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The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas

  • Angelika V. Almoete
  • Reynalyn D. Penales
  • Ms. Lerma B. Delavega
  • 3158-3201
  • Aug 20, 2024
  • Education

The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas 

Angelika V. Almoete1, Reynalyn D. Penales2, Ms. Lerma B. Delavega3

1,2,3Batangas State University, Nasugbu, Philippines


Received: 1 July 2024; Accepted: 13 July 2024; Published: 20 August 2024


Exposure is indeed one of the best strategies to learn a target language. Therefore, being exposed to English literature can help the students to have a grasp of the English language, which can enhance their English language proficiency. The researchers believed that being exposed to various forms of English literature has an impact on developing students’ English language proficiency. This study determined the exposure to English literature of 277 grade 8 students of Lian using a descriptive correlational design. The data gathered were subjected to statistical analysis using frequency, percentage, t-test, ranking, and weighted mean. Moreover, a survey questionnaire was distributed to gather data and used stratified random sampling. The result showed that exposure to English literature has an impact on the student’s English language proficiency. This study also recognized the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature. In addition, this study found that there is a significant difference between the responses of males and females in terms of their exposure to English literature. However, the study reveals that the students’ exposure to various forms of literature is inadequate. Therefore, an action plan consisting of various enhancement activities was developed to enhance students’ exposure to various forms of English literature.

Keywords: Impact, Exposure, English Literature, English Language Proficiency, Genre.


A successful personality requires English as a necessary component however, language proficiency was a key contributor in developing this successful personality.  In the present generation, English skills are vital for every country to fully benefit from the technology, innovation, and commerce that have made an impact on the world (Joynes, 2019). English is used as the medium of communication that enables people to communicate and understand each other. Thus, without the ability to comprehend the language and its usage, it will not serve its goal to facilitate global communication. Having inadequate proficiency in the language will create barriers to building connections with other people and understanding things that are written in English. Therefore, proficiency in using the language plays a significant role in every people’s daily life in this globalized world. Most countries, in the field of education, teach students to learn English as a second language. This is to help them be competent enough in speaking the language to be globally competitive students who can understand and socialize with other global citizens. It does not limit its benefits to personal life but to professional life at the same time.

Moreover, language proficiency also refers to a person’s ability to speak and understand a language in a communicative situation. A proficient user of a language is known to have a strong command of the language. For instance, they have no trouble understanding a particular language can communicate their ideas clearly both orally and in writing, and are at ease interacting with native speakers. Moreover, English language proficiency is one’s competency to have full command of different language skills, which includes proficiency in writing, listening, speaking, reading, and viewing in the English language. Thus, language proficiency comes from various levels which are usually assessed through the use of five performance indicators such as accuracy, fluency, complexity, appropriacy, and capacity (Richards, 2018).

Furthermore, based on the aforementioned performance indicators, one’s language competence can be determined by different levels of proficiency. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or CEFR is an international guideline to measure one’s language proficiency or ability through the use of scale. These consist of six language proficiency levels such as A1 level (Beginner), A2 level (Pre-intermediate), B1 level (Intermediate), B2 level (Upper-Intermediate), C1 level (Advanced), and C2 level (Mastery) (Benjamine, 2021).

In English, literature has traditionally served as a source of reading material. The use of literature in the classroom has become increasingly popular in recent years but the importance of literature in our lives is frequently neglected.  Thus, literature is intellectually provocative and it allows us to use different points of view to examine thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It also enables our exploration of others as well as ourselves. Literature helps us to define and redefine who we are, who we might become, and how the world might be. But other than that, literature, specifically English literature, also allows learners to acquire language and enhance their language skills. Furthermore, literature comes in two major categories which are fiction and nonfiction. Fiction refers to literary works that are based on imagination and not on true stories. Some examples of literary fiction are novels, short stories, poetry, drama, movies, etc. On the other hand, nonfiction is the literary works that are based on real events or true stories. Some examples of literary nonfiction are personal essays, journals, history, biography, and autobiography (Westin, 2022).

In the study of Magulod (2018) entitled, Innovative Learning Tasks in Enhancing the Literary Appreciation Skills of the Student, he asserts that literature indeed offers benefits. Literature promotes not only reading ability and motivation but also enhances other skills such as reading, writing, and speaking. He added that teaching literature is not only about how students learn to interpret and analyze a piece but also that literature helps students develop self-awareness and understanding of the world.  In addition, literature can also be used to teach grammar and vocabulary which is one of the aspects that the learners need to enhance to be an effective English language speaker. Reading English literature can allow the learner to analyze the formal aspect of the English language including the level of phonology, vocabulary, and grammar that allow the learners to recycle and fix vocabulary words that they have already learned and they can also meet new expressions that they can use as an effective English language speaker. Literature is not always about texts; it also includes films and movies.  By watching English movies students can improve their pronunciation skills and get real life language input.

Moreover, the study conducted by Uzzaman, Md & Roy, and Sujit (2019) entitled, “Learning English through Watching Movies”, concluded that movies have a strong influence on learning English even at the moment that learners are not conscious about learning during watching films and movies. Through their study, they discovered that watching films and movies can be beneficial for learners. Learners will not only acquire the English language but there will also be a significant improvement in listening and speaking skills along with vocabulary.

Exposure plays an integral role in both acquisition and learning in various aspects. The contact that students have with the target language they are trying to learn is known as exposure to the language. In the classroom, one of the most important responsibilities of teachers is to give students enough exposure to practice the target language from a variety of speakers and in a variety of contexts. But not all the time the exposure to language takes place inside the classroom, it can also happen outside the classroom. The forms of outside classroom language exposure can include: listening to English programs on the radio, watching English programs and movies on the television, face-to-face interaction with English native speakers using the English language in real-life situations, surfing the internet using the English language as well as, reading English books, magazines, and newspapers. These are the possible factors that influence the language proficiency of the learner.

In the study of Samer & Samer (2018), they indicated that “the significance of exposure in language learning means the more the learner is exposed to the English language, the more he/she reads and speaks in the language, the higher the exposure, the better the learner performs in the target language”. Additionally, exposure to the English language aids in language learning because exposure is the result of a learner’s verbal and written interactions with a target language.

Despite having numerous benefits that literature may offer to students consciously and unconsciously, the importance of it is still neglected. There are still some students who are not fully exposed to English Literature. If they do not get enough exposure to the English language like for instance in English literature their language proficiency might be affected. Nowadays, many students focus more on surfing social media or playing online games rather than browsing English books or literature. Since the internet is so accessible, many youths of today do watch K-dramas online or even download them online. There is something in a Korean drama that makes the viewers go crazy about it and end up talking like a Korean or mimicking how they act and talk after watching. They prefer to watch Korean dramas which do not help build their knowledge in the English language. They understand what they are watching through the English subtitles but the language that they listen to is the other language. Semillia and Soriano (2018) concluded in their study that in watching Korean dramas students sacrifice not just their way of using their language but also their time to do some school stuff just to continue the marathon. These actions may let them have inadequate exposure to English literature which may only hinder their acquisition of the English language.

Therefore, this study aims to determine the impact of exposure to English literature on the English language proficiency of Junior High School students in Lian. This will assess the level of students’ exposure to English literature in terms of the source of materials, reading time, time frequency, and genres. Thus, by determining the impact of the student’s exposure to English literature on their English language proficiency, this study will be able to provide or come up with possible solutions that can be utilized to expand their exposure to it.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the impact of exposure to English literature on the English language proficiency of the students in Junior High School in Lian as an input to the development of intervention/enhancement activities to expand the exposure of students to English literature.

Specifically, the research seeks answers to the following questions;

  1. What are the students’ exposure to English literature in terms of:
  • Source of Materials;
  • Online Materials
  • Printed Materials
  • Exposure;
  • Time Frequency; and
  • Genre under
  • Films/Movies
  • E-books
  • Textbooks?
  1. How do the responses compare by sex?
  2. What are the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature?
  3. What are the impacts of students’ exposure to English literature in developing English language proficiency?
  4. What enhancement activities can be proposed to expand the exposure of students to English literature?

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the Study

The study will be conducted to know how a student’s exposure to English literature impacts their English language proficiency.

The participants of this study will be Grade 8 students of Lian National High School, Matabungkay National High School, Saint Claire Academy, and Lian Institute.

The study will delimit itself to the assessment of students’ exposure to English literature and its impact on their English language proficiency. It is further delimited to the responses of the participants of the study and the information that was gathered through the survey questionnaire provided by the researchers.    

This study has inherent limitations. One limitation is an outcome of the nature of responses obtained from the respondents. Since the survey questionnaire is distributed in a sampling method, it does not disclose the characteristics of the entire population. Furthermore, the study has limitations due to the student’s overloaded work which may affect their willingness to respond to the survey questionnaire and their responses will be assumed to be factual by the researchers.

Significance of the study

This part of the research study will give a brief representation of the importance and benefits of this research to:


This study may allow the institution to formulate better plans in enabling students to be exposed to English Literature. In addition to this, if the problem in terms of exposure to English literature and its impact on student’s English language proficiency will be solved, the institution will gain recognition as the students will be able to effectively and accurately use the language.

