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Resiliency and Sustainability of Tourism Industry in Boracay Island

  • Kuwenya A. Ibisate
  • Mary O’T. Penetrante
  • 1494-1507
  • Jul 9, 2024
  • Economics

Resiliency and Sustainability of Tourism Industry in Boracay Island

1Kuwenya A. Ibisate and 2Mary O’T. Penetrante

1 Central Philippine University, Aklan State University

2Central Philippine University


Received: 31 May 2024; Accepted: 11 June 2024; Published: 09 July 2024


This descriptive-correlational study analyzed the resiliency and sustainability of the tourism enterprises in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines in 2022-2023 based on the responses of 400 respondents consisting of owners, presidents, managers, chairpersons, and employees of DOT accredited establishments in Boracay Island. Results show that the tourism enterprises in Boracay Island have an average level of organizational resilience. They reported to have set of appropriate responses to all emergencies but feel that their behavioral readiness to respond to internal and external environment is low.  Their overall extent of resiliency is average and their enterprise sustainability is high.  Their extent of resiliency was found to be significantly related to their extent of sustainability. Based on the findings and conclusion, the researcher encourages the tourism enterprises in Boracay Island to implement comprehensive resilience strategies that encompass both planned and adaptive measures while fostering community collaboration for agility and adaptability to respond effectively to unforeseen challenges.

Keywords:  Planned and adaptive resiliency, pillars of sustainability, economic, socio-cultural, environmental and transversal


Background of the Study

Resiliency and sustainability are pivotal pillars in the tourism industry, influencing its operation profoundly. Resilience denotes the ability to absorb disturbance, recover from disruptions, and adapt to changing conditions while maintaining core functionality (Hynes et al., 2020, Aburumman, 2020). Recognized as a vital crisis management tool, resilience enables businesses to maintain stability and adaptability amidst various risks, including natural disasters and emergencies (Supardi et al., 2020). Organizational resilience, as defined by Manus et al. (2008) encapsulates an organization’s capacity to uphold situational awareness, manage vulnerabilities, and demonstrate adaptability in a dynamic, interconnected environment.

Conversely, sustainable tourism, as defined by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), encompasses the needs of travelers, the industry, the environment, and host communities. It seeks to balance present and future economic, social, and environmental considerations, aiming to meet the demands of visitors and host regions while preserving cultural integrity, ecological processes, biodiversity, and life support systems (UNWTO, 2005, cited in Strasdas, 2011).

The tourist sector significantly influences the world’s development, particularly the expansion of the global economy. Travel and tourism’s direct, indirect, and induced effects increased the world’s gross domestic product by US$8.9 trillion in 2019, or 10.3% of the GDP (Aburumman, 2020). It generated 330 million jobs, or one in ten of all employment worldwide, and 7% of all exports (WTTC, 2020). However, unexpected crises like natural disasters or pandemics can severely disrupt tourism enterprises’ resilience, posing significant challenges to sustainability efforts. The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 halted a prolonged period of tourism growth worldwide (Curtale et al., 2023). In 2020, foreign tourist arrivals decreased by 74% compared to the previous year, with a 93% decrease in June arrivals. With an 84% fall, Asia and the Pacific saw the biggest drops (UNWTO, 2021).

Boracay Island, acclaimed by Conde Nast Traveler as the “2nd finest island beaches in the world” in 2020, faced formidable challenges impacting its tourism resilience and sustainability, notably two disruptive events. Top of FormThe first was a 6-month shutdown due to environmental concerns, followed by the pandemic-triggered global COVID-19 crisis. Consequently, visitor numbers dropped, and tourism revenue declined significantly. The island witnesses a stark reduction in tourist arrivals and receipts due to lockdowns and quarantine protocols, leading to substantial income loss for local enterprises and widespread unemployment among tourism workers (Municipal Tourism Office of Malay, 2020).

