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The Influence of Language Strategy Use to the English Language Proficiency of Grade 11 Students: A Correlational Study

  • Yecyec, Ranelyn S.
  • Bayani, EJ F.
  • Batoon, Jay Ann B.
  • Cortado, Jun Dalfon Jr. G
  • Daraydo, Charles B.
  • Ingan, Emily L.
  • Lucas, Naveerick G.
  • Mondero, Avrilloraiine V.
  • Pedrero, Rebecca
  • Sefuentes, Stephen Client Jhon D
  • Simbajon, Kyla A
  • Krystal Joy M. Clamares
  • Anna Marie O. Pelandas
  • 2749-2756
  • May 23, 2024
  • Language

The Influence of Language Strategy Use to the English Language Proficiency of Grade 11 Students: A Correlational Study

Yecyec, Ranelyn S1., Bayani, EJ F1., Batoon, Jay Ann B1., Cortado, Jun Dalfon Jr. G1., Daraydo, Charles B1., Ingan, Emily L1., Lucas, Naveerick G1., Mondero, Avrilloraiine V1., Pedrero, Rebecca1, Sefuentes, Stephen Clent Jhon D1., Simbajon, Kyla A1., Krystal Joy M. Clamares, PhD2., Anna Marie O. Pelandas, MAEd2

1Department of Education, Senior High School Students, Philippines

2Department of Education, Senior High School Teachers Division of Davao de Oro, Philippines


Received: 26 April 2024; Revised: 11 May 2024; Accepted: 14 May 2024; Published: 23 May 2024


This study dealt with the influence of Language strategy use and English language proficiency of Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The primary goal of the study was to determine the level of Language strategy use, and English language proficiency in terms of their respective indicators, the significant relationship between Language strategy use and English language proficiency and what domains of Language strategy use substantially influence English language proficiency. Also, this study utilized a quantitative-correctional design with 202 respondents among Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The average weighted mean, Pearson R, and multiple regression analysis were the statistical tools used in this study. Along with this, results showed a high level of Language strategy use among grade 11 students in terms of listening strategy use, vocabulary strategy use and translation strategy use. Also, results showed a high level of English language proficiency in grade 11 students regarding speaking proficiency, reading proficiency and writing proficiency. In addition, there is a high correlation, and a significant relationship between Language strategy and English language proficiency. Hence, this leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis. Also, all domains of language strategy use showed high ratings as perceived by students. Thus, the students may continue to improve their Language strategy use so that they can easily learn the English language proficiency.

Keywords: GAS, Language Strategy Use, English Language Proficiency, Philippines


In Bangladesh, mastering proficiency in spoken English was not easy, and students and ordinary people spend a long time acquiring their desire (Islam & Stapa, 2021). Apart from this, Dovydas (2018) stated that when they try to learn English Language proficiency in China, pronunciation is another major issue that causes many difficulties. It was found in a study conducted in Thailand that students face general problems with English language proficiency, such as fear of being mocked by friends and lack of confidence, and they need to learn correct pronunciation rules (Yuh & Kaewurai, 2021). In the same way, Takaoka (2023) affirmed that Japanese speakers may need help with pronunciation and comprehensibility when speaking English.

In Calamba, Manila, Ella (2018) mentioned that students studying a target language for quite some time are more exposed to that language and become certainly more experienced than beginners. As well as that, in Cagayan, language strategy helped the learner perform the language tasks effectively, and they will be effective and skillful learners (Manuel, 2020). Furthermore, Marga (2022) expressed that there is a positive correlation between language strategy use and English language proficiency. Besides, as reported by Cuarto (2018), language strategy use, and English language proficiency have a significant relationship and communicating with peers and classmates helps the students considerably in becoming proficient in English.

In addition to this, a study conducted by Torrevillas (2021) expressed that in Mindanao they still need in help advancing their English language proficiency, particularly their oral communication skill. Correspondingly, in Maguindanao students do not possess English language proficiency and they are not proficient when it comes to oral and written in English (Bawa, 2020). In Davao de Oro, most of the state colleges learners have problem when it comes to grammar and reading comprehension (Raymunde & Amonong, 2022).  Based on the researchers observation, English Language proficiency is very difficult for most of the students because they only focuses on their first language, most of the students are not good in English language proficiency specially in speaking, writing and reading because they really think that it is not easy to learn English language proficiency.

