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The Imperative for Play Spaces within the Evolving Dwelling System of Dhaka City for the Holistic Development & Wellbeing of Children
- Md Manzur Alahee
- Syed Monirul Islam
- 3999-4013
- Jan 22, 2025
- Architecture
The Imperative for Play Spaces within the Evolving Dwelling System of Dhaka City for the Holistic Development & Wellbeing of Children
1Md Manzur Alahee, 2Syed Monirul Islam
1Freelance Architect & Play Props-Spaces designer and
2Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Southeast University
Received: 15 December 2024; Accepted: 19 December 2024; Published: 22 January 2025
‘PLAY’ is an integral part of childhood. Through play the children develop and experience their motor skills, learn how to interact with others and solve problems. Play makes a child creative and logical in making a decision. Children‘s play and learning have strong relationships with the play spaces. Playing in outdoor spaces has immediate and as long as long-term effects which contribute children’s health and development in every manner, which includes the mental and physical well-being of a child. In Dhaka play spaces are being gradually reduced. Insufficient play space, congested dwellings, changing family structure, perception about play time and space, technology, adult’s life- styles, lack of time influence the development of children. Study shows that due to lack of play space and opportunity create various complexities among the children. The study helps to understand the stakeholder’s understanding, perception and attitude for consideration about the play space and prepare a guideline in providing Play Space for child development through analyzing some good practices. To accomplish the study’s aims and objectives, the qualitative research approach was employed. The phenomenological inquiry has been followed by the qualitative research approach. We are able to get a clear picture of their opinions about the play space in urban childhood by conducting in-depth interviews (IDI) with experts who are especially relevant. The focus group discussion (FGD) has once again produced a clear visual depiction of the problem and the solutions that the architects think and apply. A few key ideas came out of their discussions, including the notion that play is a child’s basic right in order to support their socioemotional and overall development.
Key words: Play, play space, child development, stakeholder and outdoor space.
Playfulness is the very pulse of childhood. It is almost a synonym for a child, irrespective of caste or creed, rich or poor white or black. The play is the most meaningful, powerful and delightful medium of self-expression of a man or animal in their childhood. Through play, the children of all class develop their creativity, imagination and socialization. It nurtures physical and mental development, fulfills baby’s inborn need to learn. (Lester, Stuart Russell, Wendy, 2010) It is, in fact, an indispensable part of every child’s life. It affords a great opportunity for a child to be aware of his own worth and capability and it develops his own personality & self- reliance. Furthermore, opposed to dull repetitive and monotonous homework, play & sports help the brain and the Nero-cortex to develop remarkably which is reflected in the proverb: ‘‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” (Edgeworth. M, 1825). Plato (428 BC-348 BC) a great mastermind of the past, emphasized the effectiveness of play and other forms of various activities on the human life towards their future development (Whitebread, 2012).
The physical plays are deeply related to the available outdoor spaces. Regarding the study on Play and spatial relation, Walz a renowned theoretician says that play takes place through movement, rhythm & pleasure (Walz, Steffen P. 2010). Change of dwelling style owing to rapid unplanned urbanization creating scarcity of play-space. So that urban childhood become deprived of the benefit of play. In Dhaka playgrounds and parks have been destroyed because of the negligence of concern authorities, a few open spaces exist in the city for children to play which is a prerequisite for building a healthy nation. Once, Dhaka was a city with lots of open spaces but within the last four decades, it become one of the densely populated area with scarcity of open spaces (Ahmed, et al, 2013). In the process of urbanization, vacant plots and open spaces are being occupied in the name of development which transformed into built-up areas (Ahmed, et al, 2009). It’s an alarming issue for the future generation. Along with the providing play space for children, it should be ensured that the authority must be aware about the importance of play in building a healthy nation.
