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The Influence Of Human Resources And Performance Mediated By Organizational Development On The Implementation Of Presidential Regulation Number 66 Of 2014 2019 On The Army Organizational Structure Indonesian National

The Influence of Human Resources and Performance Mediated by Organizational Development on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2014 2019 on the Army Organizational Structure Indonesian National

Ade Wahyuni Azhar

Akademi Perniagaan dan Perusahaan APIPSU Medan


Received: 14 December 2024; Accepted: 19 December 2024; Published: 18 January 2025


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Human Resources (HR), Performance mediated by organizational development on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army. This study uses a quantitative approach with an associative research strategy with a sample of 105 people, obtained through the Slovin formula. Data collection techniques through observation, data collection studies, questionnaires. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and Inferential analysis using Sem PLS. The analysis on PLS was carried out by analyzing the Outer model (Convergent Validity, AVE, Validity of Discrimination, Composite Reliability), Inner Model (Path Coefficient, R Square, Q2, GoF Index, Effect Size) and Hypothesis Test. The findings of this study are 1. Human Resources (HR) are the main asset in organizational development; 2. Good performance increases the efficiency of the implementation process, 3. Effective organizational development increases the ability to adapt to change, 4. Organizational development strengthens the capacity of Human Resources in supporting implementation. The conclusion of this study is that human resources influence organizational development, Performance and organizational development influence the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army and organizational development mediates the influence of human resources on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army.

Keywords: Implementation; Human Resources; Performance; Organizational Development; Indonesian National Army.


An organization is a group of two or more individuals who interact and depend on each other to achieve certain goals. Organizational development is an effort that is carried out systematically, comprehensively, planned, continuously and continuously so that the organization is able to adapt to environmental changes so that its existence continues to exist amidst very dynamic changes  (Hardiyansyah, 2022). In addition, organizational development is a system of application and transfer of broad behavioral science knowledge for development plans, improvements, and strengthening of strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational effectiveness. This definition clearly emphasizes that the ultimate goal of organizational development is the realization of organizational effectiveness. In the process, organizational development is closely related to techniques managerial to implement significant changes in organizations. Since in practice it is intended to bring about change, organizational development involves strong behavioral science by change agents to lead to improved performance (Wahab, 2021).

There are two factors that cause development organizations, namely external forces and internal forces. External forces include 5 increasingly sharp competition between organizations, the development of science and technology (Iptek) and environmental changes (both physical and social environments). While internal forces include: structure, systems and procedures, equipment and facilities, processes and objectives(Ndraha, 1999).

In addition, there are two reasons why organizational development is essential in an organization. The first reason is that the reward structure in the job does not sufficiently reinforce conventional training, so it often fails to transfer learning outcomes in the workplace. Too many well-designed programs fail because of unfavorable work environment factors. While the second reason is the rapid pace of change, which requires organizations to be truly flexible to run their lives and make a profit. Organizational development seeks to develop the organization as a whole to be able to respond to change more uniformly and efficiently.

Organizations need effective strategies to achieve their goals and maintain their existence. One of them is the proper use of organizational resources. The resources in question are not only building assets and financial assets, but also human assets in the organization. Human resources are the most important asset in an organization because humans are the ones who are able to mobilize other resources. one of the government organizations, the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

The TNI has an important role in maintaining national defense, namely upholding state sovereignty, maintaining the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and protecting the entire nation and all Indonesian bloodshed from threats and disturbances to the unity of the nation and state (Law No. 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI). In order to realize these main tasks, good performance and organizational performance are required. One of the indicators used to measure the performance of the TNI is the Results of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the TNI Bureaucratic Reform in 2019. This evaluation aims to assess the progress of the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (RB) in order to achieve the goals, namely to create a clean, accountable and high-performance bureaucracy, bureaucracy which is effective and efficient and a bureaucracy that is able to provide quality public services.

Human Resources (HR) is one of the important roles both on a micro (organization) and macro (country) scale  (Telaumbanua, 2019). Human resources are the only resources that have intelligence, desire, skills, knowledge, drive, strength and work (ratio, common sense and will) in the TNI organization.

