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The Relationship between Occupational Stress and Self-Efficacy among Secondary School Teachers

  • Suico, Chedee James S
  • Dy, Janreel A
  • Tuazon, Diana Rose A
  • Zenith, Kaye S
  • Asople, Artemio R
  • Barreza, Jaymar E
  • Berte, Jerwin Jade I
  • Jungco, Eunizel Jean C
  • Piastro, Eryk Psalm D
  • Sarin, Rexel B
  • Supranes, Judy Mark V
  • Krystal Joy M. Clamares
  • Anna Marie O. Pelandas
  • 2424-2429
  • May 21, 2024
  • Psychology

The Relationship between Occupational Stress and Self-Efficacy among Secondary School Teachers

Suico, Chedee James S1., Dy, Janreel A1., Tuazon, Diana Rose A1., Zenith, Kaye S1., Asople, Artemio R1., Barreza, Jaymar E1., Berte, Jerwin Jade I1., Jungco, Eunizel Jean C1., Piastro, Eryk Psalm D1., Sarin, Rexel B1., Supranes, Judy Mark V1., Krystal Joy M. Clamares, PhD2., Anna Marie O. Pelandas, MAEd2

1Department of Education, Senior High School Students, Philippines

2Department of Education, Senior High School Teachers Division of Davao de Oro, Philippines


Received: 27 April 2024; Accepted: 13 May 2024; Published: 21 May 2024


This study dealt the influence of occupational stress towards the self-efficacy of teachers in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The primary goal of the study was to determine the level of occupational stress and teacher’s self-efficacy in terms of their respective indicators, the significant relationship between occupational stress and teacher’s self-efficacy, and what domains of occupational stress that significantly influenced teacher’s self-efficacy. Also, this study utilized a quantitative-correlational design with 60 respondents among teachers in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School. The average weighted mean, Pearson R, and multiple regression analysis were the statistical tools used in this study. Along with this, results showed a very low level of occupational stress among teachers in terms of high job demand, job insecurity, and interpersonal conflict. Likewise, results showed very high level of teachers’ self-efficacy regarding of locus of control, persistent behavior, and professional mastery. Hence, there is an indirect relationship between Teacher Self-Efficacy and Occupational Stress. The correlation results show that teacher self-efficacy is often high when occupational stress is low.

Keywords: GAS, Occupational Stress, Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Philippines


Teacher competency founded on self-efficacy which is the belief in one’s own talents, and a lack of self-efficacy leads to a variety of psychological issues, including low confidence and self-esteem (Alibakshi et al., 2020). In Sweden, a teacher with low self-efficacy might not have believed strongly in their own ability to teach, which could have led to unmotivated students (Johansson, 2021). According to Yada et al. (2021), In Finland, low teacher self-efficacy affected not just the outcomes for students, such as motivation and academic achievement, but also the characteristics of the teachers, including stress, burnout, and attitudes toward kids.

In the Philippines, particularly in Bohol, some teachers without occupational stress experienced a better quality of life, reduced health risks, increased job satisfaction, a better work-life balance, and enhanced relationships (Torreon & Trabajo, 2018). According to Cabatac et al. (2023), teachers with reduced occupational stress could also have improved work performance and productivity, leading to more successful careers. Those with high self-efficacy and low occupational stress beliefs were more likely to have stronger job satisfaction, better interpersonal interactions, and more favorable conditions than other teachers experiencing burnout stress, mental health problems, and increased absenteeism (Benevene, 2019).

