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The Mediating Effect of Academic Motivation of Students on the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Teaching Competence of TLE Teachers

  • Jade Idausos
  • Celso L. Tagadiad
  • 2090-2108
  • Aug 25, 2023
  • Social Science

The Mediating Effect of Academic Motivation of Students on the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Teaching Competence of TLE Teachers

Jade Idausos1, Celso L. Tagadiad2

1Department of Education, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 8105

2UM Panabo College, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 8105


Received: 20 June 2023; Revised: 15 July 2023; Accepted: 20 July 2023; Published: 25 August 2023


This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of students’ academic motivation on the relationship between parental involvement and the teaching competence of TLE teachers in the Division of Panabo City. This study employed a non-experimental design utilizing descriptive correlation techniques. The statistical tools used were mean, Pearson r, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and medgraph using the Sobel test. Research instruments on academic motivation, parental involvement, and teaching competence which were validated, were used as data sources. The mediation study found that the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence among TLE teachers is partially mediated by academic motivation. Parental involvement can impact the TLE teachers’ capability to educate, but the partial mediation could not prove that this is because of academic motivation. Academic motivation can aid in the explanation of how parental involvement affects the competence of teachers in the fields of technology and livelihood education.

Keywords: academic motivation, mediating effect, student relationship, parental involvement, teaching competence, Philippines


Generally, today’s world is beset with numerous health and economic crises, leading to educational reform. Significant changes in the curricula, the methods of assessment, and the different modes of teaching and learning have left the students unprepared, unmotivated, and unable to cope with these changes. Students are at the core of the learning process. Thus, a study tailored to their motivations, strategies, and factors hindering their learning is imperative (Gbollie & Keamu, 2017).

Much research has proved a relevant association between teacher-teaching competence and students’ academic motivation. The student’s academic motivation is usually influenced by various learning methods, instructional media, teaching techniques, and the teacher’s teaching competence (Saggaf, 2017). According to the research results, the most important factors affecting student academic motivation are the teacher, classroom management skills, and teachers’ teaching methods – teaching competence (Yilmaz et al., 2017). In connection, the quality of a teacher’s teaching competence can be seen from the learning motivation shown by the students in following the learning process (Salam et al., 2016). Furthermore, the teaching and learning process is closely related to a teacher’s success in fostering student learning motivation (Knapper, 2017; CEP, 2012). Accordingly, study results showed a significant effect of teachers’ competence on students’ performance (Sultan & Shafi, 2014). Teachers must utilize various teaching methods and create a supportive classroom environment to sustain and develop students’ academic motivation (Mallick & Mukhopadhyay, 2017). Thus, the teacher’s teaching competence is the key to stimulating students’ academic motivation to learn. How teachers manage class learning and interact with students affects students’ motivation and engagement (Koca, 2016).

While many studies have been carried out on this topic in other countries, the researcher has yet to find a study on the influence of the teaching competence of TLE teachers on students’ academic motivation in the local setting. This study is intended to contribute to filling this gap. Also, in this context, the researcher is interested in determining whether TLE teachers’ teaching competence influences students’ academic motivation. Further, the researcher seeks to learn the factors related to students’ academic motivation, how students’ motivation may contribute to their success or failure, and what can be done to increase their academic motivation. In addition, the result of this study could be a point of reference for other educational institutions to enhance teachers’ competence and students’ academic motivation, making this research socially relevant; thus, the need to conduct this study.


This chapter presented the methods used in this study, including the research design, locale, population and sample, research instrument, data collection, statistical tools, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using a descriptive-correlational technique with adopted standardized questionnaires to gather data from the respondents. This procedure will determine the relationship between two or more variables and examine the level to which one or more relationships exist.

It is descriptive because the data was presented in quantitative descriptions based on the mediating effect of students’ academic motivation on the relationship between parental involvement and the teaching competence of TLE teachers.

Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to discover if there is a relationship between two variables/datasets and how strong that relationship may be. Correlation is used to test relationships between quantitative variables or categorical variables. In other words, it is a measure of how things are related. The correlational technique is a non-experimental design where the researcher examines the relationship between two or more variables in a natural setting without manipulation or control (Glen, 2020).

In correlational studies, the researcher examined the strength of relationships between variables by identifying how a change in one variable correlates with a change in the other. Further, the correlation was used to determine the degree to which two variables were related and to test whether there was a linear relationship between the variables in the population (Berwick &Ross, 2011). This technique was helpful in this study to test the mediating effect of academic motivation on the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence of TLE teachers in Panabo City Division, Panabo City, Davao del Norte.

Research Locale

Figure 1. Map of the study’s locale

Population and Sample

The respondents of this study were the 300 senior high school students from the different public national high schools offering a Technical Vocational (TechVoc) strand in Panabo City. These respondents were the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students enrolled in the following schools: Panabo City National High School, San Vicente National High School, Kauswagan National High School, and Mabunao National High School. These schools were chosen because these schools offer Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track which was suitable for this study.

Further, senior high students were the chosen respondents for this study because they were mature enough to answer the prepared questionnaire. The total population of Senior High School students under the TVL track from these schools is 932.

Moreover, to get the sample size of the population used in this study, the researcher utilized a stratified random sampling technique using Slovin’s formula. Using such a technique, the number of samples from Panabo City National High School was 165—69 from San Vicente National High School and 49 from Kauswagan National High School. The remaining 17 samples were from Mabunao National High School. These figures unveil 300 as the total number of samples used in the study.

Moreover, the researcher used stratified random sampling to obtain a sample that best represents the entire population being studied. Furthermore, the researcher also considers the feasibility of the study – its costs, facilities, time, and personnel. Shown below is the distribution of respondents in the study.

Name of School Total Population Number of Samples
Panabo City National High School 512 165
San Vicente National High School 215 69
Kauswagan National High School 153 49
Mabunao National High School 52 17
Total Population and Samples N=932 n=300

Further, the researcher identifies the inclusion and exclusion criteria in this study. For inclusion criteria, the respondents were male and female public senior high school students from the different public national high schools offering the Technical Vocational (TechVoc) strand in the division of Panabo City. Senior high students under the TechVoc strand were the respondents for this study. For the exclusion criteria, the researcher did not include private schools and other national high schools in the Division of Panabo City, not offering a Technical Vocational (TechVoc) strand. Senior high students outside the TechVoc strand were not included as respondents in the study.

Research Instrument

Three standardized instruments or adopted questionnaires were utilized in this study. The first measured parental involvement, the second measured TLE teachers’ teaching competence, and the third measured students’ academic motivation.

An adopted questionnaire by Liu et al. (2010) was utilized to measure the level of Parental Involvement. It has four indicators, namely: parental encouragement, parental modeling, parental reinforcement, and parental instruction. Some of the questions were modified to suit the context of the study. The instrument’s contents were presented to the expert group for validation.

In evaluating the level of parental involvement, the following five orderable gradations with their respective range of means and descriptions will be considered:

Range of Mean Descriptive Level Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Absolutely Agree If the measure described in parental involvement is always manifested.
3.40 – 4.19 Agree If the measure described in parental involvement is oftentimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderately Agree If the measure described in parental involvement is sometimes manifested.
1.80 – 2.59 Disagree If the measure described in parental involvement is seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Absolutely Disagree If the measure described in parental involvement is never manifested.

An adopted questionnaire by Panggabean & Himawan (2016) will be utilized to measure TLE teachers’ teaching competence. It will be modified to suit the context of the study and will be presented to the panel of experts for validation. Further, the instrument will be used because it is valid and reliable to measure teacher competence (Panggabean & Himawan, 2016). Moreover, it deals with the teacher’s teaching competence with indicators such as professional knowledge, personal skills, personal characteristics, ethical standards and values, professional development, and lifelong learning. The instrument will be administered to the selected senior high school students who require them to assess the teaching competence exhibited by their TLE teachers.