As Boracay Island slowly reopens to tourists after nearly two years of pandemic-induced closure, tourist arrivals are gradually increasing, and tourism activities are resuming. While some displaced workers have regained employment as establishments resume operations, the island’s recovery from the dual crises remains delayed. In light of these disruptive events and the ongoing challenges facing the island’s tourism industry, it is important to obtain answers on the following questions:

  1. What is the extent of the current resiliency and sustainability of the Boracay Island tourism industry in light of the Covid-19 outbreak?
  2. Which factors can contribute to making the tourism industry resilient and sustainable enough to recover from Covid-19?

These questions aim to shed light on the complex interplay between resilience and sustainability, amidst environmental shocks in the context of Boracay Island’s tourism industry, offering insights that can inform planning, and decision-making processes.

Objectives of the Study

  1. Describe the profile of tourism enterprises in terms of classification, form of ownership, number of years in operation, number of employees, and status of overall capacity before, during, and after the pandemic.
  2. Determine the resiliency indicators of the tourism enterprises in terms of the extent of planning and adaptive capacity.
  3. Determine the extent of sustainability of the tourism enterprises in terms of economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and transversal indicators.
  4. Determine whether there is a significant relationship between the enterprise profile and extent of their sustainability.
  5. Determine whether there is a significant relationship between the extent of resiliency and their extent of sustainability.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

The study was grounded on the study of Lee (2013) on Organizational Resilience for the theory of resilience and the Pillars of the Sustainability Model by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, 2005) adapted by the Asia-Pacific Cooperation (APEC, 2013) Tourism Working Group served as the foundation for the sustainability theory. Lee et al. (2013) expanded upon a model modified by McManus (2008) to provide a tool for assessing resilience in organizations. Two essential components of organizational resilience are planning and adaptive capacity, according to Lee et al. (2013). Planned resilience refers to the use of pre-existing planning capabilities such as business continuity and risk management initiatives (Faulkner and Vikulov, 2001). Adaptive resilience refers to an individual, organization, or community’s capacity to react and adjust in the face of crises or calamities. (Kendra and Wachtendorf, 2001). The pillars of sustainability model by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was used to assess sustainability which is composed of four pillars namely the economic, sociocultural, environmental, and transversal. As Boracay Island is located in the Philippines, it was essential to adopt the Sustainability model tailored to the specific needs and context of the region, as per the adaptations introduced by the APEC.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was designed to analyze the resiliency and sustainability of the DOT-accredited tourism enterprises in Boracay Island based on the responses of the 400 respondents consisting of managers, owners, and employees. A survey using a researcher-made questionnaire was conducted from October 20, 2022, to November 2023 in Boracay Island.


The study made use of the descriptive-correlational study to analyze the resiliency and sustainability of the tourism enterprises in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines in 2022-2023 based on the responses of 400 respondents consisting of owners, presidents, managers, chairpersons, and employees of DOT accredited establishments in Boracay Island. Cluster sampling method using subsectors and random sampling were used in this study.  A list of establishments per sector was prepared and served as the sampling frame, then a table of random numbers was generated and identified among the listed establishments as the chosen representative of the sector, and the process was done for each industry sector. Out of 400 respondents, a large percentage (43.50 percent) belong to the top management, followed by 39 percent to the lower management, and a low percentage (17.50 percent) to the middle management. Mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage were utilized as descriptive statistics. Pearson’s correlations were used to determine the significant relationships between the enterprise profile and the extent of sustainability, as well as between the extent of resiliency and the extent of sustainability of tourism enterprises, with a significance level set at 5%.


Profile and Status of Tourism Enterprises

Table 1 outlines the enterprise profile, revealing that 34% are engaged in tourist transport service, 28.25% in accommodation, and the remainder in various sectors such as adventure and sports services, spas, wellness centers, shops, convention organizing, restaurants, and travel services. A large proportion (40.50%) are cooperatives, with corporations and partnerships constituting 21% respectively, and sole proprietorships at 15.50%. Regarding operational tenure, 53.25% have been in operation for 2 to 5 years, followed by 21.75% for 6 to 10 years, and smaller proportions for shorter or longer periods.

