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Performance Appraisal and Employees’ Performance: A Study of Civil Servants in Ogun State, Nigeria
- Salami Luqman Adeniyi
- 672-687
- Aug 1, 2024
- Human resource management
Performance Appraisal and Employees’ Performance: A Study of Civil Servants in Ogun State, Nigeria
Salami Luqman Adeniyi
Department of Human Resource Management, Highstone International University California, USA
Received: 26 May 2024; Accepted: 12 June 2024; Published: 01 August 2024
This study examined performance appraisal and employees’ performance with specific reference to civil servants in Ogun state, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between goal-setting and employee performance, and to determine the relationship between effective communication and employee productivity. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study utilized a structured questionnaire as research instrument. The population of the study consists of Civil Service employees in Ogun State. The total population is 44,000 employees, according to the State’s 2022 Annual Gazette. A sample size of 396 employees was selected using Yamane (1967) formula for known population. Consequently, 396 copies of questionnaire were administered, and 365 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and adjudged usable for the study. The data collected were statistically analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis was carried out showing simple percentage, while inferential analysis was done using Pearson correlation statistical method. The result obtained show that performance appraisal is beneficial in the eyes of the employees as the system is a valuable tool which inspires employees and helps them perform better. The study shows that goal setting, learning and development, communication, and good feedback system have a substantial association with employee performance. The study concluded that there is a correlation between employee performance appraisal and employees’ performance. It is also concluded that the key components of performance appraisal and management system include goal setting, learning and development, effective communication and feedback and that these components are positively linked to how employees perform in the organization. The study recommends that state civil service must ensure that the system spends more time assisting people in their development. Furthermore, a higher level of employee involvement in the system is required for an appraisal to fulfill its full potential and benefit all parties concerned.
Keywords: Performance appraisal, goal-setting, Employee performance, effective communication, Employee productivity.
One of the most strategic ways for organizations to survive and succeed in the business environment is to use human resources effectively and strategically (Wheelen & Hunger, 2012). Employee performance is regarded as one of the most important factors influencing organizational performance (Istivani, 2022).The performance of an organization is directly and indirectly linked to the performance of the employees. The success or failure of an organization is considered to be linked to the capability to measure precisely the performance of employees and utilize such measurement to objectively maximize productivity and outcome from employees (Istivani, 2022). The current business environment is highly competitive and business organizations have to focus on enhancing performance of employees in a continuous manner in order to compete and survive effectively in the market place. Performance of a single employee is defined as the recorded outcomes produced as specified roles, tasks and workplace responsibility during a particular time frame (Terra, 2024).
Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel’s performance by supervisors or others in an organizational setting. Performance appraisal is the process of routinely evaluating an employee’s output on the job and overall value to the company (Orhero, Okolie & Ch., 2020). A worker’s skills, accomplishments, and growth are assessed through yearly reviews, performance reviews or evaluations, or employee appraisals (or lack thereof). Companies use performance reviews to provide employees with comprehensive feedback on their work as well as to support decisions regarding salary increases, bonuses, and termination. Although they can be carried out at any time, most people choose to perform them once, twice, or three times a year. Therefore, performance appraisal is a set of organizational activities targeted at attracting, developing, and maintaining competent staff (Istivani, 2022).
Human resources departments frequently create performance evaluations to help employees advance in their careers. They give people individual feedback on their work performance. It makes sure that employees are managing and achieving the objectives that have been set for them and offers support for how to reach those objectives if necessary. Performance evaluations assist in deciding how to distribute a company’s limited pool of funds, which are used to pay incentives like raises and bonuses (Kuswati, 2020). They enable businesses to assess which employees have contributed most to their success, enabling them to appropriately reward their top performers. Employees and their managers can use performance reviews to identify opportunities for improvement and career advancement, as well as to create a plan for employee growth that may include additional training and increased responsibilities.
Employee contributions should be discussed with managers at all times of the year, not just at performance reviews. More frequent communication keeps everyone on the same page, improves the working relationship between employees and managers, and lessens the pressure of annual reviews (Alase & Akinbo, 2021). Nilasari, Nisfiannoor and Devinta (2021) explained that the procedure of appreciating, evaluating, and improving employees’ performance at work in order to assist the organization in achieving its goals and objectives is referred to as performance approval. Appraisals assist employees by providing them with recognition, feedback, career guidance, and development.
At regular periods (at least once a year), One-on-one meetings are held between managers and employees to discuss work performance in relation to, (a) the execution of roles and responsibilities; (b)the organization’s needs and how individuals contribute to the achievement of the organization’s goals (DeNisi& Murphy, 2017). This is the context in which this research will look at performance appraisal and employee performance.