A city of more than 600-year history of political and cultural importance, Dhaka turned into a mega city from its original rural fabrics without proper planning (Islam, et al 1996). The shape of habitat in Dhaka has changed since the crisis of dwelling in the area and to meet the crisis the city become overcrowded. In Dhaka 45.000 people live in per square kilometer (BBC Bangla, 2018). Now, the environment of the city become worst for living. In its entire huge population, 8.9% is infant (0-4 years), 10.1% is kids between 5 to 9 years of age. (RAJUK, 2018). In another report of RAJUK titled Dhaka Structure Plan 2016— 2035 says that 37% of the total urban population of Bangladesh live in Dhaka. (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipokko (RAJUK) Dhaka 2022 – Detail Area Plan (DAP) of Dhaka City 2016 -2035). Rapid urban growth in Dhaka city enforcing heavy demands on urban utilities and services that are accommodated through various infrastructures development which occupy the vacant land in the city. As a result of these, there is only 1.0% of land exist in Dhaka city which are using as playground, parks and other open spaces. Whereas, many modern cities in the world occupy up to 20-30% of spaces as green and open areas (RAJUK, 2018). As a mega city Dhaka should ensure more effort in providing open spaces for the healthy and comfortable live of its inhabitants in the form of parks, playground and green spaces. As a home of millions inhabitants Dhaka should be more livable with the opportunities for more child friendly environment. A glint of promise is in the cloudy sky that the Dhaka city corporation has led a project to conserve and reconstruct 31 parks and playgrounds titled as The “Jol-Shobujer Dhaka Project” (city covered with water and green) (Hasan, R, 2018).
Figure: The Play and the outdoor play spaces for children: (Photo: 1. Salim Bin Mujib, Daily Star, 5 June, 2019. 2. SHATOTTO Architecture for green living)
The play has a vital role in the development of children’s physical and mental wellbeing. The mental development means the development of various bits of intelligence namely linguistic, logical and mathematical, interpersonal, naturalistic, musical, spatial and other intelligence. From the study it is found that lack of accessibility to outdoor spaces has adverse impact on the physical and mental health of the children. They suffer from the deficiency of vitamin D and several kind of diseases like Rickets, low vision and breathing problems etc. (Moss, 2012). The children who do not play in the outdoor spaces with physical effort, face the problem of obesity which leads them to less ability of doing physical works and the children suffer from major Cardio-respiratory problems Moss, 2012). If these continues for a long time, a generation with weaklings will be produced soon in the country. Insufficient play space, congested dwellings, changing family structure, perception about play time and space, technology, adult’s life-styles, lack of time influence the children’s development (Febry, 2015). It is substantially proved by some researches that lack of play causes anxiety, depression, attention deficiency and hyperactive (ADHA), autism, narcissism, suicidal tendency, various physical disorder – short-sightedness (Myopia), obesity, softening and weakening of bones (rickets) etc. (Play England ,2011).
According to some studies the children living in vertical dwellings without any play- space are less competent in socio-emotional quality than the children of rural areas. (Whitman C, 2009). According to the basic principle of urban design play space ought to be provided maintaining a spatial hierarchy according to age group. There is a report of Hume City Council on children play space and development titled as “Play Space and Planning Framework”. This report also has emphasized upon the prime importance having a direct relation to the intrapersonal and interpersonal development of children. (Hume city council, UK, 2012).
Figure: Google image of typical dense settlement in Dhaka city.
In the present times it becomes a burning issue about the impact of scarcity of proper play space and opportunity to the children living in the apartment. Because of population explosion, combined with random building construction without abiding by the fundamental principles of urbanization play space for children are being gradually shrunk to the point of non-existence. The scarcity of proper play space forces the children to be engaged in the digital gazette and they become self-centered of the virtual world (Jeffrey Goldstein, 2012). Thus, the children cannot experience the real world. Their indoor-oriented and self-centered behavior makes them less attentive to mainstream education and thus make them less socio-emotional beings.
This study give a pictorial sense about the current scenario of play space and child development. The professionals who are involved in designing the physical environment and real estate entrepreneur who are performing as a space provider to citizen for better urban life , all identify the problem and give a guideline to the way of solutions. Actually the main purpose of the study is to identify the problem –scarcity of play space and the impact on child development and well -being and the reasons of the scarcity of play space in our city and get a direction toward the solutions of the problem. There are also expert’s idea and suggestion which will help us to find out the reasons for the problem. Building a generation with skill and physical strength, it is necessary to provide age appropriate play space in urban areas. The study will help to make sense of essentiality of play space for child friendly urbanization among the professionals, corporate society, parents and above all the citizen in our country. Further research and any initiatives like that can be enhanced by the study.
The main objective of the study was to understand the perception of different stakeholders about the play spaces on child development and well-being and find the way to include play spaces in the design of dwelling system in Dhaka city. The specific objectives are:
1. To know stakeholder’s understanding, perception and attitude for consideration about the play space in term of child development and well-being.
