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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186


 Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Augustine Owusu-Addo
Catholic University College of Ghana, Fiapre, P.O. Box 363, Sunyani

IJRISS Call for paper


ABSTRACT: This study investigated Management by Objectives (MBO) as an instrument for organizational performance of deposit money banks in Sunyani municipality in particular. The study revealed that the coefficients of Goal Settings (GS), Delegation of Authority (DA) and Motivation (M) were positively affecting the performance of deposit money banks in Sunyani municipality and they were rightly signed, implying that they were consistent with the theoretical priority expectation of this study. The coefficients of goal settings, delegation of authority and motivation were obtained as 0.048401, 0.222027 and 0.466888 respectively. This result implied that as involvement of employees in Goal Settings (GS), Delegation of Authority (DA) and Motivation (M) increase. by one unit Organizational Performance (OP) increase by 0.048401, 0.222027 and 0.466888 units respectively. The coefficients of DA and M were found to be statistically significant at five per cent and one per cent respectively as indicated by their probability values of 0.0137 and 0.0049 respectively, while the coefficient of GS was found statistically insignificant at five per cent significance level as indicated by its probability value of 0.5448. The F-statistics 12.598352, which measured the joint significance of the parameter estimates, was also found statistically significant at one per cent level as indicated by the corresponding probability value of 0.007402. however, this implies that all the variables of the model were jointly and statistically significant in affecting organizational performance in the deposit money banks in Sunyani municipality.Finally, this result revealed that Management by Objectives (MBO) was positively and significantly affecting the performance of deposit money banks in Sunyani municipality.

Keywords: Management, Management by Objective, Organization, Organizational productivity, Sunyani municipality