In Region XI, particularly in Davao City, teachers with low self-efficacy experienced self-debilitating thinking, dread, avoidance, and stress because they placed greater blame for their mistakes than their successes (Bayawa & Guhao, 2022). According to Asoncion and Bolofer (2021), teachers who had problems with their self-efficacy had various negative consequences, affecting both teachers and students. Additionally, it was observed in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento National High School that teachers encountered challenges that hindered their ability to effectively manage their duties, leading to occupational stress. These challenges had a detrimental impact on teachers’ self-efficacy, specifically in their confidence to teach

However, the researchers had not come across any study that was conducted on the influence of the relationship between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento National Highschool. The observation of this study was that teachers lacking self-efficacy found it difficult to persevere through difficulties, which impaired their capacity to solve problems and adjust. It also had a detrimental influence on students’ motivation since students may have internalized their teachers’ doubts about their own abilities. Additionally, it caused stress and burnout rates to rise, hindering effective parent and student communication and further undermining the foundation of a nurturing learning environment.

Research Objectives

This study was conducted to determine the relationship between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy among secondary school teachers. This study especially sought answers to the following objectives:

  1. To assess the level of occupational stress among teachers in terms of:

  1.1       High Job Demand;

  1.2       Job Insecurity; and

  1.3       Interpersonal Conflict.

2.To assess the level of teacher self-efficacy among teachers in terms of:

  2.1       Locus of Control;

  2.2       Persistent Behavior; and

2.3       Professional mastery.

3.To determine the significant relationship between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy.

4.To determine which of the domains in occupational stress significantly influence teachers’ self-efficacy.


This study employed a quantitative, non-experimental research design utilizing correlational techniques. This method was utilized when the objective was to describe the status of the situation as it existed at the time of the study in order to explore the causes of a particular phenomenon. In correlational research, data were collected in order to determine whether a relationship existed between two or more quantifiable variables (Gay, 2006).

Population and Sample

Simple random sampling was used in the selection of respondents. The subject of the study was the teachers teaching in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento National High School. Teachers were considered ideal due to their expertise, experience, relevance to the context, personal investment, impact on students, and potential for intervention.

Statistical Tool

The following statistical tools were utilized for the data analysis and interpretation.

Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the level of occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Pearson (r).This statistical tool was employed to determine the significance on the relationship between the occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.

Multiple Regression Analysis. This statistical tool was used to determine the influence of occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School.


Level of Occupational Stress          

Shown in Table 1 are the mean scores for the indicators of Occupational Stress and Teacher Self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School with an overall mean of 1.57 and described as very low with a standard deviation of 0.34. The very low level could be attributed to the very low rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This entails that the respondents’ responses to the level of occupational stress are very negative in terms of High job demand, Job insecurity, and Interpersonal conflict.

The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 1.58 or very low for Interpersonal conflict with standard deviation of 0.33; 1.56 or very low for Job insecurity conflict with standard deviation of 0.34; and 1.56 or very low for high job demand conflict with standard deviation of 0.34.

Table 1. Level of Occupational Stress

Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level
High Job demand 1.56 0.34 Very Low
Job Insecurity 1.56 0.34 Very Low
Interpersonal conflict\ 1.58 0.33 Very Low
Overall 1.57 0.34 Very Low

Level of Teachers’ Self-efficacy

Shown in Table 2 are the mean scores for the indicators of Teacher Self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School with an overall mean of 4.36 and described as very high with a standard deviation of 0.48. The very high level could be attributed to the very high rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This entails that the respondent’s responses to the level of teacher self-efficacy are very much positive in terms of locus of control, persistent behavior, and professional mastery.

The cited overall mean score was the result obtained from the following computed mean scores from highest to lowest: 4.53 or very high for professional mastery with standard deviation of 0.42; 4.34 or very high for persistent behavior with standard deviation of 0.58; 4.21 or very high for locus of control with standard deviation of 0.44.

Table 2. Level of Teachers’ Self-efficacy

Indicator Mean SD Descriptive Level
Locus of Control 4.21 0.44 Very High
Persistent Behavior 4.34 0.58 Very High
Professional Mastery 4.53 0.42 Very High
Overall 4.36 0.48 Very High

Significance on the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

The results revealed that Occupational Stress and Teacher Self-efficacy has significant relationship. This result is due to a r-value of -0.387. Since the p-value 0.002 which is lower than the 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected.  More so, there is an indirect relationship between occupational stress and teachers’ self-efficacy.