2. To analyze some good practices in providing Play Spaces in dwelling system in Dhaka city.
3. To prepare a guide line in providing Play Space for child development.
Qualitative research approach was followed for the study. In the research procedure convenient sampling technique was applied to select participants. There is need to outline in the brief why using qualitative approaches to this study – reference scholarly views. Interview was conducted with 7(seven) urban planner, 14(fourteen) architects and 04 (four) Real Estate Entrepreneur (RE) who directly involve with creating space for urbanization. Also, it has been conducted a focus group discussion (FGD) with 6(six) government architects of Architecture Department under ministry of public works Department PWD.
The qualitative research approach has been taken into consideration in order to get a clear perspective from the pertinent expert. By using open-ended questions to probe further into the study goal, the FGD and IDI tools
This is a much more successful method than using quantitative methods. Once more, it is a highly efficient way to quickly determine the answers based on the real-world experience from the samples- personals, which is highly supportive of the goals and objectives of the study.
The study has been conducted within the premises of Dhaka south city corporation (DSCC). In this study, processes of data collection tools are used as In-depth Interview (IDI) guideline. The IDI guideline was developed and reviewed. The tool was piloted in the field. The researcher communicated with the participants over phone or email for getting appointment and willingness for interview. Six in-depth-interviews (IDIs) were conducted separately in a convenient place. The duration of each IDI was 50-60 minutes. All IDIs were conducted by the researcher himself. One FGD of Architect and Parents of 10 no’s was conducted to get their perception and recommendation about the play space of the children. For data management and analysis in the qualitative research continue simultaneously with the process of data collection. The data managed and analyzed following content analysis technique. In the beginning, raw data has been checked and rechecked to check the ambiguity in data. Then data has been the transcript and organized. Data has been reviewed and rechecked. Field notes and memo has been also been organized in a transcript. Later on, data has been summarized under theme and sub themes. Issues in providing Play Space for children: In this study the main objective is to know the perception of different stakeholders about play space and child development and wellbeing. The specific objective was to know the attitude and considerations of stakeholder for play space.
Issues in providing Play Space for children:
In this study the main objective is to know the perception of different stakeholders about play space and child development and wellbeing. The specific objective was to know the attitude and considerations of stakeholder for play space. Twenty-five (25) in-depth interview was conducted with 7(seven) urban planner, 14(fourteen) architects and 04 (four) Real Estate Entrepreneur (RE) who directly involve with creating space for urbanization. Also, it has been conducted a focus group discussion with 6(six) government architects of Architecture Department under ministry of public works Department PWD. All architects are at least 20 years experienced in their relevant field. One of them is Aga Khan Award winning architect. On the other hand, most of the Real Estate Entrepreneurs (RE) are in relevant business for more than 30 years. Here the issues according to the specific objective has been identified through their perception (what they perceive), their understanding (what they want to do), their attitude (what they perceive about the works they do) about play space and child development and wellbeing.
Figure: Apartments at Uttara with no outdoor spaces for children. (Photo: Ar. Hasibuzzaman)
Understanding of stakeholders about play and importance of play for child development and well-being
Most of the participants say that play promotes the physical, cognitive and socio- emotional development of children. Most of the participants state that play promote leadership and organizing skills. They also shared that play helps children to get a touch of nature and learn from nature. They mention that play helps them to think collectively and creatively. One of the real states’ entrepreneur (RE) says “Due to lack of opportunity to play , children become self-centered , less communicative and less skilled in language”.
Many of them share that play helps to develop the coordination of eye, hand and thought process. Two architects state that play helps to learn rule and regulation that help to be loyal and disciplined in childhood. Most of the architect and REs think a like that well – being means mental and physical wellness and play has a vital role in improving wellbeing in childhood and beyond.
Perception of stakeholders about the importance of play spaces for child development and well-being
Most of the participants say that play space promotes play activities. Most of the participants’ share that indoor and outdoor play spaces help the children to develop physical and cognitive aspects and a sense of self belongingness in the nature. All participants agree that play in outdoor space enhance socio-emotional development of the children.
“A play space can break down the concept of different strata of our society. Children grow up as part of the community with respect and feeling.” says one participant.
Participants share that without outdoor and open play spaces, a child’s sense of space becomes narrow and their vision become in low aperture.
One Architect says, “My child is 4 years. Most of the time he plays in the lift lobby (20’- 22’length) but one day I took him in the park, he could not run more than the length he runs usually.”