Before the pandemic, 94.75% of enterprises operated at full capacity, while 3% were temporarily closed, and 1.75% operated at 50% capacity with a skeletal workforce, and 0.50% with limited capacity. During the pandemic, 35% operated at 50% capacity with a skeletal workforce, 26.75% were temporarily closed, and 2.25% were fully operational. Currently, almost all enterprises are fully operational, with only 1.75% operating at 50% capacity with a skeletal workforce.

Table 1: Profile and Status of Tourism Enterprise

  f %
Classification of Tourism Enterprise    
Accommodation establishments 113 28
Adventure and sports services 81 20
Shops and department stores 10 3
Spas and wellness centers 52 13
Tourist transport services 132 34
Convention organizers, restaurants, and travel and tour services 10 3
400 100
Form of Ownership
Cooperative 162 41
Corporation 91 23
Partnership 85 21
Sole Proprietorship 62 16
400 100
Number of Years in Operation
20 years and above 27 7
11 to 20 years 31 8
6 to 10 years 87 22
2 to 5 years 213 53
Less than 2 years 42 11
400 100
Number of Employees
More than 200 employees 64 16
100 to 199 employees 62 16
10 to 99 employees 184 46
Less than 10 employees 90 23
400 100
Operational Capacity before the pandemic (2019)
Fully operational 379 95
50% operational capacity with 50% skeletal workforce 7 2
Operational with limited capacity 2 1
Temporarily closed 12 3
400 100
Operational Capacity during the pandemic (2020- 2022)
Fully operational 9 2
50% operational capacity with 50% skeletal workforce 144 36
Operational with limited capacity 140 35
Temporarily closed 107 27
400 100
Current Operational Capacity Current status (2023)
Fully operational 393 98.20
50% operational capacity with 50% skeletal workforce 7 1.75
400 100.00

Organizational Resiliency of the Tourism Enterprises

Table 2 presents the organizational resilience of the tourism enterprises. In planned resilience, over half (61.0 %) exhibit average levels, while more than a third (38.5%) demonstrate high levels, with a minimal portion (0.5%) showing low planned resilience. In adaptive resilience, the majority (56.8%) rank average, less than half (42.0%) are deemed high, and only a small fraction (1.3%) fall into the low category.

Planned resilience, with a mean score of 2.64 and a standard deviation of 0.461, and adaptive resilience, with a mean score of 2.63 with a standard deviation of 0.512 both register as average. Overall organizational resilience reflects this trend, with a mean of 2.65 and a standard deviation of 0.49.

Among planned resilience statements, the highest mean score (2.7140) pertains to the development of appropriate responses to emergencies (Statement 5), while the lowest mean scores (2.5837 and 2.5867) relate to risk and contingency planning (Statement 1) and behavioral readiness (Statement 2) respectively.

In adaptive resilience, engagement and involvement of staff (Statement 17) garnered the highest mean score (2.6680), whereas maintaining sufficient funds during the Covid-19 pandemic (Statement 8) scored the lowest (2.5400).

The findings underscore the importance of building adaptive capacities within tourism enterprises to effectively navigate changes and shocks. Resilience is seen as synonymous with transformation, involving anticipatory pre-action and the creation of a new, open-ended order (Lew et al., 2016).