Statement of the Problem
In today’s business world, human resources are widely regarded as the most important organizational resource for any company’s success. As a result, well-intentioned business organizations try to recruit and select the best human resource available in the market in order to achieve and maintain their operational objectives now and in the future. It appears that many Nigerian organizations lack effective utilization of appropriate performance appraisal approach and performance management systems with respect to key dimensions as mentioned in previous literatures, textbooks and researches such as setting goals, learning, training and development, effective communication, feedback systems on performance (Armstrong, 2012; Riyanto, Endri & Herlisha, 2021).
Researchers have believed for many years, probably since the development of the critical incident technique, that observation of job behavior is critical for appraisal reliability and validity (Thayumanavar & Sreekanth, 2023). Observation of actual ratee behavior is assumed to be a determinant of appraisal accuracy, based on the assumption that such observations are objective, verifiable, and can be tied closely to job analysis information (Dunnette, 1966). Research on performance appraisal has consistently failed to distinguish between evaluation and rating behavior (Crlstlna & Kevin,2006).
The gap becomes obvious when we consider in what manner observation will lead to greater accuracy. In order to improve appraisal accuracy, observations must be frequent, unbiased, and representative. Thus, the achievement and sustenance of business objectives require an effective and efficient performance appraisal system. As a result, by investigating the relationship between performance appraisal and employee performance in the Ogun State Civil Service, this study aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Objectives of the Study
With a focus on the connection between performance appraisal and work performance, the aim of this study is to examine the performance appraisal system from the perspective of the employees in the Ogun State Civil Service. The following specific objectives are to investigate the connection between goal-setting and employee performance, and to determine the relationship between effective communication and employee productivity.
Research Questions
In line the study objectives two basic questions are set to guide the research, which are:
- What is the relationship between goal-setting and employees’ performance?
- What is the relationship between effective communication and employees’ performance?
Research Hypotheses
To support this study two relevant hypotheses are tested for empirical evidence, thus;
HO1: There is no relationship between goal-setting and employees’ performance
Ho2: There is no relationship between effective communication and employees’ performance.
Conceptual Review
Performance is described as what must be accomplished by a person or group of people in a certain amount of time. It is possible to express what is intended to be provided in terms of results, efforts, tasks, and quality, as well as the circumstances in which it will be delivered” (Kumari & Malhotra, 2012).Performance appraisal refers to the formal assessment and grading of individuals by their managers at a review meeting, typically once a year (Armstrong, 2006).
According to the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD), a performance appraisal is a chance for each employee and those who are concerned about their performance, usually line managers, to engage in a dialogue about their performance and development as well as the support that manager is needed to provide (CIPD, 2013).
Zamani, Ghani, Radzi, Rahmat, Kadar & Azram (2021) claims that organizations use performance evaluation as a basis for administrative choices like hiring, promoting, allocating financial incentives, employee development, and determining training requirements. Employee evaluations are merely one component of performance reviews. The creation of general job objectives or a job description is the first step in the appraisal process. Next comes the identification of specific job expectations, feedback, and, if required, coaching (Hillman, Schwandt & Bartz, 1990).
According to Fletcher (2004), the general purposes of performance reviews include formal evaluation of subpar performance as well as succession planning, potential identification, manager-subordinate dialogue promotion, and employee motivation. The primary goal of performance appraisal, according to Grogan, Geard, and Stephens, (2015), is to support management in making administrative choices like promotions, terminations, layoffs, and pay increases. Management must make decisions about retention, future assignments, and training and development needs after the performance appraisal is completed (Hillman et al, 1990).
Individuals must be continually assessed and evaluated in order for an organization to perform effectively and efficiently. This helps to explain why, whether on its own or as part of a larger performance management system, almost every company conducts a performance appraisal (Robescu, &Iancu, 2016).
Performance Appraisal Today
In today’s workplace, performance appraisal is still very important. According to a 2009 CIPD report, 81.3 percent of businesses surveyed used performance appraisal as part of management process performance measure. In no distant years, performance appraisals have been used by organizations instead of the traditional method of making administrative decisions for a variety of reasons. In today’s organizations, Cleveland, Murphy, and Williams (1989) iterated that performance reviews have four main purposes. Individual Comparisons, Within Individuals, System Maintenance, and Documentation are the four categories.
Within individual are concerned with recognizing and improving their unique strengths and weaknesses, whereas Between Individuals is concerned with comparing individual performance. Performance appraisal can be used to connect company procedures and strategy to employee performance and goals that they have achieved or are working toward through System Maintenance. Employee performance reviews that are connected to the company’s business objectives have been praised as a novel strategy for coordinating employees’ actions with the priorities of the company. Performance reviews are used as documentation to support personnel decisions and make sure they comply with legal requirements (Cleveland et al, 1989; Wiese & Buckley, 1998).