College of Teacher Education

This research study may purposely contribute to the knowledge of the future teacher of Batangas State University as it can serve as an eye opener on how being exposed to English literature may be beneficial in developing the English language proficiency of Junior High school students.

Faculty Members

The results of the study will allow faculty members to have a broader knowledge of the students’ problems in terms of English language proficiency. In addition, the faculty members will be able to know the number of students who have enough or either inadequate exposure to literature.

This study will help them to make reforms or changes which will provide possible solutions or techniques that will lead the students to have enough exposure to English literature. Furthermore, this research will guide them to produce activities related to students’ exposure to literature to enhance proficiency in the English language.


This research study may help students to be knowledgeable about the essence of being exposed to English literature. In addition, the results of the study can create an impact that pushes the students to get motivated in exposing themselves to English literature to have a high level of English language proficiency that may help them to be prepared at the tertiary level.


This study may allow researchers to provide better ideas and output in terms of the importance of English literature and how it affects English language proficiency.

Future researchers

This study may be used as a source of information for future research to assess the reliability of other findings that are connected to this study. The result of the study may also serve as a cross-reference that will give them an overview regarding the impact of exposure to English literature on the English language proficiency of the students.


This chapter presents a review of conceptual and research literature supported by the discussions and presentations of research synthesis, conceptual framework, and definition of terms which has a direct bearing on the present study: Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian.

Conceptual Literature

 The following review includes concepts on 1) Exposure, 2) Language Proficiency, 3) English language, 4) English Literature, 5) Genres

In the process of learning, time is very important as well as exposure, which is about the amount of time that the student has contact with what they want to acquire, similar to language learning. Learners are liable to acquire language at any place, however, inside the classroom, the teachers have a crucial role to provide learners with sufficient exposure to the language that they are attempting to learn. Exposure to languages in various ways shows improvements in language proficiency. The more exposure to the language or the target language, the more the learners learn and acquire it.


In education, exposure can be defined as a naturalistic way of learning as it enables students to gather data unconsciously and learn from it. The learner can receive more exposure from their education through interaction with other students and teachers. To expose kids to other student’s perspectives and allow them to expand their thoughts with those of their peers, the instructor may design a group or collaborative activity in which students interact and share their ideas. In the aforementioned activity, the teacher allows time for pupils to be exposed to other people’s opinions and time to evaluate the data that they have gathered. Unconsciously, the learners acquired not just knowledge, but also, they can acquire new words that may help them improve their language skills. This type of learning happens naturally through exposure by spending a lot of time with someone more talented in a field than we are. It does not require any intentional effort on our part (Regardi, 2022).

Language Proficiency

Language proficiency is a measurement of a person’s proficiency in a language. Receptive and expressive language abilities, grammar, vocabulary, semantics, and other language-related skills are used to assess the proficiency of an individual. Being fluent in using the English language and even several languages are beneficial for academic success. In the study of Oducado (2020), they assert that English language proficiency significantly influences students’ performance and that enhancing students’ English language proficiency was considered beneficial in promoting students’ academic success. But it was not that easy to achieve, before an individual is called a language fluent, they should be proficient language users. It is when an individual can use language correctly and appropriately in both oral and written form in a variety of contexts. Language proficiency is not just about fluency in terms of using the language but it also includes the linguistic, cognitive, and sociocultural aspects of language. Additionally, it relies on background knowledge, critical thinking, and metacognitive abilities, as well as an awareness and application of the language’s cultural nuances, values, and practices. Being able to use the four language domains effectively which includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing for a variety of purposes, in a variety of contexts, and with a range of audiences is necessary for language proficiency.

English Language

English is the most widely used language in the world. One out of five individuals can communicate or understand the English language. It is also referred to as the major window on the world, which means the English view of the various advancements taking place in the world. Additionally, one of the most common and dominant languages in the world is English. There is no doubt that English plays an important role in the world that is inevitable for people to entirely ignore. It has a promising future, wherein it connects us to the rest of the globe and it can benefit both our personal and professional lives. We can see that learning English is incredibly beneficial and can lead to numerous chances, even though it can be difficult and time-consuming (Nishanthi, 2018).

The previous study emphasized that since English has common qualities with other languages, it has been widely used by people who speak thousands of different languages. Being the first world language, English is also considered to be the first global lingua franca. Thus, it is evident that a common language is necessary for communication with the current expansion of global trade and commerce between businesses. It is clear that the majority of people around the world communicate with individuals in other regions using only one internationally recognized language, namely English, as a result of the development of both globalization and information technology. It serves as a common and global language to maintain relationships between nations in science, technology, commerce, education, travel, tourism, and other fields (Rao, 2019).

English Literature

English literature provides a rich amount of linguistic input and can assist learners in practicing language domains including listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as demonstrating grammatical structures and introducing new vocabulary. The teaching of English literature in language classes provides a wide variety of linguistic competence in using the English language in real-life contexts.

Through English literature, English language instruction becomes more effective and students can learn a wide variety of new words and phrases that may be applied to real-world communication. Learning literature enhances the students’ proficiency as literature encourages students to read and in doing so, they will unconsciously improve their vocabulary which will help them to write and speak the language confidently and creatively. By teaching literature, teachers have a role to strongly encourage students to read extensively, improve their reading proficiency, and broaden students’ knowledge of English. As teachers, working towards implicit learning objectives with the help of literature can help students accomplish goals to enhance their proficiency in the English language (Sjodin, 2020).


The categories that have evolved are regarded as genres. According to Cambridge (2023), genres, or what we called the classification of various forms of literature come from a particular subject or style that the writer produced in a literary piece. In other words, genres were produced according to the particular model, mood, tone, and style that the author wants to share in his piece. In connection, literary genres were divided into four categories namely Drama, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry. Thus, these main genres also have their corresponding subcategories which refer to the smaller group of genres under these main categories. The drama was intended for public performance and divided into Acts, Scenes, and Line Numbers (Heather and Athena 2020). Moreover, it was also a play for theater told by character dialogue. Fiction was a story that did not happen in real life. Additionally, a fictional story, as opposed to firmly based on fact or a genuine story, derives from the author’s imagination. A novel, which is the longest form of literary prose, can be referred to as a work of fiction in the world of writing (Masterclass 2021). In contrast, nonfiction was a story that was based on facts. Nonfiction writing can be historical or biographical, it can be instructive, it can offer criticism or humor, and it can ruminate on philosophical issues (Masterclass 2021). The fourth main genre of literature was poetry according to Masterclass (2022), poetry is a kind of literature that uses a condensed, lyrical arrangement of words to express a notion, depict a scene, or tell a tale. Poems can be organized with rhyming lines and meters, which base a line’s rhythm and emphasis on syllabic beats. Poems may also be freeform, which have no set format.

In the study, genres were used as a classification of what kind of literary pieces grade 8 students were mostly exposed to. Genres were classified under different forms including Films/Movies, E-books, and lastly was textbooks. Under Films and movies fantasy, horror, romance, science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, mystery, comedy, tragedy, biography, autobiography, narrative, and memoir. On the other hand, Ebooks were divided into two categories namely, fiction and nonfiction. under fiction are fantasy, humor, horror, romance, science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, and mystery while non-fiction is biography, autobiography, narrative, memoir, encyclopedia, and manuals. Moreover, manuals, workbooks, reference books, story books, and encyclopedias are the genres that fall under textbooks. The aforementioned genres that the researchers provided in the study were supported by the K-12 curriculum as part of the discussion from the course subject EED 322 Literary Criticism.

Research Literature

The following are the studies conducted that had a bearing on the present study. This part shows supporting research which may be a concrete foundation and reference for this present study that aims to either add or solidify the past findings about the impact of literature in acquiring Language.

Language is a system of symbols, words, or body language used to communicate concepts, emotions, viewpoints, and knowledge. It works as a tool to facilitate communication between people. The fact that there are several languages spoken throughout the world makes it more challenging to interact with people abroad. Wong et. al. (2018) asserts that language is a concept that has several facets. It is compromised by different skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Therefore, to have effective communication, one must be proficient in it. In a comparative study conducted by Gimena (2022), it states that English proficiency is a student’s capacity to communicate meaning in English through textual and conversational situations. Thus, being proficient in the language allows students’ individuality to develop and increase their self-worth.

Thus, a study by Getie (2020) entitled, Factors Affecting the Attitudes of Students towards Learning English as a Foreign Language aimed to investigate the factors affecting the attitudes of grade 10 students towards learning EFL in Debremarkos Comprehensive Secondary School in Debre Markos town, Ethiopia. The findings of the study revealed that the educational context factors like English language teachers, and the English language learning situations (e.g., the classrooms, arrangements of seats, and the physical learning environment) had negative impacts on students’ attitudes. However, students’ attitudes were affected positively by the educational context factors which are English textbooks of Grade 10. It indicates that students were motivated to learn the English language through the use of English textbooks. Through that material, they can be able to grasp knowledge about the target language easily and confidently.

