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The Nexus between Employee Assistance Programs and Organizational Commitment

The Nexus between Employee Assistance Programs and Organizational Commitment

Emmanuel Igbomor, Hycienth Chukwunalu Olisemenogor

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria


Received: 21 November 2023; Accepted: 24 November 2023; Published: 26 December 2023


An essential tool for helping employees deal with personal issues that can affect their dedication at work is the employee assistance program (EAP). Consequently, this study examined the nexus between employee assistance programs and organizational commitment of some selected banks in warri metropolis, Delta state, Nigeria. The study used a sample of one hundred and eighty four (184) employees from the population as the study participants. A total number of one hundred and seventy five (175) questionnaires were fully completed and retrieved. The study utilized correlation coefficients and regression analysis.  Microsoft excel software was also used to create tables and perform data entry. Findings revealed that there is an insignificant effect of employee assistance programs (counseling programs, wellness assistance programs, financial management education programs) on organizational commitment.

Keyword: employee assistance programs (counseling programs, wellness assistance programs, financial management education programs), organizational commitment.


Getting employees committed to the organization is one of the most important goals for businesses, as doing so enhances productivity. Programs for employee assistance are a component of an organization’s commitment. Employees deal with issues at work that may have a detrimental impact on their commitment to their organization. An essential tool for helping employees deal with personal issues that can affect their dedication at work is the employee assistance program (EAP). Organizations set up EAP to help employees deal with personal issues that can affect their commitment. These programs typically contain assistance for interpersonal relationships, employee wellness (physical, emotional, and mental), and drug misuse.

According to Lyon, 2010. The main aim of employee assistance program (EAP) is to increase workers commitment, retention, profitability and enhance organizational general performance. Nkanata, Muchangi and Kiiru (2021) posited that EAPs are work place interceding programs that help employees to solve their personal issues which includes legal issues, financial challenges, traumatic situations, child care, a healthy state of wellbeing and workplace fierceness. Fundamentally, this suggest that employees commitment could be negatively impacted by personal problems and workplace demands (Onsare, 2022).  Most of the Problems facing the banking sector in Nigeria are connected with poor employee assistance programs. This result in poor service delivery and poor commitment of employees in the workplace. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations particularly the banking sector should offer counselling programs, wellness assistance programs and financial management education programs for employees to have a feeling of attachment towards the organization (Onsare, 2022; Nkanata, et al 2021). Although, several EAPs has been identified in literature but counseling programs, wellness assistance programs and financial management education programs make up the EAPs dimensions in this study.

Statement of the problem

Every organization wants to achieve employee’s commitment towards the organization. The belief is that employees with high level of organizational commitment identifies with the organization, the goals and objective of such organization and want to sustain membership in the organization. However, employee’s commitment towards the organization has been affected by several factors. Personal issues has the capacity to impact negatively on employee’s commitment towards the organization.  Employee Assistance Programs has been identified in literature as programs that help the employees to tackle most of their personal problems like stress management, financial challenges, traumatic situations, child care, alcohol, drug abuse, workplace fierceness and other issues affecting their wellbeing. These programs contributes positively to the overall wellbeing of employees and thus, increases employee commitment in the workplace.

The issue of EAPs and organizational commitment is a concern for organizations particularly the banking sector. Several studies have been conducted on the two constructs under study still, there is no work that has linked employee assistance programs to organizational commitment in Nigeria and the banking sector in particular. Hence, this study seek to address this gap in knowledge by establishing empirical evidence depicting the nexus between employee assistance programs and organizational commitment.

Objectives of the study

The general objective of this study is to examine the nexus between employee assistance programs and organizational commitment. More specifically, the specific objectives are to:

  • Examine the nexus between counselling programs and organizational commitment.
  • Examine the nexus between wellness assistance programs and organizational commitment.
  • Examine the nexus between financial management education programs and organizational commitment

Research hypothesis

Based on the objectives, the following alternate hypothesis were stated.

