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The Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employee Commitment During COVID-19 in Klang Valley, Malaysia

The Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employee Commitment During COVID-19 in Klang Valley, Malaysia

Poh Kah Wai1, Akram Abdulraqeb Sultan Al-Khaled2

1Bachelor’s Degree Graduate, Faculty of Business, BERJAYA University College, Malaysia

2Faculty of Business, BERJAYA University College, Malaysia


Received: 02 September 2024; Accepted: 10 September 2024; Published: 28 November 2024


In this present era of globalization and modernization the needs and demands of “Human Resource Management” is essential in improving employee commitment. Additionally, in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the improvement of HR practices is critical for managing the work procedure in the workplace. Hence, this study is going to analyse the impact of “Human Resource Management practices” on the commitment of the employee during the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the Klang Valley in Malaysia. Along with that the research aim, objectives and questions are also incorporated.

In the year 2019, the outbreak of the Corona Virus was increased on a large scale as a result, there are small, medium to large enterprises are affected by a huge amount. Additionally, The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant shift in Malaysia’s employment, reducing the employment rate from 15 million in 2019 to approximately 14.9 million in 2020 (Statista Research Department, 2022), indicating a sharp increase in turnover due to the pandemic’s impact. Therefore, it has been identified that the outbreak of the Corona Virus has affected the employee turnover rate in Malaysia vastly. The fear of the Corona Virus was significantly responsible for the increased turnover rate of employment in Malaysia.

Figure 1.2.1: Implementation of the Human Resource application in the last 12 months around the whole world in the year 2019

Figure 1.2.1: Implementation of the Human Resource application in the last 12 months around the whole world in the year 2019

(Source: Statista Research Department, 2019)

From this image (Figure 1.2.1), it has been observed that the implementation of the Human Resource application around the entire world in the year 2019. As per the information obtained from “Statista Research Department” (2019), 26% of organisations around the world has been implemented the applications of HR systems for improving talent management in the year 2019. Along with that, it has been identified that the 16% of the organisation has implemented the HR application for managing the workforce management and 18% of the organisations are implemented HRM for maintaining the payroll of the employees. Additionally, through analysing the information of Khudhair et al. (2020), the enhanced prevalence of COVID-crisis has had critical inference on the well-being of most professionals and organizations most likely in the area of “human resource management” and marketing. Therefore HRM practices such as talent management, rewards systems, and performance appraisal contribute significantly to employee engagement. This study analyzes how these practices affect employee commitment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Human Resources Management (HRM), Employee Commitment, HRM Practices, Pandemic Impact, Organizational Behavior.


The scholar has encountered several problems while completing the study based on the impact of HR practices on the improvement of employee commitment during Covid-19 pandemic situation in Klang Valley in Malaysia. Lack of data and information about the implementation of HR practices for improving employee commitment along with enhancing the performance of the organization has created issues and problems in collecting data and information during completing this research study. Along with that, it has been identified by Guoyan et al. (2021) that in Malaysia’s Klang Valley in 2019 and 2020, there were significant disruptions to business operations and employee satisfaction. Therefore, this study is going to pinpoint the HRM strategies that were employed to increase staff members’ adherence to Klang values.

Research Objective    

This study aims to analyse the Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employee Commitment During COVID-19 in Klang Valley, Malaysia

Research Questions    

RQ1: What are some HRM strategies to enhance employee commitment during Covid-19 in Klang Valley?  

RQ2: What is the impact of a considerable reward system on employee commitment?

RQ3: What are the issues of insufficient economic structures for improved employee commitment irrespective of COVID-19 adversities in Klang valley?

RQ4: How do HRM practices, such as rewards systems and flexible work arrangements, enhance employee commitment during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Klang Valley?

Research Hypothesis

H1: HRM strategies implemented during COVID-19 positively impact employee commitment in Klang Valley.
H2: A considerable reward system has a positive impact on employee commitment in Klang Valley during and after the pandemic.
H3: Insufficient economic structures negatively impact employee commitment in Klang Valley, irrespective of COVID-19.
H4: The impact of HRM practices on employee commitment varies between the COVID-19 period and the post-pandemic period in Klang Valley.     

Rationale of the Study   

During the COVID situation employees of several organizations faced complications due to a lack of workflow and proper turnover. As per the information of Guoyan et al. (2021), in this critical situation the HRM departments have played a significant role to improve the complications as well. They motivate the employees to maintain a positive gesture in their working pattern accordingly. Increase the intervention rate to maintain positivity in their work as well.

Due to inconsistency and uncertainty in the workplace, the employees are demotivated to maintain a positive workplace culture within the organization. Additionally, Ngoc et al. (2021) stated that HRM leaders try to boost their employee’s activity according to focus on several activities that help them to increase the potentiality and efficiency of each of the employees. The certain process also helps the organization to attract customers in the post-COVID time.

Figure 1.7.1: Employment distribution in Malaysia by various economic sectors starting from the year 2009 to 2019  

Figure 1.7.1: Employment distribution in Malaysia by various economic sectors starting from the year 2009 to 2019  

(Source: O’Neill, 2022)

Based on evaluatingthis image (Figure 1.7.1), it has been evident that the employee distribution in Malaysia by various economic sectors starting from the year 2009 to 2019 has been increased. Based on this picture (Figure 1.7.1), it can be demonstrated that the employee distribution in Malaysia by various economic sectors starting from the year 2009 to 2019 has increased. The service sector in Malaysian employment has dominated the maximum percentage rate of employees such as 62.7% (O’Neill, 2022). This analysis offers a valuable understanding of the future growth of an adequate HRM schedule for Klang valley Malaysia. It is hoped that one can understand close the necessary variables for efficient managerial interpretation application, especially in the Malaysian technique for human resources. Operating with this understanding, the HR managers or experienced consequence leaders can discuss the conquest of HRM approaches that are presently executed within the organizations, discover solutions and create the transformation of presently Employed HRM practices (Poh, 2022).

