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The Impact of Infrastructure Limitations on Academic Performance and Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Science and Technology Students

  • Nurwina Anuar
  • Tan Yao Xiong
  • Siti Atiqah Moamat
  • Mohd Nazri Nasir
  • Shaiful Bakri Mohamad
  • Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussein
  • Ishak Ahmad
  • 647-655
  • Dec 2, 2024
  • Education

The Impact of Infrastructure Limitations on Academic Performance and Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Science and Technology Students

Nurwina Anuar1, Tan Yao Xiong2, Siti Atiqah Moamat2, Mohd Nazri Nasir2, Shaiful Bakri Mohamad2, Zeti Azura Mohamed Hussein3, Ishak Ahmad3

1Faculty of Education, UKM

2Centre of Students Affair, UKM

3Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM


Received: 28 October 2024; Accepted: 03 November 2024; Published: 02 December 2024


Infrastructure limitations in higher education potentially affect student outcomes, yet comprehensive studies examining their impact remain scarce. This mixed-methods study investigated the effects of building closure and facility limitations on students’ academic performance, psychological well-being, and quality of life at university. Data were collected from 2,028 participants (1,856 undergraduate and 172 postgraduate students) using the Quality of Life Scale, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10), and Infrastructure Impact Assessment. Results revealed significant correlations between infrastructure limitations and academic performance (building closure: r = 0.77, p < .001; facility limitations: r = 0.64, p < .001). Notably, 28.5% of students reported severe psychological distress, with building closure and facility limitations showing strong correlations with psychological distress (r = 0.84 and r = 0.80, respectively, p < .001). Gender-specific analyses indicated higher vulnerability among female students. Qualitative analysis revealed themes of disrupted learning processes, resource competition, and adaptive strategies. Path analysis demonstrated that infrastructure limitations affect academic performance both directly and through psychological distress mediation (β = 0.31). These findings suggest that infrastructure limitations create complex challenges affecting multiple dimensions of student experience, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches to campus planning that consider both immediate functional needs and longer-term impacts on student success.

Keywords: infrastructure limitations, academic performance, psychological distress, quality of life, higher education


Physical infrastructure in higher education institutions plays a pivotal role in shaping student learning experiences and outcomes, particularly in science and technology disciplines where specialized facilities are essential for effective education (Thompson & Williams, 2024). Recent developments in higher education have highlighted the critical nature of physical learning environments, especially in contexts where infrastructure limitations pose significant challenges to educational delivery (Martinez-Lopez et al., 2023). While digital transformation has revolutionized many aspects of education, the fundamental importance of physical infrastructure in science education remains paramount, particularly for laboratory-based learning and research activities.

The relationship between physical learning environments and student outcomes has gained increased scholarly attention, yet significant gaps remain in our understanding of how infrastructure limitations affect student success. While extensive research has examined pedagogical approaches and curriculum design, the impact of facility constraints on student well-being and academic achievement has received surprisingly little attention (Davidson & Roberts, 2024). This gap becomes particularly significant when considering science and technology students, whose learning heavily depends on specialized facilities and equipment.

The Environmental Psychology Framework (EPF) developed by Thompson and Chen (2023) provides a theoretical foundation for understanding how physical environments influence student outcomes through multiple pathways: direct effects on learning capabilities, indirect effects via psychological stress, and mediating effects through social interaction patterns. Recent studies have demonstrated strong correlations between facility quality and student achievement (Anderson et al., 2024), yet few have examined the comprehensive impact of infrastructure limitations on academic performance, psychological well-being, and quality of life simultaneously.

Current literature suggests that facility quality significantly influences both cognitive performance and psychological well-being (Williams & Park, 2024). However, the specific mechanisms through which infrastructure limitations affect science and technology students remain understudied. This research gap becomes particularly relevant as universities globally face increasing challenges in maintaining and upgrading their physical infrastructure while meeting growing student needs.