On the other hand, the study of Ashrafuzzamanet. al. (2021) entitled, Learning English Language through Literature: Insights from a Survey at University Level in Bangladesh mainly focuses on the application of English literature in developing four language skills and language areas like vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of undergraduate English learners in Bangladesh. This study also investigates the role of various genres of literature (i.e., poetry, short fiction, drama, and novel) in the way of language teaching-learning process. Thus, the study revealed that the students enjoyed English language learning through the integration of literature which has a significant role in developing four skills. In addition, reading literature has also given them interesting resources with real-world context that have fueled a lot of interest in language learning. Literature readers may use real-world examples to determine language usage standards. It promotes vocabulary growth, analytical thinking, and the learner’s ability to interpret things.

A study entitled, An Investigation on the Effectiveness of the English Literary Elements in Improving English Language at the Undergraduate Level which was conducted by Ali et. al. (2020), aims to investigate the effectiveness of English literary elements in improving the English language at the undergraduate level. Thus, the study found that English literary elements contribute to the improvement of the English language. It was likewise declared that drama and movies affect the English language more effectively. The English literary element affects the English language learners’ proficiency, especially in terms of speaking and listening. These components aid students to learn effectively. These play a crucial role in boosting students’ comprehension to learn the language more successfully. According to the study, dramas, and movies should be integrated to benefit students as they can help increase their fluency in English, and the research also indicates that the materials in class should be used related to the learning area of the learners.

The study entitled, Impact of Teaching English Literature on the Improvement of EFL Learner’s Performance in English Language by Sa’eed (2021) which was conducted at Red Sea University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, intends to demonstrate the significance of teaching English literature on the growth and improvement of EFL learners’ English language proficiency. The study found that teaching English literature significantly enhances EFL students’ proficiency in the English language. It has also been discovered that pupils have improved their acquisition of new vocabulary as a result of reading English literature. It has been demonstrated that students who studied English literature outperformed students who had little exposure to English literature.

Focusing on the investigation of the role of literature in improving English language proficiency, a study of Newham Sixth Form College (2020) entitled, The Role of Literature in Improving English Language Teaching and Learning in Secondary School was conducted. The study claimed that literature is a tool and resource for secondary school English language teaching and learning. This asserts that it is a key component to developing English language proficiency. Additionally, it aids students to develop and improve their level of English proficiency, which will enable them to speak the language fluently and with confidence. Furthermore, this study concludes that the literature discussed in this paper is an example of language in use. This became clear that English teachers in secondary schools need to expose their students to many literary forms. It was also determined that literature ought to be employed to aid English language learning. Literature is far more complex than most of us realize. It not only improves your language proficiency but also your ability to write, increases your intellectual curiosity, sharpens your memory, and cultivates your critical thinking—all of which are crucial abilities for any profession that literature can offer.Additionally, literature not only broadens your vocabulary but also improves your ability to write clearly and eloquently. This implies that you’ll be able to use appropriate paragraph structures and syntax to write in clear, flowing phrases that are simple to understand.

Moreover, Jayasudha et al. (2021) conducted a study entitled, Language Acquisition via Facets of Literature which aims to promote language through literature and the development of corresponding skills. According to the researchers, literature was employed in English lessons for a variety of purposes. The use of literature makes language awareness grow and interaction is encouraged, which aids in the proficiency of the language as a means of communication by the learners. Moreover, the study examined how reading literature enhances learning English. This also highlights the idea that using literary texts to support various activities will help the LSRW (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) skills to develop and improve. Furthermore, this study proved that literature is a key instrument for approaching the English language.

The purpose of the study by Küçükler, Sulac & Küçükler (2021) entitled, Language Exposure by Outside-of-Class Communication Activity in English Departments was conducted to discuss the exposure of language to students who study foreign languages in Komrat University of Gagauzia and students who study in the English department at Balıkesir University. Based on the findings, the study concluded that listening to English music was the greatest way to expose oneself to the language outside of the classroom. According to this study, nearly 97 percent of students at Komrat and Balikesir universities regularly listened to music. Additionally, the majority of students reported that playing video games and viewing movies with subtitles helped them improve their speaking and receptive vocabulary, which not only helped them perform better but also helped them interact better in the increasingly globalized world. In contrast to Komrat pupils, students in Balikesir were exposed to the English language more outside of the classroom, which improved their English language proficiency, vocabulary scores, and informal learning chances. Finally, the findings show that exposure to languages outside of the classroom is crucial for growing one’s vocabulary. It functions as a supplement to the official settings and education offered in schools, therefore, exposing the students to more will further ensure increased literature scores and their interactions in real-world settings.

In addition, Al-Zoubi (2018) carried out a study to investigate the impact of exposure to English language on language acquisition. The study concluded that there was a significant influence of exposure to the English language on language learning based on the findings and analyses. Additionally, exposure to the English language can take many different forms including listening to English music and programs on the radio, watching English movies and programs on television, visiting English-speaking nations, interacting with English speakers in person (L2 interaction), using English in everyday situations, and browsing the internet in English as the preferred language. The studies cited in this study also stated that exposure to the English language plays a significant influence, with higher exposure leading to better proficiency and performance in the target language.

In connection with this, the study of Rao (2019) primarily focuses on the use of audiovisual technologies such as English movies in English language classrooms to encourage the inclusion of these audiovisual technologies for ESL or EFL language learners. The study concluded that audio-visual technologies have a significant impact on the improvement of English language learners. When it comes to ESL or EFL learners, English films aided by audio-visual technologies increase their command of the language. If the students are exposed to more audio-visual media such as English movies there are more chances that they can enhance the other domain of language including listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills that are required to develop to gain language proficiency. Since English movies are more effective at fostering ESL or EFL learners’ competency in the English language, English teachers must exercise caution when showing films inside ESL or EFL classrooms.

Since the English language is the medium of instruction in schools, educators actively encourage students to use the language as stated by Domingo (2020). With the use of a variety of media, students can spend more time using the English language by engaging in different activities like online communication, internet browsing, watching television, listening to English-language music, reading periodicals and books, and sending or receiving texts in English. Students who were slightly exposed to the English language use it very little in a range of situations. On the other hand, language learners who are more exposed to the English language utilize it more frequently in a range of situations.

On the other hand, Salas & Legaspi (2020) assert that students can overcome the difficulties in learning the language if they are sufficiently exposed to a language-rich an environment where good grammar is modeled through oral and written production. Accounting for informal situations and casual conversations makes it possible to maximize the learner’s exposure to the grammatical structure of the language.

Furthermore, the study of Pascual (2019), emphasized the value of exposure for learners in both formal and informal settings. This study is very beneficial for developing specific learning strategies, lesson plans, and learning interventions to improve students’ various performances including language proficiencies. The study also recommends that the mentioned higher education institutions offer English language learners a variety of communicative activities to help them strengthen their language skills, as evidenced by the study’s conclusions that oral proficiency is low.

Moreover, the study of Abarquez (2021) emphasizes various language programs that help students develop their macro skills which they will apply in the actual world situations. Thus, literature studies aim to teach students how to comprehend and value analysis and appreciation of literature as well as the appreciation of language. He added that the use of numerous methods, programs, and more hands-on learning will be possible if the teachers encouraged students to acquire these skills and language, and as a facilitator of learning they should scaffold learners to support them from learning language through literature. He also asserted that the objective of the study is to give students education priority so they can see what is unseen within the real world.

Additionally, they suggested that teachers focus on the fundamental skills that students need to develop to maximize the comprehensiveness of academic learning outcomes during a strategic planning session for developing an English Language and Literature curriculum in the Philippines’ new standard educational setup.


The review of literature provides the researchers with in-depth knowledge about the impact of exposure to English literature on the English language proficiency of the students. The researchers discovered that the subsequent researchers’ contributions to the current study are both comparable and distinct.

Language, as mentioned, is a system of symbols, words, or body language used to communicate concepts, emotions, viewpoints, and knowledge. It is a concept that has several facets. It is compromised by different skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and reading (Wong et. al., 2018). Once a person possesses such skills in language, therefore, he/she is proficient in it. Saying this, English proficiency is a student’s capacity to communicate meaning in English through textual and conversational situations. Thus, being proficient in the language allows students’ individuality to develop and increase their self-worth (Gimena, 2022).

Literature, on the other hand, not only improves language proficiency but also the ability to write, increases your intellectual curiosity, sharpens your memory, and cultivates your critical thinking—all of which are crucial abilities for any profession that literature can offer Newham Sixth Form College (2020). A study was conducted that asserts that the students enjoyed English language learning through the integration of literature which has a significant role in developing four skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking (Ashrafuzzaman et. al., 2021). Similarly, a study by Getie (2020) revealed that students’ attitudes toward English language learning were affected positively by English language textbooks. It indicates that students were motivated to learn the target language when there is utilization of such materials. Further, a study conducted by Ali et. al. (2020) showed that the English literary elements contribute to the improvement of the English language. Also, the study revealed that dramas and movies should be integrated to benefit students as it can help increase their fluency in English

Thus, exposure to the English language plays a significant influence, with higher exposure leading to better proficiency and performance in the target language Al-Zoubi (2018). Being exposed to literature is not only about facing and reading books. He added that exposure to the English language can take many different forms. Similarly to the findings of Kucukler, Sulac, and Kucukler (2021), listening to English music, playing video games, and viewing movies with English subtitles helped students to improve their speaking and receptive vocabulary.

