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Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques to Lower Stress Levels in the Community of Women who Memorize the Qur’an
Indah Sari Dewi. Z & Nida Mukhlishotul ‘Izzah
Magister Psikologi Sains Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Received: 02 November 2023; Revised: 09 November 2023; Accepted: 15 November 2023; Published: 06 December 2023
In the process of carrying out the final level of education, students experience quite a lot of obstacles, especially when doing their final project. This will cause stress and anxiety. Especially if students have other agendas outside the academic agenda, namely joining the community, in this case, the community of memorizing the Qur’an. Student activities will be denser and will be more like stress. So it needs alternative coping stress or handling that can help reduce student stress, especially in students who memorize the Qur’an. One technique that can reduce muscle tension caused by stress is progressive muscle relaxation. This study aims to provide education related to progressive muscle relaxation techniques and how to apply them as a way to regulate stress. The method used in this study is the pre-experimental design method which is a method that includes only one group or class given pre-test and post-test tests. Based on the results of psychoeducation training conducted, it can be concluded that progressive muscle relaxation is one of the stress management that can reduce stress levels in students who memorize the Qur’an. Likewise, symptoms that often arise due to stress, begin to decrease in participants. It is hoped that by applying progressive muscle relaxation techniques, women of the Qur’an memorizing community will find it easier to reduce stress levels in the right way.
Keywords: Muscle, stress levels, relaxation training
Every human being experiences complex stages of development in their life span. This starts from the ages of children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly. Each stage of development has characteristics, tasks, and demands that individuals must complete according to their age. This includes adulthood, which is a stage of development that is considered full of problems, emotional tension, social isolation, as well as changes in values and adjustments to lifestyle (Hurlock, 1997). The age range in early adulthood is 18-25 years old (Santrock, 2012). In this case, when it is related to education, the individual has entered college and has student status.
In the process of carrying out the final level of education, students experience quite a lot of obstacles, especially when working on their final assignments. Perceived obstacles include difficulty finding references, repeated revisions, and so on. Apart from these obstacles, being busy with organizations and communities will add to the pressure. This will result in stress and anxiety (Aulia & Panjaitan, 2019). Stress is a state of pressure, both physically and psychologically (Chaplin, 2014). Stress is a stimulus that strains the psychological or physiological capacity of an organism or can be interpreted as a kind of frustration. Individuals who feel stress and are unable to manage it will have bad consequences in their behavior (Sayekti & Nabila, 2021). Meanwhile, if stress is managed well and correctly it will have a positive impact on the individual. However, it all depends on how individuals implement stress management (Napitupulu, 2021).
Returning to the essence that every individual experiences stress, stress management skills are really needed by everyone. The better the stress management techniques used, the lower the level of stress felt (Alam et al., 2022). Stress management is defined as an individual’s alternative way of managing the stress received (McCain et al., 2008). Meanwhile, another opinion explains that stress management is an action that aims to control and regulate stress levels (Muslim, 2020).
Reducing the level of stress felt by individuals depends on the individual’s ability and skills to manage it. In Islam, Allah SWT says in QS Ar-Rad verse 11 which reads:
Meaning: For humans, there are angels who always follow them in turns, in front of and behind them, they guard them by Allah’s command. Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of themselves. And if Allah wants evil for a people, then no one can resist it; and there is no protector for them apart from Him (QS Ar-Ra’d verse 11).
Students who are members of certain communities or organizations that have busy academic and non-academic activities need treatment that can help them reduce stress levels. In line with the initial assessment through interviews conducted before implementing psychoeducation, the results showed that the majority of students had understood the appropriate stress coping mechanisms for themselves, such as watching concerts, watching films, or going on dates. However, there is one student community that has attracted the attention of researchers, namely the Al-Qur’an memorization community, according to members of this community, the coping mechanism used is not like other students, in fact, according to members’ statements, they also say they don’t have time to do the things they do. things like watching concerts, watching movies, and so on. The members of this community only cope with stress by eating, cooking, etc. Most of his time is used to memorize and complete academic assignments.
