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The Effect of Green Transformational Leadership, Work Stress and Work Discipline on Employee Performance Mediated by Organizational Citizenship Behaviour at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh 

  • Wifri Amriani
  • Isthafan Najmi
  • Asmawati
  • 2442-2458
  • Jan 11, 2025
  • Economics

The Effect of Green Transformational Leadership, Work Stress and Work Discipline on Employee Performance Mediated by Organizational Citizenship Behaviour at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh 

Wifri Amriani, Isthafan Najmi, Asmawati

Faculty of Economics and Business, Abulyatama University, Indonesia, Aceh


Received: 07 December 2024; Accepted: 11 December 2024; Published: 11 January 2025


This research aims to analyze the influence of green transformational leadership, work stress and work discipline on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. Sampling used census techniques, with a sample size of 115 respondents. Data analysis in the research used partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with the help of the SmartPLS program. The research results show that green transformational leadership has a positive and significant direct influence on employee performance and work stress and work discipline have a direct influence on employee performance, however green transformational leadership has a very significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior, and work stress has a direct influence which is positive and significant on employee performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Our indirect analysis found that organizational citizenship behavior partially mediates the influence of green transformational leadership on employee performance and organizational citizenship behavior partially mediates the influence of work discipline on employee performance, but organizational citizenship behavior does not fully or partially mediate the influence of work stress on performance. employee at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. These results have the implication that management must have the courage to publicly acknowledge green initiatives so that employees are aware of the importance of environmentally friendly and comfortable environments so that they can reduce the intensity of work stress, and managers are expected to be braver in taking action, new practices to improve the organization’s environmental performance in order to creating an environment that is healthy, safe and can provide comfort to every employee. As well as making other efforts such as approaching employees so that they can easily provide direction that is relevant to the conditions of the work environment.

Keywords: Green Transformational Leadership, Work Stress, Work Discipline, Employee Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior.


Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo is in great demand by the public, especially among students. One of its branches in Aceh is J&T Peunayong, which is located in the Banda Aceh city area. Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo is a logistics service engaged in the field of goods delivery services which is a development of the technology system. J&T itself stands for Jet Lee & Toni Chen, who is the founder of the J&T Cargo goods delivery company. Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo was founded in 2015. According to data obtained from, the Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo service network has reached 13 countries worldwide and is committed to providing logistics services that high quality, efficient, stable, and reliable for customers every day. Meanwhile in Indonesia, Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo has reached 4,000 branch offices (Drop Points).

Like the private company of shipping services Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo Banda Aceh, it is a shipping service company that provides privileges for customers to check shipping costs, check receipts and provide pick-up and delivery services, so that Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo can support the development of e-commerce businesses (online purchases) especially in the Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh City areas. That way, Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo offers service products that can be customized to customer needs and service products.

The shipping company Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo Banda Aceh needs to be examined in more detail. Because the area is a shopping center for the Acehnese people, the majority of whom are urban/modern people who use shipping services to meet their daily needs.

So it is necessary to know this to be a reference for the company so that it can maintain and improve the quality of service management services and how they control the opportunities and challenges that exist so that it can increase customer satisfaction. The Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo Banda Aceh goods delivery service company needs to be studied in more detail. Because the area is a shopping center for the Aceh community, the majority of whom are urban/ modern people who use goods delivery services to meet their daily needs. So it is necessary to know this to be a reference for the company so that it can maintain and improve the quality of service management services and how they control the opportunities and challenges that exist so that it can increase customer satisfaction.

Based on consumer reviews of the quality of service at the J&T Cargo delivery service at the Banda Aceh branch office, there are still services that are less than satisfactory and disappointing. The disappointments include late estimated delivery of goods, packages that cannot be tracked, damaged packages and lost packages. Therefore, the company’s leadership always tries its best to conduct weekly evaluations. This aims to always have an approach with employees, understand the problems faced by employees, complaints and provide rewards for employees who excel.

This leadership support is very necessary to reduce the factors that influence the decline in employee performance. However, until now it is not known for sure to what extent work overload and work stress affect employee performance.

In relation to the discussion above, it is a good idea to conduct research on the shipping company Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo, because there is management management that must be studied in more depth and it is necessary to know the leadership style, work stress and work discipline of employees at Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo so that service to consumers is controlled with the ongoing leadership model.