Significance of the Research

This research can be considered significant for reshaping the performance and improvement of the organisation through implementing “Human Resource Management” in Malaysia. As per the information of Ngoc et al. (2021), the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic situation and the impact of the Lockdown increased the complications in the workplaces such as supply chain disruption, and employee dissatisfaction along with increased turnover rates around the entire world. Implementation of HR practices helps the organisation in enhancing resilience during the covid-19 situation. Additionally, it has been identified that the employees of the Klang Valley have been stopped to go to work during the COVID crisis. The significance of involving HRM practices can help organisations can put the required employees back in the executive workplaces.



While many studies have explored HRM practices during crises, few have focused on the specific challenges in Malaysia’s Klang Valley region. This study addresses this gap by investigating the role of HRM practices in enhancing employee commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic is going

and employee engagement in business organizations. This section of this research study is going to discuss dependent and independent variables based on theories and models of the relevant aspects. It discusses the employment market during and after the “covid pandemic situation”. Several challenges faced by the employees and the HRM practices and strategies in the organizations played a significant role in mitigating these issues at the workplace. It discussed human resources management practices during covid pandemic situation for enhancing employee commitments. “Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchical Needs” and “Three Dimensions of Employee Engagement” theories are gouging to be discussed in the literature review to comprehend the role of “HRM practices” in the “Klang Valley” to improve employee commitment during covid19 situation (Poh, 2022).

Theoretical Underpinning      

Kahn’s Three Dimensions of Employee Engagement

This is one of the vital models explaining the process of employee engagement due to changes in the HRM practices. According to Al-Jabari and Ghazzawi (2019), the model plays a vital role in understanding the relationship between the increment of employee engagement and employee commitment in the organisation. This model provides the theoretical foundation for the development of HRM practices that influence employee commitment in organisations. As seen in figure 2.1, three dimensions identified in the model are cognitive engagement, physical engagement and emotional engagement. These three dimensions contribute to the improvement of employee engagement.

Figure 2.1: Becker’s Theory of Commitment

Figure 2.1: Becker’s Theory of Commitment

(Source:  Becker et al. 2018)

Becker’s Theory of Commitment illustrates how employee engagement, as a cognitive and emotional process, is influenced by external HRM practices. This model supports the hypothesis that increased employee engagement leads to greater organizational commitment.” The model intricately determines higher employee engagement in the organisation leads to the increment of the level of input and shared values between the organisation and the employees. As stated by Becker et al. (2018), the model analyses and indicates that physical engagement is one of the aspects related to the level of interaction between the employees and the physical work environment. Cognitive Engagement in this model is defined as the engagement of the employee’s cognitive capabilities for the execution of work in the organisation. According to Al-Jabari and Ghazzawi (2019), the dimension of emotional engagement is determined as the level of emotional bond and relationship between the organisation and the employees. These dimensions define the level of commitment shown by the employees towards organisations.

Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchical Needs

The development of employee commitment in organisations is theoretically defined in “Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchical Needs”. As per the views of Chanana (2021), this theory forms the critical basis of employee commitment in the fulfilment of the personal needs experienced by the employees. The theory defines the fulfilment of needs as the aspect that leads to higher job satisfaction, resulting in employee engagement. As seen in figure 2.2, the theory states that the immediate needs of the employees are safety needs, physiological needs and belongingness needs. The higher needs of employees include self-actualisation needs and esteem needs.

Figure 2.2: Maslow’s Pyramid

Figure 2.2: Maslow’s Pyramid

(Source: Fernandes et al. 2022)

The theory has been critical in determining the reasons for the reduction of employee commitment in the Klang Valley during the COVID-19 pandemic. As per the views of Fernandes et al. (2022), deteriorations in the fulfilment of physiological needs significantly impact the level of employee commitment. The lack of basic amenities is identified as a major reason for the reduction of employee engagement levels. As per the views of Chanana (2021), the lack of safety needs leads to negative impacts on employee commitment levels due to a lack of organisational support. This factor was noted in the Klang Valley during the pandemic and created significant challenges for HRM practices.

Employment Market after COVID-19 Pandemic

The covid-pandemic situation has affected the economy and employment rate of the global market. The government of Malaysia has imposed the government rules and regulations for maintaining social distancing. During this situation, not only the global transportation system but also the domestic transportation system has been disrupted severely. It became difficult for the employees to come to the workplace and continue their work. As stated by Costa Dias et al. (2020), most people were scared, anxious and stressed out about the increasing number of deaths due to covid infections. It was a significant reason for decreasing the employment rate and increasing the unemployment rate in the organizations of Malaysia. As per the contradiction of Aldoghan (2021), this situation led to decreased opportunities for freshers and opportunities for new jobs in the market. Most business organizations have adopted “Work from Home” facilities and digitalization in the organizational culture to engage employees and maintain normal business opportunities with the help of technological tools through the virtual method.

