work (inputs) and what outcomes they receive from it. As in the case of expectancy theory, this theory is also founded on the people’s perceptions, in this case, their inputs and outcomes are involved. Thus, their sense of equity (i.e. fairness) is applied to their subjective view of conditions and not necessarily to the objective situation. This theory depicts the importance of negotiation geared towards ensuring that teachers are well remunerated like any other public servant. Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both relational partners. Equity is measured by comparing the ratio of contributions (or costs) and benefits (or rewards) for each person, which is the core reasons why teacher union continues to agitate for better and improved work conditions to enhanced management of secondary schools in Nigeria and the world at large.

Purpose of the study

This study investigated the perceived influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) activities on the management of secondary schools in Benue State. Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Ascertain the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State.
  2. Determine the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools.

Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

  1. What is the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State?
  2. What is the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools?

Statement of Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses are formulated for the study and were tested at 0.05 level of significance:

  1. Productivity of teachers does not significantly influence the management of secondary schools in Benue State.
  2. Trade unionism does not significantly influence teachers’ welfare.


The design of this study is a survey design. The study was carried out in Benue State, Nigeria. The population of the study is 4888 secondary teachers of all the 301-government grant aided secondary schools in Benue State. The sample size is 370 got by the use of Taro Yamane formula for sample size determination. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the study because each stage involves different sampling techniques. The sampling techniques used at different stages include purposive, simple random and proportionate stratified random sampling techniques respectively. The instrument for data collection is a structured questionnaire title “Trade Union and Management of Secondary Schools Questionnaire” (TUMSSQ) developed by the researcher. The instrument was face and content validated by three experts, two in the field of Educational Administration and Planning and one in Test, Measurement and Evaluation, all in the College of Agricultural and Science Education, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi. To ensure the reliability of the instrument, a trial test was carried out. The instrument was administered on 32 teachers from Taraba State outside the study area. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient method was used to obtain an overall reliability estimate obtain of 0.91 which shows that the instrument is reliable and would measure what it is supposed to measure. Descriptive statistics of Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer the research questions. Mean scores and Standard Deviation were used in answering the research questions. Chi-square (c2) goodness-of-fit was used in testing the research hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance, and the decision was based on P-value and Alpha values.


Two research questions were raised and answer using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation. Two hypotheses were also formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance using Chi-square (c2) goodness-of-fit.

Research Question 1: What is the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State?

To answer this research question, responses on the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State were collected and analyzed as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Mean and Standard Deviation Analysis of the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State

S/N Item Statement SA A D SD Mean S.D Remark
1 Trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for seminars influences management of secondary schools 100 140 96 34 2.60 1.14 A
2 Trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for workshops improves their efficiency in the use of instructional time 129 176 38 27 2.69 1.14 A
3 Trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for in-house refresher course enhances their knowledge in delivery of subject matter 99 185 74 12 2.66 1.14 A
4 Trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for in-service training influences school management 87 215 44 24 2.90 1.05 A
5 Trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for conferences enhances their communication skills 95 180 66 29 2.71 1.16 A
  Cluster Mean and SD         2.71 1.13 A

Analysis of data as presented in Table 1 shows the mean influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State with corresponding Standard Deviation values.  Data presented on Table 1 revealed that, the respondents rated ‘Agree’ on all the items (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) with mean scores ranging from 2.60 – 2.90 which are above the benchmark of 2.50. The table also revealed close Standard Deviation values ranging from 1.05 – 1.16 which showed that the respondents were homogeneous in their responses. The grand mean of all the items was revealed to be 2.71 and SD= 1.13. With this grand mean, it can be deduced from this finding that trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for in-service training influences school management, trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for conferences enhances their communication skills, and trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for workshops improves their efficiency in the use of instructional time. This finding revealed that the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State is positive. To ascertain whether the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on productivity of teachers in secondary schools in Benue State is statistically significant, the corresponding hypothesis was tested and the results presented in table 3.

Research Question 2: What is the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools?