While performance appraisal appears to be a fantastic tool that should benefit every company, there is a widespread belief that it is moderately ineffective, as evidenced by the large number of journal articles and research on the subject. Despite the fact that much of the literature suggests that performance appraisals should be eliminated entirely, Lawler (2012) believes that they are an important part of effective talent management. Rather than eliminating Performance Appraisal, he believes that the best way to improve it is to work on making it more effective. The secret, according to the author, is to incorporate them into a thorough performance management system that consists of goal-setting, development, compensation actions, performance feedback, and goal-based performance appraisal (Lawler, 2012).
Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
Most recent research on performance evaluation advises against using it on its own and instead suggests incorporating it into a larger Performance Management system. Performance management is a method of enhancing organizational performance by enhancing individual and team performance (Armstrong, 2006). The process of motivating and assisting staff to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in accordance with organizational needs (Bititci, Bourne, Cross, Nudurupati & Sang, 2018). Create a shared understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives. Help each employee understand and appreciate their contribution to achieving those goals. Manage and improve both individual and organizational performance (Williams, 2002).
In the majority of Performance Management Systems, performance appraisal is the method used to translate organizational goals and objectives into personal goals and objectives. It’s also the most common way to talk about and act on a person’s growth (Fletcher, 2004). When performance management is involved, appraisal is much more closely tied to the overall business environment. Performance management is a broad range of activities carried out by the organization to enhance employee performance, according to De Nisi and Griffen (2008). Performance management is a broader and more comprehensive process than performance appraisals, despite the fact that they are frequently equated with one another (De Nisi &Griffen, 2008).It has been established that performance management is more efficient and advantageous for an organization. In nine UK organizations, Fletcher and Williams (1996) discovered that elements of performance management promote organizational commitment and, in particular, job satisfaction.
When goals are jointly set and motivated by an organization’s business strategy, performance management systems are effective (Lawler, Benson & McDermott, 2012). Instead of being used as a traditional tool for measurement, performance appraisal is increasingly popular as a communication and social process.
There does not appear to be a single best method of performance appraisal, according to the literature, though all effective methods share some common elements. Clear goals that are connected to precise performance criteria and are well-accepted by both the appraiser and the appraisee are frequently associated with effective performance appraisals (Pulakos & Battista, 2020). Along with clearly defined performance goals, feedback to the appraiser on their efficacy, and compliance with legal requirements, effective performance appraisals also involve the supervisor and employee working together to set goals (Rankin & Kleiner, 1988).
Employees are more likely to support and meaningfully contribute to the Performance Appraisal scheme if they perceive it as a chance for personal growth, a chance to be seen and demonstrate skills and abilities, and a chance to network with others, (Boachie-Mensah and Seidu, 2012). On the other hand, employees will reject performance appraisals because they view them as an intrusive attempt by management to monitor and control the work they do. “When it comes to performance evaluation, the forms are not important. The ultimate goal of performance appraisal is to make everyone better by removing obstacles to job success and enabling employees and managers to continuously improve. Forms are not meant to make people better; they’re simply a way to keep track of basic data for later use. The entire process becomes a waste of time at best, and insulting at worst, if the goal is to get the forms “done” without thinking or effort” (Mayer, 2001).
Participation and fairness, according to Pettijohn, Pettijohn, Taylor, and Keillor (2001), influence employee perceptions of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. They come to the conclusion that Performance Appraisal Systems can be utilized to raise employee commitment to the organization, job satisfaction, and motivation at work.
Appraisal Ineffectiveness
The dislike of the process by both the appraiser and the appraisee is one of the main causes of ineffective performance appraisal. One of management’s most delicate processes is performance evaluation (Swan, 1991). Almost every executive has had to deal with performance reviews at some point in their career. They hate receiving them as well as giving them (Sims, Gioia & Longenecker, 1987). Because they don’t want to hurt their employees, many managers and supervisors are reluctant to give their employees honest evaluations.
Managers are reluctant to be specific when a poor evaluation leads to dismissal, no pay increase, a challenging task, or no promotion (Kim, Shields & Chheti, 2021). The best way to measure performance is to use surveys, on-the-job observations, peer group feedback, and results against targets, according to Watling (1995), who emphasizes the significance of basing appraisals on facts rather than feelings. When determining what constitutes a good performance appraisal, this is a critical factor to consider. The appraisal will be inaccurate if the manager conducting it struggles to provide honest and truthful feedback. Accuracy is unlikely to be achieved due to the emotional variability associated with such processes. However, given that executives who provide appraisals have underlying motivations and objectives that go beyond the banal concern with rating accuracy, is this a crucial component for management? One manager polled believes that producing ratings that keep things moving is far more important than accurately describing an employee’s performance. The fact that management must work with these individuals and does not want to foster hostility or tension is another reason for manipulating feedback in an appraisal setting. In addition, the appraiser may use softer language because the appraisal is physically recorded on the employee’s record.