  • The nexus between counselling programs and organizational commitment is significant.
  • The nexus between wellness assistance programs and organizational commitment is significant.
  • The nexus between financial management education programs and organizational commitment is significant.


Conceptual framework

Employee assistance programs

According to Joseph and Walker, (2016) the EAPs are workplace intervention first created as a result of drug abuse, alcohol problems and occupational stress, and were further patterned to assist workers, lessen risk, address other mental health problems and help the employees with work-related and personal problems that impact work performance. These includes work stress, marital issues, financial challenges, emotional stress, family/relationship issues, addictions, grief and other issues affecting the employees (Carroll, 2002; Masi, 2005).

According to Maggie, (2021) EAPs are employee benefits programs offered by organizations to assist employees settle issues that could impact their wellbeing. The intention is to address employee’s personal problems before they negatively impact on work performance. Maggie, (2021) further stated that EAPs are one of the ways adopted by organizations to support the wellbeing of employees. This programs includes but not limited to counselling programs, wellness assistance programs and financial management education programs. This improves employees’ wellness, organizational success, commitment and productivity.

According to Ajala, (2021) EAPs are workplace programs designed by an organization to profit the employees, managers and the organization. Edward and Richard (2012) established that the purpose of the EAP is to assist an organization to comprehend how to relate and discuss problems pertaining to the wellbeing of workers in the workplace. Employee Assistance Programs are vital business strategy, adopted by organizations to improve the overall performance of organizations, and the assurance of quality service and better customer satisfaction. Workers’ feelings of gratification and happiness positively impact on their work at the workplace, thus, increasing employee morale, motivation, job satisfaction and reduces workers intention to leave the organization (Ntombizakithi  and Patsy, 2015)

Organizational commitment (OC)

According to Dinc, (2017) organizational commitment refers to the extent to which employee relates and identifies with his or her organization. Organizational commitment refers to the feeling of attachment and loyalty towards an organization (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).  Dee, Henkin, and Singleton (2006) defined organizational commitment as the inclination of an employee to be truehearted to the organization.  According to Meryers & Allen, (1997) organizational commitment involves an active participation in the organization whereby the individual is willing to contribute to the organization for the organization to succeed and perform effectively. Oyeniyi, Adeyemi and Olaoye, (2017) defined organizational commitment as employees feeling of affection towards their organization and considering the goals and objectives of the organization as their own. From the above definitions, OC refers to the level of dedication, loyalty and engagement employees feel towards their roles and their organization. Employees with high level of commitment to their organizations, works very hard for the realization of organizational goals, and have a strong intention to remain in the organization. The psychological perspective of an employee regarding his or her relationship to the company they work for is known as organizational commitment. When it comes to assessing whether an employee will work hard and stay with the company longer in order to accomplish its goal, organizational commitment is crucial. Work factors like turnover, corporate citizenship behavior, employee engagement and satisfaction, work efficiency, and job uncertainty are all predicted by organizational commitment. Various elements, including stressful roles, self-determination, job uncertainty, employability, and leadership distribution, have been demonstrated to be associated with an employee’s perception of organizational commitment.

From a management perspective, it’s critical to understand an employee’s degree of work commitment so that they may assess their level of commitment to the daily tasks allotted to them.

Counselling programs (CP) and organizational commitment (OC)

In this present complex workplace environment, employees counseling has become an essential responsibility of organizations in the banking sector. Counseling programs is a means organizations use in knowing workers problems and helping them resolve the problems. Counseling programs is a way of combating stress, alcohol and drugs abuse, anxiety, emotional stance, workplace depression, declining productivity and dealing with conflict at the workplace. It is a taxonomical process in which workers performance, work habit, attitude, morale and personal issues are examined in order to ensure maximum performance. This issues have the capacity to impact negatively on workers’ productivity and could also affect employee’s commitment at the workplace when neglected (Onsare, 2022). The principal objective of counseling programs is to assist the employees through suitable guidance. Lyon, (2010) also asserted that the overriding objective of EAPs such as employee counseling program is to enhance, workers commitment, retention, profitability and enhance organizational general performance. In addition, counseling programs are organized to unveil the main origin of difficulties, and provide an approach that will be adopted to handle the issues.