Based on the background description above, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title “The effect of green transformational leadership, work stress and work discipline on employee performance mediated by organizational citizenship behavior at Jet Lee & Tony Chen (J&T) Cargo Banda Aceh.


Collaboration Management

Green Transformational Leadership is a leader’s behavior that motivates his followers to achieve an environmental goal and inspires his followers to do something more than the expected environmental level (Singh et al., 2020).

According to (Achmad Djuraidi, 2020) there are several principles in Green Transformational Leadership, namely:

  1. Simplification, This is the principle of a leader who is able to express a vision or mission practically and clearly which is useful as a direction for organizational movement.
  2. Motivation, A leader who has the ability to gain commitment from his employees to continue to be involved in achieving the organization’s vision. In addition, when a leader is able to create good relationships in his organization, the leader should be able to optimize the performance of his employees.
  3. Facilities, Meaning that a leader is effectively able to provide learning facilities to his organization in groups, institutions, or individuals. Which will have an impact on the intellectual development of each employee.
  4. Mobility, meaning a leader provides direction to existing resources to complement and strengthen each employee involved in achieving the organization’s vision.
  5. Be prepared, This is the ability of a leader to always learn about themselves and be open to change with new, positive paradigms.
  6. Determination, is a leader’s determination to complete it to the end. This is also supported by the development of spiritual, emotional, and physical discipline and commitment

There are several dimensions of Transformational Leadership according to (Jufrizen, 2022), namely:

  1. Ideal influence, Referring to leaders who have high standards of moral and ethical behavior, are highly respected and generate loyalty from their followers or act as environmental role models.
  2. Inspirational motivation, Focus on a strong vision of the leader for the future based on values and ideals. Then the behavior of leaders who fall into this dimension is a leader who can create enthusiasm in his followers, and inspire followers to engage in environmentally responsible behavior.
  3. Intellectual stimulation, Leading to leaders who challenge organizational norms and encourage employees to think about environmental problems in new ways and creative ideas to develop innovation strategies.
  4. Individual consideration, Refers to the behavior of a leader who has the aim of introducing unique growth and development of followers or creating close relationships with employees to influence environmental performance.

Green transformational leadership (GTL) is a leadership style that inspires and motivates employees to behave in a pro-environmental and sustainable manner. According to (Haddock-Millar, 2016) GTL is influenced by various factors, which can be categorized into two main groups:

  1. Internal factors: Individual characteristics of leaders and organizational culture.
  2. External factors: Regulatory pressure, Market pressure, Technology availability Green and Social norms and values.

Stress is a response when someone experiences various demands, threats, or pressures that can change a person’s behavior and state of mind. Stress can cause changes both physically and emotionally (mental/psychological). (Annisaa, 2017) defines that “Stress is a condition that suppresses a person’s self and soul beyond their limits, so that if it is left untreated, it will have an impact on their health.

According to (Puspitasari, 2020) the factors that cause stress (stress antecedents) include:

  1. Extra-organizational stressors, including social/technological change, family, job relocation, economic conditions, race and class, differences in perception and differences in opportunities for employees for rewards or promotions.
  2. Organizational stressors, including administrative policies and strategies, organizational structure, working conditions, responsibility without authority, inability to voice complaints, and inadequate rewards.
  3. Group stressors, including lack of group cohesion such as employees not having togetherness because of work design, because supervisors prohibit or limit it, and lack of social support for individuals.
  4. Individual stressors, including individual dispositions such as personality, perception of personal control, learned helplessness, psychological resilience, and the level of intra-individual conflict rooted in frustration

According to (Fang-Li Kuo, 2020) there are four types of stress:

  1. Eustress (good stress), which is stress that causes stimulus and excitement. This stress can increase creativity and enthusiasm.
  2. Distress, which is stress that has harmful effects on the individual who experiences it, such as: unpleasant demands that drain the individual’s energy, making them more susceptible to falling ill.
  3. Hyperstress, which is stress that occurs when someone is forced to cope with pressure that exceeds their capabilities.
  4. Hypostress, which is stress that arises due to lack of stimulation. For example, stress due to boredom or because of routine work.