It has been found that the employment rate decreased during this situation, as the employees were afraid to come to the physical organization due to the spread of infections. As per the observation of Habibullahn et al. (2020), in 2020 approximately 30,000 migrant people were employed by the Singapore government to support their lives. As argued by Nga et al. (2021), in 2020 the workforce of the “Malaysian Airline” was decreased approximately by 7%, which is a result of the “covid pandemic situation”. According to Costa Dias et al. (2020), the employment rate in Malaysia was 4.61% in 2021 whereas it was 4.50% in 2020. Hence, this data is evidence that covid-19 situation has severe impacts on the employment rate in Malaysia. In this situation, job opportunities are decreased and which has put negative impacts on the economy of Malaysia. HRM practices have been used to fulfil the needs of the employees and to increase employee satisfaction levels.

Challenges in Employee Commitment

Employee commitment is essential in business organizations, which influences the productivity rate and the growth of the organizations. During covid pandemic situation, this situation led to decreased opportunities for freshers and opportunities for new jobs in the market. Most business organizations have adopted “Work from Home” facilities and digitalization in the organizational culture to engage employees and maintain normal business opportunities with the help of technological tools through the virtual method. The HR managers for effective communication with the employees used online media during the lockdown situation. As per the illustration of Kalogiannidis (2021), most business organizations closed or shifted their business to the WFH method. Hence, most of the business organizations faced issues in accessing employees, which was a major issue during this situation for enhancing employee commitment. As per the contradiction of Khudhair et al. (2020), during this situation, maintaining employee safety and managing employees became difficult due to the lack of access to the employees physically. The virtual platforms were used for effective communication between the organizations and the employees. Moreover, this new normal culture in the organization was effective for managing employees virtually with the help of technical tools.

Figure 2.3: Employee Commitment Factors

Figure 2.3: Employee Commitment Factors

(Source: Influenced by Kalogiannidis, 2021)

The above figure shows the factors that influence employees’ commitment to an organization. Employees’ commitment involves “commitment toward job”, “commitment toward people”, “commitment toward oneself”, “commitment toward the organization” and “commitment toward stakeholders”. As per the viewpoint of Mihalache and Mihalache (2022), lack of job stability during this situation was another significant challenge for maintaining employee commitments. During this situation, not only the global transportation system but also the domestic transportation system has been disrupted severely. It became difficult for the employees to come to the workplace and continue their work. As argued by Ahmed et al. (2020), the employees during this situation were seeking better opportunities as most of the organizations were closed. On the other hand, many employees faced issues with communication and operating technical tools in the WFH culture. A lot of uncertainty, anxiety and fear among employees were the main challenges for employees and had severe impacts on the employee’s commitment and employee engagement.

Human Resources Management Practices during COVID-19

HR managers play a crucial role in the business organization and employee engagement as well as in maintaining employee commitment towards the organization. During the pandemic situation, the role of HRM has been expanded. During the post-pandemic situation, most business organizations have adopted WFH facilities, in which HR managers provide extra mental and financial support to the employees to increase their engagement and commitment to the organization. As per the illustration of Lee et al. (2022), HRM practices involve providing security and safety to employees during the period of their employment. Moreover, HR managers are responsible for motivating employees and increasing employee engagement at the workplace. HR managers play an important role in “Fair and performance-based compensation” and “Training in relevant skills” that are effective for enhancing employee performance and improving organizational productivity. As per the illustration of Esa et al. (2020), lockdowns during the pandemic situation have forced employees to work from home. In this situation, HRM played the most important role in employee engagement and effective communication between employees and the organizations.

The HR managers for effective communication with the employees used online media during the lockdown situation. As stated by Khoo et al. (2020), email communication, telephonic communication and software are used by HR managers to improve communication with employees. It not only increased employee commitment but also increased the productivity of the organization. As argued by Ebrahim et al. (2022), HRM practices were required during the pandemic situation of managing employees and retaining employees at the workplace. HRM practices have been used to fulfil the needs of the employees and to increase employee satisfaction levels. This led the organizations toward high employee engagement and influenced employee commitment toward the organization. The WFH facility was adopted by most of the business organizations in Malaysia to provide a flexible work culture to the employees and to maintain the normal work process of the organizations. This helped the HR managers to use remote working facilities and to increase employee engagement through virtual platforms.

Employee Commitment during COVID-19

Employee commitment is one of the primary considerations for businesses due to its vital role in the retention of employees. According to Kaushik and Guleria (2019), the level of employee commitment was reduced critically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various reasons were cited behind this sharp decline in employee commitment within the industries of Klang Valley. The major reason for the decline in employee commitment level was identified as the employment market in the region. The employment market in the region became highly volatile in the aftermath of the pandemic leading to high levels of scepticism among the employees.

The shrinkage of the employment market due to significant business losses during the COVID-19 pandemic led to critical issues in employee commitment in the industry. As stated by Mihalache and Mihalache (2022), the reduction in job roles increased the scepticism among employees regarding their job security. This was reflected in the subsequent reduction of employee commitment levels. The absence of basic needs fulfilment during the pandemic also led to a decrement in employee commitment levels. The challenges in employee commitment also played a significant role in the reduction of employee commitment during this period. The lack of certainty and absence of social connection were the major challenges.

It has been noted that the emotional engagement and the physical engagement of the employees were nullified during the pandemic leading to significant challenges in employee commitment. As opined by Bartholomeusz et al. (2021), the implementation of online communication tools for organisational communication and the introduction of remote work were two major factors that eliminated the scope of emotional engagement and physical engagement in the organisations for its employees. This precipitated to manifest the reduction of employee engagement levels and the resultant deterioration of employee commitment levels.