 In addition, Alzoubi (2018) also stated the different forms of literature that can help students to improve their proficiency in the English language which include; visiting English-speaking nations, interacting with English speakers in person, and browsing the internet the language section to choose English as a preferred language and use it to exchange in conversations to others. These forms are called audiovisual technologies. Rao (2019) asserts that Audiovisual technologies have a significant impact on the development of English language learners as they can increase the command of the language similar to the findings of Domingo (2020). The mentioned researches above are relevant to the current study as they emphasize the impact and value of literature. The findings of their study are almost similar and emphasize that students who studied English literature outperformed students who had little exposure to English literature. The exposure of the students to many literary forms is significant in improving language proficiency Sac’eed (2021). Jayasudhaet. al (2021) concluded in their study that literature is a key instrument for approaching the English language.

The following study has also a comparable distinction to the current study as most of it was about the EFL and how different literary forms that have been mentioned above are fostering the proficiency of the learners towards the English language.

In connection with the study of Salas & Legaspi (2020) and Pascual (2019), their study discussed that being exposed to a linguistic environment or the language-rich environment is one of the factors that help students to enhance their skills in using and learning the English language. Furthermore, the institution also has a role in helping the students to be exposed to literature to improve their language proficiency. They should develop various programs that help the students to enhance their language skills and proficiency Abarquez (2021). He added that the use of various communicative programs, methods, and activities is possible and effective with the help of the teacher.

Similar to the current study, where the researchers also recommend intervention/enhancement activities that can help the students to expand their exposure to literature that leads to greater exposure to the language. All of the indicated research literature and concepts are related and similar to the present study as they focus on addressing the problems which were the exposure of students to literature. The studies are varied in findings and respondents as it is expected that different populations of learners have different levels of exposure to literature. With this, the present study aims to contribute evidence and concrete data to support other related studies about the impact of exposure to English literature on the English language proficiency of students.


This research study was based on Jimmy Cummins’s (as cited by Hornberger, 2023) basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) theory which explains that length of time (exposure) is an important factor required by immigrant children to develop conversational skills in the target language and grade appropriate academic proficiency in the language. According to the theory, BICS was referring to the social language and linguistic skills that are needed in everyday interaction while CALP were focused on proficiency in the language used inside the classroom or what we called academic language.

The study of Cummins (as cited by Hornberger, 2023) regarding his theory drew attention to specific ways in which educators’ assumptions about the nature of language proficiency and language development have prejudiced the academic development of language learners. Moreover, Cummins asserts that focusing on creating instructional materials and learning environments that maximize the language and literacy development of socially marginalized students are also the factors that can help the learners develop their language proficiency in both social and academic languages.

The theory and study of Cummins believed that to have a deeper understanding of the nature of academic language and its relationship both to conversational fluency and other forms of literacy will emerge from teachers by providing and exposing them to different forms of instructional materials and also to the students and researchers that work together in instructional contexts collaboratively pushing the boundaries of language and literacy exploration.

Conceptual Framework

Through an Input-Process-Output model, the researchers present the paradigm of the study.

Input Process Output
1. Students’ exposure to English literature in terms of: 1. Formulation of survey questionnaires. Action Plan for Enhancing Students’ Exposure to English Literature
1.1. Source of Materials: 2. Validation of survey questionnaire.
– 1.1.1. Online Materials 3. Produce a letter for the principal concerning a request to survey students within the school.
– 1.1.2. Print Materials 4. Distribution of survey questionnaires.
1.2. Exposure 5. Retrieval of the survey questionnaire and collection of data.
1.3. Time Frequency 6. Tallying of scores and data.
1.4. Genre under: 7. Statistical treatment of gathered data.
– 1.4.1. Films/Movies 8. Analysis and interpretation of the data.
– 1.4.2. E-books
– 1.4.3. Textbooks
2. Their responses compared by sex.
3. Factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature
4. Impact of a student’s exposure to English literature in developing English language proficiency.

Figure 2.1: Research Paradigm on the Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Acquisition of the Junior High School in Lian

Frame 1 shows the input to the students’ exposure to English literature in terms of source of materials, exposure, time-frequency, and genres under films/movies, e-books, and textbooks. The responses compare by sex; factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature; and the impact of a student’s exposure to English literature in developing English language proficiency.

Frame 2 reveals the process supported by the following: the formulation of the survey questionnaire; validation of the survey questionnaire; produce a letter for the principal concerning a request to survey students within the school; data gathering through distributing the survey questionnaire; retrieval of the questionnaire and collection of data; statistical treatment of gathered data; and analysis and interpretation of the gathered data.

Frame 3 indicates the output of the study, which is an action plan for enhancing students’ exposure to English literature. Using the action plan researchers will propose possible enhancement activities that may help the students to be exposed to English Literature.

The Hypothesis of the Study

The present study is premised on the following hypotheses:

There is no significant difference between the responses of males and females about their exposure to various forms of English Literature.

Definition of Terms

English Literature

A body of written works that uses artistic expression (Rexroth, 2022). It is produced in the English language around the world, including African literature that the Junior High School Grade 8 students in Lian are focusing on. Concerning the study, this comes from various forms such as films/movies, e-books, and textbooks.

In addition, it is used to determine if students have allotted their time to this kind of literature by measuring the level of their exposure to it.

English Language

It is one of the world’s predominant languages, also considered a universal language that all students should learn and acquire competency (Myers, 2022). Concerning the study, this is the language that the study emphasizes, especially in determining the impact of English literature on the English language proficiency of the Grade 8 students in Lian.


It refers to the total period that a student interacts and gets in contact with English literature inside and outside the classroom (British Council, 2022). This is the variable that the study wants to measure in connection to English literature. This is used to determine if the students have allotted their time to various forms of English literature and if it had an impact on their English language proficiency.


A primary method of human communication, considered the spirit of literature as it was the language that makes the literature interact and make contact with the readers, specifically the students.

Language Proficiency

A scale of related skills of language slightly and continuously changing at each level. Moreover,itis also the primary focus of your ability to understand and communicate precisely in the language (Manuel, 2022). In the study, language proficiency is one of the variables that is defined as a skill that can be enhanced if the students have exposure to different forms of literature.


In the study, it mentioned that literature can be written or non-written works and it has different forms like pieces of literature that are translated into movies, documentaries, and informative videos. This is the independent variable of the study wherein, with the help of being exposed to literature, particularly English literature, students will be able to acquire the English language and enhance their language proficiency.


This chapter describes how the study was conducted and the processes used to gather the necessary data to complete the study. This includes Research Design, Subject of the Study, Data Gathering Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, and Statistical Treatment of Data.

Research Design

 The researchers will utilize a quantitative type of research. According to Bhandari (2022), quantitative research deals with quantifying and analyzing variables to get results. It consists of the utilization and analysis of numerical data using specific statistical treatments. It also describes the methods of explaining a phenomenon using gathering data in numerical form.

In addition, the descriptive-correlational research design will be used to determine the exposure of the students to English literature and its impact on their English language proficiency. According to Parvathi (2022), descriptive research describes the characteristics of the problem, phenomenon, situation, or group under study. It is a process of describing and analyzing a phenomenon systematically. This design gives numerical descriptions which identify the features, properties, and characteristics of what is being studied. This study is descriptive since it deals with student’s exposure to English literature and its impact on their English language proficiency, as well as it investigates the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature. Furthermore, this utilized correlational research design to determine if there is a significant difference between the responses of Grade 8 students in terms of their sex. According to Bhandari (2021), a correlational research design refers to the investigation of the relationships within two or more variables in which the researcher does not manipulate or control any of the variables. Thus, the researchers believe that it is an appropriate design to use because, through this, the researchers will develop an in-depth knowledge or understanding of the research subject.

The Subject of the Study

The participants of this study were grade 8 Junior High School students in Lian. The researchers believed that the chosen students would give accurate and reliable information. In connection with this, they are the target participants for the reason that they are taking literature subjects, therefore, they can provide appropriate and valid information. Moreover, the chosen participants came from four different schools where two are private schools and the other two are public schools. The four different junior high schools are Lian National High School, Matabungkay National High School, Saint Claire Academy, and Lian Institute.  The aforementioned institutions catered to different totals of Grade 8 students where Lian National High School has 309 students, the Matabungkay National High School has 186 students, the Saint Claire Academy has 120 students and the Lian Institute has 290 students.

To assure the validity and reliability of the result of the study, the researcher will choose the respondents using probability sampling which is stratified random sampling, wherein the total population is divided into smaller groups and selected randomly.

The number of respondents was determined through the use of Slovin’s formula. There are a total of nine hundred five (905) Grade 8 students in Junior High School in Lian. Using Slovin’s formula with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error, a sample size of respondents was determined, yielding 277 participants, which is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Distribution of Respondents

Name of School No. of Grade 8 Students No. of Respondents
Lian National High School 309 94
Matabungkay National High School 186 57
Saint Claire Academy 120 37
Lian Institute 290 89
Total 905 277

Data gathering instrument

The present study will use three types of data-gathering instruments which are the survey questionnaire, checklist, and Likert Scale. The researchers will use a survey questionnaire to collect the needed information for this study. Moreover, a checklist and Likert Scale will be used to provide quantifiable answer options that make analyzing data easier.

These data-gathering instruments will be used to determine the exposure of the students to English literature and its impact on their English language proficiency.