Human Resource Management (HRM) has a significant impact on performance. This process is influenced by various contextual factors including the external environment, internal structures and processes, and administrative characteristics of the organization. Good human resource management has a positive effect on performance (Knies, Boselie, Gould-Williams, & Vandenabeele, 2024). The role of HR strategy can enhance collaboration and performance. Adaptability and flexible work arrangements, supported by digital HR technologies, are critical to operational resilience and employee engagement. Integration of sustainability and ethical considerations into HR practices has been identified as critical to maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring regulatory compliance (Oluwafunmilayo Esan, Funmilayo Aribidesi Ajayi, & Olufunke Olawale, 2024).

Human resources must be managed professionally so that a balance is created between employee needs and company management capabilities, as well as the importance of quality human resources for the progress of the (Mappamiring, Akob, & Putra, 2020)

Human resources can be said to be qualified when they have the ability to carry out the authority and responsibilities given to them (Gerhana, Rezti, & Wasis, 2019). This ability can only be achieved if they have adequate education, training and experience to carry out the tasks and responsibilities given. Several problems related to the performance of the TNI organization and personnel in the evaluation, including change agents at the work unit level have been appointed but have not made an optimal contribution to improving implementation in their work units, inventory of the results of the analysis of laws and regulations has not been fully implemented, especially at the work unit level so that control of laws and regulations is not comprehensive, changes in the organizational structure have not been based on their suitability with the performance to be produced so that performance achievement has not been supported by the organizational structure, mapping of employee competency gaps has not been carried out comprehensively and used as a basis for employee competency development planning, so that employee competency development has not been effective, individual performance assessments have not been based on organizational performance and have not been the basis for determining employee performance allowances and improving the quality of public service implementation has not been optimal and has not utilized service satisfaction surveys and excellent service culture to improve the quality of public services. These human resource problems will increasingly affect the performance of the TNI.

Improving performance is important considering the change in the direction of government policy as desired by the spirit of reform to provide wider space for the community in government and development activities, where the government and its apparatus play a more active role as facilitators. This change in policy direction has implications for employee professionalism in responding to the challenges of the globalization era in facing competition, so improving employee performance is very important to note. According to (Rivai, 2016) performance is the result or level of success of a person or the whole in a certain period in carrying out tasks that involve different abilities, such as performance standards, goals or targets with conditions that have been determined and agreed upon together.

Performance is the work results that can be achieved by a person or group of people in a company according to their respective authorities and responsibilities in an effort to achieve organizational goals legally, without violating the law and without conflicting with morals and ethics (Afandi, 2018).

As one of the government organizations, the Indonesian National Army (TNI) has an important role in maintaining national defense, namely upholding state sovereignty, maintaining the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and protecting the entire nation and all Indonesian bloodshed from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state (Law No. 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI). In order to realize these main tasks, good organizational performance and performance are required. One of the indicators used to measure the performance of the TNI is the Results of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the TNI Bureaucratic Reform in 2019. This evaluation aims to assess the progress of the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform (RB) in order to achieve the goals, namely to realize a clean, accountable and high-performance bureaucracy, an effective and efficient bureaucracy and a bureaucracy that is able to provide quality public services.

Organizational development is an effort that is carried out systematically, comprehensively, planned, continuously and sustainably 29 so that the organization is able to adapt to environmental changes so that its existence continues to exist amidst very dynamic changes (Hardiyansyah, 2022). In addition, (Cummings & Worley, 2014) also argue that organizational development is a system of broad applications and transfer of behavioral science knowledge to development plans, improvements, and strengthening of strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational effectiveness. This definition clearly emphasizes that the ultimate goal of organizational development is the realization of organizational effectiveness. Organizational development is a managerial technique for implementing important changes in an organization. Because in practice it is intended to bring about change, organizational development involves strong behavioral science by agents of change to lead to increased performance (Wahab, Mourad, Otrok, & …, 2021).