In evaluating the level of teaching competence of TLE teachers, the following five orderable gradations with their respective range of means and descriptions will be considered:

Range of Mean Descriptive Level Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Absolutely Agree If the measure described in teaching competence of teachers is always manifested.
3.40 – 4.19 Agree If the measure described in teaching competence of teachers is oftentimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderately Agree If the measure described in teaching competence of teachers is sometimes manifested.
1.80 – 2.59 Disagree If the measure described in teaching competence of teachers is seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Absolutely Disagree If the measure described in teaching competence of teachers is never manifested.

On the other hand, the researcher will use the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), -a high school version, to measure students’ academic motivation. The Academic Motivation Scale is one of the most frequently used instruments to assess academic motivation based on the self-determination theory of human motivation. This scale was developed in 1989 by Robert J. Vallerand for French-Canadian higher education settings and has since been validated in Turkish, English, and Spanish. It is aimed at adolescents and adults in academic post-secondary environments (Orsini et al., 2015). The scale has three indicators: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Ammotivation. All the items will be structured on a five-point, Likert-type scale of Strongly Agree (4), Agree (4), Moderately Agree (3), Disagree (2), and Strongly Disagree (1).

In evaluating the level of academic motivation of students, the following five orderable gradations with their respective range of means and descriptions were considered:

Range of Mean Descriptive Level Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree If the measure described in academic motivation of students always manifested.
3.40 – 4.19 Agree If the measure described in academic motivation of students is oftentimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderately Agree If the measure described in academic motivation of students is sometimes manifested.
1.80 – 2.59 Disagree If the measure described in academic motivation of students is seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree If the measure described in academic motivation of students is never manifested.

The first draft of the research instrument was submitted to the research adviser for comments, suggestions, and recommendations to improve its presentation with the corrections to be included and integrated. The three sets of instruments were subjected to a dry run to determine the Cronbach Alpha values before the content validation by the experts. The final copies were submitted to a panel of experts for refinement. The final revision incorporated the corrections, comments, and suggestions the expert validators gave before gathering data.

Data Collection

After the approval of the panel members, the researcher underwent the following steps and procedures in gathering data for the study:

The researcher asked permission to conduct the study. Then, the researcher secured a letter of approval from the office of the Superintendent of the Division of Panabo City to conduct the study at the selected public secondary schools. Upon approval, the letter of endorsement will be sought to accommodate the researcher to administer the survey questionnaire to the study’s respondents.

Likewise, the researcher asked for approval from the School Heads to distribute the survey questionnaire to the respective senior high school advisers. The researcher personally handed out the questionnaire and explained the research tool and its purpose. Furthermore, the researcher retrieved the survey questionnaires after the respondents had answered all the items. Finally, the researcher tallied and tabulated all the data gathered from the respondents, subject to statistical analyses and with the guidance of a qualified statistician recommended by the university. The statistical results were analyzed and interpreted. With the data, conclusions were drawn, and recommendations were formulated based on the findings of the study.

Statistical Tools

The statistical tools that were used for data analysis and interpretation are the following:

Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the level of parental involvement, teaching competence of TLE teachers, and academic motivation of students.

Pearson (r). This statistical tool was employed to determine the significant relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence, the significant relationship between parental involvement and academic motivation, and the significant relationship between academic motivation and teaching competence of TLE teachers in the Panabo City Division.

Simple Regression Analysis. This statistical tool was used to determine the influence of parental involvement on teacher-teaching competence in the Panabo City Division.

Multiple Regression Analysis. This statistical tool was used to determine the influence of parental involvement on teacher teaching competence with the academic motivation of students in the Panabo City Division.

Sobel Test. This statistical tool was used to determine the mediating effect of academic motivation on the relationship between parental involvement and the teaching competence of TLE teachers in the Panabo City Division.


Following the previously mentioned research objectives, the information gathered from the study participants was presented, examined, and interpreted in this section. The following topics will be discussed in the following order: the level of parental involvement, the level of teaching competence; the level of academic motivation; the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence; the relationship between parental involvement and academic motivation; the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence; and the results of the mediation analysis.

