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Why are Ethnic Minority Teacher Paid Differently in England: A Preliminary Analysis of the School Workforce Census

  • Stephen Gorard
  • Yiyang Gao
  • Nadia Siddiqui
  • Beng Huat See
  • 4386-4396
  • Oct 23, 2024
  • Education

Why are Ethnic Minority Teacher Paid Differently in England: A Preliminary Analysis of the School Workforce Census

Stephen Gorard, Yiyang Gao, Nadia Siddiqui, and Beng Huat See

Durham University Evidence Centre for Education


Received: 20 September 2024; Accepted: 25 September 2024; Published: 23 October 2024


This paper uses data from the School Workforce Census in England, 2015-2022, to examine differential pay rates for teachers of different ethnic groups. Part of the reason for this is to help understand why ethnic minority teachers are under-represented in the teacher workforce. There are surface differences between the pay of different groups. Black African and Black Caribbean teachers tend to be paid more than average, and Pakistani teachers tend to be paid less. But there are also differences in age, qualifications, region, and phase of education. Taking all of the background and context variables into account, there is no evidence that ethnicity is a clear factor in determining pay. Of course, the reasons why teachers of different ethnicity teach in particular phases and regions may be part of that explanation. However, we will have to look elsewhere to explain the disproportion between ethnic minority teachers and pupils in England, and for the most effective policy levers to increase the supply and retention of minority ethnic teachers. Policymakers and schools could still consider salary incentives to try and attract more minority ethnic undergraduate students to a teaching career, where recruitment and retention of minority ethnic teachers is a challenge.


A well-paid teaching workforce can be an important factor in teacher supply and long-term retention. Existing evidence has shown that raising teacher salaries can attract more skilled individuals in the profession (Chelwa et al. 2019). However, disproportionate salary differences on the basis of teacher characteristics such as their gender, ethnicity, language, country of origin, and route to teaching qualifications can make teaching profession less attractive and reduce retention (D’Amico et al. 2017, Akiba et al. 2012).

According to teacher workforce data in England 21% teachers identified themselves as from minority ethnic backgrounds (DfE 2024), and this has been increasing over time (Kelly 2024). Teachers from minority ethnic groups are underrepresented in leadership positions such as heads, deputy heads, and assistant heads. In 2023/24, 15.9% of White British teachers held leadership roles, compared to 11.1% of White minorities, 10.0% of Black or Black British, and 8.3% of Asian or Asian British teachers (DfE 2023). The disparities in teachers’ salaries may be attributed to bottlenecks in the workforce pipeline, where minority ethnic teachers encounter obstacles in obtaining promotions or deployments to higher-salary leadership roles (McNamara et al. 2009). What about the pay of classroom teachers?

The analysis presented here is part of a larger project looking at the recruitment and retention of minority ethnic teachers in England, involving three systematic reviews of prior evidence, a national survey of teachers, interviews, case studies, and secondary analyses of the School Workforce Census, National Pupil Database, and UCAS and TALIS figures on the recruitment of teachers.

We have shown that minority ethnic teachers in England are far less common as a proportion than minority ethnic pupils are (Gorard et al. 2023a). And that this disproportion is related to the recruitment and retention of minority ethnic teachers (See et al. 2024), and to the treatment, behaviour and outcomes of minority ethnic pupils (Gorard et al. 2003b). This disproportion matters. Therefore, we are exploring why the disproportion occurs, and how the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers could be improved. One relevant issue could be differential pay – if ethnic minority teachers are paid less than their peers, ceteris paribus, this could be a factor in their under-representation.

This paper looks at patterns of differential pay for minority ethnic teachers. Following this introduction, the paper includes a summary of the methods used, comparative findings of pay by ethnicity and other factors, and a logistic regression analysis explaining high and low pay in terms of teacher background characteristics and qualifications. The paper ends with a brief discussion of the implications and next steps.


The dataset used in this paper is the Schools Workforce Census for England, 2015-2022, containing individual records of teachers and other educational staff. It contain information on training and qualifications, contracts, role, phase, promotion, pay, and background characteristics such as region, sex and ethnicity. This paper focuses on teacher pay by ethnic group, and potential explanatory factors for any differences.