Unfair performance evaluation procedures cause job dissatisfaction. Accurate and reliable data must be provided by a fair performance evaluation system (Adler, Campion, Colquitt, Grubb, Murphy, Ollander-Krane, & Pulakos, 2016). Performance management systems must be fair to employees in order for the company to succeed. Many performance review processes only serve to determine whether an employee will receive a raise, a promotion, or information about their role. Performance reviews should be used to help the employee and the company rather than as a means of making judgments. Continuous assessment can be used to identify the skills the company has and doesn’t have while also serving as a tool for employee retention.
Critics of Performance Appraisal
Researchers and management have been attempting to find better ways to improve organizational performance for many years, but most managers still find managing and evaluating performance to be a major challenge today (Armstrong, 1994). Many authors have expressed their disapproval of performance appraisals throughout the literature. Shields, Brown, Kaine and Rooney, 2020) stated that rarely in business history has a system promised so much and delivered so little. Critics of performance evaluation, according to Redman and Wilkinson (2009), contend that it is an expensive procedure that can result in conflict between the appraiser and the appraisee, is useless, and might even be impeding the development of employee performance. Performance appraisal is the least popular managerial activity, according to Carroll and Schneier (1982) research. All critics of Performance Appraisal have one thing in common: they have no idea what should replace it or what could be introduced as a substitute. Organizations should focus on improving and ensuring the effectiveness of their performance appraisal system rather than eliminating it entirely. They must reinvent, update, and renew their performance appraisal procedures to better align them with the needs of the organization and the environment.
Often, the rater’s goal is not to evaluate the employee’s performance, but to keep the employee happy and avoid negatively affecting employee morale,’ says the author. According to Wiese and Buckley (1998), Because the manager’s and the organization’s goals are at odds, this can cause confusion. The manager is not acting in the best interests of the company if he is concerned about his own image and does not want to give a negative rating. It’s critical to ensure that the system is being used correctly and that the management involved is being taught how to do so when looking for ways to improve performance appraisal in organizations.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
A performance appraisal’s goal is to gather critical information and measurements about employees’ activities and the company’s operations that will aid management in improving employee productivity, working conditions, morale, and the organization’s overall operations (Rahman & Shah, 2012). It is critical to ensure that the aims of the organization are in line with the performance evaluation in order for it to be effective. The resulting performance appraisal system will be ineffective if the goals of the performance appraisal process clash with the goals of the organization or may actually be detrimental to the organization’s ability to function effectively (Barrett, 1967).
Figure 1: Elements of appraisal effectiveness by Piggot-Irvine (2003)
Piggot-essential Figure 1 depicts Irvine’s (2003) criteria for effective appraisal. An effective performance appraisal system, according to her research, should be discreet, informative, have clear guidelines, and be educational. The assessment process must be fully integrated throughout the organization for it to be effective, with values becoming ingrained in the fabric of daily office life (Piggot-Irvine, 2003). According to Nabi, Abdullah & al Hossain (2017), effective performance reviews should include six essential elements. The following are the six elements:
- Performance goals must be clear and detailed.
- Determining what constitutes the various levels of performance in clear and quantitative terms is critical.
- In performance appraisal programs, personal awards should be linked to organizational performance.
- Feedback on the appraiser’s performance appraisal process success should be provided.
- In order to help the employee reach their objectives, the supervisor and employee should discuss strategies to enhance the employee’s performance.
- The performance appraisal system must adhere to legal standards, regardless of the approach taken (notably, Equal Employment Opportunities guidelines).
Successful managers use performance appraisal systems to manage their subordinates rather than to measure them,’ says one expert. Subordinates can be motivated, directed, and developed with the help of performance evaluations. (Wiese & Buckley, 1998)
Theoretical Framework of the Study
Goal Theory
This theory was proposed by Locke, who claimed that an employee’s personal goals are important in motivating them to perform at higher levels (Bititci, Bourne, Cross, Nudurupati & Sang, 2018). This is due to the employees’ unwavering commitment to achieving their goals. Siddiqui and Rida (2019). suggested that if these goals are not achieved, they must either perform better or adjust the goals to more manageable ones. In the context of this study, goal theory suggests four mechanisms that connect goals to performance outcomes: 1) emphasizes key priorities; 2) encourages effort; In order to increase their chances of success, people are encouraged to use their knowledge and talents. The more challenging the goal, the more people will employ their whole skill set. According to this theory, identifying and agreeing on goals and objectives against which performance may be measured, assessed, and controlled in the direction of organizational performance should be a key component of performance appraisal (Armstrong, 2012).