Level of Parental Involvement

Shown in Table 1, the results of the level of parental involvement and the student’s agreement with the items relating to parental involvement are shown by the overall mean of 4.10 and the descriptive level of High. The outcome indicates that parental reinforcements have the highest mean of 4.13 and a High descriptive level. Followed by parental instruction, which had a mean of 4.10 and a High descriptive level; parental modeling, which had a mean of 4.04 and a High descriptive level; and parental encouragement. Parental encouragement came in last, with a mean of 3.99 and a descriptive level of High.

Table 1. Level of Parental Involvement

Indicators Standard deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Parental Encouragement 0.93 3.99 High
Parental Modeling 0.88 4.04 High
Parental Reinforcement 0.89 4.13 High
Parental Instruction 0.92 4.10 High
Over-all result 0.91 4.10 High

Level of Academic Motivation                                   

Shown in Table 2 the result of level of academic motivation of students, with an overall mean of 4.07 with a descriptive level of High and indicates that respondents agree to the items related to academic motivation.

Table 2. Level of Academic Motivation

Mediating Variable Standard deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Academic motivation 1.13 4.07 Very High

Level of Teaching Competence

Shown in Table 3 the results of the level of teaching competency where the descriptive level is Very High and the overall mean is 4.27, indicating that respondents generally agree with the teaching competency-related items. The outcome demonstrates professional knowledge with the highest mean of 4.44 and a very high descriptive level. Professional skill comes next with a mean of 4.28 and a descriptive level of Very High, followed by personal characteristics with a mean of 4.21 and a descriptive level of Very High, and professional development and lifelong learning with a mean of 4.29 and a descriptive level of Very High. Ethical standards and values came in last with a mean of 4.14 and a descriptive level of High.

Table 3. Level of Teaching Competence

Indicators Standard deviation Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Professional Knowledge 0.79 4.44 Very High
Professional Skill 0.79 4.28 Very High
Personal Characteristics 0.88 4.21 Very High
Ethical Standards and Values 0.96 4.14 High
Professional Development and Lifelong Learning 0.85 4.29 Very High
Over-all result 0.85 4.27 Very High

Significance of the relationship between parental involvement and academic motivation

Shown on Table 4 the results of the experiment testing the link between parental participation and academic motivation. The hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance for the connection. The null hypothesis was rejected by the overall r-value of.462 and the p-value of 0.05. This indicates that parental involvement and academic motivation have a significant relationship.

Table 4. Significant relationship of the between Parental Involvement and Academic Motivation

Pair Variables Correlation Coefficient p-value Decision
IV and MV Parental involvement and academic motivation .462** 0.000 Reject

Significance of the relationship between Academic Motivation and Teaching Competence 

Shown on Table 5 the results of the experiment testing the link between academic motivation and teaching competence. The hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance for the connection. The null hypothesis was accepted by the overall r-value of.587 and the p-value of 0.05. This indicates that academic motivation and teaching competence have no significant relationship.

Table 5. Significant relationship between Academic Motivation and Teaching Competence

Pair Variables Correlation Coefficient p-value Decision
MV and DV Academic motivation of students and teaching competence .587** 0.000 Reject

Significance of the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence

Shown on Table 6 the results of the experiment testing the link between parental involvement and teaching competence. The hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance for the connection. The null hypothesis was accepted by the overall r-value of.692 and the p-value of 0.05. This indicates that parental involvement and teaching competence have no significant relationship.