Stakeholders’ perception towards scarcity of play spaces
Most of the participants mention that now a day’s children prefer to watch TV, play games with the digital device instead of play with peers in the open space, because of scarcity of play space and safety. Most of architects share that play spaces have been sold out or illegally occupied by the influential groups.
Figure: Dwelling system of Dhaka city. (Photo: Mahmud Hossain Opu, Dhaka Tribune 31 October, 2021 and Apartment block at Uttara by Ar. Hasibuzzaman.)
One participant says, “They keep play spaces in private residential areas in the original design, but practically these spaces have been sold to the customers. There is no monitoring authority for this.”
Participants share that due to the lack of maintenance by the local authorities, most of the play fields are occupied through illegal activities by the drug dealers, anti -social activists or vendors.
Architects mention that play spaces and child development come together. In the traditional dwelling, there was a courtyard where children played, but in urban area, the courtyard is transformed into lift and stair lobby. It should be regained through the design process and implementation.
One RE says, “After food and shelter, open play space is another primary need for the children.”
Stakeholders’ consideration for play space when they design dwellings and city
All participants express that sometimes indoor wide living area with natural light and air; wide veranda, or open terrace will be used as a play area. Many of them share that roof top with fencing, a ground floor area (parking pace at basement), intermediate floor in high rise residential buildings could be designed as play space.
All architects say that according to Imaret Nirman Bidimala (Building Construction Act) 2008, if the construction area is more than 3000 square meters, there should be 4% of community space and for above 1300 square meters land, 10% of the area should be open space for community purpose and children’s play.
One architect’s says, “We can make shift space along with lift and stair lobby, outdoor, semi outdoor as community gathering and play space for children”.
Two REs share that school, hospitals, shopping mall and restaurants could have designated play space for children.
All suggest that Government organization like RAJUK, Public Works Department (PWD), Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Ministry of planning with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MWCA) and private stakeholders work together and follow the Child friendly City Initiatives (CFCI). They also suggest that Real Estate sector can involve ECD experts like architects when they design city or dwellers.
Key Findings:
Through play, children learn to respect others opinion. In a word-they learn to respect others of the society. Leadership and organizing competence grow through play among the children. Play stimulates all developmental domains of Early Childhood Development. Without play space, urbanization is totally incomplete and harmful for child development and wellbeing.
Figure: Google image of different areas in Dhaka city shows building blocks with no outdoorspaces for children: 1. Kolabagan, 2. Keraniganj, 3. Bashundhara & 4. Mohammadpur.
The growing of a child with play space and without play space has long-term and short- term effect in his life. Lack of play space children depends on electronic devices. They spend with display time when they should play. When they engage with electronic devices their brain works and the situation is controlled by it. When a child actively plays body-mind-sight-hearing works simultaneously. The development of intelligence of the child is amplified, all the development domains are developed. Lack of open play space children is deprived of the playful childhood. Most of the child suffers from physical (obesity, rickets, short-eyesight, asthma) and phyco-social (self-centered, low Self- regulation and efficacy) difficulties.
Parents should change the negative concept about the play. They should think the play is a process of children learning. Awareness building program – campaign at pre-school campus, the maternity health care center can play an effective role in using play space for children. Individual thinking is the source of insecurity, one the other hand, vertical apartment dwelling has a bad impact on the inter-family relationship which are actually very poor. Most of the family is becoming an individual for lacking their interaction spaces. In spite of common courtyard within the habitat, stair and lift become common meeting space in an apartment building.
Narrow and congested dwelling make a negative impact on child development. Quality Playtime and open play space promote holistic development of children. Urban planning and implementation authority like RAJUK, KDA, CDA, RDA, etc. should plan a city, focusing on child development and mother care. The paradigm should be shifted. The concept of the plot for the dwelling should be shifted to Block development with open space -age-appropriate play space and other amenities. Accessibility to open play space should be vehicle free within 600 m radius or at least 800 radii of child residential area.
Figure: “Probani Ridge Dale” By Navana, A beautiful example of an apartment complex with safe, secured and dedicated children’s outdoor play space. (Photo: Author)
The Government should take initiative for child-friendly urbanization ensuring proper play space and create awareness among the citizen and private organizations. Without play space, any dwelling will not get construction approval and occupancy certificate. At least a multifamily dwelling building of 40 families should be justified for approval. Proper monitoring and implementations of this kind of initiatives in urban planning will give better outcomes.