This is achieved through comparisons of means, and cross-tabulations of frequencies, and a logistic regression model using all available variables to explain whether teachers have relatively high or low pay. In this way, we can begin to assess whether any ethnic groups are high or low paid once other factors are accounted for. For this regression analysis only, missing cases for age and months since achieving qualified teacher status (QTS) are replaced with the overall mean for that variable.

The first degree qualification, the first QTS qualification, and Masters or PhD qualification, are retained for each candidate (some had 33 or more qualifications listed). The qualification codes are converted to broad subject areas for each qualification level. NQF unspecified qualifications are listed as first degree equivalent where no other degree is listed. The eight subject areas are:

  • Art including Media Studies, crafts, joining
  • English including Welsh literature, creative writing
  • Services includingYouth Work, Careers
  • Social sciences including Politics, Policy, Social Work
  • Engineering including Design, Technology, Ceramics, Textiles
  • Agriculture including Land management, Forestry, Food Production
  • Health including Veterinary
  • MFL and culture including Asian studies


This analysis is based on full-time classroom teachers in England, with a particular focus on the pay and ethnicity of teachers. There are no suitable figures for 2019, but we have retained the empty column for clarity. There are just over 300,000 cases in the dataset in each year (Table 1). There are too few teachers from a Traveller/Roma background to report analyses on (this is a stipulation of the data owner). Travellers have consistently low average pay.

Table 1 – Number of full-time classroom teachers in England, 2015-2022

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of valid cases 313,649 311,722 308,702 307,380 314,292 312,858 317,575

Table 2 shows the actual average salary for each minority ethnic group, in pounds Sterling (£). This gives a sense of salary scale, growth over time, and differences between groups. As the clear majority, the pay of White British teachers is roughly equivalent to the overall national figure, but slightly below average in every year except 2020. There is no sign of any particular trend over time. The lowest pay is consistently for Pakistani teachers, below the national average in every year but with no particular sign of a trend. Black African and Black Caribbean teachers clearly have clearly had the highest pay in every year.

Table 2 – Base pay by ethnicity of teachers, 2015-2022

Ethnic sub-category 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Any other Asian 32584 33464 33786 35482 36038 36971 37859
Any other Black 34590 34412 35209 36454 36982 38502 38907
Any other ethnicity 34119 33415 33656 35487 36570 37121 37549
Any other mixed 32388 32976 33458 35368 36405 37184 37950
Any other White 33067 33152 33665 35893 36814 37713 38706
Bangladeshi 32272 32525 33151 35335 36573 37457 39138
Black African 34605 35262 35250 36990 38123 38648 39620
Black Caribbean 35235 35226 35740 37617 38469 39216 40245
Chinese 32133 32810 33097 34716 35552 35751 37134
Indian 33005 33411 33755 35812 37024 37550 38791
Not known 31118 31618 31947 33740 34365 35550 36664
Pakistani 31064 31187 31512 33528 34438 35660 36587
White and Asian 31513 31947 32464 34401 35364 36179 37219
White and Black 31341 31534 32002 34208 35400 35832 37015
White British 32258 32555 32939 34771 35985 36507 37562
Total 32285 32587 32970 34811 35942 36555 37603

Overall, the standard deviation of base pay is £8,626

Future tables will mostly not present these actual salary figures. Instead, they will show the differences between the pay for each sub-group and year, compared to the overall pay for that year, and divided by the overall standard deviation of pay. This is a standard “effect” size. Table 3 is an example, and it shows the same data as Table 2. It is clearer to see the main differences and trends. Teachers of Pakistani origin, for example, always have considerably lower than average pay, with perhaps a slight improvement over time. Teachers of Black Caribbean origin have pay which is substantially higher than average each year (“effect” size of around +0.3).