However, the researchers did not come across any study conducted on the influence of language strategy use on English language proficiency among Grade 11 learners at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. This highlights the unique contribution this study will make by providing new insights into the relationship between language strategy use and English language proficiency among Grade 11 learners at the school. This scenario has motivated the researchers to explore indicators that may lead to English language proficiency in Grade 11 learners. The researchers are interested in determining if language strategy use improve or influence the English language proficiency of Grade 11 students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School, as this awareness can inform future actions related to school administration, teaching methods, and classroom learning. Consequently, there is a compelling need for this study to be undertaken.

Research Objectives

This study was conducted to determine the influence of language strategy Use towards the English language Proficiency Specifically, the study sought answers to the following objectives:

  1. To assess the level of Language Strategy Use among Grade 11 students in terms of:

  1.1       Listening strategy Use;

  1.2       Vocabulary strategy Use; and

  1.3       Translation strategy Use.

2.To find out the level of English language proficiency among Grade 11 students in terms of:

  2.1       Speaking proficiency;

  2.2       Reading proficiency; and

2.3       Writing proficiency.

3.To determine the significant relationship between language strategy use and English language proficiency.

4.To determine which of the domains in language strategy use significantly influences the English language proficiency of Grade 11.


This study used a quantitative non-experimental research design utilizing correlational technique. This method was used when the objective is to describe the status of the situation as it exists at the same time of the study to explore the causes of a particular phenomenon. In correlation research, it involves collecting data in order to determine whether the degree of a relationship exists between two of more quantifiable variables (Gay et al., 2006).

Population and Sample

Simple random sampling was used in the selection of respondents. The subjects of this study were the 202Grade 11students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School in the school year 2023-2024. They are ideal respondents for this study because they have more understanding of research methodologies and the ability to provide thoughtful responses in interviews and survey as they have more analytical skills specially on there language strategy use.

Statistical Tool

The following statistical tools were utilized for the data analysis and interpretation.

Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the level of language strategy use and English language proficiency of the Grade 11 Students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Pearson (r).This statistical tool was used to determine the significance on the relationship between language strategy use and English language proficiency among Grade 11 students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Multiple Regression Analysis. This statistical tool was used to determine the influence of language strategy use and English language proficiency among Grade 11 students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.


Level of Language Strategy   

Shown in Table 1 are the mean scores for the indicators of Language strategy use among Grade 11 Students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School with an overall mean of 3.8 and described as high with a standard deviation of 0.59. The high level could be attributed to the high rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This entails that the respondents’ responses to the Language strategy use are positive in terms of listening strategy use, vocabulary strategy use and translation strategy use.

Moreover, the cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.88 or high for vocabulary strategy use with standard deviation of 0.63; 3.87 or high for translation strategy use with standard deviation of 0.58; and 3.83 or high for translation strategy use with standard deviation of 0.58.

Table 1. Level of Language Strategy

Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level
Listening strategy use 3.83 0.58 High
Vocabulary strategy use 3.88 0.63 High
Translation strategy use 3.87 0.58 High
Overall 3.86 0.59           High

Level of English Language Proficiency

Shown in Table 2 are the mean scores for the indicators of English language proficiency among Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School with an overall mean of 3. 82 and described as high with a standard deviation of 0.60 The high level could be attributed to the high rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This entails that the respondent’s responses to the English language proficiency is positive in terms of speaking proficiency, reading proficiency, and writing proficiency.

Furthermore, the cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 3.84 or high for speaking proficiency with standard deviation of 0.59; 3.82 or high for reading proficiency with standard Deviation of 0.59; 3.81 or high for writing proficiency with standard deviation of 0.62.

Table 2. Level of English Language Proficiency

Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level
Speaking proficiency 3.84 0.59 High Level
Reading proficiency 3.82 0.59 High Level
Writing proficiency 3.81 0.62 High Level
Overall 3.82 0.60 High Level

Significant Relationship between Language Strategy use and English language Proficiency

The results revealed that Language strategy use, and English language proficiency have a significant relationship. This result is due to an p -value of < 001, which is less than the 0.05 p- value. Hence, this leads to the decision that the null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant relationship between language strategy use and English language proficiency among Grade 11 students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is rejected. Moreover, Pearson’s R value which is 0.765 further means that there is a strong positive correlation between language strategy use and English language proficiency.

Multiple Regression Analysis of The Influence of Language Strategy Use towards English Language Proficiency

Using the Multiple Regression Analysis, the data revealed that the influence of language strategy use, and English language proficiency has f-value of 94.449 And corresponding significance p-value of <,001 which was significant.

Consistently, this means that the usage of language strategy use influences the English language proficiency of Grade 11 students since the probability is less than 0.05. The R squared of 0.592 implies that 59.2% of the English language proficiency of Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is influenced by the usage of language strategy use, while 40.8% remaining were not covered by the study and is influenced by other factors.

