Understanding Employee Engagement: A Proposed Framework for Employees at Multinational Corporations (Mncs) In Malaysia
- Muhammad Syukri Abdullah
- Sharifah Khairol Musairah Syed Abdul Mutalib
- Muhammad Danish Haikal Azman
- 1764-1777
- Jan 7, 2025
- Human resource management
Understanding Employee Engagement: A Proposed Framework for Employees at Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia
Muhammad Syukri Abdullah1, Sharifah Khairol Musairah Syed Abdul Mutalib*2, Muhammad Danish Haikal Azman3,
1,3Universiti Technology MARA Melaka, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka
2Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis, 02600 Arau, Perlis
*Corresponding author
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47772/IJRISS.2024.8120150
Received: 29 November 2024; Accepted: 07 December 2024; Published: 07 January 2025
The objective of this study is to examine the efficacy of several elements that may impact employee engagement in multinational corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia. Employee engagement is a crucial determinant that impacts employee performance, accomplishment, and continuous enhancement over a year. Multinational corporations (MNCs) face the challenge of efficiently managing a diverse workforce consisting of persons from various cultures, races, and with varying expectations, as a result of their economic growth. There is a lack of research on employee engagement in multinational corporations (MNCs), particularly in Malaysia. This study includes many independent variables, such as work-life balance, transformational leadership, and flexible work arrangements which give impacts on employee engagement. Previous research has shown a substantial correlation between the independent variables and employee engagement. The results from previous research demonstrated a strong correlation and connection between employee engagement and transformational leadership across all industries. Regarding the independent variable of work- life balance, it has shown a clear positive association with work-life balance. Furthermore, there is a strong and direct correlation between employee engagement and the use of flexible working arrangements in firms.
Keywords: Employee Engagement, Multinational Corporations (MNC), Transformational Leadership, Work-Life Balance, Flexible Working Arrangements
A company’s survival depends on its ability to maximise profits from its present capabilities while also being flexible enough to adapt to new situations (1). Leaders of firms have to put in a lot of effort to keep their workforces engaged if they want to become or remain profitable (1). Company leaders must ensure that their companies have a viable future by learning how to balance employee engagement, innovation adoption, and short-term profit maximization (2)The trust and communication between both employees and management are also vital as it shows the employee their abilities and how their own work has contributed to the overall company performance. Given that both the employer and the employee can achieve high performance levels, this union is essential. It is widely accepted that employees constitute the fundamental basis of any organisation. The success or failure of an organisation is contingent upon its people (3).Employee engagement is a crucial notion for understanding and analysing the nature of the interaction between a company and its employees, both qualitatively and quantitatively (4). A dedicated employee often exceeds expectations for the company without needing to be prompted or seeking recognition for their efforts. Khan (5) established the notion of employee engagement as the act of employees wholeheartedly dedicating themselves to their professional duties, demonstrating their self-employment and self-expression in a physical, cognitive, and emotional manner. In addition, employee engagement refers to the state of being intellectually and emotionally present, marked by concentrated attention and profound absorption in one’s work (6). Attention is the amount of time an employee spends thinking about their role and the level of their cognitive ability. Based on a Gallup study conducted in 2003, employees who are actively disengaged are significantly more prone to leaving their firm within a year when compared to engaged employees (7). Thus, several variables should be evaluated to determine which factors have a significant impact on employee engagement. The objective of this study was to assess the degree of employee engagement by analysing the components of transformational leadership, work-life balance, and flexible work arrangements in multinational companies in Malaysia.
Employee engagement is a crucial determinant that influences employee performance, accomplishment, and continuous enhancement throughout the course of a year (8). Average employee engagement score in Malaysia is 54%, which is above the worldwide average of 53% (9). The level of employee engagement in Malaysia is a significant issue, as indicated by the low involvement of only 11% of employees, while 8% exhibit no involvement, and the rest 81% demonstrate limited involvement (10). According to Juan and Yao (11), organizations with poor involvement saw a decrease of 32% in operational income and an 11% fall in earnings per share growth. Multinational companies (MNCs) have faced the challenge of managing a diverse workforce consisting of persons from various cultures, races, and with varying expectations, as a result of their business expansion (12). It is advisable for multinational businesses (MNCs) operating in Malaysia to closely observe this progress due to the challenges posed by cultural disparities, local work methods, and global management systems (13). Recent findings indicate that employees belonging to Generation Z and millennials may exhibit lower levels of commitment towards their jobs compared to earlier generations. Thus, this study intends to explore transformational leadership, work-life balance and flexible work arrangements on employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
Research Objective 1:
To determine the relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
Research Objective 2:
To determine the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
Research Objective 3:
To determine the relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
Research Question 1:
Is there any significant relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia?