According to (Bamba, 2016) an individual approach can be taken to Managing stress includes several applications such as:

  1. Implementing time management techniques that can help someone to better cope with stress due to demands of tasks or work.
  2. Sports, such as swimming, cycling, walking, and aerobics are forms of physical exercise recommended by doctors to overcome excessive stress levels.
  3. Relaxation to reduce tension, such as meditation and biofeedback/physiological control techniques.
  4. Expand your support network. When stress levels get too high, a person can talk to their friends, family, or coworkers.

Work stress indicators according to (Rohman, 2018) are as follows:

  1. Task demands are factors associated with work a person such as working conditions, and physical layout of the work.
  2. Role demands, relate to the pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role played in an organization.
  3. Interpersonal demands, are pressures created by other employees.
  4. Organizational structure, a picture of the agency that is colored by an unclear organizational structure, lack of clarity regarding positions, roles, authority and responsibilities.
  5. Organizational leadership provides a management style for the organization, some parties within it can create an organizational climate that involves tension, fear and anxiety.

Work stress can affect a person’s physical and psychological condition. It can make a person anxious, irritable, lose their enthusiasm for work which can hinder their creativity.

Work discipline is very important for a company or government agency in order to realize the company’s goals. Without good work discipline, it is difficult for a company to achieve optimal results. Good discipline reflects the extent of a person’s responsibility for the tasks assigned to him. Discipline is the sixth human resource function of the most important operative functions of human resource management because the more disciplined employees are, the higher their work performance can be achieved. Without good employee work discipline, it is difficult for companies to achieve optimal work results (Kahfi, 2022).

According to (Kahfi, 2022) there are two forms of work discipline that must be be considered in directing employees to comply with the rules, namely:

  1. Preventive discipline is an effort to motivate employees to follow and comply with work guidelines, rules that have been outlined by the company. The basic goal is to motivate employees to be self-disciplined.
  2. Corrective discipline is an effort to motivate employees to comply with regulations and direct them to continue to comply.

According to (Putri, 2022) there are two factors that influence work discipline, namely:

  1. Personality Factors An important factor in a person’s personality is the value system that is adopted which is directly related to discipline. The value system will be seen from a person’s attitude, where this attitude is expected to reflected in behaviors such as discipline due to obedience, discipline due to identification, and discipline due to internalization.
  2. Environmental Factors Discipline in a person is a product of his/her interaction with the environment, especially the social environment. Therefore, the formation of discipline is subject to the rules of the learning process. 7 – 5 Leaders who are agents of change need to pay attention to the principles of consistency, fairness, positivity, and openness.”

According to (Putri, 2022), there are indicators that influence the level of employee discipline in an organization, as follows:

  1. Goals and abilities
  2. Exemplary leadership
  3. Justice
  4. Inherent supervision
  5. Punishment sanctions
  6. Assertiveness
  7. Human relations

According to (Afandi & Bahri, 2020) work discipline requires the ability to follow legal rules and regulations so that one is aware of implementing and obeying these regulations. Work discipline reflects a person’s great sense of responsibility for the tasks that have been given to him. This encourages work passion and work spirit that support the realization of organizational goals.

Performance is the level of success in doing work and the ability to achieve the goals set (Bawelle, 2016). Employee performance is the quality and quantity of work results achieved by employees in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned. Employee performance according to (Wibowo, 2017) is about doing work and the results achieved from that work.

According to (Lestari & Suryani, 2018) there are 6 indicators that can be used to measuring employee performance, including:

  1. The quality of employee performance is measured by the quality and perfection of the task against the employee’s expertise. This indicator is very important for the progress or decline of a company or organization’s position.
  2. Quantity is the amount of performance produced by an employee. The amount of performance can be measured according to the target when planning the job description. So that measuring the quantity of performance will be easier to do by company or organization managers.
  3. Punctuality is an important thing in performance. This indicator is an important key to the accuracy of a target.
  4. Effectiveness of Resource Use. In addition to quality, quantity, and timeliness, company or organization managers can also use the effectiveness of resource use as an indicator of employee performance.
  5. Independence is an important part of assessing performance indicators. Independent employees will not bother their colleagues. However, although independence is important, the demand for teamwork skills should not be ignored.
  6. Commitment is a component that greatly determines employee motivation to do their work. Committed employees tend to be more motivated and have a sense of responsibility to do their work well.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is part of the science of organizational behavior, OCB is a form of work behavior that is usually not seen or calculated. There are two approaches to the concept of OCB, namely OCB is extra role performance that is separate from in-role performance or performance that is in accordance with the job description. The second approach is to view OCB from a political principle or philosophy.

