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The Influence Of Service Quality And Experiential Marketing On Revisit Intention Through Customer Satisfaction With Social Media Instagram As A Moderator Variable

  • Naufal Farras Alfattahu
  • Edy Yulianto
  • Edriana Pangestuti
  • Rintis Worodinanti
  • 2190-2203
  • Feb 10, 2025
  • Marketing

The Influence of Service Quality and Experiential Marketing on Revisit Intention through Customer Satisfaction with Social Media Instagram as a Moderator Variable

Naufal Farras Alfattahu, Edy Yulianto, Edriana Pangestuti, Rintis Worodinanti

Brawijaya University, Faculty of Administrative Science, Indonesia


Received: 14 January 2025; Accepted: 18 January 2025; Published: 10 February 2025


The aim of this study was to highlight the impact of Service Quality and Experiential Marketing on Revisit Intention trough Customer Satisfaction with Social Media Instagram as Moderator Variabel. The research methodology used in this study is explanatory research.   The study used 497 respondents who previously attended music concert Sound of Downtown event at least once. The data analysis in this study used SmartPLS 3.0 for Windows software with a sample collection method using purposive sampling method. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the path coefficient calculation shows that the value of path coefficient of each hypothesis surpasses the value of path coefficient except hypothesis 8. The path coefficient test result for Customer Satisfaction on Revisit Intention have a significant influence with a path coefficient value is 0.414. Only slightly different, the influence of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction is significant with a path coefficient value of 0.413. On the other hand the path coefficient test results for Service Quality does not significantly affect customer satisfaction through the moderation variable of social media with a path coefficient value is 0.001. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that service quality and experiential marketing have a significant influence on customer satisfaction and revisit intention, both directly and through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable, while social media as a moderating variable does not have a significant influence on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, although it remains important as a marketing tool for promotion, interaction, and information dissemination.

Keywords: Service Quality, Experiential Marketing, Revisit Intention, Customer Satisfaction and Social Media.


The tourism sector is one of the drivers of global economic growth that is able to create employment opportunities, support micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and increase foreign exchange. However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world in 2020 has caused a downturn in this sector, including in Indonesia. Restrictive policies such as PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) and PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) implemented by the government for two years have resulted in a significant decline in the number of visitors to tourist destinations, causing many tourism sectors to stagnate.

The year 2023 became a turning point for the revival of Indonesian tourism with many activities and events organized in various regions. One sector that has recorded growth is the entertainment and leisure industry, including events such as music concerts. In today’s digital era, social media plays an important role in promoting these events. Instagram, as one of the most popular social media platforms in Indonesia, is an effective means to reach a wider audience.

One example of an event that has made the most of social media is Sounds of Downtown (SoD), a music concert that has been held since 2022. In its five events, SoD managed to attract more than 147,000 spectators in three major cities, namely Jakarta, Surabaya and Semarang. This success cannot be separated from the implementation of experiential marketing strategies, good service quality, and promotion through Instagram. This strategy not only creates a memorable experience for visitors, but also encourages the intention to return to attend concerts in the future (revisit intention).

Experiential marketing is a marketing approach that provides customers with emotional, intellectual and spiritual experiences. In the context of music concerts, these experiences can create a deep impression that strengthens visitor loyalty. In addition, good service quality, including satisfying facilities and interactions, is an important factor in building customer satisfaction.

This study aims to examine the effect of service quality and experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. This research also highlights the role of social media as a mediating variable in supporting experiential marketing strategies. Based on this phenomenon, this research focused on the Sounds of Downtown music concert as a case study.

This research is expected to contribute to the development of marketing strategies in the tourism sector, particularly in creating memorable experiences through social media optimization. Thus, the findings of this research can be a reference for event organizers and entertainment industry players in increasing customer satisfaction and encouraging the growth of the tourism sector in the post-pandemic era.


Service Quality

The method for improving service quality in the entertainment and leisure sector is known as service quality. Service quality is defined as an effort to meet customer needs and expectations and ensure that the way of delivery matches customer expectations. The difference between expectations and perceptions is then used to evaluate service quality. This method emphasizes that understanding and controlling customer needs is very important to improve service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985). Service quality in the entertainment and leisure industry is very important because it affects the audience’s experience and creates a satisfying impression according to their expectations. Efforts to improve service quality can also result in more return customers or more positive reviews.