Wellness assistance programs (WAP) and organizational commitment (OC)

To ensure organizational success, organizations must offer its workforce a motivational, collaborative, safe and conducive workplace. One of the ways organizations can improve workplace environment is through the adoption of employee wellness assistance programs. Wellness programs are organization initiative orchestrated to improve the health of its employees (Philips & Gully 2014). Kyriazoglou (2015) defined wellness as the state of being healthy both in the mind and body. As cited by Nkanata, et al, (2021) EAPs such as medical and child care programs, when provided enhances employee’s commitment in the workplace, thereby reducing employee’s intention to leave the organization. Wellness assistance programs such as flexible working hour, safe and conducive working environment, work autonomy, collaborative workspace, parent support and coaching, smoking cessation programs and nutritional education programs enhances employees’ sensing of their physical, emotional and mental health and allows the employees to acquire self-management skills and also develop a social support network among colleagues, family and supervisors (Ganu, Ganu and Nyaranga, 2017). A healthy workforce is an essential asset to an organization. Conversely, unhealthy workforce result in low performance, commitment, profitability and enthusiasm.

Financial management education programs (FMEP) and organizational commitment (OC)

Employees with strong financial management abilities are regarded as a company’s most valuable asset. Employees with poor financial management skills, on the other hand, frequently deal with personal financial management issues that could have a negative effect on their performance at work (Onsare, 2022). According to Davis and Carnes (2005), employees who struggle with personal finances have poor financial management skills. These might cause ineffective focus, a lack of commitment, absenteeism, and low production. Therefore, in order to assure high levels of employee performance at work, firms, particularly those in the banking industry, should create financial management education programs to teach their staff how to handle their finances effectively.

Theoretical framework

This study is anchored on the spillover theory proposed by Staines (1980). This theory proposed that behavior and emotions experienced and developed in the place of work can spillover to the home. It identified that what happens at the place of work is consistent to what happens in personal/family life outside the place of work. That is, workplace events spillover and impact on personal/family life events, and also, personal/family life event can spillover and impact on work. This theory showed that personal/family life events and work exert influence on each other. These influences might be positive or negative. Nkanata, et al, (2021) opined that in a positive spillover, workers exhibit acceptable behavior, emotions and attitude towards their roles. This in turn could enhance their commitment in the place of work. Conversely, negative spillover occurs when workers experience discrepancy between personal/family events and work. This incompatibility are further demonstrated in their place of work. The commitment of employees could be negatively affected by a negative spillover.

This theory is relevant in this study because the implementation of employee assistance programs would result to a positive spillover which could enhance their commitment in the place of work. Employee’s commitment in the place of work could be negatively impacted if they are experiencing personal issues like depression, substance abuse, emotional stress, alcohol addiction, financial issues, child care and marital issues and EAPs are not orchestrated by the organization to assist them resolve the issues. This can also affect their performance.

Empirical literature

Ntombizakithi and Patsy (2015) examined Employee assistance programs (EAPs): tools for quality of work life in South Africa.  85 employees working in a public sector organization was used as a sample.  Data were obtained using a questionnaire developed by the researcher.  Analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study unveiled that EAPs have an effect on the quality of work life of workers.

Nkanata, et al. in (2021) Investigating the Impact of EAPs on Employee Retention at Public Level (5) Hospitals in Kenya. The study sample of 355 people was chosen using stratified sampling techniques. Using descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation research designs), survey data were examined. The study discovered that employee support programs, had an effect on workers retention. Recommendations were made in light of the research’s findings.