Table 2: Organizational Resiliency of the Tourism Enterprises (N=400)

Organizational Resilience f %
A.              Planned    
High        154 39
Average 244 61
Low 2 1
Total            400 100
Mean 2.64       Average
SD 0.46         Low
B.                Adaptive
High             168 42
Average 227 57
Low 5 1
Total         400 100
Mean 2.63    Average
SD 0.51     Low
High        170 43
Average      228 57
Low 2 1
Total     400 100
Mean 2.64     Average
SD 0.44 Low

Legend:  0-1.66 Low; 1.67-3.33 Average; 3.34-5.0 High

Extent of Sustainability of the Tourism Enterprises

Table 3 displays the sustainability levels of tourism enterprises across four pillars. In the Economic pillar, half (50.2%) are rated high, with nearly as many (48.3%) falling into the average category and a minimal portion (1.3%) rated low. Similarly, in the Socio-cultural pillar, over half (50.7%) are high, with 48.3% being average and only 1.0% rated low. For the Environmental pillar, over half (59.8%) rank average, with over a third (39.5%) rated high and a minimal portion (0.8%) rated low. In the Transversal Pillar, more than half (54.8%) are average, less than half (44.0%) are high, and only 1.3% are low.

In the Economic Pillar, prioritizing the quality of tourist visits (Statement 19) holds the highest weight, while maintaining steady revenue for employees (Statement 9) holds the lowest weight. In the Socio-Cultural Pillar, community support for the tourism sector (Statement 2) receives the highest weight, while soliciting suggestions and complaints from residents (Statement 10) holds the lowest weight. In the Environmental Pillar, efforts to protect water quality (Statement 4) carry the highest weight, while engagement in reducing energy consumption (Statement 1) holds the lowest weight.

In the Transversal Pillar, compliance with safety and security standards (Statement 7) is weighted highest, while the existence of integrated public transport services (Statement 11) is weighted lowest. Overall, the sustainability assessment reveals predominantly high and average ratings across all pillars, with minimal instances of low sustainability. This aligns with the principle of achieving balance across economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and transversal dimensions for sustainable development, as emphasized by UNEP (2020) and APEC (2013).

Sustainable tourism should ensure economic viability, equitable socio-economic benefits, preservation of cultural authenticity, environmental conservation, and safety standards to foster long-term sustainability.

Table 3: Sustainability of the Tourism Industry Enterprises (N=400)

Sustainable Tourism f %
A.     Economic
High 201 50
Average 194 48
Low 5 1
Total 400 100
Mean 2.49     Average
SD 0.52      Low
B.     Socio-Cultural
High 203 51
Average 193 48
Low 4 1
Total 400 100
Mean 2.50     Average
SD 0.52       Low
C.     Environmental
High 158 40
Average 239 60
Low 3 1
Total 400 100
Mean 2.39      Average
SD 0.50       Low
D.     Transversal
High 176 44
Average 219 55
Low 5 1
Total 400 100
Mean 2.43       Average
SD 0.52        Low
E.      Overall
High 212 53
Average 184 46
Low 4 1
Total 400 100
Mean     2.68 Average
SD 0.43 Low

Legend:  0-1.66 Low; 1.67-3.33 Average; 3.34-5.0 High

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and Overall Extent of Sustainability

Table 4.1 depicts the relationship between the profile of tourism enterprises and overall sustainability. Findings indicate that all profile variables – enterprise classification, form of ownership, years in operation, number of employees, status of operation before and during the pandemic – exhibit weak positive correlations with overall sustainability (r<=.30, df = 398).

However, only the number of employees (200 or more) significantly correlates positively with sustainability, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis, which suggests no significant relationship between the number of employees and overall sustainability. Conversely, the remaining profile variables are statistically insignificant to overall sustainability, thus accepting the null hypothesis due to insufficient evidence to the contrary.

This underscores the significant role of large enterprises with 200 or more employees in enhancing overall sustainability. Studies by Burnard and Bhamra (2011), Dahles and Susilowati (2013, 2015), Harrison (2008), Ingirige et al. (2008), Jiang et al. (2019), Sobaih (2018), and Zhao (2009) support this view, highlighting the resilience of large enterprises with robust human resource practices, substantial financial resources, and comprehensive strategic planning compared to their smaller counterparts.