It refers to a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or items that aims to gather necessary information from the participant of the study.


It is a systematic data-gathering instrument that allows the respondents to choose the indicated behavior, knowledge, skills, and information that are needed for the study by putting a check in the provided space. They can be in the form of questions or actions to be carried out.

The checklist will be utilized to determine the demographic profile of the students namely sex. Additionally, to determine the student’s exposure to English literature in terms of the source of materials, exposure, time-frequency, and genre under films/movies, e-books, and textbooks.

Likert Scale

It refers to a rating system used in questionnaires that are designed to measure people’s attitudes, opinions, or perceptions. For this study, Four-point Likert Scale will be used. The Frequency Likert Scale will be utilized wherein students will be asked to select among always, often, sometimes, and never. Score in each item ranges from 4- always, 3- often, 2-sometimes, and 1-never. This will be applied to determine the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature.

On the other hand, to determine the impacts of a student’s exposure to English literature on developing the English language proficiency the students were asked to select between extremely effective, effective, somewhat effective, and not effective. The score in each item ranges from 4- extremely effective, 3- effective, 2- somewhat effective, and 1- not effective.

Table 3.2: Likert Scale for the Factors that Hinder Students from Exposing Themselves to English Literature

Scale Value Range Verbal Interpretation
4 3.51 – 4.00 Always
3 2.51 – 3.50 Often
2 1.51 – 2.50 Sometimes
1 1.00 – 1.50 Never

Table 3.3: Likert Scale for the Impacts of a Student’s Exposure to English Literature in Developing the English Language Proficiency

Scale Value Range Verbal Interpretation
4 3.51 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.51 – 3.50 Agree
2 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree

Data gathering procedure

The researchers will create a letter requesting permission from the principals of Lian National High School, Matabungkay National High School, Saint Claire Academy, and Lian Institute to conduct the study at their schools. After the approval, the researchers will follow the different phases to gather the necessary information for this study.


The researchers will read various sources of information like journals, published articles, and research studies to be prepared and have an idea about the construction of survey questionnaires.

Construction of the Instruments

The researchers will collect proper information and necessary items to be included in the research questionnaire. The researchers will assure that the items to be constructed in the research questionnaire are aligned with the statement of the problem and the specific purpose of the study.

Validation of the Questionnaire

After the construction of the questionnaire, the researchers will ask for the validation or approval of some experts such as the professors, validators, and monitoring advisers to ensure that the survey questionnaires are accurately constructed and relevant to the study.

Administration of the Questionnaire

The researchers will start to administer the research questionnaires since they have permission to conduct the survey. The research questionnaire will be distributed to the selected subject of the study who are the Grade 8 Junior High School students in Lian.


The data that will be gathered from the retrieved survey questionnaire will be tallied, analyzed, and interpreted using statistical treatment to identify students’ exposure to English literature and its impact on their English language proficiency.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that the researchers gathered will be tabulated, tallied, and treated statistically to get the needed result of the study. The researchers will interpret the data they gathered through the use of tables. The following statistical treatment of data was used for the data analysis.


This was used to determine the total number of respondents who answered the questionnaire.


It is the rate, number, or amount in each hundred where x is the sample size and n is the size of the population. To get the percentage, x should be divided by n and multiplied by 100. The symbol used to express percentage is %.

Weighted Mean

This was computed to get the average or central value of the responses in every statement. The mean is the sum of all numbers divided by how many numbers there are, where x is the summation of all samples and n is the population size.


A ranking question requires respondents to rank their response options in order of preference. This enables researchers to ascertain how respondents feel about each response option and its relative popularity. This will be determined by using the formula of percentage.


A statistical tool used to compare or determine the significance of various statistical measures, especially the mean of a sample from a population with a normally distributed population or between two independent samples.


This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered from the respondents for the Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian.

1. Students’ exposure to English literature in terms of:

  1. 1 Source of Materials;

      1.1.1. Online Materials

      1.1.2. Printed Materials

Exposure plays a vital role in the learning process as it is considered a naturalistic way of learning that enables students to gather data unconsciously and learn from it. Moreover, in exposing oneself to literature one should choose and prefer to expose themselves in various forms as well as in various types of materials.

Figure 4.1 illustrates students’ exposure to English literature according to sources of materials.

illustrates students’ exposure to English literature according to sources of materials.

Figure 4.1: Sources of Materials

In general, it reveals that out of 277 respondents, 58% of grade 8 students utilized online materials to expose themselves to English literature. It greatly shows that technological advancement somehow influences the choices of materials that the students prefer to use. On the other hand, 42% of grade 8 students prefer to use printed documents as a source of materials. On this, we can conclude that the old way of making students expose themselves using traditional printed books is not the same as it is.

Following this, a recent literature review by López-Escribano, Montesino, and Garca-Ortega (2021) on the impact of e-books on children’s reading closely had similar findings wherein the majority of the students’ utilized e-books or online books and materials the traditional and printed materials due to the effects of technological advancement. They note that when e-books or online materials are chosen and used properly, children’s literacy skills can sometimes even improve way better than with printed books. They also added that eBooks or online materials have a great contribution to the improvement of students’ literacy skills because of the unique features that online materials or books have that can help in developing the scaffolding of the learners.

To conclude, out of the technological advancement that we have in the world and because of the various forms of materials influenced by the advancement of technology, students were able to enjoy having access to Online materials rather than reading traditional books or printed materials like before.

1.2. Exposure

Time was significant in the term exposure; learning was not effective if the students themselves as well as the teacher did not allow sufficient time to expose students to various forms of materials that lead to learning.

Table 4.1 shows students’ exposure to English literature.

Table 4.1: Student’s Exposure to English Literature

Exposure Frequency Percentage (%)
30 mins – 1 hour 104 38
1 – 2 hours 110 39
2 – 3 hours 21 8
3 – 4 hours 9 3
4 – 5 hours 8 3
5 – 6 hours 6 2
6 hours and above 13 5
None 6 2
Total 277 100

This shows that among the 277 respondents, 110 students exposed themselves to English literature within 1-2 hours only with a percentage of 39. However, 2% of the respondents, equivalent to six students, were exposed to English literature for 5-6 hours. Moreover, 2% of the respondents did not expose themselves to English literature which means they did not have a lot of time for reading, watching, or listening to English literature.

In connection, the study of Gokcan, Mustafa & Aktan, Derya (2019), says that the exposure to the English language which helps to improve language proficiency and English achievement was detected in literature. Therefore, the importance of being exposed to literature should be valued by the learners to be successful language users. Furthermore, the study by Ahmad, S., Dar, Bidal A.M, & Javed, A.M.L (2019) found that out of 156 male respondents, 64 of them spend 1-2 hours reading literature and 9 of them read literature more than 6 hours thus, it shows that the highest percentage of the respondents has a fewer exposure than the students who exposed themselves more than 6 hours. This is similar to the results in which the highest percentage of the exposure falls under 1-2 hours while 5-6 hours exposure and no exposure at all gained two percent of the respondents.

Therefore, students do not have enough exposure to literature as they did not allow themselves to read and expose themselves for more than 2 hours to various forms of literature also some students said that they are not exposing themselves to English literature because of that we can conclude that students are not aware of the benefits that the exposure to literature can contribute not just on the learning process as well as to improve their English language proficiency.

1.3. Time Frequency

Frequency in reading is said to be an advantage, the more frequently students read or expose themselves to various forms of materials the more they encounter words that they may use in daily conversations.  

Table 4.2 shows the frequency of students’ exposure to English literature categorized as once a week, twice a week, three times a week, four times a week, five times a week, 6 times a week, and every day.

Table 4.2: Time-frequency of Students’ Exposure

Time-Frequency Frequency Percentage (%)
Once a week 72 26
Twice a week 41 15
Three times a week 35 13
Four times a week 39 14
Five times a week 11 4
Six times a week 8 3
Everyday 71 25
Total 277 100

Table 4.2 reveals that the majority of 277 respondents, there are only 72 or 26% exposed themselves to English literature once a week. On the other hand, 3% or 8 students exposed themselves to English literature six times a week which resulted in the least percentage of exposure.

As a result, it can be concluded that there is a problem with the students exposing themselves to various forms of English literature. Similar to the study of Hassan, Azmi, Muhamad, and Abdullah (2021), which states that although students are very motivated to engage in reading activities, however the frequency of reading and the duration has the lowest mean value at a moderate level (Mean=3.384), which indicates that the student’s reading time appeared to be merely inadequate. The present study and the study mentioned above have similar results where students’ frequency exposure to literature is not enough and can be considered low.

1.4. Genre under

1.4.1. Films/Movies

Genres are considered significant variables used to group various types of literature according to a predictable range of features, styles, patterns, tones, and moods of a specific literary piece. Genres are important as they stand as the flavor of the literary piece that you can have.

Table 4.3 presents the students’ exposure to genre under films/movies.

Table 4.3: Genre under Films and Movies

Films/Movie Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Fantasy 158 14 3
Horror 208 19 1
Humor 44 4 9
Romance 126 11 4
Science Fiction 59 5 8
Realistic Fiction 68 6 7
Historical Fiction 88 8 6
Mystery 97 9 5
Comedy 171 15 2
Tragedy 36 3 10
Biography 24 2 11.5
Autobiography 8 1 13.5

Table 4.3 indicates that the leading genre among films and movies that students mostly watch was horror which ranked first with a percentage of 19.  Second in rank was comedy garnering a frequency of 171 with a percentage of 15. Fantasy is also one of the leading genres under films and movies with a frequency of 158 ranked as third garnering 14% of the respondents.