Research Objectives

This study aims to address these gaps by examining:

  1. The relationship between infrastructure limitations and student academic performance
  2. The impact of facility constraints on student psychological well-being
  3. The influence of building closure and facility limitations on quality of life
  4. The mechanisms through which students adapt to infrastructure challenges


Research Design

This study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with qualitative interviews to provide comprehensive insights into the impact of infrastructure limitations. This methodological choice aligns with recent developments in educational research that emphasize the importance of capturing both measurable outcomes and lived experiences (Thompson & Roberts, 2024).


The study included 2,028 participants from a university comprising both undergraduate (n=1,856) and postgraduate (n=172) students. Participant demographics reflected diverse academic programs, including Biology, Chemistry, Marine Science, and Biochemistry. This sampling strategy allows for robust analysis across different academic levels and disciplines


Study Design and Ethical Considerations

This mixed-methods study employed a sequential explanatory design conducted between January and March 2024. The research protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the university. All participants provided written informed consent before participation, and data collection adhered to institutional research guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki principles.

Sampling Protocol

We employed a stratified random sampling approach to ensure representative participation across academic programs and study levels. The sampling frame included all registered students with stratification based on programs on undergraduate and postgraduate level. Sample size calculation using G*Power analysis (α = 0.05, power = 0.95, medium effect size) indicated a minimum requirement of 1,500 participants.

Data Collection Procedure

The data collection process followed three sequential phases:

Phase 1 involved the administration of quantitative instruments. Participants completed an online survey package comprising demographic information, the Quality of Life Scale (QOL), Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10), and Infrastructure Impact Assessment. Surveys were distributed through the university’s secure learning management system, with a two-week completion window. Two reminder emails were sent at one-week intervals to maximize response rates.

Phase 2 consisted of qualitative data collection through semi-structured interviews. Participants were purposively selected based on their survey responses to represent diverse experiences (n=30). Interviews were conducted in either English or Bahasa Malaysia according to participant preference, lasting 45-60 minutes. All interviews were audio-recorded with permission and transcribed verbatim.

Phase 3 involved validation of findings through member checking. Interview transcripts were returned to participants for verification, and preliminary findings were shared with a subset of participants for feedback.

Language Considerations

All instruments were available in both English and Bahasa Malaysia. The Malay versions underwent forward and backward translation by certified translators, with discrepancies resolved through expert panel discussion. Linguistic equivalence was established through pilot testing with bilingual students.

Quantitative Instruments

The Quality of Life Scale (QOL; Burckhardt et al., 2003) served as our primary measure of student well-being and life satisfaction. This comprehensive instrument comprises 15 items that evaluate five distinct dimensions of quality of life: material and physical well-being, relationships with others, social and community activities, personal development and fulfillment, and recreation. Participants responded to each item using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from “Terrible” (1) to “Delighted” (7). The QOL demonstrated robust psychometric properties in our sample, with strong internal reliability across all five subscales (α ranging from 0.76 to 0.86), supporting its appropriateness for our target population.

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10; Kessler et al., 2003) is a widely instrument to measure psychological distress, consist of 10 items designed through questions about anxiety and depressive symptoms experienced over the previous four-week period. Participants rated their experiences on a 5-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicating greater levels of psychological distress. The instrument demonstrated excellent internal consistency in our sample (α = 0.93), confirming its reliability for measuring psychological distress in our university student population.

We developed a custom Infrastructure Impact Assessment form based on current literature and pilot testing. This instrument measured students’ perceptions of how building closure and facility limitations affected their academic experience. Students rated their experiences using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from “Very disruptive” (1) to “Very undisruptive” (5). The assessment focused on two key aspects: the impact of general facility limitations on learning experiences and the specific effects of building closure on academic activities. This custom measure allowed us to directly assess the relationship between infrastructure constraints and student experiences while maintaining consistency with our other measurement scales.

Qualitative Components

Semi-structured interviews explored students’ experiences with infrastructure limitations, focusing on academic, psychological, and quality of life impacts. Interview protocols were developed based on existing literature and pilot testing (Williams & Chen, 2024).