Table 6. Significance of the relationship between Parental Involvement and Teaching Competence

Pair Variables Correlation Coefficient p-value Decision
IV and DV Parental involvement and teaching competence .692** 0.000 Reject

On the Mediating Effect of Academic Motivation on the relationship between the Parental Involvement and Teaching Competency 

Shown in Table 7 the regression study on academic motivation for the association between parental involvement and teaching competence. The medgraph was fed the information in this table as input. There are three conditions that must be met for a third variable to be working as a mediator, as is clear from the study by Baron and Kenny (1986), which Bananuka, Juma, and colleagues (91), mentioned. Steps 1 through 3 were exhibited in Table 8. The fourth and last step is. In Step 1 (Path c), the dependent variable, teaching competence, is significantly predicted by parental participation, the independent variable. The mediator between step 2 (Path a) parental involvement and academic motivation means that it is significantly predicted. As a result, in step three, academic motivation strongly predicts teaching proficiency. Step 4: Academic motivation and parental involvement together have a significant connection on teaching proficiency.

Table 7.  Regression results of the Mediating effect of Academic Motivation on the relationship between Parental involvement and Teaching Competence of TLE teachers

Step 1 c .559 .034 .692
Step 2 a .410 .046 .462
Step 3 b .309 .039 .340
Step 4 c’ .433 .035 .535

Table 8. Correlation between measures

Correlation between Measure
Parental Involvement Teaching Competence Academic Motivation
IV Pearson Correlation 1 .692** .462**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 300 300 300
DV Pearson Correlation .692** 1 .587**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 300 300 300
MV Pearson Correlation .462** .587** 1
  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
  N 300 300 300
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


This chapter presents the discussion of the data on academic motivation, parental involvement, and teaching competency of the study; conclusions and recommendations are also presented.

Level of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is the degree to which a parent participates in the education of his or her children. Some schools encourage good parental involvement; however, occasionally, parents need clarification on getting involved in their children’s education.

The first indicator, parental encouragement and interpreted as students agreeing to the items related to parental encouragement. Parents encouraging the respondent when following the teacher’s direction got a very high descriptive equivalent—then believing in doing new things and doing good at school, followed by looking for information about school subjects and asking people for help when a problem is hard to solve.

It was followed by being aware of how to do schoolwork and developing an interest in schoolwork. Explaining what is thinking to the teacher came next, and then sticking with problems until being solved. Trying new ways to do schoolwork when having a hard time, when having trouble doing schoolwork, having trouble organizing schoolwork, and when feeling like not doing schoolwork are the situations when parents encourage the student. All got the descriptive equivalent of High.

The second indicator, parental modeling, got a descriptive equivalent of High and was interpreted as students agreeing to the items related to parental modeling. Parents show they did not give up when things got hard and got a Very High descriptive equivalence. It is followed by wanting the student to learn as much as possible, asking others for help when a problem is hard to solve, and students can learn new things and like learning new things. Knowing how to solve problems and trying different ways to solve a problem when things get hard. Enjoy figuring things out next, like solving problems and explaining what students think of others.

The third indicator, parental reinforcement, has an overall descriptive equivalence of High and is interpreted as students agreeing on the items related to parental reinforcement. Parents appreciate the student working hard on homework, having a good attitude about doing the homework, and trying to learn as much as possible. They got the descriptive equivalent of Very High.

These are followed by checking own work, understanding how to solve a problem, organizing school work, keeping work on homework even when the student does not feel like it, wanting to learn new things, asking the teacher for help, explaining what the student thinks to the teacher, finding new ways in doing schoolwork when the student gets stuck, sticking to the problem until solved and explaining about what the student thinks about the school came last which all got the descriptive equivalent of High.

The fourth and last indicator, parental instruction, got a descriptive equivalent of High and was interpreted as students agreeing to the items related to parental instruction.

Parents instruct or teach students to work hard, communicate with teachers when they have questions, follow the teachers’ directions, ask questions when students do not understand, and make sure that the student understands one part before going to the next, which is a descriptive equivalent of Very High.

The next items were to have a good attitude about homework, to stick with homework until the student finishes it, to keep trying when the student gets stuck, to try the problems that help students learn the most, how to find out more about the things that are interesting, to break from work when frustrated, how to get along with others in the class, how to make homework fun, how to check homework as goes along, and to go at own’s pace while doing schoolwork got all the descriptive equivalent of High.