Benefits of Service Quality

Here are some of the benefits of using servqual in the entertainment and leisure industry, among others:

  1. Increase customer satisfaction: Evaluating service quality with servqual can help improve customer satisfaction.
  2. Increase customer loyalty: Customers satisfied with the service provided are likely to become loyal customers.
  3. Increasing competitive advantage: In the highly competitive entertainment and leisure industry, companies that can provide high-quality services have a competitive advantage.
  4. Improve corporate image: A good corporate image can help increase customer trust and open up opportunities for new customers.

Experiential Marketing

According to (Godovykh & Tasci, 2020), experiential marketing is an approach used to create experiences for consumers by using feelings, sensations, feelings, thoughts, actions, and relationships when they use certain goods or services, so that they can differentiate their goods and services from competitors. The main goal of experiential marketing is to create experiences that can touch emotions, challenge thinking, engage the senses, and generate desire. Experiential marketing can increase customer loyalty and trust and differentiate brands from competitors in the market.

According to (Schmitt, 1999) , the concept of experiential marketing consists of four main ideas that focus on creating a significant and close relationship between brands and customers through the provision of emotional and sensory-based experiences for customers. In this case, innovation, creativity, and brand personality are essential to create a unique, memorable, and satisfying experience for customers.

Benefits of Experiential Marketing

According to Schmitt in (Pratminingsih et al., 2018), experiential marketing has the following benefits:

  1. Experiential marketing can improve consumer memory because the experience provided is more memorable and emotional than just information presented through advertisements or other media. Consumers who feel involved in a positive marketing experience tend to remember the promoted brands and products more easily.
  2. Consumers who have a positive experience with a brand or product tend to be more loyal and have the potential to become loyal customers. This is because they feel that the brand or product provides added value that they cannot get from competitors.
  3. Experiential marketing can help strengthen brand identity by giving consumers a direct experience of brand values. The experience can effectively communicate brand messages and help brands to differentiate themselves from competitors.
  4. Consumers involved in experiential marketing tend to feel more engaged and have a sense of ownership of the brand or product. This can help brands to create further relationships with consumers as well as create individual experiences.

Customer Satisfaction

(Cardozo, 1965) says satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that arises when a person compares perceived performance or results with expected results. Cardozo also introduced the concept of effort in his theory, which includes physical, mental, and financial resources spent by consumers to obtain a product or service. The more effort spent by consumers, the higher consumers’ expectations of the product or service. Thus, Cardozo states that customer satisfaction is not only influenced by the quality of the product or service itself, but also by the amount of effort spent by consumers to obtain the product or service. Restaurants will leave customers dissatisfied if they do not meet their expectations. However, if they are able to meet or even exceed their expectations, customers will feel satisfied. Marketers can use Cardozo’s theory as a foundation on customer satisfaction to understand what can affect customer satisfaction and make plans to increase their satisfaction.

According to Kotler and Armstrong, satisfaction is a positive result produced by consumers after comparing the performance of a product or service with their previous expectations. Expectations are mental images of what to expect from a product or service before use. When the product or service meets or exceeds customer expectations, consumers will feel satisfied; if they feel that they are getting more than expected, they will feel satisfied; conversely, if the product or service does not meet expectations, customers will feel disappointed. According to Kotler and Armstrong, the importance of customer satisfaction is that satisfied customers tend to remain loyal to the brand or company, buy goods again, and give good recommendations to others. Therefore, customer satisfaction management is essential to maintain and build relationships with customers in the long term and foster sustainable customer loyalty.

Benefits of Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction has many benefits that have been stated by Kotler and Armstrong in the context of marketing. Some of the key benefits of customer satisfaction according to them include:

  1. Customer Loyalty: Consumers who are satisfied with a product or service tend to be more loyal to the brand or company.
  2. Repeat Purchases: Satisfied customers also tend to make repeat purchases.
  3. Positive Recommendations: Customers who are satisfied with a product or service tend to give positive recommendations to others.
  4. Business Growth: Through customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive recommendations, customer satisfaction can contribute to business growth.
  5. Cost Reduction: Improving customer satisfaction can also help reduce costs in the long run.
  6. Good Reputation: Businesses that are known for having satisfied and loyal customers have a good reputation in the market.