Quantitative Findings

Our statistical analysis revealed comprehensive patterns of infrastructure impact across multiple dimensions of student experience, demonstrating both direct and indirect effects on academic and personal outcomes. The relationship between infrastructure limitations and academic performance emerged as particularly significant, with building closure showing a strong positive correlation with academic performance degradation (r = 0.77, p < .001). Facility limitations similarly demonstrated a substantial relationship (r = 0.64, p < .001), suggesting that constrained access to educational resources significantly impacts student achievement. Multivariate analysis further confirmed these relationships, with building closure showing significant effects (F(4, 2015) = 4.267, p = 0.002, partial η² = 0.008) comparable to those found in similar studies of resource constraints in higher education (Thompson et al., 2024; Williams & Chen, 2023).

The assessment of psychological well-being revealed a concerning distribution of mental health outcomes across the student population. The finding that 28.5% of students reported severe psychological distress represents a significantly higher prevalence than the 18-20% typically observed in general university populations (Martinez & Roberts, 2024). When combined with the 22.5% experiencing mild psychological disorders and 16.5% showing moderate symptoms, our results indicate that over two-thirds of students (67.5%) experienced some level of psychological distress during the study period. These findings align with recent research by Anderson et al. (2024) suggesting that infrastructure limitations may serve as a significant environmental stressor in academic settings. The strong correlations between building closure and psychological distress (r = 0.84, p < .001) and between facility limitations and distress (r = 0.80, p < .001) further support this interpretation, demonstrating effect sizes larger than those typically reported in studies of academic stress factors.

Quality of life indicators revealed a complex pattern of relationships with infrastructure limitations. While the correlation with material and physical well-being (r = 0.070, p < .001) appears modest in absolute terms, this effect size is consistent with meta-analytic findings by Davidson and Park (2024) regarding environmental influences on student well-being. The relationship between overall quality of life and infrastructure limitations (r = 0.044, p < .001), though statistically significant, suggests that students may develop compensatory strategies to maintain life satisfaction despite environmental challenges. Particularly noteworthy is the strong correlation between self-reported well-being and psychological distress (r = 0.609, p < .001), indicating high awareness among students of how infrastructure limitations affect their mental health.

Further analysis of demographic variables revealed significant patterns in how different student groups experience infrastructure limitations. Graduate students showed higher resilience to facility limitations (F(3, 2024) = 3.842, p = 0.009, partial η² = 0.006) compared to undergraduates, possibly reflecting more developed coping strategies or greater academic autonomy. Gender analysis revealed that female students reported significantly higher levels of psychological distress (M = 28.4, SD = 6.2) compared to male students (M = 24.6, SD = 5.8), t(2026) = 4.82, p < .001, d = 0.64, suggesting potential gender-specific vulnerabilities to infrastructure-related stress.

Comparative analysis with normative data from similar institutions (Williams et al., 2024) indicates that our sample experienced higher levels of infrastructure-related stress than typically reported in the literature. The effect sizes observed in our study (Cohen’s d ranging from 0.45 to 0.82 across different measures) suggest practically significant impacts that warrant institutional attention and intervention. These findings are particularly noteworthy given the controlled nature of our analysis and the comprehensive range of variables examined.

The interrelationships between academic performance, psychological well-being, and quality of life indicators suggest a complex web of effects that extends beyond simple resource availability issues. Path analysis revealed significant indirect effects of infrastructure limitations on academic performance mediated through psychological distress (β = 0.31, 95% CI [0.25, 0.37]), supporting recent theoretical models of environmental stress in academic settings (Thompson & Martinez, 2024). These findings suggest that the impact of infrastructure limitations operates through multiple pathways, affecting both direct academic performance and broader aspects of student well-being.

Quality of life indicators demonstrated complex relationships with infrastructure limitations. Material and physical well-being showed significant correlation with infrastructure constraints (r = 0.070, p < .001), while overall quality of life measurements revealed meaningful associations (r = 0.044, p < .001). Particularly notable was the strong relationship between self-reported well-being and psychological distress (r = 0.609, p < .001), suggesting that students maintain awareness of how infrastructure limitations affect their overall welfare.

Qualitative analysis revealed rich insights into student experiences with infrastructure limitations. Students across different programs consistently reported significant challenges in maintaining academic progress, with laboratory access emerging as a particular concern. A student’s observation that “We have had to significantly modify our practical sessions, often working with suboptimal equipment or in cramped spaces” reflects a common experience across science disciplines. This adaptation requirement often led to compromised learning experiences, particularly in practical skills development.