On the contrary, the least watched genres by students under films and movies were memoir and autobiography with a percentage of one which was ranked as 13.5.

Meanwhile, a study conducted by Jadhav (2023) on the most popular genre of movies among Briar Woods students indicated that horror movies were the most preferred genre of students. The survey found that 60% of the high schoolers exposed themselves to English movies in a horror genre. It matched the result of the current study wherein the horror films/movies genre gained the highest rank with a percentage of 19.

In conclusion, students watch films and movies purely to entertain themselves and feel a sense of thrill rather than watching documentaries or informative films like autobiographies. However, they still can encounter words or unfamiliar words by watching and listening to the dialogue as well as the conversation in the horror film. Also, some horror films can be considered informative such as historical documentaries of places considered as hunted. Therefore, whether their reasons are to entertain themselves through watching horror films they can still get something from it unconsciously, specifically English words that they may use.

1.4.2. E-books (fiction)

Ebooks are one of the trend styles of literature nowadays, it was a typical book that emerged with the advancement of technology and it produced a book publication available in digital form. This type of new style enables the students to read and study whenever they want as well as whenever they are. Moreover, unlike traditional books, it lessens the printing cost as it is accessible by anyone as long as you have an internet connection. Additionally, ebooks offer multiple interactive features that may practice the ability of the readers to decode information. Thus, ebooks can offer a lot of genres to read, especially fiction.

Table 4.4 shows the students’ exposure to the genre under E-books classified as fiction.

Table 4.4: Genre under Ebooks (fiction)

Ebooks – Fiction Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Fantasy 142 20 1
Humor 53 7 6
Horror 136 19 2
Romance 111 15 3.5
Science Fiction 51 7 7
Realistic Fiction 49 7 8
Historical Fiction 74 10 5
Mystery 107 15 3.5

Table 4.4 shows that fantasy ranked first which was the most preferred genre of E-books (fiction). This obtained a percentage of 20 with a frequency of 142. In line with this horror ranked second garnering a frequency of 136 and a percentage of 19. Followed by romance and mystery which ranked 3.5 with a percentage of 15.

As mentioned above, fantasy, horror, and romance are the leading genres that most students read under E-books. However, table 4.5 also showed the genres that were least visited by students and it was classified as realistic fiction, science fiction, and humor with a percentage of seven, realistic fiction has a frequency of 49 on the other hand science fiction garnered a frequency of 51 and lastly humor is having a frequency of 53.

Along with this, Hopkins and Weisberg (2021) assert that fantastical elements encourage attention to, recall of, and/or deeper levels of processing of the educational information, thus, fantasy stories may outperform realistic stories similar to the results above as fantasy garnered highest percentage and realistic gained the lowest percentage as well as its frequency in genres under e-books.

1.4.2. E-books (nonfiction)

In contrast with fiction, nonfiction is based on facts. Nonfiction writing can be historical or biographical, it can be instructive, it can offer criticism or humor, and it can ruminate on philosophical issues (Masterclass 2021).

Table 4.5 presents the exposure of students to different genres under Ebooks classified as nonfiction.

In general, it illustrates that among all the genres under Ebooks (nonfiction), biography is the most read genre which ranks first with a percentage of 34 and a frequency of 104. It was followed by narrative having 21 % with a frequency of 63 and manuals ranked third with a percentage of 20 and a frequency of 64.

On the other hand, the genres classified as memoir, autobiography, and encyclopedia are the least read genres under E-books (nonfiction). Having a frequency of 14 and a percentage of five, a memoir was considered the least genre that students read among non-fiction under Ebooks. Followed by autobiography, having a frequency of 15 and a percentage of five. Lastly, the encyclopedia garnered 15% a frequency of 47.

Additionally, table 1.5 showed that biography is the genre under nonfiction that is mostly read by the respondents. In connection with this, the study of Nurul (2020) revealed that English professors who are teaching English encourage the use of biography as a means to gather information because it allows students to learn about the qualities of successful individuals. Also, Luzerne and Kirrschenmann (2018) assert that the students’ personalities may also be influenced by the biographies that they have read to behave more positively.

In a nutshell, non-fiction covers everything else, and its content is rooted in true events that is the reason why it is interesting to read by the students as it is also accessible by possessing the features of an eBook. We can say that biographical passages foster not just the behavior of students that they might acquire in reading but also enhance both language-focused and fluency development (Luzerne and Kirschenmann 2018).

Table 4.5: Genre under Ebooks (nonfiction)

Ebooks – Nonfiction Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Biography 104 34 1
Autobiography 15 5 5.5
Narrative 63 21 2
Memoir 14 5 5.5
Encyclopedia 47 15 4
Manuals 64 20 3

1.4.3. Textbooks.

A textbook is a common book that is used as a teaching and learning aid for a certain subject of the curriculum and is intended for use by both students and teachers.  This acts as both a teacher’s and a student’s guide. Jishna (2021) asserts that a textbook is approved by subject-matter experts and specialists who take into consideration the reading level, age, psychology, standard, and status of potential readers. Books are therefore regarded as being a more complete, trustworthy, and ideal source of knowledge (Jishna 2021).

Table 4.6 shows students’ exposure to English literature based on the genres under textbooks.

Table 4.6: Genre under Textbooks

Textbook Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Storybooks 212 50 1
Manuals 62 15 2
Workbooks 55 13 3
Reference books 51 12 4
Encyclopedia 43 10 5

Table 4.6 shows that out of 423 responses, 50% of respondents chose storybooks as most read genres under textbooks with a frequency of 212.  Moreover, 15% of respondents chose manuals, ranked as the second genre that students mostly read. Followed by workbooks having a frequency of 55 and a total percentage of 13.

On the contrary, the least genres read by students under textbooks were encyclopedias with a percentage of 10, a frequency of 43, and ranked fifth. Lastly was  reference books 12% with a frequency of 51 ranked as fourth.

Similar to the study of Okwilagwe and Duke (2020), they found out that students mostly read story books and textbooks. In connection to this, Manuel (2022) asserts that students do not often allot their time to reading encyclopedias. Both studies support the results of the present study wherein the majority of grade 8 students preferred to read story books rather than other genres specifically, encyclopedias.

2. Students’ responses compared by Sex  

This study also ascertains the difference between the responses of the Grade 8 students in Junior High School in Lian compared by sex.

Table 4.7 presents the test of significant differences in students’ exposure to various forms of English literature according to their sex revealing that the null hypothesisis Reject Ho.

Table 4.7: Test of Significant Differences in Students’ Exposure To Various Forms of English Literature According to Their Sex

Profile Variables t Statistics Critical Value Decision Interpretation
Sex Male 2.65 1.97 Reject Ho Significant

Level of Significance: α = 5%

Degrees of freedom: df = 206

Statistically treated, it produced a t value of 2.65, which is within the 95% critical value of 1.97 range. Additionally, it has a computed p-value of 0.0088, which is less than the significance level of 0.05. The null hypothesis was therefore rejected. It means that the difference between the averages of males and females is big enough to be statistically significant. It just shows that the sex difference has always been significant in students’ exposure to English literature.

This echoes the result of the study of Ahmad, S., Dar, Bidal A.M, & Javed, A.M.L (2019), in which they found that significant differences exist between GDC (Government Degree College) males and GDC females in terms of exposing themselves in literature through their reading habits. They also asserted that a good reading habit or exposure to various forms of literature is necessary for healthy intellectual growth and enable students to achieve language proficiency. Likewise, both results are similar to each other wherein they state that there is a significant difference in sex towards exposure to English literature.

Summing it up, the result denotes that gender has a significant role in the self-determination that drives the students to expose themselves to various forms of literature as the male responses denote the highest mean than the sample mean of the females.  That emphasizes that learners are responsible for their learning through exposing themselves to various sources of materials specifically in English literature.

3. Factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature

The exposure of the students to various forms of literature is not the same as before wherein the people tend to spend their time reading different books and materials in their free time whether it is internal or external factors one makes sure that there are factors and reasons why students hinder themselves in exposing to various forms of literature.

Table 4.8 discusses the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature. The scale used to determine the factors that hinder the students is (4) Always, (3) Often, (2) Sometimes, and (1) Never.