As per the Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) classification, micro-enterprises in the country are defined as those with less than ten (10) employees, small enterprises as those with between ten and ninety-nine (10-99) employees, medium enterprises as those with between one hundred and ninety-nine (100-199) employees, and large enterprises as those with two hundred (200 or more) employees (DTI, 2019).  Small enterprises have been particularly vulnerable during the pandemic, facing challenges in adapting without external support (Bartik et al., 2020). Bartik et al. (2020) noted mass layoffs and closures among small enterprises in the first quarter of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, employees in regions heavily reliant on tourism, characterized by simplified economic structures and limited capacity to transition to telework, encounter heightened financial difficulties (OECD, 2020).

Table 4.1: Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprise and the Extent of Sustainability (N=400)

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the Extent of Sustainability (N=400)



Enterprises’ Sustainability
Pearson’s ra df p-value
Enterprise Classification (Travel & Tours and Convention) 0.120 398 0.016
Form of Ownership 0.049 398 0.327
Years in operation 0.041 398 0.419
Number of employees (200 or more) 0.152 398 0.002*
Status of Operation before pandemic 0.040 398 0.429
Status of operation during pandemic 0.027 398 0.596

*Significant at 5% level of significance; 2-tailed test

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the extent of their Economic Sustainability

Table 4.2 displays the results of the relationship between the profile of tourism enterprises and the extent of their economic sustainability.  The status of operation during the pandemic was found to be statistically positively related to the extent of economic sustainability with a p-value <0.05.  However, the remaining variables were not statistically significant.

Therefore, only the null hypothesis regarding the status of operation during the pandemic and its relationship with economic sustainability is rejected, while hypotheses concerning other variables are retained due to insufficient evidence to reject them. The findings underscore the severe impact of the pandemic on tourism business operations, leading to constraints such as temporary closures, mass unemployment, and dynamic government restrictions (Gossling, 2021). Business activity in the sector witnessed a significant downturn during the pandemic, affecting nearly all jobs and leaving a considerable number of workers unemployed for extended periods (ILO, 2020b). In the Asia-Pacific region alone, the COVID-19 crisis affected approximately 15.3 million tourism sector jobs across 14 countries, either through reduced hours, extended leave with partial wages, or job loss (WTTC, 2020).

Employees faced heightened financial challenges, particularly in regions heavily reliant on tourism, with simplified economic structures and limited capacity for remote work (OECD, 2020). This aligns with Burgos Jr.’s report (2020) highlighting the need for assistance among businesses in Boracay, especially small establishments and their workers. Many availed themselves of government programs such as the Department of Labor and Employment’s COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP), yet some workers remained unsupported due to fund limitations.

Table 4.2: Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and Extent of their Sustainability in terms of Economic Indicator (N=400)

Profile Variables Extent of Economic Sustainability
Pearson’s r df p-value
Enterprise Classification .002 398 .975
Form of Ownership .081 398 .107
Years in operation .042 398 .399
Number of employees .101 398 .043
Status of Operation before pandemic .023 398 .653
Status of operation during pandemic .004 398 .004*

*Significant at 5% level

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the extent of their Socio-Cultural Sustainability

Table 4.3 presents the relationship between tourism enterprises’ profile and their socio-cultural sustainability. Only the number of employees was found to be statistically positively correlated with socio-cultural sustainability, with a p-value <0.05. However, the remaining variables were not statistically significant. Therefore, only the null hypothesis regarding the number of employees and its relationship with socio-cultural sustainability is rejected, while hypotheses concerning other variables are retained due to insufficient evidence to reject them. The findings emphasize the significant impact of workforce size on socio-cultural sustainability in island destinations. Larger enterprises, with more employees, tend to contribute more positively to the local community. This aligns with Neto’s principle (2003) that socio-cultural sustainability and empowerment involve shaping one’s lived reality, emphasizing the importance of considering culture in tourism for sustainability. Maintaining harmonious relationships with all parties involved is necessary to create a healthy socio-cultural environment. This includes politely engaging with local populations and interacting authentically with guests (Venturini, 2020). The study supports Calanog, Reyes, and Eugenio (2011) and the Tourism Guidebook for Local Government Units (2017) in promoting culturally appropriate tourism aligned with the Philippine Agenda 2021, respecting indigenous knowledge systems and honoring local customs to achieve sustainable tourism.