Research Question 2:
Is there any significant relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia?
Research Question 3:
Is there any significant relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia?
Overview of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement, as defined by Low and Spong (14), refers to the extent of motivation and contentment that employees experience in contributing to their company’s success, as well as their overall job satisfaction. Research conducted by Ahmad et al. (15) has shown that businesses that have a high level of employee involvement generally perform better in terms of productivity, innovation, and profitability compared to those with low engagement levels. The fostering of imagination, creativity, and dedication to the organisation through employee engagement eventually boosts performance (16).
Saks (17) made a distinction between job engagement and organisation engagement. Job engagement refers to the level of enthusiasm and dedication an employee has towards their specific job tasks. On the other hand, organisational engagement refers to the level of enthusiasm and dedication an employee has towards their firm as a whole. Through his research (17), he discovered that work engagement and organisation engagement differ in terms of their connection with preceding factors and resulting effects. Furthermore, organisation engagement was proven to be a significantly more accurate predictor of all outcomes compared to job engagement.
Many organisations will have ongoing challenges with employee engagement in the future, mostly because of its complex structure and strict regulations (18). Employee engagement is crucial for both the individual employee and the organisation as it stimulates employee creativity and cultivates a harmonious and friendly relationship between management and employees (19)(Bekirogullari, 2019). Employee engagement relates to a favourable mental state characterised by three key attributes: enthusiasm, dedication, and focus (20)(Windia et al., 2020). Research has shown that there is a positive relationship between employee engagement and employee performance. Specifically, when an organisation has high levels of employee engagement, their performance tends to improve. This suggests that employee engagement has a significant impact on employee performance (21)(Ibrahim et al., 2021).
Concept Of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is the level of emotional and intellectual dedication that employees have towards their work tasks and the goals of the firm (22). The construct is intricate and encompasses cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components. It is defined by a good frame of mind and a strong commitment. Work engagement refers to a favourable psychological state linked to one’s occupation, marked by a sincere aspiration to contribute to the company’s achievements.
Job engagement encompasses the fervor, commitment, and emotional involvement that individuals exhibit towards their work and the organisation. Employee engagement refers to the level of commitment, motivation, and enthusiasm that employees demonstrate towards their work and the organisation. Thus, the summary of definitions for employee engagement is as follows.
Table 1.0: Summary of Definitions of Employee Engagement
No. | Author and Year | Definitions of Employee Engagement |
1 | Deepalakshmi et al. (2024) | The term “emotional and intellectual commitment of employees towards their work roles and organisational objectives” describes employee engagement. |
2 | (5)Kahn (1990) | Characterises an environment in which workers are emotionally, physically, and cognitively invested in their jobs as employee engagement. |
3 | (23)Sun &
Bunchapattanasakda (2019) |
Employee engagement is a multi-faceted construct involving cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components, while others see it as a unitary construct representing a positive state of mind and dedicated willingness |
4 | (24)Rameshkumar (2020) | “A state of mind that is positive, fulfilling, and characterised by vigour, dedication, and absorption” is what employee engagement is defined as. |
5 | (4)Tiwari & Lenka (2020) | Employee engagement refers to the level of emotional investment that staff members have in an organisation and the measures they take to guarantee the success of the organisation. |
6 | (25)Albrecht & Andreetta (2010) | “Work engagement” is a positive mental state associated with one’s job that is characterised by a genuine desire to advance the success of the company. |
7 | (26)Suhartanto & Brien (2018) | The term “job engagement” describes how enthusiastic, dedicated, and emotionally invested individuals are in their work and the company they work for. |
8 | (27)Wardiansyah et al. (2024) | Employee engagement refers to employees’ level of interest and dedication to the firm, their work, and their coworkers. |
10 | (17)Saks (2019) | Employee engagement can be defined as the degree of dedication, drive, and interest that workers have for their jobs and the company. |
Concept of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is a leadership approach that integrates inventive thinking, perseverance, energy, intuition, and empathy to encourage and inspire employees to accomplish organisational goals. It supports the personal growth requirements of followers and inspires them to strive for the objectives of the organisation. Transformational leadership fosters positive transformations in individuals and social structures, converting followers into self-aware leaders. The leader plays a vital role as the primary catalyst for inspiration and motivation, which is essential for subordinates to undergo positive transformation (28)(Raziq et al., 2018).