To answer this research question, responses on the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools were collected and analyzed as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation Analysis of the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools

S/N       Item Statement SA A D SD Mean S.D Remark
6 Trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers salary facilitates the management of secondary schools 130 146 60 34 2.87 1.07 A
7 Trade union’s ability to ensure timely payment of teachers health allowance influences the management of secondary schools 125 180 39 26 2.92 1.06 A
8 Trade union’s ability to ensure prompt payment of teachers housing allowance improves the management of secondary schools 100 140 94 36 2.83 1.08 A
9 Trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers pension funds facilitates school management 126 189 35 20 2.99 .99 A
10 Trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers retirement benefits facilitates school management 103 136 87 44 2.81 1.08 A
  Cluster Mean and SD         2.88 1.06 A

Analysis of data as presented in Table 2 shows the mean influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools with corresponding Standard Deviation values.  Data presented on Table 2 revealed that, the respondents rated ‘Agree’ to all the items (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) with mean scores ranging from 2.81 – 2.99 which are above the benchmark of 2.50. The table also revealed close Standard Deviation values ranging from .99 – 1.08 which showed that the respondents were homogeneous in their responses. The grand mean of all the items was revealed to be 2.88 and SD= 1.06. With this grand mean, it can be deduced from this finding that trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers pension funds facilitates school management, trade union’s ability to ensure timely payment of teachers health allowance influences the management of secondary schools, and trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers salary facilitates the management of secondary schools. This finding revealed that the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools is positive. To ascertain whether the influence of Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools is statistically significant, the corresponding hypothesis was tested and the results presented in table 4.

Hypotheses Testing

The null hypotheses are tested using inferential statistic of Chi-Square goodness of fit test at 0.05 level of significance.

Hypothesis 1: Productivity of teachers does not significantly influence the management of secondary schools in Benue State.

Table 3: Chi-Square Goodness of fit test of Productivity of teachers does not significantly influence the management of secondary schools in Benue State

Response Options Observed N Expected N Df Sig α – level Remark
SA 102         92.5
A 179 92.5
D 64 92.5 3 575.384a .000 .05 Significant
SD 25 92.5
Total 370

Df = Degree of Freedom; = Chi-Square Calculated Value; Sig = P-Value, P<0.05

Table 3 shows the Chi-square calculated value of 575.384a, degree of freedom (df) =3 and a sig (P-value=0.00) which is less than the alpha value (α) of 0.05. Since P<0.05, the result is significant, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that, productivity of teachers have positive significant influence on the management of secondary schools in Benue State.

Hypothesis 2: Trade unionism does not significantly influence teachers’ welfare in secondary schools.

Table 4: Chi-Square Goodness of fit test of Trade unionism does not significantly influence teachers’ welfare in secondary schools

Response Options Observed N Expected N Df Sig α – level Remark
SA 117         92.5
A 158 92.5
D 63 92.5 3 586.703a .000 .05 Significant
SD 32 92.5
Total 370

Df = Degree of Freedom; = Chi-Square Calculated Value; Sig = P-Value, P<0.05

Table 4 shows the Chi-square calculated value of 586.703a, degree of freedom (df) =3 and a sig (P-value=0.00) which is less than the alpha value (α) of 0.05. Since P<0.05, the result is significant, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that, trade unionism have positive significant influence on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools in Benue State.

Summary of Major Findings

Based on the analysis of data, the following findings are made;

  1. Productivity of teachers have positive significant influence on the management of secondary schools in Benue State. Majorly, the finding revealed that; trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for in-service training influences school management, trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for conferences enhances their communication skills, and trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for workshops improves their efficiency in the use of instructional time.
  2. Trade unionism have positive significant influence on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools in Benue State. Majorly, the finding revealed that; trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers pension funds facilitates school management, trade union’s ability to ensure timely payment of teachers health allowance influences the management of secondary schools, and trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers salary facilitates the management of secondary schools.