Bell curve Theory of Performance Appraisal
Richard, Herrnstein and Charles Murray (1994) created the Bell Curve Theory. The theory states that inherited and environmental factors have a significant impact on human intellectual effort, assisting in the prediction of personal outcomes such as financial income, job performance, and so on. A forced rating system for employees, implemented by management, is the Bell Curve System of Performance Appraisal. The organization uses this technique to separate the best, mediocre, and worst performers, nurturing the best and discarding the bad (Cleveland, Murphy & Williams, 1989). And this segregation is based on a relative assessment of the workforce’s performance versus that of others engaged in similar activities, with the results being ranked accordingly. The only technique by which managers in a company can implement leniency or strictness of ratings in performance management is through the use of the bell curve.
Empirical Review
Sanjo and Adeniyi, (2022) study on the efficacy of an organization and pertinent elements including organizational performance, employee motivation, organizational climate, and organizational competitiveness were investigated. In Lagos State’s five geopolitical zones, cities such as Ikeja, Badagry, Lagos, Ikorodu, and Epe. Based on descriptive research methodology, the study’s sample size was 120 people (Sanjo and Adeniyi, 2022). It also has a strong correlation with the organizational environment and competitiveness. A study conducted by Alvi and Khan (2021) analyzed the performance appraisal system of ITC Ltd and found that the company focuses on a balanced scorecard approach, which incorporates financial and nonfinancial measures. Another study by Mishra et al. (2021) evaluated the performance appraisal practices of Indian MNCs and concluded that performance evaluation in these organizations is highly formalized, systematic, and transparent. Moreover, a study by Nair and Nair (2021) evaluated the effectiveness of 360-degree feedback in employee performance evaluation in Indian MNCs. The study found that 360-degree feedback is an effective tool for evaluating employee performance and improving employee engagement and motivation.
Orhero and Okolie (2020) study looked into the link between performance appraisal and organizational productivity. The following literature was reviewed in relation to the study variables. For starters, human resource management has traditionally placed a premium on employee performance. As a result, several methods for evaluating an employee’s performance have become more widely used over time. Performance evaluations have grown in scope in recent years to include elements like motivation, reward, and organizational performance in addition to employee performance. According to (Orhero & Okolie, 2020) when a company employs performance appraisal as a motivational tool to promote organizational performance, there are considerable beneficial consequences. Additionally, the study found that employing several appraisal methodologies boosts motivation by increasing satisfaction. By connecting performance to rewards, utilizing the PAS to establish goals and benchmarks, and use performance appraisal to determine employee strengths and weaknesses, performance appraisal systems (PAS) assist increase employee motivation (Ugoani, 2020).
Pulakos and Battista (2020) investigated the relationship between performance appraisal and job satisfaction, also known as human resource management outcome, in Malaysia’s state-owned company, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB), without or with the moderator variable of the supervisor-employee quality. A descriptive research design with a sample size of 150 employees was used as the methodology. The authors discovered that the extent to which the supervisor-employee relationship is of high quality is significant and can improve job performance and satisfaction.
A study by Rane and Ahire (2020) examined the performance evaluation system of an Indian pharmaceutical company and found that the company had a robust performance appraisal system that included a combination of self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and supervisor evaluation. However, the study did not compare the performance evaluation of supervisor and operational level employees.
Overall, there is a lack of literature that compares the performance evaluation of supervisor senior employees and operational level junior workers in Indian multinational companies. This research is examining the differences in performance evaluation between these two groups and identifying any potential biases or disparities in the evaluation process. H1: There is a significant different in performance evaluation between these two groups and identifying any potential biases or disparities in the evaluation process.
Furthermore, a study by Chaudhary et al. (2019) investigated the impact of employee performance evaluation on job satisfaction in Indian MNCs. The study found that performance evaluation practices significantly impact job satisfaction, and employees who receive regular and constructive feedback are more satisfied with their jobs. Similarly, another study by Jain and Kansal (2019) explored the role of employee performance appraisal in enhancing employee engagement in Indian MNCs.
One study conducted by Kumar et al. (2018) examined the performance appraisal system of ITC Ltd, an Indian multinational conglomerate, and found that the company had a comprehensive appraisal system that incorporated both qualitative and quantitative measures. However, the study did not compare the performance evaluation of supervisor and operational level employees.
Research Design
When developing the study’s methodology, the researcher employed a framework created by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2014). ‘Research design is the basic plan that gives an overview of the actions that are necessary to perform the study,’ according to Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2014). For the purpose of this study a descriptive research design was used, basically to gather data through data collection using structured questionnaire. The study utilized a descriptive survey design as it is found to be most suitable for this kind of research where the researcher is interested in the opinions or views of the research subjects without any attempt to manipulate or control them.
The Study Population
The study’s target population is Civil Service employees in Ogun State, which number 44,000 according to the state’s 2022 Annual Gazette. A sample is a discrete group of people that is intended to be representative of the whole group.