An effective organization will make planned changes to the entire apparatus and system, structure, culture, group dynamics, HR quality, business strategy, and so on (Poluakan, 2016). The organizational development carried out by the TNI is currently guided by Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the TNI. This Presidential Regulation is a replacement for Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2010 concerning the Organizational Structure of the TNI which has been amended several times by Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2010 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2016 Number 138) and Presidential Regulation Number 42 of 2019 concerning the Second Presidential Regulation Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2010 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia 2019 Number 123).

Therefore, organizational development is needed to improve the quality of human resources and performance to create reliable personnel who have the competence to plan, organize, implement, and control the organization. The quality of human resources is expected to improve performance to achieve the success of organizational tasks. One of the efforts to improve the quality of TNI personnel is through training that is carried out periodically and in stages, starting from individual and unit training to the level Matra or Great Force. The exercise can be in the form of independent training (without involving other countries) or joint training with other countries. This exercise can not only strengthen the combat skills of soldiers, but also build self-confidence, togetherness and solidarity in carrying out military duties. In the exercise, TNI soldiers can test their abilities in various realistic operational scenarios, so that they can be trained and ready to face various challenges and situations that may occur in the field. In addition, this exercise is also a means to improve coordination and synergy between units, between troops, and even between countries in order to improve operational effectiveness in overcoming various security threats and challenges.

Therefore, the researcher feels it is important to conduct research on the Influence of Human Resources and Performance mediated by Organizational Development on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Indonesian National Army.

Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the research:

  1. Does Performance affect Organizational Development?
  2. Does performance affect the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019?
  3. Does organizational development affect the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019?
  4. Does HR influence Organizational Development?
  5. Do HR have an influence on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019?
  6. To what extent can organizational development mediate the influence of the performance of the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019?
  7. To what extent can organizational development mediate the influence of Human Resources for the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019

Study Objectives

The purpose of this study are :

  1. Test and explain the effects of Performance on Organizational Development
  2. Testing and explaining the performance effects on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019
  3. Testing and explaining the influence of the development organization on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019
  4. Test and explain the influence of human resources on Organizational Development
  5. Testing and explaining the influence of human resources on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019
  6. Testing and explaining the extent to which organizational development can mediate the influence of performance on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019.
  7. Testing and explaining the extent to which organizational development can mediate organizational development in mediating the influence of human resources on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019.


H1: There is an influence on performance in the Organization Development Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019

H3: There is an influence on the development that has an influence organization regarding the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019

H4: Human resource habits influence Organizational development

H5: There is an influence of human resources on implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019

H6: There is an influence of performance on implementation Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 mediated by Organizational Development

H7: There is an influence of human resources on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 is mediated by Organizational Development.


This research is a quantitative research with a survey method that aims to determine the effect of organizational development in mediating the quality of human resources on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Army. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The research sample was 105 samples of personnel serving in TNI Srenum, Sops TNI, and Spers TNI. The collected data were then processed and analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Smart PLS software version 3.3.3, studied both partially and simultaneously.


Descriptive Analysis

The purpose of descriptive analysis is to determine the description of the empirical conditions of each variable at the time the research was conducted. Descriptive analysis in the form of frequency distribution of questionnaire respondents distributed and described in depth the variables of HR (X1), Performance (X2), Organizational Development (Z), and Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 (Y). Based on these data, it can be seen that the average value is 53.77, the median value is 55, the mode value is 60, the variance value is 38.486 and the standard deviation value is 6.204.

Inferential Analysis

Outer Model Analysis

1. Convergent Validity

Convergent validity is the relationship between one variable and another variable known through external loadings on each variable. External loadings of the HR variable are SDM_1 (0.771); SDM_2 (0.761); SDM_3 (0.756); SDM_4 (0.824) and SDM_5 (0.751). External loadings on the Performance variable are KIN_1 (0.719); KIN_2 (0.805); KIN_3 (0.698); KIN_4 (0.737); and KIN_5 (0.724).

External loadings on the organizational development variable are PO_1 (0.813); PO_2 (0.702); PO_3 (0.789); and PO_4 (0.778). External loading variables on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation variable are IMP_1 (0.898); IMP_2 (0.702); IMP_3 (0.711); IMP_4 (0.889).