Transformational leaders strive to generate innovative ideas and perspectives, thus providing the firm with novel pathways for growth and profitability. Transformational leadership is the act of actively connecting with others and establishing strong relationships that enhance ethical standards and drive motivation. It is characterised by its results, such as instilling admiration, valuing commitment, acknowledging the needs of employees, and shifting motivation from personal gain to the common good. Thus, the summary of definitions for transformational leadership is as follows.
Table 2.0: Summary of Definitions of Transformational Leadership
No. | Author and Year | Definitions of Transformational Leadership |
1 | (29)Prabowo et al. (2018) | Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that combines innovative thinking, tenacity, vigour, intuition, and empathy for staff members to achieve many objectives or aspirations for the company and leaves a remarkable impression on staff members. |
2 | (29)Atmojo (2012) | Transformational leadership is characterised by nurturing followers’ personal development needs and motivating and inspiring them to put out their best efforts in the pursuit of organisational objectives. |
3 | (30)Anwar (2017) | As a leadership approach, transformational leadership turns followers into self-aware leaders by promoting constructive changes in both individuals and social institutions. |
4 | (28)Raziq et al. (2018) | Transformational leadership emphasises the leader’s role as the main source of inspiration and motivation, which is crucial for subordinates to experience good change. |
5 | Robbins (2015) | A leader that practises transformational leadership motivates and inspires their team members to accomplish a task in order to produce exceptional outcomes. |
6 | (31)Korejan &Shahbazi (2016) | Leaders that strive to generate fresh ideas and viewpoints in order to present the organisation with a new direction for growth and profitability are referred to as transformational leaders. |
7 | (32)Wiyanto et al. (2020) | The practice of engaging with others and forging a bond that elevates morality and motivation in both the leader and the follower is known as transformational leadership. |
8 | (33)Katou et al. (2021) | Transformational leadership is defined primarily by its outcomes, such as inspiring respect and pride, respecting loyalty and collectivity, recognising the employees’ requirements and transferring motivation from self-interest to collective interest |
Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Employee Engagement
The study identified a direct and positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement across many sectors, such as hospitals, public servants, beverage distributor businesses, and beverage distributors. The findings also demonstrated a substantial association between transformative leadership and employee engagement in government servants, beverage distributors, and other employees, suggesting a robust and favorable correlation between transformational leadership and employee engagement. Thus, the summary of the relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement.
Table 3.0: Summary of Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employee Engagement
No. | Author and Year | Country | Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employee Engagement |
1 | (34)Irianto &Basbeth (2021) | Indonesia | The result revealed that employee engagement was found to be positively correlated with transformative leadership among hospital employees. |
2 | (35)Fransiska et al al. (2021) | Indonesia | There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among PT XYZ employees. |
3 | (36)Rafia et al. (2020) | Indonesia | There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among civil servant employee in the Department of Public Housing and Settlement Regions of Central Java Province |
4 | (37)Wen & Long (2023) | Malaysia | There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement. |
5 | (38)Nabillah &Wahyuningsih (2023) | Indonesia | There is a significant and positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among Yogyakarta City Social Service employees. |
6 | (32)Wiyanto et al. (2020) | Indonesia | There is a significant relationship and positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among beverage distributor company employees. |
Concept of Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance (WLB) refers to the ability to efficiently allocate one’s time, ensuring a harmonious equilibrium between work responsibilities, family commitments, and personal pursuits (39)(Lumunon et al., 2019). It entails achieving equilibrium between personal and professional responsibilities, ensuring a harmonious integration of different facets of life. Work-life balance (WLB) refers to the capacity to attain fulfilling experiences in various aspects of life by effectively allocating personal resources, such as energy, time, and dedication, across different domains. Work-family balance refers to the extent to which an individual actively participates in and finds equal satisfaction in their professional and personal activities. job-life balance (WLB) refers to an individual’s subjective belief that their job and non-work activities are harmonious and contribute to personal development in line with their current life priorities. Thus, the summary of definitions for work-life balance is as follows.