HRM Strategies for Developing Employee Commitment Irrespective of COVID-19 Adversities in Klang Valley

A large number of HRM strategies were developed by different organisations in the Klang Valley during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Zhai et al. (2022), the primary focus of these strategies was to increase the level of employee commitment in the industry. The primary strategic focus of organisations was the increment of interaction and engagement levels of employees during this period of remote work. The primary strategy included the increment of team meetings and official virtual events for the engagement of the employees. This strategy stressed increasing employee commitment levels through the amplification of employee engagement levels.

Another major strategic development in HRM during this period in the Klang Valley was the increment of non-financial benefits offered to employees to increase organisational support. As stated by Kaushik and Guleria (2020), large organisations in Klang Valley focused on providing employees with non-financial benefits such as additional leave facilities, flexible working options and health benefits. This strategy focused on fulfilling the new needs of employees that emerged in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy aimed at the increment in employee commitment levels through the development of employee satisfaction in the employee base.

The final strategy that was implemented by organisations for the development of their HRM practices was the paradigm innovation of its work process. As opined by Koo et al. (2022), HRM practices in organisations of Klang Valley focused on the improvement of the work processes through technological integration. The strategy focused on the implementation of ICT and advanced technologies for the reduction of workload and the simplification of processes. This strategy focused on increasing employee commitment levels through the reduction of work-related stress in employees.


Figure 2.4: Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.4: Conceptual Framework

(Source: Influenced by Nga et al. 2021)

Literature Gap

Some significant gaps have been noticed through the review of the existing collection of literature and research on the interrelations between HRM strategies and employee commitment. The first crucial gap has been identified as the lack of significant research on the specific changes in employee commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Klang Valley. The lack of quantitative investigation into the challenges in the HRM processes that affect employee commitment in organisations is another vital gap. The lack of region-specific investigations into employee commitment is the most significant gap in the studies on HRM practices in Malaysia.



This section is designed to present the considerations and implementation of different methodological components in the study. Every methodological implementation has been justified in this segment. The ethical aspects of the methodological implementation are also included in this section.

Research Structure

Figure 3.1: Research Onion

Figure 3.1: Research Onion

(Source: Lai, 2018)

The methodological implementation in this study has followed the structure of Research Onion. According to Mohajan (2018), the structure provided by Research Onion provides a study with the prerequisites to logically and sequentially select its methods of research. This study has utilised this structure to particularly identify the most suitable paradigm elements and relevant research methods. As observed in figure 3.1, the structure initially helped in the selection of the Positivism Philosophy and Deductive Approach based on the objectives and aim of the study. This has led to the selection of the Descriptive Design and Questionnaire as the Quantitative Data collection method based on the research questions.

Research Philosophy

This study has required a specific investigation of a natural phenomenon based on empirical facts along with necessary theoretical underpinnings. As opined by Snyder (2019), the Positivism Philosophy has no value-laden axiology and shows the epistemological consideration of empirical information has facts in research. The proposed study has selected the Positivism Philosophy.

Figure 3.2: Types of Research Philosophies

Figure 3.2: Types of Research Philosophies

(Source: Influenced by Melnikovas, 2018)


The implementation of any philosophical direction in research is based on its aim and context. As seen in figure 3.2, Positivism Philosophy is one of the four predominant research philosophies. The current study has benefited from this philosophy as the study has required an unbiased empirical assessment of the influence of HRM practices on employee commitment. The Positivism Philosophy has provided an unbiased and empirical direction to this study, justifying its implementation.

Research Approach

This study has critically adopted the Deductive Approach for the research process. As stated by Newman and Gough (2020), this deductive approach enables any study to form insights based on the analysis of the empirical evidence based on the established models and theories in the context of the research. This approach has been deemed to be vital in the analysis of natural phenomena, although it has shown lower efficiency in developing new theoretical foundations.

Figure 3.3: Difference in Approaches

Figure 3.3: Difference in Approaches

(Source: Influenced by Newman and Gough, 2020)


This study has highly benefited from the implementation of the Deductive Approach. As seen in figure 3.3, this approach initiates the observation of social phenomena leading to the development of theoretical understanding and the testing of the developed hypotheses for their validation or rejection. This approach has been justified as it has led to the successful testing of the three hypotheses in the study on HRM practices and employee commitment.

Research Design

This study has effectively implemented the Descriptive Design in the study. As seen in figure 3.4, Descriptive Design is one of the four fundamental designs implemented in research. This design is critical in developing a critical understanding of the factors and correlation between the different elements in the social phenomenon under investigation.

Figure 3.4: Research Design

Figure 3.4: Research Design

(Source: Influenced by Melnikovas, 2018)


This design has been highly effective in the study for assessing the three major independent variables identified in the study. As per the views Dźwigoł and Dźwigoł-Barosz (2018), the type of research questions justify the implementation of the research design. The current study has developed three ‘what’ questions for the research and the Descriptive Design has shown the highest competency in responding to these research questions.

Research Strategy

The study has undertaken a Quantitative Research Strategy. According to Zangirolami-Raimundo et al. (2018), the use of a quantitative strategy helps in the investigation of the statistical trends noticed in the social phenomenon. This strategy is primarily focused on the investigation of frequencies and correlations between different elements.


This study has justified the use of a quantitative strategy as it has focused on the interpretation of the quantitative correlation between three factors of HRM practices in the Klang Valley and their corresponding effects on employee commitment. The study showed no scope for qualitative exploration or causal analysis, leading to the elimination of the qualitative strategy from consideration.