Based on the data above, it can be seen that in the variables of HR, Organizational Development and Implementation of Presidential Regulations overall the indicators are Valid. Furthermore, in the Performance variable, out of 5 indicators, there is 1 indicator that is not valid.

2. Ave Value

The variance generated by each indicator in measuring other variables caused by measurement errors must be sought for the AVE value. The AVE value in this study are:

1) Ave in HR variable is 0.598 > 0.50; declared valid.

2) Ave on the Performance variable is 0.544 > 0.50; Stating legitimate.

3) Ave on Organizational Development is 0.595 > 0.50; declared valid.

4) Ave on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation is 0.649 >0.50; declared valid.

3. Validity Discrimination

The process of comparing loading factors with cross-loading is obtained through measuring the validity of the indicator against other variables intended by knowing the discriminant validity. Discriminant validity in this study are:

1) Presidential implementation variables Regulation is 0.806 < Performance (0.912) not met; > Organizational Development (-0.078) met; > HR (- 0.074), Fulfilled.

2) Performance Variable 0.737 > Organizational Development (-0.145) Fulfilled; > HR (-0.079) fulfilled; < Implementation of Presidential Regulation (0.912) not fulfilled

3 ) Organizational Development Variable 0.771 < HR (0.852) Fulfilled; > Performance (-0.145) fulfilled; Implementation of Presidential Regulation (-0.078) fulfilled

4) HR Variable 0.773 < Organizational Development (0.852) Fulfilled; > Performance (-0.079) fulfilled; > HR (- 0.074) fulfilled.

4. Composite Reliability

The level of accuracy is used to prove the level of accuracy, consistency, and precision in constructive measurement. To find out, the Composite Reliability in this study is:

1 ) In the HR CR variable > 0.7, namely 0.881 > 0.7, then it is reliable

2 ) In the Performance variable CR > 0.7, namely 0.856 > 0.7, then it is reliable

3 ) For the Organizational Development variable CR > 0.7, namely 0.854 > 0.7, it can be relied on

4 ) In the Presidential Implementation variable

CR rule > 0., namely 0.879 > 0.7, then it can be relied on

Inner Model Analysis

1. Path Coefficient

Path Coefficient is used to indicate the direction of the relationship in the variable, whether the hypothesis has a positive or negative direction. The path coefficient has a range of 0 to 1, so it can be stated as positive, while if it is in the range of -1 to 0, it can be stated as negative (Ghozali, 2018). The path coefficient is also used to determine the structural equation of the model being tested. R Square.

Based on the results of the Sem PLS analysis, it can be found that:

1) The Path Coefficient between Performance and Organizational Development is -0.078, negatively affected

2) Path Coefficient between HR and Implementation of Presidential Regulations -0.177, has a negative impact

3) The path coefficient between Organizational Development and Implementation of Presidential Regulations is 0.208, which has a positive influence.

4) The path coefficient between performance and implementation of the Presidential Decree is 0.928 which has a positive effect.

5) Path Coefficient between Human Resources and Development

Organization is 0.846, which has a positive effect.

2. R square

on endogenous variables. The Q square results in this study are R2 Implementation of Presidential Regulation of 0.843 and organizational development of 0.732, strong category. KD Implementation of Presidential Regulation is 0.843 x 100% = 83.4% giving a strong influence. This shows that the implementation of Presidential Regulation has been influenced by human resource variables, performance and organizational development by 83.4% while the other 16.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. KD Organizational Development is 0.732 x 100% = 73.2% giving a strong influence. This shows that the implementation of Presidential Regulation has been influenced by human resource variables, performance and implementation of Presidential Regulation by 73.2% while the other 26.8% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.

3. Q Square

The next measurement is Q2 which describes predictive relevance, namely the structural relevance of the model. Q2 in this study is the Implementation of Presidential Regulation is 0.518 > 0, relevant and organizational development is 0.412 > 0, relevant.