Revisit Intention

According to (Wang et al., 2021), revisit intention is part of the concept of consumer loyalty, which depends on consumers’ views on product or service quality, satisfaction, and commitment. If tourists are satisfied with a tourist destination that can meet their needs, their chances of returning to the destination will increase.

In the field of tourism, (Zhang et al., 2021) state that revisit intention is a person’s desire or intention to return to a tourist destination in the future, especially after having a positive experience there. Overall, revisit intention is the result of positive feelings and satisfaction obtained. According (Wang et al., 2021), understanding the intention to return or revisit intention is very important in analyzing consumer behavior related to returning to tourist destinations.

Benefits of Revisit Intention

The following are some of the benefits of revisit intention:

  1. Increases Customer Loyalty as the intention to return indicates that users are satisfied with their experience and want to return to use the same product or service in the future.
  2. Increases Conversions and Sales as returning users have a higher probability of making a purchase than new users.
  3. Increases Marketing Efficiency, organizations do not need to spend as much time or resources introducing their brand or products to new users.
  4. Improves Brand Image as returning users have a positive experience with the brand or product. This can affect the user’s perception of the brand as a whole and make the brand more attractive to potential users.

Social Media

In the marketing world, it is commonly thought that digital marketing encompasses a wide range of activities that include the use of internet-based social media. Social media is a group of internet-based applications that build on Web 2.0 ideologies and technologies and enable the exchange of content created by users. They can be accessed through the internet to reach a larger audience and make it easier for users to interact with people from all over the world.

Social media is built on the foundation of Web 2.0 ideology, which emphasizes on active participation of users in creating and sharing content. This makes social media a democratic platform where everyone has the opportunity to voice their opinions. Social media has the ability to help users create and share their own content, such as text, images, video and audio. This makes social media a rich and diverse source of information.

Social media is a way to share experiences, information, and perspectives on a community-oriented website. Social media marketing, according to (Gunelius, n.d.), is a type of direct or indirect marketing used to increase awareness, recognition, recall, and action for a brand, business, product, person, or other entity. This is done using social web tools such as blogging, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, and content sharing. Social media is an online platform that enables two-way communication and content sharing. It can be an important part of an effective marketing strategy as it can increase a company’s visibility on the internet, improve relationships with clients, and increase word-of-mouth advertising.

Benefits of Social Media

  1. Increase brand awareness: Social media can be used to introduce brands and products to new audiences.
  2. Reach a wider audience: Social media can be used to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing, such as television or radio advertisements.
  3. Build relationships with customers: Social media can be used to build relationships with customers and increase customer satisfaction.
  4. Increase sales: Social media can be used to drive sales of products or services. By offering discounts, promotions, or engaging content, businesses can encourage customers to buy their products or services.
  5. Generating leads: Social media can be used to generate leads, which are potential customers who are interested in a business’s products or services.
  6. Increase customer loyalty: Social media can be used to increase customer loyalty.


Based on the existing research basis, research questions, research objectives, and theoretical review, this study focuses on the variables to be investigated, namely service quality, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, social media, and revisit destination. The conceptual framework of this study explains the influence between these variables. The following is a picture of the research concept model:

Figure 1 Research Concept Model

Source: Researcher Processed Results (2023)

This research is a continuation of previous research, which uses various variables to learn more about the relationship between variables of the phenomenon that has been observed by the researcher. This framework explains how the stimulus, organism, and response communication process between visitor behavior and the facilities and services they receive leads to visitor satisfaction, so that they want to return to music concerts, especially when they have a memorable experience and feel satisfaction that matches their expectations. The visitors will seek information through social media platforms, which includes basic information dissemination. They will then assess the quality of the content and the response to the content, all of which will impact the patron’s perception of the service and make them want to return to the music concert.