Furthermore, the indicator listening strategy use has a p- value of <,001 which means that it has a significant influence on the English language proficiency among grade 11 students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School since the probability is less than the level of significance at 0.05.Also, vocabulary strategy use has a p- value of <,001 which means that it has a significant influence on the English language proficiency among grade 11 students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School since the probability is less than the level of significance at 0.05. Lastly, the Translation strategy use has a p- value of <,001 which means that it has a significant influence on the English language proficiency among grade 11 students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School since the probability is less than the level of significance at 0.05. The overall result of Language Strategy use significantly influences the English language proficiency of Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.


Level of Language Strategy

The Language strategy use of Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is high. This means that Language strategy use among Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is positive. This further means that the Language strategy use among Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School manifested a positive Language strategy use, which the Grade 11 students could freely express their thoughts about Listening strategy use, which refers to a student who are using there listening strategy to learn the English language, many of them listening to the English speakers so that they can adapt the English words and languages, many of them are listening to those people who are speaking English because by  listening it will be easily for the students to practice and learn the English language proficiency and listening strategy use is a big help; Vocabulary strategy use wherein the students also gain knowledge by just using there vocabulary to learn the English language, by just memorizing those English words they can learn easily or by just remembering that word students will be easily learn the English language; Translation strategy use which refers when a student is using a translator to learn the English words and translating the difficult English words.

Moreover, this result in relation to the proportion of Sukying (2021) Language strategy use are a critical factor in facilitating the successful acquisition of a second or foreign language. Further, Language strategy use can be a great help when learning a new language, a language strategy use is an approach to learning that is meant to make learning easier and more successful (Kurtz,2023).As a matter of fact, Likitrattanaporn (2018) expressed that language strategy use is a special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new Language.

Level of English Language Proficiency

The respondents’ level of English language proficiency among Grade 11 students is high. This means that English language proficiency was positive among Grade 11 students. This result is symmetrical with the work of, Queensland (2023)   English language proficiency is the ability to use the English language to make and communicate meaning in spoken and written contexts while completing their program of study. As well as that, Eltglobal (2020) expressed that being able to speak an English language helps to make a real connection with people and to know more about diverse cultures, places and lifestyles, the more proficient you are, the better you can express yourself. Addition to this, English language proficiency is an essential skill that is highly valued in many parts of the world, whether it’s for academic, professional, or personal reasons, having a good command of the English language can open up many opportunities (Chito, 2023).

To add, as evidence of high level of speaking proficiency, the level of English language proficiency was positive. This signifies that the English language proficiency is promoting speaking proficiency. This is congruent to the study of Reshmi, (2021) the first step in improving your speaking skills is actually working on your listening; listening to English has several benefits it allows you to pick up new words, phrases, and ways to respond in conversations. On the other hand, becoming proficient in English is not an easy task and requires hard work and time. Moreover, it takes years to become perfect in another language; it’s a known fact that proficiency in English is the combination of your strengths in four major areas: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening (Admin, 2020). Aside from that, if you want to improve your English-speaking skills, there is no substitute for practicing with real conversations. When speaking to someone, you must recall English vocabulary, all of this takes practice (Benjamine, 2018).

Significant Relationship between Language Strategy use and English language Proficiency

The present study reveals a significant relationship between language strategy use and English language proficiency among Grade 11 students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. This implies that Language strategy use influences English language proficiency among Grade 11 students, which can be seen in the data. This confirms the main anchored theory of this study, the social interaction theory of Vygotsky (1978) which claimed that there is relationship between Language strategy use and English language proficiency because it can be learned in the context of interaction with adults and other children. This agitates the other gleaned proposition in this study, the proposition of Marga (2022) claimed that there is a positive correlation between language strategy use and English language proficiency since English language proficiency, and that the use of language strategy use has an influence on the outcome.

Further, the relationship between overall language strategy uses and English language proficiency is significant among Grade 11 students at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. This implies that English language proficiency is dependent on Language strategy use among Grade 11 students. These findings affirmed the theory of Nativist theory of Chomsky (1957) this theory is useful when it comes to language strategy use, Chomsky claimed that we are born with a specific language-learning area in our brain, nativists believe that children are wired to learn language, when using techniques. In addition, these findings further aligned with the averment presented by Cummins (1981) the Common Underlying Proficiency theory of which claimed that the knowledge and skills acquired in one language can transfer to another language, supporting language development and academic achievement in both languages. Correspondingly, according to the common underlying proficiency theory, as children acquire academic knowledge and skills in their first language, they also acquire language independent information about those skills that can be applied when learning a second language (Goodrich et al.,2017).

