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Pregnant Women and Postpartum Mothers  Habits of Using Traditional Medicine,  Avoid to Certain Food and Activities

  • Sarmalina Simamora
  • Chantika Indah
  • Sonlimar Mangunsong
  • 247-254
  • Jan 8, 2024
  • Food Science

Pregnant Women and Postpartum Mothers Habits of Using Traditional Medicine, Avoid to Certain Food and Activities

Sarmalina Simamora, Chantika Indah, Sonlimar Mangunsong  

Pharmacy Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang


Received: 04 December 2023; Accepted: 13 December 2023; Published: 07 January 2024


In some areas, women who are pregnant and postpartum get variety of habits, some example include using the traditional medicine, avoiding certain foods and activities that were prohibited by their ancestor. Some traditional medicines, foods and prohibit activities did not yet have scientific evidence. Nevertheless, the habit persists today. The objective of this study was to explore information about the habits of pregnant women and postpartum mothers.

This observational study with a qualitative approach was to looking for to the habits of pregnant women and postpartum in the midwife of Tugu Harum village, an area in East OKU Shout Sumatera, Indonesia who is being pregnant and post partum in the period February – May 2023. The number of study groups were 27 pregnant women and 30 postpartum mothers with inclusion criteria for children aged 1-24 months. The research instrument is developed in a questionnaire whose results are presented descriptively.

The results of this study showed that the highest use of traditional medicine in pregnant women was “jamu beras kencur” galanga rice (23.4%). The highest use in postpartum mothers was “jamu kunyit asem” turmeric acid (23.4%). The food that should be avoided by pregnant women is pineapple (21.5%) and by postpartum were fishes, seafood, eggs (23.1%). One the actiyities that should be avoided by pregnant women is prohibited from sitting in front of the door (15, 6%) and by postpartum is prohibited to leaving home before 40 days (23.5%).

Pregnant women and postpartum in Tugu Harum Village, East OKU still obediently follow the habits of their ancestors. One of the habits of postpartum that is inappropriate in using traditional medicine is to drink “jamu sawan”. It is believed to prevent seizures in babies due to evil spirits. An inappropriate eating habit in postpartum is avoid to consume seafood and eggs, they worried to caused the baby will getting smell fishy. Even though in highly educated of the women still followed the habits of their ancestors.

Keywords: ancient habits, pregnant women, postpartum, traditional medicine


Traditional medicine is a drug or concoction that has been used for generations for treatment and can be used in general. These materials can be plants, animals, minerals, extract preparations (galenic), or mixtures of various ingredients (1). People know drug traditional in a way down hereditary. Although the moment of this lots of drug traditional introduced through various way, however the introduction in a way down hereditary seems is bigger to influences the behavior of man or woman to use of drug traditionally.

As revealed from a research in a Community Health Center in Banyumas Central Java, Indonesia that there is two influencing actors intention pregnant women in use drug traditional, that is factor social and psychological. Factor social among others are information and experience of passing down from parents, support from husband and family, availability of traditional healer babies and herbal medicine sellers, as well as information from midwives about how traditional herbal medicine is safe for health. Whereas factor psychological is confidence and trust public to benefit drug traditional (2) .One of  herbs that usually used based on down experience hereditary  is boiled ginger water and various of the modification. Research at Nalumsari Jepara Community Health Center, that Ginger decoction can prevent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (3) . Different case with the usual one done by pregnant women in Pekanbaru, whom pregnant women is to consume stew leaf mint for reduce frequency of nauseous  vomited (4). Mint leaves are proven own significant effect in reduce frequency nausea and vomit. even in patients cancer though (5).

Besides consume traditional medicine, another habits in some Indonesian tribes are also used to that with abstain to consume some food or do not to do something of the certain activity. The study in Sumenep Regency show that there is myth where pregnant women on abstinence eat food certain, like squid squid, shrimp, fruits pineapple, kedondong, instant noodles, cabbage and cold water. They have beleaved that It can caused an abortion or bleeding. Besides taboo there are also suggestions to eat among people pregnant women in Madurese society, namely eat rice, fish milkfish, eggs, apples, leaves Moringa aas well as coconut water (6).

Different with Madurese community in Bojonegoro, Java, pregnant women prohibit to shower after at five in the afternoon (55.3%), no use towel around the neck (21.3%) and some again state No can go out at night day (7) . When in Java public specifically mother pregnancy and after give birth to own habit certain, then the Banjar community in Kalimantan is also like that. pregnant women don’t sit in front door and or put a comb above head, because can cause difficulty moment giving birth. No can go out at night day because will disturbed creature smooth. Abstinence split butts or wood burn the ends already burnt, no can weave basket and abstinence slaughter animal Because can cause baby born disabled. Mother postpartum or after give birth to don’t sit with your legs folded because the vagina will swelling, abstinence relate intimate before 40 days because can causes the body not to fit and fast old. Prohibit to go out door before 40 days because will disturbed creature fine (8) .