Table 4.0: Summary of Definitions of Work-Life Balance
No. | Author and Year | Definitions of Work-Life Balance |
1 | (39)Lumunon et al. (2019) | The ability to effectively manage one’s time and strike a balance between job, family life, and personal interests is known as work-life balance. |
2 | Vidani et al. (2024) | The term “work-life balance” describes how to manage oneself well or find a balance between one’s obligations and their workload. |
3 | Patil et al. (2024) | Work-life balance is a complex concept that includes striking a balance between one’s personal and professional obligations. |
4 | (40)Abendroth & Dulk (2011) | A harmonious balance of life’s various aspects is referred to as work-life balance, or WLB. |
5 | Gorde (2023) | The harmony between one’s personal and professional life is known as work-life balance. |
6 | (41)Sirgy & Lee (2017) | “Role engagement in work and nonwork life and minimal conflict between work and nonwork roles” is a section that offers a new, integrative description of the work-life balance idea. |
7 | (42)Kirchmeyer (2000) | The definition of work-life balance (WLB) is the ability to achieve gratifying experiences in all life domains by ensuring that personal resources, such as energy, time, and commitment, are evenly distributed across domains. |
8 | (43)Greenhaus et al. (2003) | “The degree to which a person engages in and is equally satisfied with his or her work role and family role” is what WLB stands for. |
9 | (44)Kalliath & Brough (2008) | “The personal perception that work and non-work activities are compatible and promote growth in accordance with an individual’s current life priorities” is what work-life balance is defined as. |
Relationship Between Work-Life Balance And Employee Engagement
The work-life balance (WLB) of employees has a major impact on their level of engagement, with a clear positive association. Y-generation employees do not experience any noticeable impact on job engagement. Nevertheless, there exists a direct correlation between work-life balance (WLB) and employee engagement among the hospital workforce, suggesting that WLB has a substantial impact on employee engagement (45)(Shelar & Khatke, 2021). Thus, the summary of the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement.
Table 5.0: Summary of Relationship between Work-Life balance and Employee Engagement
No. | Author and Year | Country | Relationship between Work- Life balance and Employee Engagement |
1 | (39)Larasati et al (2019) | Indonesia | There is a significant relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement among the millennial generation. |
2 | (46)Jaharuddin & Zainol (2019) | Malaysia | There is a positive relationship between WLB and job engagement among employees among employees in Klang Valley. |
3 | (47)Lestari & Margaretha (2021) | Indonesia | There is no effect of work life balance on job engagement among Y generation employees in the city of Bandung. |
4 | (45)Shelar & Khatke (2021) | India | There is a positive relationship with work life balance and employee engagement among hospital employees in Pune. |
5 | (48)Jamillah et al. (2023) | Indonesia | Work life balance variable has a significant influence on the employee engagement variable among employees in the Department of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises, Jember Regency. |
Concept of Flexible Work Arrangement
Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) refer to policies and practices that grant workers the ability to modify their work environment, schedule, or effort, thus providing them with increased autonomy and control over their work schedules, locations, and hours. These agreements are a consequence of advancements in communication technologies and offer workers the autonomy to determine their preferred timing, location, and manner of work. FWAs are suitable for positions that diverge from the conventional 9-5 workweek structure and provide adaptability in response to fluctuating circumstances (49)(Flexis & Francis, 2020). FWA, or Flexible Work Arrangement, is a phrase used to describe a work schedule that allows employees to have autonomy in deciding when and how they work, deviating from the traditional work structure. Thus, the summary of definitions for flexible work arrangements is as follows.