Table 3 – Effect sizes for differences in base pay by ethnicity of teachers, 2015-2022

Ethnic sub-category 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Any other Asian 0.035 0.102 0.095 0.078 0.011 0.048 0.030
Any other Black 0.267 0.212 0.260 0.190 0.121 0.226 0.151
Any other ethnicity 0.213 0.096 0.080 0.078 0.073 0.066 -0.006
Any other mixed 0.012 0.045 0.057 0.065 0.054 0.073 0.040
Any other White 0.091 0.065 0.081 0.125 0.101 0.134 0.128
Bangladeshi -0.002 -0.007 0.021 0.061 0.073 0.105 0.178
Black African 0.269 0.310 0.264 0.253 0.253 0.243 0.234
Black Caribbean 0.342 0.306 0.321 0.325 0.293 0.308 0.306
Chinese -0.018 0.026 0.015 -0.011 -0.045 -0.093 -0.054
Indian 0.083 0.096 0.091 0.116 0.125 0.115 0.138
Not known -0.135 -0.112 -0.119 -0.124 -0.183 -0.117 -0.109
Pakistani -0.142 -0.162 -0.169 -0.149 -0.174 -0.104 -0.118
White and Asian -0.089 -0.074 -0.059 -0.048 -0.067 -0.044 -0.045
White and Black -0.109 -0.122 -0.112 -0.070 -0.063 -0.084 -0.068
White British -0.003 -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 0.005 -0.006 -0.005

Compared to overall pay each year

There will be several reasons for these differences in teacher pay by ethnicity, including regional geography (Table 4). Teachers in London, for example, will tend to have higher pay and/or a London allowance, although it is not entirely clear that this “incentive” to teach in London is needed or justified given that this is not the region with greatest teacher shortages (Gorard 2018). This higher pay is represented in base pay, gross pay, and additional payments.

Table 4 – Effect sizes for differences in base pay by economic region, 2015-2022

Region 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
East Midlands -0.068 -0.058 -0.075 -0.067 -0.042 -0.087 -0.099
East of England -0.060 -0.072 -0.065 -0.089 -0.126 -0.102 -0.114
Inner London 0.455 0.464 0.491 0.529 0.522 0.572 0.572
North East 0.004 -0.008 -0.006 0.016 -0.014 -0.020 -0.002
North West -0.045 -0.048 -0.042 -0.048 -0.032 -0.035 -0.063
Outer London 0.267 0.269 0.290 0.299 0.283 0.329 0.359
South East -0.093 -0.097 -0.095 -0.102 -0.075 -0.100 -0.109
South West -0.042 -0.045 -0.046 -0.062 -0.064 -0.078 -0.075
West Midlands -0.111 -0.097 -0.136 -0.110 -0.142 -0.129 -0.086
Yorkshire and Humber -0.108 -0.108 -0.107 -0.126 -0.109 -0.117 -0.109

Only two areas in England have above average pay for teachers (Table 5). Teachers in Inner London have pay which is a massive +0.57 of a standard deviation above average, and this difference has been growing over time. Teachers in Outer London have pay 0.36 of a standard deviation above average, again increasing over time. If teachers in other regions had the same level of pay as in London then there would likely be no shortages in the schools there. The idea of using financial incentives appears reasonable to encourage teachers to work in hard-to-staff or disadvantaged schools (See et al. 2020), but it is nowhere near as clear that extra payments should be given to teachers to teach in what are already the most popular areas to live in. Weighting teacher pay towards London in this way, and the damage it causes to teacher supply elsewhere, is a national policy, although it is not clear that policy-makers are aware of it, or that it has been properly debated.

The lowest pay is in Yorkshire and the Humber, and this has been relatively static over time, along with the East of England, and the South East, where pay has decreased relative to other areas over time. These regional differences, coupled with residential figures for ethnic minority teachers in England (Gorard et al. 2023), can help explain at least part of the differences in pay by ethnic group. Black African and Black Caribbean teachers live disproportionately in London, compared to White British, Chinese, Indian and Pakistani. Bangladeshi teachers are also disproportionately in Inner London.

Low pay in the South East may somehow be linked to the much higher and growing pay in London, but it clearly shows that regional pay is not directly linked to local house prices. The South East and the East of England have the highest house prices in England outside of London, and so if pay were related to house prices then we would expect to see these two regions have somewhat higher than average pay. They do not. In fact they have substantially lower than average pay for England, and so London remains a highly-paid anomaly (Table 5).