Many of them the habit is to consume drug traditions, recommendations and restrictions to eat food certain as well as abstinence do action certain that’s what ‘s lacking own reason scientific, however still implemented by the community because worry will experience things as is mythical. People in the village monument partially fragrant originate from ethnic group Java, has mingle with public local there. The aim this studies to explore is the habit to restrictions and recommendations as believed by the ancestors they still maintained, or some have no again held because influence public local? And also is there is difference mother ‘s habits pregnant with mother after giving birth? Did education influence on confidence they will habit his ancestors?


This study is non-experimental design with descriptive approach. Conducted in February –May 2023 in Tugu Harum Village, Belitang Madang District Raya East OKU Regency. The number of respondents was 57 peoples, consisting of 27 pregnant women and 30 respondents mother who gave birth the baby Which recorded in the book register of Midwifery atTugu Harum village during a year to back. Data collected by to filled the questionary that has developed. Some data was carried out direct and collected by interview respondents to his house to have the real meaning and explanation of the habbit.


Respondent in study this aged start from 20 years up to 30 years. Age highest namely 30 years is in the group mother after giving birth. All in range age fertile. Even in the village it turns out there is respondents who have education until to college. Following is the data in a way complete

Table 1 Frequency Distribution Based on age

 Study groups Age n
Pregnant women 20-25 16
26-30 11
Mother after giving birth 20-25 11
26-30 19
Pregnant women Junior High School 7
Senior High School 20
Mother after giving birth Elementary school 4
Junior High School 8
Senior High School 15
University 3

The pregnant women there’s something first trimester of pregnant are 17 people, the second trimester are 9 people and the third trimester is the one and only. Temporary for respondents postpartum to child first totaling 12 people, postpartum to child the second 10 people, and the remaining 8 people give birth to child third and fourth. Pregnancy first and give birth child first is experience first. So that in a way psychological obedience they follow parental habits nor public still very high.

From 57 respondents, some of them are not all use traditional medicine, fine during pregnancy, or after giving birth. There were 3 pregnant women in the first trimester and 1 person in the third trimester who was not own habit whatever in her pregnancy. Then there were 6 mothers giving birth with age child varies from 1-24 months which is also not own habit whatever before and after giving birth.

Traditional medicine is widely used because public believes that drug this no too cause effect side and because body still can digest it (9) . Most traditional medicines consumed by pregnant women are midwives Tugu Harum village, East OKU region is beras kencur, because it is useful for overcome nausea and vomit. A number of aged respondents her pregnancy start entering the 3rd trimester also said they drink coconut water green. The goal is for the birthing process smoothly. It is believed to be coconut water own efficacy smooth out road born. Whereas study which done in Subdistrict East Martapura Banjar Regency uses rice aromatic ginger as medicine if pregnant women experience swelling in his legs, that is with how to smear it with rice concoction aromatic ginger. Because rice aromatic ginger can also treat inflammation. (8) .

If in East OKU, South Sumatra and in Banjar, South Kalimantan, beras kencur used for pregnant women, different the case in the district Rajabasa, South Lampung, rice aromatic ginger this used for  speed up wound, facilitates breast milk, and reduces soreness in the mother’s stomach and legs mother after giving birth right ? (10) many traditional ones used by mothers giving birth in Tugu Harum village OKU East is turmeric sour, because turmeric sour beneficial for facilitates the release of milk mother (breast milk). Mothers also do the same thing giving birth in the work area of the health center Cilongok, Banyumas (11) . Turmeric contains essential oils that can increase US production.

Besides beras kencur (rice galanga) and kunyit asam (turmeric sour), some type drug traditionally it is also consumed by mothers pregnant and mothers breastfeeding that becomes respondents in study this, like jamu mustard and leaves betel to prevent convulsion.   This believed useful to prevent baby from convulsions disease, that is something related diseases with brain disorders, similar epilepsy. People believe if disease convulsions happen because exists disturbance from creature smooth, so make baby convulsions. The people in Madura also believe it if disease convulsions caused by creatures smooth, so they use leaf dadap which in Madura is called Da’bung for prevent it. How to use it is pounded then mixed with turmeric and 3 drops of kerosene then rubbed all over the body (12) .