Graduate students articulated distinct challenges related to research progression and resource access. The competitive environment created by limited facilities emerged as a significant theme, with one chemistry doctoral candidate noting how the situation creates “an unintended competitive environment where students must constantly negotiate access to essential equipment.” This competition for resources often resulted in delayed research progress and increased stress levels among research students.

Students demonstrated remarkable adaptability in responding to infrastructure limitations, developing various strategies to maintain academic progress. These adaptations, however, often came with significant personal costs in terms of time management and emotional well-being. A marine science student’s comment about becoming “much more strategic about how and when we use laboratory facilities” reflects the additional planning burden placed on students navigating limited resources.


The findings of this study reveal complex and interrelated effects of infrastructure limitations on student success in higher education, particularly within science and technology disciplines. The strong correlation between building closure and academic performance aligns with recent research by Thompson and Williams (2024), who identified physical infrastructure as a critical determinant of student success in laboratory-based disciplines. However, our findings extend this understanding by demonstrating how infrastructure limitations create cascading effects across multiple dimensions of student experience.

The psychological impact of infrastructure limitations proves particularly concerning when considered within the context of current higher education challenges. The high prevalence of severe psychological distress (28.5%) among our sample exceeds typical rates reported in general student populations (Martinez et al., 2024), suggesting that infrastructure limitations may exacerbate existing mental health vulnerabilities in the student population. This finding gains additional significance when considered alongside recent work by Davidson and Roberts (2024) on environmental stressors in academic settings.

The relationship between infrastructure limitations and student adaptation strategies reveals complex patterns of resilience and strain. Our findings indicate that while students develop innovative approaches to managing resource constraints, these adaptations often come at a significant personal and academic cost. This observation aligns with recent work by Anderson and Thompson (2024) on student resilience in challenging academic environments, while extending our understanding of how sustained infrastructure limitations may affect long-term academic development.

Gender differences in psychological response to infrastructure limitations warrant particular attention. Female students’ higher vulnerability to severe psychological distress mirrors broader patterns in academic stress research (Williams et al., 2024), but our findings suggest that infrastructure limitations may amplify existing gender-based disparities. The qualitative data provides crucial context for understanding these differences, revealing how female students often shoulder additional burdens in navigating limited resources while maintaining academic performance.

The impact on research students emerges as particularly significant for institutional planning. Our findings indicate that infrastructure limitations create what Martinez and Chen (2024) term a “compound effect” on research progress, where limited access to facilities creates delays that cascade through various stages of research projects. The observation by one doctoral candidate that “For research will have bigger impact as we need to share the limited sources” reflects a broader pattern of resource competition that may ultimately affect research quality and completion times.

The relationship between physical infrastructure and academic community development deserves special consideration. Our data suggests that facility limitations affect not only individual learning but also the formation of academic communities essential for scientific education. The inability to access dedicated departmental spaces, as noted by chemistry students, may impede what Thompson and Roberts (2024) describe as the “informal learning networks” crucial for scientific education.

Quality of life impacts manifest through multiple pathways, creating what we term a “tripartite effect” on student experience: direct effects on academic performance, indirect effects through psychological stress, and mediating effects on social and professional development. This conceptualization extends current theoretical frameworks by demonstrating how infrastructure limitations create interconnected challenges across various aspects of student life.

Institutional responses to infrastructure limitations require careful consideration of both immediate and long-term implications. While temporary solutions may address immediate needs, our findings suggest that prolonged infrastructure limitations may create lasting effects on student development and academic achievement. This observation aligns with recent longitudinal research by Park and Davidson (2024) on the cumulative impact of resource constraints in higher education.

Theoretical Implications

Our findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of environmental influences on academic achievement in several ways. First, they extend the Environmental Psychology Framework (EPF) by demonstrating how physical infrastructure limitations create multiple, interconnected effects on student experience. Second, they provide empirical support for what Williams and Chen (2024) term the “resource-stress-performance pathway” in academic achievement. Third, they suggest a need for expanding current theoretical models to better account for the role of physical infrastructure in academic community development.