Table 5 – House prices by region of England, January 2023

Region January 2023
East Midlands 251,177
East of England 358,114
London 533,986
North East 163,371
North West 214,431
South East 398,368
South West 329,691
West Midlands 256,694
Yorkshire and Humber 207,635
Total 310,159

Male teachers are paid slightly more than female teachers, and the gap has increased slightly over time, rather than reducing. This will be examined further is later analyses. Additionally, there are more male teachers who are Black African (40.4%) than in other ethnic groups (overall 28.2%). This could also explain part of the difference in pay by ethnicity, but does not apply to Black Caribbean teachers (24.1% male); nor can it explain the low pay of Pakistani teachers (26.6% male).

Understandably, whether a teacher has qualified teacher status (QTS) is related to their pay (Table 6). The gap between teachers with QTS and those without has remained quite similar over time. As with all of the characteristics considered so far, if QTS is linked to ethnicity then this could help explain at least part of the pay gap.

Table 6 – Effect sizes for differences in base pay by QTS status, 2015-2022

QTS status 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No QTS -1.150 -1.150 -1.161 -1.232 -1.319 -1.276 -1.305
QTS 0.041 0.042 0.042 0.045 0.047 0.040 0.040

All figures are similar, but the percentage of teachers with QTS is somewhat lower for Black Caribbean teachers, which does not help to explain their higher average pay (Table 7).

Table 7 – Percentages for QTS by ethnicity, all years combined

Ethnic sub-category No QTS QTS
Any other Asian 4.5 95.5
Any other Black 7.5 92.5
Any other ethnicity 6.3 93.7
Any other mixed 6.0 94.0
Any other White 7.4 92.6
Bangladeshi 3.8 96.2
Black African 5.5 94.5
Black Caribbean 8.4 91.6
Chinese 5.9 94.1
Indian 4.0 96.0
Not known 4.5 95.5
Pakistani 4.0 96.0
White and Asian 3.6 96.4
White and Black 6.8 93.2
White British 2.9 97.1
Total 3.4 96.6

In England, there is a range of ways in which teachers are trained initially, including traditional university routes, school-based development, and recognition of overseas training. The lowest paid teachers, in terms of how they got their qualified teacher status, are those who started on Teach First, or who trained via a School Direct or School Direct salaried route (Table 8). Teachers from all three of these “on the job” training routes have been catching up with average pay over time, but are still paid substantially below average. Teachers trained overseas, or in Northern Ireland, are paid substantially more than average. And this higher payment has increased hugely over time. Those qualifying via a PGCE (postgraduate) have been consistently paid slightly above average in every year.

Table 8 – Base salary by QTS route, 2015-2022

QTS route 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Not known 32,389 32,625 32,930 33,681 35,637 36,498 37,661
Undergraduate 32,930 33,277 33,912 34,691 36,972 37,389 38,268
Postgraduate 329,47 33,421 34,103 35,079 37,490 37,764 38,601
Flexible routes 30,856 30,668 30,957 32,120 34,162 35,429 36,306
Graduate Teacher Programme 31,370 32,133 32,793 34,127 36,299 36,666 38,590
Recognition from Northern Ireland 32,965 33,821 34,409 35,702 38,716 39,688 40,506
Overseas Trained 34,155 34,417 35,150 36,267 38,033 39,680 40,716
Registered Teacher Programme 31,859 32,527 32,844 33,778 35,895 36,116 36,841
School Direct 31,439 32,419 33,838
School Direct Salaried 31,375 32,758 34,691
Teach First Programme 25,258 26,239 27,039 28,282 30,518 30,861 32,567
Total 32,285 32,587 32,970 33,848 35,942 36,554 37,603

Again, this difference in pay by qualifying routes may be a factor in the pay differences by ethnic group. The route for most teachers is not recorded. Of the rest, ethnic minority groups are more likely than White British teachers to have been trained overseas.

The phase of education may also matter. Teachers in secondary, and middle-deemed secondary, schools consistently earn more than primary and middle-deemed primary school teachers. Teachers in sixth-from, college and other 16 plus sites earn more again, although the long-term trend is downwards (Table 9). Ethnic minority teachers are more common in secondary than in primary schools, whereas White British teachers are evenly balanced between these phases. Again, this can partly explain differences in pay, as secondary teachers tend to earn more.