A school without play space will not get the approval for education from the Primary Education Ministry.
The real estate business should promote by facilities of Banking and low taxes for ensuring play spaces in their projects. From the corner of the real estate sector and non- government organization working with ECCD, together launched a joint venture program to attend to play space and facilities for the children in the context of the urban arena.
This research paper covers the distinctive aspects of child development and well-being through play. In this connection, it will also focus on the present scenario of play space opportunity and scarcity among the children (3 to 6years) dwelling in an apartment building in Dhaka city Conducting survey among the resource personal , it is cleared that all of them are agreed to the positive impact of play space on child development. This section will be discussed the issue according to the specific objective as discussed before.
Play is important in childhood development and well-being:
Actually Play is the most important for holistic child development (physical, cognitive, socio emotional and language development) and wellbeing .Well -being means mental and physical wellness and play has a vital role in improving wellbeing in childhood and beyond. Due to lack of play opportunity, children become self-centered, less communicative and less skilled in language. To build up a nation of higher self-efficacy and self-esteem play has no alternative. Children adopt self-regulation through play. Through play children learn how to communicate with understanding others feelings.
Providing Outdoor Play Space in Dwelling Units:
A play space can break down the concept of different strata of our society. Play space makes the children able to work collectively, face reality and take risk. Without play space children are growing in solitary environment, they become less communicative and socio-emotional skill, physical constrains like obesity, shortsightedness, asthma, less bone development and less brain development. Most significantly, without outdoor and open play spaces, a child’s sense of space becomes narrow and their vision become in low aperture. It is very alarming that now a days most of the dwelling units are constructed on a small plot where the outdoor spaces for children cannot be provided. In the recent building regulation act ‘Detailed Area Plan’ (DAP) there is some extra benefit in Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for plot joining or block development.
Scarcity of play spaces due to change in urban fabric:
To conform to the unbalance demand of the home for an over density of population, the perpendicular extension of dwelling has become a compulsory solution. The practice of human habitats is changing fast. Basic architecture of dwelling is changed which is not designed for the consideration of child growth. It is proven that children’s learning through play and their freedoms to go to play outside are enormously influenced by their living places. So the people who are concern about these events might be concerned about the surroundings where they inhabit such as the qualities and facilities of neighborhoods, localities and obviously the cities.
The architectural pattern: outdoor -semi-outdoor, indoor the hierarchy of space is the basic architecture in the context of Bangladesh, here the veranda works as a semi- outdoor, during rainy seasons children played there. The children (aged 3+ to 7+) played in the outdoor space (courtyard) in front of the eyes of their parents. Later on, about 8-9 years old children worked in neighborhood open space or the primary school playground. Only today these are absent in Dhaka city. Alas, most of the school holds no proper playground. Children have little space to act in this position. There are some law of building design according to BNBC,2006, there should have mandatory open space for children play area and community purpose in a project on .1 hector but the are some malpractice like that people keep play spaces in private residential areas in the original design, but practically these spaces have been sold to the customers. Existing Play spaces have been sold out or illegally occupied by the influential groups. Another scenario is that the lack of maintenance by the local authorities, most of the play fields are occupied with drugs and anti -social activities or vendors.
Rethinking the dwelling units in Dhaka city:
Re-thinking of urban dwelling for creating play space and opportunity make ensure first step of child development and wellbeing. 30 open parks are now renovating with Jol- shobuj -Prokolpo in the research site DSCC. Make-shift space with lift lobby is a consideration for play space. Roof top with fencing, a ground floor area (parking pace at basement), intermediate floor in high rise residential buildings are designed as play space sometimes. But without attachment of earth, the holistic development of small fries will be a topic of the aspiration. The dwelling should scope to establish a relationship between ground open space and indoor space as common play space.
Changing the attitude of stakeholders towards children play space in Dhaka city:
Now a days, the professionals-architects and city planner, real estate entrepreneur all realize that we have developed our city without thinking of our future generations for fulfilling the basic protection of such a huge person. Thus, this is the most difficult time to turn all the professionals like sociologists, ECD experts, planners and architects and Government policymaker all in a same direction. Very recent this topic is knocking its urgency to the all stakeholders in every manner. So that an inclusive and comprehensive method in providing children friendly outdoor spaces must be followed by all the stakeholder. It is not only the responsibility of one specific processional but expertise from all professions should be the part of this process. The intellectual and civic society of the country should come forward to build awareness among the general public and force the stake holder to provide spaces for children.