Multiple Regression Analysis on the Influence of the Occupational Stress and Teachers’ Self-efficacy

Using the Multiple Regression Analysis, the data revealed that the relationship between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy has f-value of 3.762 and corresponding significance p-value of 0.016 which was significant.

This means that the influence between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School since the probability is less than 0.05. The R squared of 0.168 implies that 16.8% of the occupational stress and among Teachers of Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is influence by the usage of occupational stress, while 83.2% remaining were not covered by the study and is influenced by other factors.


Level of Occupational Stress          

The respondents’ level of occupational stress in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is very low. This means that the different occupational stress in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School was very negative. This further means that the occupational stress is a significant for teachers, with various negative effect on both teachers and students. The educational environment for both teachers and students can be improved by using this knowledge to direct future research in educational psychological and teacher well-being; the high job demand means the limited job resources can lead to job strain and eventually burnout; job insecurity which means the considerable consequences of job instability on employee anxiety and depression levels and interpersonal conflict which also means the mental health is one of the important topics in the field of management and organizational behavior.

This result is in relation to the proposition of Social Cognitive Theory of Bandura (1986) which stated that individual’s beliefs about their abilities and competence (self-efficacy) are influenced by various factors, and environmental (Lamorte, 2022). This confirms to the viewpoint of McGee et al., (2023), that the effects of occupational stress on teacher’s health, the high prevalence of occupational stress in the profession, and the possible social ramifications of this type of stress. Furthermore, this confirms to the statement of Chen (2023), the occupational stress is the detrimental influence of work conditions and organizational qualities on an individuals’ well-being, it can cause health concerns and impair work performance.

Level of Teachers’ Self-efficacy

The respondents’ level of teacher self-efficacy at Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School is very high. This means that different kinds of teacher self-efficacy. This also elicits the fact that teachers consider the self-efficacy beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to manage prospective situations. According to Alibakhshi et al., (2020), It is an idea that pertains to teacher’s capacity to plan, think, or act, as well as their efforts and approaches to overcoming obstacles. Teacher self-efficacy is one of the most salient motivational characteristics that is assumed to affect teachers’ instructional quality and student motivational beliefs.

Significance on the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

The present study unveiled a significant relationship between occupational stress and teachers’ self-efficacy. The findings confirm the Social Cognitive Theory of Bandura (1986) which stated that individuals’ beliefs about their abilities and competence (self-efficacy) were influenced by various factors, including environmental factors. Also, this affirms the statement of Ipek et al. (2018) which posited that occupational stress could be a significant environmental factor that affected their self-efficacy. Accordingly, this is in consonance with the proposition of Yaribeygi (2017) that occupational stress had a negative effect on individuals’ attention, memory, and decision-making abilities, thereby affecting their self-efficacy.

Multiple Regression Analysis on the Influence of the Occupational Stress and Teachers’ Self-efficacy

Analysis using multiple regression revealed the influence of occupational stress to the teachers’ self-efficacy. Teachers have a robust sense of self-efficacy, they are inclined to employ successful teaching methods, establish a conducive and well-organized learning atmosphere, and inspire positive student motivation (Benevene,,2019). This confidence in their abilities also translates into a readiness to adapt, with self-assured educators being more receptive to change and the integration of inventive approaches within their teaching practices (Woodcock,,2022). According to Yada et al., (2021), the effects of teacher self-efficacy go beyond the immediate instructional setting, shaping not only student achievements but also their resilience in confronting challenges and their dedication to continuous professional development.


Conclusions were drawn based on the results of the study. The study concluded that the level of occupational stress among secondary school teachers in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School was very low, and the overall level of self-efficacy among secondary school teachers in Lorenzo S. Sarmiento Sr. National High School was very high. Moreover, the findings opposed the theoretical assumption that there is no significant relationship and no significant influence between occupational stress and teachers’ self-efficacy.


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