Onsare (2022) conducted study on how EAPs affected workers’ productivity in Kenyan state-owned businesses. A sample of 135 individuals for the study was chosen using a purposeful and stratified sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and a regression model were used to assess the responses collected from the participants using a structured questionnaire. EAPs have been demonstrated to affect workers’ productivity

Dinc (2017) looked at the role that work satisfaction played in mediating the relationship between organizational commitment and job performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study used a sample of 437 workers who manufacture furniture. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the data.  Normative and affective commitment were found to have an impact on job satisfaction, according to the results. Work performance is also influenced by affective commitment and job happiness. The association between the normative and affective aspects of organizational commitment and employees’ job performance was also mediated by job satisfaction.

Onyeniyi, et al. (2017) aimed to investigate how organizational commitment affected employee performance in Nigeria’s hospitality sector. The study included 75 workers as its sample. Personal interviews and standardized questionnaires were used to collect the data. Linear Regression and the Pearson Correlation were used to examine the data collected from each study participant. The outcome showed that continuance and affective commitment have an impact on job performance.

Summary of literature review

The two variables under investigation (employee assistance program and organizational commitment) have previously been used distinctly with other variables, according to the review of the literature, and there is currently no work linking these two variables in Nigeria, especially with regard to the banking industry. Therefore, this study attempts to fill this knowledge gap by establishing actual evidence showing the nexus between EAP and OC.


This study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The total population of this study was made up of the employees of United bank for Africa (UBA) (75 employees), Union bank (69 employees), Unity bank (78 employees), Zenith bank (88 employees), and Polaris bank (58 employees) in Warri metropolis Delta state.  The total population consist of 440 employees of the selected banks. The population is limited to all the branches of each selected banks in Warri metropolis. The Taro Yamane formula of 1964 and Bowley’s proportion technique was applied to determine the sample of the study. It was used to sample one hundred and eighty four (184) employees from the population as participants of the study. A total number of one hundred and seventy five (175) questionnaires were fully completed and retrieved. The study utilized correlation coefficients and regression analysis.  Microsoft excel software was also used to create tables and perform data entry.


The variables (EAPs and OC) were measured by scales adopted from previous studies. EAPs was measured by a modified version of EAPs survey developed by Onsare (2022).  counseling programs (CP) was measured with 5 items, wellness assistance programs (WAP) was measured with 5 items and financial management education program (FMEP) was also measured with 4 items on a 4 point likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagreed (SD) to (4) strongly agreed (SA). OC was measured by a modified version of OC questionnaire developed by Mowday, Steer and Porter, (1979) with 4 point likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagreed (SD) to (4) strongly agreed (SA).

Model specification

Oc = β0 + β1cp + β2wap + β3fmep + £


Oc = organizational commitment

Cp = counseling program

Wap = wellness assistance program

Fmep = financial management education program.


The research findings are presented and examined in this chapter. The study looks at how employee assistance programs affect organizational commitment of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state.

Table 1: Statistical Analysis

Mean 17.50286 17.35429 17.10857 14.31429
Median 18 18 17 15
Min 10 12 12 8
Max 48 49 26 16
Standard Deviation 3.158412 2.951752 1.889075 1.646512
Kurtosis 50.98007 76.75276 5.1058 3.599475
Skewness 4.887064 6.894628 .1611845 -.9131407
Observation 175 175 175 175

Source: Researcher’s Computation, 2023.

Based on the provided table, the average organization commitment score is 18, indicating a moderate level of organization commitment in listed Banks in Warri Delta State Nigeria. The median score is 18, which is close to the mean and suggests that the distribution of organization commitment scores is relatively symmetrical. The minimum score is 10, indicating that there are organizations (banks) with relatively low levels of organization commitment. The maximum score is 48, suggesting that there are organizations (banks) with relatively high levels of organization commitment. The standard deviation of 3.158412 indicates that the organization commitment scores vary moderately around the mean. The kurtosis value of 50.98007 indicates that the distribution of organization commitment scores has a moderate level of peakedness compared to a normal distribution. The skewness value of 4.887064 suggests a positive skewness.