Data Collection Method

The “Mono Method of Quantitative Data Collection” has been implemented in this study. As opined by Al-Ababneh (2020), the monomethod provides the data collection process with a unidirectional investigation of the research data. The study has utilised an online questionnaire as the method for collecting research data.


The resource constraint of the study has justified the utilisation of the “Mono Method of Quantitative Data Collection”. The utilisation of online questionnaire has been justified as it has provided the study with the highest level of flexibility and efficiency in participation and data collection. The backdrop has been the primary rationale behind the use of this method.



This part of the study deals with the perfect evaluation of the different tests that are performed for gaining data after the analysis of data. Questionnaire results indicate that 70% of respondents agreed that flexible work arrangements increased their commitment to the organization, highlighting the positive impact of HRM practices during the pandemic. This will help us gain knowledge of the data collected from, the different data collection processes performed. The data sets are then analyzed with the help of analysis to perform some tests in finding the significance of the collected data. This comprises from analysis of primary data, interpretation of the research to the significance checking of the study. This will help in checking the validity of the data, checking the descriptions, and then a regression analysis is performed.

Primary Data analysis

This study adopts a descriptive research design, using a questionnaire to collect quantitative data from 384 respondents in Klang Valley. Data analysis was conducted using regression analysis to test the hypotheses.”

Figure 4.1: working experience

Figure 4.1: working experience

(Source: Influenced by Hana, 2022)

The above figure presents the data in a pie chart that explains the percentage of respondents having experience in their work. It presents that approximately 20.3% of respondents have experienced between 1-3 years. Respondents having 4-5 years are approximately 44.3% and respondents having experience of more than 5 years are 35.4%. this shows that people responding are having work experience of more than 1 year and having knowledge of HRM practices.

Figure 4.2: covid-19 affected employee motivation

Figure 4.2: covid-19 affected employee motivation

(Source: Influenced by Hana, 2022)

The above pie chart provides information about the responses that are collected by conducting the questionnaire. this shows that approximately 18.5% of respondents strongly agree and 37% of respondents provided an agreed answer. It has collected a response of 20.3% as a disagree response on the statement. The overall data shows that it has responded that covid-19 has affected employee motivation due to the prolonged lockdown. “prolonged lockdown” has affected the daily routine of employees and created a change in their sleep-Wake timing and has affected some employees increasing their depression and anxiety.

Figure 4.3: Remote working was challenging

Figure 4.3: Remote working was challenging

(Source: Influenced by Hana 2022)

The pie chart presented in the above figure provides information about the statement that remote working has created challenges for employees during the lockdown. this shows that approximately 16.7% of respondents strongly agree and 35.4% of respondents provided an agreed response. It has collected a response of 24.5% strongly disagree response and 10.2% disagree. This shows it has collected more responses agreeing and employees agree that they have to frac ed remote working challenges while remote work during the pandemic. They have faced issues such as health problems, distraction, and quarantine feeling.

Figure 4.4: employee engagement in work from home facility in lockdown

Figure 4.4: employee engagement in work from home facility in lockdown

(Source: Influenced by Hossain 2018)

The pie chart presented in the above figure provides information about the statement that employee engagement in work-from-home facilities in lockdown. this shows that approximately 17.4% of respondents strongly agree and 35.2% of respondents provided an agreed response. It has collected a response of 21.6% strongly disagree response and 11.7% disagree. This shows it has collected more responses agreeing and employees agree that they have to be engaged most of the time in work-from-home facilities.

Figure 4.5: lack of communication is a challenge to managing employees

Figure 4.5: lack of communication is a challenge to managing employees

(Source: Influenced by Hossain 2018)

The above figure provides information that lack of communication between the team and manager has become a challenge for employees to manage employees effectively. It has provided data that approximately 20.3% of respondents strongly agree and 32% of respondents provided an agreed to statement. It has collected a response of 23% strongly disagree response on the statement. The overall data shows that managing effective communication is an important part as it provides a platform to share information, ideas, and thoughts. lack of communication has become challenging for the company to manage employees and this is agreed by the respondent. This creates less engagement of employees and a lack of information for the effective completion of work. in this ,way the company does not get information to run their work efficiently.

Interpretation of Research Findings

Data validity and Reliability check

Table 1:Case Processing Summary

Case Processing Summary
N %
Cases Valid 384 100.0
Excludeda 0 .0
Total 384 100.0

(Source: Influenced by Wongand Yamat, 2020)

The above table shows the values that are gained after performing a data validity test and a test known as the reliability test. The above table provides a vast brief experience of the values gained. It can be seen that the number of valid cases is a total of three hundred and eighty four cases. These are represented as the number of responses recorded on the basis of the questionnaire performed. The number of responses collected is one hundred percent tabulated. As per the view of Wongand Yamat (2020), the data validity is the measurement that is performed based on the degree of validity which is of a specific research instrument. This is then said to be valid because it aids in measuring the data in the desired forms. The instrument is valid only if it able to reveal the data set of the studied variable.

Table 2: Reliability checking

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
.820 20

 (Source: Influenced by Meeker, 2022)

The value of Cronbach’s alpha is 0.820 and the number of items representing the values is twenty in total. As per the view of Meeker (2022), Cronbach’s Alpha helps in measuring the internal consistency of how the data sets are closely related to the number of items as are present in the group. This is the most considered unit of measuring the scale of reliability. The high value which is for alpha not only implied the measurement is unidimensional but also gives the number of items that are present and the value.