The result conforms to the study of Hu et al. (2021) examines the relationship between parents’ opinions of the home-school connection and parental reinforcement. Parents with authoritarian childrearing ideas tended to be more satisfied with preschool teacher credentials. Childrearing beliefs also had a positive moderating effect on the association between low-level home-school partnership and parental reinforcement. Following a discussion of the results concerning prior literature and the sociocultural setting of China, suggestions are made for enhancing preschool programs.

On the same note, Urii & Bunijevac (2017) stated that some studies have also shown that cooperation between educators and parents is the best way to approach parental involvement. After looking at parents ‘ and teachers ‘ opinions, teachers and parents should understand effective parental participation techniques in increasing student achievement.

On the contrary, Affuso et al.  (2022) stated that three of the five indicators of parental participation were shown to be motivated-related. Two factors—parent-child educational talks and parental aspirations and expectations—were positively correlated with motivation. Motivating factors were adversely correlated with the indicator “reinforcement of learning at home.” These results prove the importance of parental involvement in light of its connection to students’ motivation in a Vocational and Educational Training setting.

Level of Academic Motivation

Academic motivation is the desire or interest of students in studying and their educational experience (Hulleman et al., 2016); and is determined by a student’s interest in academic subjects as demonstrated by their approach, tenacity, and level of interest when their competence is assessed in comparison to a standard of performance or excellence.

The overall result of the academic motivation got a descriptive equivalent of Very High, which most students strongly agree with the items related to academic motivation.

The current result supports the statement of Siegle, Rubenstein, & Mitchell (2014), stating that the academic motivation of learners is influenced by teacher quality. When professors present students with complex and worthwhile information, they are more likely to participate in other academic activities. Additionally, pupils valued and respected professors who made the lessons meaningful and inspired them intellectually to study.

Additionally, the teacher must be skilled in using appropriate incentives as motivating agents that are appropriate to the age group of students, assist the students in understanding the value of what they learn by connecting it to real-world situations, and give students feedback regarding their performance (Kalaivani et al., 2016).

It must be implemented in all subject areas through communication, various teaching techniques and strategies, the creation of cognitive exercises, and appreciation of the challenges faced during the learning process to achieve and develop academic motivation in students (Widodo et al., 2018). Students are more academically motivated under the following four circumstances: when they believe they have the necessary skills to complete the task at hand; when they can see a clear connection between their actions and the results; when see the value or worth of the task; and when they can anticipate receiving a reward after finishing the task (Ryan, 2016; Center on Education Policy, 2013).

Level of Teaching Competence

A collection of professional skills known as teaching competency allows for the correct resolution of real-world teaching problems. Competencies are the abilities and expertise that help teachers succeed. In order to enhance student learning.

The first indicator, professional knowledge, got an overall result of Very High, interpreted as students strongly agreeing to the items related to professional knowledge. The first item that got the highest score is when the teacher shows mastery of the teaching materials, followed by can give satisfactory answers when students ask, then shows a broader and deeper knowledge than the one written in the textbooks, competent to answer most of the student’s questions, and does not take a long time to answer the student question. All items got a descriptive equivalent of Very High.

The second indicator is the professional skills which got a descriptive equivalent of Very High, which is interpreted as students strongly agreeing to the items related to professional skills. The item that got the highest is when the teacher gives quizzes and tests, allowing the student to answer the problem independently. Always have ways to make the students pay attention to the lesson and have various ways of teaching. It is then followed by informing the grading aspects of the student’s assignments, presenting written information about grading rubrics of assignments, moving around the class when the students are working in a group, reviewing the material taught in the last meeting at the beginning of the class, giving comments or feedbacks, either written and oral form, to the student’s assignments, informing the learning objectives before teaching, returning the student’s assignments that have been graded, telling the students how should the student do during the class in the first meeting, allowing the students to do unusual things as long as it gains better learning experience. These items got a descriptive equivalent of Very High.

To continue, the teacher often asks open-ended questions, tending not to rely on one way of teaching, and never gets out of the class to take any left teaching materials while teaching. The two remaining items got the descriptive equivalent of High.