The average counseling program behavior score is approximately 18, indicating a moderate level of counseling program in listed Banks in Warri Delta State Nigeria. The median score is 18, which is close to the mean and suggests that the distribution of counseling program scores is relatively symmetrical. The minimum score is 12, indicating that there are employees with relatively low levels of counseling program. The maximum score is 49, suggesting that there are employees with relatively high levels of counseling program. The standard deviation of 2.951752 indicates that the counseling program scores vary moderately around the mean. The kurtosis value of 76.75276 indicates that the distribution of counseling program scores has a higher level of peakedness compared to a normal distribution. The skewness value of 6.894628 suggests a positive skewness, indicating a slightly longer right tail in the distribution.

The average wellness assistance program score is approximately 17, indicating a moderate level of wellness assistance program in listed Banks in Warri Delta State Nigeria. The median score is 17, which is close to the mean and suggests that the distribution of wellness assistance program scores is relatively symmetrical. The minimum score is 12, indicating that there are organizations with relatively low levels of wellness assistance program. The maximum score is 26, suggesting that there are organizations with relatively high levels of wellness assistance program. The standard deviation of 1.889075 indicates that wellness assistance program scores vary moderately around the mean. The kurtosis value of 5.1058 indicates that the distribution of wellness assistance program scores has a higher level of peakedness compared to a normal distribution. The skewness value of .1611845 suggests a positive skewness, indicating a slightly longer right tail in the distribution.

The financial management education program score is approximately 15, indicating a moderate level of financial management education program in listed Banks in Warri Delta State Nigeria. The median score is 15, which is close to the mean and suggests that the distribution of financial management education program scores is relatively symmetrical. The minimum score is 8, indicating that there are employees with relatively low levels of financial management education program. The maximum score is 16, suggesting that there are employees with relatively high levels of financial management education program. The standard deviation of 1.646512 indicates that the financial management education program scores vary moderately around the mean. The kurtosis value of 3.599475 indicates that the distribution of financial management education program scores has a higher level of peakedness compared to a normal distribution. The skewness value of -.9131407 suggests a slight negative skewness, indicating a slightly longer left tail in the distribution.

Correlation Analysis

The results obtained from correlation analysis presents the coefficients for each pair of variables in a study. These coefficients are usually in the form of numbers with designated signs that researchers use to describe the direction of relationship between pairs of variables under a given study. With the signs attached to the coefficients, it is possible for researchers to detect whether two paired sets of variables are moving in the same or opposite direction. Where the coefficients carries a positive sign it means a positive relationship and where it carries a negative sign it means a negative relationship. However, when the correlation coefficient is close to 0, there is no evidence of any relationship and where an independent variable carries a coefficient of 0.8 and above it shows the presence of multicollinearity.

We therefore subject this with the above in mind, the data for this study were subjected to the correlation analysis and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient was adopted. The result of the correlation analysis is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Result of Correlation Analysis

OC 1.0000
CP 0.0961 1.0000
WAP 0.1131 0.0456 1.0000
FMEP 0.1142 0.2052 0.1885 1.0000

Source: Researcher’s Computation, 2023.

Table 2 presents the correlation results for the entire variable set. As indicated above, the correlation coefficients between the dependent variable organization commitment (OC) and counseling program (CP), recorded positive correlation coefficients of 0.0961, wellness assistance program (WAP) recorded positive correlation coefficients of 0.1131 while, financial management education program (FMEP) recorded positive correlation coefficients of 0.1142. Additionally, it could be observed also that the correlation coefficient between pairs of independent variables either indicate negative or positive relationship. A further cursory look at the results in Table 2 indicated that the independent variables did not show signals of the existence of multicollinearity. This is evident in the Pearson Correlation (Pearson R) between pairs of independent variable that was found to have ranged from 0.0456 to 0.2052. The lowest Pearson R of 0.0456 was found between counseling program (CP) and wellness assistance program (WAP) whereas, the highest Pearson R of 0.2052 was found between counseling program (CP) and financial management education program (FMEP). Since no pair of independent variables had Pearson R close to or about 0.80 and above, we thus argue that the independent variables used in this study do not have issues of multicollinearity. To confirm this assertion, the variables were subjected to other diagnostic tests and the results are as shown in table 3.