This approach identifies the behavior of organizational members with citizenship behavior. The existence of OCB is the impact of individual beliefs and perceptions in the organization towards the fulfillment of psychological contract and agreement relationships. This behavior arises because of the individual’s feelings as a member of the organization who has a sense of satisfaction if he can do something more than the organization (Hendrawan et al., 2019).

According to (Yupono Bagyo, 2018) the factors that can influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior are:

  1. Organizational culture and climate Organizational climate and organizational culture can be strong causes of the development of OCB in an organization. In a positive organizational climate, employees feel more willing to do their jobs beyond what is required in the job description, and will always support the goals of the organization if they are treated by their superiors fairly and with full awareness and believe that they are treated fairly by their organization.
  2. Personality and mood Personality and mood have an influence on the emergence of OCB behavior individually. A person’s willingness to help others is also influenced by mood. Personality is a characteristic that can be said to be relatively fixed, while mood is a characteristic that can change. A positive mood will increase a person’s chances of helping others.
  3. Perception of organizational support Perceived Organizational Support (POS) can be a predictor of Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Workers who feel that they are supported by the organization will provide feedback and reduce imbalances in the relationship by engaging in citizenship behavior.
  4. Perception of the quality of superior-subordinate interactions. The quality of superior-subordinate interactions is also believed to be a predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). High-quality superior-subordinate interactions will have impacts such as increased job satisfaction, productivity, and employee performance.
  5. Working period Long working period will also increase employee self-confidence and work stress in doing their jobs, and create positive feelings and behaviors towards the organization that employs them. The longer employees work in an organization, the higher the employee’s perception that they have an investment in it.
  6. Gender There are differences in perception of OCB between men and women, where women consider OCB as part of their in-role behavior compared to men. The evidence suggests that women tend to internalize group expectations, a sense of togetherness and helping activities as part of their work.

One of the most frequently used indicators to conceptualize OCB is the indicator developed by Organ (Ali Alkahtani, 2015), OCB is built from five indicators, each of which is unique, namely:

  1. Altruism, namely helping others to do their work.
  2. Conscientiousness is about the performance of role prerequisites that exceed minimum standards, for example not being absent on work days.
  3. Civic virtue is the behavior of participating and showing concern for the survival of the organization.
  4. Sportsmanship is showing a willingness to tolerate unfavorable conditions without complaint.
  5. Courtesy, namely polite and rule-compliant behavior, thus preventing the emergence of interpersonal conflict.


This type of research is a survey research with a quantitative approach. This research is focused on analyzing the influence of green transformational leadership (X1), Work stress (X2) and Work discipline (X3) on employee performance (Y) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a mediating variable (Z) at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.

The sample used in the study was employees at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh totaling 115 respondents, purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire developed by the researcher based on research variable indicators.

This data analysis uses descriptive statistics and PLS (Partial Least Square). Descriptive statistics in this study are used to describe the characteristics of respondents. While PLS (Partial Least Square) is used to determine green transformational leadership, work stress, work discipline, organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.

The research results obtained from the field were processed using PLS (Partial Least Square). PLS is a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation model with an approach based on variance or component-based structural equation modeling.

Mathematically, the causal relationship between constructs in research can be expressed as follows:

Z   = γ1.1X1 + γ1.2 X2 + γ1.3 X3  + ζ1

Y2   = γ2.1 ξ1 + γ2.2 ξ2 + γ2.3 ξ3 + β2.1η2 + ζ2


Organizational citizenship behaviour (Z)= γ1.1 green transformational leadership + γ1.2 Work stress + γ1.3 Work discipline + ζ1

Employee performance (Y)=γ2.1 green transformational leadership + γ2.2 Work stress + γ2.3 Work discipline + β2.1 Organizational citizenship behaviour  + ζ2


γ  :  The magnitude of the influence of exogenous latent variables on endogenous latent variables

β  :  The magnitude of the influence of endogenous latent variables on endogenous latent variables

ζ   :  The magnitude of the error vector in the structural relationship between variables

This study has a complex model and a limited number of samples, so in data analysis using SmartPLS software. SmartPLS uses the bootstrapping method or random duplication. Therefore, the assumption of normality will not be a problem. In addition, by doing bootstrapping, SmartPLS does not require a minimum number of samples, so it can be applied to research with a small number of samples. PLS-SEM analysis consists of two sub-models, namely the measurement model or outer model and the structural model or inner model.