Table 3: Scale statistics

Scale Statistics
Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items
52.44 155.062 12.452 20

(Source: Influenced by Pallant, 2020)

The above table shows the analyzed mean and variance after the analysis is performed based on the collected data sets. The above table shows that the mean is 52.44  and the variance is 155.062 for almost 20 items and the value of the standard deviation is 12.452. This represents that the data sets analyses are through a tendency of central dispersion. As per the view of Pallant (2020), this helps in finding the squared difference which comes from the variance of the mean.

Descriptive check

Figure 1:Descriptive

Figure 1:Descriptive

Figure 1:Descriptive

(Source: Influenced by McDonald et al. 2020)

This part of the study deals with the descriptive statistics tests that are performed based on the standard deviation and the variance calculated in this test. The above table describes the number of employees affected by covid-19 and how much it has motivation due to the prolonged lockdown. The mean value is 2.76, the statistical value of the standard deviation is 1.400, and the statistical value that is calculated under the variance is 1.959. These describe the total descriptive of the topic question which is “Do you think that Covid-19 has affected employee motivation due to prolonged lockdown?”

Table 4: Skewness and Kurtosis

Descriptive Statistics
Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Std. Error Statistic Std. Error
What is your working experience? -.243 .125 -1.106 .248
Do you 2 that Covid-19 has affected employee motivation due to prolonged lockdown? .478 .125 -1.104 .248
Do you think that remote working during the pandemic was challenging for employees? .324 .125 -1.334 .248
Do you 2 that employees remain engaged in a work-from-home facility in lockdown conditions? .357 .125 -1.252 .248
Do you 2 management scenario changed and focused on health issues during covid-19 scenario? .357 .125 -1.354 .248

(Source: Influenced by McDonald et al. 2020)

The above table represents the skewness value and the kurtosis value that is calculated after the test is performed based on the descriptive checkings. It is seen that the standard error of kurtosis is 0. 248 and the standard error value of skewness is 0. 125. But it can be also seen that some negative values are also gained this is because of the statistical value and some of the negative responses gained from the questionnaire. As per the view of McDonald et al. (2020), kurtosis is used for measuring the “tailed ness” of the occurring distribution. The tailed ness represents the outlines that continuously occur. So, it can be seen that the distribution is not normal and the values that are greater than that of 3 are considered positive kurtosis.

The above table also represents the values calculated from the tests performed for skewness. skewness helps in finding the value of the distribution, whether it is approximately and nearly symmetric or it is asymmetric. The above table shows that the value of skewness is 0.125 and represented that the distribution is moderately skewed and can be also defined with the help of the general thumb rule.

The skewness value for having a normal distribution is zero and data that are having a skewers near zero is considered to be a symmetric data. The negative value indicates that data is skewed from left and the positive value indicates the right skewed graph based on data.

The questionnaire question of changing management scenario as it has changes its focus to health issues during covid-19. The questionnaire question has provided a mean value of 2.86, standard deviation is 1.476, and variance is 2.180. It is calculated that the “skewness value” is 0.357 and standard error is 0.125. This shows that the question is having the value less than 1 and has positive value sop it will consider as moderately skewed. The “kurtiosis value” is (-1.354) and standard error is 0.248 so it is having a negative value and it will consider lighter tails than normal distribution. Hence it is clear that changing management scenario is good as the health related care is important for employees.

The questionnaire question of less engagement of employees due to increase in mental pressure during covid-19. The questionnaire question has provided a mean value of 2.81, standard deviation is 1.401, and variance is 1.963. It is calculated that the “skewness value” is 0.393 and standard error is 0.125. This shows that the question is having the value less than 1 and has positive value so it will consider as moderately skewed. The “kurtiosis value” is (-1.154) and standard error is 0.248 so it is having a negative value and it will consider lighter tails than normal distribution. Hence it is clear that employees were less engaged during covid-19 due to their health issues.

The questionnaire question of less engagement of employees is a major factor for failure of company. The questionnaire question has provided a mean value of 2.73, standard deviation is 1.459, and variance is 2.129. It is calculated that the “skewness value” is 0.509 and standard error is 0.125. This shows that the question is having the value less than 1 and has positive value so it will consider as moderately skewed. The “kurtiosis value” is (-1.201) and standard error is 0.248 so it is having a negative value and it will consider lighter tails than normal distribution. Therefore, it shows that less engagement of employees has created a negative impact to employees and led to company failure.

The questionnaire questions that HRM can improve employee well being that is having interconnection to their productivity. The questionnaire question has provided a mean value of 2.82, standard deviation is 1.412, and variance is 1.993. It is calculated that the “skewness value” is 0.416 and standard error is 0.125. This shows that the question is having the value less than 1 and has positive value so it will consider as moderately skewed. The “kurtiosis value” is (-1.204) and standard error is 0.248 so it is having a negative value and it will consider lighter tails than normal distribution. Hence it is clear that productivity can be increased by improving employee well being and practicing HRM in an organization. HRM is an important factor that can provide employee engagement and reduce lack of communication.

Significance testing

Regression test

Table 5: Regression table analysis

Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .252a .064 .061 1.431 1.861

(Source: Influenced by McDonald et al. 2020)

The above table represents the value of the standard error that is estimated in the regression test. The value that is calculated in the standard error that is estimated in the regression test is 1. 431 and the Durbin-Watsonvalue calculated is 1. 861. According to Wong and Yamat (2020), the Durbin-Watson is the statistical test that is performed for finding the possible autocorrelation between the residuals gained from the analysis performed of the regression. The value of Durbin-Watsonis 1. 861, this represents the value to have  a co relation among the other variables. The values of Adjusted R Square and the value of R Square is0. 061 and 0. 064.