Good Practices:
Most of the areas in Dhaka city is densely populated with lack of open play spaces for the children. Some areas have play field which are mostly occupied by the adults and there is no access for the children, for examples all the open fields in Dhanmondi area are being use by the grown up for practicing various sports (Abahani Muth, Dhanmondi Muth etc.). Some areas have parks where children did not get any chance to play any sports or games such as Baridhara Park, Gulshan Park, Dhanmondi Lakesidepark etc. In Ramna Park there is a separate corner dedicated for the children where children can play. Newly renovated Justice Shahabuddin Park at Gulshan and Fazle Rabbi Park at Nikaton also provided some facilities for the children. The followings are some of the good examples in providing Children Play Space which are provided in the dense urban areas of Dhaka.
Revitalization of Rasulbug Children’s Park:
Rasulbagh Shishu Park, located within a densely populated old part of Dhaka city named Azimpur, has been renovated very recently and designed and supervised by ‘SHATOTTO architecture for green living’ (An architectural consulting firm). The project was initiated by Dhaka City Corporation and under the project to conserve and reconstruct of 31 parks and playground titled as The “Jol-Shobujer Dhaka Project”. The park was neglected and miss-managed by the localities, disconnected from main road and surrounded by multi storied buildings with a gap of only 3ft lane. The park was accessed by a narrow and congested road (most of which was occupied by makeshift shops) at the southwest corner.
Figure: The Rasulbug Park. 1. The condition of park before design, 2. The park and the dense populate area around it, 3. Relationship of Park with adjacent residential buildings & 4.Children are playing in the park. (Photo: SHATOTTO Architecture for green living.)
In the park area there was a three storied abandoned building at west side and a mosque at southeast corner. After the renovation work, the park is provided with an open field for sports and playground for children. There are also provided 500ft walk ways, a public plaza, a library, a gymnasium, a coffee shop and a community hall. The park is also used as an Eidgah. Now a days it becomes a children’s heaven and gathering space of the local community.
Shahid Haji Abdul Alim Playground:
‘Shahid Haji Abdul Alim Playground’ is another project which was initiated by Dhaka City Corporation and under the project to conserve and reconstruct of 31 parks and playground titled as The “Jol-Shobujer Dhaka Project”. This playground is also design by SHATOTTO.It is also located in Azimpur area and only 20 minutes walking distance from Rasulbug Park. It was actually an Eidgah Field which and was mostly occupied as a parking space for cars, rickshaw vans, and trucks. Now it becomes a well design playground and public gathering space with spectacular greens around.
Figure: Shahid Haji Abdul Alim Playground. 1. The park and the dense populate area around it 2. Children playing in the park. (Photo: SHATOTTO Architecture for green living.)
Bamboo Play space for kids
Bamboo Play space is constructed in Washpur Garden City in Bosila of Dhaka. The play space is made of bamboo made of bamboo. This dramatic play space was done under the architectural course CADSE (Critical Architecture Design and Sustainable Environment).
Figure: Bamboo Play Space. 1. Play space made of bamboos & 2. Street children playing in the space. (Photo: Salim Bin Mujib, Daily Star, 5 June, 2019.)
The students of architecture from BRAC University and BUET designed and constructed the project. It helps the deprived kids of the locality to develop their physical and mental health and initiated by Local Education and Economic Development Organization (LEEDO).
Dhanshiri Apartment:
‘Dhanshiri’ is an apartment complex consists of 46 apartments which is located on the busy road of Farmgate on 35A Indira Road and designed by Ar. Bashirul Haq. It is a nice looking apartment complex with minimum 50ft to 60ft setback in front and back side and a central court surrounded by the apartments. The buildings has large terraces on north and south sides at the fifth floor level and long cantilever balconies. In each floor of the apartment there are long corridors which are the approach ways to the individual flats. These terraces, balconies and long corridor in front of each flat have multipurpose usages such as children’s play area, gardening space and community gathering space. The setback spaces in front and back are also used as children’s play space.
Figure :Dhanshiri Apartment (Photo: 1,2 & 3 Bashirul Haq and Associates, Ar. Al-Amin Abu Ahmed Ashraf-Dolon and 4&5 Ar. Urmee CHowdhury.)