Actually, seizures disease in babies not cause exists disturbance creature subtle, but possibility cause exists infection, disorder genetic or happen disturbances in the function of certain organs. A number of circumstances possible disease cause seizure including encephalitis, meningitis, brain injury, brain neoplasms, problems with blood circulation to the brain, electrolyte imbalance, metabolic disorders, degenerative diseases, or hyperpyrexia. There are several possible medication given when child seizures , esp when happen seizure accompanied fever, that is antipyretic like paracetamol and anticonvulsants such as diazepam (13) . So not appropriate when give drug for prevent happen convulsions, because proper handling is treat moment seizure happened, didn’t it? prevent with give drug certain as believed _ society, that is with give drug convulsions. A baby or child when no there is disturbance health not possible child experience spasm and though given drink potion drug convulsions every any day when happen disturbance health like above, then risk happen seizure still there is some exist.

In the village Amarasi Timur in Kupang regency, custom public specifically postpartum to more unique again. There there are 38 types plants made potion traditional for mother pregnancy and after giving birth. Among them potion drink for clean blood dirty, potion wash head for prevent blood white rose on the head. Bath concoction for expedite genre blood as well as clean body after giving birth. So there is potion oil rub for keep the body in order still warm, concoction chew for help in makes the birthing process easier for pregnant women (14) .

Besides habit consume traditional medicine, mothers also have the habit of abstaining for food certain. This thing influenced by informed myth by family, relatives and neighbors. Following this is information about type food which it ‘s forbidden to be eaten by pregnant women and mother after giving birth.

Table 3. Frequency Distribution based on Prohibit Food Type

No Study groups Prohibit Food f
1 Pregnant women Pineapple 14
Durian 12
Jackfruit 4
Fermented of cassava 2
Soft drink 1
Spice food 1
Ice / sweet drink 1
2 Mother after giving birth Eat fish, seafood, eggs 15
 Spicy food 13
Petai (Parkia speciosa) 1
Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) 1
Terong (Solanum melongena) 1

Avoid or prohibit from that type food, they can choose more than one type of food, so that is served is the data mode, or how much often food that avoided. In matter prohibit food, pregnant women and mother after giving birth which is not own habit consume traditional medicine also recognizes no own taboo to food whatever.

Pineapple and durian are type the most common fruit avoided by pregnant women, because trusted that fruit can cause womb hot so that can result miscarriage fetus. Even until age pregnancy nine even the month there is respondents who are still abstain to second type this fruit.  The jackfruit, fermented of cassava, soft drink and ice sweet drinks are also avoided. When on pregnant women avoid pineapple fruit, durian and jackfruit, then mother after giving birth most often avoid fish, another seafood, eggs and food spicy. This type food is believed to cause itching especially in the vaginal area. Spicy food can cause the baby diarrhea. Besides food protein tall that, though only a little however there were also respondents who abstained with petai (Parkia speciosa), jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) and terong (Solanum melongena).

Avoid certain food habit are also did by mothers pregnant at the Padangan Health Center, Bojonegoro Regency. The majority of pregnant women no consume pineapple fruit. Actually, there are lots of vitamins and minerals and collagen in pineapple and this good for the health of pregnant women. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, a substance this worried can be debilitating  cervix, so it can’t eaten too lots (7) . Durian and jackfruit is type fruit that has an aromatic fragrant. Plant or fragrant fruit that caused by certain compound such as esters and alcohols. Durian contains carbohydrates, sugar and folic acid, that very important element in the formation red blood process (15) . pregnant women very recommended to get folic acid. _ However a number of studies about durian toxicity in some article review show that if durian consumed together with alcohol, it can cause death.  Because happen attack heart. The other toxicity it cause that change alcohol into aldehyde by the ALDH (aldehyde-dehydrogenase) induced. Aldehydes compound is toxic to the body (16) . If no excessive consumption, not mixed with alcohol, durian is safe food to take. In decide something action we need to know the scientific reason.

Different with pregnant women, mother after giving birth to abstain to food protein the height it should be need consumed with enough for them.  Eat fish and another seafood like crab, shrimp, squid and eggs, is believed to cause itchy. Even though before pregnancy they ate its, but after giving birth all of that food must be avoided.

If the study groups in East OKU avoid some protein food because afraid get itchy, then in East Martapura District Banjar Regency the postpartum did not eat patty fish or papuyu, because they believe it can produced fishy smell breast milk. Belief that becomes from   inappropriate habits. Actually, it makes dis-advantages, because the animal proteins contain various essential amino acids what needed to meet maternal needs (8) . The qualitative research in East Java shows, to meet nutritional needs, mothers increase the portions of food, prohibit to eat eggs and chicken. The reason to avoid these foods because they cause inflammation/infection of wounds. Apart from that, efforts are made to increase breast milk production by taking “wuwung” baths, snacking on nuts and drinking herbal medicine. (17) . Some habits are good in this such as add the portion of food. Mother breast-feed need more food than normal people, but just increasing the portion is not enough, the nutritional composition must be complete. Consuming the various nuts are good for increase breast milk production, because peanut contains sufficient vegetable protein, but it’s a shame because eggs and chicken which are very good source of animal protein should be avoided. In this case, they need appropriate education and communication to make them understand.