When it comes to data analysis, sampling can be a crucial method because it is a viable way of gathering data without having to use the full population, which is especially important when the researcher is working under time and money constraints.
For the purpose of collecting relevant data at a representative sample size for the study, staff of Ogun State Civil Service was randomly selected for this research project. The sample technique used in this study was simple random sampling, which was used to choose Civil Service employees in Ogun State.The Yamane method was used to compute the sample size for this investigation, and a targeted sample size was determined. The formula is
- Total Population (N): 44,000
- Precision estimate (e): 0.05 (for a 95% confidence level)
n = N / (1 + N * e^2)
n = 44000 / (1 + 44000 * (0.05)^2)
n = 44000 / (1 + 44000 * 0.0025)
n = 44000 / (1 + 110)
n = 44000 / 111
n = 396.40
n = 396
The sample size for the study is 396 respondents.
A standardized questionnaire was used to collect data, and it has 22 items in total. These items are grouped into two sections, one for each of the study’s four research topics. The instrument was given to the supervisor and some experts as regards the measurement of the content of the research work, in the Department of Human Resources for validation.
Test-retest approach was adopted in establishing the reliability of the research instrument because it is one of the simplest ways of testing the stability and reliability of an instrument overtime. Three hundred and ninety-six (396) copies of three hundred sixty-five (365) copies of the questionnaire were distributed, and they were all returned and validly completed for analysis and interpretation.
Both primary and secondary data sources were used in the investigation. A standardized questionnaire was used to gather the primary data, while secondary data was gathered using journals, textbooks, and other relevant materials.
Methods of Data Analysis
The data gathered during the field research was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Data was analyzed specifically in terms of basic %ages and frequency distribution. Furthermore, the statistical techniques such as frequency counts was used to analyse the nominal data in the research questionnaires while at the 0.05 level of significance, to test the research hypotheses, it was calculated using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC). This was done with the Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SSPS) version 23.0.
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
Table 4.2: Frequency Distribution of Demographic Data of Respondents
Responses | Frequency | %age (%) | |
Respondent’s Gender | Male | 167 | 45.8 |
Female | 198 | 54.2 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 | |
Respondents Age | Below 21 years | 27 | 7.40 |
21 – 30 years | 85 | 23.29 | |
31 – 40years | 155 | 42.47 | |
41 – 50years | 70 | 19.17 | |
51 years & above | 28 | 7.67 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 | |
Respondents Educational Level | O’ level certificate | 22 | 6.03 |
OND/NCE | 110 | 30.14 | |
HND/B.Sc./BA | 140 | 38.36 | |
Masters | 55 | 15.06 | |
Ph.D. | 20 | 5.48 | |
Others | 18 | 4.93 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 | |
Marital Status
Single | 142 | 38.9 |
Married | 178 | 48.8 | |
Divorced | 0 | 0.0 | |
Widowed | 45 | 12.3 | |
Separated | 0 | 0.0 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 | |
Level in the organization | Management Staff | 110 | 30.14 |
Senior Staff | 150 | 41.09 | |
Junior Staff | 105 | 28.77 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 | |
Length of years of service in the organization | 1-3 years | 72 | 19.73 |
4 – 6years | 105 | 28.77 | |
7-10 years | 124 | 33.97 | |
Above 10 years | 64 | 17.53 | |
Total | 365 | 100.0 |
Source: Field Survey, 2024
According to Table 4.2, males account for 45.8% of total respondents, while females account for 54.2 %. This means that the majority of respondents are men; yet, the study is not gender-biased, as it includes people of both genders.Table 4.2 shows that 7.40 % of respondents are under the age of 21, 23.29 % are between the ages of 21 and 30, 42.47 % are between the ages of 31 and 40, 19.17 % are between the ages of 41 and 50, and 7.67 % are between the ages of 50 and above. The bulk of the respondents are in the active force, according to this analysis, with the age band of 31 to 40 years being the modal age. Furthermore, the table shows that 6.03 % of respondents have an O level certificate,30.14 % of respondents had completed their OND/NCE, 38.36 % had completed their HND/B.Sc./BA, 15.06 % had completed their Masters, 5.48 % had completed their Ph.D., and 4.93 % had completed additional educational qualifications. This demonstrates that the majority of responders are well-informed and well-educated enough to understand the study’s significance and implications.
In addition, Table 4.2 showed the respondents’ marital status: 12.3% of the respondents are widowed, 0.0 percent are separated, and 38.9 percent are single. Of the respondents overall, 48.8% are married, 0.0 percent are divorced, and 12.3 percent are single parents. Table 4.2 revealed the respondents’ level in the organization, 30.14% of respondents are management staff, 41.09% of respondents are senior staff and 28.77% of the respondents are in junior staff. This implies that all management levels of the organization were well represented and involved in the study. More so, Table 4.2 showed the respondents length of years of services in the organization, 19.73% have been in the organization between 1-3 years, 28.77% between 4 -6 years, 33.97% between 7-10 years and 17.53% have above 10 years.