4. Gof Index

The GoF index is a model compatibility test with Gof to measure the overall model compatibility level of the outer model and the inner model. The Gof index in this study is

GoF =√AVEx R2

= √0.649 + 0.544 + 0.595 + 0.598/4 x 0.843+0.732/2 = √0.596 x 0.787

=887 high category

5. F Square

F2 is a big picture of the influence of exogenous latent variables on endogenous variables in the structural order. Based on the SemPls results, it can be seen that F2 in this study are:

1) Performance variables against the implementation variables of Presidential Regulation 5.330, strong group

2) Organizational Development Variable to implementation variable 0.074, weak category

3) HR variables to the President’s regulation implementation variables 0.055, weak category

4) HR variables to Organizational Development variables 2,649, strong category

5) Performance Variables for Organizational Development Variable 0.022, weak category

Hypothesis Testing

1. Direct Influence

1)Performance affects the Implementation of Presidential Regulations

2) Performance has no effect on Organizational Development

Organizational development influences the implementation of Presidential Regulations

3) Human resources do not influence the implementation of Presidential Regulations

4) Human resources influence organizational development

2. Indirect Influence

1) Organizational development does not mediate the effect of performance on the Implementation of Presidential Regulations.

R square is a value used to measure the model quality criteria and at the same time the Determination Coefficient (KD) which shows the magnitude of the influence of exogenous variables.

2 ) Organizational development mediates the influence of human resources towards. Implementation of Presidential Regulation

Figure 1. SemPls Analysis Results


Organizational development is the improvement of organizational effectiveness with the aim of improving the organization’s ability to adapt to environmental changes and changes in the behavior of organizational members. In this study, organizational development variables are measured by three dimensions, namely: 1) Planned; 2) Problem-oriented; and 3) Reflecting a systems approach. Empirical conditions show that TNI organizational development has been carried out in a planned manner. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of a relatively good average score for the Planned dimension. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the Planned dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through work programs and effectiveness.

Empirical conditions show that the development of the TNI organization has been carried out by emphasizing/orienting itself towards priority issues. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Problem-Oriented dimension which is classified as good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the Problem-Oriented dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through the ability to analyze problems and find solutions. Empirical conditions show that the development of the TNI organization has reflected a systems approach. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Reflection System Approach dimension which is classified as good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the Reflection System Approach dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through cooperation and coordination.

Empirical conditions show that 163 quality human resources in the TNI organization already have good knowledge. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Knowledge dimension which is classified as good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the knowledge dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through education and experience. Empirical conditions show that the quality of human resources in the TNI organization already has good skills. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Skill dimension which is classified as good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the Skill dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through individual skills and training.

Empirical conditions show that the quality of human resources in the TNI organization already has good capabilities. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Capability dimension score which is classified as good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the capability dimension in the TNI organization is shown quite well through intellectual abilities and capabilities.

Empirical conditions show that performance in the TNI environment has demonstrated accuracy in completing tasks.

This can be seen from the results of the descriptive analysis in the form of an average score of the Task Completion Accuracy dimension which is considered good. Furthermore, the results of the descriptive analysis also show that the Task Completion Accuracy dimension in the TNI environment is shown quite well through timely and effective time.

Empirical conditions show that performance in the TNI environment has met the suitability of working hours. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of a relatively good average score of the Work Hour Suitability dimension. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the Work Hour Suitability dimension in the TNI environment is shown quite well through discipline and compliance with the rules.

Empirical conditions show that performance in the TNI environment has shown a good level of attendance. This can be seen from the results of descriptive analysis in the form of an average value of the Attendance Level which is quite good. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis also show that the dimensions of the Attendance Level in the TNI environment are shown quite well through compliance with working hours and attending office activities.

The positive response from respondents is also related to empirical facts showing that organizational development within the TNI based on Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 is running in a more structured and effective manner so that it can contribute positively to the performance of TNI soldiers. The clear and detailed organizational structure of the TNI as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 allows the TNI to allocate resources more efficiently, improve coordination between work units and even between troops, and strengthen operational capabilities in facing various modern security challenges. The organizational development carried out also provides a strong framework for improving the quality, effectiveness, and professionalism of TNI soldiers in carrying out their duties. This can create an environment that supports sustainable growth and development for the TNI, and has the potential to increase its contribution to maintaining national security and defense.