Significance check


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 66.710 1 66.710 34.038 .000b
Residual 748.662 382 1.960
Total 815.372 383
(Source: Influenced by Wong and Yamat, 2020)

The above table represents the calculation and the checking of signifcance of the study. It can be seen that the value of the mean square under regression is 66. 710and 1. 960 that of the value calculated under the residual value. The value of the significance is zero. This means that the study rejects the null hypothesisand accepts alternative hypothesis. As per the view of Wong and Yamat (2020), ANOVA table helps in identifying and proving several statistical data sets and differentiates separate methods of observed variance. The variance data is then differentiated into different components that are used in some additional tests. It can be also seen that the values gained from the sum of squares are 66. 710, 748. 662, and 815. 372 for regression, residual, and total respectively.

Table 7: Coefficient analysis

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.916 .157 12.204 .000
Do you 2 that the role of HR is highly important during situations such as Covid-19? .293 .050 .286 5.834 .000

(Source: Influenced by Wong and Yamat, 2020)

Part a.Dependent Variable: Do you think that lack of employee commitment was a major factor behind company failures?

It can also be seen in this table that the significance that was calculated before is still zero. It means that the table helps in identifying and proving several statistical data sets and differentiates separate methods of observed variance. The value of the standard coefficients which is present under the question is “Do you 2 that the role of HR is highly important during situations such as Covid-19?” is 0.286. The variance data is then differentiated into different components that are used in some additional tests.The value of the “t” that is gained from this table is 12.204 and 5.834 both for the constant and for the framed question which explains the role of Human Resource which is very important during situations of Covid-19.

Hypothesis testing

This part of the study deals with the hypothetical testing of the tests performed while finding the significance of the study. As per the view of Pallant(2020), hypothesis testing is the form of representing statistical data and inference that implements the usage of data from a sample. The sample helps in drawing conclusion of the population parameter and the possible probability distribution. It is seen that the value of the significance is zero this means that the study accepts alternative hypothesis and rejects null hypothesis. This helps in identifying the assumptions made and produces statistical data whether the hypothesis can be accepted or not later.

Correlation test

The correlation test is used to evaluate the association or relation between two variables that are having one or two variables. It provides the correlation analysis that provides a linear relationship provided with a linear relationship between two variables.

Figure 4.6: correlation test

Figure 4.6: correlation test

(Source: Influenced by Makowski et al. 2020)

Remote working was challenging for employees during covid-19 has a 0.246 is a person value with employee engagement that can be increased by increasing the reward base management. This shows they are related to each other and the lack in engagement behavior of employees can be removed by increasing the reward as a key motivator to employees. The relation is a an important part to know that the employees engagement and company’s growth are related to each other or not.


The above pie charts provide information about the responses that are collected by conducting the questionnaire. This shows that approximately 18.5% of respondents respond strongly agree and 35.9% of respondents provided agreed on response. It has collected a response of 25% strongly disagree and 9.4% on disagree response on the statement. The overall data shows that it has provided a response that during covid-19 the management of company has changed their direction of focus during covid-19. the main focus during covid-19 was the health of employees and they are provided facilities to take care of their health.

The above figure provides information about the responses about the less commitment of employees during covid as the working pressure and mental instability were present during online working. It has provided data that approximately 18.5% of respondents strongly agree and 33.3% of respondents provided an agreed to statement. It has collected a response of 20.6% strongly disagree and 9.9% disagree response on the statement. The overall data shows that it has employees have provided less contribution to work pressure due to their mental instability. the employees were working online and shows less commitment during remote work. This shows that the pandemic situation has created a negative effect on the engagement or commitment of employees toward their work.

The above figure provides information about the company’s failure that is due to the less commitment and enhancement of employees during g covid-19.  It has provided data that approximately 20.6% of respondents strongly agree and 39.1% of respondents provided an agreed to statement. It has collected a response of 22.4% strongly disagree and 8.6% disagree response on the statement. The overall data shows that it has employees’ engagement and commitment presence was less so this has led to the failure of company in Malaysia. The commitment could have helped the company to fulfill its job requirement and satisfy the customers. Lack of presence and incorporation of employees the company has failed.

The research analysis based on the questionnaire concludes that the significance value is 0.00 which is less than 0.05. This shows that research is having a null value as true and this leads to the rejection of null hypothesis. The null hypothesis will get rejected and the alternate hypothesis will be selected. The research selects the hypotheses H1, H2, and H3. The hypothesis states that the engagement and commitment level of employees has negatively affected the employees during covid-19.



The research provides the overall summed up knowledge for the research. It plays a crucial role in identifying the overall understanding and the impact of the issue and their effect on the designated population. In this research, it was seen that the employees had issue during covid-19 regarding their health and employment. During this time employees were bound to stay home, which created different form of issues, such as financial issue, mental health issues and physical issues. However, it was seen that in Malaysia; these factors changed when the employers started to implement digital work culture. This aspect allowed the employers to improve over the negative condition.

The result from questionnaire report is associated with the KLANG valley area. Employee activity is also a major influence in every process and employee motivation is necessary to recover from this particular situation. A total of 18.8% of people is also strongly agree that employee commitment is necessary to achieve a different kind of approach that is developed throughout the whole organization process. Further 36.5% of employees agree with the employee commitment and 14.6% of people are not committed to anything about this particular question. 10.7% of people disagree and 19.5% people strongly disagree employee commitment process that is associated with business conduction. The value of the commitment of the very employee associated with a particular organization. A total of 18% of people strongly agreed associated with this commitment and 34.9% of people agree with this particular employment status. 13% of people are not commuted for this particular study. Further 11.5% of people fully disagree and 22.7% of people are strongly disagreeing for the factor of employee commitment is also necessary to manage every kind of competitiveness related to the market aspect.