So there is a need for alternative stress coping or treatment that can help reduce student stress, especially for students who memorize the Al-Qur’an. According to Jacobson and Wolpe, relaxing the muscles in relaxation can reduce tension and anxiety. Relaxation is very effective in reducing tension, and anxiety, and dealing with various physical complaints (Prawitasari, 2011). The benefits of progressive muscle relaxation techniques include being able to reduce blood pressure which previously increased due to stress, relax muscle tension, relieve neck pain, reduce headaches, and improve mood (Diningsih et al., 2022).
This psychoeducation focuses on providing education regarding the application of progressive muscle relaxation techniques as a technique for stress management. Muscle relaxation technique is a method of relaxation technique that combines deep breathing exercises and a series of muscle contractions and relaxations which are very easy and practical because the movements are easy and can be done anytime and anywhere (Rochmawati, 2015).
According to Papalia & Feldman (2014), stress is a threatening and challenging response. Another opinion according to Lazarus &; Folkman (1986) physiological response in the form of palpitations, trembling, and dizziness. Psychological responses in the form of fear, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. According to the sheriff, the response that arises when stress is in the form of disruption of one’s social relationships. Stress is an individual’s positive and negative response to circumstances that trigger stress, which threatens and interferes with a person’s ability to handle it (Santrock, 2012).
Chaplin (2014) stress is a stimulus that tenses the psychological or physiological capacity of an organism or can be interpreted as a type of frustration Individuals who feel stress and cannot manage it will have adverse consequences in their behavior (Sayekti &; Nabila, 2021). Isaacs explained that stress is a stimulus or situation that causes distress and creates physical and psychological demands for a person (Resti, 2014).
From some of the explanations of the above definition of stress, it can be concluded that stress is an individual’s response to stressors that threaten and disturb, causing pressure. Lazarus & Folkman (1986) classify stressors into three categories:
1. Cataclysmie events
Major phenomena that suddenly occur, such as important events affect many people.
2. Personal stressor
Important events that affect a few people or a certain number of people, such as a family crisis
3. Background stressor
Disputes or problems that usually occur every day such as problems in work and routine activities.
Stress Management
Stress management is a way to prevent stress by doing various ways to overcome stress, such as recognizing problems, understanding the impact of problems, and overcoming problems (Kamilah, 2022). Stress management also means a person’s ability to anticipate, prevent, manage, and recover from pressure arising from the threat of incompetence when facing problems (Resiana &; Widyarini, 2020). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that stress management is a person’s ability to prevent, and anticipate themselves from the occurrence of pressure and make changes from stress that has a negative impact to a positive impact on someone so that later it will produce optimal work.
Stress management has 3 functions, namely: (1) knowing and recognizing stress and sources of stress that arise in a person’s life; (2) obtaining and implementing stress management in the form of coping performance; (3) applying stress management techniques in daily life and assess their effectiveness. Good stress management can prevent stress from developing and prevent someone from being misguided by stress (Kamilah, 2022).
Based on the literature review of Zikry et al (2020), stress management techniques or methods are very diverse, including:
1. Problem Focus Coping
Efforts to reduce stressful situations by developing abilities or learning new skills to change and deal with situations,
circumstances, or subject matter
2. Emotional Focus Coping
Diversion of stress with other things you like
3. Group Discussion Therapy
Improve individual coping through a group approach
4. Counseling Behavioral
The counselor releases his complaints to the counselor and helps the counselor to improve his feelings.
5. Guide Imagery
Relaxation techniques are done by imagining soothing and soothing things according to the individual.
6. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques
Is a movement to tighten and relax muscles that are tense due to stress.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation techniques are deep muscle relaxation techniques that do not require imagination, perseverance, or suggestion (Lohaus et al., 2001). Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is therapy by stretching the muscles and then carrying out muscle relaxation (Gemilang, 2013). Progressive relaxation is an effective way to relax and reduce anxiety (Sustrani et al., 2004).
According to Setyoadi (2011), progressive muscle relaxation therapy is appropriate for several indications of clian, namely clients who experience insomnia, clients who are often stressed, clients who experience anxiety, and clients who experience depression. The benefits of progressive muscle relaxation techniques include reducing blood pressure that originally increased due to stress, relaxing muscle tension, relieving neck pain, reducing headaches, and improving mood (Diningsih et al., 2022).