The finding of this study revealed that productivity of teachers have positive significant influence on the management of secondary schools in Benue State. Majorly, the finding revealed that; trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for in-service training influences school management, trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for conferences enhances their communication skills, and trade union’s ability to sponsor teachers for workshops improves their efficiency in the use of instructional time. Similarly, a test of hypothesis revealed productivity of teachers significantly influence the management of secondary schools in Benue State positively. This finding corroborates with that of Hesbon (2016) who found out that the involvement of teachers in the trade unions helped them increased their performance since the rest were assured of their welfare matters and also that their voices as one would send a strong message to their employer who would on the other hand act swiftly. This finding corroborate with that of Odey and Sambe (2018) whose findings revealed that trade union activities have made teachers in schools more productive based on indices of productivity such as attendance to school, attendance to classes, average number of lessons held per day and involvement in extra lessons.

The second finding of this study revealed that trade unionism have positive significant influence on teachers’ welfare in secondary schools in Benue State. Majorly, the finding revealed that; trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers pension funds facilitates school management, trade union’s ability to ensure timely payment of teachers health allowance influences the management of secondary schools, and trade union’s ability to ensure swift payment of teachers salary facilitates the management of secondary schools. Similarly, a test of hypothesis revealed trade unionism significantly influence teachers’ welfare. This finding corroborate with that of Ubah and Nkedishu (2021) whose findings revealed that unionism affects welfare of lecturers by improving workers’ wages, advance employment conditions. This finding agrees with that of Abdullahi (2015) whose findings revealed that perceptions of members of NUT encouraged regular training of teachers, regular payment of salaries and regular promotions. This finding agrees with that of Idonin (2013) whose findings showed a general consensus among teachers (70.6%) that NUT had enhanced teachers’ welfare especially in relation to the following: establishments of a functional cooperative society to address the needs of members, organization of regular seminars/workshops in which members’ welfare were addressed and advocating for teachers when unjustly treated by government. Idonin (2013) further revealed that 309 (90.1%) of the respondents agreed that NUT had improved the working conditions of teachers especially in facilitation of payment of teachers’ special allowance, enhancement of teachers’ salary as well as ensuring prompt payment of teachers’ salary. This finding disagrees with that of Maina (2018) whose findings revealed that respondents could not reach an agreement on trade union use of collective bargaining agreement to negotiate for better pay and work-place protection. Maina (2018) revealed further that teachers agreed that working conditions in the organization are poor, trade union has a significant influence on terms and conditions, and occupational health and safety programmer has an impact on organizational performance, reduction in accident and injuries influence performance of the organization and has adequate occupational health and safety procedures. Maina further established that organization offers unfair remuneration and that organization has lack of minimum facility and safety. The finding further disagrees with that of Itabari (2016) whose findings revealed that hurdles to representation of teachers in personal suits were lack of budgetary allocations, and lack of a policy in that effect. Itabari (2016) further revealed that the teachers’ salaries were said to be insufficient for sourcing individual legal representations and lack of the unions to represent teachers when faced with legal suits led to conviction and commitment of innocent teachers to jail terms, and that teachers’ expressed this as a point of great dissatisfaction in their professional practices. This finding disagrees with that of Abdullahi (2015)  whose findings revealed that due to NUT weakness; there were poor provision of teachers’ welfare services, and irregular payment of teachers‟ retirement benefits in Katsina State.


Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that institutionalization of trade unionism as a valuable instrument for regulating the teachers conditions of service has significantly enhanced the management of public secondary schools in Benue State, Nigeria. As the trade unionism facilitates timely teachers productivity, teachers welfare, teachers discipline and professional training of teachers for enhanced management of secondary schools. The researcher therefore envisaged that the formation of trade unions in secondary schools have significantly enhanced the management of public secondary schools in Benue State.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made;

  1. Members of Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) should ensure the establishments of a functional staff development centre that would constantly organize seminars, workshops, conferences and correspondence course purposively geared towards improving teachers pedagogical skills for effective school management.
  2. Members of Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) should encourage regular payment of salaries, regular payment of teachers promotion arrears, fringe benefits and special bonuses as this would further enhance teachers classroom participation for an enhanced school management. Also, NUT Benue State Branch should do more to pressurize the government of Benue State to constantly improve teachers’ welfare services, regularize payment of teachers’ retirement benefits in Benue State.


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