Outer Model

In the analysis stage, the measurement model, also known as the outer model, involves testing four criteria: indicator reliability, internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2017). In the indicator reliability measurement model, this is done by calculating the outer load values, which show the relationship between each construct or indicator and its variable. If the individual reflexive value correlates with the construct more than 0.70, then the individual reflexive value is considered high. This study will use an additional factor limit of 0.70. Since all items exceed 0.70, each item out of 55 is considered to have a high individual reflexive, as described in table 5.15. Item Z1.3.2 has the highest value of 0.829, and item X1.5.1 has the smallest value of 0.703.

Next, the calculation of internal consistency reliability is carried out. The internal consistency reliability measurement model uses Cronbach’s alpha, which has a threshold comparable to composite reliability. After performing the calculation, the composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha are shown in Table 5.16. The composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha values for each variable are more than 0.70, indicating that they have satisfactory reliability (Hair et al., 2017).

Table 1 Internal Consistency Reliability

  Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability Information
Customer Satisfaction (Z) 0.924 0.937 Accepted
Experiential Marketing (X2) 0.952 0.958 Accepted
Media Sosial (X3) 0.903 0.920 Accepted
Revisit Intention (Y) 0.911 0.928 Accepted
Service Quality (X1) 0.931 0.940 Accepted

Source: Smartpls 3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

In the third calculation from outside the model, convergent validity To assess convergent validity, the average variance extracted (AVE) value must be more than 0.50. After calculation, we found that each variable has an AVE value above 0.50, which indicates that they are acceptable.

Table 2 Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Value

Variabel AVE Information
Service Quality (X1) 0.526 Accepted
Experiential Marketing (X2) 0.653 Accepted
Media Sosial (X3) 0.563 Accepted
Customer Satisfaction (Z) 0.652 Accepted
Revisit Intention (Y) 0.617 Accepted

Source: SmartPLS 3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

Discriminant validity is the final calculation of the outer model. To determine discriminant validity, the heterotrait-monotrait correlation ratio (HTMT) value is calculated. The HTMT value can be considered valid if it is below 0.85. This indicates that the variable is acceptable (Hair et al., 2017).

Table 3 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) Value

  Customer Satisfaction (Z) Experiential Marketing (X2) Social Media (X3) Moderating Effect X1*X3 Revisit Intention (Y) Service Quality (X1)
Customer Satisfaction (Z)            
Experiential Marketing (X2) 0.832          
Media Sosial (X3) 0.794 0.777        
Moderating Effect X1*X3 0.472 0.375 0.384      
Revisit Intention (Y) 0.847 0.783 0.678 0.607    
Service Quality (X1) 0.677 0.580 0.479 0.739 0.706  

Source: SmartPLS3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

Inner Model

To assess the relationship between constructs and the significance values, variable infation factor (VIF), R-square, F-square, and predictive relevance (Q2) of the research model, testing within the model, also known as the structural model, is performed using the t-test and significance of the structural path parameter coefficients.

Figure 2 Structural Model

Source: Smartpls 3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

The VIF calculation results in the table show that, because the VIF calculation results are <3, six variable relationships have no problems. However, there is one relationship between the customer satisfaction and revisit intention variables, with a value of 3.01, which indicates a non-critical problem.

Table 4 Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)

 Variabel Customer Satisfaction (Z) Revisit Intention (Y)
Customer Satisfaction (Z)   3.010
Experiential Marketing (X2) 2.449 2.592
Media Sosial (X3) 2.138  
Moderating Effect X1*X3 2.086  
Service Quality (X1) 2.538 1.685

Source: SmartPLS3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

In assessing the model with PLS, we start by looking at the R-square for each dependent latent variable. The table below explains the results of the R-square estimation using SmartPLS.

Table 5 R-Square

Variabel R Square R Square Adjusted
Customer Satisfaction (Z) 0.715 0.713
Revisit Intention (Y) 0.679 0.677

Source: SmartPLS3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

It can be seen that the table shows the R-square value for the Customer Satisfaction (Z) variable is obtained at 0.715. This result shows that 71.5% of the Customer Satisfaction (Z) variable can be influenced by the Service Quality (X1) and Experiential Marketing (X2) variables. Meanwhile, the R-square value for the Revisit Intention (Y) variable is obtained at 0.679. These results indicate that 67.9% of the Revisit Intention (Y) variable can be influenced by the Service Quality (X1), Experiential Marketing (X2) and Customer Satisfaction (Z) variables.

