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The Bases of Good Conduct towards Non-Muslims under Shariah
February 28, 2021 -
Da’wah Activities of Jama’at al-Nahda al-Islamiyyah al-Alamiyyah and its contribution to the Development of Islam in Northern Nigeria
December 31, 2020 -
Islamic-Based Mathematics Learning Management Model Development (Case Study at the State Islamic Senior High School 1 of Jakarta)
December 21, 2020 -
The Importance of Peaceful- Co-existence with other Religions in Islam (with particular reference to Christianity)
November 7, 2020 -
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam an Instrument for Sustainable Peaceful Coexistence in Nigeria
October 9, 2020 -
The Potentials of Islamic Banking on Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria
September 7, 2020 -
Forms of Charity in Islamic Economics: An Analysis in the Quran and Sunna (As Reported in Bukhari and Muslim)
September 4, 2020 -
The Influence of Bi Rate and Inflation on Mudharabah Deposits at Jabar Banten Islamic Bank
August 29, 2020 -
The Punishments Imposed on Non-Muslims in Islamic History are an Obstacle to Contemporary Social Harmony – A Review
August 20, 2020 -
The Effect of Learning Strategy and Self Confidence towards Tahfidz Qur’an Learning Outcomes
August 20, 2020