Empirical facts in the TNI environment show that a strong and positive organizational culture plays an important role in shaping the attitudes, behavior and performance of TNI soldiers. An inclusive, achievement-oriented organizational culture that values cooperation and togetherness has been proven to increase the motivation, dedication and loyalty of soldiers to the TNI’s mission and goals. A transparent, open organizational culture based on ethical values and integrity can also encourage the formation of responsible, disciplined and committed soldiers in carrying out their military duties. A positive organizational culture not only creates a healthy and harmonious work environment, but also provides a strong foundation for improving the performance of TNI soldiers in general. In a broader context, a good organizational culture can also strengthen the identity and image of the TNI in the eyes of the public and increase public trust and support for the country’s defense institutions.

The TNI realizes that effective recruitment, training, and human resource development practices are the main foundation in forming competent, qualified, and professional soldiers. Therefore, the development of TNI human resources is focused on selecting qualified individuals, providing appropriate training and education, and continuous career development. A strict and selective recruitment practice preview can ensure that soldiers who join the TNI have the competence, skills, and dedication needed to carry out their duties properly. In addition, continuous training and oriented towards developing technical, tactical, and leadership abilities will improve the quality and effectiveness of soldiers in carrying out their military duties. By having quality human resources, the TNI can ensure that its soldiers are ready to face various challenges and complex situations in the field, so as to increase responsiveness, reliability and efficiency in maintaining national security and defense.

The results of this study indicate that organizational development is a strategic step to optimize the organizational structure of the TNI. Changes in the organization can encourage increased competence, skills, and professionalism of soldiers. The development of the TNI organization carried out based on Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 has the potential to improve the performance of TNI soldiers, but it turns out that the quality of human resources is not able to be a significant mediating variable between these relations. This also proves that although organizational development can provide a more efficient and structured framework for the TNI in carrying out its duties, it is not always followed by a significant increase in the quality of human resources. Other factors such as poorly directed training programs, less stringent recruitment selection, or even an organizational culture that does not support growth and learning can be barriers to improving the quality of human resources. development of superior human resources in the TNI. Human resource management practices in the pattern of coaching and developing soldier capabilities have become an integral part of the current TNI organizational culture. Through the influence of a positive organizational culture, soldiers will be encouraged to improve their competence, skills, and dedication in carrying out military duties more effectively and efficiently. Better quality of human resources, in this case, acts as a mediator that connects the values and practices of TNI organizational culture with the improvement of soldier performance. Organizational development affects the relationship between human resources and organizational development.

Furthermore, organizational development does not affect the performance of the implementation of the Presidential Decree. Performance is one of the stages of national defense management which is tasked with protecting, defending and maintaining state sovereignty. Strong and positive performance within the TNI has created a conducive work environment, so that organizational development is unable to affect the relationship between performance and the implementation of the Presidential Decree. This is because without organizational development, the performance of the TNI has a high compliance value towards the implementation of policies, in this case Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019.

The findings of this study are 1. Human Resources (HR) are the main asset in organizational development; 2. Good performance increases the efficiency of the implementation process, 3. Effective organizational development increases the ability to adapt to change, 4. Organizational development strengthens the capacity of Human Resources in supporting implementation.


Based on the data and discussion above, it can be concluded that:

H1: There is an influence on performance in the Organization Development, hypothesis accepted.

H2: There is no influence of performance on the implementation of the President Regulation Number 66 of 2019, hypothesis rejected

H3: There is an influence on influential developments organization regarding the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019, the hypothesis is Accepted

H4: There is an influence of human resources on the organization Development, Hypothesis accepted

H5: There is no influence of HR on implementation Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019, hypothesis rejected

H6: Organizational development is not able to mediate the influence of performance on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019 mediated by the Development Organization, the hypothesis is rejected

H7: Organizational development is able to mediate the influence Human Resources on the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 66 of 2019, the hypothesis is accepted.


Many thanks to my friend Pandu Briantisno for the opportunity to obtain data for this study.


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