In essence, progressive muscle relaxation techniques are carried out to relax or relax the muscles of the body, learn to feel the taste of tense muscles and turn them into relaxed, and distinguish which muscles are tense and which muscles are weak (Badri, 2012). The muscles that are strained include:
The Relationship of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques as Stress Management with Reduced Stress Levels
A progressive muscle relaxation aims to reduce muscle tension that occurs when stress is being experienced by individuals. When stress is being experienced by individuals, there will be something called hyperstimulation. This is what will cause the muscles to become tense. So it needs handling from physiological aspects to reduce muscle tension, such as progressive muscle relaxation (Livana et al., 2018).
Progressive muscle relaxation exercises can reduce the effects of stress such as muscle tension (Shinde et al., 2013). Correspondingly, progressive muscle relaxation techniques can reduce blood pressure that increases due to stress and normalize heart rate (Wilk &; Turkoski, 2001). In line with these assumptions, previous research has proven the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation techniques in reducing stress levels. Relaxation techniques can help prevent or relieve physical symptoms due to stress when the body overworks in solving daily problems (Cahyanti et al., 2023). Meanwhile, other studies have shown that knowledge related to stress management and the application of muscle relaxation can reduce work fatigue in farmers (Fitria et al., 2023). Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where stress levels will also increase. Research by Mutawalli et al, (2020) shows a significant influence on the provision of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on reducing people’s stress levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Design
This study used a pre-experimental design which includes only one group or class given pre-test and post-test. The design of one group pretest and posttest design was carried out on one group without a control or comparison group which aimed to determine the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation technique training in reducing stress levels in subjects (Sugiyono, 2016).
The research will be conducted on June 21, 2023. This research was conducted at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang which is located at Jl. Gajayana No.50, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City. Based on the assessment results, the subjects in this study were female students who were members of the Qur’an memorization community. Researchers focused on final year female students so that the number of subjects was 9 people.
This research was carried out at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. The subject of research is students members of the Qur’an Memorization community who are at the final level. The number of subjects involved was 9 people. This psychoeducational activity aims to provide students with an understanding of how to manage stress, as well as provide an understanding of what causes stress and the impact of stress that is not handled properly. The stages in this activity are:
Fig. 1 Stages of activity
Sources of data
The data collection method that researchers use to measure stress using self-report. Self-report given before treatment and after treatment. Participants were asked to check the level of stress according to what was felt at that time. This score is in the form of a number with a time range of 0-10 known as SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale) made by Joseph Wolpe (in Badri, 2012). There are eleven points on this scale where it goes from zero (no more pressure or relaxing) to ten (extreme pressure). Levels 0-3 are categorized as very low-
stress symptom levels, 4-5 are categorized as low-stress symptom levels, 6-7 are categorized as moderate stress symptom levels, 8-9 are categorized as high-stress symptom levels, and 10 are very high-stress symptom levels.
Subject | Pre-test | Post- | Post- | Post- | Post- | Post- | Post- | Post- |
test 1 | test 2 | test 3 | test 4 | test 5 | test 6 | test 7 | ||
IF | 7 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
LA | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 |
DN | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
AN | 8 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 |
Kn | 7 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
RAN | 8 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 |
NAS | 6 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
SE | 8 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
WM | 7 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
From the table above, it can be seen that the level of stress experienced by participants who memorize the Qur’an is in numbers 6 to 8, which is included in the middle to high category. Then after some experience a decrease when carrying out muscle relaxation independently. The average level of stress that began to enter the lower middle category occurred in the 5th post-test. There were some participants whose stress levels went up and down. In the subjects of LA, DN, Kn, and NAS the increase that occurred was still included in the low category, this was because the subjects had not completed the memorization target at the time set for deposit and a few days before had to work overtime to complete the thesis revision. This makes participants physically and psychologically tired which makes their stress increase. The four subjects, although experiencing increased nausea did not make their stress at a high level, this is because they relaxed when their body condition was tired and their emotions were unstable. For AN, SE, and RAN subjects who initially had high levels of stress, but within a few days after applying progressive muscle relaxation had decreased, although the decrease was still in the moderate category. However, if the subject continues to perform regularly, there is a possibility that stress levels decrease.