This study was conducted on 115 respondents, data collection from the study of the influence of green transformational leadership, work stress, work discipline on employee performance mediated by organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. The results of the analysis of respondent characteristics are that the number of male respondents (62.6%) is greater than female respondents (37.4%). Respondents based on age show that most respondents are aged 18-28 years as many as 52 people (45.2%), 29-39 years as many as 38 people (33.0%), and 40-49 years as many as 25 people (21.7%). Respondents based on education level are dominated by high school graduates as many as 54 people (47.0%). Respondents based on income level are dominated by respondents with an income of IDR 3,000,000-IDR 3,900,000 as many as 51 people (44.3%). Respondents based on length of service are dominated by respondents who have worked for 2 years-3 years 5 months as many as 63 people (54.8%).

The results of the AVE index, composite reliability, R square, Cronbach’s alpha can be seen in the table below.

Table 1: Composite Reliability

Reliability and validity construct


AVE Composite Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha
Green transformational leadership (X1) 0.513 0.847 0.840
Work stress (X2) 0.538 0.794 0.785
Work discipline (X3) 0.660 0.874 0.870
Employee performance (Y) 0.547 0.869 0.867
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour  (Z) 0.558 0.869 0.867

A variable is said to have high reliability if the composite reliability value is above 0.7 and AVE is above 0.5. Based on the table above, it is stated that four variables meet the composite reliability because their values ​​are above the recommended number, which is above 0.7 which already meets the reliable criteria.

The following are the results of the outer model test showing the outer loading value using the Smartpls v 3.2.7 analysis tool. The results can be seen in the image below.

Figure 1 Outer Model Test Results

From the analysis results shown in Figure 1, it shows that all research variables have a loading factor value above 0.7.

R-Square is used to measure the predictive power of a structural model. R-Squares explain the influence of certain exogenous latent variables on endogenous latent variables whether they have a substantive influence. R-squares values ​​of 0.67, 0.33 and 0.19 indicate strong, moderate and weak models (Ghozali and Latan, 2015). The R-Square value can be seen in the table below.

Table 2 :R-Square

Item R-Square R-Square Adjusted
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.948 0.947
Kinerja Karyawan (Y) 0.834 0.828

To assess the significance of the influence between variables, a bootstrapping procedure is performed. The bootstrap procedure uses the entire original sample and then resamples it again. In the bootstrap resampling method, the significance value used (two-tailed) t-value is 1.96 (significance level 5). The table below is the result of the t-statistic test to test the significance of the indicator on the latent variable in the second order construct.

Table 3 :Total Effect

Construct Variables Original Sample (0) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P-Values
Green transformational leadership (X1) → Employee performance (Y) 0.557 0.561 0.151 3.701 0.000
Green transformational leadership (X1) →  Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.729 0.726 0.037 19.831 0.000
Work stress (X2) → Employee performance (Y) 0.481 0.485 0.070 6.884 0.000
Work stress (X2) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.099 0.094 0.042 2.373 0.018
Work discipline (X3) → Employee performance (Y) 0.348 0.339 0.098 3.556 0.000
Work discipline (X3) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.387 0.386 0.046 8.404 0.000
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) → Employee performance (Y) 0.392 0.391 0.182 2.152 0.000

 Based on the total effect results in Table 3 above, it shows that there are 4 paths that are significant to the construct with a t-statistic value greater than 1.96 and a p-value smaller than 0.05, and there is 1 path that is not significant to the construct with a t-statistic value smaller than 1.96 and a p-value greater than 0.05.

The following is a test of the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables and must be significant at a t-statistic value greater than 1.96.