Table 4.8: Factors that Hinder Students from Exposing Themselves to English Literature

Statement WM VI R
1. Poor reading habit 2.68 O 6
2. Lack of interest in various forms of literature 2.71 O 2.5
3. Poor knowledge of the literature 2.69 O 4.5
4. Lack of awareness about the importance of literature 2.71 O 2.5
5. Low motivation in learning English literature 2.6 O 9
6. Cultural prejudices about foreign literature 2.62 O 8
7. Overloaded works and activities 2.84 O 1
8. Unavailability of materials 2.51 O 12
9. Limited vocabulary 2.54 O 11
10. Poorly equipped libraries 2.38 S 15
11. Poor knowledge of the English language 2.45 S 13.5
12. The language used in a specific literary piece is not appropriate to the student’s level of understanding 2.64 O 7
13. Short attention span 2.69 O 4.5
14. English literature doesn’t fit their preferences 2.45 S 13.5
15. Poor background knowledge of the literary piece 2.58 O 10

Table 4.8 indicates the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to various forms of English literature. According to the respondents, overloaded work and activities were the main factors that hinders them from exposing themselves to English literature as the majority of the respondents choose it with its weighted mean of 2.84 ranks as first and interpreted as often. Additionally, statement no. 2 and 4 are followed and it states that often, students’ lack of interest in various forms of literature and lack of awareness about the importance of literature were also the leading factors that hinders them from being exposed to various forms of English literature having a weighted mean of 2.71.

On the other hand, the statement no. 10, poorly equipped libraries were considered the least factor which ranked 15 with a weighted mean of 2.38 and verbally interpreted as sometimes. Apart from this, statements no. 11 and 14 such as poor knowledge of the English language and English literature doesn’t fit their preferences were ranked as 13.5 which they were the second to the least factor with a weighted mean of 2.45 and verbally interpreted as sometimes.

In line with the data presented, indeed, there are existing factors that hinder students from being exposed to various forms of English Literature. Similar to the leading factors above are the study of Whitten, Labby, & Sullivan (2019) which states that joining clubs and extracurricular activities are the leading reasons why some students no longer read and expose themselves to various forms of literature.

To conclude, the factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to various forms of literature fall under two categories: internal and external factors. Lack of awareness of the importance of literature as well as the lack of interest in various forms of literature can be considered as internal factors as it has something to do with initiatives and self-motivation while overloaded works and activities can fall under external factors as it can be influenced by sociological aspects specifically by the institution.

4. Impacts of students’ exposure to English literature in developing their English language proficiency.

Learning literature enhances the students’ proficiency as literature encourages students to read and in doing so, they will unconsciously improve their vocabulary which will help them to write and speak the language confidently and creatively (Sjodin 2020).

Table 4.9 discusses the impacts of students’ exposure to English literature in developing their English language proficiency. The scale used to determine the factors that hinder the students is (4) Strongly Agree, (3) Agree, (2) Disagree, and (1) Strongly Disagree.

Table 4.9: Impacts of Students’ Exposure to English Literature in Developing Their English Language Proficiency

Statement WM VI R
1. Having more exposure to English literature develops my visual-spatial intelligence (the capacity to perceive the visual world accurately). 3.32 SA 3.5
2. Watching a lot of English TV programs, videos, or movies without subtitles helps me to understand the English language better. 3.21 A 13
3. Having more exposure to English literature improves my analytical thinking skills. 3.31 SA 5.5
4. Listening to audio materials (podcasts, radio programs, etc.) helps me to improve my listening skills. 3.2 A 14
5. Listening to English programs and songs helps me to understand the English language better. 3.33 SA 2
6. Listening to English programs and songs improves my English pronunciation. 3.27 SA 9.5
7. Exposure to English literature helps me become fluent in the English language. 3.31 SA 5.5
8. Exposing myself to various forms of English literature helps me to effectively use the language in real-life contexts. 3.29 SA 7.5
9. Exposing myself to various forms of literature enhances my communication skills. 3.17 A 15
10. Reading English books, magazines, and newspapers increases my vocabulary. 3.32 SA 3.5
11. Exposing myself to various forms of English literature helps me to practice and enhance my comprehension skills. 3.29 SA 7.5
12. More exposure to English literature helps me to gain an understanding of word usage and its corresponding signs and symbols in literature. 3.27 SA 9.5
13. Exposing myself to various forms of English literature enables me to learn the rules and correct grammar structure of the English language. 3.23 A 12
14. I adapt new words and writing styles by exposing myself to different English literature that I can use in my writing. 3.35 SA 1
15. Reading textbooks and e-books enables me to be familiar with the appropriate spelling and sentence structures of the English language. 3.25 A 11

In general, it shows the student’s agreement to the presented statements which has a composite mean of 3.27 with the verbal interpretation of strongly agree.  Thus, it can be gleaned that among the given impacts, statement number 14 obtained the highest rank with a weighted mean of 3.35 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree.

It was followed in ranking by statement number 5 with a weighted mean of 3.33 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. In addition to this, students also strongly agreed with statements number 10 and 1, with a weighted mean of both 3.32.

However, the statement that attained the least agreement was statement number 9, which gained the least rank with a weighted mean of 3.17 and was verbally interpreted as agree. Immediately followed by statement number 4 with a weighted mean of 3.20 with a verbal interpretation of agree. Then, students also gave the least agreement to statement number 2 with a weighted mean of 3.21 and verbally interpreted it as agreed.

As reflected on the gathered data, having exposure to English literature provided an impact on developing students’ English language proficiency. The result of the study was in similarity to the study conducted by Domingo (2019) wherein the findings explained that exposure to language has a positive correlation with language proficiency, specifically in areas of speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

Summing it up, language exposure through various types of literature is vital for the development of second language learning and proficiency. High exposure to the target language allows students to use the language and develop proficiency.

5. An action plan containing enhancement activity to help expand the exposure of students to English literature.

The researchers proposed creating an action plan, specifically an action plan consisting of enhancement activities to enhance students’ exposure to English literature. One area of concern is the inadequate exposure of the students to various forms of English literature. The other area of concern is enhancing students’ English language proficiency by allowing them to participate in a set of activities that will surely contribute not just to their appreciation of English literature but as well as in enhancing their English language proficiency.

Moreover, it will significantly help the students to have enough exposure to English literature since the proposed action plan contains activities that will be conducted every English month. By participating in such activities, they will be able to understand and appreciate the importance of being exposed to various forms of literature. Furthermore, the researchers believed that Exposing students to various forms of literature through interactive activities help enhance both the exposure to literature and as well as their English language proficiency.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study about the Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian.

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following objectives:

  1. Students’ exposure to English literature in terms of:
  2. 1 Source of Materials;

1.1.1. Online Materials

1.1.2. Printed Materials

1.2. Exposure;

1.3. Time Frequency; and

1.4. Genre under

1.4.1. Films/Movies

1.4.2. E-books

1.4.3. Textbooks.

  1. Students’ Responses Compare by Sex
  2. Factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature
  3. Impacts of students’ exposure to English literature in developing their English language proficiency.
  4. Proposed enhancement activities to expand the exposure of students to English literature.

Summary of Findings

This study produced the following findings after a detailed and in-depth analysis of the data gathered.

1. Students’ exposure to English literature in terms of:

  1. 1 Source of Materials;

1.1.1. Online Materials

1.1.2. Printed Materials

Based on the responses provided by the Grade 8 students, it appeared that among the sources of materials which are online and printed materials, they mostly utilize online materials in exposing themselves to English literature. Out of 277 respondents, 58% or 162 students use this to be exposed to various forms of English literature. On the other hand, 42% of 115 students prefer to use printed materials as a source of materials.

1.2. Exposure

Based on the respondent’s answers in the survey questionnaire, the majority of students, which is equivalent to 110 students exposed themselves to English literature within 1-2 hours only garnering the highest percentage of 39. Conversely, 5-6 hours and no exposure obtained the least percentage of two or a frequency of six students. Therefore, it can be concluded that the collected data showed that predominantly, Grade 8 students only exposed themselves in a short period and some did not have any exposure at all.

1.3. Time Frequency

Based on the findings, it was evident that the frequency of students’ time exposure to English literature turned out to be not too frequent. The data indicates that the majority of the students or 72 among 277 respondents only have once-a-week exposure to English literature which gained the highest percentage of 26. However, the least percentage, which was 3% or only eight among 277 students, are those who exposed themselves to English literature six times a week. Thus, it was clear that most of the students did not have frequent exposure to English literature, instead they only have once a week exposure towards it. Though there were students who utilized their time longer than others, still they were outnumbered by those who rarely read, watched, or listened to English literature.

1.4. Genre under

1.4.1. Films/Movies

According to the data given by respondents, horror, comedy, and fantasy were the most watched genres of films/movies. The genre of horror reached the highest rank among other genres with a percentage of 19. It was followed by comedy with a percentage of 17 which ranked as second and also fantasy with a percentage of 14 which ranked third. On the contrary, memoir and autobiography were the least watched genres wherein they gained 1% which is the lowest rank which ranked as 13.5 of all the genres of films/movies. This implies that students preferred to watch English films/movies that are terrifying rather than those about life stories.

1.4.2. E-books

Based on the collected data in terms of genres under E-books, it was clear that fantasy, horror, romance, and mystery were the most read genres of E-books under fiction. The genre of fantasy ranked first with a percentage of 20. It was immediately followed by horror, which ranked second with a percentage of 19. In line with this, romance and mystery ranked 3.5 with a percentage of 15.

However, genres of realistic fiction, science fiction, and humor were the least read genres under E-books (fiction)

with a percentage of seven. The realistic fiction ranked eight with a frequency of 49. The science fiction genre ranked seventh with a frequency of 51. In addition, the genre of humor ranked sixth with a frequency of 53.