The third indicator is personal character which has a descriptive equivalent of High, which is interpreted as students agreeing to the items related to personal character. The item that got the highest score is when the teacher demonstrates good behavior as a role model, practices fairness to all students, compliments other teachers in front of the students, and shows enthusiasm while teaching. All of which got the Very High descriptive equivalent.

To continue with, the following has a High descriptive equivalent: the teacher is not reluctant to explain the materials for some students who are slow learners, has no special treatment to his or her favorite students, shows different behavior when the teacher is inside and outside the class and talks positively during the class.

The fourth indicator is the ethical standard. Values got a descriptive equivalent of High, interpreted as students agreeing to the items pertaining to ethical standards and values. The item that got the highest score is the teacher who encourages the students to respect teachers. Staff encourages them to appreciate friends, appreciates students whose opinions differ from the teacher, and stimulates class discussion.

In addition, the items that got a High descriptive equivalent are the following: the teacher is willing to be contacted after the class and informs the student about the plagiarism policy. Moreover, only one item got the moderate descriptive equivalent: the teacher shares his or her email address or phone number.

The fifth and final indicator is that professional development and life-long learning got a descriptive equivalent of Very High, which is interpreted as most students strongly agreeing with the items related to professional development and life-long learning. The item that got the highest grade is the teacher encourages the student to study as high as possible, no matter what the career will be, encourages the student to keep improving, shows a wide knowledge about many things more than the subjects taught in class, and encourages the student to widen the horizon through various ways. All items got the descriptive equivalent of Very High.

The result of the study supports Jamil & Ahmad (2016), stating that teachers’ professional knowledge contains subject-specific content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and generic pedagogical knowledge. The teacher must become familiar with the contextual knowledge to successfully carry out their professional practice. Professional knowledge is also defined as a teacher’s appreciation of the context and history of the learning environment at the school, as well as their understanding of the students’ backgrounds, families, interests, and place in the community. It also refers to how knowledge is created as it is expressed in and integrated with classroom and school life, as well as the relationship between the knower and what is known and the context in which it is known.

Significance of the relationship between the Parental Involvement and Teaching Competence

The study to see whether there was a relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence found no evidence of such a relationship. It suggests that parental involvement and teaching skill are not correlated. In other words, the teaching ability of TLE teachers would probably have an impact on the parental involvement of the students.

The study supports Denessen, Kloppenburg, Bakker, & Kerkhof (2009) that although teachers are expected to establish close bonds with the parents of their pupils, little is known about how they shape their attitudes toward parental involvement and their teaching competence. It is believed that having a favorable attitude toward parents’ involvement and having excellent communication skills would help instructors forge close bonds with parents and enable parental involvement in the classroom to impact learning on a variety of levels positively.

Significance of the relationship between the Parental Involvement and Academic Motivation

According to a test of this relationship, parental involvement and academic motivation are positively and significantly correlated. A rise in academic motivation would also likely result in a considerable rise in parental involvement.

The study supports the study of Gonzalez-De Hass et al. (2005) stated that research on student motivation as an academic result of parental participation is very new. Parental involvement is positively correlated with the following motivational constructs: school engagement, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, perceived competence, perceived control, self-regulation, mastery goal orientation, and motivation to read, according to studies of students from elementary school through high school. We provide potential explanations for their connection based on a review of the parent engagement and motivation literature.

Significance of the relationship between Academic Motivation and Teaching Competence

The correlation between academic motivation and teaching competence demonstrates a positive and substantial association. This finding suggests that raising teaching competence will also raise students’ academic motivation.

The study supports the statement of Siegle et al. (2014) that the academic motivation of learners is influenced by teacher performance. When educators provide students with challenging and interesting subjects, they are more likely to participate in other academic activities. Additionally, learners valued and respected professors who made the lessons meaningful to them and inspired them intellectually to study. Students also placed importance on the way teachers presented the subject. All students underlined the value of variety in teachers’ delivery methods (e.g., lecture, interactive, discussion) as this positively impacted motivation. Students had varying ideas regarding the best types of instructional approaches.