Table 9 – Base pay by school phase, 2015-2022

School phase 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
16 plus 38052 34499 34682 38937 39691 39107 39804
All through 32503 33432 33601 35215 36633 37177 38425
Middle deemed primary 31627 31289 31853 33471 33881 34450 35520
Middle deemed secondary 33472 33508 33970 35399 36639 38139 37524
Not applicable 31963 32784 33099 34627 35615 36091 36745
Nursery 32926 33220 33638 35045 35831 36817 38286
Primary 31143 31397 31832 33781 34949 35717 36628
Secondary 33323 33680 34048 35826 36901 37350 38583
Special school 32529
Total 32285 32587 32970 34811 35942 36554 37603

Teachers in special schools but not PRUs (Pupil Referral Units) tend to be paid less than average. Many of the annual figures are volatile where there are few schools, or a new school type is introduced (Table 10). It is clear that secondary teachers are paid more than primary teachers, with teachers in Free schools 16-19 and CTCs paid the most. Teachers in voluntary-aided schools are paid more than average, and those in voluntary-controlled schools receive less than average. There are no clear differences in employment of ethnic groups by different school types, and so that is unlikely to help explain their differential pay.

Table 10 – Base salary by school type, 2015-2022

School type 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Academy 16-19 converter 37,100 34,712 35,351 34,650 37,373 37,697 37,793
Academy 16-19 sponsor led 37,242 36,571 34,825 1,000 60,382 37,459
Academy alternative provision converter 32,285 32,593 33,394 34,122 35,387 36,102 36,878
Academy alternative provision sponsor led 32,715 32,649 32,420 33,745 33,717 35,485 35,858
Academy converter 32,735 32,956 33,256 34,100 36,226 36,761 37,878
Academy special converter 31,203 31,710 32,155 33,675 35,283 35,545 36,924
Academy special sponsor led 31,938 32,021 31,885 32,894 34,220 35,001 36,042
Academy sponsor led 31,770 32,090 32,151 33,194 35,095 35,667 37,134
City Technology College 38,145 36,682 22,040 37,200 42,246 39,739 42,212
Community school 32,069 32,379 32,951 33,843 36,058 36,817 37,695
Community special school 32,599 32,769 33,144 33,938 35,527 36,031 36,293
Foundation school 32,386 32,736 33,029 33,871 35,953 36,375 37,420
Foundation special school 32,205 32,849 33,135 33,717 36,032 36,263 36,513
Free schools 30,297 30,951 31,856 32,803 35,328 36,082 37,293
Free schools 16-19 31,352 32,995 33,485 34,704 39,132 39,206 40,222
Free schools alternative provision 28,572 30,482 30,644 31,845 37,962 37,143 37,811
Free schools special 29,599 31,014 34,292 31,974 34,309 34,875 35,673
Local authority nursery school 32,920 33,220 33,638 34,136 35,831 36,817 38,286
Pupil referral unit 34,354 34,661 34,919 35,690 37,186 38,587 39,313
Studio schools 30,709 31,944 32,667 33,184 34,062 35,914 37,523
University technical college 32,598 32,280 32,825 34,399 35,988 36,497 37,311
Voluntary aided 32,531 32,953 33,487 34,350 36,470 37,428 38,178
Voluntary controlled 31,391 31,742 32,329 32,899 35,253 35,789 36,449
Total 32,285 32,587 32,970 33,848 35,942 36,554 37,603

There is a small positive correlation between the base pay and age of teachers, how long ago they attained QTS (if they did) and how recent the year is for that pay (Table 11). This makes sense, because of pay for experience and incremental pay scales.

Table 11 – Correlation between base pay, and age, months since QTS, and census year – all years combined

Age Months since QTS Census year
Base pay 0.39 0.35 0.19

Black African and Black Caribbean teachers are slightly older on average, and this may help explain their higher pay (Table 12). Pakistani teachers are among the youngest and this may help explain their lower pay.

Table 12 – Mean age and months since QTS by ethnicity, all years combined

Ethnic sub-category Age Months since QTS
Any other Asian 36.95 197.30
Any other Black 39.99 210.75
Any other ethnicity 38.90 205.08
Any other mixed 36.62 194.15
Any other White 39.18 210.21
Bangladeshi 32.53 167.73
Black African 40.42 196.00
Black Caribbean 41.23 229.79
Chinese 37.06 188.71
Indian 37.63 216.56
Not known 37.69 216.57
Pakistani 35.18 188.97
Travelle/Roma 39.37 200.20
White and Asian 35.72 202.71
White and Black 35.46 186.08
White British 39.43 258.63
Total 39.18 250.27

Note: the figure for Travellers is combined over all years of data, and so is greater than the minimum threshold of 10 cases.