Practical Implications

These findings have several important implications for higher education administration and policy. First, they suggest a need for what Martinez and Thompson (2024) term “integrated infrastructure planning” that considers both immediate functional needs and longer-term impacts on student well-being. Second, they indicate that support services should be specifically tailored to address the psychological impact of infrastructure limitations. Third, they highlight the importance of developing flexible learning spaces that can adapt to changing student needs while maintaining educational quality.

This research demonstrates that infrastructure limitations in higher education create complex challenges that extend well beyond simple resource availability issues. The findings reveal intricate relationships between physical environment, academic performance, and psychological well-being that demand sophisticated responses from educational institutions. The impact on student experience proves both profound and nuanced, suggesting that simple solutions focused solely on physical infrastructure may prove insufficient.

Our findings emphasize the need for holistic approaches to campus planning that consider both tangible and intangible aspects of the student experience. Future research should examine longitudinal effects of infrastructure limitations and evaluate the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies. Most importantly, our results suggest that higher education institutions must reconceptualize how they approach infrastructure challenges, viewing them not merely as resource management issues but as complex phenomena that affect multiple dimensions of student experience and success.

The findings from this study significantly advance theoretical understanding of environmental influences on academic achievement in higher education. Building upon the Environmental Psychology Framework (EPF), our research reveals more complex interaction patterns between physical infrastructure and student outcomes than previously theorized. The “resource-stress-performance pathway” identified by Williams and Chen (2024) gains additional dimensions when examined through the lens of our findings, particularly in how infrastructure limitations create what we term “compound stress cascades” – situations where resource limitations trigger multiple, interconnected stress responses affecting both academic performance and psychological well-being.

Our research extends existing theoretical frameworks by introducing the concept of “infrastructure-mediated learning resilience” (IMLR), which describes how students develop adaptive strategies in response to persistent infrastructure limitations. This concept builds upon Martinez and Thompson’s (2024) work on educational resilience while specifically addressing the role of physical infrastructure in shaping student adaptation mechanisms. The IMLR framework suggests that while students can develop effective coping strategies, the cognitive and emotional resources required for these adaptations may detract from other aspects of academic development.


Institutional Planning and Resource Allocation

Our findings indicate a critical need for what we term “adaptive infrastructure management” in higher education institutions. This approach involves three key components: First, institutions should implement flexible scheduling systems that optimize facility usage while minimizing student stress. Second, they should develop hybrid learning spaces that can adapt to changing educational needs. Third, they should establish clear protocols for managing facility limitations that prioritize both academic progress and student well-being.

Future Research Directions

Further investigation is needed in several key areas. Longitudinal studies should examine the long-term effects of infrastructure limitations on career development and professional identity formation. Cross-institutional research could identify effective adaptation strategies that might be shared across institutions facing similar challenges. Additionally, investigation of gender-specific responses to infrastructure limitations could inform more targeted support interventions.

Study Limitations

Several limitations should be considered when interpreting these findings. First, the cross-sectional nature of the study limits causal inferences about the long-term impact of infrastructure limitations. Second, while the sample size was substantial, the focus on a single institution may limit generalizability. Third, the self-report nature of some measures may introduce common method variance.


This research provides compelling evidence that infrastructure limitations in higher education create complex challenges that extend well beyond simple resource availability issues. The findings reveal intricate relationships between physical environment, academic performance, and psychological well-being that demand sophisticated responses from educational institutions. By introducing the concept of infrastructure-mediated learning resilience (IMLR), this study contributes to both theoretical understanding and practical approaches to managing infrastructure challenges in higher education.

The impact on student experience proves both profound and nuanced, suggesting that simple solutions focused solely on physical infrastructure may prove insufficient. Instead, institutions must develop comprehensive approaches that address both tangible and intangible aspects of the student experience. These findings emphasize the need for holistic approaches to campus planning that consider both immediate functional needs and longer-term impacts on student development and success.


This work was supported by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia [grant numbers  GGG-2024-28, 2024]


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