Multiple Regression Analysis of The Influence of Language Strategy Use towards English Language Proficiency

Using the Multiple Regression in JASP software, the data revealed that the Language strategy use and English language proficiency among the Grade 11 students has a significant influence. The overall results of the Language strategy use predict English language proficiency of Grade 11 students. Therefore, the significance level of hypothesis of Language strategy uses and English language proficiency among the grade 11 students is rejected.

Correspondingly, these results support to the statement of Marga (2022) which have pointed that there is a positive correlation between language strategy use and English language proficiency since English language proficiency, and that the use of language strategy use have an influence on the outcome. Moreover, the perspective of Cuarto (2018) stated that language strategy use, and English language proficiency have a significant relationship and communicating with peers and classmates helps the students considerably in becoming proficient. To boot, the attestation of Sukying (2021) It is likely that the selection of strategies to learn English still varies Indeed, there is relationships between Language strategy Use and English language proficiency.

In accumulation, Listening strategy use has a significant influence on English language proficiency among the Grade 11 students. This is parallel to the study of Xu & Huang (2018) which shows that listening strategy use is a crucial skill that provides the learners with the ability to process input and to have interaction with speakers of other languages in their real-life everyday communications. Not to mention, it equidistant to the scrutinization of Shammari, (2020) expressed that listening is of vital importance in English as a Foreign/Second Language learning as it is a major source of input for language learners, it is more frequently used than other skills, and it can grant access to other language skills.

In connection with the vocabulary strategy use, it has a significant influence on English language proficiency among Grade 11 Students. It battens the view of Sedita, 2023) that an important strategy to help students is to build their vocabulary,with the help of context example, using the clues or hints provided in the text that surround an unfamiliar word to help guess the meaning without depending on a dictionary. Melvin, (2022) uttered that deepening vocabulary skills takes a lifetime; It’s vital that students understand how to learn new words so that they don’t feel singled out if they’re struggling to enhance their vocabulary.


The findings of the study are used to draw conclusions. The level of Language strategy use among Grade 11 students of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is high for listening strategy use, high for vocabulary strategy use, and high for translation strategy use, thus the Overall mean is  high for the Language strategy use. The level of English language proficiency among Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is high for speaking proficiency, high for reading proficiency, and high for writing proficiency, thus the overall mean Is high for the level of English language proficiency Moreover, the findings opposed the Theoretical assumption of no significant relationship between Language strategy use  and  English language proficiency of Grade 11 students in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Contrary to the assumption, the study concludes that Language strategy use, and English language proficiency were positively correlated. That was, change in the level of Language strategy use affects the level of English language proficiency. Further, there are three domains in Language strategy use significantly influence the English language proficiency in Grade 11 students.


In light of the preceding and conclusions, the following recommendations were offered. Since it is concluded that Language strategy use has significant relationship towards English language proficiency of Grade 11 students, should practice english language proficiency using the language strategy use, that is the best thing that they can do inside the classroom and then they must learn there teachers because there teachers are the one who knows the english language proficiency and by listening there teacher student can learn a lot.

Similarly, Teacher should teach there student to practice there english language proficiency because they are the one who know the corrent grammar and pronunciation that’s why they must help there student to English language proficiency by using the language strategy use and help the student to improve and love the english language.

Furthermore, school administrator should encourage our teachers to improve the English language proficiency of every student because even though it is difficult to learn English language but they can use the language strategy use to learn English in easy way. They should encourage also the students to learn english because it benefit the student a lot and it will help them in near future.

Ultimately, the Department of Education should implement program for the student, because if they will implement some programs for English language proficiency it is a big help for the student to learn about english because by letting student know everything about english language proficiency there is a big possibility that they will like to learn the English language proficiency.

Finally, it could serve as a foundational reference for future researchers aiming to expand the research scope by considering the variables highlighted in the study.


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  4. Cuarto, H.& Rivera, E. (2018) Influence of Language Learning Strategies to the English proficiency Test Performance of College Students
  5. Ella, B. (2018) Reading Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers readers
  6. Eltglobal (2020) How to improve your spoken English: 8 tips
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  11. Melvin, M. (2022) 7 Creative Strategies to Improve Vocabulary Teaching
  12. Queensland, (2023) 12 Tips on How To Improve Your English Speaking Skills
  13. Raymunde, P. & Mamonong, V. (2022) Unfolding the Lived Experiences of the College Students’ Language Learning Strategies vis-à-vistheir English Proficiency: A Convergent Design
  14. Reshmi, V. M (2021) Seven simple ways to improve your speaking skills. skill
  15. Sedita, J. (2023) The importance of teaching prosody as par of reading Fluency
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