Table 4: Total Indirect Effect

Construct Variables Original Sample (0) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P-Values
Green transformational leadership (X1) → Employee performance (Y) 0.272 0.275 0.062 4.351 0.000
Work stress (X2) → Employee performance (Y) 0.520 0.520 0.070 7.414 0.000
Work discipline (X3) → Employee performance (Y) 0.196 0.191 0.076 2.595 0.009

 From Table 4 above, it can be seen that green transformational leadership has an effect on employee performance with a t-statistic value of 4.351 = >1.96, work stress has an effect on employee performance with a t-statistic value of 7.414 = <1.96, and work discipline has an effect on employee performance with a t-statistic value of 2.595 = <1.96. Based on the results of the analysis above, it shows that there is a good mediating role between work stress and employee performance.

The following is a test of the influence of exogenous variables on mediating variables and must be significant at a t-statistic value greater than 1.96.

Table 5: Total Indirect Effect

Construct Variables Original Sample (0) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P-Values
Green transformational leadership (X1) →  Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.729 0.726 0.037 19.831 0.000
Work stress (X2) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.099 -0.094 0.042 2.373 0.018
Work discipline (X3) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) 0.387 0.386 0.046 8.404 0.000

 From Table 5, it can be seen that green transformational leadership has an effect on work discipline with a t-statistic value of 19.831 = >1.96, work stress has a significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with a t-statistic value of 2.373 = >1.96, and the environment has a significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with a t-statistic value of 8.404 = >1.96. Based on the results of the analysis above, it shows that there is a very good mediation role between green transformational leadership, work stress and work discipline on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and can be continued to the third stage.

Then simultaneous testing of the influence of exogenous variables green transformational leadership, work stress and work discipline on endogenous employee performance. In the last stage of testing if the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous is not significant while the influence of mediating variables on endogenous variables is significant. So, the mediating variables are proven to mediate the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables.

Table 6: Specific Indirect Effect

Construct Variables Original Sample (0) Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P-Values
Green transformational leadership (X1) →  Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) → Employee performance (Y) 0.286 0.286 0.139 2.058 0.040
Work stress (X2) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) → Employee performance (Y) 0.039 0.036 0.023 1.696 0.090
Work discipline (X3) → Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Z) → Employee performance (Y) 0.152 0.148 0.065 2.323 0.020

Based on table 6, the explanation of the role of mediation is as follows:

In table 3, the green transformational leadership variable has a significant influence on employee performance and in table 6, it can be seen that the influence of the green transformational leadership variable on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and on employee performance variables is significant. This means that the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable is able to partially mediate the relationship between green transformational leadership and employee performance.

Table 3 also shows the results that the influence of work stress on employee performance is not significant, but in table 6 the influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and employee performance is not significant. This means that the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable has not been able to fully mediate the relationship between work stress and employee performance.

In table 3, the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable has a significant influence on employee performance and in table 6, it can be seen that the influence of the work discipline variable on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and on employee performance variables is significant. This means that the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable is able to partially mediate the relationship between work discipline and employee performance.


The Influence of Green Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The first hypothesis shows that there is an influence of green transformational leadership on employee performance statistically, because the p value obtained is 0.000, t statistic is 3.701. Therefore, the p value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that green transformational leadership has an effect on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. This is in accordance with research conducted by (Fawwaz R. S, 2024) empirical results support the results of the hypothesis which shows that the green transformational leadership style has an indirect influence on employee behavior through value alignment and mediation effects that can be mediated by green identity.

Meanwhile, the results of the study (Gustiah & Nurhayati, 2022) show that there is a positive and significant influence of green transformational leadership on green work engagement and the performance of environmentally friendly employees. There is an influence of green work engagement on the environment of employee performance. Green work engagement can mediate the influence between environmentally friendly transformational leadership and environmentally friendly employee performance in heavy equipment companies in Indonesia. Green work engagement is very important to improve so that the performance of environmentally friendly employees can increase through the implementation of environmentally friendly transformational leadership.

The Influence of Green Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The second hypothesis shows that there is an influence of green transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior statistically, because the p value obtained is 0.000, t statistic is 19.831. Therefore, the p value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that green transformational leadership has an effect on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Nurwahdah, 2022) that there is a positive and significant influence between green transformational leadership and green organizational citizenship behavior. There is a positive and significant influence between green transformational leadership and green Organizational Citizenship Behavior which is mediated by emotional intelligence.