Kalindi Apartment:
‘Kalindi’ is also a high class residential apartment located in the busy area of Farmgate on 36, Indira Road, designed by Ar. Bashirul Haq. The apartment is consists of a large central courtyard and two more small courtyards. On north and south block. On the east side of the apartment there is Dhanshiri apartment and 40ft setback spaces from the boundary wall. On the south east corner there are a terrace which is created by sacrificing two apartments. The courtyards, the setback space on east side and the terrace is used as children’s play space and community gathering space. This apartment is a great example of a children friendly apartment complex in a busy, dense area of Dhaka city. As Kalindi is a gated apartment complex, all the outdoor spaces in the complex where children play is safe and secured and the parents can keep vigilance on their children while they are playing in the spaces .So that they eagerly allow their children to play outside.
Figure: Kalindi Apartment (Photo: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bashirul Haq and Associates, Ar. Al-Amin Abu Ahmed Ashraf-Dolon and 5 Collected from internet.)
Japan Garden City:
Japan Garden city is a large apartment complex at Ring Road, Mohammadpur. The complex consist of 26 nos 16styoried apartments with more than 1856 units and a central space within apartment buildings. The space is designed with a water body and landscape. The space is mostly used as a children play space and community gathering space. This space within the concrete jungle of apartments act like an oasis to the children. It is a safe a secured spaces for children to play and parents can also monitor them when they play in the outdoor space. Japan Garden City is also a gated apartment complex and all the outdoor spaces in the complex where children play is safe and secured. So parents feel comfortable to allow their children to play there. Only problem of this space is that it is too much hard with less vegetation.
Figure: Japan Garden City open spaces for children. (Photo: Ar. H.M.Al Rakib and internet)
Analysis of the findings from the discussions and examples of good practices:
From the analysis of the above discussion it is found that Play is essential for children’s physical and psychological growth and outdoor spaces for children’s play is necessary to meet that required phenomenon. In the present trend of urban growth, either it is planned or unplanned, open spaces for children is ignored. But we should provide outdoor spaces for children in the community and also in their dwelling units. And to do these we must think different and diversified solution in planning and providing dwelling units. All stack holder including; planner, architect, builder and the community people must change their attitude positively in providing open spaces for children.
The examples describe in the section of Good Practices, are some projects where the architect, community people and the builders successfully accommodated open spaces through their innovations in the dense urban areas where exists a lot of constrains regarding the spaces. The first 2 projects; ‘Rasulbaug Children’s Park’ and ‘Shahid Haji Abdul Alim Playground’, are 2 play fields designed by Architect Rafik Aam, where he with the help of community people successfully designed a play spaces for children and a breathing spaces for inhabitants. Both the projects are located in the dense urban areas of old Dhaka where it is very critical to facilitate this kind of spaces. The 3rd project ‘Bamboo Play Space for Kids’ is a space created with bamboo for the street children in another dense populated area of Basila, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. This project aims to build a children’s play area with limited resource by low cost and sustainable materials. Then there are2 residential buildings ‘Dhanshiri’ and ‘Kalindi” which are located in another busy area named Farmgate, Dhaka. These 2 projects are good examples in providing open spaces for children in a commercial apartment building. Architect Bashirul Haq, the designer of both buildings, created spaces in ground level as well as in upper level as terrace. The vertical spaces in the buildings are the comfortable area where the children can play and the parents could monitor them closely. The last project ‘Japan Garden City’ is a large apartment complex with a central play space for children. The real estate company sacrifices a lot to provide a lot to provide the facilities for the children of the complex.
From the analysis, it is clear that crating outdoor spaces in the dense urban area or highly commercial apartment complex is not impossible. It depends on the attitude of the stack holder. And all of them should consider the outdoor spaces for the better development of our future generation.
Parenting program:
Parenting program has been recommended to create awareness and empower parents to understand the value of play and play space in child’s life. Through parenting sessions, parents can teach scaffold children to fiddle, the technique of play with children, toy making procedure and so on Government and private organization can claim the initiative for parenting to make a play full environment. Parents should give quality time of parenting to their children.
Professional initiatives:
Professionals can involve promoting age appropriate play space according to the legacy of Bangle human settlement pattern – house – verandah -Uthan (court yard) – Angan (pocket play space or neighborhood park) -Prangan (school pay space) -Parantor(vast open space / stadium).