Table 6 F-Square Value

 Variabel Revisit Intention (Y) Customer Satisfaction (Z)
Service Quality (X1) 0.11 0.17
Experiential Marketing (X2) 0.09 0.23
Media Sosial (X3)   0.16
Revisit Intention (Y)    
Customer Satisfaction (Z) 0.17  

Source: SmartPLS3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

Based on this table, the f-square value of service quality (X1) of 0.11 shows a small effect on revisit intention (Y), and a value of 0.17 shows a moderate effect on customer satisfaction (Z). The f-square value of experiential marketing (X2) of 0.09 indicates a small effect on revisit intention (Y), and a value of 0.23 indicates a moderate effect on customer satisfaction (Z). The f-square value of customer satisfaction (Z) of 0.17 indicates a moderate influence on revisit intention (Y).

Table 7 Results of Direct Effect Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis Variabel Path Coefficient T Statistics (O/STDEV) P Values Information
H1 X1Z 0.268 4,459 0,000 Significant
H2 X1Y 0.234 3,230 0,002 Significant
H3 X1ZY 0.110 3.307 0.001 Significant
H4 X2Z 0.413 5,763 0,000 Significant
H5 X2Y 0.277 3,170 0,001 Significant
H6 X2ZY 0.164 2.920 0.004 Significant
H7 ZY 0.414 3,673 0,000 Significant
H8 Moderating Effect X1-X3→ (Z) 0.001 0.052 0.958 Not Significant

Source: SmartPLS3.0 Processing Results by Researchers, 2024

The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be seen that the t-statistic value in the relationship between the service quality variable (X1) and customer satisfaction (Z) is greater than the t table value, namely 4.459 greater than 1.96, and has a significance value of less than 0.05, namely 0.000 less than 0.05. As a result, it can be concluded that this test has a significant direct effect, which indicates that the service quality variable (X1) has a significant positive effect on the customer satisfaction variable (Z). These results are in line with the findings of previous research by Vikram (Singh et al., n.d.), where the tested hypothesis shows that service quality (X1) has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction.

This shows that a higher level of customer satisfaction (X1) at Sound of Downtown leads to more return visitors. Service quality strongly influences each other, and having the best service will increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, it can be concluded that high service quality scores can significantly influence intention to return. This is in line with the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) theory used in this study. According to (Jacoby, n.d.), the stimulus in this study is service quality that can be accepted by customers and can produce a positive response, namely visitors feeling satisfied after spending time at Sound of Downtown.

Therefore, it is important to understand more deeply that the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is not just limited to statistical figures; it also includes psychological and emotional components that influence customer perception and experience. The sense of comfort experienced by customers, as well as the trust provided by optimal service, can play an important role in increasing customer satisfaction. In addition, an in-depth analysis of optimal service quality can also help increase customer satisfaction.

The Influence of Service Quality on Revisit Intention

The results of hypothesis testing show that the t-statistic value on the relationship between the service quality variable (X1) and revisit intention (Y) is greater than the t table value; 3.230 is greater than 1.96, and has a significance value of less than 0.05, 0.002 less than 0.05. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a significant direct effect in this test, which indicates that the service quality variable (X1) has a significant positive effect on the revisit intention variable (Y). This finding is in accordance with the findings of previous research by (Chan et al., 2022), who, based on statistical data analysis, found that the service quality variable (X1) has a significant positive effect on revisit intention (Y). Likewise, research conducted by (Moatar et al., n.d.), (Vikram Singh et al., n.d.), (Uzir et al., 2020), (Mannan et al., 2019), and (Ramdhani & Astuti, 2019).

This shows that the higher the service quality (X1) provided by Sound of Downtown, the greater the revisit intention (Y) of visitors who want to return there in the next volume. The relationship is mutually influential between service and its quality, and the best service will make customers return. Good service can make customers satisfied and feel comfortable, encouraging them to return again in the future.