Meanwhile, the research results (Alfian Nugroho, 2023) show that there is a positive influence of green culture, green transformational leadership, green human resource management on green organizational citizenship behavior.

The Influence of Work Stress on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The third hypothesis shows that there is an influence of work stress on employee performance statistically, because the p value obtained is 0.000, t statistic is 6.884. Therefore, the p value is <0.05, the statistical value is> 1.96 and the path coefficient is positive, it can be concluded that work stress has an effect on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.

In line with research conducted by (Wartono, 2017) the results of the study showed that there was a significant and very strong or positive influence between work stress and employee performance as indicated by a correlation coefficient of 0.880 and a determination coefficient of 77.44%. This means that work stress affects performance by 77.44%, the remaining 22.56% is influenced by other factors. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Ahmad et al., 2019) that simultaneously work stress, workload, and work environment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Furthermore, the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

The Influence of Work Stress on Organizational Citizenship Behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The fourth hypothesis shows that there is an influence of work stress on organizational citizenship behavior statistically, because the p value obtained is 0.018, t statistic is 2.373. Therefore, the p value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that work stress has an effect on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. These results are in line with research conducted by (Pemayun, 2017) showing that work stress has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a Sig value of 0.000 <0.05. Organizational culture has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior with a Sig value. 0.000 <0.05. To improve employee organizational citizenship behavior, J&T Cargo Banda Aceh is advised to pay attention to its employees’ work stress so that the work stress that employees can experience is low so that employees will implement organizational citizenship behavior.

Meanwhile, the research results (Hikmah & Lukito, 2021) found that: (1) Work Life Balance has a significant effect on employee performance (2) Work stress is the opposite and has a significant effect on OCB and employee performance (3) The magnitude of the influence of Work Life Balance on OCB is indicated by the determination coefficient R² of 0.261 or 26.1% (4) The magnitude of the influence of OCB on employee performance is indicated by the determination coefficient R² of 0.375 or 37.5% (5) Then there is also an indirect relationship with partial mediation by the OCB variable.

The Influence of Work Discipline on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The fifth hypothesis shows that there is an influence of work discipline on employee performance statistically, because the p-value obtained is 0.000, t statistic is 3.556. Therefore, the p value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that work discipline has an effect on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. The results of the study are in line with the research conducted by (Rozalia, 2015) showing that the work motivation variable has a significant effect on employee performance with a t count value of 5.925> t table 1.990. The work discipline variable shows a t count value of 4.651> t table 1.990, this means that it has a significant effect on employee performance. The F count result is 50.605> F table 3.112, that there is a significant influence between the Work Motivation and Work Discipline variables simultaneously affecting Employee Performance.

Meanwhile, the research results (Ferawati, 2017) stated that the Work Environment and Work Discipline have a significant influence individually and have a significant influence together on Employee Performance at PT. Cahaya Indo Persada Surabaya. A comfortable work environment and high level of discipline will improve employee performance.

The Influence of Work Discipline on Organizational Citizenship Behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The sixth hypothesis shows that there is an influence of work discipline on organizational citizenship behavior statistically, because the p-value obtained is 0.000, t statistic is 8.404. Therefore, the p-value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that work discipline has an effect on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. The results of this study are in line with research (Kurnianto & Kharisudin, 2022) which found that the variables of work discipline and work environment have a direct influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with a joint influence of 0.604. The work environment variable has an indirect influence on employee performance through the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable.

Meanwhile, the findings (Patiwael et al., 2021) show that there is a positive insignificant relationship between motivation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), work discipline on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and there is a positive and significant influence of work commitment on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

Work discipline construct t-statistic value of 6.179 = >1.96, and p-value The seventh hypothesis shows that there is an influence of organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance statistically, because the p-value obtained is 0.031, t statistic of 2.152. Therefore, the p-value <0.05, the statistical value> 1.96 and the positive path coefficient, it can be concluded that organizational citizenship behavior has an effect on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Lestari et al., 2018) the results showed that OCB has a significant positive effect on both job satisfaction and employee performance. The higher the job satisfaction, the better the employee performance. Job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between OCB and employee performance.