Logistic regression model

A lot of factors have been considered so far, as possible explanations for differential pay by ethnic groups. To collate and simplify the picture. logistic regression is used to look collectively at all of the factors presented above, that may influence teacher pay. Linear regression would require a large number of dummy variables, because most of the variables used above are categorical. A binary outcome was created representing whether base pay was below £34,550 or not. This yielded 50% of cases below, and 50% at or above, that pay.

The possible predictors were entered in order of biographical appearance (e.g. from age and sex to current school type), mixed with their strength as predictors. Within each group, each predictor is entered separately at first to assess their quality as predictors. In the first group, age of teacher was the best single predictor raising the percentage of pay predicted correctly from 50% to 72.3%, followed by months since QTS (7.17%) which would be correlated with age, then Census year (57%) to account for pay inflation, and the sex of the teacher (52.7%). Together they raise the percentage predicted correctly to 82%. The QTS status of the teacher, and their QTS route make a small further difference. Once the background characteristics and QTS status of teachers are taken into account, there is no role for school type or individual teacher ethnicity (Table 13).

Table 13 – Predictors of teacher pay, in logistic regression

Predictor Percentage predicted correctly Increase
Base model 50.0
Age 72.3 22.3
Months since QTS 75.8 3.5
Year 81.9 6.1
Sex of teacher 82.0 0.1
QTS status 84.0 2.0
QTS route 84.1 0.1
School phase 84.3 0.2
School type 84.3
Ethnicity 84.3

This suggests that ethnicity is not in itself a factor in differential pay by ethnicity, including the higher average pay for Black African and Black Caribbean teachers, and the lower average pay for Pakistani teachers. Age and prior qualification can explain all of the difference that can be explained by these variables (Table 14).

Table 14 – Predictors of teacher pay, coefficients from logistic regression

Predictor Unstandardised coefficients Standardised coefficients
Age 0.04 1.04
Months since QTS 0.02 1.02
Year 0.41 1.50
Sex of teacher
female 0.51 1.66
male 0.62 1.85
QTS status -5.13 0.01
QTS route
annual 0.46 1.58
flexible -0.12 0.89
graduate 0.31 1.37
recognition NI -0.25 0.78
graduate programme 0.25 1.29
not known 0.90 2.45
overseas 0.21 1.24
registered -0.31 0.74
teach first
School phase
16 plus 1.17 3.23
all through 0.61 1.85
middle 0.34 1.40
not applicable -0.05 0.96
nursery -0.43 0.65
primary 0.10 1.11
secondary 0.67 1.96

If ethnicity is considered alone, then it raises the percentage predicted correctly from 50% to 51.1% (i.e. it is less relevant than the sex of teacher). If ethnicity is considered as part of the first group of background predictors, but last in the group because it is the weakest predictor, it raises the percentage predicted correctly from 82.0% to 82.1%%. Ethnicity itself does not appear to be a major factor in the differential pay of teachers. Rather it is the differential age and experience of different ethnic groups that explains their pay.


There is a clear disproportion between the number of minority ethnic teachers and pupils in England. This shortage of minority teachers can have serious implications for recruitment and retention of teachers, and for the treatment of, and outcomes for, minority ethnic pupils. This paper has used a large-scale dataset to look at whether minority ethnic teachers are paid less than their peers, once other factors are taken into account. In general, they are not. In fact, Black classroom teachers are the most highly paid. The results suggest that any differences in pay can be explained in terms of differences in age, qualifications, phase of schooling and economic region. Differences in age, qualifications, phase of schooling and region could still be linked to ethnicity. Pay incentives could still be used to try and attract more ethnic minority students to a teaching career, especially outside London and the West Midlands. Our project will examine both of these ideas further. However, we will also examine other possible explanations, via structured reviews of evidence, a national survey, interviews and case studies with teachers.


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