Therefore, it can be concluded that improving service quality significantly impacts on increasing intention to return. This is in line with the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) theory by (Jacoby, n.d.). In this theory, the stimulus of this research, service quality (X1), can be accepted by visitors and can produce a response of revisit intention (Y) Sound of Downtown again at the next volume. Therefore, the best service will make customers more satisfied and encourage them to return to the event in the future.

The Influence of Service Quality on Revisit Intention through Customer Satisfaction

The mediation relationship between service quality (X1) and revisit intention (Y) through customer satisfaction (Z) has a statistical t value greater than the t table, which is 3.307 greater than 1.96. In addition, the significance value is less than 0.05, which is 0.001 less than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant indirect effect in this test. This relationship shows that the service quality variable (X1) has a significant positive effect on the revisit intention variable (Y) through customer satisfaction (Z). This result is in line with the findings of previous research by (Kamaleswar, n.d.) and (Chan et al., 2022), who tested the hypothesis that there is a positive and significant effect of the mediating variable customer satisfaction (Z) on the relationship between the service quality variable (X1) and revisit intention (Y).

This shows that the relationship between the service quality variable (X1) and the revisit intention variable (Y) is influenced by the mediating variable customer satisfaction (Z). Good service can result in customer satisfaction, which means customers will return. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is significantly influenced by improving service quality, which in turn increases the desire to return. This is in line with the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) theory used in this study by (Jacoby, n.d.). If service quality (X1) is acceptable and produces an organism response such as visitor satisfaction, it will indirectly produce a response of intention to return to Sound of Downtown (Y) at the next volume.

Good service quality is applied in all lines of interaction between customers and the Sound of Downtown organizing committee, including the implementation of high service standards, good staff training, ticket purchase process, entry flow to the event, safety and comfort during the event, and proper attention to customers.

The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be seen that the t-statistic value in the relationship between experiential marketing variables (X2) and customer satisfaction (Z) is greater than the t table value, namely 5.763 greater than 1.96. In addition, the significance value is less than 0.05, which is 0.000 less than 0.05. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a significant direct effect in this test, which indicates that the experiential marketing variable (X2) has a significant positive effect on the customer satisfaction variable (Z). This finding is in line with the findings of previous research by (Jeon, Hyunjin, 2013) and (Ramdhani & Astuti, 2019). The results of the hypothesis testing conducted show that experiential marketing (X2) has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction (Z).

As expected, the level of customer satisfaction (Z) of Sound of Downtown visitors has been achieved through the experiential marketing strategy (X2). A relationship that influences feelings, thoughts, and actions to have an extraordinary experience can lead to a pleasant experience. As a result, it can be concluded that a high value of experiential marketing (X2) can significantly affect the level of visitor satisfaction. This is in line with the idea of marketing described by (Wu et al., 2018) , which states that marketing is a communication process between a company and its consumers. In this study, the concept of experiential marketing (X2) is considered good by visitors and can generate a positive response, namely visitors feel satisfied after spending time at Sound of Downtown.

The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Revisit Intention

The relationship between experiential marketing variables (X2) and revisit intention (Y) has a t-statistic value greater than the t table, which is 3.170 greater than 1.96. In addition, the significance value is less than 0.05, which is 0.001 less than 0.05. Therefore, there is a significant direct effect in this trial. This indicates that the experiential marketing variable (X2) has a significant impact on the revisit intention variable (Y). This is in line with the findings of previous research by (Jeon, Hyunjin, 2013), (Ramdhani & Astuti, 2019), (Lin et al., 2018), and (Chen et al., 2022). The results of hypothesis testing show that experiential marketing (X2) has a positive and significant effect on revisit intention (Y).

This shows that a relationship that influences a person’s feelings, thoughts, and actions to have a memorable experience can encourage Sound of Downtown visitors to revisit intention (Y). Therefore, it can be concluded that a high value of experiential marketing (X2) can significantly influence the desire to revisit the next volume of Sound of Downtown.

The marketing experiment was based on previous Sound of Downton evaluations to encourage people to check back in on the next volume. This relationship occurs because the positive experience given to visitors can make them happy and create pleasant memories. to cause a reaction through the mind to encourage them to take action.