Table 4.3: Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the extent of their Sustainability in terms of Socio-Cultural Indicator (N=400)

Profile Variables Extent of Socio-Cultural Sustainability
Pearson’s r df p-value
Enterprise Classification .136 398 .006
Form of Ownership .037 398 .455
Years in operation .068 398 .172
Number of employees .153 398 .002*
Status of Operation before pandemic .033 398 .512
Status of operation during the pandemic .039 398 .440

*Significant at 5% level of significance; 2-tailed test

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the Extent of their Environmental Sustainability

Table 4.4 shows the results of the relationship between the profile of tourism enterprises and the extent of their environmental sustainability.  Results show that enterprise classification and number of employees were found to be statistically positively related to the extent of environmental sustainability with a p-value <0.05.  The rest of the variables were found to be not statistically significant.  Therefore, only the null hypothesis which states that the enterprise classification is not statistically related to the extent of environmental sustainability is rejected. The same is true with a number of employees, however, regarding the hypotheses on the other variables, they are rejected as there is not enough evidence to reject these hypotheses.

The enterprise classification and number of employees can influence its ability to adopt innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Larger enterprises may have the financial resources and workforce needed to invest in sustainable infrastructure, energy-efficient technologies, and waste reduction measures, contributing to improved environmental sustainability.

The findings support the research of Nasalipour (2019), which found that long-term sustainability and tourism development are expected to be able to satisfy the needs of host communities as well as present and prospective tourists. Mohd et al. (2022) provide more support for the idea that in order to make a substantial contribution to long-term destination management, there needs to be a greater focus placed on the creation of sustainable livelihoods, community engagement, and environmental awareness.

Table 4.4: Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and the Extent of their Sustainability in terms of Environmental Indicator (N=400)

Profile Variables Extent of Environmental Sustainability
Pearson’s r df p-value
Enterprise Classification .154 398 .002*
Form of Ownership .045 398 .374
Years in operation .070 398 .162
Number of employees .147 398 .003*
Status of Operation before pandemic .076 398 .129
Status of operation during pandemic .056 398 .267

*Significant at 5% level of significance; 2-tailed test

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)

Relationship between the Profile of Tourism enterprises and the Extent of their Transversal Sustainability

Table 4.5 shows the results of the relationship between the profile of tourism enterprises and the extent of their transversal sustainability. The enterprise classification and number of employees were found to be statistically weakly related to the extent of transversal sustainability with a p-value of <0.05. All of the variables were found to be not statistically significant. Therefore, only null hypothesis which states that the enterprises classification is not statistically related to the extent of economic sustainability is accepted.

Therefore, the entire tourism community, including politicians, businesses, travelers, other tourism stakeholders, and the development community at large must collaborate to promote responsible and sustainable tourism globally in order to maximize the good effects of tourism and minimize any possible risks. To promote sustainable tourist development, governments must create strong and functional policy frameworks. The private sector needs to incorporate improved actions into fundamental business models to show that it is fully committed to sustainability. To fulfill tourism’s potential as a catalyst for sustainable development and to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community should also take a more positive and comprehensive approach to supporting tourism (UNWTO & UNDP, 2017). 

Table 4.5: Relationship between the Profile of Tourism Enterprises and Extent of their Sustainability in terms of Transversal Indicator (N=400)

Profile Variables Extent of Transversal Sustainability
Pearson’s r df p-value
Enterprise Classification .123 398 .014*
Form of Ownership .077 398 .124
Years in operation .044 398 .378
Number of employees .116 398 .020*
Status of Operation before pandemic .003 398 .955
Status of operation during pandemic .000 398 .994

*Significant at 5% level of significance; 2-tailed test

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)

Relationship between Tourism Enterprise Extent of Resiliency and Sustainability.