Table 6.0: Summary of Definitions of Flexible Work Arrangement
No. | Authors and Year | Definitions of Flexible Work Arrangement |
1 | (50)Gašíc & Berber (2023) | Flexible work arrangements provide workers the freedom to decide how, where, and when to carry out their job duties while still managing their personal lives. |
2 | Onyekwelu et al. (2022) | The degree to which workers can alter regular work schedules and the times and locations of work-related activities is referred to as flexible working arrangements. |
3 | (49)Felix & Francis (2020) | Any job that deviates from the traditional standard of a strict 9–5 workweek schedule is referred to as a flexible work arrangement (FWA). |
4 | (51)Alqasa & Noor (2002) | The term “flexible work arrangements” (FWA) refers to policies and procedures that provide employees with greater flexibility to adjust to new circumstances by letting them choose their own work schedule, location, and amount of effort. |
5 | (52)Weideman & Hofmeyr, (2020) | The term “flexible work arrangement,” or “flexible working arrangement,” refers to a change in the working system brought about by developments in communication technologies. |
6 | (53)Yildiz & Aymelek (2023) | FWA refers to procedures that provide workers greater autonomy and control over their work schedules, places, and hours. |
7 | (54)Fadhila & Wicaksana (2020) | A flexible work arrangement is a work schedule that gives workers control over when they choose to work. |
8 | (22)Yamin&Pusparini, (2022) | The term “flexible working arrangement” (FWA) refers to any work activities that are organised differently from the conventional manner of working. |
Relationship Between Flexible Work Arrangements And Employee Engagement
Flexible work arrangements have a major impact on employee engagement, especially among information technology employees in operating firms. These arrangements also demonstrate a direct relationship with employee engagement among permanent employees in organisations that have adopted flexible work arrangements. Moreover, the implementation of workplace flexibility has a beneficial effect on the level of employee involvement inside start-up organisations. Thus, summary relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement.
Table 7.0: Summary of Relationship between Flexible Work Arrangements and Employee Engagement
No. | Author and Year | Country | Relationship between Flexible Work Arrangements and Employee Engagement |
1 | (52)Weideman & B. Hofmeyr (2020) | South Africa | There is a significant relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement among employees in operating companies within the Gauteng province. |
2 | (55)Ugargol & Patrick (2018) | India | There is a significant relationship between flexible working hours and employee engagement among information technology employees. |
3 | (22)Yamin & Pusparini (2022) | Indonesia | There is a significant and positive relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement among permanent employees in Indonesian companies that implemented flexible work arrangements. |
4 | Alazdi (2021) | Saudi Arabia | There is a positive correlation between flexible work arrangements and Work Engagement in Start-up Companies in Saudi Arabia. |
5 | (56)Lawrence & Nwankwoala (2022) | Nigeria | Workplace flexibility positively affects employee engagement in organizations in Nigeria. |
Proposed Theoretical Framework
Figure 1.0: Proposed Theoretical Framework of Employee Engagement among Employees at MNC companies in Malaysia
Thus, from the above-mentioned relationship, the hypothesis for this study can be derived as follows:
H1: There will be a significant relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
H2: There will be a significant relationship between work-life balance and employee engageme9nt among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
H3: There will be a significant relationship between flexible work arrangements and employee engagement among employees at MNC companies in Malaysia.
This study will be conducted using quantitative approach, where the respondents are full-time employees who worked in multinational corporations in Malaysia. Data will be collected using an online survey (via Google Form) from 400 respondents, who distributed close-ended and self-administered questionnaires following a purposive sampling. The data will be collected from the employees working in multinational corporations located in Klang Valley area. This study also will employ Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS) to analyse the data as to test the hypothesis statements and answer the objectives of the study.