Other Diagnostic Tests

In order to ascertain the fitness of the models specified in this study, the data obtained for the entire variables were further subjected to selected diagnostic tests which includes test for multicollinearity test and the heteroskedasticity test, in an effort to evaluate the statistical validity of the models that were presented in this study. The results of the diagnostic tests are presented in the following section.

Table 3: Variance Inflator Factor Results for Independent Variables

Variable FMEP CP WAP Mean VIF
VIF 1.08 1.04 1.04 1.05
1/VIF 0.925735 0.957850 0.964410

Source: Researcher’s Computation, 2023.

From Table 3, the range of VIF for the independent variables did not exceed the standardized VIF level (1.04:1.08<10.00). Overall, the mean VIF obtained is 1.05 which suggests the absence of multicollinearity among the independent variables. This result further confirms the fitness of the specified models in this study.

Table 4: Result for Breusch-Pagan/Cook Weisberg Test 

Breusch Pagan Cooke/Weisberg

Test for Heteroskedasticity

          chi2(1) = 2.83; Prob>chi2 = 0.0924

 Source: Researcher’s Computation, 2023.

According to Table 4, the chi2(1) of the fitted values for the variables is 2.83, and the probability value (p-value) is 0.0924. This information may be found in the table. This finding thus provides more evidence that the data set does not have an issue with heteroskedasticity.

Test of Hypotheses

This section presents the results of the tests of hypotheses. Since this is a panel study, the researcher made efforts to control for the effect of heterogeneity common among panel datasets. Noteworthy, in testing the formulated hypotheses in this study, the decision rule regarding the acceptance or rejection of any hypothesis is hereunder stated:

Decision Rule

Reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternate hypothesis (HA) where the p-value obtained is lesser than the level of significance (0.05), the result is deemed to be significant. Additionally, where the p-value obtained is greater than the level of significance (0.05), the result is deemed to be insignificant and we retain the null hypothesis (H0).

Hypothesis One

HA1: The nexus between counseling programs and organizational commitment is significant.

Table 5: Results of Model I and Test of Hypothesis I (CP and OC)

Dependent Variable: Organizational Commitment (OC) No. of Obs. = 175
Variables Symbol Coefficient Std. Err t-Statistics Sign.
Constant _CONS 15.71913 1.425337 11.03 0.000
COUNSELING PROGRAM CP .1027832 .0809754 1.27 0.206
F(1, 173) (p-value) 1.61 (0.2060)
R-Squared 0.0092
R-Squared Adj. 0.0035
Root MSE       3.1529

Source: Researcher’s Computation via STATA 13.0

As seen in the table above, the outcomes of the OLS regression that was performed on all of the panel data were reported. After giving the findings a careful examination, it was discovered that CP had a positive coefficient of around 0.1027832 and standard error of 0.0809754. This provides support for the hypothesis that the dependent variable, OC is positively related to the independent variable (CP). When doing regression analysis, the degree of standard error gives an indication of the level of accuracy and dependability of the given models. A high degree of accuracy in the model’s estimates is represented by a low standard error rate. All things considered, CP achieved a t-stat of 1.27 (P>| t | = 0.206), which suggests that CP has insignificant effect on OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.

The R-squared value that was achieved is 0.0092, and the Adj R-squared value that was found was 0.0035; this suggests that CP is responsible for around 0.92% – 0.35% of the changes in OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The result shown in Table 5 disagrees with the hypothesis that counseling programs and organizational commitment is significant in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The p-value that was obtained, which was 0.2060, was greater than 0.05 and was found to be insignificant at a level of significance of 5%. As a result, we have come to the conclusion that there is no significant relationship between organizational commitment and counseling programs of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.

Hypothesis Two

HA2: The nexus between wellness assistance programs and organizational commitment is significant.