Meanwhile, according to (Suzana, 2017) several empirical facts show that organizations that have employees who have good organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) will have better performance than other organizations. Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), performance, Influence of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

Furthermore, research conducted by (Hikmah & Lukito, 2021) showed that (1) OCB does not have a positive effect on employee performance, (2) OCB has a positive effect on job satisfaction, (3) job satisfaction has an effect on employee performance, (4) job satisfaction acts as a mediating variable between OCB and employee performance.

The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Mediating the Influence of Green Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The green transformational leadership variable has a significant influence on employee performance and in table 7 it can be seen that the influence of the green transformational leadership variable on organizational citizenship behavior and on employee performance variables is significant. This means that the organizational citizenship behavior variable is able to partially mediate the relationship between green transformational leadership and employee performance.

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Didit Haryadi, 2021) stating that: 1). Transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. 2). Transformational leadership has a significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 3). Training has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 4). Organizational citizen behavior has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. 5). Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational citizen behavior can mediate between transformational leadership and employee performance.

Meanwhile, the research results (Tri Haryanto, 2011) show that (1) Transformational leadership has a significant positive effect on performance. (2) Transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on OCB. (3) OCB has a positive and significant effect on performance. And it is proven that there is a mediating role in the relationship between transformational leadership and OCB.

The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Mediating the Effect of Work Stress on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The work stress variable has a significant influence on employee performance and in table 7 it can be seen that the influence of the work stress variable on organizational citizenship behavior and on employee performance variables is not significant. This means that the organizational citizenship behavior variable is not able to partially mediate the relationship between work stress and employee performance.

The results of this study are in line with (Constantinus, 2021) OCB mediates the influence of organizational policies on achieving work targets, but does not mediate work stress on achieving work targets. The results of the study indicate that work stress has a positive and insignificant effect on OCB. While organizational policies have a positive and significant effect on OCB. Work stress has a negative and insignificant effect on achieving work targets, while organizational policies have a positive and significant effect on achieving work targets.

Meanwhile, according to the research results (Suryadinata, 2023) it shows that the results of the analysis of Organizational Citizenship Behavior have a positive and significant effect on performance. Organizational citizen behavior has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on performance. Organizational citizen behavior has a positive and significant effect on performance mediated by job satisfaction.

The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Mediating the Influence of Work Discipline on Employee Performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh

The results of the analysis show that the decision making variable has a significant influence on the Intensity of partner The work discipline variable has a significant influence on employee performance and in table 7 it can be seen that the influence of the work discipline variable on organizational citizenship behavior and on employee performance variables is significant. This means that the organizational citizenship behavior variable is able to partially mediate the relationship between work discipline and employee performance..

Meanwhile, the research results (Nurohman, 2023) show that work discipline has a direct and significant effect on employee performance, work discipline has a direct and significant effect on OCB, OCB has a direct and significant effect on employee performance, and OCB is able to mediate the indirect effect between work discipline and employee performance.



Based on the results of the data analysis that has been carried out on all the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Green transformational leadership has a direct and significant influence on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  2. Green transformational leadership has a direct and significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  3. Work stress has a direct and significant effect on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  4. Work stress has a direct and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  5. Work discipline has a direct and significant influence on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  6. Work discipline has a direct and very significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  7. Organizational citizenship behavior has a direct and significant influence on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  8. Organizational citizenship behavior partially mediates (Partial Mediation) the influence of green transformational leadership on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  9. Organizational citizenship behavior does not partially mediate (Partial Mediation) the effect of work stress on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.
  10. Organizational citizenship behavior partial mediation (Partial Mediation) of the influence of work discipline on employee performance at J&T Cargo Banda Aceh.


Based on the conclusions that have been put forward, the following suggestions are provided to improve employee performance:

  1. Managers should also be braver to be more responsible in encouraging employees to achieve the company’s green goals and leaders should also consider green innovation movements with employees to create a green environment within the company.
  2. Management must dare to publicly acknowledge green initiatives so that employees are aware of the importance of being environmentally friendly, and managers are expected to be more courageous in taking action. new practices to improve the environmental performance of the organization in order to create a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for every employee.
  3. It is expected that all employees can demonstrate creative values ​​in carrying out all their work, such as conveying new ideas to make work easier and being willing to convey aspirations for the progress of the J&T Cargo Banda Aceh company.


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