The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Revisit Intention through Customer Satisfaction

Based on the results of hypothesis testing conducted by researchers, it can be seen that the t-statistic value in the mediation relationship between experiential marketing variables (X2) on revisit intention (Y) through customer satisfaction (Z) is greater than the t table value, namely 2.920 greater than 1.96, and has a significance value of less than 0.05, namely 0.004 less than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant indirect effect in this test. According to this relationship, the experiential marketing variable (X2) has a positive impact on the revisit intention variable (Y) through customer satisfaction (Z). This is in accordance with the findings of previous research conducted by (Ramdhani & Astuti, 2019) and (Jeon, Hyunjin, 2013), where the results of hypothesis testing show that the mediating variable customer satisfaction (Z) has a positive and significant effect on the relationship between experiential marketing variables (X2) and revisit intention (Y).

This indicates that the relationship between the experiential marketing variable (X2) and the revisit intention variable (Y) is influenced by the mediating variable customer satisfaction (Z). Marketing based on memorable experiences significantly affects visitor satisfaction, which in turn encourages them to visit again. In conclusion, marketing based on memorable experiences can generate a positive response, namely satisfaction, which in turn encourages them to visit again. This is in line with the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) theory used in this study. According to (Jacoby, n.d.), the stimulus of experiential marketing (X2) referred to in this study can be accepted and generate an organism response such as visitor satisfaction, which can indirectly generate the response of intention to revisit (Y) Sound of Downtown at the next volume.

The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Revisit Intention

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it appears that the t-statistic value on the relationship of the customer satisfaction variable (Z) to revisit intention (Y) is greater than the t table value, which is 3.673 greater than 1.96, and has a significance value of less than 0.05, which is 0.000 less than 0.05. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a significant direct effect in this test, which indicates that the customer satisfaction variable (Z) has a significant positive effect on the revisit intention variable (Y). This finding is in line with the findings of previous research by (Chan et al., 2022), (Ramdhani & Astuti, 2019), (Mannan et al., 2019), (Jeon, Hyunjin, 2013), (Kamaleswar, n.d.), (Park et al., 2019), and (Yogiswari et al., 2021). The results of hypothesis testing show that customer satisfaction (Z) has a significant and positive effect on revisit intention (Y).

This shows that the higher the customer satisfaction value (Z) of Sound of Downtown, the greater the visitor’s desire to return (Y). Thus, a high value of customer satisfaction (Z) can significantly impact on increasing revisit intention (Y) because there is a mutually influential relationship between customer satisfaction and revisit intention. This is in line with the theory of consumer behavior used in this study (Wu et al., 2018). This theory states that when a sense of satisfaction arises as a result of a visit, it can make people want to return for the next volume of Sound of Downtown.

Social Media weakens the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing conducted by researchers, it can be seen that the t-statistic value on the moderation relationship between service quality (X1) and customer satisfaction (Z) through social media (X3) has a value smaller than the t table, which is 0.052 greater than 1.96, and has a significance value greater than 0.05, which is 0.958 greater than 0.055. As a result, it can be concluded that this test does not have a significant impact.

In this research model, social media acts as an additional stimulus that influences the level of service towards customer satisfaction. However, the calculation results show that although social media can improve customers’ perceptions of their satisfaction, customers’ responses to their satisfaction are not significant.

Basically, social media cannot keep visitors satisfied. Once the visit is over, the visitor can be satisfied. Social media can only help in marketing if customers are aware of the services that will be provided in the future. As a result of observations made by researchers through the Sound of Downtown Instagram account, they found that overly complicated interactions and not easy access led to lower visitor satisfaction. As a result, the quality of service provided by the facility is not proportional to visitor satisfaction. In addition, limitations in social media communication and content may make the content uninteresting or not add value to customers.