Table 6: Results of Model II and Test of Hypothesis II (WAP and OC)

Dependent Variable: Organizational Commitment (OC) No. of Obs. = 175
Variables Symbol Coefficient Std.Err t-Statistics Sign.
Constant _CONS 14.2669 2.173851 6.56 0.000
WELLNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS WAP .1891427 .1262989 1.50 0.136
F(1, 173) (p-value) 2.24 (0.1361)
R-Squared 0.0128
R-Squared Adj. 0.0071
Root MSE       3.1472

Source: Researcher’s Computation via STATA 13.0

As can be seen in the table above, the outcomes of the OLS regression that was performed on all of the panel data were reported. After giving the findings a careful examination, it was discovered that WAP had a positive coefficient of around 0.1891427 and standard error of 0.1262989. This provides support for the hypothesis that the dependent variable, OC is positively related to the independent variable (WAP). When doing regression analysis, the degree of standard error gives an indication of the level of accuracy and dependability of the given models. A high degree of accuracy in the model’s estimates is represented by a low standard error rate. All things considered, WAP achieved a t-stat of 1.50 (P>| t | = 0.136), which suggests that WAP has insignificant and positive effect on OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.

The R-squared value that was achieved is 0.0128, and the Adj R-squared value that was found was 0.0071; this suggests that WAP is responsible for around 0.92% – 0.35% of the changes in OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The result shown in Table 6 disagrees with the hypothesis that wellness assistance programs and organizational commitment is significant in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The p-value that was obtained, which was 0.1361, was greater than 0.05 and was found to be insignificant at a level of significance of 5%. As a result, we have come to the conclusion that there is no significant relationship between wellness assistance programs and organizational commitment of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.

Hypothesis Three

HA3: The nexus between financial management education programs and organizational commitment is significant.

Table 7: Results of Model III and Test of Hypothesis III (FMEP and OC)

Dependent Variable: Organizational Commitment (OC) No. of Obs. = 175
Variables Symbol Coefficient Std.Err t-Statistics Sign.
Constant _CONS 14.36689 2.087553 6.88 0.000
F(1, 173)




R-Squared 0.0130
R-Squared Adj. 0.0073
Root MSE       3.1468

Source: Researcher’s Computation via STATA 13.0

As can be seen in the table above, the outcomes of the OLS regression that was performed on all of the panel data were reported. After giving the findings a careful examination, it was discovered that FMEP had a positive coefficient of around 0.2190793 and standard error of 0.1448871. This provides support for the hypothesis that the dependent variable, OC is positively related to the independent variable (FMEP). When doing regression analysis, the degree of standard error gives an indication of the level of accuracy and dependability of the given models. A high degree of accuracy in the model’s estimates is represented by a low standard error rate. Individually FMEP achieved a t-stat of 1.51 (P>| t | = 0.132), which suggests that FMEP has insignificant and positive relationship with OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.

The R-squared value that was achieved is 0.0130, and the Adj R-squared value that was found was 0.0073; this suggests that FMEP is responsible for around 1.3% – 0.73% of the changes in OC of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The result shown in Table 7 disagrees with the hypothesis that financial management education programs and organizational commitment is significant in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The p-value that was obtained, which was 0.1323, was greater than 0.05 and was found to be insignificant at a level of significance of 5%. As a result, we have come to the conclusion that there is no significant relationship between financial management education programs and organizational commitment of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria.


Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that there is an insignificant effect of employee assistance programs on organizational commitment of listed banks in Warri metropolis Delta state, Nigeria. The analysis did not establish a statistically significant relationship between counseling programs, wellness assistance programs, financial management education programs and organizational commitment behavior among employees.

Suggestion for further studied

This study was carried out to examine the nexus between Employee Assistance Programs and Organizational Commitment. However, the not establish a statistically significant relationship between counseling programs, wellness assistance programs, financial management education programs and organizational commitment behavior among employees. Therefore, further research should be conducted on the two construct under study using another sector.


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