Research Results
‘Performance Appraisal and Employees’ Work Performance: A Study of Civil Servants in Ogun State’ was the subject of the study. Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences version 20.0 was used to analyze the data using descriptive statistics to generate tables and statistical data that were used to interpret the findings. A total of 396 respondents were utilized as the study’s sample size, and the same number of questionnaires were distributed, with 365 (365) questionnaires returned and legitimately completed for analysis and interpretation. The completed surveys had a response rate of 92.1 %, indicating that the respondents were quite interested in the topic. To assess the study’s hypotheses, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used.
Table 4.3.1: Analysis of Respondents’ views on Goal Setting and Employee Performance
STATEMENTS | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total | |
The goals in line with performance appraisal are clearly outlined, understood and accepted by me as an employee in this organization | F
% |
64.11 |
12.88 |
10.41 |
7.39 |
5.21 |
100.0 |
The goals and objectives are well set and make ease for performance appraisal in this organization | F
% |
36.16 |
34.79 |
18.09 |
6.58 |
4.38 |
100.0 |
Goal setting in performance appraisal tells me about the responsibilities and tasks to be done in this organization | F
% |
71.78 |
14.52 |
6.58 |
4.11 |
3.01 |
100.0 |
Goal setting has a significant impact of on employee performance | F
% |
61.92 |
22.73 |
6.58 |
4.93 |
3.84 |
100.0 |
Source: Field Survey, 2024
Note: 5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Undecided 2 = Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree
Table 4.3.1 shows the responses to the statement “As an employee in our organization, the goals in line with performance appraisal are clearly articulated, understood, and approved by me”. 64.11% of the respondents strongly agreed that goals in line with performance appraisal are clearly outlined, understood and accepted by employees, 12.88% agreed, 10.41% were undecided, 7.39% disagreed while 5.21% of the respondents strongly disagreed. Therefore, the majority of respondents firmly agreed that performance appraisal-related goals are precisely stated and understood and accepted by Civil Servants in Ogun State.
Table 4.3.1 further found that 36.16 % of respondents strongly agreed that the organization’s aims and objectives
are well-defined and make performance appraisal simple, 34.79 % agreed, 18.09 % were undecided, 6.58 % disagreed, and 4.38 % strongly disagreed. As a result, the vast majority of respondents strongly agreed that the purposes and objectives of the Ogun State Civil Service are well-defined and facilitate performance appraisal.
Table 4.3.1 also shows that 71.78 % of respondents strongly agreed that goal setting in performance appraisal informs employees about their responsibilities and tasks in this organization, 14.52 % strongly agreed, 6.58 % were undecided, 4.11 % disagreed, and 3.01 % strongly disagreed. As a result, the overwhelming majority of respondents believed that goal setting in performance appraisal informs employees about their roles and tasks in the Ogun State Civil Service.
Finally, Goal setting has a considerable impact on employee performance, according to Table 4.3.1, with 61.92 % strongly agreeing, 22.73 % agreeing, 6.58 % unsure, 4.93 % disagreeing, and 3.84 % severely disagreeing. As a result, the vast majority of respondents believed that creating goals has a substantial impact on employee performance in the Ogun State Civil Service.
Table 4.3.2: Analysis of Respondents’ viewson Effective Communication and Employee Performance
STATEMENTS | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Total | |
Communication is critical to employees in terms of performance indicators for performance management system. | F
% |
50.41 |
30.68 |
8.77 |
5.76 |
4.38 |
100.0 |
Performance appraisal results are communicated back to me regularly. | F
% |
61.37 |
29.31 |
1.37 |
1.37 |
6.58 |
100.0 |
I have enough knowledge about the performance appraisal evaluation in this organization. | F
% |
35.89 |
39.73 |
10.41 |
6.03 |
7.94 |
100.0 |
Effective communication significantly impact on employee performance. | F
% |
72.60 |
13.97 |
6.58 |
4.93 |
1.92 |
100.0 |
Source: Field Survey, 2024
Note: 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Undecided, 2 = Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree
Table 4.3.3 revealed the responses on impact of effective communication on employee performance, 50.41% of the respondents strongly agreed that communication is critical to employees in terms of performance indicators for performance management system, 30.68% agreed, 8.77 % of respondents were indecisive, 5.76 % disagreed, and 4.38 % strongly disagreed. As a result, the majority of respondents strongly agreed that communication is crucial to employees in terms of performance indicators for the Ogun State Civil Service’s performance management system.