Within apartment buildings and beyond the apartment building open play space will be designed and the professionals who work with ECCD can maintain the distance. At that place should be a bridge among the professional for promoting use of fun space.
National building code 2006 and child policy 2011 should be aimed for the basic urban design criteria and age appropriate play space to be produced within a housing area. The pros should possess a solid voice for that. Inclusive play space designing including children and parents can turn over an outcome for wellbeing and holistic growth of youngsters.
Providing play spaces of different settings within the built form and/or in front of built form will prove the value of sport and create a comfort zone for the children to play as well as for the parents to monitor closely.
Real Estate company initiatives for play space:
The entrepreneur should consider an opening move to develop play space as a profitable effect of concern. From their corner the can take initiative like campaign and awareness pregame as marketing their spaces in order to clients understanding the value of play
They should stick to the basic purpose of housing development, ensuring the amenities like school with playground, age appropriate play space.
Empowering the community:
For motivating play-accepting culture and providing outdoor natural spaces for play within the community, the social media, print and electronic media can play a significant role to encourage the inhabitants of that community. The community people should be encouraged to understand the problem of excessive non-interactive indoor activities and to manage outdoor physical activities for youngsters. Thus the community who will develop the Play-neighborhood project will get more popularity that will encouraged in providing regular play opportunities at residential open spaces. Eventually it could be included in the policy guideline to actively engage local residents and the ECD based company to build up a sustainable service model for children’s play spaces.
Providing the opportunities mentioned above a child can play and work freely with natural elements in outdoor spaces. The beginning of outdoor play should be without any trouble, as some of the children do not like to be dirty, sometimes scared of animals. On the other hand parents are also worry about potential risk which may arise in outdoor. Nevertheless, these troubles are soon broken up once everyone becomes more experienced. A family day outings with neighbors to the countryside, community fun days at public parks, and Forest School for kindergartens are very influencing initiative for the empowering of the community to develop children’s physical and mental health.
Government and Non-Government organization’s role in providing play spaces for child growth and welfare:
The Government should take initiative to make child friendly and easily accessible to all aged people the unhealthy play space and parkland.
Playground and parks safety and care are provided by an agency. In that location can be an inspector to maintain play space.
The Government should take initiative to empower community people to make them capable in providing suitable provisions for play and managing outdoor spaces for children’s friendly environment. Consultants, real estate agency, community leader, civic society and researcher can play an important function in advancing safe and inclusive play facilities for the children according international standard and criteria. Children, youth and parents should be involved in town planning. All the inhabitants of a community should work together with Government. and Non govt. stakeholders collaboratively to foster environments and attitudes that support children’s play. Govt. takes policy to apply low interest of bank loan for the projects what are facilitated play space for the children in the neighborhood.
UNICEF and UN organizations have taken an initiative named Child-Friendly City Initiative (CFCI) ensuring proper play space for child growth and welfare. In the initiatives depend on the cultural context of the urban center. Children are the planner of his own city. Using the participatory urban design method as children, youth, city planners and architects, environmentalists and other relevant stakeholders are called for in their city planning and implementation. Here, firstly Government should take the first step to meet masses of different stakeholders’ children, youth and adults and work program for awareness and strategy for implementation and valuation.
This study can be helpful to promote play space in the dwelling or city designing process. Involving children like to grant them an assignment what will be their preferred space to sport can be architectural design procedure. This inclusive design can create the child friendly physical environment with children’s participation.
Architects and Town planner can be included play space and opportunity within their established form. It can be selected an enterprise as a business of play space for youngsters in urban areas. Inclusive play space with natural scenes will be mandatory for preschools and it will promote play-based learning curriculum.
In congested dwelling or urban area –the manner of play space can be planned according to the essence the study, as well as this study can be helpful further in-depth study about the play space design.
Children of a community must be respected and honored through providing scope for play in outdoor natural environment. Consultants, real estate agencies, community leaders, civic society and researchers should include the agenda of children’s play space in their planning schedule. Daily personal life, social spirit and national life including lack of quality time, resources and suitable outdoor spaces for children’s play are overriding the importance of children’s physical and mental good health among the families and within the entire residential districts. This is the proper time to look at this issue for better human development of our nation. The survey findings support to create consciousness about the importance of play space and chance for child growth and welfare among the key stakeholders. The findings also hint that all relevant offices and child development experts should go in concert to ensure play space and children’s growth and well-being.
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