Employee engagement is the motivation and contentment employees experience in contributing to their company’s success and job satisfaction. Research shows that businesses with high levels of employee involvement generally perform better in terms of productivity, innovation, and profitability. Employee engagement fosters imagination, creativity, and dedication to the organization, ultimately boosting performance. Employee engagement is crucial for both individual employees and organizations as it stimulates creativity and cultivates a harmonious relationship between management and employees. It relates to a favourable mental state characterised by enthusiasm, dedication, and focus. Research shows a positive relationship between employee engagement and performance, with high levels of engagement resulting in improved performance.Transformational leadership is a leadership style that combines innovative thinking, perseverance, energy, intuition, and empathy to inspire employees to achieve organizational goals. It supports personal growth and encourages followers to strive for the organization’s objectives. Transformational leaders play a crucial role as the primary catalyst for inspiration and motivation, transforming followers into self-aware leaders. They strive to generate innovative ideas and perspectives, providing the firm with new growth and profitability pathways. Transformational leadership is characterized by its results, such as instilling admiration, valuing commitment, acknowledging employees’ needs, and shifting motivation from personal gain to the common good. Studies have identified a direct and positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement across various sectors, such as hospitals, public servants, beverage distributor businesses, and beverage distributors.Work-life balance (WLB) is the ability to efficiently allocate one’s time, ensuring a harmonious balance between work responsibilities, family commitments, and personal pursuits. It involves achieving equilibrium between personal and professional responsibilities, ensuring a harmonious integration of different facets of life. Work-family balance refers to the extent to which an individual actively participates in and finds equal satisfaction in their professional and personal activities. Job-life balance refers to an individual’s subjective belief that their job and non-work activities are harmonious and contribute to personal development in line with their current life priorities. Work-life balance (WLB) has a major impact on employee engagement, with a clear positive association. Y-generation employees do not experience any noticeable impact on job engagement. However, there exists a direct correlation between WLB and employee engagement among the hospital workforce, suggesting that WLB has a substantial impact on employee engagement.Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) are policies and practices that allow workers to modify their work environment, schedule, or effort, providing increased autonomy and control over their work schedules, locations, and hours. These agreements are a result of advancements in communication technologies and are suitable for positions that deviate from the traditional 9-5 workweek structure. FWAs offer workers the freedom to decide how, where, and when to carry out their job duties while still managing their personal lives. They are suitable for positions that deviate from the traditional 9-5 workweek structure and provide adaptability in response to fluctuating circumstances. Flexible work arrangements have a significant impact on employee engagement, especially among information technology employees in operating firms. These arrangements demonstrate a direct relationship with employee engagement among permanent employees in organizations that have adopted flexible work arrangements. The implementation of workplace flexibility has a beneficial effect on the level of employee involvement inside start-up organizations.
In conclusion, employee engagement is an important factor for the success of any company. Employee engagement refers to the level of motivation, commitment, and eagerness that employees display to their job and the company. Transformational leadership, work-life balance, and flexible work arrangements are all elements or factors that can significantly affect employee engagement. A leadership approach known as transformational leadership encourages innovation, determination and intelligence, in order to inspire and encourage employees to achieve company goals. Transformational leadership approaches have a strong and beneficial relationship since both of the variables fosters positive changes in both social structures and individuals, which consequently increase employee engagement. Work-life balance refers to the capability to successfully manage one’s time and strike a balance between family commitments, work responsibilities and personal pursuits. Finding an equilibrium between one’s personal and professional commitments is a difficult task. Work-life balance is positively and significantly impacting employee engagement, as employees who have a better work-life balance are more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their job. Companies who adopt flexible working arrangements will substantially give their employees greater flexibility over their own job schedules, places and time. This is because flexible working arrangements provide employees with better and more flexible control over their task, which enhances their engagement level.
The literature review establishes a robust, positive and strong relationship or correlation between transformational leadership approach, work-life balance, flexible work arrangement with employee engagement. Showing the variables will effectively influence employee engagement. To improve employee engagement and effectively improve and increase company success, it is important for firms to concentrate on these particular variables for company survival and longevity. The study’s research question and objectives will assist and help in the investigation, understanding and comprehending of the relationship among these variables. The study’s proposed theoretical framework posits that the combination of transformational leadership approach, work-life balance and flexible work arrangements will have a significant and strong effect on employee engagement among employees at multinational companies in Malaysia. As a result, companies should place an emphasis on encouraging employee engagement and the use of a transformational leadership approach, promoting work-life balance and providing flexible work arrangement so that companies can establish a productive working environment that motivates employees, resulting in increased output and achievement.
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