Apart from this, E-books (nonfiction), biography, narrative, and manuals were the leading genres preferred by the respondents. The data showed that biography ranked first with a percentage of 34, followed by narrative which ranked second with a percentage of 63, and lastly, manuals which ranked third with a percentage of 21.

Similar to the above-mentioned findings under the E-books (fiction), there were also the least read genres under E-books (nonfiction). These include memoirs, autobiographies, and encyclopedias. These were evident wherein the data indicated that memoir and autobiography ranked 5.5 with a percentage of five. Also, the genre of encyclopedia ranked fourth with a percentage of 15.

1.4.3. Textbooks.

Based on the student’s responses, storybooks, manuals, and workbooks were the most preferred genres of the students under textbooks. The storybooks ranked first with 50%. It was followed by manuals which ranked second with a percentage of 15. Then, workbooks ranked third with a percentage of 13.

On the contrary, encyclopedias and reference books were the least preferred genres by the students. The data indicated that encyclopedias ranked fifth with a percentage of 10. Further, reference books ranked fourth with a percentage of 12. This shows that students also use textbooks to expose themselves to English literature but among other genres, they prefer to have storybooks.

2. Students’ Responses Compare by Sex     

Based on the gathered data, treated statistically, it produced a t-value of 2.67, which is within the 95% critical value of 1.97 range. Additionally, it has aa computed p-value of 0.0088, which is less than the significance level of 0.05. The null hypothesis was therefore rejected.  In other words, there was statistically significant evidence of a difference in the responses of males and females based on the average differences between the male and female samples. The difference reveals that students’ exposure to different types of English literature has been influenced by sex.

3. Factors that hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature

Based on the given data, some factors hinder students from exposing themselves to English literature. The overloaded works and activities, lack of interest in various forms of literature, and lack of awareness about the importance of literature were the main factors why students did not expose themselves to various forms of English literature. Those factors garnered the highest ratings with a verbal interpretation of often, wherein overloaded works and activities have a weighted mean of 2.84. Both the lack of interest in various forms of literature and the lack of awareness about the importance of literature have a weighted mean of 2.71.

On the other hand, poorly equipped libraries, English literature doesn’t fit the student’s preferences, and poor knowledge of the English language were the factors that obtained the lowest ratings with the verbal interpretation of sometimes. The poorly equipped libraries have a weighted mean of 2.38, English literature doesn’t fit the student’s preferences has a 2.38 weighted mean, and poor knowledge of the English language gained a weighted mean of 2.45.

4. Impacts of students’ exposure to English literature in developing their English language proficiency.

Based on the findings, it is clear that exposure to English literature had an impact on the student’s English language proficiency. The main impacts were evident in the statement “I adapt new words and writing styles by exposing myself to different English literature that I can use in my writing” wherein it has a weighted mean of 3.35. Followed by “Listening to English programs and songs help me to understand the English language better” with a weighted mean of 3.33. Then, the statements “Reading English books, magazines and newspapers increases my vocabulary” and “Having more exposure to English literature develops my visual-spatial intelligence (the capacity to perceive the visual world accurately)” have a weighted mean of both 3.32. The aforementioned statements are the common or most agreed impact of students’ exposure to English literature in developing their English language proficiency which obtained the highest ratings with a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.

Conversely, the results also indicated the statements which attained the least agreement among the other impacts with a verbal interpretation of the agreement. The least agreed impact includes the “Exposing myself to various forms of literature enhances my communication skills” with a weighted mean of 3.17. Immediately followed by “Listening to audio materials (podcast, radio programs, etc.) helps me to improve my listening skills” with a 3.20 weighted mean. Lastly, “Watching a lot of English TV programs, videos, or movies without subtitles helps me to understand the English language better” with a weighted mean of 3.21.

5. Proposed enhancement activities to expand the exposure of students to English literature.

The researchers proposed creating an action plan, specifically an action plan consisting of enhancement activities to enhance students’ exposure to English literature. One area of concern is the inadequate exposure of the students to various forms of English literature. The other area of concern is enhancing students’ exposure to English literature by allowing them to participate in a set of activities that will surely contribute not just to their appreciation of English literature but as well as in enhancing their English language proficiency.

Moreover, it will significantly help the students to have enough exposure to English literature since the proposed action plan contains activities that will be conducted every English month. By participating in such activities, they will be able to understand and appreciate the importance of being exposed to various forms of English literature.


  The following conclusions were drawn from the findings:

  1. There are existing problems concerning the exposure of grade 8 students to various forms of literature, specifically, the students’ exposure to English literature is low.
  2. There is a significant difference between the responses of males and females regarding their exposure to various forms of English Literature.
  3. Overloaded work and activities are the main factors why students hinder themselves from exposure to English literature.
  4. Exposing students to various forms of literature contributes to enhancing their language proficiency. To be more specific, having enough exposure to various forms of English literature helps adapt new words and writing styles that can be used by the students in their writing.
  5. Enhancement activities help enhance the level of students’ exposure to various forms of literature as it contains activities in connection with different English literature to be chosen by the English teachers as they know the literature that is appropriate to the level of students.


Based on the results of the findings and conclusions in the study, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

  1. The proposed enhancement activities for the English month can be used to improve the exposure of the students to English literature.
  2. The students should learn the value and the impacts of having enough exposure to literature in able for them to be willingly exposed themselves to various forms of literature
  3. The institutions, facilitators, and teachers should consider the implementation of the additional interactive activities proposed in connection with the English literature to help the students improve not just their exposure to English literature but also to improve their language proficiency.


The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and most sincere admiration to the following individuals for devoting so much more time and energy to the completion of this job

The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and most sincere admiration to the following individuals for devoting so much more time and energy to the completion of this job.

 Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, President of Batangas State University, for upholding the university’s vision and mission and integrating this research project as one of the university’s missions;

 Dr. Anania B. Aquino, Dean of the College of Teacher Education, for assisting them with their studies and giving them time through lectures during her unscheduled hours to complete their study and produce a well-developed output;

 Miss LermaDela Vega, their sympathetic and understanding adviser, offered her productive clock, supervision, and encouragement to carry on with this effort despite the challenges they faced;

Dr. Anania B. Aquino, the Chairperson and Asst. Prof. Japner Xavier Guevarra and Asst. Prof. Thessa H. Noche, the Panel Members of the Thesis Committee, for their constructive criticism and valuable suggestions that drew up the essential and relevant dimensions of this study;

Asst. Prof. Japner Xavier Guevarra, Asst. Prof. Aleli A. Dadayan and Ms.  Khunakene F. Facullo for improving their work and being the expert in validating their instruments;

To the respondents who provided generously of their time in responding to instruments that did indeed benefit their studies;

To their classmates and friends who encouraged and supported them to complete their studies;

 To their family, who have given both unconditional love and financial backing for them to carry out their research;

 Above all, we give thanks to the Lord Almighty for giving them the knowledge and power to understand, for leading them through all the difficulties they meet, for giving them the courage to pursue, and for making this research possible.




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The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas

The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas



The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas

The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas   The Impact of Exposure to English Literature on the English Language Proficiency of Junior High School Students in Lian, Batangas




Brgy. Putingkahoy, Lian, Batangas

Contact no.: 09389086590

Email Address:


Nickname                                  : Ange

Date of Birth                             : August 24, 2002

Place of Birth                            : Putingkahoy, Lian, Batangas

Age                                            : 20

Gender                                      : Female

Height                                       : 5’0

Weight                                       : 55 kls.

Civil Status                                : Single

Nationality                                : Filipino

Religion                         : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name               : Charles B. Almoete

Occupation                                : Meat Vendor

Mother’s Name                         : Mary Ann V. Almoete

Occupation                                : Housewife


Tertiary                                                            Bachelor of Secondary Education

                                                                          English Major

Batangas State University-The National Engineering University ARASOF-Nasugbu

Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas

2020 – Present

Senior High School                              Humanities and Social Sciences

Senior High School in Lian

Malaruhatan, Lian, Batangas

2018 – 2020

Junior High School                              Lian National High School                                                                                                                           Malaruhatan, Lian, Batangas

2014 – 2018

Primary                                                            Amaya Elementary School

                                                                          Amaya, Tanza, Cavite

                                                                          2007 – 201



Brgy. Putingkahoy, Lian, Batangas

Contact no.: 09758794362

Email Address:


Nickname                                  : Aina

Date of Birth                             : October 12, 2000

Place of Birth                            : Putingkahoy, Lian, Batangas

Age                                            : 22

Gender                                      : Female

Height                                       : 5’5

Weight                                       : 67 kls.

Civil Status                                : Married

Nationality                                : Filipino

Religion                         : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name               : Ricky D. Penales

Occupation                                : Driver

Mother’s Name                         : Norelyn R. Deleola

Occupation                                : Domestic Helper


Tertiary                                                            Bachelor of Secondary Education

                                                                          English Major

Batangas State University-The National Engineering University ARASOF-Nasugbu

Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas

2020 – Present

Senior High School                              Humanities and Social Sciences

Senior High School in Lian

Malaruhatan, Lian, Batangas

2018 – 2020

Junior High School                              Lian National High School                                                                                                                           Malaruhatan, Lian, Batangas

                                                                          2014 – 2018

Primary                                                Binubusan Elementary School

                                                              Binubusan, Lian, Batangas

                                                                          2007 – 2014

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