Table 5 shows the correlation between tourism enterprise resiliency and sustainability.  Results revealed that both planned and adaptive resiliency and the overall resiliency are strong positive correlates of economic, social, environmental, and transversal sustainability (r>=.51, p-value <0.05).  Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between resiliency and sustainability is rejected. That means the ability of tourism enterprises to control keystone vulnerabilities, and adapt to changing situations in a complex, dynamic, and linked environment is significantly related to their ability to address the demands of tourists, the industry, the environment, and host communities while fully accounting for its present and future economic, social, and environmental implications.

This finding is consistent with the study of Anderies et al. (2013), which shows that resilience thinking is a complementary development that recognizes the synergies each provides to the effort of social-ecological resilience rather than a replacement for sustainability. When it comes to communities, sustainability is about preserving and restoring certain features of the community, whereas resilience is about adjusting to changes and even transforming them. Additionally, to balance deliberate conservation with sensible development a sustainable tourism approach should be accompanied by a tourist resilience approach (Cheer & Lew, 2017).

Table 5: Relationship between Tourism Enterprise Extent of Resiliency and Sustainability.

Sustainability Planned Resilience Adaptive Resilience Overall Resilience
 R df p-value R df p-value r Df p-value
Economic 0.517 398 0.000* 0.593 398 0.000* 0.611 398 0.000*
Socio-Cultural 0.627 398 0.000* 0.607 398 0.000* 0.676 398 0.000*
Environmental 0.528 398 0.000* 0.637 398 0.000* 0.642 398 0.000*
Transversal 0.563 398 0.000* 0.617 398 0.000* 0.648 398 0.000*
Overall Sustainability 0.661 398 0.000* 0.726 398 0.000* 0.762 398 0.000*

*Significant at 5% level of significance; 2-tailed test

Legend: 0- No correlation; ±>=.1-.30 Weak positive or negative correlation; ±>=.31-.5 Moderate positive or negative correlation; ±>=.51 Strong positive or negative correlation (Lane, D., 2021)


The tourism enterprises in Boracay Island are characterized by a high percentage of employees in tourist transport services, mostly cooperatives, operating for 2 to 5 years, with 10 to 99 employees (small enterprises). They were fully operational before the pandemic and operated at 50% capacity with a 50% skeletal workforce during the pandemic.

Organizational resilience in in Boracay’s tourism enterprises shows an average level in both planned and adaptive capacities. Key factors influencing resilience include preparedness for emergencies and staff engagement. However, there are opportunities for improvement in terms of financial preparedness and behavioral readiness.

Overall sustainability in Boracay’s tourism sector is high, with economic and socio- cultural pillars rated high, environmental pillar average, and transversal pillar average. Priorities include enhancing the quality of tourist visits, strengthening community support, and protecting water quality.


Encourage tourism enterprises to develop comprehensive resilience strategies encompassing planned and adaptive measures to effectively respond to crises.

Foster collaboration among enterprises, industry associations, and local communities to share best practices and resources, enhancing industry resilience.

Promote sustainable tourism practices across economic, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects through training programs and incentives.

Provide targeted support to smaller tourism enterprises to enhance their resilience and sustainability efforts.

Encourage enterprises to stay responsive to changing consumer preferences and market demands by diversifying services and leveraging technology.

These recommendations aim to strengthen the resilience and sustainability of tourism enterprises in Boracay Island, fostering long-term viability and positive socio-economic impacts.


The researchers would like to extend their profound gratitude and appreciation to all the respondents of this research work, to Dr. Griselda C. Quintana for the inputs in the conceptualization and development of study framework, Dr. Melchie Palapar, Dr. Janet Ledesma and Mr. Rey Jadoc who validated the survey questionnaire, Dr. Felix G. Delos Santos, for the support provided before, during, and after the conduct of data gathering in Boracay Island, Engr. Joel Molas for data analysis of the pilot study, and Ms. Rose Rigodon for the tabulation of final results of the study. 


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