Based on the analysis, the Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) marketing strategy plays an important role in understanding specific consumer needs and directing resources efficiently to meet the target market. However, in the context of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, the use of social media as a moderating variable did not show a significant effect. This indicates that while social media is an important tool in digital marketing, its effectiveness depends on other factors, such as the suitability of the strategy to the target market segment, consumer behavior, and the resulting value and perception of the core service. Therefore, companies need to focus on improving service quality and deeply understanding market segments to ensure customer satisfaction without relying too much on social media as moderation. (Moutinho, 2000) the importance of STP as a strategic tool to deal with changes in consumer behavior and market trends. Managers need to map market segments in depth based on unique customer needs (segmenting), select the most valuable segments (targeting), and position their services with unique value (positioning). This aligns with the need to not only focus on promotion through social media, but also ensure that service quality is a key element that influences customer satisfaction. In cases where social media is less effective as moderation, companies can direct resources to managing direct customer experience. Based on research by (Luthfiandana et al., 2024) in understanding dynamic market segments and ensuring that brand positioning is aligned with consumer values. If social media weakens the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, it is due to the lack of customization of social media strategies with consumer values or preferences in the targeted market. To overcome this, companies need to focus efforts on strengthening brand identity rooted in direct customer experience and service quality, while still using social media as a supporting tool, not a core element in the strategy.


Using the grand theory of SOR and additional concepts of marketing and consumer behavior, the purpose of this study was to discover the factors that influence the intention to revisit an event. Eight hypotheses were developed based on the results of the analysis and linking the independent variables with the dependent variables: service quality, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, social media, and revisit intention. Thus, it can be concluded that:

  1. Hypothesis 1: Service quality has a major influence on customer satisfaction. This hypothesis is recognized. Good service quality significantly increases customer satisfaction. Therefore, Sound of Downtown concert organizers should concentrate on improving every aspect of service, such as the concert hall, comfort, and interaction with the audience.
  2. Hypothesis 2: Service quality has a great influence on revisit intention. This is recognized. Good service quality significantly increases revisit intention. Therefore, Sound of Downtown managers should concentrate on improving all services, including facilities and convenience.
  3. Hypothesis 3: Service quality has a major effect on revisit intention through customer satisfaction. It is recognized that good service quality significantly increases customer satisfaction and revisit intention. Thus, Sound of Downtown concert organizers should concentrate on improving various services, such as facilities and audience comfort.
  4. Hypothesis 4: Experiential marketing has a significant influence on customer satisfaction. In addition, it is recognized that experiential marketing also has a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Interesting performances, pleasant atmosphere, and exciting additional activities should make the concert an immersive and enjoyable experience for the audience.
  5. Hypothesis 5: Experiential Marketing has a significant influence on revisit intention is recognized. In addition, experiential marketing also has a significant influence on revisit intention. Through exciting performances and a pleasant atmosphere, concert organizers are responsible for making the audience experience an immersive and enjoyable experience.
  6. Hypothesis 6: Experiential marketing has a significant influence on revisit intention through customer satisfaction. Experiential marketing also has a significant influence on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. Concert organizers must continue to strive to create a pleasant experience for the audience through exciting and attractive performances and creating a pleasant atmosphere.
  7. Hypothesis 7: Customer satisfaction has a major influence on revisit intention is accepted. This shows that customer satisfaction has a great influence on revisit intention. Therefore, customer satisfaction is key to fostering loyalty and increasing the likelihood of them returning for the next event.
  8. Hypothesis 8: The moderating effect of social media on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is not significant. Social media remains important as a marketing tool, although it does not significantly affect the relationship between good service and customer satisfaction. Event organizers should use social media to promote events, interact with fans, and provide important information before and after events.


After conducting research on service quality, experiential marketing, and Sound of Downtown social media on customer satisfaction and revisit intention of Sound of Downtown visitors, researchers provide suggestions that can be useful for related parties with similar discussion topics, in order to produce new useful findings. Suggestions that can be given for future research are that researchers can develop research variables by exploring other factors that might affect customer satisfaction and revisit intention, such as ticket prices, event security, and the quality of the artists who perform. In addition, the use of different research methods, such as qualitative, can provide deeper insights into customer perceptions and experiences. Future researchers can also try to identify and test other moderating variables that are more influential, such as customer engagement in social media or brand loyalty. Expanding the sample variability to include different types of events or different geographical locations would help assess the consistency of the results, and conducting longitudinal studies to look at changes in customer satisfaction and revisit intention over time could provide richer insights.


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