Furthermore, Table 4.3.3 indicated that 61.37% of the respondents strongly agreed that performance appraisal results are communicated back to employees regularly, 29.31 % of respondents agreed, 1.37 % were undecided, 1.37 % disagreed, and 6.58 % strongly disagreed. As a consequence, the majority of respondents strongly agreed that the findings of performance appraisals are conveyed to personnel in the Ogun State Civil Service on a regular basis.
In addition, Table 4.3.3, 35.89% of the respondents that strongly agreed that employees have enough knowledge about the performance appraisal evaluation, 39.73% agreed, 10.41% of respondents were undecided, 6.03 % disagreed, and 7.94 % strongly disagreed. As a result, the majority of respondents agreed that personnel in Ogun State’s Civil Service have sufficient knowledge about performance appraisal evaluation.
Finally, Table 4.3.3 indicated that 72.60% of the respondents that strongly agreed that effective communication significantly impacts on employee performance, 13.97 % of respondents agreed, 6.58% were undecided, 4.93 % disagreed, and 1.92 % strongly disagreed. Therefore, the vast majority of respondents agreed that effective communication has a significant impact on staff performance in the Ogun State Civil Service.
Test of Hypotheses
Hypothesis One
H01: There is no significant link between goal setting and employee performance.
Table 4.4.1: pearson correlation
Employee Performance | Goal Setting |
Pearson Correlation | 0.987 |
Sig. (2-tailed) | 0.01 |
N | 365 |
The Table 4.4.1 shows that the Pearson Product Moment Correlation test revealed that goal setting is highly related to the degree of employee performance in the Ogun State Civil Service. According to the table above, there is a strong positive link of 0.987 between goal setting and employee performance. The calculated p value is less than the level of significance (0.01:p 0.05). The null hypothesis was thus rejected, while the alternative hypothesis was accepted.
Hypothesis Two
H02: There is no significant link between effective communication and employee performance.
Table 4.4.3: pearson correlation
Employee Performance | Effective Communication |
Pearson Correlation | 0.981 |
Sig. (2-tailed) | 0.02 |
N | 365 |
Table 4.4.3 shows that effective communication is significantly related to the level of employee performance in Ogun State Civil Service. To test this, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was performed. According to the table above, effective communication and employee performance have a strong positive relationship of 0.981. The calculated p value is less than the level of significance (0.03: p 0.02). The null hypothesis was thus rejected, while the alternative hypothesis was accepted.
Summary of Findings
Furthermore, the summaries deducted from the major findings of the study as a result of test of hypotheses revealed that there is a substantial association between goal setting and employee performance in the Ogun State Civil Service. Goal setting and employee performance have a high positive connection of 0.911, according to the findings; there is a substantial association between learning and development and employee performance of Ogun State Civil Servants. The results reveal that learning and development and employee performance have a high positive connection of 0.987.
Analysis of data led to the realization that Performance Appraisal is beneficial in the eyes of the employees. The system is a valuable tool since it inspires employees and helps them perform better. The great majority of effective performance appraisal objectives are also incorporated into the evaluation of the business. While the system has problems and still needs to be improved, it is on the right route and providing good outcomes.The study shows that goal setting, learning and development, communication, and good feedback system have a substantial association with employee work performance.
The primary purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between performance appraisal and work performance from the perspective of employees in the Ogun State Civil Service. According to the findings of the study, there is a correlation between employee performance appraisal and work performance, in accordance with the research goals and questions.
It was concluded in the study that the key components of performance appraisal and management system include goal setting, learning and development, effective communication and feedback and these components are positively linked to how employees perform in the organization.
Furthermore, the study concluded the ways in which effectiveness of performance appraisal could be improved by ensuring performance appraisal clarity and objectivity about employee roles, responsibilities and tasks. According to the findings of the study, there is a substantial association between performance appraisal and employee work performance, with goal setting and feedback systems playing a major role.
If an organization is to be successful in achieving its goal, it must strengthen its appraisal system. The study’s findings have important consequences for researchers and company executives. Based on the summary and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are made to make the appraisal system of an organisation successful:
- The firm must ensure that the system spends more time assisting people in their development, examples include detecting training needs, coaching, and delivering more accurate, constructive feedback. Performance evaluation’s ultimate goal is for people to consistently improve (Bacal, 1999).
- Furthermore, a higher level of employee involvement in the system than currently exists is required for an appraisal to fulfill its full potential and benefit all parties concerned.
- One of the most significant components of a Performance Appraisal was the collaboration between management and the employee to find methods to improve the individual’s performance and establish a development plan to help them accomplish their goals(Rankin & Kleiner, 1988).
Employees who are more involved in the system are more invested because they have a greater voice. According to Jordan (1990), increased employee participation fosters a cooperative environment while also reducing stress and rater-ratee conflict that may arise as a result of the assessment.
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