Additionally, Kalaivani et al. (2016) stated that the teacher must be skilled in using appropriate incentives as motivating agents that are appropriate to the age group of students, assist the students in understanding the value of what they learn by connecting it to real-world situations, and give students feedback regarding their performance.

On the mediating effect of Academic Motivation on the relationship between Parental Involvement and teaching Competence

The mediation study found that the relationship between parental involvement and teaching competence among TLE teachers is partially mediated by academic motivation. Parental involvement can have an impact on the TLE teachers’ capability to educate, but the partial mediation was unable to prove that this is because of academic motivation. It implies that academic motivation can aid in the explanation of how parental involvement affects the competence of teachers in the fields of technology and livelihood education.


The study’s findings are used in this section to conclude. The findings of this study lend credibility to the notion that academic motivation mediates the link between parental involvement and teaching competence. The mediator does not consider the impacts on teaching competence, even though only partial mediation exists for academic motivation.

The conclusions drawn from the findings are listed below. Most respondents agreed, and the level of parental involvement is High, as shown by the descriptive value of High. Parental involvement, which has a high descriptive value, is the indicator with the most outstanding mean, and parental encouragement, which has a high descriptive value, is the indicator with the lowest mean.

The indicator with the highest mean is professional knowledge, with a descriptive value of Very High. The degree of teaching competency received a descriptive value of Very High, which is interpreted as most respondents strongly agreeing. On the other hand, the ethical standards and domain is the indicator with the lowest mean and a high descriptive value.

On the mediating variable, the level of academic motivation received the descriptive value of High and was understood to be high among students.

Based on the hypothesis, parental involvement, and teaching competency of TLE  teachers were rejected, which means there was a significant relationship between the parental involvement and the teaching competence of TLE teachers.

Additionally, based on the hypothesis, the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic motivation was accepted. It demonstrates no meaningful association between parental involvement and students’ academic motivation.

Furthermore, it was concluded against the idea that academic motivation could mediate the link between parental involvement and competence. The association between parental involvement and teaching competence among TLE teachers was mediated by academic motivation.

The overall finding conforms to the statement of Yilmaz & Turgut (2017); Williams & Williams (2011) that teachers play a critical role since they are an integral part of the educational setting. According to several studies, teachers’ knowledge and abilities, degree of motivation, educational background, learners’ assessments, teaching style, and passion can affect students’ motivation. The ability to boost learners’ academic motivation increases with teachers’ enthusiasm, motivation, and competence in teaching and evaluating.

Additionally, Widodo et al. (2018) added that it must be implemented in all subject areas through communication, the use of various teaching techniques and strategies, the creation of cognitive exercises, and appreciation of the challenges faced during the learning process in order to achieve and develop academic motivation in students.

Furthermore, Mallick & Mukhopadhyay (2017) define academic motivation as the incentive employed in various academic activities in which students participate actively. Motivation levels differ between students and within topic areas. Academic motivation can help students gain confidence in their abilities, positive attitudes toward school, and a drive to learn. The teacher’s employment of positive and negative reinforcement may influence the students’ motivation differently.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following suggestions are made:

Administrators may help teachers become more competent by providing training, workshops, and seminars that hone students’ ethical standards and values. Teachers are also encouraged to personally set their ethical standards and values higher as this item appears to be the lowest in the teaching competence of the teachers. Teachers can do this by not sharing personal information, such as phone numbers and emails, as some students deem this inappropriate.

Parents are also encouraged to participate in their involvement at school or home by encouraging their children, especially when their sons or daughters need help organizing and not doing the homework or assignments. Parents can encourage their children to take a break and may help them organize their homework or assignments.

Further investigation into additional variables that significantly mediate the relationship between students’ academic motivation on the relationship between parental involvement and the teaching competence of the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) teachers was done as part of the study’s follow-up research. Additionally, replication of this study is encouraged to confirm and test the findings in different settings.


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