When protein needs are not meet, it will reduce the quality of breast milk. This will have an impact on growth of baby. In Javanese society, there have customs that must be adhere to mother after giving birth. They believe if not complying will cause problems or risks to the mother and fetus. To maintain pregnancy, not only maintain health and security content, but also avoid things which considered prohibition or taboos for pregnant women according to Javanese custom. Everything is done to ensure both are safe (18).

In addition to avoiding certain foods, pregnant women and postpartum women also still believe in it there are behavioral restrictions.

Table 4. Frequency of distribution based on behaviors to avoid

No Study groups Behavior to avoid f
1 Pregnant women Sit at the door 8
Cut  hair 6
Leave home at night 5
Shower at night 3
Kill animal 1
Weed the fish 1
Step over bamboo 1
2 Mother after giving birth Leave home before 40 days 12
Sleep in the single morning 8
Use corset 3
Leave home at night 2
Lift heavy 1

Pregnant women should not sit at the door, because it can complicate childbirth. Leave out home before 40 days can cause undesireable things to happen. Actually there is no logical reasons for it. However, ini other areas this is believed. When someone sat at the door, it will hinder people who will crossed thera. When a pregnant women sitting at the door and without accidentally passersby nudge so that fell of cause danger for herself. So actually there is no connection to complicate things childbirth.

Abstinence other for pregnant women like cut hair, evening shower, weeding or clean fish raw before cooked and action abstinence others, actually basically, there is no connection with difficulty in childbirth. Action that, is risky danger pregnant women when did it with careless. for example when scissors fell and injured pregnant women during she cut her hair. Then take a shower at night risky cause cold, weeding fish risky impaled thorns fish and so on. Prohibition is for the sake of prevention pregnant women experience sick, however public more believe in scary things, so reason complicate things childbirth that is proposed for mothers pregnant more heed it .

Medically, various taboo the no effect and not related with smoothness process labor. Smoothness labor influenced by force (the force used by the mother to push), passanger (fetus), passage (birth canal), psychic (mother’s mental and mental state), and paramedics, affect the smoothness of the process labor (19) . When public own confidence so that pregnant women don’t do the certain activity, then postpartum also has actions that don’t can done. Leave home before 40 days and sleep in the single morning is confidence most believed by mothers _ giving birth in the Tugu Harum village. If they leave home before 40 days it can be disturbed by evil spirits.

Postpartum is the period of cleansing the uterus by expelling blood through the vagina is the same as bleeding during menstruation. This condition can taking place up to 6 weeks or about 40 days. Postpartum period is the time when the body start recovery after pregnancy and uterus will back to normal. At this time very important guard health mother good in a way physic and psychic. Bleeding can occur if she does not take care of health (20) . The data shows the mother death after giving birth  is 305 per 100,000 births life (21) . So, when postpartum she forbidden leave home before 40 days, to avoid her from risk especially bleeding risk.

Beliefs, habits, and places someone lives influence behavior they. In some cases, cultured   is considered important and held firmly by society. In several areas of society in Indonesia, there are still many myths related to care pregnant women and pregnancy. Due to several incidents, or cause of excessive worry, ultimately this myth is considered true by society.

During the postpartum period a mother still can leave home like sunbathe to get good morning sunlight for mother and baby. When mother need to check it out self to doctor, she can leave home before 40 days after giving birth. Believe based on might, coming down hereditary  not always wrong, because a number of habits have a good impact.  However, the way to deliver the message is not appropriate. There is a number of habits that can harm because misunderstanding. There are several detrimental habits, is still just do. Continuous education is needed to so that society, especially women, can experience pregnancy and childbirth well.


Most of pregnant women and post partum mothers at Tugu Harum Village, East OKU has the habit of following the traditions of its ancestors. One of the traditional medicine   which is called “jamu sawan” to prevent seizures is not appropriate because it required treatment if they occur. Avoid consumed food such as fish, seafood and eggs after give birth, they though it will make the baby smells even though it is a good source of protein. Fishy is a disadvantage habits, Although women with higher education still believe it.

It is necessary to conduct research to identify the composition and impact of “jamu sawan” for mother baby and educated them to have that the pregnant women and post partum mother do not avoid food with high protein level.


To the head of Tugu Harum village and the Midwifery of Tugu Harum village, who have  support  this study .

Conflict of Interest

All authors declare that we have no conflicts of interest.


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