The employee commitment to the work is also influenced by a different kind of reward-based motivation. A total of 19.8% of people strongly agreed associated with this commitment and 37.5% people agree with this particular employment commitment. 12.8% of people are not committed to anything for this particular study. Furthermore, 8.9% of people disagree and 21.1% of people strongly disagree with the factor of the reward-based system is also necessary to manage every kind of competitiveness related to the market aspect. A total of 19% of people strongly disagree about every process that is associated with an appraisal-based employment system. Further 36.2% of people are agreeing with this kind of process which is helpful to enhance the value of every factor and generate the process of the management system. 15.1% of people are not committed to any type of aspect for this particular factor analysis. Further 9.6% of people disagree and 20.1% of people are strongly disagreeing about the performance-based system that is inducted in that particular situation. The employee is also more effective in this particular systematic approach and generates a proper kind of consideration associated with the industry. It is generally helpful to enhance the confidence of every employee who is being down due to the impact of the covid-19 situation. The discussion concludes that employee commitment and engagement in their work are necessary for a company’s success. The negative impact on their health and lack of communication has created a negative impact on employees this has led to failure of the company. Therefore, in Malaysia the companies have faced challenges in working by handling the problems created by covid-19. It has provided a lack of communication and the company is unable to manage the work and employees efficiently. The company has provided facilities for employees during the lockdown as they had concentrated more on the health condition of employees.

In pandemic situations, every kind of business organization is generally impacted to manage the statistical value of the organization. Therefore it is also necessary to acquire different kinds of a prospectus that are associated with the business. Every kind of aspect is generally managed with a special kind of consideration that is associated with research conditions. A different kind of test is also included for conducting the impact that is associated with this particular research. As per the view of Johar et al. (2020), the HR management system is also impacted by the convicted 19 impacts. The employer is also deducted in those particular situations.

Many organizations alone try to manage different kinds of technological acquisition for improving the internal and external environment of the organization. A questionnaire is also compacted and acquiring data is alone analyzed with descriptive analysis technique to measure the value associated with the research process. This value is also correlated with every factor to measure the impact of every industry in this particular situation. The authors Hossin et al. (2020), also state that in that particular situation every company is faced with a different kind of new obstruction to conducting transparent business. Rather than not also impacting the organization’s value, it also impacts every country’s economic system and reduces the economic activity associated with the country. On the contrary, the authors Hossin et al. (2020), it is also stated that digital technology that is inducted in this particular situation also enhances the rate of business conduction. In the desperate time, organizations in Malaysia understood that there is need to have changes in the overall work process, which can reduce the negative effects from the employee and the businesses. At that moment the company also set a goal that is generally improved the management system and generates revenue from the business. An employee at that time demotivated a conscious about ten job losses. Therefore it is also impacted the human mind and reduces the transparency of the working schedule. A correlation test is also conducted for every factor that is generally included in the research study. As per the view of Jaiyeoba et al. (2021), it will further derive every factor that will be affected every factor and manage the positive and negative impacts in the industry.

In this pandemic situation, every country is also impacted by special rules that are set by the international law commission to reduce the impact of the situation. The purpose of transporting is also to reduce transparency and impact the logistics management system. Without a proper stakeholder management system, it is also difficult to conduct the business smoothly and manage revenue from the business. In this particular situation, every area will be attributed to lockdown due to reduce the effect of this pandemic virus. The local government is also reducing the process and generating different kinds of consideration. Employees in this movement are majorly affected by being associated with different kinds of consideration. Every reputed organization is facing issues to retain their employees and manage this particular situation. A huge burden alone impacts the whole process and generates a negative impact on the organization. Every employee is also impacted in this particular situation. The employee is most significant for measuring the very ascot and critical factor that is associated with a particular industry. Therefore retention of employees is also helpful to conduct the business with a transparent approach at that movement.

Considering the factors mentioned above, it can be understood that limited amount of resources and planning had created an issue for the businesses in Malaysia. However, they were required to implement changes to maintain a flow in overall working process. However, for this research it was seen that necessary requirement and situation-related information was not previously available. This factor created a problem for all the businesses. This aspect also created an issue for the research as there was not much data available regarding the research as this was a singular incident. Thus, it can be understood that there was no significant previous experiences regarding this type of situations. It can be understood that these were the main limitations regarding the research.


Implementing a flexible work culture can help to improve on the issue

Implementing work from home work culture can allow employers to provide employment to their employees, which is crucial to maintain the work flow. This aspect also ensures the financial stability for business and the employees.

Implementing digital mode of communication can help to reduce the communication gap

Due to lockdown, workplaces were shut down in Malaysia. However, digital communication is important to maintain a flow of work, which is crucial for the overall team management and shared work. It can be understood that implementing different digital tools for communication will allow to improve team work in disrupted work environment.

Providing break session between working hours focusing on mental health improvement can help to improve the work performance

Implementing activities that helps to reduce work pressure is important as it will help to improve the overall work performance for the employees. This aspect is also crucial to maintain a mental well-being for the employees and it helps to improve their health and safety.

Providing employees with health benefits can allow to improve their health and safety factor

Providing employees with health benefits and insurance will allow them to assured regarding any health issues. It can be understood that implication of health policy assures employees regarding the workplace and health environment. Furthermore, it also protects other employees regarding health and safety in the long-run.


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