On days 5 to 6 the participants’ stress levels were categorized as low-stress levels, this is because the participants had begun to be able to manage stress and began to get used to implementing progressive muscle relaxation. The benefits felt by participants after applying this relaxation are starting to reduce headaches, stomach pain, and tense neck when stress strikes.
In addition to applying progressive muscle relaxation techniques that can reduce participants’ stress levels, providing material and joint discussions can also increase participants’ understanding of the factors and effects of stress experienced. This can be seen from the results of the processing of the participant’s knowledge questionnaire:
Fig. 2 level of understanding of the subject related to the material
Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that the pre-test data of 60% of participants understand what stress management is and the benefits of stress management. After being given material and group discussions with fellow participants about stress management, there was an increase in understanding to 100%. This means that this education can provide understanding to participants about stress management and participants can apply independently.
Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that there was a decrease in the level of stress experienced by the participants. With that explained that progressive muscle relaxation techniques can reduce the stress experienced by participants. The results of the discussion conducted by the trainees mentioned the source of their stress was the difficulty in pursuing memorization targets while working on the thesis. Plus it was difficult for them to meet the supervisor and the demands of their families who asked them to graduate immediately. These pressures make the participants become stressed and continue to increase if not handled. In addition, another cause of stress is that participants always compare themselves with their friends who have graduated or the words of their friends that seem to drop their enthusiasm in working on the thesis.
The symptoms of stress that they feel also experience changes in terms of the intensity of appearance, which they used to often feel, during the implementation of routine relaxation for a week the intensity began to decrease. Some are rather frequent and some are not frequent anymore, although they have not disappeared completely. Changes that occur in the subject are symptoms of stress from the psychological aspect and the physical aspect. In the psychological aspect, the subject can control himself not worry about what others think about himself, and not compare the achievements of others with himself. On the physical aspect, participants who initially felt dizzy, sore, or neck nape pain when stressed, began to rarely appear. When it began to hurt, the subject began to apply the relaxation that had been taught.
The changes felt by the participants, in the form of decreased stress levels and reduced intensity of symptoms appeared due to progressive muscle relaxation that was routinely carried out by participants. As one of the stress management techniques, progressive muscle relaxation is one of the best ways to learn relaxation, this is because progressive muscle relaxation allows us to distinguish between relaxed muscles and tense muscles (Resti, 2014). Jacobson said that progressive muscle relaxation can be done to overcome various complaints of participants when facing stress, ranging from headaches, feelings of anxiety, lack of appetite, insomnia, and others. The effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation is a correlation between muscle tension and emotional conditions, so individuals who are disturbed by emotions will automatically tense their muscles (Livana et al., 2018). Therefore, if the stimulus that causes stress appears and puts strain on our muscles, then we can immediately condition our bodies to be relaxed so that stress can be reduced properly and the symptoms that follow can be avoided.
Based on the results of psychoeducation training conducted, it can be concluded that progressive muscle relaxation is one of the stress management that can reduce stress levels in students who memorize the Qur’an. Likewise, symptoms that often arise due to stress, begin to decrease in participants, although there is a level of decline in each participant. This is because each individual has differences in the problems faced, but the difference in stress levels is not too different and is still at medium and low levels. The implication of this study is, that participants are not disconnected in applying this relaxation. Doing progressive muscle relaxation regularly can prevent high levels of stress that will be felt.
The implementation of progressive muscle relaxation in the respondent should use a comfortable position. Although progressive muscle relaxation techniques can be done anywhere and anytime, it is best if done in a quiet room and there is adequate oxygen circulation. To better feel the good effects of this technique, it can be done for 10-15 minutes with a calm state.
Praise be to God Almighty for giving us endless health, strong memory, special guidance and protection during the research. The openness and assistance provided by students (respondents) and others who contributed to the success of this research is highly calculated and appreciated. Financial support from our family members and friends is one that cannot be ignored, and therefore we congratulate them all.
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